40 41 weeks no scramble. Movement during pregnancy. stimulation in the hospital. What methods and drugs are used in this case

Fatigue, both moral and physical, episodic pain, a constant state of expectation - all these feelings are usually experienced by pregnant women at 41 weeks. The expected date of birth is left behind, and for some reason the baby is in no hurry to enter this world.

We will talk about what happens to the baby and the expectant mother, as well as what can be expected from 41 weeks, in this article.

Norm or pathology?

In the understanding of the absolute majority of women, full-term pregnancy is a pregnancy that lasted 38-40 weeks. Many people think of 41 weeks as a pathological condition. However, medicine looks at this gestational age more loyally - overwearing in the full sense of the word, it is not. Pregnancy at 41 weeks is called prolonged.

The waiting period for a child can be extended for several reasons. Firstly, errors with the calculation of the obstetric gestational age are not excluded. Recall that they consider it from the first day of the last menstruation. However, if a woman had a later ovulation, then the implantation of the crumbs occurred later. In this case, the difference will be just about a week.

Prolonged pregnancy in "age" mothers who are over 30 years old is generally a common thing., especially if the birth is planned for the first time. Sometimes a woman will have a second birth, but there are no signs of approaching labor activity. This is also not considered a pathology. Every pregnancy is unique in its own way.

Secondly, the fact that the baby is not in a hurry to be born can be facilitated by the extra weight of the mother, her sedentary lifestyle. Large children weighing more than 4 kilograms, as well as babies whose mothers experience hormonal imbalances, are not in a hurry to this world, because it is the hormones in the female body that do all the “preparatory work” before childbirth.

Enter the first day of your last menstrual period

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What was the baby like?

The child is already fully prepared for the birth. All organs and systems have been formed in him, he has grown to a solid size, his weight is more than 3.5 kilograms, and his height is more than 50 centimeters. The baby's heart works like clockwork, the pancreas and liver are fully functional, the baby pees, drinks amniotic fluid, hiccups.

At this time, the fetus is usually the owner of very rounded body shapes, because it has accumulated a fair amount of subcutaneous fat, therefore, at birth, babies who were in no hurry to be born look more plump, “adult”, larger.

Children who have lingered somewhat in the womb, usually grow stronger and get sick less often. This is due to the fact that the placenta, which is aging for natural reasons, can no longer be a full-fledged barrier, and the child receives with the blood the mother's antibodies to various diseases, viruses, and infections.

Children who were born earlier also have maternal innate immunity, but to a somewhat lesser extent than those who decided to "sit" in their mother's stomach for another week or two.

At 41 obstetric weeks, women may notice that there are few movements. The baby is already so crowded in the uterus that he simply does not want to move, besides, the amount of amniotic fluid, which becomes much less, does not contribute to active movements.

Childbirth can occur at any time, and the baby is ready for this. His lungs have accumulated enough of a special surfactant substance that will not allow them to stick together at the first breath, which means that the baby will be able to breathe on his own.

Despite the fact that the son or daughter is already big and it seems that there is simply nowhere to grow further, the kids find an opportunity to save up more fat and gain 100-300 grams to their weight, taking the opportunity. At 41 weeks, growth and mass gain continues, though at a less intense pace. than it happened before.

Also at this time, the baby's nails and hair continue to grow rapidly.

What is mom experiencing?

According to the reviews of expectant mothers left by them on the Internet, we can safely say that the sensations at this time for different women are almost the same. Women feel tired and exhausted, many are prone to depression due to this chronic fatigue and fear of the upcoming birth.

Even if there are no distinct first signs of an approaching birth, almost all expectant mothers complain of pain in the area of ​​the pubic joint.

Under the action of the hormone relaxin, the pelvic bones soften, which will help the child to overcome the birth canal more easily. The load on the bosom is great - the baby is already large and noticeably presses down, so pain at this time, if they are not of a constant painful nature, if they do not restrict movement, are considered quite normal.

at 41 weeks many women suffer from bowel problems. Nausea, heartburn, constipation, diarrhea, less often vomiting - the consequences of squeezing the intestinal loops by the large uterus. Even light food can cause discomfort and flatulence, because the loops are shifted upwards.

Pain in the right side just below the ribs indicates a violation of the outflow of bile, since the gallbladder "gets" it, it is squeezed from below. From the significant pressure of the uterus on the lower part, womb and lower veins for such a long time, a woman often develops hemorrhoids, the tailbone hurts.

Baby's movements can be quite painful for his mother especially if she has a slim build. This is also a completely physiological and natural feeling, because there are fewer waters, and depreciation has decreased.

Against the background of experiences, not the best physical condition and well-being, sleep is often disturbed in pregnant women at this time, they begin to suffer from insomnia. Some even claim that insomnia is a harbinger of childbirth, but no direct connection to medicine has been found.

But there is a direct connection between the number of training contractions and the onset of the birth process. The more often the stomach “grabs”, tension is felt, the tone of the uterus, the more likely it is that childbirth will begin very soon.

Signs of readiness for childbirth

If at 41 weeks a woman's lower back is pulled, the nature of the discharge has changed, this may indicate that childbirth will begin very soon. WITH light mucous discharge or with impurities of blood and clots may indicate that the cork has come off, which for all nine months reliably closed the entrance to the cervical canal.

By itself, the cork can move away completely or in parts at once. Sometimes the process of discharge goes unnoticed, the cork can leave its place simultaneously with urination or when water is discharged. The waters themselves can also depart instantly, pour out, or they can depart in small portions..

Leakage of water can be seen by watery discharge without color and odor. You can distinguish them from other secretions using a pharmacy test.

Water leakage is dangerous, so it is better for a woman to go to the maternity hospital, because the anhydrous period is dangerous for the baby, it can lead to hypoxia and the death of the baby.

In the maternity hospital, the amount of remaining water will be assessed by ultrasound and a decision will be made. In some cases, a puncture of the bladder and stimulation of labor is indicated. Also, you should be sent to the hospital if there are spotting, as well as when contractions have begun.

Actions of doctors and examinations

At 41 weeks, if a woman is not worried about anything, except for the characteristic symptoms, a scheduled appointment will be held in a consultation at the place of residence - they will weigh, assess the height of the uterine fundus, and measure the level of blood pressure. Given that the period, which was determined as expected, has passed, an unscheduled CTG can be performed to assess the condition of the fetus.

If there are disorders that may be the result of fetal hypoxia due to aging of the placenta, Doppler ultrasound (USDG) is performed, and the amniotic fluid index is also measured.

At 41 weeks, if a woman is sure that she does not have harbingers of labor, she can be examined on a gynecological chair, the task of which is to establish the degree of readiness of the cervix. Before childbirth, it shortens, becomes more rounded, opens slightly.

If the cervix is ​​immature, it is long, the entrance to the cervical canal is closed. As it opens by 1 finger, by 2 fingers, and so on, one can judge the estimated time of the onset of active labor activity.

They can start preparing the neck, administering special preparations, turundas, to the woman. Such therapy is carried out in a hospital setting. Also at 41 weeks, a general urine test is given, by the way, it may contain protein. In small amounts, this is also considered acceptable in late gestation.

Many women are afraid that childbirth will be stimulated. Stimulation is mainly carried out with the use of hormonal drugs.(for example, "Mifepristone"), which block the production of progesterone. Without this hormone, prolongation of pregnancy is impossible, the uterus begins to contract, and the birth process starts in a completely natural way.

At 41 weeks, labor is stimulated only according to indications, usually they try to wait another week. If a woman is 41-42 weeks or has already started 43 weeks, and there are no contractions, stimulation is more likely.


Having sex is not just allowed, but welcomed, because at this time, sexual intercourse improves the blood supply to the genital organs, helps the birth canal and cervix to prepare for the crucial moment.

However, after the mucous plug comes out of the cervical canal, bathing in the bathroom and having sex is not recommended.

The cervical canal opens, communication with the uterine cavity near the vagina occurs directly, and the risk of intrauterine infection of the baby increases.

  • calmness. Despite stress and fatigue, a woman needs to try to remain calm. Excessive stress only blocks the production of relaxin, and the body prepares for childbirth in slow motion. If the doctor does not mind, you can drink herbal sedatives.

Thank you

The forty-first week of pregnancy is a variant of the norm, despite the fact that the expected date of birth is calculated at the end of the 40th week. But in reality, a normal pregnancy can last 38-42 weeks, which means that childbirth that occurs between 38 and 42 weeks inclusive is completely normal. And the expected date of birth is a kind of average date, relative to which doctors simply navigate. Therefore, if a woman is in the forty-first week of pregnancy, then this is not a cause for concern, but a completely normal phenomenon.

The fetus and its movements

The body weight of the fetus at the 41st week can fluctuate within 3520 plus or minus 422 g, and most often averages 3500 g. m.

At this time, the baby is fully mature, all its organs and systems are developed, working and ready to function outside the womb. Only the nervous system continues to develop, but it will continue to develop for a whole year after the birth of the baby. However, despite the completion of its development, the baby, while he remains in the womb, will continue to gain weight and increase in length.

Active delivery, without waiting for the natural onset of childbirth, is indicated and correct when overcarried, as it negatively affects the fetus - its skin becomes macerated (it becomes wrinkled, red, thinned), "bath feet" and "washerwoman's hands" appear. In addition, the baby becomes too big and heavy, and the bones of his skull become excessively dense, which makes it difficult to pass through the birth canal, causing birth complications, CNS injuries, etc.

The movements of the fetus at the 41st week are rare and weak, as it calms down before childbirth, accumulating strength. After all, the child will also have to work hard for the birth. The baby does not tumble, does not kick with a swing into the wall of the uterus. His movements are slow, smooth, accurate. At this time, the movements of the baby are the movement of body parts relative to each other and the choice of a comfortable position for childbirth. He seems to be trying to work out those movements that he will have to make when passing through the birth canal.

Despite the fact that in general the baby behaves very calmly at the 41st week, periods of calm can be replaced by active movements, which are still neat and smooth. In other words, the baby at the 41st week is motionless for a long time, then suddenly begins to make a whole series of movements, then again freezes in a motionless position of the embryo, pulling up the bent arms and legs in the stomach and chest.

Fetal movements are felt by the mother well, but practically do not cause discomfort and pain. Some movements are felt at all as very weak.

In addition to the described typical variant of movements, the fetus can from time to time begin to actively move, causing the mother significant discomfort and pain. Such sudden and painful movements of the fetus are usually its reactions to some external factor that irritates it greatly, and by its behavior the baby, as it were, demands to eliminate the irritant. And the child can react negatively to almost any external factor (for example, too bright light, an unpleasant smell, loud sounds, stress, fear or other strong emotions in the mother), as he sees perfectly, hears and distinguishes sounds perfectly, smells, touches stomach, captures the mood and emotional state of the mother. Therefore, when the "protest" activity of the baby appears, you need to try to eliminate the irritant that he does not like and calm down so that the fetus does not react to fear, bitterness, suffering and other strong emotions of the mother.

Sometimes the baby begins to move sharply and actively in the absence of an external stimulus, and in this case, the increase in its activity is due to hypoxia (oxygen deficiency). With active movements, the baby tries to speed up the blood flow, and due to this, increase the amount of oxygen supplied to the cells. If the baby has active movements, presumably caused by hypoxia, you need to do breathing exercises and get on all fours for 10-15 minutes - this will eliminate the clamping of blood vessels and restore blood flow in the right amount to the uterus and placenta.

Also, the baby can begin active movements after eating by the mother, which is due to an increase in the concentration of glucose in the blood, which is a source of energy for movements.

During the day, the baby moves unevenly: he freezes for a long time, then makes a series of training movements, lies motionless again, etc. Such an uneven distribution of movements over time is also due to the fact that the fetus alternately sleeps and is awake. Unfortunately, it is impossible to predict when the baby will move and when it will lie still.

However, there is a curious pattern - the fetus moves more often when the mother is resting lying or sitting. And when the mother walks, works around the house (that is, moves), the baby often sits still. This is due to the fact that during the movement the woman's stomach sways, which creates the effect of motion sickness for the baby, who falls asleep and does not move. And when the mother is resting, her stomach does not sway and does not create the effect of motion sickness, as a result of which the baby wakes up and can begin to work out the movements that he will need in childbirth.

In addition to movements, sometimes a woman can feel rhythmic shudders inside the abdomen, which are caused by hiccups in a child. Hiccups in the fetus are not dangerous, and after a while it goes away on its own.

Despite the fact that the activity of the fetus at the 41st week is low, a woman should feel the baby move about 10 to 12 times every day for 12 hours. If the fetus moves less than 10 times in 12 hours, you should immediately be hospitalized in the maternity hospital, as this indicates that he is not all right, and medical intervention is urgently needed to save him.

Ultrasound and tests

At the 41st week, the doctor may prescribe an ultrasound, cardiotocography (CTG) and dopplerography (doppler) in order to make sure that the fetus feels fine and there are no signs of a prolonged pregnancy. Examinations are necessary mainly for the timely monitoring of signs of overpregnancy, since if they appear, then it is necessary to stimulate childbirth without waiting for their natural onset. Such a tactic, when signs of overgestation appear, is justified, since delivery is urgently needed, because the baby is already beginning to suffer in the womb, he does not have enough water, he is gaining too much weight, the bones of the skull become dense, which will create difficulties when passing through birth ways. In other words, ultrasound, CTG and Doppler at the 41st week are almost always prescribed to understand whether a natural onset of labor can be expected or whether labor stimulation is necessary.

The uterus contracts often and painfully, exercising before childbirth. These contractions are called false contractions. They differ from true ones only in that they are irregular and non-rhythmic. Accordingly, if at some point a woman realized that the contractions had become rhythmic and the interval between them was decreasing, then they are already quite true and an urgent need to go to the maternity hospital, as the birth began.

Since the woman is already quite tired of her position and she has a fear of childbirth, then at the 41st week she may suffer from mood swings, insomnia, irritability, tearfulness, bad mood, etc. But some women in the last weeks of pregnancy, on the contrary, have enthusiasm and a surge of strength, thanks to which they begin to equip the apartment for the appearance of a newborn. This behavior is called "nesting syndrome" and is considered normal.

Many women lose their appetite before giving birth, which is due to a change in the dominant in the body - now it throws all its strength into the birth act and does not want to be distracted by digesting a large amount of food. In this regard, it is recommended to include in the diet healthy and high-calorie foods that provide the body with energy for a long time, for example, meat, fish, soups with vegetable broth, cereals, etc.


Due to the fact that a cork comes out of the cervical canal, which closed the path to the uterus for pathogenic microbes throughout pregnancy, normal discharge at the 41st week usually acquires a mucous character. Such normal mucus may be pinkish, whitish, or creamy in color, have a viscous consistency, and may contain blood.

In some cases, the cork may come off completely, and then it looks like a thick lump of mucus, colored white, yellowish, creamy or pinkish in color with or without streaks of blood.

In addition to discharge, amniotic fluid may leak at the 41st week. At the same time, small portions of a clear or slightly cloudy liquid with a sweetish odor, which may contain an admixture of flakes, are secreted from the genital tract from time to time. Sometimes water leaks in such small portions that a woman does not even notice, but she feels that her panties are wet, and her crotch is wet. Water makes the skin of the perineum and pubis sticky and shiny. When water leaks, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible to determine whether it is possible to wait for the onset of labor or whether stimulation is necessary. But if the leaking water is colored greenish or brownish, then you should immediately be hospitalized in the maternity hospital, as this indicates fetal hypoxia and requires labor induction to help the baby be born, and not leave him to suffer from oxygen deficiency.

In some women, water can pour out immediately in a stream. In this case, you need to be hospitalized in a maternity hospital. In this situation, either childbirth will begin on its own in the near future, or doctors will have to stimulate them, since the fetus cannot stay in an anhydrous environment for a long time.

In addition to leakage and outpouring of water, as well as normal discharge, at the 41st week, a woman may also have pathological discharge. Of course, bloody discharge is pathological. They reflect serious conditions that can lead to the death of the fetus or mother. Therefore, when they appear, you should immediately be hospitalized in a maternity hospital.

Also, pathological discharges include yellowish, greenish, grayish or earthy discharges that contain lumps, flakes, vesicles, an admixture of pus and / or blood, have an unpleasant odor or provoke itching, burning, swelling and redness in the genital area. If such discharge appears, then you need to urgently consult a doctor so that he sanitizes the vagina and eliminates the infectious and inflammatory process, which can lead to infection of the fetus during childbirth.


Bleeding in any amount at the 41st week must be considered dangerous, since even the release of a small amount of blood, at first glance, harmless, can at any time become profuse bleeding, which, of course, is very dangerous. The danger of severe bleeding in the last weeks of pregnancy is due to the fact that literally in 20-30 minutes a woman can lose 500-1000 ml of blood, and such blood loss threatens the life of the mother and fetus. Therefore, the recommendation to consider any bleeding at the 41st week of pregnancy as dangerous is quite justified and rational.

If blood appears from the genital tract at the 41st week, you need to call an ambulance, then take documents, a phone, open the doors and go to bed. You need to wait for the arrival of doctors while lying in bed, and not collecting things for hospitalization throughout the apartment. This requirement is due to the fact that any physical activity can lead to increased bleeding and, accordingly, greater blood loss and aggravation of the condition. And it is recommended to open the front door because blood loss can at any moment lead to loss of consciousness, and the woman simply will not be able to let in the arriving team of doctors.

uterus and belly

At the 41st week, the abdominal circumference can be 96 - 102 cm, and the height of the fundus of the uterus remains the same as at the 40th week (that is, an average of 32 - 34 cm), but there are fluctuations from 32 to 38 cm. Since the presenting part of the fetus (head or butt) entered the small pelvis, preparing for childbirth, the abdomen at the 41st week increases only in circumference, but not in height. Thus, the stomach began to protrude more strongly, but the upper edge of the uterus, on the contrary, remained at the same level or even slightly lowered compared to the previous weeks.

From the navel to the pubis there is a wide dark strip that divides the stomach into two halves, but it will come off after childbirth. The navel turned out or took on the appearance of a stretched shapeless circle. You should not worry about this, because after giving birth, the navel will return to its usual size and shape. On the skin of the abdomen, sides and thighs, there are stretch marks, peeling, rashes and itching, which cause significant discomfort. To reduce the severity of this discomfort, you need to lubricate the skin of the abdomen, thighs and sides with a nourishing cream or vegetable oil (for example, olive, sunflower, almond, linseed, etc.).

The uterus trains before childbirth, periodically contracting, which the woman feels like false contractions. Such contractions cause severe pulling pain in the lower abdomen, sometimes spreading to the lower back, and make the stomach literally stone. One contraction lasts a couple of minutes, but they occur periodically throughout the day. It is impossible to predict the appearance of a fight, since they are irregular and non-rhythmic.

Pain in the abdomen and other parts of the body

A large uterus, pressing on the organs and tissues of the abdominal cavity, on the bones, a high load on the musculoskeletal system, as well as other physiological processes occurring in the body at the 41st week of pregnancy, lead to the fact that a woman can feel pain of a diverse nature in various organs. These pains are completely normal, and occur due to natural changes in the body, and not pathologies and any diseases. Consider such basic normal pains characteristic of the 41st week of pregnancy, as well as pathological ones similar to them, so that women can know when to sound the alarm, and when to just relax and endure.

Since the uterus has already sunk down at the 41st week, its bottom does not rest against the diaphragm, and, therefore, the woman no longer suffers from pain in the ribs and hypochondrium, which were caused by the movements of the baby. The pains disappeared due to the fact that the fetus, making body movements, no longer reaches these anatomical structures with its arms and legs.


Intimate intercourse at the 41st week is contraindicated in the presence of the following conditions:
  • The mucous plug came out;
  • Leaking or poured out by a stream of water;
  • A woman or a man suffers from diseases of the genital organs;
  • A woman is carrying twins, triplets, etc.;
  • There are any complications of pregnancy (for example, placenta previa, preeclampsia, etc.).
And when there are no contraindications, theoretically you can have sex until the very birth. Moreover, often sexual intercourse turns out to be a kind of stimulant, after which a woman has labor activity. However, not all doctors and scientists adhere to this position. Some believe that sex in the last weeks of pregnancy is harmful, since a woman's genital tract is very sensitive and can easily become inflamed, which is highly undesirable before childbirth. Thus, given the differences in academic circles on this issue, a married couple will have to decide for themselves whether they can have sex at the 41st week of pregnancy.


At week 41, weight gain should be 9.4 - 15.6 kg relative to the weight that existed at the time of pregnancy. Moreover, the fuller the woman, the closer to the lower limit of the norm should be her weight gain. In addition, women should be aware that weight may not be added from about the 38-39th week and remain at the same level as it was in these weeks. This is not dangerous and is completely normal, as excess fluid accumulated during pregnancy is removed from the body, which is completely unnecessary for childbirth. Accordingly, the excretion of fluid and the increase in the weight of the child are leveled, and the total body weight of the woman does not increase. And for these reasons, some women at the 41st week even lose weight by 0.5 - 2 kg.

Weight gain in recent weeks should not exceed 300 g in seven days. If the weight is added at a fast pace, then the woman becomes stout, and this will negatively affect the course of the upcoming birth. Accordingly, you should try to prevent weight gain more than normal, for which in the last weeks you can even eat only lean food.

Approved drugs

Depending on the effect on the fetus, all drugs are divided into five groups - A, B, C, D and X. Accordingly, all drugs from the same group have the same effect on the fetus, and therefore the rules for their use during pregnancy are the same same. Thus, for each group of drugs, there are rules for use during pregnancy, which guide doctors when deciding whether a particular drug can be used at the 41st week of gestation.

At week 41, pregnant women can take drugs belonging to groups A and B, as they are safe for the fetus. In a serious condition of a woman, which in the absence of treatment will become even worse, it is permissible to use group C drugs, but only under the supervision and as directed by a doctor. Indeed, for drugs of group C, there is only a high risk of negative effects on the human fetus, but this negative effect has not been confirmed by practice and remains exclusively theoretical. Therefore, these drugs are considered acceptable for use at the 41st week in a serious condition of a woman, when she will definitely feel better from treatment, but it is not known whether the medicine will have a negative effect on the fetus. With the threat of the death of a pregnant woman, short-term use of group D drugs is allowed, which definitely have a negative effect on the human fetus. Group X drugs are never used during pregnancy, as they cause fetal death.

Considering the foregoing, it is obvious that it is easy to understand whether this or that drug can be used - for this it is enough to find out which group the drug belongs to. And to find out the group to which the medicine belongs is also not difficult - for this you need to read the section "

The body of the child was finally cleared of protective lubricant, it remained only on the most delicate areas of the skin: armpits and in the groin area. The internal organs function in the same way as in an adult. The child's body still accumulates 30 grams of fat per day, which increases its weight. At 40 and 41 weeks, pregnancy takes on new changes: the placenta weakens, which allows the mother's blood to mix with the baby's blood. This is very beneficial for the child's immune system as it is very fragile.

There is hair growth on the head, so if you give birth at 41 or 42 weeks, the hair on the baby's head can be quite long. Many women are afraid that something is wrong with the child due to the fact that he practically does not move. This is completely normal, because the surrounding space does not allow him to move.

When the 41st week of pregnancy comes, the expectant mother feels that her stomach begins to tense up and pulls, and pain also occurs. This usually happens between 40 and 41 weeks. Then a woman should seriously think about it. Gather all the necessary things, agree with loved ones, clarify the conditions of hospitalization in the maternity hospital. The development of technology will not interfere either. Do not be afraid that you are carrying a child for too long, if you are giving birth for the first time - this is completely normal.

If this is the second pregnancy, 41 weeks should not scare you too much either. Be sure to contact your doctor and have an ultrasound done, because the placenta is aging and the baby cannot get enough nutrients. The doctor will definitely support you and prepare you mentally for childbirth, because at this stage there is a strong fear and a lot of mixed feelings and emotions.

baby at 41 weeks

Many are frightened by the moment when the 41st week of pregnancy began and there are no signs of childbirth. But in this case, there is no need to panic. If the 41st week of pregnancy is already suitable, then this means that the birth date of the child may have been calculated incorrectly. Very few women give birth exactly on the date set by the doctor. The baby at 41 weeks of gestation is already ready for the appearance. All organs of the baby are formed and can already perform all the functions. The ventricle is ready to receive and digest food, the lungs are waiting for their first portion of air, the liver, endocrine glands are all already performing their functions properly. Only the central nervous system is in the developing stage, as it will continue to develop after the birth of the child. The fetus in the last stage of pregnancy already looks like a newborn baby. Subcutaneous fat accumulated, so the skin gradually leveled off, became smoother and acquired a pleasant pinkish tint.

The generic lubrication remained only in the skin folds, the fluff from the body disappeared. The baby is already growing hairs on the head, nails on the fingers. It is quite common in newborns to have long nails. They should be cut immediately after birth, as the baby can scratch himself. At 41 weeks, the baby is already moving less, but you still need to count at least 10 movements every 30 minutes, even if they are weak. The child will continue to grow and gain weight. At 41 weeks of gestation, the fetus usually reaches 52 cm and the weight can exceed 3500 g.

By the end of pregnancy, the child descends and presses the head down, because of this there are frequent pains in the perineum, back and legs, it becomes difficult to walk. All these are harbingers of imminent childbirth. The child takes the right position for the upcoming birth. The placenta by 41 weeks is no longer functioning well enough to supply everything the baby needs. But there are exceptions that even at this time the placenta continues to supply the baby with all the components necessary for it. In principle, there is no reason to worry, since until 42 weeks the baby is not considered post-term. Moreover, if, after passing the examination, the results show that the pulse and utero-placental metabolism are normal, then stimulation is not required.

Ultrasound photo at 41 weeks

What to do at 41 weeks pregnant

Since the bags and all the necessary documents have already been collected in the family, relatives are at the ready, it is best to just relax in the last week of pregnancy. In the future, this will not happen soon, after the appearance of the baby. You can take a walk, eat something tasty and not very healthy, allow yourself a glass of wine, because later, after the birth of a child and during breastfeeding, you will have to limit yourself in everything. Sex with your husband will not hurt either, because after giving birth you will have to deprive yourself of this for some time. In addition, there is no better and safer stimulation than sex. Talk to your child, since now he already hears and feels his mother very well, perhaps this will also affect his imminent birth.

And also the remaining free time can be devoted to learning, both for childbirth and the proper care of the newborn. If you have already fully prepared for childbirth, then you can learn useful information on how to care for a newborn. You need to listen to your body so as not to miss the harbingers of childbirth. This is a lowered belly, the disappearance of heartburn, bloating in the abdomen. And the pains in the lower back, legs and perineum that came to them instead, the appearance in some cases of insomnia, since it becomes difficult to sleep in any position. Changes in mood, lack of appetite or unreasonable hunger. And the most important harbinger is when the toilet becomes a home, because. The baby puts a lot of pressure on the bladder. But the most obvious are contractions, the passage of cork and amniotic fluid. Therefore, do not forget to monitor the discharge.

Plug and discharge at 41 weeks pregnant

When the cork came off at 41 weeks of pregnancy, this is already good. But this means that the birth will begin quickly. The cork usually comes off in parts, it looks slimy, thick, usually white or yellowish in color. If blood impurities are present, then this is a messenger that childbirth may soon begin. In the event that after the departure of the cork, bleeding begins, you should immediately go to the hospital. It also happens that the cork leaves all at once, in which case you should not take a bath and have sex, as you can infect the fetus. Of course, it is possible not to detect the passage of the cork if this occurs during urination or when the cork departs along with the waters at the same time.

Not only mucous discharge can be seen at 41 weeks of gestation. Watery discharge may also appear - this is amniotic fluid leaking. There are times when water is released in small portions. Water should be clear and odorless. There are times when a child has oxygen starvation, then meconium can get into the amniotic fluid. This is the original feces, then the color of the waters can be greenish or brown. Having noticed water of this color, you should immediately go to the hospital so that the child does not swallow such a liquid, which will be harmful to his health. If the water gushed in a stream or blood discharge is observed, then it is also worth urgently going to the hospital.

Photo of tummies at 41 weeks


As previously mentioned, childbirth at 41 weeks is not late, but the pregnancy is delayed, so they proceed exactly the same as at 39 and 40 weeks. To understand that it is time for you to give birth, contractions will indicate that it will strongly pull or let go of the lower abdomen, which will only intensify throughout the entire time. You should go to the hospital when the time between contractions is 7-10 minutes. Do not be nervous and panic. This is a natural process that many have gone through.

You need to fully focus on what is happening. It will depend only on your condition how everything goes. First you need to breathe properly. Do not use the technique of frequent inhalation and exhalation, this will not alleviate your pain.

During the fight, you need to inhale, while you should not rush, inhale slowly and exhale also slowly, as the pain passes. It is recommended to endure contractions on your feet or you can sit on a special ball, making circular movements with your pelvis on it, or simply move around the ward. Don't lie down or just sit, think about the fact that you are sitting on your own child's head. It is worth focusing on your own feelings and strictly follow the instructions of the medical staff.

You need to push only when you are told this and during the attempt to spend all your strength on it, at this moment you help the child move through the birth canal. By doing everything as the medical staff says, you can avoid the undesirable consequences of childbirth, such as tears. Which can delay your stay in the hospital and cause many painful inconveniences after discharge. In a respite between contractions and attempts, you need to restore strength, breathe and try to completely relax before a new fight and attempts. Think about the little miracle for which all this is being done and that the long-awaited meeting will soon take place. Scientists have found that during childbirth a woman experiences pain up to 57 del, and the human body can only withstand up to 45 del. This can be compared to breaking 20 bones at the same time. However, a woman in labor does not feel this way; during childbirth, a woman's body protects her from pain shock.

So do not worry and be more nervous than you can bear. Therefore, in order for everything to end faster, you need to restore your strength during breaks. You should not scream and especially cry, because during all this you stop breathing and all this reflects badly on the child. After all, after the waters have broken, the baby needs oxygen and a calm environment inside you. The child feels and experiences everything with his mother. First of all, you should think about the child and do everything to the maximum so that he is comfortable, and he was born faster. After the head appears, we can say that everything is over. Because the body is born much faster.

The baby will take its first breath, then give a voice and then the doctors will put it on your chest. The first attachment to the breast is very important, although it is not milk yet, but colostrum, this is necessary for the child.

The emergence of a new life into the world is not only going through inconvenience during gestation and pain during birth, it is a great happiness in the life of every person. And for the sake of this happiness it is worth going through all these trials.

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Author of the publication: Olga Lazareva

Although the expected due date has already arrived, you still have not given birth, and there are no regular contractions and water discharge. This is quite acceptable, since it is possible that the doctor calculated your due date incorrectly, or the baby decided that he still needs to stay in your tummy for a little while and be born a little later than the due date. Now he is completely ready for birth and you are already tired of waiting. The growth and weight of the baby is steadily increasing every day, which leads to an increase in the size of the fetus. In this case, there is a weakening of the functions of the placenta, which can lead to difficulties in delivering nutrients to the fetus. You can give birth any day, and perhaps they will put you in the hospital to resolve the issue of labor induction.

Changes in the body at 41 weeks

The 41st week is the end of the calendar ninth month, and the tenth obstetric month, the pregnancy is fully full-term, you have already crossed the line of 40 weeks. But there are sometimes tendencies to skip pregnancy or incorrectly calculated dates, and therefore you may still be pregnant. In reality, the duration of pregnancy may depend on numerous factors - on the duration of the menstrual cycles, on the time the eggs are released (ovulation) and heredity, on the age and hormonal status of the pregnant woman. Therefore, it is likely that you can give birth as early as 41 weeks of gestation, this is not dangerous. At the same time, the baby is already completely ready to meet this world, all the necessary processes of intrauterine development have been completed, all systems and organs are actively working, and it has become extremely crowded inside the uterus due to the continuous growth of the fetus and its weight gain. On average, he now weighs about 3700 g and his height reaches 54 cm.

It is already worth contacting the maternity hospital for hospitalization and preparation for childbirth, it is important to collect all the things and documents necessary for childbirth, to clarify the conditions for how you will be hospitalized. It is important to remember the breathing technique in childbirth, and do not worry if you have been pregnant - if this is your first pregnancy, this is quite acceptable.

It is important to conduct an ultrasound scan and undergo an examination with a doctor, evaluate the work of the placenta and its condition, since its active aging occurs and the child may lack nutrients and oxygen. Then the question of inducing labor or the need for a caesarean section will be decided. Don't worry, your baby will be born soon.

Childbirth and precursors at 41 weeks

If the delivery has not yet come this week, you should not worry, there is no need to panic, since the term may not be entirely correct, or the process may simply be delayed a little. You are still quite a bit like with your big tummy, waiting for the birth of the crumbs. At the same time, the doctor will carefully monitor that there are no threats and complications for the baby, and then the issue of stimulation will be postponed for the time being. Quite safely, delivery can occur this and even the next week of pregnancy. Especially likely to exceed the terms of more than 40 weeks in a mother who gives birth for the first time after 30 years.

Pregnancy this week is considered prolonged, but not overdue, so childbirth can take place in the same way as in the period of 38-40 weeks, except that the fetus is growing. To understand that the process has begun, regular contractions will help you - this is a strong feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen and lower back, which lasts at certain intervals, and which increases in intensity and duration. Unlike training false contractions, they do not disappear after rest or a change in body position. You need to go to the hospital with an interval between contractions of seven to ten minutes, while you should not worry and worry, delivery is a completely natural process. Also, the process can begin with the discharge of amniotic fluid and then regular contractions.

It is important at the beginning to focus on yourself and breathe correctly during contractions in order to alleviate discomfort, not to lie down during contractions, but to actively move, this, due to gravity, will help you in facilitating the opening of the cervix and the smooth movement of the head. You can spring on a special ball during contractions, if the maternity hospital allows, take a warm shower. Each woman intuitively accepts for herself the position in which it will be easier for her to endure labor pains. It is also important to listen to all instructions from the midwife and doctor.

When the cervix is ​​fully dilated, a period of attempts will begin, and you will need to push when the midwife tells you about it, you need to carefully listen to all the instructions of the medical staff so as not to waste strength and avoid such difficulties as ruptures of the soft tissues of the birth canal. In between contractions and pushing, you need to rest and recuperate, it is important to focus on breathing and relaxation to help the baby be born. Labor pains are quite pronounced, while the body, due to the release of special substances, protects itself from the development of pain shock. Therefore, you should not worry about the fact that you will not be able to give birth, all women go through this and safely give birth to children.

Immediately after birth, the child takes its first breath and announces the world with a cry, they put it on the mother’s stomach and wait for the end of the umbilical cord pulsation, it is cut, and the third period begins - the birth of the placenta. After that, the woman in labor is observed with the baby for several hours, and then transferred to the ward.

Feelings of the expectant mother

It is important in this period to carefully listen to your feelings, since the term of delivery has already come, and it's time to have a baby. The movement of the fetus can be felt very rarely, since there is not enough space in the uterus, its movements are mainly pushes, kicks and toss and turn. If the baby does not make itself felt, it is worth informing the doctor about this, as well as about strong and active movements. The placenta ages and the fetus may experience hypoxia. On average, there should be at least ten movements in 12 hours, and preferably more.

Due to the large belly, you feel constant fatigue and back pain, at night it is impossible to find a comfortable position for sleeping, insomnia torments you. It is especially difficult to sleep if you need to constantly get up to use the toilet, as the head of the fetus presses on the pelvic bones and perineum, swelling disappears and urination increases. Due to the preparation of the body for childbirth, such unpleasant sensations as nausea and vomiting, diarrhea due to the physiological cleansing of the body for childbirth can occur, although this does not happen in all pregnant women. Due to the pressure of the head in the small pelvis, constipation can also increase, the rectum is hardly emptied, which brings discomfort to the expectant mother.

Now all the documents and things for the maternity hospital have already been collected and are at the ready, all relatives are looking forward to a joyful event and may even bother you with calls and questions, try not to get annoyed - they, like you, are worried and waiting for the baby. It is worth relaxing as much as possible and gaining strength, in the future there will be especially no time to rest. Now you need to walk a lot, eat various delicious dishes and do feasible household chores, you can create a supply of food in the refrigerator for your spouse while you are away from the hospital.

It is quite possible to afford sex, at the same time it will be a way to relieve stress, a source of pleasant sensations, a natural stimulant of childbirth. You can talk to the child, he hears you, ask him to hurry up with the birth. Also now you can devote time to learning the basics of newborn care, read articles on the topic of breastfeeding. It is important to carefully listen to the sensations of your body - an early birth portends a lowering of the abdomen with increased pressure on the rectum and bladder, cessation of heartburn and easier breathing, which can be replaced by pain in the perineum, pelvis and legs. appetite or, conversely, severe hunger. And the most obvious sensations of an approaching event are the passage of a mucous plug or amniotic fluid, the beginning of regular contractions.


Now there can be quite a lot of discomfort and pain. These are, first of all, back pains, aching lower back due to the fact that the stomach has dropped and the head of the fetus has stood in the small pelvis. At the same time, it becomes difficult to walk, you constantly want to go to the toilet, there is pain in the sacrum, pain between the legs. The stomach periodically stiffens due to active contractions of the uterus to prepare for childbirth - training contractions, gradually they can turn into true, regular ones. With true contractions, the stomach hurts and the lower back aches, the contractions gradually increase in strength and duration, the periods between them are reduced - it's time to go to the hospital.


In this period, the main secretions should be transparent mucous discharges, with an admixture of pink or brown streaks. If the discharge acquires a yellowish or greenish color, a curdled or foamy consistency, a sharp unpleasant odor, this indicates the activation of genital infections. At this time, the development of such infections is very dangerous, since delivery can begin on any day, and you may simply not have time to fully treat the infection. This can lead to a high risk of infection of the fetus during its passage through the birth canal, and it also increases the risk of complications. Therefore, in the presence of such secretions, immediately consult a doctor and immediately be treated!

If you have reached this period, and the pregnancy is developing quite normally, you may notice an increase and the formation of mucous secretions, they can be transparent, creamy, with a pink tint. Usually this is the passage of a mucous plug from the cervix, which indicates the proximity of the event. The cork can come off in small pieces or a lump of mucus up to two tablespoons; after the cork has come off, you should stop bathing and having sex.

If spotting occurs or there is a discharge of scarlet, dark blood, you should immediately go to the hospital, this is a sign of the onset of placental abruption. In this condition, you need to immediately decide on the issue of delivery.

How to recognize amniotic fluid leakage

It is also worth doing in the presence of liquid abundant secretions, transparent or slightly whitish, with a sweetish odor. These are leaking amniotic fluid and labor will begin very soon. The waters can depart little by little or gush in a stream over the legs, delivery should occur after their departure in the next day. Especially strongly you need to worry if the waste water is greenish or brown, this is a reason for immediate departure to the hospital. The waters are stained with meconium, and if a child swallows such waters, it will not be very favorable for him.

You can recognize the leakage of water using a special test pad, which can be purchased at a pharmacy, if the indicator on it changes color - the water leaves and you need to immediately go to the hospital.

The state of the uterus at 41 obstetric weeks

During this period, the uterus descends due to the opening of its internal pharynx and the stomach at the same time falls, facilitating breathing and digestion. At the same time, the volume of the abdomen remains maximum, and childbirth can occur at any time. At the same time, you are already practically used to periodic contractions of the uterine wall and an increase in its tone (false contractions). There may also be pulling pains in the lower abdomen and in the lower back, this is an increase in the tone of the uterus and the onset of contractions.

The cervix gradually softens, its gradual opening occurs, due to which the plug that closes the entrance to the uterus leaves. The birth is coming soon. Their beginning will be the occurrence of regular contractions, painful and rhythmic uterine contractions that occur at regular intervals. These contractions lead to a gradual and smooth opening of the cervix - this helps in the birth of a child - his head and body passes through the open cervix during attempts.

What to do if childbirth does not occur

It is worth remembering that if delivery does not occur this week, you should not especially worry, the dates could be inaccurate. At the same time, it is important to carefully monitor the well-being and condition, as well as monitoring the condition and functions of the placenta. Perhaps the doctor considers it necessary to hospitalize you in the hospital for preparation or even for labor stimulation. The condition of the cervix is ​​especially important - its maturity and readiness for childbirth. If she is ready, the delivery is very soon, and a decision can be made on medical stimulation. Stimulation will be needed when the amniotic fluid breaks, in the absence of contractions. The reason for stimulation may be chronic pathologies of a woman, pathologies of the kidneys or a state of preeclampsia. If there is no threat to the fetus, doctors can simply wait for the onset of labor, although the woman is already quite tired of pregnancy - in agreement with the doctor, you can try natural stimulation - sex, massage of the nipples of the breast, climbing stairs, washing floors. They also say that eating pineapple, spicy, taking castor oil, just a couple of drops on a piece of bread, stimulates childbirth.

In general, it is quite safe with good health and the normal state of the fetus to be like a few more days.