Social adaptation of the child

What is society? Society we call society.

A social adaptation- this is when the baby adapts to certain behaviors and interactions in our society. This is when it is necessary to adapt to life in a certain group, when it is necessary to adhere to the rules of behavior and subordination in the group, when we adopt the rules of communication, peculiar stereotypes of behavior.

Communication- not every person has the ability to communicate. This is when you can build a relationship with any person and you can communicate with him. You know how to approach him and how to ask correctly in order to get what you want.

Social phobia- this is when people are afraid of communication. Most often, people who are afraid of communication, they "sit at the computer." This problem is widespread not only in Russia, but also in America and Europe. According to the questionnaire survey, people prefer a computer to communication. When parents have a violation of socialization, then their children may not be socially adapted.

Socialization, that is, the ability to live in society, is a certain skill that we learn during training, but it cannot arise out of nowhere. In order for you to acquire these skills, you need someone to possess them and be able to pass them on to you.

Parents should try to educate their children correctly so that they can learn and adopt from us high social adaptability. Then it will not be difficult for the child to join any group and arrive in it. When the baby begins to adapt to any new conditions, he will continue to be informed further, thereby acquiring new abilities.

How to form social behavior in a child?

A child is born in society and grows in it, and therefore becomes a social being. The kid lives in a human group, but without it he will not be able to form as a human being. Social behavior is formed in children in the first four years of life. The main formation takes place up to three years, and the fourth year is spent on a specific adaptation to the group.

There are many cases when perfectly healthy children, who arrived in conditions with low social adaptation, later could not learn even simple things.

It is known that healthy children who grew up to four years old in a family of deaf and dumb, then can no longer teach to speak. Children who were kidnapped or as a result of an accident fell into flocks of animals and grew up among them, in particular a flock of wolves and a flock of monkeys, then it is completely impossible to adapt such children to life in society. There was a case in Central Asia, a child fell into a pack of wolves at the age of three, he lived with wolves until he was thirty. Then when they shot the flock from a helicopter, they noticed a man among the wolves and took him to the shelter. He was able to learn something, remembered some words, but suffered greatly from the loss of the pack and wanted to come back.

If we have not instilled in the child the skills of social behavior on time, then unfortunately, he will not be socially adapted enough.

The main moment of socialization

How can a child learn from an adult? He just observes and tries to imitate them in everything. This behavior is called imitative... And not only social behavior, but also many other types of behavior are formed in children through imitation of an adult. And even if it seems to you that the child has a new form of behavior, then after a complete analysis you will understand that the kid just saw it somewhere and decided to show it to you.

Example: a mother raised her daughter for a year and a half and one day she sees her daughter open the window and spit down. Mom, of course, will start scolding the girl, explaining that only ill-mannered people do this. Then she finds out that the daughter took it from her mother's younger brother, who sometimes sat with her. And the child just did the same as a smart adult uncle. Therefore, my mother had to explain why my uncle did not do it right and why little girls should not do this.

Children under four years of age live and perform a function escorts... This means that they are in the society of people and will accompany all the important processes in life that are performed by that group of people. This is how the child will learn and take over everything. The baby does not have his own food intake, his own sleep pattern, he must follow the adults in everything. Therefore, the child is the mirror of the parents.

Social adaptation of the child

(English adaptation of child in society) - according to the legislation of the Russian Federation on guarantees of the rights of the child, the active adaptation of a child (i.e., a person before reaching the age of 18), who is in a difficult life situation, to the rules and norms of behavior adopted in society, and also the process of overcoming the consequences of psychological or moral trauma (Article 1 of the Federal Law "On the basic guarantees of the rights of the child in the Russian Federation" **).

Big Law Dictionary... 2010.

See what "Social adaptation of a child" is in other dictionaries:

    Social adaptation of the child- (English adaptation of child in society) according to the legislation of the Russian Federation on guarantees of the rights of the child, the process of active adaptation of a child (i.e. a person before reaching the age of 18), who is in a difficult life situation, to those adopted in society ... ... Encyclopedia of Law

    Social adaptation of the child- the process of active adaptation of a child in a difficult life situation to the rules and norms of behavior accepted in society, as well as the process of overcoming the consequences of psychological or moral trauma; ... Source: Federal Law ... ... Official terminology

    adaptation- The state of dynamic compliance, balance between a living system (man) and the external environment. The ability of a living organism to adapt to changes in the environment, external (internal) conditions of existence by preserving and ... ... Big psychological encyclopedia

    Adaptation- is an integrative indicator of a person's state, reflecting his ability to perform certain biosocial functions, namely: adequate perception of the surrounding reality and his own organism; an adequate system of relations and ... ... Social Work Dictionary

    Adaptation- 1. in evolutionary theory, any structural or behavioral change that is important for the survival of an individual and a species; 2. in social psychology, a change in the system of individual relations in the social, psychological and cultural terms, serving the purpose ... ...

    Social adaptation (in developmental psychology)- [lat. adaptare to fit; socialis public] process and result of the child's adaptation to life in society. Initially (in infancy) society is presented to the child by the immediate family environment. This stage A. s. ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of Psychology and Pedagogy

    SOCIAL ADAPTATION- 1) active adaptation of a person to a changed environment with the help of various social services. means, which is characterized by the fact that a person, himself realizing the need for changes in relations with the environment, forms new ways of behavior aimed at ... ... Pedagogical Dictionary

    Social adaptation- 1) active adaptation of a person to a changed environment with the help of various social services. means, which is characterized by the fact that a person, himself realizing the need for changes in relations with the environment, forms new ways of behavior aimed at ... ... Pedagogical encyclopedia "Education of a healthy lifestyle of students"

    social adaptation- (from Lat. adapto and socium society) active adaptation to the conditions of the social environment through the assimilation and acceptance of goals, values, norms and styles of behavior adopted in society. In the process of formation of the personality of A. s. going on ... ... Defectology. Reference dictionary

    Methodology "Interpersonal relations of the child"- Rene Gilles. Adapted by I. N. Gilyasheva, N. D. Ignatieva. Designed to identify the structure of a child's interpersonal relationships. Under the interpersonal relations of a child is understood not only the relationship between parents and children, but also ... ... Psychology of communication. encyclopedic Dictionary


  • Social adaptation of children with disabilities from 1, 5 to 3 years old. Planning education activities. Interaction with parents, Mokhireva E.A.
  • Social adaptation of children with disabilities from 1, 5 to 3 years old. Planning educational activities, interaction with parents. FSES DO, Mokhireva Elena Anatolyevna, Nazarova Elena Leonidovna, Timoshenko Irina Vadimovna. FSES DO as the main directions of psychological and pedagogical support of preschoolers determines the formation, development and correction of their cognitive processes and social and personal ...

At all times there were children who had the bitter fate of growing up without parents. The first shelters were opened at monasteries, and only by the 18th-19th centuries, many of them began to be patronized by the state.

In Russia, the first shelter for "shameful" babies was founded in Novgorod by Metropolitan Job in 1706. Peter I handed over the charity work to the state, opening 10 orphanages, which were called "syruge-takers". Under the successors of Peter I, they were closed and reopened under Catherine II. The first such orphanages were opened in Moscow (1764), Petersburg (1770), and then in other provincial cities. The number of children in foster homes grew rapidly. Extreme overcrowding, inadequate nutrition, and lack of care and medical care in shelters resulted in high infant mortality rates.

In Russia, orphanages for children over 3 years old appeared in the 18th century at monasteries. The first non-monastic orphanage was opened in St. Petersburg in 1837 at the Demidov charity house for workers, it was called "children's rooms". In 1838, the Committee of the Main Guardianship of Children's Shelters was created, which in 1839 proposed the Regulation on the Children's Shelter. V.F. Odoevsky. Under this regulation, the goal of orphanages is to provide children with temporary shelter and elementary education. Initially, children visited these orphanages only during the daytime, in 1846, overnight stay was allowed, and in 1847, permanent residence of children was also allowed.

Before the October Revolution of 1917, children's shelters in Russia were under different subordination and were financed from different sources: charitable societies, individuals and departments. After the October Revolution, all institutions for orphans were closed. The state took care of the upbringing and maintenance of children. Children's institutions were organized for children under 3 years old, which began to be called "children's homes", and for children over three years old (they were called "orphanages"). As a result of the large reorganization of orphanages in the 50-60s of the XX century, most of the orphanages were turned into boarding schools.

The first and then the Second World Wars, powerful economic crises and social upheavals led to the emergence of many abandoned children, children without parents ... Such children filled hospitals, orphanages, orphanages.

Despite significant progress in the care of orphans throughout the 20th century, those involved saw the same things they saw centuries ago. Children who are left without parents, permanently or temporarily, are lagging behind in development, have serious emotional disturbances, get sick more often and very often die.

At first, it was thought that the reasons for this were poverty, poor food, poor conditions. When this was done, good, clean shelters and hospitals were created, where all hygienic rules were observed, proper medical care was provided, the condition of the children did not change for the better, and in some cases even worsened.

The next version is an impoverished environment: a monotonous, government-controlled environment, a small number of toys, a lack of impressions. The solution to this problem was unsuccessful.

A decisive breakthrough was made in the middle of the 20th century by psychologists D. Bowlby and R. Spitz, who proved the paramount importance of maternal care for the development of a child.

By the middle of the 20th century, it had become scientifically proven and public that the most important condition for the development of a small child is the presence of close and persistent emotional ties with the mother. The absence of such connections is called "maternal deprivation."

The purpose of educational work in an orphanage is social adaptation.

Adaptation (from Latin adaptare - to adapt) - the process of adaptation of a living organism to the surrounding conditions.

Social adaptation(from the Latin adapto - I adapt and social is - social) - a constant process of active adaptation of the individual to the conditions of the social environment. An important aspect of social adaptation is the individual's acceptance of a social role. This is due to the attribution of social adaptation to the socialization of the individual.

There are many definitions of the concept of "social adaptation". In addition, various sciences - philosophy, social psychology, social pedagogy, sociology also have their own versions of the interpretation of this concept. Summarizing what is common in them, we can derive the following definition of this concept: social adaptation is a process and result of active adaptation to the conditions of the social environment. Social adaptation is one of the leading mechanisms of personality socialization.

Social adaptation of the child- the process of active adaptation of a child in a difficult life situation to the rules and norms of behavior accepted in society, as well as the process of overcoming the consequences of psychological or moral trauma.

Social adaptation is carried out by assimilating the norms and values ​​of a given society. The main manifestations of social adaptation are the interaction of a person with the outside world and his vigorous activity. The most important means of achieving social adaptation are general education and upbringing, labor and vocational training. Each person undergoes the process of social adaptation in the course of his individual development and professional and labor formation.

Complete social adaptation human includes physiological, managerial, economic, pedagogical, psychological and professional adaptation.

Management adaptation without management, it is impossible to provide a person with favorable conditions (at work, at home), create the prerequisites for the development of his social role, influence him, and ensure activities that meet the interests of society and the individual.

Economic adaptation- this is the most complicated process of assimilation of new socio-economic norms and principles of economic relations of individuals, subjects.

Pedagogical adaptation- it is an adaptation to the system of education, training and upbringing, which form the system of value orientations of the individual.

Psychological adaptation - it is the process of adaptation of the sense organs to the peculiarities of the stimuli acting on them in order to better perceive them and protect the receptors from excessive load. The process of human psychological adaptation is ongoing.

Professional adaptation - it is the adaptation of the individual to a new type of professional activity, a new social environment, working conditions and the characteristics of a particular specialty. The success of professional adaptation depends on a person's propensity for specific professional activities, the coincidence of social and personal motivation for work and other reasons.

Experts note the main types of human adaptation:

1) through adaptation to existing circumstances by growing into the environment or changing oneself (a person's activity in this case is directed towards a better and more and more complete adaptation to the environment at the expense of his own reserves and personal resources);

2) self-elimination, withdrawal from the environment, if it is impossible to accept the values ​​of the environment as one's own and it was not possible to change and conquer the world around us. The extreme form of leaving the environment (complete self-elimination) is suicide.

Social adaptation can be viewed both as a process and as a result. From a pedagogical point of view, it is important for us that this process is purposeful and manageable. The main goal (result) of purposeful work on social adaptation in modern conditions can be considered the formation of a socially active personality capable of creative activity aimed at self-realization, which has established a stable harmonious system of relations to other people, society, work, and oneself.

Social adaptation of orphans is one of the main components of social protection and an indicator of social protection of orphans and children left without parental care.

Social adaptation assumes that pupils successfully master social roles in the system of social relations. The process of social adaptation takes place through the formation and development of skills in housekeeping, self-service, work skills.

The process of social adaptation consists of several stages:

The first stage is preparatory. It lasts until the pupil is included in a social group and is associated with determining his status, conducting social diagnostics, which involves familiarizing himself with his personal characteristics.

The second stage is inclusion in a social group, which involves helping a new pupil to adapt to the real conditions of the institution.

The third stage is the assimilation of socially useful roles through participation in social activities, the acquisition of new social experience, knowledge, skills and abilities.

The fourth stage is sustainable social and psychological adaptation, characterized by the ability to resolve any problematic situation that arises in the natural conditions of the social environment.

The antonym of social adaptation is the concept of social maladjustment.

Social maladjustment- this is the inability of the individual to social life in society. Social maladjustment manifests itself in asocial forms of behavior. In adolescents, social maladjustment is expressed in vagrancy, immoral behavior, delinquency and crime, alcoholism and drug addiction, and ultimately - in the inability to find their place in life, it is impossible to get an education and profession, to start a family.

Orphans- persons under the age of 18, whose both or single parent have died.

Children without parental care- persons under the age of 18 who were left without the care of one or both parents due to the absence of parents or deprivation of their parental rights, restriction of their parental rights, recognition of parents as missing, incapacitated (partially capable), being in medical institutions, by announcing by their deceased, by serving their sentences in institutions executing sentences of imprisonment, by being held in custody of suspects and accused of committing crimes; evasion of parents from raising children or protecting their rights and interests, refusal of parents to take their children from educational, medical institutions, institutions of social protection of the population and other similar institutions, and in other cases, recognizing a child left without parental care in the manner prescribed by law.

Persons from among orphans and children left without parental care,- persons between the ages of 18 and 23 who, when they were under the age of 18, both or their only parent died, as well as who were left without the care of the only or both parents and have, in accordance with this Federal Law, the right to additional guarantees for social support.

Institutions for orphans and children left without care parents,- educational institutions in which orphans and children left without parental care are kept (trained, brought up); social service institutions (boarding schools for children with mental retardation and physical disabilities, social rehabilitation centers for children left without parental care, social shelters); health care institutions (orphanages) and other institutions established in accordance with the procedure established by law.

Social orphan- a child whose parents are deprived of parental rights or, for any reason, are unable to fulfill their parental functions.

Orphanage- This is a state social institution designed to at least to some extent replace the child's family. We will consider what social functions the family performs, and we will be able to determine what functions the orphanage should perform as a social institution - a “substitute” for the family.

Sociologist A.G. Kharchev identifies the following social functions of the family:

Reproductive - biological reproduction of the population in the social plane, meeting the need for children in the personal plane;

Educational - socialization of the younger generation, maintenance of the cultural reproduction of society;

W household - maintaining the physical health of members of society, caring for children and elderly family members;

Ш economic - support for minors and disabled family members;

III primary social control - responsibility and obligations in the relationship between spouses, parents and children;

Spiritual communication - the development of the personality of family members, spiritual mutual enrichment;

Ш social status - presentation of a certain social status to family members; reproduction of the social structure of society;

Ш leisure - the organization of rational leisure, mutual enrichment of interests;

Ш emotional - receiving psychological protection, emotional support.

If we design these functions of the family for an orphanage, then it is obvious that the orphanage should perform the most important function of introducing a child to social life (that is, a socially adaptive function).

The orphanage for pupils is a temporary place of stay; after graduation, the children are released into an independent life. The success of their further life path will depend on how much the orphanage of graduates will be able to prepare for this independent life.

Graduates of institutions for orphans and children left without parental care- persons who were fully supported by the state and who ended their stay in this institution in connection with the completion of their studies.

The positive experience of family education, accumulated by more than one generation, is reflected in the development of modern concepts and educational programs. When working with orphans, the works of N.E. Shchurkova, L.I. Malenkova, V.A. Karakovsky. The upbringing system, according to the authors, will dwell on common human values, one of which is "the family is the initial structural unit of society, the natural environment for the development of a child, which lays the foundations for the personality." Teachers need to form in children a "way of life worthy of a Human", which has three foundations "Good, Truth, Beauty". " A Life Worthy of a Human- this is a life that allows him to maximally realize the essential properties and the full completeness of functions that are characteristic only for a person as a representative of the highest stage of the biological world. "

The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child declares that "a child who is temporarily or permanently deprived of his family environment, or who, in his own best interests, cannot remain in such an environment, is entitled to special protection and assistance provided by the state."

In accordance with an international act and Russian legislation, a number of forms of placement of orphans left without parental care have been determined. The following forms have become widespread:

Š adoption;

Guardianship and trusteeship;

Foster family;

Foster family;

Ш institutions for orphans.

Research into issues of upbringing in an orphanage has been going on for a long time. Considerable practical and scientific experience has been accumulated both in our country and abroad.

The works of A.S. Makarenko, N.K. Krupskaya, V.A. Sukhomlinsky, A.I. Zakharova. Numerous studies by L.I. Bozhovich, I.V. Dubrovina, M.I. Lisina, A.G. Ruzskaya, A.M. Parishioners, N.N. Tolstykh, are devoted to the analysis of the unfavorable consequences of raising children in state institutions. Outside the family, the child develops specific character traits, behavior, personality, about which it is often impossible to say whether they are worse or better than that of an ordinary child - they are simply different. A.M. Parishioners and N.N. Tolstykh, who studied the formation of the personality of children brought up in orphanages, studied the formation of the image of the I, its content and the attitude of children towards themselves manifested in it. They consider the following as presumptive reasons for the formation of self-consciousness in such conditions of upbringing:

• frequent turnover of adults in the institution, which breaks the continuity of the child's relationship and experience;

III pedagogical position of an adult, in which the child is an object of care, education and training, in contrast to the “event-driven” position of an adult in a family;

III group approach to children and lack of emotional contact with adults, which entails undifferentiation and unawareness of the child of his “I”;

Ш strict regulation of all actions of the child in the institution, leaving no choice and responsibility.

The existing upbringing system for orphans is imperfect and is not able to solve the problem of their adaptation in the modern society; psychological readiness of each child to overcome life's difficulties is not achieved.

The educational work in the Tarnogsky orphanage was based on the idea of ​​developing the personal principles of each pupil and the formation of independence in the process of organizing all types of activities. During the work of the forms of carrying out educational activities and their content, the emphasis was placed on the semantic motives of the personality of the pupils.

The composition of the group has changed significantly. These changes forced the educators to revise the previous guidelines, to more carefully select the directions of the form and methods of working with children, based on the level of development of children, their age and psychological characteristics, and the problems that arise. Much attention was paid to the formation of a team of children, instilling in them sanitary and hygienic, labor skills, self-service and educational work.

Formation of the skills of collective labor activity in children in the process of organizing general cleaning in groups, work in services (kitchen, castellan), on cleaning the territory and at the livestock complex, in order to form a respectful attitude to the work of workers. The use of incentive methods, the teachers' own example, the implementation of an individual approach helps to foster a positive attitude towards work in children.

If in working with younger children we are talking about the formation of various skills, then for the majority of older pupils these skills are formed, pupils of the 2nd group show independence and initiative in labor affairs. Educators paid a lot of attention to the issues of professional self-determination of graduates, legal education, the basics of life safety and a healthy lifestyle. The educators managed to achieve positive results in their work: the children have formed the basic vital skills and abilities. I am glad that the guys do not only self-service work, but also have the skill of agricultural labor: they take care of animals at the livestock complex, work on the preparation of feed for livestock, in the summer they work in the garden, are engaged in splitting firewood. I would like to hope that the skills learned in the orphanage will be useful to them in later life.

The orphanage has a system of economic incentives for the work of children. For various types of work (cleaning the territory, in a livestock brigade), children are given working hours and monthly wages are calculated. 10 hours a month for older students and 5 hours for younger students is compulsory and this time is not paid. For the time worked in excess of these hours, wages are calculated. For work without remarks in the livestock brigade, a bonus is awarded from 25 to 100 rubles per month. At the end of each month, a family council summarizes the results of the children's work.

Throughout the year, the pupils work on cleaning the territory, in the kitchen.

At the end of the year, the diagnostics of the study of the formation of work skills and attitudes towards it showed the following results:

· 20% are included in labor activity at the initiative of others;

· 45% bring the started business to the end;

· 12% rarely finish the job they have begun;

· 23% do not shy away from work.

Awareness of the need for labor:

· 34% are present;

· 54% present after clarification;

· 12% missing.

The analysis of these data shows that the labor skills of the older pupils are formed. Younger people are included in labor activity at the initiative of the educator.

All pupils are involved in a variety of extracurricular activities. There are circles "Bee", "Hostess", "Craftswoman", "Young animal breeder", "Skillful hands", "Merry notes", "Domestic studies".

Children willingly attend circles. An individual approach is required for each child, since it is difficult for a teacher to monitor the implementation of safety measures with a large number of children.

At the "Bee" circle, the pupils are engaged in the manufacture of handicrafts from paper, natural material, and got acquainted with the "origami" technique. Crafts made by children in class were presented for sale at the fair.

The "Hostess" circle was aimed at teaching children how to process preparations for the winter: pickled, made salads, jam.

The "Young Livestock Breeder" circle was created to develop skills and habits of work in the household. Introduces the rules of keeping and feeding cattle. The pupils monitored the growth and development of the bulls. At the end of each month, the animals were measured and the weight gain of the calves was calculated.

The "Skillful hands" circle is intended for making baskets, sledges, hatchets, boxes for potatoes, brooms, shovels by senior pupils. Younger pupils made pencil cases, photo frames, and were engaged in woodcarving.

6 sports sections were created: gymnastics, weightlifting, general physical training, outdoor sports games, table tennis, and a skating rink in winter.

The main areas of work are holidays, events (Teacher's Day, harvest festival - "Falling leaves conjure in the gardens again", New Year - "Showdown at the Christmas tree", March 8 - "All flowers and smiles to you", February 23 - " ", May 9 -" Let us bow to those great years ", June 1 Children's Day Adults and children participate together.

The "Household" circle includes: the formation of skills for self-service, the formation of the ability to plan family budget, spending money. Pupils need to know the sources of the budget, revenues and expenditures, the possibility of rational use of funds and ways to increase them. To be able to analyze the budget, determine the subsistence level, do not complicated economic calculations.

Thus, we examined the concepts of "adaptation" and "social adaptation". They found out that the goal of social adaptation is to instill in the child a sense of duty, social security and preparation for future adult life. The main mission of the orphanage is to prepare pupils for an independent life in modern society, but at present the level of this training cannot be considered sufficient. The success of their further life path will depend on how much the orphanage will be able to prepare the pupils for this independent life. Therefore, teachers need to form in children a "way of life worthy of a Human", which has three foundations "Good, Truth, Beauty". "A life worthy of a Man is a life that allows him to maximally realize the essential properties and the full completeness of functions characteristic only of a man as a representative of the highest stage of the biological world."

Social adaptation is an integral part of schooling. Depending on the conditions in which the school year of the first grader begins, the adaptation process for students always goes differently. The creation of favorable conditions for the adaptation of a child to school, taking into account the peculiarities of its manifestation, is the most important factor in ensuring continuity in its development. The progress of the process of social adaptation largely determines the performance of the first grader at the initial stage of education.

The concept of "social adaptation" in our country has been widely used since the mid-60s of the 20th century, however, this term itself was understood differently by different authors and therefore it has many definitions. In a general definition, social adaptation is a constant process of an individual's active adaptation to the conditions of the social environment, or the result of this process ..

The initial stage of being at school is a period of active social adaptation of the child to new conditions, but the formation of the social orientation of the student does not occur immediately. In order for the child to begin to realize that he is obliged to learn and in the learning process to change himself, assimilating social concepts, knowledge and ideas that exist in society, the child needs to move to a new level of relations both at school and in the family. This period for children 6-7 years old is problematic, because the child's parents begin to impose more stringent requirements on him compared to the preschool period, and relationships with peers can cause problems since the child does not yet have friends and therefore not all children easily go through the period of adaptation to learning. Social adaptation is a long-term process under the influence of the school collective and the child's family, a multifaceted and complex process in all its manifestations. The most important components of the social adaptation of children to schooling is the relationship with peers and adults. Upon entering school, a child is exposed to enormous social impact. In the course of social adaptation of a student, not only the environment affects the child, but he himself changes his attitude towards school. Within the framework of social adaptation, adaptation of a child at school and adaptation in relationships with parents can be distinguished.

Starting at the age of six, children spend more and more time with their peers. In the first weeks of schooling, a classy team begins to emerge among children 6-7 years old, which should be rallied through common activities and aspired, as V.A. Sukhomlinsky Sukhomlinsky V.A. Wise power of the collective (Methods of educating the collective) .- Moscow, "Young Guard", 1975. S. 67, into the future with the help of common interests and activities. The general educational activity and its organization, which is characteristic of the school, gradually rallies students into such groups, a distinctive feature of which is educational purposefulness. The school staff is of great importance for the social adaptation of the first grader. Under the influence of the collective, a higher type of social orientation of the personality is gradually formed in a child of primary school age. At primary school age, thanks to the team, the child begins to actively strive for the company of other children, begins to take an interest in the public affairs of his class, and seeks to determine his own place in the peer group, which contributes to the child's socialization.

The school team also contributes to the development of companionship between children. Relationships at this stage are established mainly on the basis of external circumstances: those who sit on the same desk or live on the same street are friends with each other. Sometimes more intimate relationships develop during joint study sessions or through group play. But it should be borne in mind that as soon as the game or joint work ends, the relationships that are tied up on their basis also disintegrate. However, comradeship gradually becomes more persistent, certain requirements arise for the personal qualities of a comrade. In communicating with peers in the process of educational, play and other types of activity, children gradually develop their first attachments, to some extent a change of subjective position to an objective one takes place (DB Elkonin DB Elkonin Mental development in childhood: Fav. Psycho. works in 7 volumes / Under the editorship of D.I. awareness of the need to be restrained, compliant, be able to help, etc. In the process of joint activities, first-graders choose each other as their comrades, establish friendly relations with each other, which contributes to successful social adaptation. Children who are actively involved in the adaptation process usually adapt well, feel comfortable among their peers and, as a rule, are capable of cooperation. ... )