Vampire or Donor? We determine our type of energy. Energy Vampires by Date of Birth - Truth or Fiction

Word to vampires

Contemptuous "vampire" will throw you in the eyes and back. You and your habits will turn into a living X-ray, your every word and deed, like a litmus test, will reveal your true essence. Someone will sympathize with you, and someone will gloat.

The bosses will have the hardest part, many will have to change jobs, because they will feel the general condemnation of their "native" collective.

It will not be sweet in family relationships, but do not lead to divorce, children will suffer from this, and you yourself. You can cope with this disease yourself, but it is better when a loved one helps you with this.

By writing this book, I was not going to pass judgment on you, but to show how imperfect we are still. The purpose of this book is to open your eyes, make you think, teach you to see and understand the world in a new way, even in the light of this small ray of karmic medicine. I do not want to sow discord, but the joy of new understanding, self-awareness, and from this the world will become clearer, and the look is purer.

Karmic medicine claims that any treatment should begin with repentance, and first of all - in front of oneself. Only then will any disease begin to recede.

The disease of vampirism arises from weakness of spirit, although solar vampires consider themselves to be strong people, however, where do these periodic nervous shocks that they arrange for others come from? Admit it to yourself, repent, and then it will be easy for you to get rid of this disease.

What is needed for this? Learn to fix the state when you suddenly feel an urgent need to discharge. Analyzing this state, you will understand that before that all your thoughts were concentrated on yourself out of dissatisfaction or in irritation at someone. That everything you see and hear makes you nervous. It is not difficult to remove this depressing state and transform it into a new quality. Humanity has developed many methods and techniques that it successfully uses to bring itself into a calm state.

They are based on the principle of abstraction, when we switch our attention to a new activity or state. On the one hand, this is meditation and relaxation, and on the other, it is active activity. Vigorous activity in the entire spectrum of its manifestations helps to switch attention and consciousness, and physical activity relieves the tension that suppresses us. Then it becomes clear to us why some people often move furniture in the apartment. Here is a real embodiment of the phrase: "Your energy, but for peaceful purposes."

It is important to consider here that if during physical exertion there is no switching of consciousness, then this is why accidents occur. Any work should bring joy, and this is the fundamental basis for a qualitative change in the state, in which some energies will be replaced by new ones. That is why they say that labor ennobles.

When a person works with enthusiasm, he gets into the state of the "fourth dimension", and in this state people do not just work, they create! At the same time, the feeling of time is lost, one does not want to eat and drink, diseases go away, because the whole human body, his organs are filled with pure divine energy, displacing everything that interfered and crushed him before.

And everyone can remember that he was not once in this state. Give it back to yourself again and again, and you will feel like a happy person. It doesn't matter what you do. The main thing is for the soul to sing with the joy of what you are doing.

I remember the pioneer camp, where all the adults had to take turns laying the tables for seven hundred children for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Everyone considered it the most hard labor. When I first came to lay the tables, then, indeed, my thoughts were in a different place. You could have an extra hour swim in the sea and sunbathe, go about your business, and then ... And I was really tired, not to mention the fact that other counselors "fell" from fatigue, became irritated.

No, - I said to myself, - you can't work like that, you need to come up with something.

And I came up with. When I came to serve dinner, I became a waiter. Oh, how they fly between tables, gracefully holding a tray and masterly control their bodies. All. With joy I was in "seventh heaven". And when all the counselors were already exhausted, softened, became irritable, I, not feeling tired, fluttered through the halls, delivering supplements to the children. My soul sang! The lunch was delicious and wonderful, but I felt that the cutlets were mixed with dirty energies and made by a bad, evil person, and therefore my soul did not accept them. After lunch, I asked who made the cutlets, and it turned out to be the chef with the worst reputation in the team.

The same thing happens in our home when family members refuse to eat cooked food. In what state of mind did you cook it? But we force or trick the child to eat this food, and then we wonder why he has diarrhea, fever, etc.

Karmic medicine describes external laws without resorting to physical and biological research. It shows new ways of searching for specialists: physicists, biologists, chemists, geneticists, etc. And since there is irrefutable evidence of some phenomena in human life and health, they must explain them.

The biofield (aura) around the human body has always existed, the ancients knew about it, but only at the end of the 20th century physicists managed to detect and fix it on devices, to see its color image. But those who talked about its existence were considered charlatans. This is due to powerlessness and ignorance of the Unified Laws of Nature.

Now let's get back to the topic of this chapter.

We found out that in order to get rid of a heavy load of energies, you need to bring yourself into an altered state. We examined its active forms, and now let's talk about passive ones.

Many people do not have sufficient physical strength, and therefore they are more easily given an altered state through inner calm, relaxation and relaxation. Music and painting, going out into nature will help them in this, but the most powerful means for them can be prayer, mantra, meditation.

The purity of the human body depends on its spiritual state. Lunar people have a floating, changeable and unstable state of mind, they lack the inner support that is formed on Faith and Will.

Lunar people react to all events around them and very quickly move from one state to another, while the new state can completely replace the old one. If they had a cheerful and joyful state, then after a minute, having reacted to the negative source, the joy was gone. He is attacked by a blues, but instead of crying, you need to remember the state that was a minute ago. Moon people are especially susceptible to resentment, which makes them difficult to communicate.

Joy in the soul is what we need first of all. “Don't be discouraged, you will hurt yourself,” said Kozma Prutkov, and he was right.

Moon vampires talk about their illnesses all the time, looking for our sympathy, and stumble upon a waste: "Leave me alone, I'm tired of you with your sores!" From this they suffer even more.

Try to change experiences, go to exhibitions, theaters, parks, go to holiday homes, and go hiking. All this stops negative vibrations of feelings and emotions from heavy thoughts and fills you with pure psychic energies, awakens the spiritual world.

Forgive me, I have expressed many hurtful words about you, but please do not be offended. For only now have you learned that you are sick with a hitherto unknown disease, which everyone now already knows about.

One sage said, "Forewarned is forearmed." I am equipping you with the knowledge of how to get rid of the disease, not hide it (it cannot be done). Remember that now you are unable to hide your vice, it can be changed if you change your way of life, thoughts and actions.
I would like to end my message to you with the words of S.Ya. Marshak:

"May you have a kind mind,
And the heart will be smart. "

Energy vampires are people who by nature have an underestimated energy potential and therefore are used to consuming other people's energy. To do this, they use different methods: scandals, humiliation, complaints and other psychological manipulations, the main purpose of which is to provoke you to emotions.

In this article, we will show you how to calculate an energy vampire by date of birth using a simple test.

Pythagoras, who lived more than two and a half thousand years ago, wrote about the laws of the influence of numbers on human fate. The knowledge he collected was appreciated during his lifetime (the so-called School of the Pythagoreans was created), and continues to be actively used to this day.

According to this teaching, all people are represented by the following types:

  • vampires;
  • donors;
  • neutrals;
  • white magicians;
  • black magicians.

And to find out which of the categories you personally belong to, we suggest you resort to a simple calculation. Add up all the digits of your date of birth. If you get a two-digit figure as a result, you will need to add the obtained values \u200b\u200bagain to get a single-digit one.

Let's consider this with a specific example:

Date of birth - 05/25/1994.

2+5+5+1+9+9+4 =35.

Based on the resulting value, we can conclude about what kind of person you are in energetic terms. Next, we will consider which numbers correspond to which category of people.

Energy vampires: ones and twos

But you do not need to immediately try to blame such a person for all mortal sins, because for the most part the vampire selects the energy of others completely unconsciously, because this is his essence and he is not able to change it. If it happens that your close relative acts as an energy vampire, with whom you cannot but communicate, talk about this topic and, preferably, suggest alternative sources of energy.

For example, a pet is an excellent donor. In addition, nature, sports, good music will fill you with energy.

Energy donors: fives and sevens

You are in luck if, as a result of mathematical manipulations, you get exactly these numbers. They characterize a typical donor. But he can be recognized not only by calculations - it is necessary to find the most cheerful, noisy person, near whom life is always in full swing - this is the standard donor.

And if you look even more closely, then next to the donor you will always find a couple of "bloodsuckers" who, like sticking fish, do not want to leave the walking storehouse of energy and are fed from it with vitality.

But if the donor is strong, he may well cope with several energy pumps, the main thing is that their number does not exceed all permissible limits.

Neutrals: threes, sixes, eights

In some cases, neutrals can be fueled by the energy of others, but this is more an exception to the rule. It turns out that neutrals refer to ordinary people, who are now the most.

White magicians: representatives of the number nine

It should be noted that nine is a rather rare number in the date of birth. In terms of its energy potential, it is stronger than even the most powerful donor, because in this case no vampire can take your energy without receiving your consent.

It is also noteworthy that representatives of white magicians themselves generously donate their vitality to those around them. It is the "nines" who become psychics, healers, brilliant doctors, these are all white magicians who have managed to reveal their full potential.

Black magicians: four

And the last category of people is a group of black magicians who have the number four in their date of birth. Along with their white opponents, they also control energy flows, so they never experience a lack of energy. But if the black magician wants to suck the strength out of someone, he will not need to resort to any specific methods - scandal, complain or talk a lot - it is enough to just walk up, take as much energy as you need and leave.

Note that black magicians are not a very common category, and those who were able to develop this potential in themselves to the fullest are easy to count on one hand.

Energy vampire signs by date of birth

There is another method for calculating an energy vampire by date of birth. The amount of your own energy is a constantly changing indicator that depends on many factors (health status, emotions experienced, and so on).

Next, we offer you a second way of interpreting the meaning of your personal number. Its calculation is performed in the same way as in the first case - you simply sum up all the digits of your date of birth and reduce it to a single-digit number.

And then we turn to this interpretation:

  • if the final result is less than five - the person has low energy, he constantly needs energy recharge;
  • if the final number varies from five to seven - your energy is normal, you do not need to vampire others in order to take their energy;
  • and if the final result exceeds seven, you have so much energy that you can share it with others without loss for yourself.

Which of the described ways to believe is up to you. And we offer you effective recommendations on how to restore your energy after communicating with a vampire.

Ways to replenish your energy

If you yourself are an energy vampire or have suffered from the actions of such a person, it is necessary to restore the disturbed energy balance as soon as possible.

  1. Spending time in nature will help a lot: walk barefoot on the grass more often, lean against tree trunks, bask in the sun's rays and feel that the forces of nature fill every cell of your body with vital energy.
  2. Contact with animals or plants often - they also give vitality.
  3. Play your favorite musical compositions, with their help you eliminate the source of irritation and negative thoughts.
  4. Shown to take a shower. Water perfectly removes all negative energy.
  5. Fill yourself with joyful emotions and positive experiences as much as possible - for this, communicate with friends, have fun and concentrate on the positive.

Now you know how to recognize an energy vampire by date of birth and how to restore energy after communicating with him. Finally, watch the informative video

Loud music. A crowd of people is more precise than masked creatures, many are drunk, and this is school Halloween. I run all over the room, looking for him, so if I find him ... He will be very bad.
That was before.
My costume is light and simple. I am "Victim", my dress is all in "Blood", horrible make-up, or rather what is left of it, it is smeared on my face with very high-heeled shoes. Copron tights that are all in holes. I hope that I am a hike on the victim. Yes, I'm a typical victim. Allison is dressed in a honey sister, well, she is almost a honey sister, she is also covered in blood, a medical mask is also covered in blood on her face, this is creepy, or rather, what is needed for Halloween. And finally the time came for Esma, she is the Devil with us. Fitted red dress to the floor. On the head there is a high host and horns. I don’t even know how to describe it, but it’s effective.
- Kat quickly get downstairs or we will leave without you. Phil shouted.
Present time.
Everyone looks intimidating. Steph is a vampire, and Phil Med-brother, I don't know, but with Alice they are definitely a couple today, even Esma is a little jealous of Phil. Although not much, it is understated, she somehow inadequately reacts to the relationship between Phil and Alice, although there is none. I don’t know such jealous people I haven’t met yet, but Phil just likes it.
-Baby .- I heard a painfully familiar voice, and who else can call me that other than Stefan, but I didn’t tell the most important thing, I couldn’t stand it on the third day we ... More precisely, I forgave him.
- You forgot I am not today Baby I am a Victim today and it seems to me that I am your victim. - Insolently looking into his eyes, I ran my hand over his cheekbones.
- Hey Baby. - He said a little irritated.
“What?” I asked as if nothing had happened.
“I'm eating you now.” Now he looked into my eyes insolently.
Pov Stefan
- Hey Baby - I said indignantly.
- What? - I love it when she does that. Builds an innocent lamb out of himself.
- I'll eat you now. - Impudently said looking at her. I approached her neck, inhaled ah, this smell drives me crazy. I want to pounce on her, and drink all the blood to a drop. It torments me. I bit her neck, I think it didn't hurt, I felt a thirst for her blood, predator instincts make themselves felt, a wave ran through her body, she hit her head. I have grown fangs, how I want to bite her, thirst does not allow me to breathe.
What I think no, I walked away from her and closed my eyes. Concentrated and the thirst left me, I was lost in the crowd. I need a drink urgently. Has stopped. I'm listening. "Well, where is the joint?" Yes, someone will be very good today. I listen to "Where! Where! ... Oh, drink it!" I immediately jumped off the spot and ran at super speed to those guys. And here they are.
- Hey guys, I heard you have a drink. - I tried to ask.
“Who are you?” Said one of them.
- Um, if I tell the truth then you will be scared. Although I vaampier- held out I- Now give me a bottle .- I ordered him to give me his bottle. He handed it to me and immediately I grabbed it and drank it in one gulp. It reduces thirst, and the bottle is too small for me to get drunk. The thirst she reappeared. What? This has not happened before. I went outside to go home, no, I promised her to spend the evening with her. Thirst ... It intensified, I felt like every cell of the body asks for blood, this is not a human thirst, this is something that is 100 times stronger. What caused this? I turned around after me there was a group of guys, and there was also a dog, but I am not a fanatic of animal blood, they have a specific taste, this is what Esma is obsessed with, well, or as I quote, "I'm not a maniac to kill people, even if they think I'm not myself , but human blood kills all that human that remains in the vampire. So everyone chooses his own path "Well, in general, she often drives my brain. I went to a group of young people, grabbed one of them and led on further. Then there were only orders. "Shut up, don't move." I grabbed his carotid artery. Oooh, this blood is warm and delicious. She went down my throat, I feel his blood circulating through my veins, the blood gave off alcohol, apparently the guy drank. I swallow, greedily swallow with every gulp of mine, life was leaving the guy, I continue to swallow. I'm running out of blood, I can't stop "what am I doing?" We must stop. The guy lost consciousness, it is necessary to do something, the feeling of hunger is gone. Still, I would have almost killed the guy. I bit my wrist no well, what else could I do. Raising his hand to his lips, he greedily began to swallow blood.
- Who are you? - The guy began to hysteria when he came to.
`` I think you've already understood everything. '' I said calmly.
- Yes, this does not happen. - A little calmed down the guy said.
I looked him straight in the eyes, ordered him to sit down. I, too, sat down exactly opposite him.
“Who are you?” The guy said calmly.
- Do you understand? - I also said calmly.
- Are you a vampire? - The guy was breathing evenly, he was not worried.
- Yes. Now it's my turn to ask questions. Why didn't you run away when you came to your senses?
- I wanted to know who you are. - The guy is clearly lying to me.
“Don’t lie, or else I’ll order you to tell the truth. And I will not ask decent questions- I tried to joke.
“I’m telling the truth.” “He’s more serious than me.
“No, I’m like a lie detector, when people tell the truth, their heartbeat increases.” I was clever.
- Hmm. Okay, I wondered why I regained consciousness, and why I didn't die at all. - Why is he so self-confident, or does he not want to live.
- Well, here one comes from the other. I'll just be brief. You survived because of me, and you almost died because of me. - Yes, anyway, all because of me.
- How did you save me? Why couldn't I move? And why am I sitting now and can't move? - Damn, I envy him, I can't be so sure.
“You're under suggestion.” I said calmly.
“Okay, will you make me forget this conversation?” “Oh, he knows what I'm going to do. Who is he. Yes, I like him.
- Um let me think. I can make you remember him, but tell him ... Tell him on TV never, you won't be able to anyone. Or you'll be like a bad dream. '' I began to reflect.
“How old are you?” A guy interrupted me.
- Um, congratulations, you won. You are the 100th person who asks me this question. I will say so I had to see how people are executed. How witches are burned, how knights fight for the hearts of beautiful ladies, how many famous works are written. Many wars did not go without me. -I got up and began to walk importantly next to the guy. -I am 562 years old .- I said calmly.
“Wow.” The guy said in surprise.
-Well, duck what? Do I need to do? - I need this guy.
- Pervrati. - Heh well the guy loves to joke.
I could not help laughing. - What to turn? - I laughed this is so stupid.
- What's the big deal? - He asked me a question
- To transform, but for nothing in life it is stupid why take a person's life? - I did not stop walking around the guy.
- Well, why should I live? The father died a long time ago, and the mother, and what the mother, the mother drinks every day. My sister left the house without even saying anything to me. I have no reason to live. It makes no sense.
This is the only person who just talks about his life. I felt sorry for him. Now I was tormented by the thought "I don't want to take his life, but he doesn't live anyway! He survives."
- You know what? ... You will live in my house. - Yes, this is the most inadequate decision that I have made.
- You mean? - The guy was clearly in shock.
“You're my friend now. Get up - I said in a friendly way. - And yes, and what is your name, how old are you? - I went to the school sotora.
- But why? - He got up and followed me.
- I so wanted. Well, duck you answer me or not. '' I stopped and looked at the guy.
- Lynn, 17 years old. -Briefly and clearly he answered me.

You got nasty in the queue, crushed your legs in transport, accusing you of clumsiness, your neighbor's grandmother haunts you, and the boss yells over trifles? .. Probably, you are dealing with energy vampirism. The personal energies of people constantly interact. And there is no perfect balance between them. Someone has a surplus of energy, and someone is terribly lacking. All forms of communication between people, one way or another, imply energy exchange. Each individual in various situations can become both an energy donor and a vampire. The tendency towards energy vampirism can be identified with the help of Astrology. Some of the Zodiac Signs are definitely lacking in energy.

Consider the features of the behavior of vampires according to the Zodiac: Aries

The energy vampire Aries prefers to act most openly and arrogantly. Its feeding area is the most extensive, and extends far beyond the home - to all public places. Usually, Aries provokes complete strangers into a conflict with the help of ordinary rudeness, as a result of which, during a quarrel, the opponent's energy is instantly released. It is very difficult not to become a victim of this vampire, as his rude words and insults, as a rule, always cause a backlash. This is the so-called active type of energy production - "solar vampirism", the most cruel and selfish, which is characteristic of the Fire Signs of the Zodiac.


It is important for Taurus energy vampires to establish physical contact with the victim. To do this, during a calm conversation, the vampire touches various parts of the interlocutor's body (stroking his hands, back, patting on the shoulder, supporting the elbow, touching parts of clothing, etc.). Thus, Taurus receives a portion of energy during tactile sensations. This is especially true for women, and their best friends do not even suspect that they occasionally become donors. That is, in order to feed the Taurus vampire, it is not necessary to cause negative emotions in the victim. It is enough to complain about all kinds of problems, exaggerating everything dozens of times, about physical or mental illness, etc.
The Taurus sign also enhances attachment to material goods. Therefore, the Taurus vampire can use the energy of money, connecting to its source - the egregor of money. The energy of money is concentrated not only in banks, but also wherever people's thoughts are focused on the material. For example, in stores and large shopping centers, where Taurus enjoys spending a lot of time doing shopping or just admiring things and planning purchases for the future.


Gemini vampires satisfy their energy hunger through communication and any kind of exchange of information (communication vampirism). The lack of communication for Gemini vampires is very difficult. Alone they feel unhappy, cut off from the world. Therefore, they often have the habit of “sitting on their ears”, including by phone, not allowing the interlocutor to end the conversation.
An additional way of Gemini's energy supply is small skirmishes in shops and public transport.

The easiest way to grab a dose of energy is to start a conflict. But Leo, as a rule, does not want to lose his authority and respect in the eyes of his loved ones. Therefore, it is imperceptibly recharged from friends, acquaintances and colleagues. Becoming a leader in a small circle of people or attracting everyone's attention, becoming the soul of the company, consumes other people's energy. In this case, people around become donors - voluntarily. But God forbid the vampire-Leo to have at least a modicum of power.
Typical example: a boss is a subordinate. It is not safe to “walk on the carpet” to such a boss. Leo will always find a reason to scold a negligent employee, puffs up, turns purple, raises his voice, sometimes openly yells and threatens.


Vampires of this Sign are real gourmets. They prefer to gently "suck" the victim, like a cocktail from a straw. If an ordinary Virgo can criticize people due to the peculiarities of the character of the representatives of her Sign, then the Virgo-vampire makes remarks more tactfully, as if by chance, but elegantly marks directly at the target, while maintaining a calm and handsome expression on her face. For example, he throws short phrases about the appearance of an employee who has made a new hairstyle or put on a new dress, which makes her strangely confused, not understanding what it was: a compliment or a snide remark. In the end, the victim concludes that the phrase was veiled mockery or ridicule.
Virgo receives small portions of someone else's energy by gossiping, discussing others and resorting to black humor.


Libra is the most non-conflicting sign of the Zodiac, so the energy vampire-Libra finds a very convenient way of "feeding" for himself: he watches the conflicts of other people. Being on the sidelines, he closely monitors the squabble. If the debaters involve Libra in their conflict, then the vampire takes a neutral position, occasionally even acts as a peacemaker. So he has the opportunity to insert a word that seems constructive and balanced only at first glance. In fact, it kindles the already violent emotions of opponents. All this invigorates the vampire! ..
In the house of a female vampire of this Sign, plants usually wither, wither for no apparent reason. Therefore, she does not succeed in cultivating flowers. But she loves cats. Fluffy cats are influenced by the subtle worlds, being in geopathogenic zones, their fur, like a vacuum cleaner, retains some types of energies. By petting the cat, the hostess receives a portion of the necessary fluids.


Scorpio is the most voracious type of energy vampire. For him, the main way to achieve a release of energy is to start a quarrel with his love partner or spouse. Scorpio finds the energy of loving people the most delicious and easily digestible. After communicating with a Scorpio vampire, the victim feels dizzy, weak, or headache. Scorpio successfully combines business with pleasure, feeding on energy in the process of sexual contact.
An intimate relationship with a vampiric Scorpio woman can lead a partner to energy depletion. Erotic flirting allows you to diversify the menu - Scorpio is able to arouse such a powerful attraction in a representative of the opposite sex that he loses the ability to think adequately, falling under the power of only feelings and emotions.


The Sagittarius sign spawns the least amount of energy vampires. Jupiter is a rather powerful planet and provides its wards with enough energy so as not to abuse someone else's. But there are also exceptions. The vampirism of this Sign is manifested in the categorical statements that Sagittarius positions as the ultimate truth. And this happens unconsciously. As a result, the interlocutor is seized with indignation, at this time an energy surge occurs. An attempt to refute the opinion of Sagittarius will be in vain, since this vampire considers himself always right, it is impossible to "back up against the wall." Sagittarius finds particular pleasure in condemning other people's words and actions, as well as reading morality with a philosophical or religious bias.


Capricorns absorb someone else's energy if they manage to win someone's authority or become a leader in any situation. The vampirism of this Sign is manifested mainly in the form of dominance in relationships, the habit of scolding and teaching others in every possible way. His instructive advice can be so intrusive that the interlocutor has a feeling of psychological abuse. Capricorn finds the most favorable field of "vampire activity" at work. Having a more or less decent position, he constantly points out the shortcomings of the professionalism of his colleagues. As a leader, he extracts large portions of energy, morally suppressing others or adhering to a rigid authoritarian management style.
By the way, the unrealized ambitions of a petty vampire Capricorn can turn him into Dracula (a classic tyrant).


The vampirism of this Sign has a friendly metaphysical character. Thanks to his sociability, Aquarius quickly finds contact with people, he has many friends and acquaintances. When communicating, Aquarius subtly feels the interaction of auras, and by itself is attracted to the bearer of a stronger energy. It is more often recharged from people - dynamic and optimistic, creating in them the illusion of complete trust and mutual understanding.
Thus, it imperceptibly draws out energy, usually positive. Another way to feed an Aquarius vampire is to visit noisy entertainment venues and other crowded places.


Pisces is not the most active consumer of other people's energies. First he suffers to the last, then brings down his hunger on just anyone. This vampire's tactic is to evoke as much pity and sympathy as possible.
Crying about his problems, he can "suck to the bottom". After talking with him, the listener's mood worsens, weakness arises, as if he had just plowed a field or unloaded a carriage.
Pisces themselves have a strong magnetic quality. The so-called "lunar vampirism". In order to attract the victim, they first select a "key" for the person, inspire confidence and sympathy in him, allowing the victim to talk about his problems. As a result, any heart-to-heart conversation opens an energy gateway from which energy can be pumped.