Child Health Komarovsky read online. Read the book "Child Health and Common Meaning of His relatives." General nutrition principles

I believe that we came after others in order to make them better, so as not to fall into their mistakes, in their delusion and superstition.

P. Ya. Chadaev

© E. O. Komarovsky, 2007

© M. M. Sididchaya, A. V. Pavlyukevich, illustration, 2007

© Clinics LLC, 2007

Small but very important preface

... And when they asked to bring the most beautiful of what was on all white light, the crow brought her child ...


None of scientific and popular literature never reads from beginning to end - like a novel. With reference to books with information about children, problems and diseases, this is especially true. Why read about the power rules of a pregnant woman when a child has constipation? We open the chapter about constipation, we get the necessary information and with a sense of deep satisfaction are trying to implement advice and recommendations.

The author, of course, really wants you to read everything in order. But, since the hopes for it are small, to prevent subsequent misunderstandings, allow itself a brief information for those who are ready to start reading (options for viewing, turning, studying).

1 The book consists of three main parts:

Part One is devoted to the two most responsible stages in the life of a child and his parents - pregnancy and the first year of life.

Part Two - a child older than a year, naturally, not in itself, but in relationship with dad-mom, grandfathers, gardese schools, the environment and health care system.

Part Three - Diseases, Hospitals, Doctors, Medicines; What to do is be sure to do what never do.

2 All you read should be considered, first of all, as information to thinking. No live soul on all white light can not love your child and understand your child as you. It is quite another thing to ensure that, understanding, loving and even thinking, thinking, thinking, so here, under all these conditions, it is not always possible to succeed.

3 Success in relation to the proceedings and education - the concept is relative: depending on which bell tower to look. From the point of view of the teacher who does not get out of hospitals polite winner of the city physico-mathematical Olympiad - undoubted success. Absolutely healthy juvenile gangster (if it was laundering and prohibited to talk) will please the child's doctor with the excellent work of the internal organs and excellent analyzes.

4 Golden middle - simultaneous and abundant balm on the soul of relatives, doctors and teachers are a smart child, brought up and healthy. It occurs this phenomenon is extremely rare, but, by implementing a certain care program and upbringing, we must at least know what to strive for.

5 A real level of health or unhealthy a particular child depends on four factors:

Heredity, i.e. what went from mom and dad;

Ambient (ecology + domestic conditions);

Health care systems;

Process of care and upbringing, i.e., the relationship between the child and his relatives.

6 The aforementioned care and upbringing are some completely defined actions, a certain set of events. But the main paradox is as follows: 100% of the adult population know how to make children, but 99.9% do not know what to do with children.

7 The main task of this book is to eliminate the paradoxicality of the situation, in an affordable form to provide the reader the opportunity to determine if you need to do with the child and never to do.


A large or smaller degree of respect, fed to the author depends on the greater or smaller similarity of his ideas with the ideas of the reader.


The author is not a professor and not even an associate professor, but just a children's doctor is the most ordinary, who graduated from an ordinary Medical Institute. And this book is written for ordinary people living with an ordinary human life. what in theorycreates conditions for future mutual understanding.

This book, the author addresses parents - those who have already become parents, and especially those who are only going to become them. This is not a tutorial, not a collection of recipes and instructions, not encyclopedia and, feel God, not guidance on diagnosis and treatment!

Most likely, it is a medium-sized guidebook that should help you avoid many problems.

the main thing- a little common sense, a little bit of logical thinking - and we will agree on everything.

The works on a similar topic are written throughout the world the premium set. It is not surprising that, having spent on the purchase of the next "labor", the future or already consisted of dad and mom want to know first of all, what are the features of this work and are they in general.

Three features three:

First feature - The ability to fulfill the recommendations. After all, hundreds of books dedicated to the care of children and the raising of children are written in such a way that the process of communicating with the child is perceived in the separation from real life. Such "little things" is not taken into account, as a hungry dad, shops and clinics, which disappeared hot water, broken iron, especially wise mother-in-law, another pregnancy, state reduction, number of days before salary, etc.

Second feature it is that having a higher medical education, the author himself does not always and does not understand everything in smart works designed for a "wide reader audience." Therefore, he was very and very hard to make the book be the most accessible as possible, but not primitive.

Third feature Perhaps the main thing - I'm not just saying "do so" - I'm trying to convince you of what exactly to do and necessary.

It should be noted that modern parents rarely take on all the goods responsibility for the health of the child. Allegedly, the state approach to this issue is that a precinct medical doctor is responsible for the health of the child. But the answers to the majority of "children's questions" are given on family councils, where mom and dad - as persons of the least experienced - an insignificant role is given. On the one hand, it is quite understandable. On the other hand, it is MOM and Dad that are always "extreme", if the child is sick or behaves badly. There are also relatives, familiar and, of course, grandparents will not be promoted to notice that it was necessary to obey the elders.

In connection with the foregoing, paying attentionmoms and dads for the following points:

looking around, you are easy to make sure that you yourself nor your friends are distinguished by iron health. Therefore, spoken by the mother-in-law or a mother-in-law phrase: "I raised the three times" is not any weighty argument;

whatever the friends, relatives and acquaintances advise you, remember the main thing: do not sleep at night, you will run around pharmacies and hospitals you and only you!

you know perfectly well: to redo (re-educate, moving) is much more difficult than to come right from the very beginning. Therefore, do not bring your child to such a state, when only the most decisive measures will allow you to overcome the difficulties that have arisen. It is better to choose the right direction from birth: it's easier, and cheaper, and more pleasant;

if it did not work out from birth, they did not know or thought that you know, did not want, they did not understand - remember: it's never late to take the mind late, but the sooner, the easier.

* * *

The health of our children in most cases does not suit nor parents or pediatricians. And this is doubly unpleasant with the fact that by the number of children's doctors we left far behind not only Bangladesh, but also the United States of America.

The conclusion is simple: neither the number nor the quality of pediatricres the problems of the health of children cannot be solved. And it is impossible, most likely, because the health mentioned in a much greater degree depends on the mother and dad than from all pediatricians combined.In other words, parents may well do so that their child suffers a little, and if it still hurt, it had the opportunity to resist diseases and recover with minimal losses.

Here it becomes clear the role of a pediatrician, to which it is always necessary to strive, everywhere and under any circumstances, - the role of the consultant. And in this role pediatrician is needed not so much to the child as the parents of the child!

In this book we will try to help your mother and dad to learn the main principles of care and education, the main rules for assistance in disease. But you will have to realize them in practice yourself - there is no help to wait for anyone. True, the principles of the author and the life position of the parents may not coincide, so to be frank to the end, I inform the following:

the author is a categorical and consistent opponent of pediatric and pedagogical extremism in all its manifestations.Therefore, in advance are doomed to failure, all kinds of attempts to find in this book recipes about how to bathe in the holes of newborns or take into the mountains of three-month children, how to dig in the nose to the urine or teach a one-year-old child, two-year-old - play chess, and three years - cook to future family life;

the author is convinced that the birth and raising of children is not the main and the only purpose of man.Both, and education is only one (perhaps the greatest and important) side of the polyhedron, which under no circumstances should have overlap other parties - love, friendly communication, work, books, pets, hobbies (knitting, fishing, new hairstyle, car, garden);

no one, nothing and can never shake the author's confidence in the fact that a happy child is, above all, the child is healthy and only then can already read and play on the violin. A happy child is a child who has both mom, and dad, being time not only to love this child, but also to love each other.

So, actually, all. If it suits - read on, no - sorry ...

Hello, dear readers! Today I will simply share my position towards Evgenia Komarovsky's work. I will do it on the basis of his book, but consider numerous videos that you can easily find on the Internet.

Attitude towards this doctor is ambiguous. Someone his worship. Someone responds about him with contempt ... Personally, I very much respect the work of this person. He did almost impossible. In fact, he helped in the 90s to take the first step towards informed parent. Many of his ideas seem revolutionary, liberal. However, what was a brilliant breakthrough twenty years ago, today may seem not quite relevant.

Each mother should solve independently: to whom does she trust? Whose advice will follow? Social Pediatricians? Doctor Komarovsky? Homeopath? Or breastfeeding consultant? For someone, Komarovsky is the perfect option. Compromise between the ideas of natural parenthood and the opinion of the Soviet generation.

For me personally, the work of this doctor is now not authoritative. Just below, I will explain why. I often stick to the site of his video where it is close to natural parent. And deliberately ignore the video with whom I myself disagree.

The fact is that E. Komarovsky knows how to very beautiful and clearly serve the material, sometimes it is perceived not as a doctor, but as a person from show business. He is logical and clearly explains many simple things. But absolutely does not take into account the psychology of the kid. I do not blame anyone in this, he did a breakthrough in understanding childhood diseases. But I want to give your children the best, right, isn't it?

The benefits of the book E. Komarovsky

I strongly recommend all my readers to read the book "The Health of the Child and the Common sense of his relatives." This book is unique. There are detailed and clearly explained by simple medical things. What is influenza? What is the inflammation of the lungs? What is a runny nose? And how to treat basic childhood diseases? How to understand that the situation is serious and should urgently call "ambulance"?

For example, the doctor assures that the only medicine from most influenza viruses is fresh air and abundant drinking. That most pills are useless or even harmful. Tells about some infections. And gives a lot of useful information.

The doctor demands to abide in the apartment a special temperature regime. Air should not be heated to 22 degrees. The perfect temperature is from 18 to 20 degrees. I applied it in practice. Honestly, children after such a bathing still do not sleep 5 hours in a row (as Komarovsky promises), but it has significantly strengthened their immunity.

What am I not agree with his books?

However, there are a number of moments that I do not accept. The main point - it seems that the doctor sincerely believes that the child needs only food, sleep and right external conditions. That the need for a frequent contact with mom is only "pampering". That if the child is crying - either he has something hurts, or he manipulates his parents. That is, the doctor does not recognize the need of a kid in maternity warmth and constant contact with mom.

That is why Komarovsky vs.:

  • breastfeeding on demand;

And in general, in all that concerns education, I would recommend reading another literature.

The main slogan of the Doctor - "Mom should not be tired, unreceived, exhausted." Good slogan, I support it. For some reason, the doctor offers strange funds on the way to this purpose. Maybe because he sees the situation from the male side?

Instead of teaching how to organize a joint dream, so that everything was fine, we hear about a separate bed. But can you sleep if you need to regularly get up at night and go to the child?

Instead of teaching, how to rest while breastfeeding and combining it with household chores, the doctor teaches that it is necessary to limit the stay of the baby on the chest. But does this not complicate the life of mom?

Yes, wearing it is not easy to wear. But does mom be fresh and rested if the baby is constantly crying? And how will it affect it "teaching hands"? Isn't it better to teach mom to use and correctly alternate the burden on the back with a rest?


If you are in all adhering to the views of Dr. Komarovsky - I am very glad for you! In any case, it is much better than doing a lot of what is recommended in the urban clinic. And in any case, Dr. Komarovsky appeals to our mind, makes it possible to become wiser and conscious. And calmer - which is very, very important.

For many parents, the book of this doctor will be a real discovery. She really instills calm and confidence, teaches not to panic and do not complicate life.

But if you want to go further and establish closer contact with your baby, deal with his needs, and not just in physical health ... this book will not be enough. Therefore, it is not necessary to consider it the truth in the last instance. You just read more, listen, study ... just so you can form your opinion about raising children and understand that you are closer.

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Child health and common sense of his relatives Evgeny Komarovsky

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Title: Child Health and Common Meaning His relatives

About the book "The Health of the Child and the common sense of his relatives" Evgeny Komarovsky

Children's doctor Evgeny Komarovsky is a rather significant figure in medicine. His face flashes in television gears, the voice can be heard on the radio, and his books are found in the bookstore. This is a person who has done a lot of work and is not going to stop at the result. His popular book "The Health of the Child and the common sense of his relatives" as a desktop book for young parents and those who are just going to try on this role.

All information that the book carries in itself, gives useful knowledge for parents who want to know how to raise a child. It gives answers to all kinds of questions, solutions for, it would seem, very difficult tasks, recommendations for a particular situation, as well as many different useful tips that are suitable not only for a child, but also for parents themselves. All the details, starting with pregnancy and ending with the diseases that the baby born can overcome, clearly and structured are recorded in the book. And humor, with whom Yevgeny Komarovsky, makes young parents treat everything calmly, because for many the birth of a child is the dense debris. And if you already know that you will never choose from them, then you need to adapt. What is very pleased, in his book the author is divided by recommendations, following which does not lead a woman in a certain framework, allowing her to stay a full-fledged person with his needs. After all, after the birth of a child, the life of mom does not end on its upbringing and care.

The book "The health of the child and the common sense of his relatives" is divided into 4 parts. The first part begins from the planning of the child and until the baby is executed by the year. Reading this part will be very useful for those who are already wearing a child, but still does not quite understand what to do after his birth. The second part tells how to teach the child to a healthy lifestyle and how not to harm his health. The third part is fully devoted to various types of diseases. This does not mean, of course, that you can read Komarovsky and treat the child yourself, ignoring the physicians clearly more competent in this situation. But in this part the author gives useful tips on how to avoid many diseases. The last part holds the author's articles about doctors and other useful topics.

Evgeny Komarovsky in no way encourages blindly to trust him and accurately fulfill all his instructions on the care of the kid. Only parents can understand how the child will be better and just adapt to some tips that will be useful to them. Read it is recommended to all.

On our site about books Website you can download for free without registration or reading the online book "Child Health and Common Money of His relatives" Evgeny Komarovsky in Epub formats, FB2, TXT, RTF, PDF for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and the true pleasure of reading. You can buy the full version from our partner. Also, we will find the latest news from the literary world, find out the biography of your favorite authors. For beginner writers there is a separate section with useful advice and recommendations, interesting articles, thanks to which you yourself will be able to try your hand in literary skills.

I believe that we came after others in order to make them better, so as not to fall into their mistakes, in their delusion and superstition.

P. Ya. Chadaev

© E. O. Komarovsky, 2007

© M. M. Sididchaya, A. V. Pavlyukevich, illustration, 2007

© Clinics LLC, 2007

The best of Dr. Komarovsky

"Beginning of life. Your child from birth to year "

The child's health is much more dependent on his parents than all pediatricians combined. The famous children's doctor Evgeny Komarovsky offers a guide to help you avoid many problems. This affordable and exciting book will tell in detail about the most difficult and responsible stage in the life of a child and his parents.

"ORZ: Guidelines for Sensible Parents"

What is ORZ? How to prevent the disease? How to prevent complications? Read the new book of Dr. Komarovsky - a comprehensive guide dedicated to the up-to-date theme of children's Orzi. Are you waiting for useful and effective recommendations? Help the child quickly and safely, with minimal costs of forces and means.

"The reference book of sanctifying parents. Part one. Growth and development. Analyzes and surveys. Food. Vaccinations "

Doctor Komarovsky? A children's doctor whose books received recognition in millions of moms and dads.

Objective and affordable information from proven sources? Even very complex phenomena are outlined in the book available and easy. The directory covers the health issues of children of any age and, no doubt, will be the necessary benefit for all caring and sensible parents for a long time.

"The reference book of sanctifying parents. Part two. Urgent Care"

You are responsible for the safety of your children and you must do everything in order to have a real practical opportunity to provide emergency care. The famous Children's Doctor of Evgeny Komarovsky presents a full reference to emergency care. The task of this book is to provide the mother and dads the necessary knowledge in order to be able to keep your child life and health.

Small but very important preface

... And when they asked to bring the most beautiful of what was on all white light, the crow brought her child ...


None of scientific and popular literature never reads from beginning to end - like a novel. With reference to books with information about children, problems and diseases, this is especially true. Why read about the power rules of a pregnant woman when a child has constipation? We open the chapter about constipation, we get the necessary information and with a sense of deep satisfaction are trying to implement advice and recommendations.

But, since the hopes for it are small, to prevent subsequent misunderstandings, allow itself a brief information for those who are ready to start reading (options for viewing, turning, studying).

1 The book consists of three main parts:

Part One is devoted to the two most responsible stages in the life of a child and his parents - pregnancy and the first year of life.

Part Two - a child older than a year, naturally, not in itself, but in relationship with dad-mom, grandfathers, gardese schools, the environment and health care system.

Part Three - Diseases, Hospitals, Doctors, Medicines; What to do is be sure to do what never do.

2 All you read should be considered, first of all, as information to thinking. No live soul on all white light can not love your child and understand your child as you. It is quite another thing to ensure that, understanding, loving and even thinking, thinking, thinking, so here, under all these conditions, it is not always possible to succeed.

3 Success in relation to the proceedings and education - the concept is relative: depending on which bell tower to look. From the point of view of the teacher who does not get out of hospitals polite winner of the city physico-mathematical Olympiad - undoubted success. Absolutely healthy juvenile gangster (if it was laundering and prohibited to talk) will please the child's doctor with the excellent work of the internal organs and excellent analyzes.

4 Golden middle - simultaneous and abundant balm on the soul of relatives, doctors and teachers are a smart child, brought up and healthy. It occurs this phenomenon is extremely rare, but, by implementing a certain care program and upbringing, we must at least know what to strive for.

5 A real level of health or unhealthy a particular child depends on four factors:

Heredity, i.e. what went from mom and dad;

Ambient (ecology + domestic conditions);

Health care systems;

Process of care and upbringing, i.e., the relationship between the child and his relatives.

6 The aforementioned care and upbringing are some completely defined actions, a certain set of events. But the main paradox is as follows: 100% of the adult population know how to make children, but 99.9% do not know what to do with children.

7 The main task of this book is to eliminate the paradoxicality of the situation, in an affordable form to provide the reader the opportunity to determine if you need to do with the child and never to do.


A large or smaller degree of respect, fed to the author depends on the greater or smaller similarity of his ideas with the ideas of the reader.


The author is not a professor and not even an associate professor, but just a children's doctor is the most ordinary, who graduated from an ordinary Medical Institute. And this book is written for ordinary people living with an ordinary human life. what in theorycreates conditions for future mutual understanding. 1
The phrase "not a professor and not even a associate professor" does not at all indicate my negative attitude towards professors and associate professors. Although a certain part of readers refuses, apparently, to obtain information from a person who is not burdened by degrees and titles. It's a pity of course. But for more than 25 years I have the most direct relation exclusively to practical medicine, to the treatment of children. Sanitary, Medbrat, Resuscitator, Head of the Department of the Regional Hospital. Now here is the reception in your advisory center. What just did not have to see over the years ... dozens of hospitals. Hundreds of doctors. Thousands of children, thousands of moms, dads, grandparents. Thousands giving me the opportunity and moral right to write this book, without being neither a professor, nor Associate age.

This book, the author addresses parents - those who have already become parents, and especially those who are only going to become them. This is not a tutorial, not a collection of recipes and instructions, not encyclopedia and, feel God, not guidance on diagnosis and treatment!

Most likely, it is a medium-sized guidebook that should help you avoid many problems.

the main thing- a little common sense, a little bit of logical thinking - and we will agree on everything.

The works on a similar topic are written throughout the world the premium set. It is not surprising that, having spent on the purchase of the next "labor", the future or already consisted of dad and mom want to know first of all, what are the features of this work and are they in general.

Three features three:

First feature - The ability to fulfill the recommendations. After all, hundreds of books dedicated to the care of children and the raising of children are written in such a way that the process of communicating with the child is perceived in the separation from real life. Such "little things" is not taken into account, as a hungry dad, shops and clinics, which disappeared hot water, broken iron, especially wise mother-in-law, another pregnancy, state reduction, number of days before salary, etc.

Second feature it is that having a higher medical education, the author himself does not always and does not understand everything in smart works designed for a "wide reader audience." Therefore, he was very and very hard to make the book be the most accessible as possible, but not primitive.

Third feature Perhaps the main thing - I'm not just saying "do so" - I'm trying to convince you of what exactly to do and necessary.

It should be noted that modern parents rarely take on all the goods responsibility for the health of the child. Allegedly, the state approach to this issue is that a precinct medical doctor is responsible for the health of the child. But the answers to the majority of "children's questions" are given on family councils, where mom and dad - as persons of the least experienced - an insignificant role is given. On the one hand, it is quite understandable. On the other hand, it is MOM and Dad that are always "extreme", if the child is sick or behaves badly. There are also relatives, familiar and, of course, grandparents will not be promoted to notice that it was necessary to obey the elders.

In connection with the foregoing, paying attentionmoms and dads for the following points:

looking around, you are easy to make sure that you yourself nor your friends are distinguished by iron health. Therefore, spoken by the mother-in-law or a mother-in-law phrase: "I raised the three times" is not any weighty argument;

whatever the friends, relatives and acquaintances advise you, remember the main thing: do not sleep at night, you will run around pharmacies and hospitals you and only you!

you know perfectly well: to redo (re-educate, moving) is much more difficult than to come right from the very beginning. Therefore, do not bring your child to such a state, when only the most decisive measures will allow you to overcome the difficulties that have arisen. It is better to choose the right direction from birth: it's easier, and cheaper, and more pleasant;

if it did not work out from birth, they did not know or thought that you know, did not want, they did not understand - remember: it's never late to take the mind late, but the sooner, the easier.

* * *

The health of our children in most cases does not suit nor parents or pediatricians. 2
The pediatrician is a doctor engaged in the provision of medical and preventive care to children. Since the book is still related to medicine, then without "especially smart" special words, it is unlikely to be able to do.

And this is doubly unpleasant with the fact that by the number of children's doctors we left far behind not only Bangladesh, but also the United States of America.

The conclusion is simple: neither the number nor the quality of pediatricres the problems of the health of children cannot be solved. And it is impossible, most likely, because the health mentioned in a much greater degree depends on the mother and dad than from all pediatricians combined.In other words, parents may well do so that their child suffers a little, and if it still hurt, it had the opportunity to resist diseases and recover with minimal losses. 3
Losses, as you understand, can be very different - from losing health to loss of time. We are not talking about financial costs.

Here it becomes clear the role of a pediatrician, to which it is always necessary to strive, everywhere and under any circumstances, - the role of the consultant. And in this role pediatrician is needed not so much to the child as the parents of the child!

In this book we will try to help your mother and dad to learn the main principles of care and education, the main rules for assistance in disease. But you will have to realize them in practice yourself - there is no help to wait for anyone. True, the principles of the author and the life position of the parents may not coincide, so to be frank to the end, I inform the following:

the author is a categorical and consistent opponent of pediatric and pedagogical extremism in all its manifestations.Therefore, in advance are doomed to failure, all kinds of attempts to find in this book recipes about how to bathe in the holes of newborns or take into the mountains of three-month children, how to dig in the nose to the urine or teach a one-year-old child, two-year-old - play chess, and three years - cook to future family life;

the author is convinced that the birth and raising of children is not the main and the only purpose of man.Both birth and raising represent only one (perhaps the greatest and important) side of the polyhedron, 4
The author actually knows that the polyhedron does not have the parties - only the face, but the essence of the matter does not change.

Which under no circumstances should have overlapping his other parties - love, friendly communication, work, books, pets, hobbies (knitting, fishing, new hairstyle, car, garden);

no one, nothing and can never shake the author's confidence in the fact that a happy child is, above all, the child is healthy and only then can already read and play on the violin. A happy child is a child who has both mom, and dad, being time not only to love this child, but also to love each other.

So, actually, all. If it suits - read on, no - sorry ...

Part one
Beginning of your child's life

At the striped boiled and young in a strip.

African proverb

1.1. Pregnancy

How much we pumped out due to the fact that it did not happen, but only it could happen.

Thomas Jefferson

A person is the king of nature, but at the same time he is part of it. Part that violated the chief law of the jungle 5
Do not hang out!

And raised over all the others, creating a lot of trouble to everyone left at the bottom. At the heart of these troubles - permanent and, unfortunately, not at all fruitless attempts to combat the laws of nature. Who will argue say that man as a biological species is created wrong? No one! 6
Note: Not applicable, by whom this species is created - God or Evolution.

Consequently, hereditary information transmitted from generation to generation is quite good, and nature is trying to get rid of themselves with all their forces on their own, despite the active opposition to her modern medicine.

The human cub that appeared on the light already owns a set of hereditary (gene) signs, which is called genotype.7
The readers, an indignant promise of the author explicit easier and not to use particularly "smart" words, I inform: the word "genotype" is included in the curriculum on the biology of the usual secondary school.

But the born owner of the genotype does not have the opportunity to independently dispose of its wealth. Under the influence of the environment, the genotype turns into phenotype- A completely definite set of external signs.

With the same genotype, it is possible to obtain a premium amount of phenotypes - it all depends on:

1 habitat environment (climate, city, village, nearby factory or, on the contrary, pine forest, basement, tenth floor, dust, chemistry, radiation, etc.);

2 parents , more precisely, from the conditions they create to their child.

With the Wednesday - here as whom is lucky. And parents are, by the way, we are with you.

The essence of the above reasoning is obvious: from the point of view of nature (genotype), the health of the child born very little differs from his predecessor's health, which appeared on the light of 20 or 30 thousand years ago and did not know what steam heating, adapted milk mixture, sterile nipple, boiled Water and much, much more, but at the same time, faithful not only to survive, but also give offspring. And with these the most offspring, with you, by the way, and are. AND our main task is not to allow the child to lose their health, which his nature has already been awarded.

It is necessary to start solving the task as early as possible - best during pregnancy.

* * *

Pregnancy does not arise by itself, without preceding her sex contacts. 8
Exceptions, however, happen (read the "New Testament"), but they are very rare.

It follows that all other signs are the absence of menstruation and, on the contrary, the presence of vomit, nausea and rapidly changing views on the surrounding reality - are only a consequence of one of the most interesting, significant and widespread manifestations of human existence, namely sexual life.

The likelihood that this book will fall into a person who is not familiar with what pregnancy occurs and how it manifests itself is very small. Well, since we agreed soon, we agree: with doubts (suspicions), you should consult a doctor who, responding to such questions, earns a living and is called a gynecologist.

We do not aim to discuss the causes of pregnancy (when, after which, why, from whom, etc.). Both the author and readers pregnancy, of course, are interested, but, above all, from the position of the child - how to live a future mother, in order to then give birth and at the same time minimize the need for a children's doctor.

The order at which the same person is entrusted to monitor the pregnant women, the acceptance of childbirth and the subsequent observation of the child, to great regret, is completely not accepted. 9
At least in foreseeable for the author geographical space.

And this is not good. Because the point of view of the gynecologist and pediatricians do not often do not match: what is good for mom (and the gynecologist) is not always good for the child (and pediatricians).

So, the most common woman who has reached the childbearing age, decided not to miss this age. This most common woman itself is prepared for having a child and childbirth.

And nature, and human nature, and the laws of logic, and indeed elementary common sense is not able to explain why pregnant should not be tired, to sleep more, not to raise more than one kilogram, etc. After all, this most woman is several thousand years ago A similar situation would continue to live according to the laws of the tribe - well, who would stop cooking food or move after the deer just because someone prevents his belly or him there, see if it is sick ... and you need to think about yourself. To present his husband in the form of a big shaggy and not too well smelling male, and - in the form of a concerned "interesting position" of female, which simply should in the process of pregnancy, first, not to give it to the other, and secondly, Save optimism and, what to modest, beauty.

The most important rule is

Pregnancy is not a disease!

However, very many women are so considering this condition. In many ways, gynecologists help them - rarely, what a visit to the doctor does not end with reasoning about the narrow basin, the curve uterus, the inflammation of the appendages and in general: how it is you, the girl, I managed ... Yes, even friends spoke about the adven mugs of the maternity hospital. Again - it is necessary to pass a lot of premature tests and bypass many premature specialists. I can punishly assure that I have never met a man who visited a large number of doctors who surrendered a large number of analyzes and who did not find a breath in him. Moreover, we are accepted for the doctors after the pregnancy has become a favorable fact, and not before ...

By the way, the very fact of pregnancy in most cases generates many other problems - sexual, material, finally apartments.

And there is nothing strange that stressful condition is a surprisingly frequent satellite of pregnancy. After all, it is very difficult to confront the abundant influx of negative information. To do this, you need to have very - very strong brains or not have them at all. Both - rarity, so preferably remember:

it is necessary to listen primarily yourself - move, if you want to move, sleep, if you want to sleep, there is, if you want to eat, and do love with my husband, if I want to do it;

if you want a child and at the same time alreadypregnant, no disease discovered by doctors should not cause despair. In the depths of the soul, the fact that it was necessary to wave hands before, but do not seek to save yourself, because it is difficult to find methods of treatment, at the same time useful and child, and mom;

any treatment of a pregnant woman should be carried out only when without it definiteit is impossible to do (bleeding, obvious threat of breakdown, nephropathy, detected diabetes, rheumatism or other passions).

You live in a country where the number of checkers and those who teach how to treat, almost equal to the number of those who really treat. The one who treats, perfectly knows that no one will scold him for the appointment of 10 drugs - after all, about each of these 10 drugs are protected, at a minimum, candidate dissertation. Pregnancy is always a risk. The obvious risk for the most pregnant and no less obvious risk for a doctor who, given the assessment of his work by society, is not going to risk. 10
On the question of assessing medical work. In the first edition of the book "Beginning of your child's life" (more about this book - on p. 573), the author was noted that at the time of writing the specified lines, the monthly work of a specialist with a diploma of higher medical education was paid as much as 1 (one) hour Prostitute works. I really wanted to exclude this comparison from the second edition of the book. Then I wanted to exclude from the third, then from the fifth ... it was already 10 years old, but it was recently (comparison), unfortunately, did not lose to this day. Although there are certain shifts. And I can solemnly declare (rewrite): "At the time of writing these lines, the month's work of a specialist with a diploma about higher medical education is paid as well as 2 (two) hours of work of a prostitute."

And you need to have a lot of courage, so as not to appoint, not to send to the consultation, do not put in the hospital, do not start stimulating, not prohibit. It is necessary to break away from the paper and find time to calmly talk, explain and, in the end, consciouslysplit risk in half. But after all, they check the doctor not according to the reviews of patients, but by the quality of the "documents" written by him! And since the diagnosis in the card is recorded soon, it is necessary to treat: what if some kind of trouble, here the teacher and checkers will ask all of the rigor: how are you, my friend, did not appoint? And after all, sometimes the trouble happens - one of 100, but prescribe everyone - just in case. Help the doctor to be honest and frank with you - do not require unique medicines and your immediate salvation, do not shout: "We are ready for everything!", Find out after all, what will happen if not to do anything, and what is more dangerous - to treat or not treated. I, for quite understandable reasons, I do not call specific illnesses, not in this. Just pregnant should try to look at the eyes of a doctor, to whom she came. She must understand what any doctor understands: Pregnancy is a normal physiological process, and the less we will interfere in normal physiological processes, the better we will be all!

And if not quite normal? Thus, it is necessary to think so much wise so that the mother-nature is to interfere, if she stumbled a little bit. And if not at all is not normal - then it is treated, but to remember the wonderful aphorism, born in the medium of practitioners of doctors: "What is rare, is very rare; What happens very rarely - never happens. "