Calculating the ideal weight based on your physique. Ideal weight

Do I need to lose weight? Before making such a decision, calculate your ideal weight, the value of which, among other things, depends on age, gender, body type, level of physical activity, profession, water balance, etc.

Before starting to reduce excess body weight, you need to answer one simple, but very important question: "Do I need to lose weight at all?" Often, excessive pursuit of an ideal figure ends with health problems and mental breakdowns. Remember, the weight you feel most comfortable at is ideal. If you wake up in the morning and feel healthy and happy, if you look at your own reflection in the mirror, and you like it, if you are happy, efficient, positive, confident in yourself - then is there any point in changing something? What for? To live up to the standards that the media dictate to us?

If you are serious about the problem of normalizing weight and the associated health improvement, then you should approach this task wisely, having previously obtained the necessary knowledge.

So, the body mass index (BMI), invented by the Belgian sociologist and statistician Adolphe Quetelet, is recognized worldwide as the simplest and most adequate indicator that allows you to quickly estimate body weight. BMI is recommended by WHO as the main criterion for assessing nutritional status, especially when conducting large-scale screenings.

Body mass index (BMI) is a value that allows you to assess the correspondence of body weight to a person's height:

BMI (kg / m 2) = Body weight (kg) / Body height (m 2)

But, like all simple and affordable methods, calculating BMI has its drawbacks. It should be borne in mind that over or underdevelopment of muscles can affect the accuracy of determining BMI.

How to properly assess the result, taking into account age, gender and physical condition? Below are the answers to the 4 most common questions about your ideal weight.

The 4 most common questions about ideal weight

1. Does the value of the ideal weight depend on age?

Yes it depends... Over the years, the intensity of metabolic processes in the body naturally decreases (by 0.5% per year). Therefore, it is obvious: in order to maintain your ideal weight with age, you must either reduce the calorie content of the daily diet annually, or increase physical activity. Failure to follow this simple rule will lead to excess weight, and subsequently to obesity.

2. Does the ideal weight value depend on the physique?

Yes it depends... Before you start calculating your ideal weight, you need to determine your body type.

There are 3 types of physique:

  • asthenic,
  • normosthenic,
  • hypersthenic.

The Solovyov index allows you to determine the type of physique by the girth of the wrist (in centimeters).

Asthenic (thin bone)... The girth of the wrist in women is less than 16 cm, in men less than 18 cm.

People with an asthenic body type are thin, not inclined to be overweight due to an accelerated metabolism, and are distinguished by narrow hips and chest. As a rule, height is not lower than average, with elongated limbs and a "swan" neck. They may suffer from a lack of strength and endurance, have complexes due to excessive thinness (and this problem is much more difficult to solve than being overweight).

Normosthenic... The girth of the wrist in women is 15-17 cm, in men 18-20 cm.

Those who are fortunate enough to be of the normosthenic type are proportionally built, usually of average height.

Hypersthenic... The girth of the wrist in women is more than 17 cm, in men more than 20 cm.

Women of a hypersthenic physique can safely make excuses that they have a wide bone. Their bones are really heavy, such ladies have broad shoulders, a massive chest and long legs. They can safely choose professions where physical strength and endurance are needed. It is precisely such a horse that will stop a galloping horse, and will enter a burning hut.

3. Is the ideal weight based on gender?

Yes, it does.

Calculation of the ideal weight according to the Lorentz formula(taking into account gender and height).

Ideal weight for men = (height - 100) - (height - 152) x 0.2.

Ideal weight for women = (height - 100) - (height - 152) x 0.4.

Consider height in centimeters, weight in kilograms.


For a man with a height of 160 cm, the ideal weight is calculated as follows:

(160 - 100) - (160 - 152) x 0.2 = 60 - 8 x 0.2 = 60 - 1.6 = 58.4 kg

For a woman with a height of 160 cm, the ideal weight is calculated as follows:

(160 - 100) - (160 - 152) x 0.4 = 60 - 8 x 0.4 = 60 - 3.2 = 56.8 kg

As you can see, with the same height, the ideal body weight differs depending on gender.

4. What are the most accurate formulas for calculating the ideal weight?

The most accurate formulas are considered, which take into account gender, age, physique (at least height) or special tables developed by hygienists.

The Broca Method, named for a French physician at the end of the 19th century, is the most popular method for rapid weight estimation.

Broca's Formula for Normal Physics:
weight (ideal) = height - 100 (with a height of less than 165 cm);

weight (ideal) = height - 105 (with a height of 166 - 175 cm);

weight (ideal) = height - 110 (for height above 175 cm).
If you have an asthenic body type, then the result obtained is reduced by 10%, with a hypersthenic body type, increase by 10%.


With a height of 170 cm, the ideal weight for normostenics will be: 170 - 105 = 65 kg

For asthenics: 58.5 kg (-10%).

For hypersthenics: 71.5 kg (+ 10%).

P.S. Now you can calm down: not everyone is given by nature to have model parameters, do not demand the impossible from yourself. Everyone has their own ideal weight.

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Many people strive to lose weight by adhering to their own ideal standards. However, in pursuit of the parameters of the figure of a top model or actress, you can overdo it and harm the health of the body. Remember that the optimal human body weight is always calculated individually. Therefore, it is important to calculate the correct body weight. There are several formulas for this, and there is also a special weight and height calculator for men and women.

Before talking about how to calculate the ideal weight, we note that each of us has an individual genetically predetermined value of the optimal body weight. It depends on congenital characteristics, the structure of the body. Therefore, any calculation of the norm of weight is conditional.

What determines the ideal weight of a person

Before moving on to the ideal body weight formula, it is important to understand what criteria affect the determination of the ideal body weight. First, it is the gender of the person. A woman has a greater amount of body fat by nature. Secondly, the body type (normostenic, hypersthenic and asthenic). Third, height and age play a significant role in calculating the ideal weight. For example, it is much more difficult for people over 40 to lose weight due to the ongoing restructuring of the body.

The hereditary factor also plays an important role. If at the genetic level there is a predisposition to be overweight, it is much more difficult to get rid of extra pounds. If we discard this factor, you can find out the weight rate in men and women using various formulas, we will consider each of them in more detail.

Body weight formulas for men and women

There are different weight and height calculators for adults and teenagers, but the easiest and surest way is to calculate the ideal weight for height yourself. There are many formulas developed by scientists that allow you to find out weight by height.

Broca's formula

French physician Paul Brock has developed a formula for the ratio of weight and height, which is still considered one of the most universal. The formula takes into account not only height, but also the physique (thin, normal, stocky) and age.

The formula for the ideal weight according to Brock is as follows: height - 100. If a person has a thin physique, you need to subtract 10%, and if there is a stocky one, add 10%.

If the height is less than 165 cm, subtract 105, if above 175 cm, subtract 110. You should also take into account the age. People from 20 to 30 years old need to reduce the rate that you get by 10-12%. If you are over 50, increase it by 5-7%.

Lorentz method

Calculation of the optimal weight for women: (height - 100) - 0.25 x (height - 150).

Ideal weight formula based on height and age

Weight norm in women by age and height: 0.9 × (50 + 0.5 × (Height, cm - 150)) + 0.5 × (age - 20)

Weight and height formula for men: 1 × (50 + 0.5 × (Height, cm - 150)) + 0.5 × (age - 20)

Normal weight and height charts

In addition to special formulas, there are weight and height tables for men and women.

Quetelet index

We present a table of weight and height norms for adults from 20 to 65 years old. Please note that this calculation of weight and height for undergrowth, pregnant women, athletes and the elderly from 65 years old will not work.

The result obtained must be compared with the table of height and weight for girls and men:

Calculation of the ideal body weight of an adult Quetelet

This author has another table of ideal height and weight, taking into account the age and physique of a person. To find out the ratio of weight, height and physique, divide weight in grams by height in centimeters. Compare the result with the parameter in the specified cell, regarding your physique. The main criterion is to be honest with yourself when assessing physique.

Example: we calculate the normal weight with a height of 175 cm, age 25, weight 60 kg and a normal physique: 60,000 / 175 = 342, 8. This is a normal index for this person.

Table of weight and height of an adult Egorov-Levitsky

To calculate the weight for a man and a woman using this table, you just need to compare the data. Be careful, here is not the ideal weight for men and women, but the maximum. Also remember that the table shows the height and weight of an adult from 20 to 69 years old.

Body weight in men depends on physical characteristics and health status. Weight is directly proportional to the height and volume of a person's chest. The presence of extra pounds indicates problems in the body and its systems, entails the development of diseases of the heart, blood vessels, gastrointestinal tract, diabetes and hypertension.

Therefore, you need to establish your healthy weight and maintain it. There are many formulas and calculation systems for calculating the ratio of body weight and height.

To determine the correct ratio, you need to take into account the complexion, features of the figure and other factors. Physique can be of the following types:

  • hypersthenic - short neck length, broad shoulders. The figure of such men is strong, stocky and stocky. With this type of addition, a slow metabolism is observed;
  • normosthenic - proportional limbs and moderate metabolic rates;
  • asthenic - an elongated neck. Often, asthenic men have narrow shoulders and a fast metabolism. There are almost no fat deposits, bone tissue is light, thinness is often found.

In addition to these signs, you can find out the type of your body addition using the following methods:

  • connect the index and thumb around the wrist (in the place where the bone is). If it comes out easily, you have an asthenic constitution of the body, if it took effort to grip - normosthenic. If the girth is not successful - hypersthenic;

  • measure how many cm are around your wrist. A length of up to 17 cm indicates that you are an asthenic, if the girth turned out to be from 17 to 20 cm, a normostenic. In the case when this figure exceeds 20 cm - hypersthenic.

Ideal weight for age

It is impossible to determine it without taking into account the age. Usually, in younger years, growth is slightly higher than in old age. Therefore, the optimal weight in adulthood will be different.

To establish the optimal weight based on age, a special formula has been developed. The ratio will be as follows: weight = 50 + 0.75 (height - 150) + (number of years - 20) / 4. So, the ideal weight of a tall - 185 centimeters - a man of 45 years of age will be as follows:

50 + 0.75 (185 - 150) + (45 - 20) / 4 = 50 + 26.25 + 6.25 = 82.5 kg.

This figure is a little generalized, as the formula does not take into account body types. To clarify the data obtained, you need to apply a table in which the mass is indicated for different types of addition.

Quetelet index

- the abbreviated name of the body mass index. This indicator makes it possible to diagnose oneself or, conversely, a deficiency. It is designed for use by people aged 20-65.

The indicators obtained when calculating this ratio in this way:

  • in earlier years;
  • during pregnancy;
  • in elderly people over 65 years old, will be unreliable.

BMI is determined by the following formula: weight in kg / height in m squared. Let's calculate the BMI for a man of 175 centimeters, 89 kg:

89 / (1,75*1,75) = 29

BMI from 19 to 25 is considered the norm for men. The calculation that was carried out above indicates an increased number of kilograms.

The Quetelet index allows you to determine the approximate amount of body fat, but there is no way to know exactly how fat is distributed. There is another formula that helps to establish the pattern of fat distribution: the waist should be divided by the buttocks. The normal value for the stronger sex is 0.85.

Calculation formulas

To calculate the normal weight / height ratio in men, some parameters are needed.

At home, it is permissible to use the following formulas:

Nagler's formula. This method of calculation makes it possible to determine the compliance of weight and height indicators with the norm. With a height of 152.4 cm, the mass should be 45 kg. For every additional 2.45 cm, add 0.9 kg.

When the calculated number with the data entered matches the example, the ratio is considered normal. When the findings differ significantly, you should consider taking appropriate action.

Brock's formula. One of the most common ways to calculate the ratio. There are two options for determining the coefficient for it:

  • Body type and age are taken into account. From the height, you need to subtract the figure 110 for young people (under 40 years old), and the figure 100 for people over the specified age. Asthenics should reduce the resulting number by 10%, hypersthenics - on the contrary, increase by 10%.

  • From the growth of nuzhrost, you need to subtract 100 if it does not exceed 165 cm. If the man is taller - from 166 to 175 cm, you need to subtract 105. If the value exceeds 175 cm, you need to subtract the number 110. The data obtained is suitable for 40-50 years. For the younger ones - from 20 to 30 years old, the result should be reduced by 12%. People over 50 need to increase it by 5%.

McCallum's formula. This method is called the best for calculating the ratio of weight and height for male parameters. It is based on the information found when measuring the girth of the wrist. The parameters should be like this:

  • the volume of the chest normally corresponds to 6.5 wrist lengths;
  • the volume of the hips is 15% less than the girth of the chest;
  • the waist should be 70% of the length obtained when measuring the volume of the chest;
  • the neck makes up 37% of the chest volume;
  • biceps should be equal to 36% of the parameters obtained when measuring the chest;
  • the shin makes up about 34% of this girth;
  • the forearm corresponds to 29% of the chest girth.

The indicated proportions most accurately take into account the peculiarities of the physical development of men and the type of constitution.

To verify the reliability of the indicators obtained, it is recommended to use a table that shows the ideal male weight, based on what type it belongs to.

Ratio table

Thanks to the numbers shown in the table, you can refine the data obtained using the above formulas.

Each body type corresponds to the following data:




cm - kg


cm - kg

155 – 49 155 - 56 155 – 62
160 – 53,5 160 – 60 160 – 66
165 – 57 165 - 63,5 165 – 69,5;
170 – 60,5 170 – 68 170 – 74
175 – 65 175 – 72 175 – 78;
180 – 69 180 – 75 180 – 81;
185 – 73,5 185 - 79 k 185 – 85

What does the ideal weight of a woman mean, what indicators are considered optimal for the stronger sex? In general, these values ​​are a combination of a number of factors: gender, height, body volume, psychological state, tendency to be overweight, and others. They are taken into account using methods for calculating indicators close to ideal. When using them, it is worth remembering that the average results are given. In real life, they are guided not by numbers, but by a sense of comfort and inner harmony.

  • height, age;
  • the ratio of weight, body volume;
  • Brock's method, Quetelet;
  • formulas of Nagler, John McCallum, Devin.

Body mass index (BMI)

BMI is an indicator that determines how proportional is the ratio of a person's weight and height. It is often calculated by doctors who select the optimal therapy for dystrophy and obesity. The index is useful for those who want to conduct a comprehensive assessment of health status and calculate the number of missing or overweight pounds. This indicator is considered simply: it is necessary to divide the weight of a person (in kg) by his height (in meters), squared.

The following BMI values ​​are distinguished: less than 15 - acute weight deficit; from 15 to 18.5 - weight deficit; from 18.5 to 24 - normal weight; from 25 to 29 - overweight; from 30 - 40 - obesity; more than 40 - severe obesity.

People with a high BMI (over 35) find it difficult to move, cover distances on foot, or climb stairs. Excess fat causes serious illnesses:

  • hypertension, migraine;
  • atherosclerosis, varicose veins;
  • diseases of the joints, heart;
  • diabetes mellitus, skin lesions.

It is worth getting rid of excess weight by developing a set of measures, including diet, physical activity, sleep, rest, and normalization of the psychological state.

It is also recommended to go in for sports, balance the diet in cases when the BMI is normal, and the figure looks haggard, middle-aged, the skin becomes saggy, flabby. Special diets, moderate sports loads aimed at gaining lean muscle mass will correct the situation.

Optimal indicators for growth, age

How to understand, taking into account age, height, that you have extra pounds? It is recommended to use the calculation developed by WHO. You can calculate the ideal body weight for the fairer sex as follows:

  • height (centimeters) multiply by 3, subtract 450, add age (years);
  • multiply the resulting figure by 0.25, add 40;
  • The comparison table will help you to check the result.

Another calculation method will help determine the excess weight of men:

  • height in centimeters is multiplied by 3, subtract 450, add age;
  • the result obtained is multiplied by a factor of 0.25, add 45;
  • check the data against the table.

Brock's method

The technology developed by the French surgeon anthropologist Paul Brock will help to calculate excess weight. Human height is taken as a basis. Up to 165 cm, subtract 100, 166-175 cm, subtract 105, with indicators greater than 170 cm - 110. The creator of the formula proposes to correct the determined number, taking into account the physique:

  • Normosthenic (normal) - the figure is proportionally folded, average height, slender legs, thin waist. The muscles are well developed, the body fat is the minimum necessary for well-being.
  • Asthenic (small) - the body is elongated, the transverse parameters are less than the longitudinal ones. The ribcage is narrow, flat, the neck, the limbs are thin, long, the face of the types is thin, the nose is thin. The muscles of asthenic people are poorly developed, the tendency to be overweight is minimal. Obesity occurs with serious illnesses: after surgery, trauma, metabolic disorders, hormonal disruptions.
  • Hypersthenic (large) - the transverse parameters of the body are greater than the longitudinal ones, the bones, the skeleton are wide, heavy, the legs are short and dense. The growth of a person is usually less than average, the tendency to be overweight is high.

Thin-boned asthenics with transverse dimensions are much smaller than longitudinal ones, it is necessary to subtract 10% from the resulting figure. Hypersthenics with short legs, wide hips, chest should add 10% to the resulting indicator. Normals with a proportional body do not need to change the final value, read the final figure as the main one.

Brock's technique, nuances of calculations

Using the method, the parameter of the calculated ideal weight is corrected for age. Nutritionists, naturopaths, experts believe the numbers are correct for the fairer sex of 40-50 years. Girls from 20 to 30 years old should reduce the numbers by 10-12%, ladies 50+ add 5-7%.

It makes no sense to find out your excess weight with Brock's method for adolescents under 18, pregnant, lactating women. It is irrelevant for athletes, bodybuilders, those whose workouts are aimed at actively building muscle mass. For them, there are other ways to calculate the ratio of adipose tissue, muscles, which will help determine leanness, obesity.

Quetelet index

Extra pounds will help determine the formula for calculating Quetelet. The results obtained show the degree of obesity, thinness of women and men aged 20-65 years. The results of calculations are distorted during pregnancy, feeding, adolescence under 18, in adults aged 46+, athletes.

To determine the normal weight, BMI is calculated: the mass (kilograms) is divided by the height squared (square meters). Example:

  • I have a mass of 67, height 170;
  • it turns out: 67: (1.7 x 1.7) = 23.18

We compare the results with the data in the table:

Quetelet formula, taking into account age, physique

The norms are calculated according to a formula that takes into account the physique, age. When calculating, the mass (grams) is divided by the height (centimeters), the data obtained is compared according to the table.

The Quetelet index indicates the amount of fat in the body, but does not allow us to know how the layer is distributed over different parts of the body. The formula described below will help to check the figure for ideality.

Dependence of weight on body volume

How do you know by the size of the figure that it's time to go on a diet? If different methods have been tried, but the appearance is repulsive, a calculation option that takes into account volumes will help to check overweight:

  • the waist circumference is measured at the level of the navel, cm;
  • determine the volume of the buttocks, cm;
  • the first indicator is divided by the second, the result is compared with the data corresponding to the norm.

How much should you get? The coefficient is as follows: women - 0.65-0.85, men - 0.85-1.

John McCallum Method

John McCallum's formula, based on measuring the circumferences of various parts of the body, is considered accurate. The obtained indicators are average statistical, suitable for people of different ages, complexions, from them you will definitely understand whether the figure is proportional or not.

How is McCallum overweight determined? The theoretical scientist suggested focusing on the circumference of the wrist (cm). First, we measure, the result is multiplied by 6.5. Ideally, the figure will correspond to the girth of the chest. Further, taking the data obtained as a basis, we calculate the percentage of the parameters of the wrist to the rest of the body:

  • 70% - waist circumference;
  • 85% - hip circumference;
  • 37% - neck girth;
  • 53% - thigh circumference;
  • 29% - forearm girth;
  • 36% - biceps circumference;
  • 34% - shin circumference.

Formula for calculating with a tendency to completeness

With an innate tendency to be overweight, there is a separate technique that determines the parameters of the figure. A detailed description can be found in the book "Diet for People with Low Metabolism" by Barbara Edelstein.

Calculations are carried out in stages. First, we determine how much weight could be with a normal metabolism. Example: the optimal weight is 50 kilograms, to it we add 1 kilogram for every centimeter of growth over 150. To the resulting figure we add ½ kilogram per year, starting from 25. In general, no more than 7 kilograms are added.

We proceed to correct the data:

  • add 4.5-7 kilograms;
  • then we add 4-7 kilograms (if the mass is more than 90);
  • plus 2-3 kilograms (if the body weight is more than 100 kg).

Example: the height of a 48-year-old lady is 155, weight is 95. We get: 45 + 1 x (155 - 150) + 7 + 7 + 7 = 71 kilograms.

The resulting figure is the benchmark for a particular case. Losing weight up to 60-62 kilograms will cause health problems. If in the future the lady wants to get better, she will quickly return to her original positions. Moreover, it will become fuller, while the appetite will be uncontrollable, which threatens obesity.

How not to make a mistake in the calculations

Using the formula you like, take into account that the parameters of the figure change depending on the time of day, day of the week, month. This is normal, because each organism is subject to individual physiological fluctuations. Body weight fluctuates, due to nutrition, rest regimes, sleep, climate, well-being, various factors. Accurate data is obtained when weighing no more than 1 time per week.

The female body is a thin structure, where the mass fluctuates depending on the critical days, the amount of water drunk. If in the morning the weight was 61 kilograms, and by the evening it became 62 - do not panic, urgently lose weight, add a diet. Such completeness is a temporary phenomenon that does not deserve close attention.

Overweight bodybuilders, athletes are commonplace. Their training in most cases is aimed at building a relief muscular figure. The muscles of people involved in sports weigh twice as much body fat. This is normal, natural occurrence.

BMI, is it worth it to blindly believe the results?

Body mass index is a relative value, based on statistics that take into account the physique characteristics of people from different countries. In most cases, BMI is above normal, for example, if a person's bones are wide, heavy, the figure is muscular, dense. This is normal, once again proves that you do not need to immediately go on a diet, exhaust the body with training.

According to WHO data in Russia, more than half of the population suffers from stage I obesity. If we compare the US data, it turns out that Americans are much more likely than Russians to overeat and obesity.

  1. Nutritionists, naturopathic doctors believe that a person should monitor his own weight, health. This mobilizes the body, increases the desire to lead a healthy lifestyle, adhere to dietary rules, and play sports.
  2. Psychologists oppose BMI calculations, deeply convinced that online calculators are to blame for the growing number of users who are dissatisfied with their figure.

Whichever calculation formula you choose, focus on general well-being, listen to the sensations inside the body. A sharp decrease in weight is fraught with serious consequences, especially in chronic diseases. If you yourself find it difficult to determine how severe obesity is, you should seek the help of a nutritionist.

As Socrates said:

« If someone is looking for health, ask him first if he is ready to part with all the causes of his illness in the future, only then can you help him. "

This statement can be fully attributed to such a problem as overweight.

After all, as I said in the article, 98% of people have this problem solely because of the wrong lifestyle and there is not always a desire to change it.

Yes, and overweight people sometimes relate calmly, although the list of diseases that we may have due to excess weight is quite impressive, I will not repeat myself, I talked about it

But maybe the whole point is that many simply do not know where the border is, where you are still normal, and where you need to start to think and this applies, by the way, not just excess weight. Very often girls and women who do not have problems with being overweight, they are in excellent shape, but, nevertheless, they do not leave the thought that they need still lose weight.

Therefore it is important to knowwhat should be the normal weight human, because we just need a certain amount of adipose tissue. O is not a reserve of human energy,participates in the formation of hormones, vitamins, protects a person from hypothermia in winter and overheating in summer.

How to calculate your normal weight

V at the moment there are many different calculations to determine normal weight. Of course, they are all conditional, since they do not take into account many factors,this is the sex of the person and age, as well as the percentagefat and musculoskeletal tissue. H oh, nevertheless, with the help of them you can races with read your normal weight.You just need to know that lany method of calculation is notsuitable for teenagers under 18, seniors(over 65) , athletes, pregnant and lactating women.

Calculation of the normal weight according to the formula based on the height of a person

I've always known this formula: growth minus 100 - the result is the normal weight. For example, grew T 1.7 m - 100 = 70 kg. But it turns out that this formula does not suit literally everyone, here you need to take into account your physiqueand make adjustments for age.

There are 3 main body types and, depending on the type, the ideal weight is calculated.

Asthenic type (small addition) -the figure is elongated, i.e. longitudinal dimensions prevail over transverse ones:long limbs, thin bones, thin neck, underdeveloped muscles. People with this body type are not inclined to be overweight.With this physique, the normal weight formula is:

height in cm - 110

Normosthenic type (medium addition) -the body has proportional dimensions, well-developed muscle tissue,very often people with this type have an ideal beautiful figure.The normal weight is calculated as follows:

height in cm - 103

Hypersthenic type (large build) - in people of this typethe transverse dimensions of the body are larger than that of normosthenics:broad and heavy bones, wide hips and ribcage, short legs.People of this type tend to be overweight. Normal weight formula:

height in cm - 100

If there is any doubt about which type you are, then you can measure the circumference of the wrist of the working hand at its thinnest place: in asthenics it is less than 16 cm, in normostenics - from 16 to 18.5 cm, in hypersthenics - more than 18.5 cm.

It is allowed to adjust the calculated indicators depending on age: minus 5 - 10% of the calculated weight is allowed for people from 18 to 50 years old, people over 50 years old are allowed plus 5 - 7%.

Calculation of body mass index (BMI) according to Ketl

Body mass index is a measure of the correspondence between height and weight of a person. This method of calculation most popularand is calculated by the formula:

your weight in kg divided by your height in meters squared

For example, growth 1.7 m, weight 75 kg, we calculate the index - 75 / (1.7 2) = 25.95 and we are looking for this indicator in the plate.

Body mass types

BMI (kg / m 2 )



Normal body weight

18,5 — 24,9

25,0 — 29,9

Obesity I degree

<30,0 — 34,9

Obesity II degree

<35,0 — 39,9

Obesity III degree

>= 40

Knowing the value of the coefficients, you can calculate the indicators of the normal weight corresponding to your height. For example, we calculate the minimum and maximum limits of the normal weight. For example, we again take 1.7 m for height: the minimum border is (1.7 2) * 18.5 = 53.5 kg; maximum border - (1.7 2) * 24.9 = 72 kg

It must be borne in mind that this formula is suitable for people of average height: men - 168 - 188 cm, and women - 154 - 174 cm.If the height is lower, then the calculated weight is reduced by 10%, and if it is higher, then we increase by 10% ...

Of course, this indicator does not take into account body types, gender and age, but due to the minimum and maximum boundaries, you can evaluate all the factors and determine your normal weight for yourself.

Calculation of the normal weight by the ratio of the waist to the height

It is considered ideal when the waist is half your height. But for a more accurate diagnosis, you need to calculate the coefficient:

waist in cm divided by height in cm

For example, 90 cm / 170 cm = 0.52 and compare with the standards.

Body mass types




Severe thinness

0,35 - 0,42


0,43 - 0,46

Normal body weight

0,47 - 0,49

Overweight (preobesity)

0,50 - 0,54


0,55 - 0,58

Severe obesity

0.59 and>

Calculation of normal weight based on age

Calculation formula:

body weight = 50 + 0.75 * (height - 150) + (age - 20) / 4

For example, height 170 cm, age 53

50 + 0.75 * (170-150) + (53-20) / 4 = 50 + 0.75 * 20 + 33/4 = 50 + 15 + 8.25 = 73.25 kg

Bottom line: at the age of 53 with a height of 170 cm, a weight of 73 kg will be considered normal.

Although this indicator also does not take into account body types and gender of a person, it does take into account age. Although it is believed that the ideal weight is the one that we had at the age of 18 and it is desirable to keep it for life, but the same life makes its own adjustments. Experts say that every 10 years, the body's energy consumption decreases by about 10% and, accordingly, every 10 years we add about 10% (5 - 7 kg).

If you've kept your 18-year-old weight, that's fine, of course, but if you have broken away from the ideal over the past 10 - 20 or more years, you should not strive to return to it at any cost.Use these methods of calculation, determine for yourself your normal,comfortable for yourselfweight and strive for it already.

Of course, these are not all calculation methods, there are others, now there are many online calculators on the Internet. But, whatever method of calculation you use, remember that eif there is a need in losing weight, then do it you need to carefully, without harming your body,after all, fast weight loss will remove not only fat, but also muscle mass, water, and this can harm your health.

Take care of yourself and your loved ones and be healthy!

P.S. Pay attention to the tips Galina Grossman, she recommends comfortable ways to lose weight.