March 8 Class hour called. Varena and Mikhail. I. Introductory word

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Class hour On the topic: "Merry Day 8th March"

Class hour sent:Belyakov Dmitry Vasilyevich, teacher physical culture Antonovskaya school of the Miloche district of the Tver region

The purpose of the class hour:

  • - To acquaint with the history of the holiday on March 8
  • - Strip the work on cohesion of the class team
  • -strengthen friendly relations inside the class
  • - A compliant valid attitude towards a woman
  • - Develop creative skills
  • - Improve the intellectual level Place of holiday classroom: Cabinet Physics Materials and devices: TV, Dividi Player, Music Center, Disk with Elash, Test Blanks, Tokens

Class hour time:

1 Organizing time When holding a class hour on March 8: The lesson begins to the music - the burgles of the guys gathered today here on the eve of the female holiday. And the topic of our class hour "Merry Day March 8". Today we will congratulate the beautiful half of humanity. And it will happen to happen in gaming form. Throughout the lesson, you will earn up to collect the tokens. Who will collect more and wins in our game. Accordingly, he will receive a prize. Well, we start.

2 New Material: March 8: This holiday, like many others, has its own story. Already in Ancient Rome There was a female day. There was a lot of time. And in 1910, Clara Zetkin proposed to celebrate this holiday. Now we congratulate our women on this day. You will not see any other men in the streets on the streets as in this one. Without such a holiday, the life of humanity would have become much more boring. And in general, the reason to make pleasant people to others when there is no superfluous. how many beautiful words They say men on this day, how many colors are given. And really how much? How many women are so many gifts. And how many women? Let's consider. Here you have the first task. Answer my questions.


  • 1 Who can say how many people do women work in school? (9 people)
  • 2 How much do you have all the girls in school? (16 people)
  • 3 How much do we have in school Yulia? (4 people)
  • 4 How many Anh at school? (4 people)
  • 5 How much does it work with us, women learns, girls in school? (27man) Reads teacher:
  • Women are the thoughtfulness of Russia. Why are you tender? Do not among the snow they grew up. Does the river are gentle rose? Ile did not beat you wind tight? What are you tender from? Do not you mean everyday life? Or warriors forgotten? Ile without you in the fields of ears ripen, Ile Men do you preserve you? Women Alena, yes Tatiana, the eyes of your dark fog pour your hair with rays. Spring remains beyond, women - the thought of Russia, why are you strong?

Congratulations guys:

Happy female holiday spring start, With the first spring protane. Be healthy and happy you, the success of big you and small let the warm wishes warmly warm you on this day and let accompanies everywhere fulfillment of desires. We wish the days, more clear, more, light and good, health, joy, success, fun, happiness and heat. We are pleased with you to have fun and joke, and now let me give you gifts to everyone

(Presenting postcards with congratulations to teachers)

And now we will play with you again in the game

Young eruder

I will ask questions, and you answer them.

  • 1. What river wears female name. (Lena)
  • 2. Name the name of the first woman tastor. (Eve)
  • 3. Name the flower of lovers. (Chamomile)
  • 4. What fabulous heroine has blue hair? (Malvina)
  • 5. What do you call a woman who knows how to sew, knit embroider? (Needlewoman)
  • 6. Which of the planets solar system Wear a female name? (Venus)
  • 7. What is the heroine of the children's book in wonderland? (Alice)
  • 8. What is the name of one of the forms of a social device where women rule? (matriarchy)
  • 9 Nearest Earth satellite? (Moon)
  • 10. What is the name of the girlfriend Shrek. (Feon)
  • 11. What is the name of a woman who we love most. (Mum)

Now Vika will read the poem about mom

No one knows everything as a mother as a mother as a mother does not understand anyone can not can't can't care anyone as a mother can not give anyone as a mother to forgive and to love and expect anyone as a mother can not

Which of us can appreciate the daily, painstaking, continuing from year to year and at the same time seemingly inconspicuous work of mother in the house, by housework? And all for our benefit for our good: if only the children were satisfied, feste. Tidy if only childhood remains the most happy sometimes Life. After all, for frequent without mom, we as without hands. Now you look at Elash and say that the boy did not correctly and how he needed to do.

Since ancient times in Russian families, raising children lay on the shoulders of mothers, because it is very big work. Now I will give you greeting Cards. You will open them and write greetings for your moms. And, come home, give them to them.

Well, go to the third stage of our game.

You need to create as you can more words From the letters of the word " Congratulations " This is given for 5 minutes.

After the words are drawn up in turn speak them. Wins the one who will say more words.

And how can we not congratulate our girls on this day. They will congratulate their representatives strong Halves Our guys are guys.

Congratulations to boys. (Guys read poems and give gifts)

I look at you, girls, and snowdrop in the spring, fragrant, gentle, thin, I remember suddenly me. How many dislike and hidden warmth in it, how many fascinating life in you have made a spring!

Student 2:

And what qualities should have a modern girl, which it should be. Now you have such a task. Choose from the listed qualities those in your opinion should have a modern girl.

Quality Girls:

Kindness, beauty, gridness, intelligence, sociability, sense of humor, curiousness, resourcefulness, cowardice, powerfulness, seriousness, pride, openness, simplicity, moderate, Leadership skills, trick, stupidity, laziness, hard work, fantasy

And now let's see what boys chose, and that girls are comparable.

A modern girl should be not only beautiful, but also sociable, by the way, it applies to the young men. Here as extent you are sociable we now check. And they will be checked in the form of test. Your task to emphasize the answer to the question. Yes or no.

Test 1.

1. Do you like the dish with sharp seasonings? Yes -3 no- 2 2 Do you feel good in the company? Yes - 2 No-1 3. Do you sometimes have the desire to jump up to the ceiling from joy? Yes -4 No-2 4. Do you know the guests? Da- 3. NO-2 5 Do you often have headaches? Yes -1 No-2 6. Do you forget if you sometimes brush your teeth? Yes - 4 No-1 7. Do you always wear one and the tighter hairstyle? Da-3 No-1 8. Do you have charging Da-3, no-1 9 Do you often have a melancholic mood? Yes 1 No 4 10 Do you solve crosswords? Yes-1 no-4 11. Do you love to work in silence in calm atmosphere? Yes-4, no-1

And now let's see what you got if you scored more than 20 points then you: Treat the first type: You do not like companies, prefer silence, walks in the air, Communication with friends in home atmosphere You are pleased with more than evenings spent in noisy company. Because of this, your acquaintances consider you a boring person.

If 21-25 points, then the second type: you are sufficient enough, easy to converge with people, but add too frequent shift moods: then sad something cheerful.

If more than 25 points,then to the third type: your acquaintances find that in the company you are an indispensable person, you have a sense of humor, you contribute to the creation have a good mood Other people.

3. The results of the lesson:

Well, here we approached our lesson by the end, let's summarize. Who has most of all turned out to be the winner awards. Guys at the beginning of the lesson, I said that there was already a female day in ancient Rome. That in 1910 Clara Zetkin proposed to celebrate this holiday. See how much time has passed, and we all celebrate this holiday. What do you think this holiday is still alive? And on the last, I suggest singing everyone together the song "We wish you happiness"

The purpose of the class hour:

  • - To acquaint with the history of the holiday on March 8
  • - Strip the work on cohesion of the class team
  • -tention friendly relationships inside the class
  • - A compliant valid attitude towards a woman
  • - develop creative abilities
  • - Improve the intellectual level Place of holiday classroom: Cabinet Physics Materials and devices: TV, Dividi Player, Music Center, Disk with Elash, Test Blanks, Tokens
Class hour time:
1 Organizing moment when holding a class hour on March 8: The lesson begins to the music - the burgles of the guys gathered today here on the eve of the female holiday. And the topic of our class hour "Merry Day March 8". Today we will congratulate the beautiful half of humanity. And it will happen everything in a game form. Throughout the lesson, you will earn up to collect the tokens. Who will collect more and wins in our game. Accordingly, he will receive a prize. Well, we start.
2 new material: March 8: This holiday, like many others, has its own story. Already in ancient Rome there was a female day. There was a lot of time. And in 1910, Clara Zetkin proposed to celebrate this holiday. Now we congratulate our women on this day. You will not see any other men in the streets on the streets as in this one. Without such a holiday, the life of humanity would have become much more boring. And in general, the reason to make pleasant people to others when there is no superfluous. How many beautiful words say men on this day, how many colors are given. And really how much? How many women are so many gifts. And how many women? Let's consider. Here you have the first task. Answer my questions.
  • 1 Who can say how many people do women work in school? (9 people)
  • 2 How much do you have all the girls in school? (16 people)
  • 3 How much do we have in school Yulia? (4 people)
  • 4 How many Anh at school? (4 people)
  • 5 How much does it work with us, women learns, girls in school? (27man) Reads Teacher: Women - Pensiveness of Russia. You're a gentle such. You are not among the snow. You gave up on the river gentle rosy? Il did not beat you the wind tight? What are you tender? Do you do not care? Forgotten? Ile without you in the fields of ears ripen, Ile Men Do you dislike you? Women Alena, yes Tatiana, your eyes are in black, your hair is rays. There are no shoulders, women - the thought of Russia, why are you strong?
Congratulations guys:
With a female holiday, the beginning of spring, with the first spring protane. Be healthy and happy you, the success of big you and small let the warm wishes warmly warm you on this day and let accompanies everywhere fulfillment of desires. We wish the days, more clear, more, light and good, health, joy, success, fun, happiness and heat. We are pleased with you to have fun and joke, and now let me give you gifts to everyone
(Presenting postcards with congratulations to teachers)
And now we will play with you again in the game
Young eruder
I will ask questions, and you answer them.
  • 1. What river wears a female name. (Lena)
  • 2. Name the name of the first woman tastor. (Eve)
  • 3. Name the flower of lovers. (Chamomile)
  • 4. What fabulous heroine had blue hair? (Malvina)
  • 5. What do you call a woman who knows how to sew, knit embroider? (Needlewoman)
  • 6. Which of the planets of the solar system carries a female name? (Venus)
  • 7. What is the heroine of the children's book in wonderland? (Alice)
  • 8. What is the name of one of the forms of a social device where women rule? (matriarchy)
  • 9 Nearest Earth satellite? (Moon)
  • 10. What is the name of the girlfriend Shrek. (Feon)
  • 11. What is the name of a woman who we love most. (Mum)
Now Vika will read the poem about mom
No one knows everything as a mother as a mother as a mother does not understand anyone can not can't can't care anyone as a mother can not give anyone as a mother to forgive and to love and expect anyone as a mother can not
Which of us can appreciate the daily, painstaking, continuing from year to year and at the same time seemingly inconspicuous work of mother in the house, by housework? And all for our benefit for our good: if only the children were satisfied, feste. Helling only childhood remains the happiest sometimes life. After all, for frequent without mom, we as without hands. Now you look at Elash and say that the boy did not correctly and how he needed to do.
Since ancient times in Russian families, raising children lay on the shoulders of mothers, because it is very big work. Now I will give you greeting cards. You will open them and write greetings for your moms. And, come home, give them to them.
Well, go to the third stage of our game.
You need to create as many words as possible from the letters of the word " Congratulations " This is given for 5 minutes.
After the words are drawn up in turn speak them. Wins the one who will say more words.
And how can we not congratulate our girls on this day. Representatives of the strong half of humanity will be congratulated by our guys.
Congratulations to boys. (Guys read poems and give gifts)
I look at you, girls, and snowdrop in the spring, fragrant, gentle, thin, I remember suddenly me. How many dislike and hidden warmth in it, how many fascinating life in you have made a spring! Student 2:
I look at you, girls, I hear your voices as they are beautiful, calls, radiant eyes. All in them glows in the spring, reflecting heaven. This dive sometimes in you a special beauty! And what qualities should have a modern girl, which it should be. Now you have such a task. Choose from the listed qualities those in your opinion should have a modern girl.
Quality Girls:
Kindness, beauty, griffness, intelligence, sociability, sense of humor, curiousness, resourcefulness, cowardice, powerfulness, seriousness, pride, openness, simplicity, emotion, leadership qualities, trick, stupidity, laziness, hardworking, fantasy
And now let's see what boys chose, and that girls are comparable.
A modern girl should be not only beautiful, but also sociable, by the way, it applies to the young men. Here as extent you are sociable we now check. And they will be checked in the form of test. Your task to emphasize the answer to the question. Yes or no.
Test 1.
1. Do you like the dish with sharp seasonings? Yes -3 no- 2 2 Do you feel good in the company? Yes - 2 No-1 3. Do you sometimes have the desire to jump up to the ceiling from joy? Yes -4 No-2 4. Do you know the guests? Da- 3. NO-2 5 Do you often have headaches? Yes -1 No-2 6. Do you forget if you sometimes brush your teeth? Yes - 4 No-1 7. Do you always wear one and the tighter hairstyle? Da-3 No-1 8. Do you have charging Da-3, no-1 9 Do you often have a melancholic mood? Yes 1 No 4 10 Do you solve crosswords? Yes - 1 No-4 11. Do you like to work in silence in a relaxed atmosphere? Yes-4, no-1 And now let's see what you got if you scored more than 20 points then you: Treat the first type: You do not like the company, prefer silence, airwalks, communication with friends in the home atmosphere you are pleased with more than evenings in a noisy company. Because of this, your acquaintances consider you a boring person.
If 21-25 points, then the second type: you are sufficiently sociable, easy to converge with people, but to make too frequent change of moods: then something is cheerful.
If more than 25 points,that is the third type: your friends find that you are an indispensable person in the company, you have a sense of humor, you contribute to creating good mood in other people.
3. The results of the lesson:

Well, here we approached our lesson by the end, let's summarize. Who has most of all turned out to be the winner awards. Guys at the beginning of the lesson, I said that there was already a female day in ancient Rome. That in 1910 Clara Zetkin proposed to celebrate this holiday. See how much time has passed, and we all celebrate this holiday. What do you think this holiday is still alive? And on the last, I suggest singing everyone together the song "We wish you happiness"
The end of the development of the class hour, dedicated to the holiday March 8

Objective: to introduce students with the history of the day celebration of March 8. Educate in pupils gentle and respectful attitude To girl, woman, mother. Show beauty and tenderness of a woman.


1 Presenter:

We all know that International Women's Day celebrated on March 8. Women look forward to this holiday, in anticipation of the attention of loved ones and welcome gifts. Now International Women's Day is a real holy holidaywhich is associated with spring, colors, smiles and kisses. But he, like everyone else, has his interesting and not always a cloudless story.

2 master

As it does not look surprisingly now, but before the right of voting and the right to hold governing state positions had only men. Until time before beautiful half Humanity matured with this, pretending that it simply does not pay attention to it. The morality and the foundations of the time were prescribed that a female was a family, children and respect for the spouse. But at one fine moment their patience burst.

1 Presenter:

It all started at the beginning of the spring of 1857 ... when New York's textiles went through the "march of empty saucepan" in Manhattan. They demanded an increase in salary, improving working conditions and equal rights for women. The demonstration was naturally dispersed, but noise in connection with its unusualness it was pretty. This event was even called Women's Day ...

2 Host:

In 1912, this day, women noted on March 19, and on May 12. And since 1914, this day spontaneously began to celebrate for some reason on March 8.

As Russia lived then unlike all of Europe julian calendar, International Women's Day in our country was noted on March 8, but on February 23.

In Russia, this day women celebrate annually since 1913. And now, on February 23, 1917, this day, Petrograd female Petrograd came to the streets of the city against war. Some spontaneous rallies moved into mass strikes and demonstrations, clashes with Cossacks and the police. On February 24-25, mass strikes turned into a universal strike. .

1 Presenter:

It was the International Women's Day of 1917 that was a launch crochet, led to the February Revolution, which in turn led to the October coup and the emergence of the USSR ...

In the USSR March 8 for a long time was the usual working day, but on May 8, 1965, on the eve of the 20th anniversary of Victory in Great patriotic War, International Women's Day March 8 was announced in the USSR festive Day. (Video Holiday History.)

Veliky teacher V. Sukhomlinsky wrote: "Attitude towards a woman is the finest meter of honor, conscience, decency, nobility, a high school of kindness of sensitivity."

At all times, the poets in their works admired women, they chased them in their poems and gave them to women. Perhaps this is because most poets were men, and maybe because women are more gentle and beautiful, their external beauty And internal perfection is very harmoniously woven in the poem.


Woman ... Heavenly creature.

The embodiment of a fabulous dream.

Cloud of unsinkable desires.

Wind from good and beauty.

How much power spent the nature,

Creating a woman on the light!?

What has invested good and evil

In this long-range silhouette? Summer dawn serenity, Cold Creek Clean

Warmth of sunlight,

Fresh rain breathing,

Strange mysteriousness of fog

Sensuality from morning dew,

Enjoyed volcano violence

And the unpredictability of thunderstorms !!

2 Host:So who is the heavenly creature, how did a woman appeared on earth?

One of the legends says that the woman appeared that way ( video, reads legend about a woman)

1 Presenter:

Yes, if you believe this, a legend man could never do without a woman, neither then nor now. And it is ne simple words. Listen to somewhat interesting historical factsThat prove that the woman is not only always next to the man, but also often came as an example for him and could lead him behind him. And sometimes a woman, his actions, did not give way to a man and was always on top.

CLK. How many unforgettable history of female names! Yes, to recall at least Catherine II, in which Russia in the thirty years of its rule was made by the Great Power. Not only contemporaries called the Empress of the Great. She did not lose any war. She had, no matter how they said, the moral right to draw on her own famous monument: Peter I - Catherine II

And what examples of the decisiveness of women comes to us past! When in 42 G.N.E. Roman Cecilina Pet was sentenced to death penalty For participation in the uprising against the emperor Claudia, and for a long time, I could not decide on suicide, his wife Aria looked into his chest, and then handed his spouse with words: "No, it's not hurt."

Was there really a militant tribe of female Amazons or is it the fruit of fantasy Greeks? How many poets since the times of Homer challenged the brave women! How many beautiful statues of alogood heroin was created for the temple of Artemis in the Majia Town Ephesus!

According to legends, these (as they would say now) radical feminists only once a year came into communicating with men of neighboring tribes to continue their genus. They brought up only female offspring, burned to girls right breastsSo as not to interfere with tightening the tutor of the bow, and they prepared them - as the Spartans of boys - only to military empires. The name of the "Amazon", with which we associate the beauties of the hits, and even at all -krasavitz, dressed in the suitable riding costume, means a distorted "wonderful". Scientists argue that the legend of Amazon goes back to times when women occupied a high position in society and flourished the cult of goddesses of women.

Appears, matriarchy!

Favorite, queen be.

I just pray: mercarious breasts!

But, of course, not the heroic acts and militant Amazons determine the true women's essence. Confirm this we find, for example, in Roman history. The widow of the semprony of the Grakhkha, the mother of eleven children, two of whom was the largest political figures of the repotes their lives in his mind and educator. Her unfading beauty Ptolemy's pharaoh of Egypt attracted Ptolemy, who offered her hand, heart and throne. However, this worthy of the Romans remained faithful to his maternal debt.

And Elizabeth I English is the top of power in world history. Estimates of its board fluctuate between enthusiastic and beneficiaries. 70 years of life, of which 45 - in power! And what this was power! In Catherine II, the golden age has come Russian EmpireWhen Elizabeth I - the Golden Age of Britain.

BUT modern story - For example, Indira Gandhi, Margaret Thatcher, Karson Akino, Benazir Bhutto and many other outstanding women proved their "rights" to "solidarity" with their peoples.

Spring - living start, and not in nature above the cards. Love would forever behave in paradise, probably in March.

2 Host:

Girls, young ladies and ladies -

All in the world women are beautiful!

Sisters, daughters, wives, moms

We ensure happiness!

The eighth of March gives the case

All express love from the heart,

Favorite, the most best

In the words of beautiful give to warm up!

And it doesn't matter how many years you are 15 or 60, March 8 is our holiday, female. And each of us should feel happy and beloved.

Woman - Synonym for beauty,

Eternal spiritual heat.

Only dreams come true with her

And the soul is fulfilled hope.

In it - bottomless ocean From dream,

Wisdom has fun.

The world God gave the world.

The duty of men - to protect him.

Martov shrouded in the wing,

Woman with spring - at the same time.

This day will remind one thing:

As we with women are lucky. (Vocal Poems Assadova)

1 Presenter:

But women, besides the fact that everyone can "- may be the main thing in this life:

be wives and mothers. "Decide to acquire a child - a serious thing. It means to decide that your heart From now on, and forever walked out of your body, "said Elizabeth Stone, the spouse of the famous American director Oliver Stone. This aphorism glorified it around the world - so accurately she described what motherhood is.

When children are somewhat, the noshe mother is even harder: after all, her heart is not only "walking outside the body", it is also divided into several pieces ...

(Videos Taisiya Povaliy "Mom Mommy.")

The most warm, the most kind and most gentle greetings On this day, we address our moms. Mom is the most expensive and native in our life. And even when she is not there, she doesn't care, invisibly with us, and we are always in her heart

Tell me, where did I come from?

I asked everyone a question.

And my grandfather answered me:

We brought me a stork.

And my grandmother told me:

In the cabbage they found you.

And uncle joked:

From the station in the basket you brought you.

I know it is not true

Mom gave birth to me

I just do not know the answer,

Where my mother took me.

Sister grumbled on me:

You spoke to everyone.

And I started first:

And where did I live to mom?

No one secret adults

I could not explain so much.

Only mom replied simply:

You lived in my heart, son!

2 Host: Our Mama good health, Sea of \u200b\u200bflowers and smiles and let them always be happy. ( video Waltz Flowers)

Reflection (congratulations from boys)

Class hour by March 8 on the topic "Spring Mosaic"

Oral humorous magazine for grade 9

Congratulation of girls on International Women's Day in the form of an oral humorous journal. All materials of the magazine are preparing boys. It is desirable that every boy takes part in congratulations (the script contains sufficient number texts and materials for this).

Objectives Expanding the presentation of children about each other; Formation positive moral assessment of such qualities like benevolence, politeness; prompting to participate in collective events, to the development of their abilities and talents; Creating a positive moral climate in the team.

Form of: humorous interpretation.

Preparatory work:

A week before the class hour to introduce boys with a script, distribute the roles;

You can instruct one of the boys to make a slide film on the computer ( beautiful views Spring nature, flowers, lyrical music);

For the game "Questions and Answers" to prepare paper strips with answers to questions (by the number of girls in the class). These stripes before the start of the game boys will quickly distribute girls on the desks. Then, in the course of the game, girls in response to the question will have to read the offer recorded on their strip.


1. Only after 12 nights.

2. I am always ready for this.

3. This is my favorite lesson.

4. When the money chickens do not peck.

5. When the wallet is empty.

6. Under the pillow, when no one sees.

7. I adore, especially on the algebra!

8. With pleasure, but sophisticated.

9. Only in a funny company.

10. When I answer at the board.

11. Only for a major remuneration.

12. Mainly from under the stick.

13. As soon as I go to school.

14. On the change of school angle.

15. As a rule, at the lesson of chemistry. 1 b. Under the desk, in the lesson.

17. When the mood is rainy.

18. I hardly keep myself from it.

19. Only in the office of the director.

20. At all lessons.

Equipment: Tape recorder, computer (if there is a slide demonstration).

Registration: Flower garlands, balloonsPhotos: Spring Nature, Flowers, Birds. Write on the board the content of the oral magazine (rewrite from the class hour plan).

Classroom plan

I. introduction.

II. The oral humorous magazine "Spring Mosaic".

1. In the cells of the bird - in the termes of the maiden (advanced article).

2. Girls are different (research).

3. Reception in 9-A (video record).

4. The game "Questions and Answers".

5. Virtual postcard (Slide film)

If you cannot prepare a slide film, this item can be skipped.

6. Festive greetings.

III. Summing up (reflection).

Classroom time

I. Introductory word

Lead 1. Dear (surname, first name, patronymic of teacher), dear girls! Today, on the eve of March 8, we have prepared a festive release of the oral magazine "Spring Mosaic" for you. Our correspondents tried very much so that you did not miss today, something new found out, they did not forget about the guys.

II. Oral magazine "Spring Mosaic"

Lead 1. Open the first page of our magazine. "In the cells of the bird - in the termes of the maiden" - an advance article about the position of a woman in society. Prepared our correspondent (name, surname).

In the cells of the bird - in the teremes of the girl

Leading 2. In the old time in Russia, women had to be embarrassed. For them, they built special "terme" and hid there from prying eyes. The proverb is known to everyone: "In the cells of the bird - in the teremes of the maiden." Daughters from small years were kept in rigor. Trained sewing and various homemade classes. From the courtyard without accompanying the security did not release, guided by the proverb: "Keep money in the dark, and the girl is in flavored." Only on the holiday was allowed to have poor girls to have a little fun: ride a swing, on sleigh and skates. The more reasonably the genus was, the more rigor was in the upbringing. Having married a girl, parents did not ask her consent. She herself did not know for whom he was going, did not see her groom before marriage. Having made his wife, she fell into full submission to her husband, could not even go somewhere without his permission. Russian beauties were not like modern beauties. According to the concepts of that time, the beauty of the woman consisted in thickness and sorry. Thicken and slender were considered a dunger and were ready for everything to recover. The historian of Kostomarov writes that an indispensable sign female beauty An elongated ears were considered, some beauties were stretched specially to themselves. Well, and the former beauties are not smaller than the current. Lipstick, ointment, blush and bleel was intimidated by kilograms.

Women constantly fought for their freedom and finally achieved permission to stop horses and enter the burning horses. And in our time they are practically no different from men. They can lead the state, drive ships, airplanes, cars, digging trenches, extract coal, serve in the army and play football. And while staying as gentle, mysterious and beautiful, as 300 years ago, when they were sitting in Terem, like birds in cells.

Girls are different

Leading 1. "Girls are different" - so called our special correspondents (names, surnames).

Leading 3. So, the girls are different: green, blue, red ...

Lead 1. Stop Stop, here it is from this place in more detail, please. We are only interested in red girls.

Presenter 4. Everything is clear, modern red girls, older Red girls are different: merry and sad

mi, harmful and not very, active, sports, positive and progressive.

Lead 3. Researchers unite them in 4 large groups, or type, or class: a) wander, b) cool girls, c) princesses and d) units.

Lead 4. Consider the features of each type.

Leading 3. Bunners, they are nerds. They do not paint, always make all the homework, to the 9th class they can no longer write, but also read. With such, without losing time, you need to make friends - maybe tomorrow, when they become stars, you will have to tell journalists about what you studied with them in the same class.

Lead 4. Cool Girls. All in piercing and tattoos, nails - the most radical colors. Sneeze at all under dear music. Even sleep in headphones.

Lead 3. Princess or girl-dolls. Love to wear different bumps, fintyphushki and other rubbing. Adore all pink and fluffy.

Lead 4. Outside, they are the same kids. These girls are sitting only on the last desk. Consider themselves the cooler of everyone! Ostially chewed a gum, luffing inflating bubbles and predatoryly rzut, when the bubble bursts and the teacher shudders from cotton. You need to be careful with them: even a circulation in their hands can become cold weapons.

Lead 3. Estimating these types, we found that none of them approaches our girls. Therefore, we made a scientific discovery - discovered a new type of girls - the girls are cool, the most beautiful. This type is just dominated in our class.

Leading 4. These girls are beautiful, friendly, neat, polite, sociable, cultural, differ in mind and ingenuity.

Reception in 9th

Leading 1.We received a statement from one Red Maiden, who asks to take it into our class. We offer you a video record from the receiving commission.

(3 boys sit at the teacher's table, one of them puts the table "Announced a reception in 9-A" on the table. "Girl" is suitable for the table (disguised boy).)

Leading 5. Why did you decide that you need to learn in our class?

Girl. Because I am a cool maiden.

Leading 6. But we are not just cool, and also red maidens.

Girl. What are you desole? My appearance speaks for itself (becomes in the position of the model on the podium)! Solid outpad!

Lead 7. But our girls are cultivated, polite ...

Girl. Yes, I barely restrain, so that from me all the culture did not get out. And about politeness, so I know the whole three polite words: "Goblin", "Botany" and "Loch". I use them instead of the word "fool".

Leading 6. They say you need to see that the girl in the purse, and you know, it has this quality or not.

Girl. Yes, how much will you get this accuracy! Hurt!

(Shakes the contents of the handbag on the table, there is a washer, a sock, sock, lipstick, comb, mirror, tutu cigarettes, etc.)

Leading 7. Yes, accuracy there is a whole bunch, well, how are you with my mind and intelligence?

Girl. Well, here I have strained with this. Once it is necessary to think, especially on the control, the sausage and depressure starts.

Leading 5. And the intelligence?

Girl. Here it seems and cuts out. Always tells how to move, so as not to think.

Leading 6. Well, and what does she tell you?

Girl. That in this world can always be found, who has to write off.

Leading 7. Ah, well, then you absolutely do not meet our requirements. We have all girls clever-wise. And if we accept such as you, we will not write off by anyone.

Girl. Solid bummer!

Leading 5. You do not be discouraged ...

Girl. Think, I'm on the drum! Chao, Bambino (sends a kiss, runs to the door) \\

Lead 1. Wait, stay for another 5 minutes. We now will just be intellectual game. And you will see how smart our girls are smart and smart. Any question is responsible instantly, without thinking. Yes, and we are prompted. The game will hold (names and surnames).

Girl. Well, okay, uboltali. (Sits for the teacher's table.)

"Question and Answers" game

Leading 8. Now we will play the game "Questions and Answers". And girls will show what they are smart and reasonable.

Lead 9. Given their excitement and festive mood, we prepared them tips.

(Boys distribute girls leaves with answers to questions.)

Leading 8. With each girl we will ask the question, and the answer to it should be read in the crib, which she received. Lead 9. Attention, questions:

(Leading in turns ask questions, girls answer, reading answers on leaves.)

1. Do you like to learn?

3. Do you like to walk with friends?

4. Do you do in the morning charging?

5. Do you do homework?

6. Do you smoke?

7. Do you like to eat?

8. Do you read other people's letters?

9. Do you love to write off on the control?

10. Do you like to sleep?

11. Do you dream of great love?

12. Do you spread gossip?

13. Do you know how to swim?

14. Do you make the instruments of teachers?

15. Do you drink beer?

16. Do you love to overhear other people's conversations?

17. Do you dream of new outfits?

18. Would you like to sing loudly?

19. Do you deceive your parents?

20. Do you love to go to the theater?

Lead 1. As you can see, the girls did not let us down and allow all difficult questions to give convincing answers.

Girl. Yes, I see that with my converting there is nothing to do here. I will go to raise your intelligence! Chao Cocoa (runs out of the door)

Virtual postcard (if a slide film is made)

Leading 1. And now a virtual-musical pause. A gift from the boys of our class. Slide film " Spring mood"- author, director and sound operator (name, surname).

(The slide film demonstration is included on the computer.)

Festive greeting

Lead 1. Well, now the last page of our magazine is a greeting card.

(Music sounds. All boys are built up at the board.)

Leading 10. Dear (name, patronymic of teacher), dear girls, we sincerely congratulate you on the holiday of Spring, on March 8.

Leading 11. Among the spring first days March 8, everyone is more expensive. After all, everyone is known on earth: Spring and women are similar!

Leading 13. We want all of you, such beautiful, congratulate on the Spring holiday. And the sun is light, and your glance is clear to us equally needed!

Leading 14. With a scented twig, mimosa spring comes to each house. I sincerely congratulate you ...

All (choir). Happy International Women's Day!

Leading 10. Springs are bright, good, gentle and dream performance! Let Mart give, albeit snow, you all smiles and flowers!

Leading 11. We wish you happiness and love - they are more expensive than all gifts! And let dreams come true on the beautiful day on March 8!

Leading 12. Let the first snowdrock give you tenderness, the spring sun will give warm, and the March wind will give hope, and happiness, and joy, and only good!

Leading 13. Let the Heart in Takta knocking the drops, let them go to the past blizzards, and let the heart of adversity will forget in the spring rounds.

Leading 14. Let the storms and bad weather be caged, let go forever in the shadow. We wish you only happiness ...

All (choir). Your kindest, bright day!

III. Summing up (reflection)

Classroom teacher. Like you today's edition oral magazine? What was more interesting: watch or cook release? (Children's responses.)

Classroom objectives:

Education of spiritual and moral qualities of personality, feelings of respect for girls

and women.


Event flow:


Good day, dear friends! That ended last month Winter. So spring is worth the threshold. And spring - beautiful time Waking up nature after winter sleep. At this time, the air really smells a freshness, the sun is increasingly smiling at us and together with nature "come to life" and our feelings.

Hurry up Spring, comes spring!
She is beautiful and clean,
I will crash and miracle will turn out!
The river breaks the ice, is about to wake up.
Forest, shrubs, grass
Everything revives again- Beauty Spring.

Adjust: Spring is coming,
Caravan caravas fly
In bright gold, the day is drowning,
And streams on ravines are noisy

Take a look beautifully around!
Already green trees and meadow.
Came to us a fun Guest Spring
And everything woke up from winter sleep.


Capper dripping

Near our window

Birds have fun:

Spring came to chev-.

(Performance of the song "Sunny drops »)

1. On the courtyard, the icicles were crying,
Under the rays of the sun melted,
Blue drip tears
And Protalyanka left.

Din-Don, Ding-Don, Ding-Don.
Din-Don, Ding-Don, Ding-Don.
Ding-Don, Din Don!

2. Dance Drops-Makers
And on Martov Protalyan

Stretched his hands to the sun

Blue flower small.

Leading: Guys, do you know the proverbs about the spring?

    April with water, May with grass.

    Good seed, kind and shoot.

    Mother - Spring to all red.


We found a snowdrop yesterday

On Protalya Lesnaya

Blue flower gentle

Smells like the sun and spring.

With the first snowdrops we again encounter spring, which means that the wonderful holiday of all women is March 8!

Now we will get acquainted with the history of the holiday.

History of the holiday.

    International Women's Day was originally a political holiday. IN late XIX. For the first time, Clara Clara Zetkin nominated the idea of \u200b\u200buniting women around the world in the struggle for full equality with men. So this holiday arose as a day of the struggle for the rights of women.

    March 8, 1857 All women of New York gathered on the manifestation. Workers sewing and shoe factories. They demanded a 10-hour working day, bright and dry workmen equal to men wages. We worked at the time of the woman for 16 hours a day, getting for their work pennies.

    In 1910, at the International Conference of Women Socialist in Copenhagen Clara Zetkin made a proposal to celebrate international women's Day March 8, which sounded as a call for all women in the world to engage in the fight for equality

    The choice of number belonged to Clare Zetkin, which was able to tie the birth of a new holiday with the history of her people.

    In Russia, for the first time, International Women's Day was celebrated on March 2 in 1913 in St. Petersburg. In 1917, women of Russia went to the streets in last Sunday February with the slogan "bread and the world."

    In 1965 on March 8 in the USSR It has become a day off. And in 1977 the holiday became really international.

    Now this holiday we celebrate as a holiday of spring, love, beauty. In families on the tradition of women free from home duties, they are preparing surprises, present gifts. At work, men congratulate all women of the enterprise. Children congratulate mothers, grandmothers, sisters.


The holiday has its own traditions. Let's find out how to celebrate it in other countries?

    Italy. Italian, together with men, not celebrate March 8. They are going to female companies and go cafes.

    Colombia. In this country, March 8, men are forbidden to show on the streets, in order not to spoil the holiday weak semi.

    China. In this country, men in the proof of their love should show themselves as sophisticated cooking. March 8, all Chinese ladies have a lawful day off. When their husbands go to work in the morning, they go to city parks and having fun without men.

Russia. Traditionally, women and girls congratulate March 8. Give flowers, souvenirs, books, perfume.


How is this holiday celebrated in our class? ( Photo from the holiday)

Today, we are the eve of the most tender and affectionate holiday Our grandmothers, mothers and girls. AND

not by chance, we celebrate the spring. Sun and Mom warming us, spring and mom

caress us!


In March - from the first day

Spring begins.

Notes the whole country.

Collective reading poem "Mommy »

Who came to me in the morning? - Mommy.

Who said: "Get up time" - Mommy.

Publishing house who managed to cook? - Mommy.

Pour tea in a cup. - Mommy.

Who did the pigties stop me? - Mommy.

Is the whole house one docked? - Mommy.

Who flowers in the garden narrow? - Mommy.

Who kissed me? - Mommy

Who guys loves laughter? - Mommy.

Who is best in the world? - Mommy.

Leading. On white light there are words that we call holy. And one of these saints, warm, affectionate words - Mom's word, mommy, mom! The word that the child speaks most often. A word at which adult gloomy man Smile. Because this word carries warmth - warmth of maternal hands, maternal word., maternal soul. And today nice words O our children speak about Mama.


Mom - it means tenderness,
It is caressing, kindness,
Mom is serenity,
This is joy, beauty!
Mom is a fairy tale at night,
This morning dawn,
Mom - in a difficult hour Tip,
This is wisdom and advice!
Mom is a summer greens,
It is snow, autumn leaf,
Mom is a ray of light,
Mom - this means life!

View the movie "Beloved Mom"


Check "Do I know my mother?"
Until the holiday, our mothers filled out the questionnaires, now these questions we will ask them to children and find out how well you know your moms.

So questions:

    When is Mom's birthday?

    Favorite color.

    Favourite song.

    Favorite dish.

    What holiday most likes Mom?

    Favorite TV show

    Favorite time of the year

    Mine dream.


See what our mothers are beautiful, happy, joyful ( The film "Our Moms")


I will make you a riddle, and you guess her.

Who puts on the heel a patch, who strokes and rejection linen?

Who takes the house in the morning?

Greeting a big samovar?

Who does the younger sister play and lead her on the boulevard?

Whose snow hair is whiter, and the hands of yellow and dry?

Who do I love and regret? Who are these verses? (About grandmother)


My grandmother my grandmother I love my mother's mother.

She has a lot of wrinkles, and on the forehead a gray strand.

So I want to touch, and then kiss.

Maybe I am

I will be old, Sex,

I will have grandmother, and then, putting glasses,

One tie gloves, and the other is shoes.


Goes to school at the collected

Cook grandmother broth.

She for it every month

Wears the postman money.

If the grandmother said:

"That - do not touch, then do not dare!"

We must listen, because

Our house holds on it.

Performance of the song " Song about grandmother »)

I'm with my grandmother
I am friends long ago.
She in all
With me at the same time.

I do not know her boredom,
And all me anyone in it.
But grandmother's hands
I love it all stronger.

Without grandmother, without grandmother do not bake pancakes
Cutlets hardened, milk will come
And with grandmother - bazenka everything will immediately be tasty
Living in the house fun and breathe easily


Guys, what can you still tell about your grandmother? (Essay "My Grandma")

Leading: March 8 is women's holiday. On this day, of course, we congratulate our girls.


Sun sparkle looked into the class
Snowdrops bloom today for the first time
Breaks ran through forest meadows
The day of the eighth of March comes to visit us.

Cute classmates sun and drops
Happiness and love carry in a wonderful day
Wish only light, good and beauty,
Let the cherished and secret dreams come true.

We came today in class,

Do not learn, the girls, you!

As always tidy,


Especially beautiful

And the eyes are happy.

We are ready to congratulate you,

And we want to wish you

Smiling having fun

No seconds to miss.

Do not hurt and not be sad

For pranks to forgive us.

Not with evil we are rubbing you -

We want to make friends.

We give you their smiles,

And believe sure not with evil,

We push you on a change

Ile say suddenly not the words.

We wish you only happiness.

And open you a secret:

Our girls are more beautiful

In the whole school just no

Performance of the song" We wish you happiness."

In the world where snow crazy is spinning
Where the sea threaten a cool wave,
Where a long time is good
We are sometimes waiting for us,
To be easier in a difficult hour
Very much of us
Very need everyone
Know that there is happiness.

We wish you happiness,
Happiness in this world is big
Like the sun in the morning
Let it go to the house.
We wish you happiness,
And it should be so
When you're happy yourself
Share with another


Among the spring first days

On the whole earth, for all people

Spring and women are alike.

Successes to you, Health to you

And happiness desired

And with the first holiday of spring

Congratulations we cordially.