How does the carnival in Venice begin? Venice Carnival: history and modernity! A few useful tips

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Carnival in Venice is an annual colorful spectacle, which attracts 3 million tourists from all over the world to see.The tradition of carnivals in Venice dates back to the 12th century. Profession "mascheraio» (mask makers) was first established in 1436, and there was a time when residents wore masks not for a couple of weeks a year, but for months. That is, carnivalthe event that symbolizes Venice itself, a huge layer of its culture and history. This is the period when it is customary to have fun and eat goodies before the start of Lent. And this is a great chance to try on new images and be in the center of everyone's attention.

However, changeable winter weather with its rains and winds, inflated prices and crowds of people can spoil the impression of both the carnival and the city itself.In this article, we will talk about life hacks that we learned about based on our personal experience of visiting Venice during the carnival days. This information may be useful to you when planning a trip to the "Venetian Carnival» .

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Life hack number 1. When should you go to the Carnival in Venice?

In terms of weather and the number of tourists, the best time to visit Venice is April-early May and the second half of September-early October. In summer, Venice is like a sauna where thousands of tourists “sweat” together (not the most pleasant sensations), and in the midst of winter cold it often rains and it can even snow.

If you are already going to Venice in winter and are ready to endure the changeability of winter weather, then you can’t imagine a more significant reason than a carnival. The time of the carnival varies from year to year and depends on the date of the celebration of the main Christian holiday - Easter. In 2018, the carnival lasted from January 27 to February 13 (the last day of the carnival is called “Mardi Gras”, or “Fat Tuesday”). In 2019, the Venice Carnival will take place from February 16 to March 5.

If possible, check the weather forecast in advance, and if it is unfavorable, try to move your travel dates. Bad weather can greatly spoil the impressions of the carnival and Venice itself, which during this period seems especially gray, uncomfortable and shabby.

Piazza San Marco during Carnival 2018: rain and strong wind dispersed all tourists

When planning a trip to the carnival, be sure to check the calendar of events (you can do this on the official website). Usually most of them (for example, "Flight of the Angel", "Festival of Mary" or competition for the best mask) take place on weekends, as well as on the opening and closing days of the carnival. When planning a visit only on weekdays, there is a risk of not seeing anything, because in the interval between weekends, especially if the weather is unlucky, the city seems to be dying out - there are no events, no people in carnival masks.

On the other hand, if you come only for the weekend, you will find yourself in the thick of the tourist crowd - all the streets, streets and squares of Venice will be crowded with people, and it will be difficult to just take a walk for your own pleasure or visit individual sights. If this is your first visit to Venice, set aside at least 4-5 days for it, along with days off - then you will visit the carnival and have time to visit and see something.

Life hack number 2. Hotels during the carnival - is it possible to find cheaper?

Venice is considered one of the most expensive cities in the world. The prices for both accommodation and meals here are an order of magnitude higher than, for example, in. In the winter "off season" everything is a little cheaper, but during the carnival this rule stops working.

There is a little trick - try to settle in Mestre(Mestre), one of the areas of Venice on the mainland, where hotels are 20-30% cheaper than the cheapest deals on the island. From Mestre to the historical part, you can travel by train or bus.

But this method has tangible disadvantages:

  • you will have to spend extra time (10 minutes by train, but you still need to walk to the station) and money (1.30 euros one way) on the road,
  • will have to return to the hotel in the evenings to the detriment of walks among the palaces, bridges and canals,
  • in Mestre, with its modern buildings and restaurants with Indian and Asian cuisine, it is impossible to feel all the uniqueness and charm of Venice.

Another way is to look for cheaper hotels in the historical part of Venice. As a rule, these are 1-2-star hotels and guesthouses, which are located in the Cannoregio area not far from the railway station, as well as San Polo and Castello. Cons - this is a rather old number of rooms, small rooms and shared toilets. The cost of such hotels starts from 170 euros for 2 nights for three on ordinary days and from 200 euros on weekends, which include carnival events.

Beware of settling next to the Rialto Bridge! It's hard to believe, but Venice during the carnival turns into a roaring open-air disco, and just one of these dance floors is located in the San Polo district, not far from the market and the Rialto Bridge. Young people come to Venice from all over the world for the weekend, who are not averse to drinking alcohol and dancing. Dynts-byms under the windows is provided until one in the morning (unless, of course, you decide to join the dancing crowd and have fun from the heart, as it should be during the carnival).

Open-air disco on Saturday during the carnival near the Rialto Bridge

If you still want more comfort, then consider offers for apartments and apartments (prices - from 170 euros for 2 nights for three). In the historical part of Venice there is a real opportunity to move into a real palace of the 17th-18th centuries! At the same time, you will have at your disposal a very spacious room by Venetian standards with a kitchen and everything you need for cooking (and this is already a significant savings). Catch a life hack: try to contact the apartment owners directly, bypassing intermediaries. It is possible that you can save up to 20% of the cost!

Life hack number 3. Where to eat cheaply and tasty in Venice?

Where to eat in Venice, a city that consistently ranks among the top five most expensive European cities for tourists? And is it possible to do this without paying a tidy sum, as a tourist from Britain did, laying out more than 500 euros for one meal?

For the most economical, the option of buying groceries in a supermarket or in the market is suitable - in this case, it is better to stay in apartments where there is a kitchen with a stove and a refrigerator, as we did.

And yet there are other ways to not spend a lot on food and at the same time not deny yourself the pleasure of trying Venetian specialties. During the carnival, at least once you should treat yourself to traditional carnival sweets:

  • frittelle- a carnival analogue of pancakes. Deep-fried dough balls, sometimes topped with raisins, chocolate, jam or custard,
  • castagnole- a kind of frittelle. Dough balls without filling, fried in boiling oil and sprinkled with powdered sugar,
  • chiacchere(and also galani) - fried crispy strips of dough, sprinkled with powdered sugar and reminiscent of brushwood in taste and appearance.

Carnival sweets can be bought in a pasticheria (confectionery) or in a regular supermarket, and they are not at all expensive.

A traveler's best friends in Venice are traditional bacari bars (bàcaro or bàcari in the plural) where you can satisfy your hungerVenetian appetizers cicchetti (cichetti) and drink the locals' favorite Aperol Spritz cocktail.

If you're looking for a solid meal and fish and seafood dishes, try looking for discount restaurants first on TripAdvisor's The Fork app (link for users iPhone And Android ) - so you can save up to 30% on lunch or dinner. The peculiarity of Venice is that even with discounts it will not work out very cheaply. Just choose not restaurants "with a beautiful view", but trattorias and osteria. Even if their interior does not seem the most refined, they will feed you tasty and home-cooked dishes from fresh ingredients.

Life hack number 4. Where do the "masks" pose and how to take pictures with them?

If you want to attend carnival events such as the "Flight of an Angel» or a competition for the best mask, then, firstly, you need to check the program on the site (Find out the start time and place where the event will take place). And secondly, it’s better to arrive at the place in advance, 2-3 hours in advance, especially if it’s Piazza San Marco, since closer to the beginning the flow of people in the narrow streets of Venice becomes so dense that the police block all passages and approaches.

The weather forecast is also of great importance: in case of strong wind and rain, no mask contests are encouraging, and the people themselves in carnival costumes try not to go outside again.

The man in the fantasy costume of the Pope was a real superstar in Piazza San Marco during bad weather - others « masks" chose to stay in hotels

But in good clear weather, you will get tired of running your finger over the touchscreen of your smartphone and pressing the buttons of the camera, because everywhere there will be people in a variety of costumes and masks - classic and fantasy, intricate and ridiculous, medieval and futuristic. It is for this that many people come to the carnival - to stare at the "masks» , marvel at the fantasies of individual characters, take pictures of them or be photographed with them.

The canonical photos of the “masks” that can be seen on the Internet are usually taken against the backdrop of Piazza San Marco, the Doge's Palace and the gondola pier. In fact, masked people do not stand in one place, but walk all over Venice.

They can be found:

  • on the bridge of the Academy,
  • on the Rialto Bridge
  • on the road leading to San Marco,
  • at Campo Santo Stefano, where the carnival market is located,
  • in the gardens of the Biennale,
  • at the church of Santa Maria della Salute.

People in carnival costumes descend from the Academy Bridge

There is always a crowd on San Marco, and some “masks”, like real rock stars, simply cannot be approached. Everyone is entitled to 15 minutes of fame, as the king of pop art Andy Warhol spoke about, and the appearance at the carnival in a particularly frilly costume is this very moment of glory that many strive for, spending fabulous money on a costume, mask and headpiece. !

The man in this mind-blowing headdress was the superstar of Carnival 2018. It was almost impossible to come up and take a picture of him because of the dense crowd.

So there is only one conclusion: walk as much as possible during the carnival especially if you're lucky with the weather! After all, people in carnival costumes"dwell" not only on San Marco, but also walk around the city, take selfies, rent gondolas for beautiful photos or have a bite to eat in bakari and osteria. And they are happy to take pictures with tourists, enjoying their 15 minutes of fame. This is the paradox of the carnival - a mask and a costume that hide a person (sometimes it is not even clear who is hiding under them - a man or a woman, a celebrity or the most ordinary tourist who rented his image) attract increased attention.

Conditionally all carnival characters that will meet to you on the way, can be divided into:

  • traditional images of the Venetian carnival (costumes of the 17th-18th centuries, masks: bauta, Venetian lady, plague doctor, volta and others)
  • everyone else: characters from books, movies, steampunk fans, vampires, guests from other eras and even worlds, because of which at times there is a feeling of Halloween on the scale of the whole city.

The Venice Carnival is very popular among the elderly, for whom this is an occasion to put on camisoles and puffy dresses, to feel like gallant gentlemen and graceful ladies of past eras. Young people choose fantasy costumes and generally treat the idea of ​​a carnival with a bit of humor.

There are even those who appear at the carnival year after year in the same costume, such as this guy in a Zorro costume (by the way, the only one who tried to ask us for money for a photo, the rest did it for free).

There is no strict adherence to the canons at the Venice Carnival. Everyone dresses according to their wallet and according to their imagination. There were no less people who wanted to be photographed with the characters of Star Wars than with a Venetian lady in an elaborate mask and a rich magnificent costume. The main thing at the carnival (and this is its meaning) is the atmosphere of general fun, mischief and good mood.

And the carnival in Venice is an open-air disco on Piazza San Marco and near the Rialto Bridge, stylish themed decorations and performances by artists. It is not necessary to go to a ball in the palace, a ticket for which can cost several hundred euros (besides, the attendees of such balls are usually older people, the carnival is the best entertainment in retirement!). Come to San Marco in a luxurious costume, a Chinese mask for 5 euros or in ordinary clothes, dance, take selfies, believe in miracles and recharge your batteries with the festive atmosphere in the heart of beautiful Venice. Your good mood is priceless, and if you plan your trip to the carnival correctly, then it is guaranteed to you!

Live music in Piazza San Marco during the carnival

“Mask, mask, I know you…” It turns out that carnival was invented in Venice. And it couldn't be otherwise. Such a democratic holiday, when everyone is wearing masks and everyone is equal, could only be born in the democratic Republic of St. Mark, where there have never been vassal relations between citizens.

“They do not despise each other in anything, and no one has any fear from anyone in anything: everyone does according to his will, who wants what. That freedom in Venice always happens, and the Venetians always live in all peace, without fear and without resentment and without burdensome taxes. , - wrote P. Tolstoy, who visited Venice at the end of the 17th century. The first mention of the carnival dates back to 1094. And in 1296, the Venetians also officially legalized it: the Senate of the Venetian Republic proclaimed the last day before Lent a holiday. It is believed that the very word "carnival" comes from the Latin "carnevale", which means "farewell to meat." This is the canonical church version. The inhabitants - the Venetians thought otherwise. They translated "carnival" as follows: carrus navelis - "amusing chariot, ship of festive processions" and liked to coincide with Festa della Marie - an old holiday dedicated to the rescue of girls kidnapped by Istrian pirates.

Modern carnivals also begin with this holiday. The twelve most beautiful girls in Venice receive prizes - the mayor's office pays them a luxurious cruise.

But, in fact, the origins of the Venetian carnival go deeper - in the ancient Roman Saturnalia - annual holidays in honor of the god Saturn, which were celebrated in December after harvesting during the winter solstice and were accompanied by mass festivities. Slaves were seated at a common table, and to alleviate the awkwardness of the unusual situation, everyone put on masks.

Strictly speaking, the carnival was born from the masquerade. At some point, the Venetians got so carried away that they began to "break away" in fun from the beginning of October to February, inclusive, with light breaks for posts.And the mask is so firmly "grown" to the face that it has become just a part of the equipment.

P. Longo. In the gambling house.

“While the carnival lasts, everyone wears masks, from the doge to the last maid. Wearing a mask, they carry out their business, protect processes, buy fish, write, make visits. In a mask, you can say everything and dare to do anything - the mask allowed by the Republic is under it You can enter everywhere in disguise: in the salon, in the office, in the monastery, at the ball, in the palace, in the casino. neither a nun, nor a gathering, nor a noble lady, nor an inquisitor, nor a buffoon, nor a poor man, nor a foreigner.

P. Longo. In the gambling house.

P. Longo. At the dentist.

P. Longo. Hippopotamus.

Strange, mystical, like magnificent scenery, the city dictated its own rules. He demanded a special picturesque, rich, dramatic life, outside the usual established conditions. Love, passion, death - all were welcome guests at this brilliant holiday.

“I hid under clothes and a clown mask. My thoughts, intentions, actions are unexpected. I can constantly reincarnate and do things with laughter that may seem forbidden or obscene to many. To love without loving...”, wrote Giacomo Casanova about the carnival.

Monument to G. Casanova in Venice by M. Shemyakin.

But everything has its limits. Already shaky, like water in the Grand Canal, moral boundaries were absolutely blurred during carnival days. Masked men penetrated women's monasteries, debtors hid from creditors, "bravo" hired killers carried out their dirty deeds without hindrance.

“And so they always have fun in Venice and do not want to be never without amusement, in which they sin a lot of their gaiety.”

In the end, the Council of Ten could not stand it and said: "Basta!"In 1608 there wasissued a decreewhich banned the wearing of masks for an extended period. From that moment on, masks were only allowed to be used during the carnival or at official banquets. For breaking the law, men were sentenced to two years in prison and a large fine, and women were publicly flogged in San Marco Square, after which they were expelled from the territory of the Venetian Republic for four years.
The carnival has become shorter, but this makes it even brighter, faster and more colorful.

D.B. Tiepolo. Carnival

On the square of St. Mark comedians played puppet comedies, wandering astrologers predicted the future, acrobats were spinning, ventriloquists were talking in an afterlife voice, patricians, divided into two teams, played a game reminiscent of modern football - they tried to throw a leather ball to the enemy's side. Ropes were stretched between the windows of the palaces, along which rope walkers walked. One of the prisoners was released onto the same rope: if he reaches the end - he is free, no - he is waiting for a merry death "in the world."

The ladies-spectators were delightful, picturesque "clusters hanging" from the balconies. “The female sex and girls of all ranks are cleaned in a very special fashion of the Venetian dress and covered with black taffeta from the top of the head even to the waist, and many others are cleaned in French. In women, they use more herbal colored brocades, and the women's people in Venice are very good-looking and slender and political, tall, thin and pretty in everything, but they don’t want to do manual work, they heal more in the cool.

There was no time to waste, it was necessary to enjoy every moment. Appointments were made, in the famous gambling houses - ridotto - they played for high stakes, quarrels broke out between rivals, the eyes of beautiful red-haired Venetians mysteriously flickered in the slits of the masks. Happy couples sailed in pointed gondolas. The songs of the gondoliers sounded over the numerous canals.

The air was saturated with fogs, excitement, love, jealousy...

And around the masks, masks, masks... Circled in an endless sparkling round dance.

However, the favorite mask of the Venetians - buata - is just not modest in a Venetian way. There are only two colors - black and white. To the white "mask" - a black cloak. Everyone adored this mask - both patricians and commoners, both men and women. For simplicity and versatility. By the way, it was not only convenient to talk in it, without removing the mask you could feast on your favorite delicacies: delicious "bear crayfish" fried in oil, lemon juice and herbs, langoustine roll with cuttlefish caviar, squid with asparagus, sea eel, which is served grilled, marinated with tomatoes in Italian marsala wine, vinegar and parsley, baccala, a cod dish, and, of course, roast duck - after all, Great Lent is coming soon.

And the strange name "bauta" is a fictional monster, akin to our "beech" and "byaka".

The classic masks of the Venetian carnival include, in addition to Bauta, the Venetian lady, the Cat, Doctor Plague and Volto.

Volto - "citizen" - a simple mask somewhat similar to a bauta.

Of the animals, the Cat is singled out, obviously in recognition of the special merits of the Venetian cats, who have to live in the city literally "barely sticking out" of the water.

Plague doctor. A mask born of life itself, or rather death. The plague came to Venice more than once, claiming hundreds of lives. Doctors were walking around the depopulated city, visiting patients. In order not to get infected with a terrible disease, they put on a mask. Various aromatic oils and other substances were placed in her long beak-shaped nose - it was believed that they protect against infection with the plague. Over the clothes, the doctor put on a dark long cloak made of linen or waxed fabric, and took a special stick in his hand - so as not to touch the plagued person with his hands.

Venetian Lady. That says it all. Precious stones, expensive oriental fabrics - brocade, satin, moire, exquisite incense.

Every noble lady should have a maid. The Venetian Lady could not do without her.

Moretta - "darker" - the most romantic carnival mask made of black velvet or satin.

Casanova adored her. The dark-skinned beauty - the Moorish woman has always been mysteriously, exquisitely silent. Whether therefore, or for some other reason, this mask had another name - "Joy of husbands." The secret was that this mask was held on the face with a peg attached to the inside, which must be held in the teeth.

But still, only Colombina could compete with the beauty of the Venetian Lady. It is the owner of this mask who is allowed to open her seductive lips for admiring glances.

But Columbine is another song, another story. Del arte is a comedy of masks, a literary, stage genre. There is a company here.

Pantalone is a Venetian merchant, an old man, stingy, prudent, but always fooled.

The doctor is a lawyer from Bologna, a supposed scientist, talker and pedant.

Brigella is a smart servant, a dexterous, quirky former peasant, who is always against old people who prevent young people from living, loving and being happy.

Harlequin - a stupid servant, came from Bergamo to seek happiness in the best city in the world - Venice, cheerful, lazy, a glutton and a womanizer, but at the same time courteous and modest.

Colombina is a maid, a cheerful and enterprising girl who participates in all the intrigues and vicissitudes of the plot.

With the help of these masks, magnificent performances were played, built largely on improvisation. Carlo Gozzi, the author of the famous Turandot, believed that this genre - the comedy of masks - was Venice's gift to theatrical art.

C. Gozzi

He paid tribute to this genre and another famous Venetian - Carlo Goldoni.

AND this whole company - Harlequin, Pantalone, Brighella, Doctor - rightfully joined the carnival round dance, and Colombina became a symbol of the Venetian holiday.

Doge's capital clothes
All starry sequins for the ball,
Boiling, laughing and chatting,
A colorful carnival sparkles.
Here is a Harlequin under a black mask,
How the heat burns his rags,
Cassandra with a fervent note
He beats, his laughing stock.
All white, like a big mouth
Penguin over the north cliff
Pierrot in the gap of a round note
Shakes his head.
Bologna doctor discusses
In the bass, a question that is clear to everyone,
Open, angry bends
Osmushkoy musical long nose.
Pushing Trivelin away
Blowing his nose with a pipe
At Scaramouche Columbine
He takes his fan with a smile.
Sounds cadence, and soon, soon
Dominoes pass through the crowd
But in the slot of the slyness of the gaze
Covering the eyelashes is not given.
O thin beard of lace,
That a sigh sways, easier than sleep,
I, immediately discovering the secret,
Sings arpeggio: - she!
And I learned by hearing in love
Under a terrible mask of a lip,
Like a plum with golden down,
And a black fly on the forehead.

T. Gauthier. Translation by N. Gumilyov.

But everything eventually comes to an end. Carnival died when the Republic of Venice died. At the end of the 18th century, in the fire of the Napoleonic wars.

In the 70s of the last century, it was decided to revive the holiday. It is usually held at the end of February and lasts 10 days. The theme of the holiday is announced in advance. This year there were even two of them - "19th century" and "Unification of Italy". But as they say, you can't step into the same river twice. Traditions are carefully observed. Carnival starts with Festa della Marie, from the campanella - the 100-meter bell tower of St. Mark's Cathedral, an Angel "flies", scattering confetti around him, all the same carnival masks roam the streets ...

Everything is so, but, as eyewitnesses say, the very spirit of the carnival has disappeared. Now it is more of a magnificent sight for tourists than a way of life for the Venetians themselves.

But Venice, an unpredictable city, sometimes miracles happen here. In the 11th century, the relics of St. Mark were found, irretrievably lost during the restoration of the cathedral. Perhaps, sooner or later, another miracle will happen: the real spirit of the Venetian carnival will return - the spirit of cheerful madness, love adventures and artistic adventures.

Used materials from Wikipedia and other sites of the Network.

The main European winter festivities - the Venice Carnival - annually gathers hundreds of thousands of guests. This celebration precedes Great Lent like the Slavic Maslenitsa. And at the same time it is a memory of the brightest, funniest and most amazing victory over social (and any other!) stereotypes that could ever happen in medieval Europe.

Carnival is erroneously considered "a celebration of commoners." From the beginning it was considered a time of equality and openness, a rejection of rules and conventions. There was also danger in the carnival - it is not for nothing that mysterious love stories, like bloody Italian detective stories, are often hidden under an exquisite carnival mask ... Carnival celebrations in Italy conquered not only Venice: Sardinia, Emilia-Romagna, Apulia, Marche, Basilicata, Lazio and Piedmont also known for their processions, fun and balls.

Carnival history

There was a time when the Venice Carnival began on the second day of Christmas - that is, on the day of St. Stephen according to the Gregorian calendar (December 26). The carnival lasted until the Tuesday before Lent, which always begins in the Catholic Church on Wednesday. This day is sometimes referred to as "Fat Tuesday". Although there are other versions of the chronology of the carnival: for example, from the statements of many historians and contemporaries of the Baroque era, it is clear that it actually did not end. Breaks came only during fasting and, in fact, harvesting. Already in October, the carnival fun began again!

The origin of the modern carnival has several sources. Ancient Roman connects carnival with winter pagan festivities dedicated to the god Saturn (saturnalia) and harvest celebrations. The further development of Venetian culture and Christianization made it possible to rethink folk festivals as fun before Lent. And so the word "carnival" arose, which literally means "goodbye, meat" ( carne-vale).

Photo source:

Documents for the first time record the holding of a carnival in Venice back in 1094. Since then, carnival has remained for centuries the most striking phenomenon of Venetian culture.. In the 19th century, the carnival conquered the whole world - a merry festival in masks became the "brand name" of Venice, and carnival lovers already spoke a variety of languages ​​and dialects. Art, literature, theater, and then cinema used carnival images with might and main - as they continue to use them with pleasure now.

He survived the Venice Carnival and a kind of “era of oblivion”: in the 19th century, when the world started talking about the celebration, Venice itself rejected it. But in 1980, Venetian carnival traditions began to revive. True, since then, merry celebrations have lasted much less - from a week to three. In recent years, the carnival in Venice lasts just over two weeks.

Traditions of the Venice Carnival

Carnival has always been accompanied by both unbridled joy and cases of unjustified cruelty. Even in ancient Rome, the Saturnalia was a period that actually equalized the slave and his master.. To further emphasize this, in the 13th century, the Venetians began to use carnival masks everywhere - not so much to hide the face, but more for free contact with representatives of other classes and social strata.

Photo source:

Hiding many faces at the same time under masks, one way or another, had a variety of social consequences. Romantic and tragic, funny and criminal, forbidden and scandalous… During this period, any rules practically did not work.: the carnival has always had a lot of both children and victims. The most free, perhaps, were the traditions of the carnival during the time of the Venetian Republic.

The modern carnival is no longer such a violent and unbridled spectacle. At the same time, it combines many traditions and symbols of Venice. The action takes place simultaneously in many, and covers various sights of Venice. Ancient and modern variations of fun events are now combined here into one bright celebration. One of these events is the ancient feast of Mary ( Festa delle Marie). This is a reminder of the rescue of the Venetian girls who were once stolen by Istrian pirates.

Also, the Venice Carnival these days is carnival freedom, days of theater, music and street food. At this time, gondola parades, competitions of traditional clothes and masks, costume balls, historical reconstructions and the Procession of the Marys (twelve beauties of Venice) take place. One of them, the winner of the competition, becomes the main character of the “Flight of the Angel” next year and flies over the crowd from the bell tower right on Venice. The closing of the carnival marks another "flying" show - this is the "Flight of the Lion", the winged symbol of Venice and the symbol of the main Christian patron of the city, the evangelist Mark.

venecian mask

Masks lifted inhibitions and blurred differences. For this, they were even forbidden to wear outside the carnival. Traditional Venetian masks are often divided into two types. First of all, these are the masks of the Italian Comedy of Masks. They represent Harlequin and Columbine, Pulcinella and Pierrot, Pedrolino, Zanni, Brigella and other characters.

Photo source:

There are other masks: they have been formed throughout the history of the carnival and in many ways reflect the Venetian culture and traditions. These are Bautta (the most simple and popular), Moretta ("The Silent Servant"), Larva, the Venetian Lady, the Joker, the Cat, the Plague Doctor and Volto (the Citizen's neutral mask). In addition to them, of course, new masks appear every year - modern types can be listed endlessly.

Masks are made from special types of gypsum, papier-mâché, paints, fabrics, foil, and various decorative materials. Decorating and coloring a real Venetian mask is painstaking handwork. Masters use for this both simple and very valuable components - soil, gold leaf, natural bird feathers and precious stones.

  • Author Anthem of the Venice Carnival is fashion designer Pierre Cardin, a native of the Venice region.
  • emergence cat masks has a fairly simple reason: there were very few cats in Venice, and the inhabitants of the city on the water had great interest and respect for them.
  • Mask and special suit Plague Doctor come from a real costume, which was a tragic necessity during epidemics. Then this mask was considered a carnival reminder of death.
  • During the carnival work was not encouraged. If someone was caught doing this, they could be tied up and dragged to the church. There, the "guilty" drank wine until he dropped. For this, he could even be declared a carnival king.
  • In those days when the carnival lasted for six months, everything happened and was carried out in masks: The Venetians dressed up appropriately even in church and in court.

What is a carnival, I think, no need to explain. And aboutVenice Carnivaleveryone heard something. One of the most famous and revered carnivals in the world has been attracting attention for several centuries in a row and gathers tens of thousands of people every year for its festive events.

If you have heard about this world event out of the corner of your ear or know something, but have not yet decided whether you should go there or not, then after reading this material, I think, make a decisionit will be easier for you.

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What is carnival in Venice When, how and for how muchPlanning a tripCostume and maskOnce again about masksWhat, when and whereCarnival programHow to behave at the carnivalWhat and where to eat

Traveled around Venice and now shares his impressions

What is carnival in Venice

carnival movementin today's world leads its way from ancient times. The etymology of the word itself is not entirely clear, there are different versions, but the main one is as follows:

the word "carnival" comes from the Italian words "carne" and "vale", literally "meat" and "go ahead"

Carnival festivities in medieval Italy, and a little later throughout Europe, were held just two or three weeks before the onset of Lent, when meat was forbidden for consumption (in fact, carnival is the European analogue of the Slavic Shrovetide).

The roots of the holiday go back to Ancient Rome: remember the “bread and circuses”, so the rulers of ancient Venice, one might say, revived the Roman Saturnalia in their own way, giving all segments of the population the opportunity to unite in a general festivity and wild dances before the general spiritual and physical cleansing before Easter.

First documentary mentionabout the Venice Carnivalrefers to 1094, after 1162, when the victory over the patriarch of Aquileia grew into a massive folk festival, the carnival became an annual event. A withXIII-XIV centuries. acquired those forms and traditions that are now known and which the organizers of the Venice Carnival are trying their best to adhere to: these are costumed festivities and celebrations, where entry without a mask is prohibited.

For centuries, crowds of people from all over Italy and Europe have gathered for the carnival in the Most Serene Republic. Sometimes carnivals began much earlier than the dates that were originally set aside for a holiday before the start of Lent: from December, or even from October, the city was already teeming with people in masks on their faces, fun was in full swing everywhere, the most unimaginable things were happening under the cover of masks, and sometimes even crimes. It got to the point that the Council of Ten, headed by the Doge - the ruler of the city - even forbade the wearing of masks on non-carnival days, threatening with huge fines, prison and many years of exile, and women with public flogging with rods in the square.

In the almost thousand-year history of the Venice Carnival, there was a period of calm and even oblivion, whenIn 1797, Napoleon banned the carnival in Venice by decree., in the 19th century they tried to revive it, but rather timidly, locally and privately.

Only Since 1979, thanks to the idea of ​​the great Federico Fellini, the Venice Carnival has been revivedas a huge commercial project that annually gathers tens of thousands of people from all over the world to the streets, squares and palaces of Venice to have fun in a big way, “break away to the fullest” so that, having spent a lot of money and not regretting it, then remember this trip all their lives .

When, how and for how much

Now we come to perhaps the most important and difficult topic of the story: timing and amounts.

As I already said,timing of the Venice Carnivalset in accordancewith the start of Lent.

All information about the carnival, dates, program of events, ordering and buying tickets should be found on the carnival website:

According to preliminary data, the carnival of the next, 2018, year will be held from January 27 to February 13.

So, since the summer you can look for and book accommodation.

The closer to the opening date of the carnival, the more difficult it is to find a place where you can stay.very popular, there are many who want to visit it, so do not waste time looking for housing (see sites:, , airbnb), choose a program (see the carnival website).

With the purchase of air tickets to Venice, too, you should not pull, they will help you on the sites:, and the like.

Planning a trip

Having solved the problem of housing and roads,choose your entertainment program. Venice Carnival -business is quite costly.. In addition to the square events available for walkers, the carnival program is filled with variouscostume ballsfor the elite public: you can buy a ticket there on the carnival website, butprices for balls are rising, ranging from 150-200 euros, reaching up to 2800 euros (this is the price for a VIP ticket).

Naturally, not everywhere tickets are so expensive. The most expensive ball was and remainsDoge Ball, which takes place in the Palazzo Pisani Moretta, butGrand Masquerade Ballin the same palace a day later awaits guests for a more moderate fee:from 590 euros for a simple ticket to 850 euros for a VIP seat. Balls and masquerades are held in the Palazzo Contarini della Porta di Ferro, the hotels "Carlton", "Metropol", "Monaco", Palazzo Dandolo, Palazzo Zen.

The program and information about the cost of tickets, as well as what this cost includes, you can find on the carnival website.All information on the sitePublished in two languages: Italian and English. The program of carnival balls will also be reported by this, and here's more: , - where you can choose a ball and issue a ticket for it.

Read also:

Costume and mask

Another one the most important cost line: mask and costume.

Entrance to balls in the Venetian palazzo without a costume and a mask is strictly prohibited!

So before you travelyou can make your own costumeand take it with you, you can order a costume from the master (but be sure to specify the theme of the carnival, the costume must match the theme), or you can rent it right upon arrival in Venice.

For example, in the famous Atelier "Flavia", for a fee in 400-600 euros per dayyou will pick up an excellent suit and accessories to it. Studio .

There are several storeswhere you can buy quality costumes:Benor Maschere Venezia, "Ca' Macana", Ca' del Sol Maschere.

However, there are a lot of shops and shops where they sell masks and at least just raincoats in Venice, and before the carnival, it seems that their number is increasing.

As for youth carnival parties, everything is much simpler with the dress code, since the principle “the worse, the merrier” applies: you can easily buy masks and accessories at any supermarket. It's cheaper and funnier. How to find supermarkets, I wrote in an article .


About Venetian masksI advise you to read special literature, everything is not so simple and unambiguous here. To starttake a look here... Buying a mask in Venice is not a problem, there are plenty of them.Prices range from 5 to 250 euros.

Do not immediately rush to any mask, take a closer look, try it on. It can be beautifully made and cost a lot of money, but it does not fit you at all in size or shape. Sometimes the simplest cheap mask from a souvenir shop turns out to be more original and advantageous than an expensive branded product.

What, when and where

Every year two or three weeks before Lent (date "floating", you can find out the dates of the carnival most reliably on its website) the city plunges into the ancient atmosphere of an unrestrained national holiday, where passions seethe under the masks of commedia dellarte, acquaintances are made, ancient traditions are revived, ancient stories are re-occurring, where no one cares who you are, where and why here, it is important that you are just here and now, and together with everyone you are ready to rush into this pool of joy and happiness, beauty and mystery.

Every year carnival has a specific theme, and most of the events correspond to this theme and reflect it. For example, two years ago the opening of the carnival coincided with Valentine's Day, hence the theme was taken, this year the carnival took the theme "Vanity Fair - Vanity in all forms."

The structure of the holiday is made up of events and events that have been worked out for centuries:

  • Water parade along the Cannaregio and Canale Grande- a grandiose water and light show, when a cavalcade of boats, boats and gondolas in the light of searchlights and projectors moves along wide channels, and artists, dancers, gymnasts dressed in fancy costumes work wonders in these boats;
  • Feast of Mary- a procession from the Church of San Pietro di Castello along the central embankment to Piazza San Marco of pre-selected beautiful girls, symbolizing the liberation by the Venetians of girls from the captivity of Istrian pirates;
  • Flight of the Angel- descent from Campanile San Marco to Piazza San Marco of a girl who, during the flight, scatters confetti over the crowds of spectators;
  • Parody Donkey Flight and Eagle Flight- these events take place in the mainland of Venice, Mestre;
  • Competition for the most original mask carnival;
  • Various themed ballsin the ancient palaces of Venice.

Carnival program

On Piazza San Marco line upwooden street theater, on the stage of which, on the opening day of the carnival, the newly rescued from the pirates of Mary are presented, and where, after descending from the bell tower, the same Angel rises, shecolumbine carnival, and Doge greets her.

There have been no doges in Venice since the fall of the Most Serene Republic, and once it was its ruler, elected through the most complex electoral procedures for life; it is clear that at the carnival the figure of the Doge is symbolic, he is portrayed by an actor.

Throughout the carnival, the stage is provided to a variety of theaters, musicians and famous performers.At Campo San Poloarrange a traditionalice rink. A variety of processions are held along the streets and squares of the city: from ensembles of drummers and trumpeters, groups of acrobats to dancing or simply walking with shouts and jokes of crowds dressed in costumes of the most unimaginable colors and shapes of people.

An extensive program is offeredVenetian and visiting theaters, showrooms. In various parts of the city, both on the islands and in the mainland, you can find entertainment to your taste and budget.

All these days, the squares of Venice are crowded with young people in masks who have fun with games, dances, songs. Cafes and restaurants are open and full of visitors, during mass events, treats are prepared for guests on the streets, which are sold and served from open stalls, in a variety of celebrants set along the route.

It makes no sense to describe the entire program here, it is always different and varied. Therefore, once again I give a link to the Venice Carnival website, immediately to the sectionEvents… , where you will get acquainted with the program, and select an event for yourself, and you can buy a ticket.

How to behave at the Carnival

Venice Carnival- the event, I will not say “crowded”, I will say: very “crowded”. It seems that the city, especially in the center, is becoming rubber. And even thoughts come that the gradual immersion of Venice into the waters of the Adriatic is connected precisely with the huge number of people on its streets and embankments. In fact,it's not that scary.

It is important to know exactly your program, to go out well in advance of the event, to try to bypass the paths beaten by tourists, to be as natural and friendly as possible.

As for safety, in any season, at any time of the day or nightVenice was and remains a very safe city.. Incidents and crimes do not play into the hands of the authorities and citizens at all. Reinforced detachments of police and carabinieri keep order. Certainly,no one is safe from theft in the crowd, but they think so in any Italian city, so they carry bags over their shoulders, keep their hands in their pockets, and take only what they need with them. Well, your own attention should be on top.

What and where to eat

There are no problems with food during the carnival: restaurants, cafes and bars are working in an enhanced mode, offering guests quitelarge selection of dishes. You will find many stalls with Venetian sweets and pastries on the streets of the city. In general, on food issues, I wrote in some detail in the article. , only prices can change towards some increase, but not everywhere and not always. This needs to be dealt with locally. I will only add that during the days of the carnivalit is customary to treat yourself to frittolle, Venetian donuts, andGalani, very similar to our Brushwood.

In a word, if you are ready to spend a certain amount for the opportunity to find yourself in an amazing place where epochs and characters mix, where unbridled fun awaits you around every corner, where you will get impressions for more than one day of stories, then make up your mind and go ahead - onVenice Carnival! Have a good trip.

Sometimes you really want to remain unrecognized, hide your face under a mask, discard all prejudices and be subjected to emotions. Venice Carnival, which takes place annually in , gives us such an opportunity. A grandiose enchanting action turns into a kind of theatrical production in which everyone plays their role. Every year half a million tourists come here in search of freedom, drive and magic. Two weeks of a real fairy tale, a lot of pleasant impressions and priceless memories.

From the history of the Venice Carnival

An integral part of the famous city on the water - Venice Carnival. Its history goes back to antiquity and originates from the famous ancient Roman Saturnalia, pagan holidays that took place annually on the days of the winter solstice in honor of the harvest. These days everyone was walking and having fun. Any prohibitions and prejudices were removed, even slaves had fun on an equal footing with their masters. And in order to feel comfortable and remain incognito, people put on masks. The Venetians also began to use this long tradition, giving it a special sophistication.

With the spread of Christianity, the priests timed carnival in Venice for the winter fast before Easter. In 1094, Doge Vitale Faliero entered the name "Carnival of Venice" in official documents, and from 1296 the holiday became public.

The most famous carnival in Europe acquired in the XVIII century. Then during the carnival, almost everything was allowed. In the whirlpool of celebration, forbidden displays of passion and petty inaccuracies became available. The rich in excitement spent big money in gambling houses, some married couples did not hesitate to cheat on their husbands and wives. Counts became jesters, servants became kings, kings became paupers, and well-mannered and polite princesses became seductive courtesans. Everything was easy and simple, because the face was covered with a mask. Almost everyone wore them during the carnival, even in churches and at home. However, such frank celebrations did not last long. At the end of the century, in 1797, after the capture of Italy by French troops, Napoleon canceled the Venice Carnival. It was revived not so long ago, only in 1980.


Currently carnival in Venice is thematic. Ten years ago, it was dedicated to Fellini, and the carnival "Journeys and Travelers", "The East and its Culture", etc. was also held. In 2014, the theme of the carnival was - "The Magical World of Nature", the celebration took place from February 15 to March 4, 2014.

Celebration of the Venice Festival in St. Mark's Square.

Among the entertainment: parades, musical and theatrical performances, performances of comedies dell'arte, competitions, balls, performances by the best creative teams in Italy, magicians, jugglers, mimes, clowns and acrobats, tournaments, old games and, of course, bright fireworks.

By tradition, the carnival begins with the ancient festival "Festa delle Marie", timed to coincide with the release of Venetian girls kidnapped by Istrian pirates. On the first day, a theatrical masquerade procession takes place, which starts from the San Pietro Palace and passes throughout the city. At noon, an angel descends from the bell tower of San Marco in the form of a beautiful girl in a snow-white dress (according to tradition), then the carnival is considered open.

On February 16, a boat procession takes place along the Grand Canal, and near the church of San Giacomo dell "Orio, representatives of Italian companies treat everyone with traditional Venetian sweets and drinks.

They celebrate in Venice not only in the squares and streets of the city, but also in luxurious palazzos, where royal carnival balls are held. Similar celebrations are also held at Palazzo Pisani Moretta and Casino of Venice, however, to get inside, you must definitely put on a suit, mask and take care of the invitation in advance.

Venetian masks and costumes

Masks have always been and remain the main attribute of the Venice Carnival. However, this is not just an accessory that covers the face, but a whole work of art. Venetian masks are distinguished by great sophistication and craftsmanship. The secrets of their manufacture were passed down from generation to generation, preserving the main traditions and absorbing the trends of the present.
At first, masks were made from leather, fabric, or using the original papier-mâché technique. Today they continue to be made by hand, decorated with jewelry, rhinestones, feathers, jewelry, silver and gold.
In the late Middle Ages in Venice, masks gained such popularity that they were also worn on weekdays, often used during the commission of crimes. This prompted the Church to issue a ban on wearing masks. It was allowed to wear them only during the celebration.

The traditional male costume for the carnival was a black wide cloak (tabarro) combined with a silk cape (bauta), a three-cornered hat (tricorno) and a white mask.

Since the 18th century, thanks to the great popularity of the holiday in Europe and the exploits of the famous adventurer-tempter Giacomo Casanova, the costumes for the carnival have become more diverse and brighter.

Subsequently, the masks began to reflect the images of the main characters of the Italian comedy - Pantalone, Pierrot, Columbine and Harlequin. Today, the choice of masks is simply amazing. Connoisseurs highlight main types of venetian carnival masks.

Baut mask(Italian Bauta) - a white mask that covers the entire face, with cutouts for the eyes, a clear protrusion for the nose and superciliary arches, without an opening for the mouth. Its lower part is slightly protruding so that a person can eat and drink without revealing his face.

Morret mask(Italian Moretta) has an oval shape that completely covers the face. Often it is made of black velvet, with holes for the eyes, but no cutouts for the lips. The mask was relevant among women. It was worn during the carnival and on secret dates.

Larva(Italian Larva) - the most common oval-shaped mask for the whole face, mostly white, may have a small opening for the mouth.

"Plague Doctor"(Medico della pesto, Italian. Medico Della Peste) - one of the most famous and most terrible masks, with a long curved nose, like a beak. It was invented by the French doctor Charles de Lorme to protect against bacteria. During the plague period, such a mask was worn by doctors when visiting patients. Disinfecting salts and plants that secrete aromatic oils: rosemary, garlic, juniper, etc., were placed in the long nose, which were supposed to protect against infection with the disease.

Gatto mask(Gatto) - a mask in the form of a cat, covers the face towards the middle.

Does not completely cover the face, leaving the lips open. Often decorated with gold, silver, crystal and feathers. At first, the mask was part of the image of the actress Colombina in the commedia dell'arte. According to legend, the woman was so beautiful that she did not want to hide her whole face, so this mask was created just for her. Subsequently, it became very popular because it was comfortable to eat and kiss in it.