Wedding dress in pink colors. A pink wedding dress is the quintessence of tenderness. Choosing the length and style

Dear readers, hello! It doesn't matter for what reason bruises appeared on the face: was it a fall or came across a doorframe, or it was a bruise with a fist in a fight, but in any case, the question arises: how to quickly get rid of a black eye? It is this localization of the bruise that worries most of all and arouses "keen interest" about the reason for its appearance. I will tell you how you can solve this small problem.

Bruises or, as doctors call them, hematomas are a limited accumulation of blood when small blood vessels - capillaries rupture and a cavity is formed in which blood flowing from damaged vessels accumulates.

Most often this occurs as a result of a sharp and strong mechanical impact and bruises of the soft tissues of the face. The main symptoms are pain, limited swelling and redness of the skin. Over time, the color of the hematoma gradually changes from purple-red to purple-cyanotic and yellow-green.

If such an injury is not accompanied by a violation skin, then the majority do not go to a medical institution and try to get rid of it on their own and quickly cosmetic defect... On the one hand, this is correct, since small bruises of the soft tissues of the face do not pose a health hazard.

But if the bruise is extensive or it appeared for no reason, then this is a reason to apply for medical care... In this situation, it is necessary additional examination, in which a more serious and life-threatening pathology can be revealed.

In terms of severity, hematomas look different:

  1. Easy degree. It manifests itself on the first day after injury, tenderness to palpation is insignificant, there is a slight swelling of red color.
  2. Average degree. The bruising appears within a few hours after the injury. In the process, the underlying tissues and muscles are also affected, which is why, when pressed, pain is felt and even swelling is visible with the naked eye.
  3. Severe degree. Symptoms appear immediately after injury or within an hour. The tumor at the site of the hematoma is more pronounced and very painful when pressed. It is with such hematomas that it is imperative to see a doctor.

The color of the bruise changes gradually. After 2-3 days, the red hue changes to purple, and then to purple. Then the color gradually changes from dark to yellow, starting at the edges of the bruise and reaching the center. Here, the soreness of the injury site becomes less pronounced.

After about a week, the color of the hematoma acquires greenish tint... And at the same time, the bruise seems to go down, but you should not be afraid of this, since gravity is triggered here and the cavity with the remnants of sintered blood goes down. At this stage, pain and swelling disappear and the skin gradually regains its natural color.

For everything, if you do not use the funds for quick removal bruise, it will take about 1.5-2 weeks. For many, this is too long.

How to quickly get rid of a bruise on your face?

It is this question that worries most of all. After all, even a temporary defect on the face causes aesthetic discomfort: someone has to go to work or on a date ... And even cosmetics sometimes cannot correct the situation. What to do?

It is possible to treat a bruise on your own only if there is no damage to the skin on the face. If they are available, then first of all they require primary surgical treatment or suturing. If the damage is minor, then all actions to treat the bruise are carried out without touching the wounds.

Well, since this happened and a bruise appeared on the face, then first of all it is necessary to take actions that would help minimize the situation.

First of all, apply any cold object to the injury site. If the injury happened at home, then remove any frozen product from the freezer (a bag with minced meat or dumplings, ice cubes, etc.), but first wrap it in a towel and only then apply it to the bruised area. You can't hold it for a long time, hold it for no more than 10-15 minutes.

If this happened in winter and on the street, then snow is quite suitable, having previously wrapped it in a handkerchief or scarf (the snow is dirty and so you can infect the infection in the smallest abrasions).

If nothing like this was available or you are in nature, then do at least cold compress: dampen any cloth cold water, or apply any cold object to the injury site for 15 minutes.

When applying cold compresses, do not overdo it: if you keep the cold for a long time, it will negatively affect the underlying tissues and can cause inflammation, which will lead to a longer resorption of the hematoma. Cold can be applied several times a day for 15-20 minutes, but more than 1-2 days. the main task when applying cold compresses - narrow blood vessels, stop bleeding, remove swelling.

Then, after 2-3 days, the next task is to help improve blood circulation and fast resorption hematomas. We do warm compresses... It can be a heating pad with warm water, bags of warm, but not hot, salt.

How to remove a bruise on the face quickly - which ointment is better?

After cold compresses and making sure that the bleeding has stopped, you can smear the area of ​​the hematoma with the following means.

Heparin ointment

Apply the ointment no earlier than 2-3 days after the injury. If it is applied earlier, immediately after a bruise, then active ingredients ointments coagulate the blood clot and the resorption process will take up to 2 - 3 weeks.

But if you apply the ointment after 2 - 3 days, then as a result

  • the bruise will resolve faster,
  • the swelling will disappear,
  • the pain will decrease.

Heparin ointment is applied to the affected area thin layer starting from the center and grasping a small edge of unbroken skin. The procedure is repeated 2-3 times a day until the bruise disappears.

A contraindication to the use of heparin ointment is hypersensitivity, violation of the integrity of the skin and increased bleeding.

Traumeel S

Homeopathic medicine of similar action. It is used for post-traumatic conditions. Bruising, swelling and pain when using it disappears in a week with 2-3 single use.

The ointment should not be used for children under 3 years of age, with individual sensitivity, tuberculosis, autoimmune and oncological diseases, HIV infection.

Vishnevsky ointment

Liniment (ointment, but of a more liquid consistency) is 94%, in the composition there is also tar and xeroform. The tool is used even when there are small wounds and abrasions, while inhibiting the development of pathogenic microflora, activates blood microcirculation at the site of injury, accelerates the process of tissue regeneration and wound healing.

For use not a large number of the funds are applied to the bandage and applied to the treated area of ​​the injury.

Contraindication to use is the individual tolerance of the drug, as well as impaired renal function. One more negative point liniment: it smells very unpleasant.

Badiaga is a light green powder made from crushed skeletons of a freshwater sponge. The active agent is silica needles, which, when applied to the skin, have a local irritating effect, while improving blood flow, relieving tissue inflammation and reducing pain. The powder is used only for external use, it is not absorbed inside.

Bodyaga enhances the redox process in the skin, as a result the skin is rejuvenated, its elasticity increases and wrinkles are smoothed out.

Before use, the powder is diluted with warm boiled water to make a not thick gruel. With a cotton pad or gauze swab, the drug is smeared on the bruise and left for 20 minutes, then washed off. The powder suspension can be applied several times a day.

Badyagu cannot be used if there are abrasions or wounds on the skin, also with individual intolerance, allergic reactions, with exacerbation skin diseases... In case of oncological pathology, the powder has an irritating effect, which can negatively affect further development pathology.

It should be especially noted that if the bruise is located near the eye, then the badyag should not be used. In this case, it can irritate the mucous membrane of the eye and cause lacrimation.

What else is used?

In addition to the above drugs for resorption of hematoma, they are effectively used:

  • Indovazin,
  • Troxevasin,
  • Lyoton,
  • Lyoton1000,
  • preparations with leech extracts,
  • balsam "Rescuer",
  • "Bruise-off.

All these funds also have a resorbing, wound-healing effect, relieve pain, restore blood circulation. Before using any of them, first read the instructions for use, contraindications are possible.

Highly good effect achieved with the use of creams that contain vitamin K.

What helps with bruises - traditional medicine recipes

How can you quickly remove a bruise using folk remedies and methods? I must say that these tools and methods help to quickly get rid of the hematoma and restore the aesthetic appearance to the face.

  1. Gymnastics for the eyes. Of course, this method will not remove the bruise, but it will improve microcirculation in the area of ​​the eyes and eyelids, and this will also improve the resorption of the hematoma. Read more about gymnastics
  2. Vinegar and iodine. In a teaspoon table vinegar dissolve 5 drops of iodine, moisten a disc or gauze swab with the resulting solution and attach to the hematoma. Keep it on for no more than 20 minutes. As soon as the disc or swab is dry, moisten the solution again and apply it to the bruise again.
  3. Iodine grid. Moisten cotton swab tincture of iodine and draw an iodine grid directly on the hematoma. Draw lines thin but frequent. The mesh can be drawn in close proximity to the eye.
  4. Aloe, collanchoe. Cut a clean sheet in half and attach the inner side to the hematoma, secure it with a plaster. Replace dried aloe leaves with fresh ones.
  5. Arnica tincture. The finished tincture is sold at the pharmacy. Lotion with arnica tincture will help relieve swelling faster.
  6. Tincture of parsley. Pour 50g of chopped parsley leaves with a glass of vodka. Soaked in tincture cotton pad apply to the injury site.

If the trouble happened in nature, find the leaves of burdock, coltsfoot, plantain and, after a cold compress, attach any of them to the hematoma. Can be secured with a plaster.

Bruise masks

Such masks, judging by the reviews, are quite effective and help get rid of bruises within 2-3 days. It is important to apply them to the area of ​​the hematoma immediately after the cold compress.

Grate peeled potatoes, add a spoonful of milk and a little flour to the resulting gruel. Put the mixture on the bruise for 20 minutes. Repeat the procedure several times a day.

Finely chop fresh parsley leaves and apply on a cotton pad and place on the bruise for 15 minutes. This mask will speed up the healing process and relieve swelling.

Instead of potato gruel, you can use onion, garlic, cabbage gruel.

And in this video you will also learn a few recipes on how to get rid of a black eye, take a look.

Dear readers, you got the answer to the question of how to quickly get rid of a black eye. But know by resorting to the above methods, you will get rid of the bruise in 2-3 days anyway, it is simply unrealistic to get rid of the bruise in one day, given pathological changes in the skin with such an injury. But if you do nothing, then the bruise by itself will resolve in 10-14 days, while it will "bloom" and overflow for a long time different colors rainbows.

The content of the article:

Probably everyone, at least once in his life, faced this unpleasant phenomenon like a bruise. Of course, it is not capable of giving attractiveness, but it practically does not cause any inconvenience when it is possible to hide it under clothes. But, what to do if there is a bruise on the face, and in the morning you need to go to work or have an important business meeting? You can just take a few days off and sit at home until the bruise is completely gone. But today a fairly large number of a wide variety of remedies are known that will help to quickly get rid of a bruise in a relatively short period of time.

Why does the bruise appear?

Few people know, but bruises appear due to very weak blood vessels. Consequently, its formation will not depend on the force or severity of the impact or fall. Some people suffer from bruising even after pressing lightly with a finger.

The moment the body hits something, blood vessels located in this area burst, as a result of which blood begins to spill over the damaged area. Bruises that have appeared on the legs will take much longer to disappear than those that have formed on the hands.

If there is no treatment at all, complete removal the bruise will take about two weeks, and in the most severe cases, more time (this indicator is determined strictly on an individual basis).

During this time, the bruise changes its color several times - from deep blue to black and to dirty yellow. Therefore, it can be concluded that people with weak and thin blood vessels are most likely to suffer from bruises, and it takes a very long time to eliminate them. Such discomfort can be provoked by a subtle and very sensitive skin as well as weak vascular walls.

How to avoid bruising?

To prevent the appearance of unwanted bruising, it is necessary to carry out procedures to strengthen the weak vessel walls. For this purpose, it is recommended to use cold and hot shower... Through exposure different temperatures the walls of blood vessels are strengthened, therefore, in the future it is possible to avoid the appearance of ugly dark spots on the skin. When taking a shower, it is useful to massage those parts of the body on which there is a bruise with gentle movements.

To strengthen blood vessels, it is recommended to consume sweet bell peppers and citrus fruits every day. The composition of these products contains valuable elements, due to the influence of which the blood vessels are strengthened, while the body is saturated the required amount vitamin C. It is also useful to eat carrots and rosehip broth.

How to quickly remove a bruise at home?

To date, there are a fairly large number of a wide variety of tools and techniques that help get rid of a bruise in a relatively short period of time. For this purpose, not only modern medications but traditional medicine recipes.

Cold compress

Probably everyone knows that after receiving a bruise or a blow, it is necessary to apply something cold - for example, ice or any product from the freezer. Due to the effect of the cold compress, vasoconstriction occurs, as a result, the edema gradually disappears.

Before applying cold to an injured area of ​​the skin, it must be remembered that it must first be wrapped with a napkin or towel to avoid frostbite of the tissues.

You need to apply a cold compress for about 15-20 minutes, but no more. You can also pour a jet of ice water over the bruised area for some time.

Warming up against bruising

If a bruise of any part of the body was received, you need to wait a little until the swelling subsides. This process may take several hours, but no more than a day. Due to the use of the warming up procedure, accelerated recovery the injured tissue, therefore, the bruise disappears much faster.

For warming up, you can use cloth bags filled with hot sand or salt, it is also recommended to use wet and hot compresses. In order for the bruise to go away as quickly as possible, the warming up procedure must be performed 2-3 times a day.

Compresses for removing bruises

Today there are quite a few different types compresses, thanks to regular use which can get rid of the bruise much faster.

Onion and Salt Compress

This compress is one of the most effective and helps to get rid of bruises almost instantly. To prepare it, you need to take onion, peel and grind. Then rock salt (1 tbsp) is added and all the components are well mixed.

The resulting composition should have a uniform consistency, after which it is transferred to a gauze bag and applied to the injured area. The compress is removed after 30-60 minutes, depending on the severity of the problem.

Compress with honey and beets

You will need to take not very large beets and chop on a fine grater, then let the juice drain. The remaining beet gruel is mixed with a little honey.

The resulting composition is applied in an equal and dense layer directly to the bruise, a cabbage leaf and a layer of polyethylene are applied on top. The compress is fixed with a bandage and left on for 20-30 minutes.

Starch compress

Potato starch helps to quickly get rid of bruises and abrasions. To do this, dilute with clean water a small amount of starch until you get a thick enough gruel. Ready mix applied to the area of ​​the bruise, fixed with a bandage or gauze and the compress is left overnight.

Compress with salt

To get rid of bruises, the most simple salt... To prepare such a medical compress, you need 100 g pure water dilute 1 tbsp. l. table salt.

A gauze cloth is dipped into the resulting solution (you can use cotton wool) and applied directly to the damaged area. It is worth remembering that the longer such a compress will be, the more benefits it will bring.

To speed up the process of removing the bruise, this procedure must be carried out several times a day.

Compress with apple cider vinegar, salt and iodine

Apple compress is one of the most effective and effective means in the fight against bruises. To prepare it, you will need to take Apple vinegar(2 tbsp. L.), Iodine (0.5 tsp. L.) And table salt(1 tbsp. L.). V finished composition soaked cloth napkin and applied to the bruise. This procedure must be carried out at least three times a day.

Herbal lotions and compresses for bruising

Herbal lotions and compresses are no less effective in the fight against bruises, which should be applied almost immediately after receiving a bruise.

Lotions from wild rosemary and mother-and-stepmother

It is taken in equal amounts of wild rosemary and coltsfoot (1 tbsp each), after which the composition must be poured with a glass of water. The mixture is placed on the stove and boiled for 5 minutes. After the specified time has elapsed, the composition is removed from the heat and left to infuse well, then filtered. Then lotions are made on the area of ​​the bruise with an interval of 2-3 hours.

Wormwood herb from bruises

The wormwood herb has mass positive qualities and helps to quickly get rid of bruises. You need to take wormwood and grind it in a mortar. Wormwood juice should appear, in which clean gauze or bandage is soaked and applied to the injured area of ​​the skin.

Mountain arnica from bruises

From mountain arnica and hot water an infusion is made, which is used for lotions. Ingredients are taken in the following ratios - 3 tbsp. l. water 1 tbsp. l. arnica. However, you can use such a tool only if you need to remove a bruise, but there are no wounds or scratches on the skin.

Viburnum, aloe and celandine for bruises

Take 2 tsp. viburnum bark, 1 tbsp. l. aloe, 1 tsp celandine. All components are mixed and poured into a glass of hot water, after which the broth is left for 30 minutes to infuse well.

After the specified time, the infusion must be filtered, after which gauze or bandage is moistened in the liquid and applied to the problem area. The compress is left on the skin until it loses temperature and cools completely.

Flax seeds for bruise

If the bruise is located in the eye area, flax seeds can help quickly get rid of this unpleasant problem. Ground flax seeds are put into a linen bag. Then the bag is placed in boiling water, after which it must be applied to the problem area until its contents have completely cooled. But you have to work very carefully so as not to get a painful burn. Such a compress should be done at least 3 times a day, due to which the bruise passes very quickly.

Iodine net from bruises

Draws on the problem area iodine mesh and is left. As a result, more accelerated healing injured tissue.

Badiaga against bruises

Badyagi powder will help to quickly get rid of bruises, which can be purchased today in almost any pharmacy. This remedy is the most affordable and most effective for the treatment of bruises and bruises, since in a relatively short period of time it makes it possible to completely get rid of their manifestations.

To prepare a miraculous mixture, you will need to take bodyagi powder (2 tbsp. L.) And dissolve in warm water (1 tbsp. L.). The composition is well mixed to form a pasty mass of a homogeneous consistency, which is immediately applied to the problem area.

Apply the mixture as simple cosmetic mask... That is why, after completing this procedure, you need to wash yourself with warm water. During the day, you need to do at least two such compresses and soon the bruise will completely disappear.

The above remedies help you get rid of bruises quickly and easily. The advantages of these methods include not only maximum efficiency, but also the fact that they can be used independently at home. Thanks enough large selection, everyone will be able to determine for themselves the most the best option... If weak blood vessels, abrasions and bruises are properly treated, you can get rid of such minor troubles forever.

Modern medicinal ointments can also be used to eliminate bruises, but not all of them are completely safe. That is why, before using such funds, it is imperative to consult a doctor so as not to accidentally harm yourself and not aggravate the situation.

Learn how to quickly remove a bruise at home from this video:

Traditional styles, shades of wedding dresses have already become boring enough for brides. Pink wedding dresses, unique black, red designs have become more popular than traditional white ones.

In the new 2018 season, multi-colored wedding dresses are becoming more and more popular. Among fashion collections world designers can find models as gentle pastel shades, and bright, unusual colors.

Multicolored bridal gowns are more versatile than white bridal gowns. Simple and not so chic dresses can be worn to a girlfriend's wedding or to a party.

In addition, unlike the traditional option, when remarrying, you can wear pink dress for the wedding.

The bride in it will look no less tender and feminine, however hidden meaning the innocence of the outfit will not carry. Instead, the shade of pink symbolizes immense love and happiness in life together.

Why consider this option

Modern girls do not want to repeat the image of their mother or grandmother. That is why they prefer colored wedding dresses.

The choice can fall on both bright and challenging shades, and delicate pastels. All options are universal and unique in their performance.

Pink and all its shades have some features that you should definitely take into account when choosing a wedding dress of this color:

  • more suitable for fair-skinned and fair-haired girls;
  • May accentuate imperfect skin with pimples or slightly reddish patches;
  • pale pink looks tender and innocent, reduces the age of the girl;
  • dark shades of pink are great for brunettes and dark-skinned beauties;
  • pink is unable to hide excess weight, on the contrary, will slightly add a few kilograms;
  • if preference is given to wedding dresses of this shade, the fabric should be light and airy.

When choosing a wedding dress, you should pay attention to the density of the fabric and the shade. If white is versatile, ideal, both in an airy and light style, as well as in a heavy and thick fabric, pink looks great only in a light version.

Thick fabric will look a little rough and out of place. And airy and light, on the contrary, will give the image a certain unearthly feature, enhance the effect of femininity.

Pink wedding dress pictured

Despite the fact that, compared to the white version, there are much fewer pink wedding dresses, the possibility huge choice is still there. The models differ not only in the depth of color, but also in the style of execution, cut, length, combination with accessories and shoes.

When choosing any outfit, it is most important to take into account the peculiarities of the body structure, the height and shade of the hair, the skin of the bride. Makeup also plays huge role in creating an image. If you can do any makeup with white outfits, then with pink, the makeup color scheme should be thought out in detail.

Delicate option (pale)

Soft pink Wedding Dress is an excellent classic option for a wedding. It doesn't differ much from standard white, but it's still more modern and romantic.

Most young people today have more than one experience unsuccessful relationships... You won't surprise anyone with a second, even third marriage.

When marrying again, the bride must choose a wedding dress that differs from the classic white, which symbolizes the girl's innocence and youth. Pink is versatile, delicate and luxurious color for a wedding dress.

In addition, in this shade you can choose the decor of the altar and banquet hall... For this, roses of the same color as the outfit are perfect.

Pale pink suits young girls who have slim figure and delicate features, pale skin and blonde hair. This look is perfect. It includes a kind of playfulness, a sea of ​​femininity and harmony of colors.

This option is suitable for women who prefer classic style who do not want to challenge the good and old ideas about marriage.

Models of wedding dresses of this shade may differ in length and style. A dress from several layers of thin chiffon looks gorgeous.

Photo: pale pink wedding dress

Transparent fabric adds softness and airiness to the image. The length of the dress can vary from short to the floor itself. The combination of satin and chiffon looks interesting.

With a short skirt

Modern young girls do not like to shackle their movements with a lush, heavy skirt of a wedding dress. Short versions are becoming more and more popular.

The length can vary from mini to knee. Straight bridal gowns can be mini length. More curvaceous skirts go down just above the knee. The multi-layered hem visually looks shorter.

You should be careful with the choice of a short fluffy skirt so that it does not look vulgar and defiant. A moderately long wedding dress will make the image light and airy.

Of course, wedding dresses with short skirt suitable for summer wedding. V cold winter this option will look inappropriate, and the bride herself will be cold in it.

The most fashionable, common style is tight dress mini, with an open bust on the straps and a fitted skirt decorated with long train made of transparent lightweight fabric.

Photo: short pink wedding dress

The main fabric of the dress can be decorated with rich embroidery. Also popular are short wedding dresses along with a fluffy skirt made of multi-layered, transparent fabric and with a tight-fitting corset covered with lace mothers on top. New in the fashion world are midi-length wedding dresses.

They have a relatively fluffy, layered skirt and a fitted top with three-quarter sleeves and a closed transparent cloth breasts.

How to choose Empire style wedding dresses from a photo,.

About the wedding dress Boho Chic, .

For summer season you can choose a neat dress with open back... The style of this outfit is straight, the length is just above the knee.

It fits the figure. Delicate lace fabric frames the back, passing into the shoulders or sleeves. Such patterns are suitable for young girls, since they themselves resemble light girlish outfits. They give the owner additional flirtatiousness and femininity.

With a train

Wedding dresses with a train came into fashion from England. It is in this people that the train is considered a symbol of happiness and well-being in a new family.

Tradition suggests a long train to wedding dress... Its length must be at least 3 meters. Today this bride's accessory is purely aesthetic.

It can be completely short, or it can be long. Basically, the train is decorated with abundant embroidery, lace trim, beads and stones.

If in ancient times the train was combined with a fluffy skirt to the floor, today numerous models include a narrow or fluffy short skirt along with a train. For sewing this accessory, use a thin or even mesh fabric.

Photo: pink wedding dress with a train

Sometimes the train is so lush that it resembles the very skirt of a wedding dress. A short, tight pencil skirt is slightly visible from under it in front. This accessory looks interesting along with the mermaid style.

If only the skirt is pink

To create an unusual image of the bride, a combination of several shades is used. wedding dress... Pink looks great with white.

There are many models with a pink skirt and a white corset decorated with small pink flowers. White and pink wedding dress looks harmonious and beautiful.

Photo: wedding dress with pink skirt

Pink fluffy skirt can be sewn from multi-layer fabric of dark and light shades color pink. A corset is combined with him pale color ivory.

This technique makes the figure more slender, the waist - thinner. Of course, this option is suitable for courageous girls who always love to be in the spotlight.

Traditional white wedding outfits brides are increasingly changing to bright, colorful, catchy robes. This allows you to emphasize individuality, and also gives originality to the image. Today you can find a bride dressed in beige, blue, red and even black. But the most popular among girls is the pink wedding dress, which adds femininity and romance. By choosing the right shade, style and accessories, you can create a charming look that will impress any guest and surprise the groom.

The choice of a dress model depends on the style of the wedding, the characteristics of the bride's figure, the groom's outfit and the girl's personal preferences. The abundance of styles allows you to choose an option that can emphasize the merits and hide the flaws. Models differ in length, splendor, as well as sewing material.


Restrained, elegant lady choose a dress straight cut... It can be sewn from light, flying fabrics, as well as from heavy, flowing fabrics. The most popular is the maxi length. Floor-length dresses allow you to make the bride feminine. Those who want to stand out should pay attention to the front-shortened options with a long train. In such an outfit, the bride will seem light and soaring.

When choosing straight dress you need to pay attention to the waist line. Models with a low belt are ideal for a retro-style celebration. Pink High Waist Straight Fit Wedding Dress - great way hide figure flaws.

Straight cut dresses are universal. They are suitable for both girls with perfect figure and pregnant women.


A fluffy dress is the dream of many girls, which comes true. And pink will help make a real princess out of a bride. At the same time, the length of the outfit does not play a role, because the girl will look gentle and romantic both in a dress to the floor and in a dress of medium length:

  1. Full ladies are better off choosing long dress, which will hide the flaws in the figure. If there are problems with broad shoulders or full of hands, then you should take a closer look at the models with sleeves. Wide hips will help to hide an A-line dress with a corset that will accentuate the charms of the upper body and divert attention away from the legs;
  2. Girls with thin waist and with long, straight legs, a knee-length dress is perfect. It looks solemn, romantic, and at the same time very comfortable and practical. The perfect choice active lady.

By purchasing fluffy dress pink shade, it is worth giving preference light tissues... This will allow you to give the image of ease and femininity. An outfit in the "princess" style will beautify any girl. A wedding pink dress with a train, an open corset and a layered skirt is a win-win... It will fit romantic natures who want to look perfect in one of the most important days life.


A tutu dress fits perfectly on girls with any type of figure. It is able to emphasize all the pros and hide the disadvantages of the physique. To hide uneven legs, you can choose an outfit maxi length, and in order to reduce the volume of the thighs, you should pay attention to the one-layer pack. On thin girls tutus made of multilayer tulle will look great. They will add volume, while the feeling of lightness and elegance is guaranteed to the bride.

It is better for full girls to choose a floor-length tutu dress with a corset. This will help correct upper part and hide the cons of the bottom.

For extraordinary ladies, a short tutu is perfect. For a 50s style wedding, this is an unbeatable option when you combine a tutu dress with:

  • Veil;
  • Hat;
  • With a handkerchief.

This style is the best way to help create a chic, stylish, unusual image for the bride. Brave ladies who are not afraid of experiments can safely choose a tutu dress for a celebration. Unusual combinations decorative elements, a combination of a skirt and a corset different shades- all this will help to bring a "zest" to the wedding look.


Ball gown pink wedding dress is considered one of the most popular. This is the traditional version, which can be either a multi-layer skirt or a single-layer skirt. In the second case, special rings add volume alongside. This style perfectly emphasizes the solemnity of the event and makes the bride a real princess... Additions in the form of decorative elements, lace, flowers will help to bring originality, and the use of a belt (wide or narrow) will make it possible to emphasize all the charms of the girl.

As for the material, then ball gown it is better to sew from light fabrics, such as chiffon. In this case, combinations are possible, where satin or silk is additionally used as the top layer or for the bodice. To make such a dress look casual and easy, you should not overload it with decor. An excessive amount of bows, flowers or ruffles will look ridiculous. It is enough to choose one element to look laconic and harmonious.

Styles with neckline

To emphasize a beautiful bust, you should choose the right neckline. So you can not only show the beauty of the shoulders and chest, but also hide certain figure flaws. A pink wedding dress can be either with a revealing neckline or a modest one covered with lace. Today the trend is:

  1. Halter neckline - dresses look stylish and modern with high collar under the throat. It can be made of a material similar to the outfit or of lace. Open shoulders add elegance to the look. Most of all, this type is suitable for fragile ladies;
  2. V neckline- frank and catchy, such a neckline will surely attract attention. For a retro wedding, this is the perfect choice;
  3. The boat is the choice of prudes. Slightly open shoulders, delicate scoop neckline, embellished with stones or lace, will help to make the image delicate and sophisticated.

In addition, depending on the shape of the face, features of the figure and other factors, the “heart” neckline with or without straps, square or straight neckline, with dropped shoulders remains relevant. A square neckline can lengthen the neck. Great for girls with round face... The heart-shaped neckline increases the bust and lengthens the height.

If you choose a dress with a deep neckline, then the rest of the parts should be more restrained. Better to give up open back... Long outfits with an open neckline look the most attractive.

Tulip dress

The tulip dress is fashionable and modern. It gives the image freshness and tenderness. The length can be either mini or maxi. Owners slender legs it is worth paying attention to cropped models that emphasize the grace of the figure. And the pregnant bride is fine a short one will do pink tulip dress with high waistline. It is able to hide the tummy at an early stage.

Shades of pink

The abundance of shades allows you to choose an option that will perfectly match your hair and skin color. Among the most popular are:

  1. Delicate pink wedding dress. It looks like a classic white, but with a slight sheen. Thanks to this, you can adhere to traditions, but add an element of originality to the outfit. This outfit will suit blondes and brunettes. But on girls with pale skin and blond hair it will look great;
  2. Pale pink outfit is closest to classic version... The best choice for ladies who are not getting married for the first time. Such an outfit can emphasize natural beauty fair-haired girls with peach skin;
  3. Hot pink - for bold, eccentric brides. He attracts the eyes of others. But so that there is no busting, you should not use a lot of accessories, decor, and the style of the dress should be the simplest. Clothes of this shade look great on girls with dark hair and pale skin;
  4. Pastel pink. it the best choice for girls who want traditional wedding with classical decoration, but pure white does not suit them;
  5. The outfit is powder pink. A bride who wants to create a romantic and sophisticated look may prefer this shade.

Beautiful combinations

Pink is quite versatile. Its combinations with other colors will help to add sophistication and originality to the image. The image of a bride dressed in pink and white will be gentle and light. At the same time, elements that set off a snow-white outfit can be present anywhere:

  • On the belt;
  • On a corset;
  • On the folds of chiffon;
  • In the form of a bow on the hem of the dress;
  • On the laces of the sleeves or neckline.

Elements and inserts of gold and silver are perfect for creating a royal look. Pink wedding dresses combined with blue will give charm and chic. This cold color will make the outfit more saturated, and the image more feminine. Yellow floral decorative details will add freshness and tenderness to the outfit.

Combinations different shades pink are just as relevant. Pale pink wedding dress with decorative elements fuchsia colors will make the bride gorgeous. It can be floral inserts, a satin ribbon on the belt, bow or lace. A contrasting combination with black decor will add elegance. But one should not be zealous. Femininity is important here, so black should be in minimum quantity: as fishnet gloves bride or belt.

Be the queen on own wedding possible in any outfit. But a pink wedding dress will help add sophistication and also create a chic look. Correctly combining an outfit with accessories, shoes, veil, you can achieve an amazing effect.



The color pink is associated with tenderness, naivety and romance. People who choose this shade are very sensual and childish, they need protection. At the same time, most girls, imagining a wedding as a child, see themselves in a pink wedding dress. In 2016, this is not the most popular shade, but no one can forbid you to choose it.

Pink wedding dress

Thanks to the many shades, any girl can choose a pink wedding dress for herself. After all, it suits blondes, brunettes, and redheads, the photos in this section clearly show this. You just need to choose the right tone. If you still prefer the traditional White dress the bride, you can complement it with pink accessories, for example, a hair ornament.

Pink Bridesmaid Dresses

In order to make a wedding in gentle colors, you can support western tradition and put on bridesmaids wedding dresses in pink tones... You will find many examples in this section. In this case, outfits can be as one tone, but different style, and different shades of pink and create a kind of ombre in photographs.

If you are looking for photos of pink wedding dresses, then in this section you will find many ideas and styles. In addition, in order to understand which makeup or hairstyle is better to choose for it, we advise you to look at other sections of Photo Ideas. Photos are also shown here