Traffic rules entertainment in the senior group of the kindergarten. Sports leisure for the study of traffic rules "Green light We are driving through the streets

The teams line up at the starting line. There are road signs on the table. At the signal “start”, the children, running between the pins with a snake, run to the table and choose the prohibition signs, then the permissive signs. They come back the same way.

Educator: You see Dunno, children know road signs. Now we will see which team is the first to assemble the traffic light.

Collect the traffic light

At a distance of 1 meter from the start there is a magnetic dock and a basket, in which there are parts of a traffic light. On command, the children run to the basket one by one, take part of the traffic light and magnetically attach it to the board. The next ones do the same until the traffic light is assembled.

Educator: Dunno, and you are attentive on the road.

Dunno: Yes! I go where I want.

Educator: If you are like that on the road, it can be a disaster. Now the children will show you how attentive they are.

Game "Traffic signals"

The teacher shows the flags. With green, children stomp, red - clap their hands, yellow - stand.

Educator: And now, I will guess riddles, and you will guess. If you cannot, then the children will help you.


1. Strange zebra
Doesn't eat or drink
But he will not die without food and drink.

2. Lays a bar all over Russia,
And if it gets up, it will reach the sky.

3. Although he has three eyes,
But he does not look at all at once,
And he always looks alone,
Well, we are watching him.
(Traffic lights)

4. Where there is a difficult intersection,
He is the head of the machines.
Where he is, easy and simple,
He is a guide for everyone.
Who is this?

5. Iron beasts
They growl and hum.
Eyes like cats
They burn at night.

6. His work is five wheels,
No other is given:
There are four wheels underneath,
In the hands - one more.

7. Striped pointer,
Like a wand from a fairy tale.

8. The bus is not rolling here.
Trams will not pass here.
Pedestrians are calm here
They walk along the street.
For cars and trams
The road-road is different.

Educator: Many people have to travel by transport. It is called that - public transport. This is a bus, trolleybus, tram. Dunno, do you know that each transport has its own stop? (No). Now the guys will show you how transport carries passengers.

Carriage of passengers

The first child depicts the driver, he puts on a hoop, runs to the counter, which is opposite his team, goes around it and returns to his team. Then another child (passenger) joins him (climbs into the hoop) and now they run to the counter together, the passenger comes out at the counter. This is how the driver transports all the participants in the relay. After all the participants have arrived at the counter, all team members take hold of each other, the driver is in front, and return to their original place.


Through the city, down the street
Don't just walk like this:
When you don't know the rules
Easy to get screwed up.
Be attentive all the time
And remember before:
They have their own rules
Chauffeur and pedestrian!

He praises all children, rewards delicious prizes, invites Dunno to visit more often.

A second: Zhukova Lidia Petrovna,
GBOU Gymnasium No. 1532 subdivision 05/03, Moscow, Russia

In the hall, on the floor, a diagram of an intersection with pedestrian paths was drawn, an elevation was made for a traffic controller, a traffic light. To the music of A. Filippenko "Merry March" children of the senior and preparatory groups enter the hall and sit on the chairs.

Leading... Guys, we live in a big, beautiful city with green wide streets and avenues. Many cars and trucks move along them, trams, buses, trolleybuses go. And no one bothers anyone. This is because there are such clear and strict rules for car drivers and pedestrians. Going from one side of the street to the other is not easy. Three traffic light colors help - green, yellow, red. The traffic controller keeps order. He controls the movement with his police stick.

A boy of the preparatory group in a police cap, with a traffic controller's stick in his hand, stands on a dais.

Two children come out, read poems.

1st child.

Here at post anytime

A dexterous guard is on duty.

He controls everyone at once,

Who is in front of him on the pavement!

2nd child.

Nobody in the world can do this

With one movement of your hand

Stop the flow of passers-by

And skip the trucks.

S. Mikhalkov

1st child.

Under the early sun on the pavement

Suddenly he sees the kiddies as a guard.

His eyes became cheerful and affectionate.

The sentry. Go, guys, calmly to the kindergarten!

Two children are walking around the hall.


Our guys go to kindergarten,

Our guys are in a hurry!

The sentry.

Although you have no patience -


Red light.

Yellow light on the way -

Get ready to go!

Green light ahead -

Now go over!

Children walk through the intersection.

Leading. Listen to poetry. It will be necessary either to answer: “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!”, Or to be silent.

Which one of you is coming forward

Only where is the transition? (Children answer)

Who flies forward so soon

What does not see the traffic light? (Silence)

Who of you, going home,

Keeping his way on the pavement? (Silence)

Who knows that the red light

Does this mean there is no move? (Children answer)

Leading. And now, guys, we will all repeat the traffic light rules. Let's play the game "Green, Yellow, Red".

The game is conducted by a traffic controller. When he raises the green flag, the children walk in a circle, when the yellow flag is standing, when the red flag is squatting.

Leading. We know the song about traffic rules. Under it, we will walk along the sidewalk and cross the intersection in accordance with these rules.

The song "Down the street, down the street" is played. The guys perform movements in accordance with its content.

Down the street, down the street

Verses by G. Boyko Music by T. Shutenko

We go for a couple of steam.

And now, before the transition, we

We walked along the sidewalk.


Wait, wait!

Look: (2x)

The light is on green -

Edge to edge

Buses run, run.

Trolleybuses, trams.


Wait, wait!

Look: (2x)

You will see the red light -

And - freeze!

Translated from Ukrainian by K. Lidina

Children recite poetry

Traffic lights

Stop, car! Stop, motor!

Brake quickly, chauffeur!

The red eye stares at close range -

This is a strict traffic light.

The driver waited a little,

Looked out the window again.

Traffic light this time

Showed a green eye.

Winked and said:

"You can go, the way is open!"

M. Plyatskovsky

ABC of the city

The city in which we live with you

It can rightfully be compared to a primer.

Here it is, the alphabet, - above your head:

Signs are posted along the pavement.

The alphabet of streets, avenues, roads

The city gives us a lesson all the time.

Always remember the ABC of the city

Y. Pishumov


Need to obey without arguing

Traffic light indications.

Need traffic rules

Perform without objection.

This will confirm to all of you

Good doctor Aibolit!

S. Yakovlev

Doctor Aibolit enters - a boy of the preparatory group, dressed in a white coat and a medical cap. In his hands he carries a first-aid kit, on the nose there is a frame without glasses.

Aibolit. Hello children!

Traffic rules

All without exception

Animals should know:

Badgers and pigs

Hares and cubs

Ponies and kittens.


Look guys

As kittens know these rules.

Two children in kitten hats cross the road incorrectly. The guard whistles. Finally, the rules are learned.


Be careful on the street, children!

Remember these rules!

Always remember these rules

So that trouble does not happen to you!

Leading. Now I will tell you how the mother rabbit treated the bunny.

Hare runs in, screams.


Ay, Ay! My rabbit

Hit by a tram!

My bunny, my boy got hit by a tram!

He was running down the path

And his legs were cut

And now he's sick and lame

My little bunny!

(K. Chukovsky)

Leading... And Aibolit said:


Serve it here!

I'll sew him new legs

He will run down the path again!

And they brought a bunny to him,

Such a sick, lame person.

The hare brings a toy bunny, Aibolit heals him.


And the doctor sewed his legs

And the bunny jumps again.

And with him the mother hare

She also went to dance.

And she laughs and shouts:

Hare. Well, thank you, Aibolit!

The hare is dancing with the hare. Then he says goodbye and leaves.

Leading... Hear riddles.

What a miracle - a blue house

The windows are glowing around.

Wears rubber shoes

And eats gasoline? (Bus)

Look, what a strong man:

On the go with one hand

Used to stop

A five-ton truck? (Adjuster)

Leading. It's good to drive through the streets when the green eye of the traffic light is on and look at your hometown. Let's sing a song about this, guys.

Children sing the song "We are going through the streets."

We are driving through the streets

Words by M. Kravchuk, Music by E. Tilicheyeva

1. There was a wasteland all around,

Everyone knows this!

And now volume is in place

The house is multi-storey.


We're driving through the streets

We sing songs.

You, native streets,

We don't know at all.

2. We look - here and there

Flower beds and lawns,

And they run towards

Young maples.


3. By leaps and bounds

The city is growing!

Our kindergarten to the new house

Will move soon!

The guys leave the hall to the music.

Scenario of leisure according to traffic rules. Senior group

Leisure according to the traffic rules "Traffic light is a friend on the road"

Integration of educational areas:"Cognition", "Socialization", "Communication", "Physical culture".
Target: continue to form the idea of ​​children (older group) about the rules of the road.
Educational: to consolidate knowledge about the rules of the road when crossing the street.
Developing: develop attention, coordination of movements
Educational: foster a sense of camaraderie.

Inventory: 4 cones, white stripes according to the number of children, 2 hoops 30 cm in diameter, 2 vests with the image of a "bus", 2 vests with the inscription "DPS", 2 wands, cubes according to the number of children, 2 hoops 60 cm in diameter, 3 flags (red , yellow, green), whistle.

Leading: Hello guys, today we got together to remember the rules of the road.

I'm a traffic light guys

I know the law is simple
If it's red, wait
And the green light - go.
Tell the guys: why do we need a traffic light?
Children answer.
Leading: Right guys, to regulate the traffic. What traffic signal does the road cross?
Children answer.
Leading: Well done, now we will check how attentive you are.

Traffic light game.

Players stand in a circle in the middle of the court and turn to the right. The driver has flags of three colors in his hands. If the driver shows a red flag, then all players stand still. If it is green, they run in a circle, and if it is yellow, they walk in place. Those players who make fewer mistakes win.
Leading: Tell me guys, what is the name of the person who drives the car?
Children answer (driver).
Leading: Guys, let's split into 2 teams and play the next game.
Children are divided into 2 teams, each team comes up with a name for itself.

Game "Driver and car".

The players of each team are divided into pairs and stand in columns at the start. One of the players "car", he has a steering wheel (30cm hoop) in his hands. Another player is the "driver". He holds his hands on the belt of the player "car". There is a cone in front of each team at a distance of 3m. On the whistle, the first pairs in the teams run to the cones, run around them and return to the teams, the "car" player passes the steering wheel to the next pair. All other players do the same as the first ones. The first team to finish the relay wins.
Leading: Other guys, besides cars, there is a vehicle called a bus.

Game - relay race "Bus"

The teams in the columns stand at the start. The first players in the columns wear vests with the image of a bus. The rest of the players are "passengers". Cubes (stops) are placed in one line in front of each team from the start line at a distance of 1m. The distance between the cubes is 50cm. The number of dice depends on the number of players in the team. The second players in the team hold onto the belt of the first. On the whistle, the first pair runs to the last die. The bus player leaves the passenger player near the cube and returns for the next player. The game ends when the bus player has transported all the players on his team to the dice. The team that completes the task faster and more correctly wins.
Leading: Now guys answer my question: who will help if the traffic light is not working on the road?
Children answer (traffic controller).

Game - relay race "Guard".

Teams stand in columns at the start. The captains of each team wear vests with the inscription "DPS". There are hoops at a distance of 5m from the team. Team captains stand in hoops and hold wands in their hands. On the whistle, the first players in the team run to their captains, take the baton and, returning to the team, pass it to the next players. The second players run and give the wands to the captains, after which they return to the team. The third players do the same as the first ones. The game continues until all players have run. The team that completes the relay faster wins.
Leading: Guys, why can you cross the road if there is no traffic light?
Children answer (crosswalk).
Leading: Right guys! Another pedestrian crossing is called "zebra", because it consists of white and black stripes.

Game - relay race "Zebra".

Teams stand in columns at the start. A player on each team receives a white stripe. A line is drawn in front of the players at a distance of 5m. On the whistle, the first players in the teams run to the line and put their strip on the line, return to the team. The next players run and place their strip next to the first. All subsequent players perform the same task. The team that completes the task more correctly wins.
At the end of all the games, the children are lined up.
Leading: So we remembered with you the rules of the road and let each of you never break them.
Children leave the playground.

Target: consolidation of children's knowledge about the rules of the road and the creation of a joyful emotional mood.


1. Remember the learned rules with the children and teach them to apply them in accordance with the created situation.

2. To develop speech, memory of children, logical thinking, the ability to navigate in the created situation.

3. To foster goodwill and the ability to work in a team.

Methodological support: plane models of cars, table screen, plane drawings of transport, typesetting canvas on which models are exhibited, traffic signs, envelopes with cut drawings of cars.


- Guys, I want to invite you on a trip today. This trip is unusual - to the country of road signs and traffic rules. Do you agree to go there?

(Answers of children)

- And how can you go on a trip? (Children's assumptions)

- And I propose to go on a hitchhiking trip. Do you know how this is done?

(Answers of children)

- If a person does not have his own car and does not want to go by public transport, then he goes out on the road and raises his hand, that is, as if he says to the driver "Stop". If the car stops, then the person sits down and drives. Such a trip will be called a hitchhiking. So we will travel by all means of transport across the country of road signs by hitchhiking. But transport will only stop when you answer the question correctly. And for the correct answer you will receive a prize - a car model. And we'll see how many models we have collected by the end of our journey. Ready to travel?

(Answers of children)

- A good mood helps in traveling. And a funny song cheers up. I propose to sing the song "Down the street, down the street", lyrics. Boyko, music. T. Shutenko.

Down the street, down the street

We go for a couple of steam.

And now, before the transition, we

We walked along the sidewalk.


Wait, wait!

The light is on green -

Down the street, down the street

Edge to edge

Buses run, run

Trolleybuses, trams.

- And here is the first type of transport.

(A tram appears from behind the desk screen)

1st stop

- In order for us to get on this type of transport, we need to answer the following questions:

1. Why is the tram called public transport?

2. When they get off the tram, which side do they bypass it?

3. How is a tram similar to a trolleybus?

For correct answers, a car model is given and displayed on a typesetting canvas.

- While we are on the tram, tell me how many syllables are in this word?

(Children answer)

- Come up with a rhyme to this word.

(Send, don't yawn, catch up, take away)

- Name the dull sound from this word. ("T")

- It's time to get out. As we get around it, remind me again, please.


2nd stop

- And now we will move on foot.

(A road sign "Children" appears from behind the screen)

- What does this sign mean?

- For whom do they put such signs on the road?

(For drivers)

- What does this sign mean?

(For drivers on the road to be careful. There is a kindergarten near the road, and children can appear on the road at any time. The driver must slow down in front of this road sign)

- What group of characters does it belong to?

(To warning signs)

- And here's another sign. What does it mean?

A car appears from behind the screen.

3rd stop

Each pair of children is given an envelope with a car image cut into pieces.

4th stop

- The journey continues. And what will we ride next, the riddle will tell you:

I have a steel horse

There are two wheels instead of legs.

When I turn the pedals

Immediately I go wherever I want.

(After solving the puzzle, a bicycle appears on the screen)

- How old can you get behind the wheel of this type of transport? (From 14 years old)

- What served as the prototype for the bicycle? (Kick scooter)

- What material were the first bicycles made of? (Made of wood)

- What does this sign mean?

(No cycling)

- How to ride a bike through the city streets?

(On the right side of the road, no more than 1 m from the side of the road)

5th stop

(A sign "Bus stop" appears on the screen)

- What does this sign mean?

(A bus appears on the screen)

- We continue our journey through the country of road signs by hitchhiking. So the bus came up. Which door should you go to on the bus?

(To the back)

- What door can you go out of?

(From the front)

- How is the bus similar to the trolleybus?

- How does it differ from a trolleybus?

6th stop

(A traffic light with a red light appears on the screen)

- What does the traffic light tell us? (Answers of children)

- We must stop. But so that we could go further on the journey, the traffic light offered to play with it.

Each child is given a tennis ball, and he will have to get into the traffic light circle from a distance of 3 m.Who could not get there, answers the questions:

- In which country was the traffic light invented?

(In England, London in 1868)

- How many colors does a traffic light have? (3)

- Why does a traffic light have a sound?

(So ​​that blind pedestrians can cross the street at his signal)

- The word "traffic light" from Greek means - the carrier ... of what?

7th stop

(A minibus appears on the screen)

- The journey continues. And how will you bypass this type of transport? (Behind)

So that we do not get bored on the trip, the minibus driver prepared us questions in verse. You can't talk to him during the trip, and he gave us this sheet with questions and traffic signs at the bus stop. I will read his riddles to you, and you are looking for the sign in question.

1. What kind of sign is this hanging?

"Stop" - he tells the cars ...

Pedestrian, go boldly

Along the paths in black and white.


2. Roma has a stomach ache,

Do not get him home.

In a situation like this

Need a sign to find what?

(First aid station)

3. You can find a sign like this

On the high-speed road

Where is the big pit

And it's dangerous to walk straight

Where the district is being built

School, house il stadium.

(No Pedestrians)

4. They walk boldly young and old,

Even cats and dogs ...

Only this is not the sidewalk -

It's all about the road sign.


5. You are drawn on it,

But this is not a portrait.

He hangs on a pole and guards you,

But he is not a traffic light.

(Road sign "Children")

The teacher turns over the drawings of the car models (there are 7 of them), and on the reverse side the inscription "Well done" is obtained.

- So our hitchhiking trip over the country of road signs ended. You did a good job and showed your knowledge of the rules of the road. As a memento of this trip, I give you car models that you can paint in the color you like.

foster discipline, collectivism; a culture of safe behavior on the streets and roads;

To form the skills of fulfilling the basic rules of behavior in preschoolers on the street and on the road, in order to prevent child road traffic injuries;

Develop physical qualities: strength, agility, speed in relay races.

Wellness: to form the need for physical activities.



Synopsis of sports leisure time according to traffic rules in the senior group on the topic: "Traffic rules - we know everything without exception"

Target: to create conditions for the formation of skills of safe behavior on the road.


To foster discipline, collectivism; a culture of safe behavior on the streets and roads;

To form the skills of fulfilling the basic rules of behavior in preschoolers on the street and on the road, in order to prevent child road traffic injuries;

To develop physical qualities: strength, dexterity, speed in relay races.

Wellness: to form the need for physical activities.


2 sets of balls (green, yellow, red)

2 hoops

2 sets (6 white stripes, green, yellow, red cubes)

10 pins and 2 cars

2 sets (rod, cap, whistle)

2 chairs and 2 belts

2 tables, juice boxes according to the number of children

Event progress:

Leading : Today we are playing a sports game according to the rules of the road.

Leading : Our competition begins.

Veda ... Today's entertainment will be in the form of a two-team game. Let's pick the captains. Captains introduce your teams.

Team "Traffic lights» - motto: “We know the rules

Just top class

If you want,

We will teach you! "

Team "Zebra" - the motto : “We came to meet you

And ingenuity and skill

We brought with us! "

Leading. Let `s start? I want to start our game with a game - riddles, do you like riddles?

(Answers of children)

Task number 1.

Game - Riddles.

1. Three eyes hang on the pillar,

We will recognize him immediately

Every eye when it burns

The team tells us:

Who can go where,

Who is walking and who is standing.

2.What kind of horse, all striped,

Does it sunbathe on the road?

People go and go

And she doesn't run away.

3. I will turn it with a long neck, I will pick up a heavy load,

Where they order - I'll put it, I serve a person! (crane)

4. A "mole" has climbed into our yard, digging the ground at the gate.

He replaces hundreds of hands, without a shovel he digs (excavator)

5. What kind of bird does not sing songs,

Nests are not weighed, people and goods are carried (plane)

6. A fiery arrow rushes, a car rushes into the distance,

And any brave squad will flood the fire (fire truck)

7. I blink eyes tirelessly, day and night

I help cars and I want to help you (traffic light)

8. In the field, the ladder lies, the house runs up the stairs (railway and train)

9 strange zebra

Doesn't eat or drink

But it will not die without food and drink (pedestrian crossing).

10. We are the machines you need

And if suddenly trouble,

We have a side door

It is written - "02".

Vedas: Well done guys, they coped with the first task. The jury will give the floor.

Task number 2. Captains competition

Leading. I will ask you questions, you will answer. READY!


1. If you travel by bus, trolleybus, tram or car, you are a PASSENGER.

2. The one who controls any means is called the DRIVER.

3. Place for traffic - ROAD.

4. What kind of vehicles carry goods - CARGO.

5. Places where pedestrians are allowed to cross the road are indicated by signs - PEDESTRIAN, GROUND AND UNDERGROUND CROSSINGS.

6. What are the traffic lights - TRANSPORTATION AND PEDESTRIAN.

7. Which side should you bypass the bus? BEHIND.

8. What cars are used to transport passengers - LIGHT.

9. What sign is installed near childcare facilities? - CAUTION, CHILDREN!


ATTENTION GAME: "Red, yellow, green"

(On green, we walk, yellow, we clap, red, we stand)

(I show circles of a certain color, you follow, who is wrong exits the game)

Vedas: and coped with this task.

Now guys, let's take some rest ... WARM UP.

Main part:

We walk along the street, watch the road (walking on the spot, turning our heads to the right, to the left)

They looked up at the sun and the rays warmed us (raise their head up)

Birds in their nests sit (squat)

Birds fly across the sky (wave your hands)

Down the track, down the track

We jump on the right leg (jumps on the right leg)

And along the same path

We jump on the left leg (jumps on the left leg)

Let's run along the path

We'll run to the lawn. (running in place)

On the lawn, on the lawn

We jump like bunnies (jumping in place on two legs)

Stop. Let's get some rest.

And let's go home on foot. (walking in place).

Leading. Well done! And now our competition begins!

The first competition "Light up the traffic light"

The captain receives three balloons (red, yellow, green and on signal they pass one further on. When the balloon reaches the last player, he lifts it up - the first red signal is lit. The captain can pass the next balloon. The team that lights up faster wins) all three signals After the team lights up the green signal, they run across to the opposite side of the hall.

Second competition "Buses"

To play the game, you will need one hoop for each team and one rack.

Participants in each team are divided into pairs: the first is the driver, the second is the passenger. The passenger is in the hoop. The task of the participants is to run around the rack as quickly as possible and pass the hoop to the next pair of participants. The first team to complete the task wins.

Third competition "Pedestrian crossing".

Teams must lay out the markings from the cubes, make a traffic light and move with a small train, running around the structure.

Relay "Pedestrian crossing"

1 participant. Carries 2 stripes from the pedestrian crossing.

2nd participant. Carries 2 stripes from the pedestrian crossing.

3rd participant. Carries 2 stripes from the pedestrian crossing.

4th participant. Carries a traffic light cube RED.

5participant. Carries a traffic light cube YELLOW.

6 participant. Carries a traffic light cube GREEN.

Then the locomotive runs around this structure.

Fourth competition "Maneuvering"

Drive around the pins with the car without touching them.

Fifth competition "Inspector".

On command, one representative runs to the chair, on which the attributes of the traffic police inspector's clothing are laid out: a baton, a cap, a whistle. You need to quickly get dressed, blow the whistle loudly, undress and run to the chair, passing the baton to another participant.

Sixth competition "Buckle up"

On command, one representative at a time, they run to the chair, sit down, buckle up, unfasten, run back and pass the baton to the next.

Seventh Gas Station Contest

On command, one child runs to the table, drinks juice from a bag with a straw and returns back, passing the baton to another participant.

Leading: Any competition comes to an end. Well done, you have shown your dexterity, wit and skill. I made sure that you know the traffic rules without exception!