Social and communicative development of children in the first junior group. Synopsis of the lesson on social and communicative development in the first junior group "Toys

Marina Dudkova
Forward planning on social and communicative development in the first younger group... Labor activity



1. Formation of K. G. N.

Game "We teach Tanya to hold a spoon correctly."

Purpose: to teach to keep a spoon in right hand chew food thoroughly. Activate words: spoon, right hand.

1. Self-service skills.

Game "Show Tanya how we wash our hands."

Purpose: To teach children how to wash their hands and dry with their own towel. Activate words: soap, foam, water, towel.

1. Labor assignment in the group. Game "Put your shoes on the shelf."

Purpose: to show the teacher to put shoes on the shelf after a walk; to educate labor skills.

1. Conversation about the work of adults.

Observation from the window at the work of the janitor.

Activate words: sweeps, collects, removes, takes out.


Didactic games for the formation of self-service skills.

Game "Let's teach Tanya to comb her hair."

Purpose: to teach children to use a comb, to tidy themselves up. Activate words: comb, mirror.

1. Examination of pictures with labor processes.

Observing the babysitting.

Purpose: to continue to monitor the nanny's work.

Activate words: cooked, set, cleaned, washed.

1. Instructions in the group. Game "Let's put things in order in the group."

Purpose: to show the teacher to clean up toys in places. Determine their place.

Activate words: set, add, assign.

1. Collective labor... Game "Let's put the chairs in their places."

Purpose: to teach children to put chairs together after class in their places.


1. Labor assignments. "Let's put the cubes in the basket."

Purpose: to teach children to build their own buildings according to the model and clean it up after playing; to educate labor skills.

1. Conversation about labor. Observing the babysitting.

Purpose: to teach to monitor the work of the nanny. Activate words: water, plates, cups.

1. Self-service skills. Teach children to put on pants, shorts, tights.

Purpose: to develop the labor activity of children, to teach how to dress consistently.

1. Collective labor. The game "Let's show Tanya the order in the corner corner".

Purpose: to develop labor activity, according to the show of the educator, to bring the work started to the end.


1. Assignment in the group. "Let's show Tanya a garage for a car."

Purpose: As a reminder from the caregiver, clean up large and small machines as they are assigned.

1. Consideration of pictures, conversations. Consider the painting "Let's Feed Tanya Dinner".

Purpose: to teach to name and recognize some dishes: porridge, soup, mashed potatoes, cutlet, compote, bread.

The game "Let's show Tanya how we put on our shoes."

Purpose: to continue to develop labor activity; train to properly wear shoes. 1. Labor in play corner... Game "Colored tracks".

Purpose: To learn to play with a building material, construct according to a model and name the shape of a building material. Remove the building to the place designated by the teacher.


1. Collective labor. Game "Let's help Tanya to fill the bed and sofa."

Purpose: to arouse children's interest in playing and playing together with an adult. labor activity, the ability to see the result of their work.

1. Labor assignments. Game "Dress your socks correctly."

Purpose: to help children put on socks after sleep; bring up the sequence of dressing.

1. Collective labor. The game "We remove the balls large and small."

Purpose: to teach to independently negotiate with peers on the performance of labor activities.

1. Labor assignments. Game "My towel".

Purpose: to foster the desire to hang your towel at the designated place.



1. Self-service skills. Using didactic aids for teaching button fastening.

Purpose: to explain and show how the buttons are fastened.

1. Formation of K. G. N. Game "Water, water, wash my face."

Purpose: to teach children to wash, to type water in the palm of their hand.

1. Labor assignments in the group. Find your chair game.

Purpose: formation of the importance of their own efforts to achieve a common result. 1. Conversations about adult labor. Observing the babysitting.

Purpose: to reinforce in children the idea that the nanny sets dishes and food for meals.


1. Self-service skills.

Objective: To continue teaching children to use the new headscarf as needed.

1. Examination of pictures with labor processes. Observation of the kitchen worker (from the window).

Purpose: To build the knowledge that kitchen workers prepare food for children.

1. Assignment in the group. Game "Let's put together the colored cubes (green and red) separately."

Purpose: to educate labor skills, to determine the destination.

1. Teamwork in the play corner. Place strollers for dolls in the play area.

Purpose: to see the result of your work.


1. Labor assignments.

Purpose: to teach how to clean the doll's dishes by definition (plates, cups, pots, spoons, forks).

1. Conversations about adult labor. Watching the nurse from the window.

Purpose: to acquaint with the profession of a nurse: she ups the children and prescribes a referral.

1. Self-service skills.

Purpose: to continue teaching children to use a napkin after eating, to wipe their mouths.

1. Collective labor. "Let's put the rubber and plastic balls."

Purpose: to acquaint with subject material; teach to remove balls in places.


1. Instructions in the group. Game "Put the doll in order."

Purpose: to teach to follow the appearance of the doll.

1. Conversations, viewing pictures. Consider the picture "Tanya is a cook".

Purpose: to continue to introduce the chef to the profession (prepares lunch, brings vegetables).

1. Didactic games for the formation of self-service.

Purpose: to teach you how to take off your socks and sandals yourself before going to bed.

1. Work in the play corner. The game "Let's take away small toys".

Purpose: to teach how to put away toys at a place designated by the teacher.


1. Collective labor “We clean it ourselves”.

Purpose: to foster the desire to remove a large lego to the place designated by the educator. 1. Labor assignments. Game "Assignment".

Purpose: to teach you to put your toys in place, to follow the instructions of the teacher.

1. Collective labor.

Purpose: to offer to clean up after playing with musical instruments to the place designated by the teacher.

1. Labor assignments. Game "I am the most agile".

Purpose: to cultivate the desire to define sport equipment to the place designated by the educator.




1. Formation of K. G. N. "Let's show the bear how to wash his hands correctly."

Purpose: to learn how to lather hands with soap until foam forms, rinse with water to the end. 1. Labor assignments. "Let's arrange our chairs before class"

Purpose: to determine your place according to the instructions of the teacher.

1. Conversation about labor. "Observing the nanny's labor."

Purpose: to form knowledge about the work of a nanny - she tucks clean bed linen.


1. Examination of pictures with labor processes. Consider the picture "Tanya is our nurse".

Purpose: to acquaint children with medical terms (iodine, brilliant green, bandage).

1. Instructions in the group.

Purpose: to teach children to fold books neatly in a place designated by the teacher. 1. Collective labor. "Removing the flower meadow."

Purpose: to continue teaching how to remove a large mosaic in a place designated by the teacher.


1. Conversations about adult labor.

Conversation about the work of a carpenter.

Purpose: to acquaint with the work of a carpenter: he repairs broken chairs for children.

1. Self-service skills. Didactic aids for fastening the Velcro.

Purpose: to foster interest in the labor process.

1. Collective labor. Purpose: To help the teacher put together a methodological guide after a lesson on artistic and aesthetic development.


1. Labor processes in viewing pictures. Consider the picture "Misha is building a house."

Purpose: to acquaint with the profession of a builder; teach to answer the teacher's questions.

"Fasten a button on the doll Tanya."

Purpose: to teach children to fasten buttons using the example of the Tanya doll; accompany with explanation and training.

1. Work in the play corner.

Purpose: to put the dollware in a certain place, defining it to the place designated by the educator.


1. Collective labor.

Purpose: Arouse the desire to put things in order in sports corner... Learn to see the result of your work.

1. Labor assignments. Instruct the boys to determine the place for the large wheelchairs.

Purpose: to teach to put things in order in your corner.

1. Collective labor. Suggest, together with the teacher, to put things in order in the theater corner.

Purpose: to teach the characters to put toys on the place designated by the teacher.



1. Games to form K. G. N.

Purpose: to teach you to put your things neatly in the locker after a walk; consolidate labor skills.

1. Self-service game. Finger game "My hands".

Purpose: to rhythmically wipe your palms, simulating hand washing, and so on.

1. Labor assignments. "Let's put our shoes by the crib."

Purpose: by showing the educator to consolidate the ability to put shoes on the place designated by the educator.

1. Didactic games and conversations about adult labor. Observing the work of the janitor (from the window).

Purpose: to continue to acquaint with the profession of a janitor: he removes garbage on the site.


1. Didactic games for the formation of self-service skills. The game "Doll Tanya is brushing her teeth."

Purpose: to teach children to brush their teeth in the morning using the example of a doll.

1. Examination of pictures with labor processes. Consider the picture "Doll Tanya - Mom".

Purpose: to continue to acquaint with the labor actions of their loved ones.

1. Instructions in the group. Arrange large and small mosaics in boxes.

Purpose: to lead children to a work situation in which a choice is required.

Purpose: together with the educator, spread the benefit to the designated place.


1. Assignment in the group. Instruct the girls to clean up their lockers.

Purpose: to teach you how to fold things neatly.

1. Conversations about adult labor. Supervision of the builder (pictures).

Purpose: to teach how to answer the teacher's question "What is needed for work."

1. Self-service skills.

Objective: To continue teaching children to use the napkin after a meal.

1. Collective labor. Walking through the group.

Purpose: to continue to introduce children to the order in the group; to summon joyful mood from feasible help.


1. Assignment in the group. Pyramid games.

Purpose: to induce the desire to determine the place designated by the educator.

1. Conversations, examining pictures with labor processes. Examination of the pictures "Misha is a chauffeur".

Purpose: to continue to acquaint with the profession of the driver and his labor actions.

1. Didactic games for the formation of self-service skills. Game "Look at yourself".

Purpose: to define your appearance in the mirror.

1. Work in the play corner.

Purpose: to help the educator in the distribution of color mosaics; arouse the desire to work.


1. Collective labor. Game "Let's collect snowflakes in a basket."

Purpose: to teach children to carry out simple assignments.

1. Labor assignments. "Let's prepare a treat for Tanya."

Purpose: to teach to carry out assignments at the initiative of children, to take care of their toys.

1. Collective labor. "Let's help Tanya collect toys in the locker."

Purpose: to develop skills of safe actions.

1. Labor assignments. "Let's help Misha put the cars in the garage (boys)."

Purpose: to teach boys to clean cars in their garage.





1. Labor assignments in the group. "We'll bring toys to Tanya doll."

Purpose: to form and distribute work assignments between peers.

1. Didactic formation games. Conversations about adult labor.

Conversation "A car has arrived for rubbish."

Purpose: to teach to keep an eye on the car: it removes debris on the site. The driver is behind the wheel.


1. Instructions in the group. "Let's wash Tanya's bed linen."

Purpose: to teach to use toys - substitutes, to distribute work assignments, to bring the work started to the end.

1. Teamwork in the play corner. "Let's show Misha the order in the building corner."

Purpose: to continue teaching the ability to carry out work assignments.


1. Self-service skills.

Purpose: to continue teaching children to wash properly, wash their hands and face, dry with a towel.

1. Collective labor. The game "The cubes are scattered".

Purpose: to develop interest in the actions of the educator, the desire to actively help adults.


1. Didactic games for the formation of self-service skills.

Purpose: using didactic aids to teach children to lace up shoes - to tie knots. 1. Work in the play corner. "Let's build a room for Tanya doll."

Purpose: to form labor skills, to teach how to identify pieces of furniture at the place designated by the teacher.


1. Collective labor. Game "Mom's helpers".

Purpose: to interest girls in joint labor actions, a desire to please their loved ones.

1. Labor assignments. Game "Let's help Tanya set the table."

Purpose: to teach to provide all possible assistance when setting the table. Strengthen labor skills.



1. Self-service games. Teaching aids fasteners, zippers.

Purpose: to consolidate the ability to fasten fasteners, zippers.

1. Games for the formation of CGN.

Objective: To continue teaching children how to use a towel as needed.

1. Labor assignments in the group. Help the nanny to arrange the chairs on the carpet for the class.

Purpose: to provide all possible help.

1. Conversations about adult labor. Conversation about the work of a builder.

Purpose: to continue to acquaint with the profession of the builder; to clarify what items of tools the builder uses.


1. Didactic games for the formation of self-service skills.

Purpose: to teach children to monitor their appearance throughout the day, to enjoy clean clothes.

1. Examination of pictures with labor processes. Observing the work of the janitor (from the window) - he removes snow on the site in large piles.

Purpose: to foster a desire to help elders.

1. Labor assignments in the group. Help the teacher get the chairs back to their places at the table.

Purpose: to carry out labor orders; see the result of your work.

1. Teamwork in the play corner.

Purpose: to lay out colored pencils in certain places designated by the teacher.


1. Labor assignments in the group. Game "We will help Misha".

Purpose: to strengthen the desire to help Misha build a house for his friends, to remove the benefit after the game. 1. Conversations about adult labor. Talking about babysitting - she makes the beds after sleeping.

Purpose: to teach to monitor the work of the nanny; foster respect for the work of a nanny. 1. Self-service skills.

Purpose: to teach children to ask an adult to help eliminate imperfections in their appearance.

1. Collective labor.

Purpose: to help the teacher wash the jars after the paint, and identify them in the places indicated by the teacher.


1. Instructions in the group. Define your locker.

Objective: To continue teaching children to identify their locker and their belongings.

1. Conversations, examining pictures with labor processes. Examining the picture "Tanya is feeding the pigeons."

Purpose: to feel feelings of kindness for our smaller brothers.

1. Didactic games for the formation of self-service skills.

Purpose: to teach children to contact an adult with a request to help eliminate imperfections - to comb their hair.

1. Work in the play corner.

Purpose: instruct the boys to clean construction material to the place designated by the educator.


1. Collective labor. We will place the toys on the bench.

Purpose: to consolidate work skills, the ability to place toys consistently on the bench.

1. Labor assignments. Collect toys using trucks.

Purpose: to develop feasible work skills.

1. Collective labor.

Purpose: to form in children respect to things, toys, to notice the disorder and on their own initiative to remove it.

1. Labor assignments. Let's collect the paper under the table.

Purpose: to continue to foster interest in work.



1. Self-service games.

Purpose: while undressing before going to bed, continue to learn to take off your dress or shirt, then shoes and hang on a chair.

1. Game for the formation of K. G. N.

Objective: To continue learning how to use soap and put it back in the soap dish.

1. Labor assignments in the group.

Purpose: instruct the girls to help the teacher wipe with a wet cloth in the corner of the toys.




1. Didactic games for the formation of self-service skills.

Purpose: to continue teaching to hang things neatly (dresses and a shirt on the back of a chair, and pantyhose, socks and shorts to fold on the seat of a chair.

1. Examination of pictures with labor processes. Examination of the painting "Who is doing what?"

Purpose: to consider the picture and determine the work assignments of their loved ones.

1. Instructions in the group.

Purpose: instruct the boys to wipe the building material with a damp cloth.


1. Labor assignments in the group. Game "Toys know their place".

Purpose: to attract attention that toys are in disarray; arouse the desire to help the toys find their place.

1. Conversations about adult labor. "We will help Tanya to recover."

Purpose: to determine what a doctor is needed for this process; to consolidate knowledge about the profession of a doctor.

1. Self-service skills.

Objective: To continue teaching children to find their towel and hang it in place.


1. Instructions in the group. Game "What happened to Tanya?"

Purpose: to continue teaching children to follow the appearance of the doll; develop work skills.

1. Conversations, examining pictures with labor processes. Consider the picture "Mom in the Store".

Purpose: to consolidate knowledge about the profession of a seller: he sells products for the whole family.

1. Didactic games for self-service. The game "Yes or no".

Purpose: To continue teaching children how to answer the teacher's questions:

V kindergarten kids are playing?

Do the children clean the toys?

Do the children wash their faces?

Do children walk on the site?

Help the teacher?


1. Collective labor. Game "Clothes messed up".

Purpose: to teach how to distribute items of clothing, depending on its purpose.

1. Labor assignments. Provide assistance to the teacher "Dress the doll Tanya for a walk."

Purpose: to continue teaching how to dress the doll consistently.

1. Collective labor.

Purpose: to help clean up toys in the music corner in the places designated by the teacher



1. Self-service game. Making riddles: about a towel, soap, a comb, as about objects of the surrounding world.

Purpose: to teach riddles to guess.

1. Games for the formation of K. G. N. Game "What are these objects doing?"

Purpose: to give children an idea of ​​the objects around us: we eat with a spoon, pour a ladle, drink from a cup.

1. Labor assignments in the group. The game "Suddenly the dishes ran away."

Purpose: to teach to find a place designated by the teacher for dishes.

1. Didactic games, conversations about adult labor. "Why did the toys leave the group?" (look at the pictures).

Purpose: to continue teaching children how to clean up the group.


1. Didactic games for self-service.

Purpose: to teach children to self-serve themselves after sleep: put on socks, tights and shoes.

1. Examination of pictures with labor processes. Examining the painting "Children feed hen and chickens."

Purpose: to give children a characterization of poultry; to teach to take care, to carry out labor skills.

1. Assignment in the group.

Purpose: to invite the girls to prepare outfits for Tanya - to iron the doll's clothes; develop work skills.

1. Collective labor. Arrange the sheets of paper for the lesson on the shelves.

Purpose: to teach to find a place designated by the teacher.


1. Labor assignments in the group. "Who feeds us."

Purpose: to foster a caring attitude towards the work of a nanny - not crumbling crumbs under the table. 1. Conversations about adult labor. Consider the tool (hammer - knock, saw - saw, shovel - dig, broom - sweep).

Purpose: to expand knowledge about the objects of the surrounding world.

1. Self-service skills.

Purpose: to continue teaching children to partially and independently dress for a walk, seek help from a teacher.

1. Collective labor.

Purpose: to teach how to help the teacher wash the dishes for Tanya's doll using substitute items.


1. Instructions in the group.

Objective: instruct the boys to repair cars using the right material.

1. Conversations about labor processes "They dropped the bear on the floor, tore off the bear's paw." Answer the question: who will cure the bear?

Objective: to continue to introduce children to the profession of a doctor.

1. Didactic games for self-service.

Purpose: to continue teaching children to take off their shoes after a walk and put them on the shelf.

1. Work in the play corner. Place furniture for Tanya's doll in its place.

Purpose: to continue teaching to maintain order.


1. Collective labor. Planting onions.

Purpose: to involve children in planting onions, to provide all possible help.

1. Labor assignments. Involve children in watering onions.

Purpose: to provide all possible help - to water the planted onions.

1. Collective labor. Help with watering garden plants on the windowsill.

Purpose: to induce the desire to care for the plants.

1. Labor assignments.

Purpose: to teach to help the nanny to arrange breadbaskets under the bread, to lay out spoons. Read poems by E. Blaginina "To Have Lunch".




1. Didactic games for the formation of self-service skills, conversations about the work of adults. Examination of the painting "Grandmother knits clothes."

Purpose: to acquaint children with the content of the picture; to cultivate a benevolent attitude towards work of elders and close people.


1. Teamwork in the corner.

Purpose: to foster a desire to help in putting things in order in the corner: to arrange toys in the places determined by the teacher; to form labor skills.


1. Teamwork in a corner of nature. Providing assistance to the educator in caring for seedlings of horticultural crops.

Purpose: to teach to water gently from a watering can.


1. Work in the play corner.

Purpose: to foster the desire to help the teacher in putting things in order in the sports corner, to place the manual in the places designated by the teacher.


1. Labor assignments. Didactic game "Assignment".

Purpose: to consolidate the ability to put things in order in your locker, neatly fold things and put shoes on the shelf after a walk.


1) Agafonova L. P. - "Complex - thematic planning under the program "Childhood" I junior group ", Volgograd, publishing house Uchitel, 2013.

2) Babaeva T. I. - "The main general educational program preschool education"Childhood" ", publishing house" Childhood-PRESS ", 2013

3) Golitsyna I. S. - "Perspective planning in kindergarten I junior group", 2013.

Summary of social and communicative classes in kindergarten for younger children preschool age"Kindergarten"

Target: Formation in children of primary ideas about the work of adults in kindergarten.
-to cultivate respect for people of any profession;
- to expand and enrich children's ideas about the labor actions of people working in kindergarten and the results of their labor;
- to form the idea of ​​children about the profession of a cook, the items necessary for his work.
- develop observation, visual and auditory attention, cognitive interest, through the inclusion of various game tasks, fine motor skills;
- develop coherent speech.
Modern educational technologies:
-developmental training (didactic game "What's superfluous?)
-health-saving technologies (physical education "Cook")
-ICT (TsOR: video recording of the cartoon "Three kittens", "Let's go to kindergarten"; presentation virtual travel)
Methods and techniques:
Visual: watching a video clip of the m / f "Three kittens", "Let's go to kindergarten"; presentation of the virtual travel "Cook"; considering cards and tools needed for different professions.
Verbal: explanation, clarification of the educator, questions to the children.
Materials and equipment: laptop; multimedia projector; video clip of the film "Three Kittens", "Let's Go to Kindergarten"; presentation of the virtual travel "Cook"; 10 baby dolls; dolls "Cook", "Educator", "Nanny"; ten small toys; dinnerware set: knife, board, ladle, saucepan, frying pan, stove; cards depicting items necessary for the work of a teacher; female; bucket; basket.

Course of the lesson:

I Organizational moment
(Children enter)
-Hello guys! (Answers of children)
-Do you guys like to watch cartoons? (Answers of children)
- I also like to watch cartoons, my favorite is about kittens. Want to watch it? (Answers of children)
-Sit down, we'll watch.
(The teacher offers the children a video clip of the film Three Kittens, Let's Go to Kindergarten.)
II Preparation for the development of software material, through the updating of basic knowledge
Tasks: contribute to the development cognitive activities children, through solving a problem situation.
Motivation: invite children to play "Kindergarten" and show what children and adults are doing there.
Kitten 1: What is kindergarten? It's like a garden in the country. Where apple trees grow with apples. There, what do children weigh in the trees instead of apples?
Kitten 2: No. It is in the apple orchard that apples weigh on the trees. And in kindergarten no one hangs out. There…
- Oh, guys, the TV is broken. What do you think the kitten said to its brother? (Answers of children)
-Would you like to play the game "Kindergarten"? (Answers of children)
(The teacher shows large box with baby dolls and small toys)
-Guys, look what beautiful box, want to know what lies there? (Answers of children)
-Look how many dolls are there, what are they? (Answers of children)
- Do you think these are dolls - children, or adults? (Answers of children)
- The dolls will be children, and you are their parents. Take your children and take them to kindergarten.
- A kindergarten is a home for children and adults. Here we will have a kindergarten.
(Children seat the dolls)
- What do children like to do most in kindergarten? (Answers of children)
-Kids love to play with toys. Maybe there are toys in the box?
-Would you like to see?
- Choose the toy you like and give it to your kids.
- There are many children in kindergarten, but can they play themselves without adults? (Answers of children)
-Who plays, is involved with you in kindergarten? (Answers of children)
(The teacher invites the children to the table where the dolls "Cook", "Educator", "Nanny" are lying)
Look, there are still dolls here. Which one do you think can be a caregiver?
(The children find the "educator" doll.)
- So we have a teacher, Masha, take her to kindergarten.
(The child puts the "educator" doll next to the little dolls)
- Do you know what items a teacher needs for work? (Answers of children) Find them on the cards, name them and put them in your purse.
(Children find the necessary cards, put them in their purses, take them to the educator doll)
-Who helps the teacher? (Answers of children)
- Look, is she here? Who is this? (Answers of children)
(Children find a nanny doll and sit next to the little dolls.)
-Why, you decided that she is the assistant teacher. (Answers of children)
- Find pictures of items that the nanny needs to work and put in her bucket.
III Acquaintance with new material
Tasks: To acquaint children with the profession of a cook, labor processes, with objects - assistants.
-Guys, we still have a doll, who do you think it is? (Answers of children)
- Chef, why did you decide so? (Answers of children)
(Children put the cook in the "Kindergarten")
-There is a cook in our kindergarten.
-Where does the chef work, you know? (Answers of children)
-In the kitchen, have you ever been in the kitchen, saw how the cook prepares food?
(Answers of children)
- Would you like to see. (Answers of children)
- Sit down and watch.
(Virtual tour of the kitchen)
-Did you like the excursion?
-What did the cook cook in the kitchen?
-Do you want to turn into a cook and cook delicious porridge?

In our group today
There will be a new game!
All the girls are cooks
And the boys are cooks.
We cook porridge in the morning.

Physical education "Cook"
Let's take a saucepan
Let's pour milk: ss!
Let's put it on the stove - bloom!
Let's turn on the gas - chick!
Let's light a match - teal!
Let's pour in salt - blast!
Let's pour in the sugar - blast!
Let's interfere - vzh-vzh!
Milk has boiled - boole-boole-boole!
Let's fill in the groats - shh!
Porridge is being cooked - puff-puff-puff!
Turned off, opened the lid - ah!
What a delicious porridge.
IV Primary comprehension and consolidation of the material in practice
Task: to consolidate the knowledge of children about the profession of a cook, about the items necessary for his work.
- In what pots did the cook in the kitchen cook dinner? (Answers of children)
- Are the utensils in the kindergarten kitchen as small as at home? (Answers of children)
Why do you think the chef prepares food in large pots? (Answers of children)
-What are they standing on large pans, and the food is being cooked? (Answers of children)
-Where is food stored in the kitchen? (Answers of children)
-Does the cook have a hard job or an easy job? (Answers of children)
- Do you know what help items a cook needs in the kitchen? (Answers of children)
-Choose and put items helpers in the basket, carry the chef to our kindergarten.
(Children choose items, name them, put them in a basket.)
V Summing up the organized activity
Here we have a kindergarten - a home for adults and children. Here are the children, and here are the adults who work in the kindergarten. So who works in the kindergarten? (Answers of children)
- I was interested with you, and you? I give you a cartoon about kittens. When the TV is repaired, you can watch it to the end.

Abstract of GCD

on social and communicative development

children in the first junior group

Golden autumn

The purpose of the lesson: Develop in children moral foundations joyful and life-affirming worldview, help to notice the beauty of nature in different time of the year.

Tasks: Strengthen the ability to behave correctly in nature (admire the beauty of nature, observe plants and animals without harming them). To cultivate a respectful attitude towards nature, the ability to admire it. Form the foundations ecological culture... Form the readiness of children to joint activities... Develop children's imagination.

Integration with educational areas:

Social communicative development: To continue to foster love for their native land, to tell children about beautiful places native land. Foster friendly relationships between children. The habit of playing together. To foster organization, collectivism.

Cognitive development: Teach children to notice changes in nature.

Speech development: Improve speech as a means of communication. Continue work on enriching the everyday, natural history dictionary. Continue to teach children to listen to poems, to correctly perceive the content of the work. Teach children to listen to the rhythm and melody of a poetic text. To draw the attention of children to expressive means (figurative words and expressions, epithets, comparisons); help to feel the beauty and expressiveness of the language of the work; instill sensitivity to poetic word.

Artistically aesthetic development: Development of emotional sensitivity, emotional response to literary and musical works. Form a musical culture based on familiarity with classical music... Fostering the desire and ability to interact with peers when creating collective works.

Physical development: Ensure the realization of the biological needs of children for physical activity.

Preliminary work: Creation of the poster "Protect the forest!" Suggest at home, together with the elders, to discuss the rules of conduct in the forest, then spend in a group round table on this topic. Arrange an exhibition of drawings "Autumn Forest".

Equipment and materials: A projector for displaying photographs and illustrations, a music center with recording of musical compositions "Autumn" (lyrics by A. Pleshcheev, music by P. Tchaikovsky) and "Autumn Song" (music by P. Tchaikovsky, cycle "Seasons" , October), a bright large umbrella, an easel with a sheet for teamwork, paints, brushes.

Course of the lesson:

Educator: “Hello guys. Today I want to show you how amazing the world we live in is. We will see photographs taken in and around our city. And you will see how beautiful our motherland especially golden in autumn. "

Reading and showing illustrations of the poem by Ivan Alexandrovich Bunin “The forest, as if we were looking at a painted ...»

The forest, as if we are looking at a painted one,

Purple, gold, crimson,

With a cheerful, colorful wall

Stands over a bright glade.

Birch trees with yellow carvings

Shine in azure blue;

How the Christmas tree towers darken

And between the maples turn blue

Here and there in the foliage through

Clearances to the sky that little windows ...

The teacher asks the children what the poet compares to the forest in golden autumn. Why does he call the forest not yellow and red, but gold and crimson (the leaves are illuminated by the sun). In the discussion, the teacher leads the children to the fact that this beauty must be protected.

Play exercise"Not really". How to behave in the forest. We play - we reason.

Educator: “To preserve the beauty of the forest, you must follow the rules of behavior in nature. Let's make sure you know them. I will name options for behavior, and you only clap your hands when you agree. And so, in the forest it is necessary:

Make a fire anywhere. Don't make a fire.

Throwing trash, breaking glass. Don't leave trash in the forest.

Breaking trees. Cover the wound on the tree with special mastic or clay.

Do not make noise in the forest, do not disturb forest dwellers. Make noise, destroy bird nests, anthills, carry forest dwellers into the city.

Picking up plants listed in the Red Book. Collect fallen leaves for autumn bouquet, fallen twigs, cones, acorns for crafts, edible mushrooms and berries, without damaging the plants and myceliums. "

The game "Rain and Umbrella".

Educator: “Now that we have remembered the rules of behavior in nature, I invite you for a walk in the forest. But first, guess the riddles.

Above me, above you

A bag of water flew by.

I ran into a distant forest

Loose and disappeared. (Cloud, cloud.)

If it starts to rain -

As a flower blooms.

If the rain stops -

It will shrink and wither. (Umbrella.)

What will we take with us to hide from the rain? See how bright and big I have. Let's play with him.

As soon as I say: "Oh, it's raining!" - Run to me under the umbrella.

Autumn walks along the path

I wet my legs in the puddles.

It rains and there is no gap.

The summer was lost somewhere. (Children quietly walk along the paths, look around. At a signal, they run under an umbrella.)

Autumn is walking, autumn is walking.

The wind dropped the leaves from the maple.

A new rug under your feet

Yellow-pink maple. (Children play with fallen leaves. They kick them with their feet, throw them up with their hands. At the signal, they run under an umbrella.) "

Joint drawing "Golden Autumn". Moose. accompaniment: "Autumn" (lyrics by A. Pleshcheev, music by P. Tchaikovsky). Educator: “So we walked through the autumn forest. We saw what beautiful, bright trees stand. And our birch tree outside the window is just wonderful. Look at her. What is she like? (Beautiful, bright, golden, fluffy.) And on the easel, the picture is not finished. She's boring. I started drawing it and did not have time to finish. Will you help me? What do you think is missing? What paints are needed? " In the course of drawing, the teacher recalls the ability to give in, negotiate. Helps to set the order, draws attention to that everyone wants to draw, praises for patience, ability to wait. In conclusion, the teacher says: “Look how our picture has played with colors. She has become completely different. Which? What do you like about her? "

idactic exercise "What does a cloud look like?"
Educator: “What is painted in the sky in our picture? Yes, the clouds that tried to interfere with our walk. Listen to the poem. " After reading the poem, the teacher shows the children photographs of the autumn sky with clouds and invites them to say what they look like.

A cloud of a cat, a tail with a pipe,

A cloud with a long beard

A cloud of a horse, a cloud of a beetle ...

And there are two hundred of them in total.

The poor clouds are very crowded

There is no place for clouds in the sky.

All two hundred will quarrel,

And then they will cry together.

And the people are shouting below:

"Run away, it's raining!" ("It is raining", D. Lukich.)

Game exercise "A beautiful autumn leaf is spinning in the wind." Moose. accompaniment: "Autumn Song" (music by PI Tchaikovsky, cycle "Seasons", October). Educator: “What sad music. I just want to smoothly circle under it like an autumn leaf falling from a tree. It almost fell, then the breeze picked it up again ... I turn you into autumn leaves... Let's show how they are spinning in the wind. "

Bottom line. Educator: “It's sad that all the leaves will fall off, but the world is always beautiful, and there is merry winter with snow and various fun. You just need to think about who might need our help in winter. It is imperative to make additional bird feeders. " At the end, the teacher thanks the children for the lesson and informs the topic of the next meeting.


    Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education.

    Smirnova E.O. "Communication of preschoolers with adults and peers", M., 2012.

    L. L. Shevchenko GOOD WORLD. Orthodox culture for babies. Toolkit... - M .: Support Center for the cultural and historical traditions of the Fatherland, 2012.

    “1000 riddles. A popular guide for parents and educators. " - Yaroslavl: "Development Academy", 1997.

    Pavlova L. Yu. “Collection of didactic games for acquaintance with the surrounding world. For work with children 4 - 7 years old. " - M .: MOSAIC - SYNTHESIS, 2011.

    "Seasons. Poems and stories about nature, riddles. " - M .: Det. lit., 1999

Used materials and Internet resources

    A positive world / what clouds are like.

    Musical work "Autumn Song" (music by PI Tchaikovsky, cycle "Seasons", October).

    Musical work "Autumn" (lyrics by A. Pleshcheev, music by P. Tchaikovsky).

    Photo autumn forest executed personally by the author of this abstract.

Organization of activities in the first junior group of a kindergarten in the educational area "Social and communicative development" (children 2-3 years old)


  • To bring up in children a kind, caring attitude towards adults and peers;

  • Form the concept of "boy-girl".

  • Promote the development of speech as a means of communication with peers and adults;

  • Replenish children's vocabulary and activate it in speech.

  • Form an idea of ​​the surrounding space, the ability to navigate in it.

  • Introduce some types of transport ( Ambulance, fire engine, truck, bus).

  • Form an idea of ​​what is useful and what is harmful to human health.

  • To form in children the ability to self-service themselves;

  • Form a primary understanding of adult labor;

  • Teach adults to do verbal assignments.
Implementation educational work on social and communicative development of children 2-3 years old

Socialization, development of communication, moral education

To form in children the experience of behavior in the environment of peers, to foster a feeling of sympathy for them.

Promote the accumulation of experience of friendly relationships with peers, foster emotional responsiveness (draw the attention of children to the child who has shown concern for a friend, encourage the ability to regret, sympathize).

Bring up negative attitude to rudeness, greed; develop the ability to play not

quarreling, help each other and rejoice together in success, beautiful toys, etc.

To educate the elementary skills of polite treatment: to say hello, to say goodbye, to make a request calmly, using the words "thank you" and "please." To form the ability to behave calmly indoors and outdoors: not to make noise, not to run, to fulfill the request of an adult.

To cultivate an attentive attitude and love for parents and loved ones.

To teach children not to interrupt the speaking adult, to form the ability to wait if the adult is busy.

Child in family and community

The image of I. Form in children elementary representations about yourself, about changing your

social status (growing up) in connection with the beginning of attending kindergarten; anchor

the ability to say your name.

To form in each child the confidence that he, like all children, is loved, about him

care; show respect for the interests of the child, his needs, desires, opportunities.

A family. To cultivate an attentive attitude towards parents and loved ones. Encourage the ability to tell the names of your family members.

Kindergarten. Develop ideas about positive aspects kindergarten, its community with home (warmth, comfort, love, etc.) and differences from home furnishings(more friends, toys, independence, etc.).

To draw the attention of children to what clean, bright room they play in, how many bright, beautiful toys how neatly the cribs are tucked in. On a walk, draw

children's attention to beautiful plants, equipment of the site, convenient for games and recreation.

To develop the ability to navigate in the group room, on the site.

Self-service, independence, labor education

Education of cultural and hygienic skills. Form a habit (first under

supervised by an adult, and then independently) wash your hands as they become dirty and before eating, dry your face and hands with a personal towel.

Teach with the help of an adult to put yourself in order; enjoy individual

objects (handkerchief, napkin, towel, comb, pot).

Form the ability to properly hold a spoon while eating.

Self-service. Teach children to dress and undress in a specific order; at

a little help from an adult to remove clothes, shoes (unfasten buttons in front,

Velcro fasteners); in a certain order, neatly fold the removed clothes.

To teach to be neat.

Socially useful work. To involve children in performing the simplest labor actions: together with an adult and under his control, arrange bread bins (without bread), napkin holders, lay out spoons, etc.

To teach to maintain order in playroom, at the end of the games, place game material in places.

Respect for adult work ... Encourage children's interest in adult activities. Pay attention to what and how an adult does (how he cares for plants (watering) and animals (feeding); how a janitor sweeps a yard, removes snow; how a carpenter repairs a gazebo, etc.), why he performs certain actions ...

Formation of the foundations of security

Safe behavior in nature. Introduce the basic rules of safe

behavior in nature (do not approach unfamiliar animals, do not stroke them, do not tease; do not tear or take plants in your mouth, etc.).

Road safety. To form primary ideas about cars, street, road.

Introduce some types of vehicles.

Safety of your own life. To acquaint with the objective world and the rules of safe handling of objects.

To acquaint with the concepts "can - not", "dangerous".

Form ideas about the rules safe behavior in games with sand and water (do not drink water, do not throw sand, etc.).

Labor activities (the teacher's assistant washes the dishes, brings food, changes towels).

Development of gaming activities

A special direction pedagogical work with kids early age is an

the formation of game activity.

Play as a form of childlike activity permeates different kinds activities of young children. V modern pedagogy various types of children's games are distinguished: fun games, didactic games, games with plot toys, dramatization games.

V pedagogical process the game should pay special attention to:

Elements of the game should be included in all types of interaction between a teacher and children;

Play should be the main form of organizing various types of children's activities;

During the day, there should be special times for a variety of games.

An approximate model of the organization of activities in the educational area “social and communicative development in the first junior group.



Cooperative activity

with a teacher

Independent activities of children

Family activities

Examination of objects and communication with the teacher.

Examination of illustrations, posters.

Consideration of plot pictures

Reading nursery rhymes.

Reading works of fiction

Children's games with objects.

Situation games

Didactic games

Plot- role-playing games

Educator stories

Board games

Builder games.

Observing the work of a nanny, a janitor.


Labor assignments.

Acquaintance with fiction.

Examination of illustrations, pictures.

Examining pictures

Communication with the teacher.

Examining illustrations

Situation games

Didactic games

Observing the work of a nanny, educator, music worker.

Observing older children playing.

A journey through the kindergarten.

Role-playing games

Consideration of the algorithms for the sequence of dressing for a walk, undressing after a walk, washing.

The teacher's story about dangerous items used by people

Examining books.

Examination of illustrations, photographs, albums Examination of subject pictures.

Cut pictures.

Games with objects.

Board games.

Building games: games - inserts, rolling balls.

Storyline - role-playing games


Assistance in the manufacture of attributes for games.

Conversations with parents

Sliding folders


Joint activities with children.

2.1.2. Cognitive development.

Target cognitive development determined by the Federal State Educational Standard of DO - the formation of cognitive motivation in children.

Directions of the cognitive development of children:

Sensory development of children (color, shape, size);

Formation of ideas about the Russian folk culture and traditions.

Formation of elementary mathematical representations,

Formation of a holistic picture of the world, broadening the horizons of children.

Organization educational activities on the cognitive development of children 2-3 years old


To acquaint children with sensory standards;

Exercise in establishing the color, shape, size of objects, their properties and qualities;

To improve the perception of children, the ability to actively use touch, sight, hearing in cognitive research activities;

Formation of elementary mathematical concepts: a lot - a little, one - a lot, one or two;

To acquaint children with the objects of the immediate environment and actions with them, expand the horizons of a holistic picture of the world.

Remind children of the name of the city in which they live.
Organization and implementation of educational activities for the cognitive development of children 2-3 years old of the educational field "Cognitive development"

Subject activity and cognitive abilities

At an early age, the cognitive development of the child is carried out within the framework of the subject

activities. Object-related activity at an early age determines, i.e. "Leads" mental development, which is why it is called the leading one. It was during substantive activity the most favorable conditions are created for the development of the most important abilities, skills and personal qualities of the child - speech, thinking, cognitive activity, purposefulness and independence. Therefore, the creation optimal conditions to enrich and develop a variety of actions with objects - the first task educational process in young years.

In this area of ​​development, several directions can be distinguished.

First of all, this is the development of culturally normalized, practical and instrumental actions.

A special task facing the teacher in the framework of subject activity is mastering

household and self-service skills. Gun action kid

masters not only in Everyday life, but also in the process of individual and joint games and activities with an adult.

Joint activities should not be imposed on the child. The teacher responds to the kid's request for help, connects to his game, helps to overcome difficulties. He can help the child to properly coordinate and distribute their actions. In this case, you should not perform actions for the baby, it is important that the child learns himself to highlight the necessary properties of objects, for example, to select and connect parts of a pyramid or matryoshka in the right order. Provider tips should not be directive. The child should be problematized, given the opportunity for his own attempts, freedom of action. The adult encourages the child's actions, praises him. You should reasonably combine the joint activities of a child with an adult and independent activity baby. The teacher should offer the child types of activities that correspond to his skills, identify the "zone of proximal development" and create conditions for mastering more complex actions... When organizing joint activities, first of all, it is necessary to interest the baby, to support his desire to act with the object, without forcing him to accurately reproduce the pattern of action.

The next task of educators in the framework of substantive activity is development in children

cognitive activity. Teachers create conditions for familiarizing children with the world around them, enriching children with impressions and for child experimentation... Educators should support the curiosity of children, encourage any expression of interest

The most important area of ​​cognitive development at an early age is

improvement of all cognitive processes- perception, attention, memory and

visual-action thinking.

The next pedagogical task of this direction of child development is

the formation of purposefulness and independence in objective activity.

Cognitive development of young children, covers different aspects of the subject

activities and includes the following 4 sections:

Games and activities aimed at the development of practical and tool actions

Games and activities aimed at the development of cognitive activity

Games and activities aimed at developing perception and thinking

Games and activities aimed at developing focus and independence in

objective activity.

Formation of elementary mathematical representations

Quantity. Involve children in the formation of groups of similar objects. Learn

distinguish between the number of items (one - many).

The magnitude. To draw the attention of children to objects of contrasting sizes and their designation in speech ( big house- small house, big matryoshka - small matryoshka, big balls - small balls, etc.).

The form. Learn to distinguish objects by shape and name them (cube, brick, ball, etc.).

Orientation in space. Continue to accumulate practical experience in children

development of the surrounding space (the premises of the group and the site of the kindergarten).

Expand the experience of orientation in parts own body(head, face, arms, legs, back).

Teach to follow the teacher in a certain direction.

Development of cognitive and research activities

Cognitive research activities. To acquaint children with generalized methods of studying various objects of the surrounding life. Stimulate curiosity. Include children in joint practical cognitive activities of an experimental nature with adults.

Sensory development. Continue to work to enrich the direct sensory experience of children in different types activity, gradually including all types of perception. Help inspect objects, highlighting their color, size, shape; encourage to include hand movements

on the subject in the process of getting to know it (to circle around the parts of the subject, iron them, etc.).

Didactic games. Enrich in games with didactic material sensory experience children (pyramids (turrets) of 5-8 rings of different sizes; "Geometric mosaic" (circle, triangle, square, rectangle); cut pictures (from 2-4 parts), folding cubes (4-6 pcs.), etc. ); develop analytical skills (the ability to compare, relate, group, establish the identity and difference of homogeneous objects according to one of the sensory attributes - color, shape, size).

Conduct didactic games to develop attention and memory (“What's gone?”, Etc.);

auditory differentiation ("What sounds?", etc.); tactile sensations, temperature

differences (" Wonderful pouch"," Warm - cold "," Light - heavy ", etc.); fine motor skills hands (toys with buttons, hooks, zippers, lacing, etc.).

Familiarization with the subject environment

Arouse the interest of children in the objects of the immediate environment: toys, dishes, clothes, shoes, furniture, vehicles.

Encourage children to name the color, size of objects, the material from which they are made

(paper, wood, fabric, clay); compare familiar objects (different hats, mittens, shoes, etc.), select objects by identity (find the same one, pick up a pair), group them by way of use (drink from a cup, etc.). Expand the various uses of items.

Promote the realization of the child's need for mastering actions with objects.

Exercise in establishing the similarities and differences between objects that have the same name (identical shoulder blades; red ball - blue ball; big cube- small cube). Encourage children to name the properties of objects: large, small, soft, fluffy, etc.

Promote the appearance in the children's dictionary of generalizing concepts (toys, dishes, clothes, shoes, furniture, etc.).

Familiarization with the social world

Remind children of the name of the city (village) in which they live.

Arouse interest in the work of close adults. Encourage to recognize and name some

labor activities (the teacher's assistant washes the dishes, cleans the room, brings food,

changes towels, etc.). Telling adults to be industrious helps them to successfully complete work activities.

Acquaintance with the natural world

To acquaint children with accessible natural phenomena.

Learn to recognize in nature, in pictures, in toys of pets (cat, dog,

cow, chicken, etc.) and their babies and name them. Recognize some wild animals in the picture (bear, hare, fox, etc.) and name them.

Together with children, watch birds and insects on the site, feed the birds.

Learn to distinguish by outward appearance vegetables (tomato, cucumber, carrot, etc.) and fruits (apple, pear, etc.).

Help children notice the beauty of nature at different times of the year.

To cultivate respect for animals. Teach the basics of interacting with nature (consider plants and animals without harming them; dress for the weather).

Seasonal observations

Target: to acquaint children with the concept of "family", the formation respectful attitude and a sense of belonging to one's family, upbringing careful attitude and love for parents and loved ones.

Integration of areas: speech development, social and communicative development, artistic and aesthetic development.

Software content:

Social and communicative development: development of communication and interaction of the child with adults and peers, the formation of readiness for joint activities with peers.

Speech development: development of speech as a means of communication, activation of the vocabulary, introduction to fiction.

Artistic and aesthetic development: development children's creativity; foster interest in music, the desire to perform the simplest movements to music; involve children in their feasible participation in entertainment, develop the ability to follow the actions fairytale heroes, contribute to the formation of the skill of transformation into the images of fairy-tale heroes.

Preliminary work: making characters for finger games, holding finger games "This finger ...", reading the Russian folk tale "Turnip"

Material: flannelegraph, photographs of parents, costumes for staging the fairy tale "Turnip", selection of music for the physical education minute "I bake, bake, bake ...".

Description of the organized activity:

1. Organizational moment.

Educator: Invented by someone simply and wisely -

When meeting, say hello:

Good morning!

Let's look at each other, smile and say: "Hello!" (Children say hello.)

2. The main part. Acquaintance of children with the concept of "family".

The teacher shows from behind the screen finger characters (family).

Guys, look who came to us? Let's say hello. (The teacher shows finger game"This finger ...", encouraging children to finish the words.)

This finger is grandfather - shows thumb with finger toy- grandfather.

This finger grandmother shows forefinger- Granny.

This finger is mommy - shows middle finger- Mommy.

This finger daddy - shows ring finger- Daddy.

This finger I am - shows the little finger with a child's doll.

That's my whole family - shows the characters with his hand high.

Educator. Guys, name who this finger is (children call each finger: grandfather, grandmother, dad, mom, child).

Is grandpa the same as dad? Grandpa is gray-haired, there are wrinkles-folds on his face - he is old. Dad has no gray white hair, no wrinkles - he is young. Is mom the same as grandma? (a similar comparison is made). And who is this? - child. (an adult calls comparative characteristics.) This is a grandfather, this is a grandmother, this is a dad, this is a mother, this is a child (children, together with an adult, list the finger heroes.) And together they are a family.

The teacher asks each child if he has a mom, dad, grandfather, grandmother and what are their names? Does he love them? Clarifies that everyone has a family, everyone in the family loves each other and cares about each other, helps each other.

The teacher invites children to a flannelgraph, which contains photographs of each family and invites children to find and show their family. Children find and name their relatives.

The teacher invites the children to stand next to each other, look at the neighbor, and smile. These are the friendly guys. In kindergarten we also love, care, help. The teacher invites the children to hug, show how friendly we are and how much we love each other.

The teacher tells the children that there are many fairy tales about friendly family and invites children to play Russian folk tale"Turnip".

Children are given roles: grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter, a dog, a Bug, a cat, Masha and a mouse. The teacher tells a fairy tale, and the children perform actions in accordance with the text.

Educator. And now let's prepare a surprise for our mom and dad and for grandmother and grandfather for the whole family. We will bake a lot of pies with you.

Physical education "I bake, bake, bake ..."

I bake, bake, bake

Children all on a pie

And for dear mommy

I'll bake two gingerbread cookies.

Eat, eat mommy

Delicious two gingerbread

I'll call the guys

I'll treat you to pies.

3. Reflection.

Educator. Well done, kids! These are the wonderful pies we baked for our family. It turned out a lot of them. Enough for everyone. Thanks for trying!

On the subject: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Purpose: To enrich the knowledge of children about the forest, who lives in the forest, what grows in the forest (mushrooms, berries, trees, wild animals) To develop tactile sensitivity, attention, memory, speech. To consolidate the self-massage technique ...

Methodical development. Abstract of direct educational activities with children in the first junior group. Educational areas "Social and communicative development", "Speech development", "Artistic and aesthetic development"

Abstract of direct educational activities for the development of speech and the implementation of constructive-model activities, taking into account the integration of educational areas "Social and communicative ...

Summary of the lesson in the first junior group Educational area: Physical development Topic: "On a visit to the Bunny"

We develop interestingly locomotor activity babies ...