Affirmations for love, happy marriage and good luck. Affirmations and prayer for love

Do you like to watch touching sad melodramas and hum "tear" melodies? Keep in mind - they quietly program you for this very sadness. After all, most of these films and songs exaggerate mainly the theme of unhappy love in a variety of variations.

Cinematography and variety art teach us that this kind of love is romantic, beautiful and worthy of attention. A subconscious mindset for failure in love affairs is formed, which makes it very difficult to build a normal relationship with a man. The search for your “half” can take years.

However, it is quite possible to change the situation and speed up the meeting with love with the help of correct affirmations. These are short phrases in which the cherished desire is succinctly and succinctly stated. In fact, it is a loud announcement to the world, working like a program. Moreover, it should be formulated only in a positive way, since the well-known rule works: "as it comes around, it will respond."

A thoughtfully worded affirmation is recommended to be repeated mentally or in voice many times a day. Persistently and calmly. There is not only memorization of a positive text, but also the introduction of information into the subconscious. But it is precisely this that governs our emotions and behavior. It is it, dear, that forms the scenario of our life, the attitude towards ourselves, towards others, towards the world as a whole.

Successfully composed affirmations for a man's love in an incomprehensible way affect a woman's self-awareness, giving her appearance an irresistible charm. Such are the games of the subconscious.

To change the situation in life for the better and find a betrothed, you need to start with yourself. Therefore, affirmations should predominantly begin with the word “I” (variants “Me”, “Me” are possible) and represent an assertion, as it were, of an event that has already happened. Examples of good phrases:

  • I'm happy in love
  • I am love itself.
  • I am happy and loved.
  • I am open to love.
  • I am married to a beloved and faithful man.
  • I am the source of love and happiness.
  • I love myself and the whole world.
  • I am a magnet for men.
  • I receive love.
  • I am a happy wife.
  • Happy marriage makes me happy
  • I'm surrounded by the love of the best husband in the world

That is, you need to try on the role of a happy and beloved beauty. As if everything had already come true. And to say words of gratitude is also important. You can repeat the above phrases, but it is better to write your own affirmations for love and early marriage, as a fait accompli. The main thing is to correctly formulate the request, otherwise incorrect settings may turn out, such as, for example, these:

  • I want real love. (The subconscious is instructed to continue “wanting,” not loving.)
  • I look forward to meeting love. (It turns out that we must continue to "wait" - nothing more.)

And one more extremely important point: you cannot use the "not" particle. No denials like "I'm not alone." The subconscious mind does not pass the word “not” through its filter. As a result, the statement "I am lonely" is obtained. Such verbal constructions should be avoided.

I repeat over and over ...

Affirmations are not instantaneous. They must first "accumulate" to a certain "critical mass". To enhance the effectiveness of this psychotechnique, auditory and visual perception should also be used.

Affirmations can be placed in the form of small posters on the wall, on the refrigerator, above the bed or on the desktop, and listen to their recording on a voice recorder. (It is better to warn those at home ...).

The most appropriate time to repeat affirmations is the minutes before falling asleep and immediately after waking up. At such moments, the consciousness is clouded, so it is easier to reach the subconscious. Coveted affirmations to attract mutual love and early marriage will easily overcome the "customs" of conscious control.

Experience shows that such a tool, despite its simplicity, is very effective. "A drop wears away a stone." And even if you can't immediately get a sense of future happiness, often repeated statements still work. Emotions come later. The clarity and specificity of the request is essential to the success of the entire event.

A statement like “I'm marrying a good man” is too vague. You should define (write on paper) what is meant by the word "good". List specifically: kind, strong, funny or serious, romantic or pragmatist - define for yourself all these nuances. You can also add about the material level.

True, affirmations to attract a millionaire are unlikely to come true. There are not as many millionaires as we would like, but you can try.

Sincere willingness to change

Sometimes love affirmations cause inner protest. Most often, this indicates a bad experience of past relationships that have not yet recovered. We need to remind ourselves that it's over. And now a new stage begins, which will be completely different - bright and joyful. That is, you need some kind of readiness for a new relationship. If it is not there, the affirmations will still work, but much more slowly, overcoming the "material resistance".

Sometimes there is a variant of behavior in which a woman seems to want marriage, but it is not the true goal. It is more attracted to obtaining social status through marriage, or monetary interests prevail. Affirmations are unlikely to help in this case. After all, the application is for marriage, but something else is meant that does not coincide with the text in meaning.

Such a discrepancy extinguishes the energy of positive statements, since the guide to action for the subconscious is precisely a sincere, latent desire, even if it is not fully realized by the woman herself.

The effect of positive affirmations can be enhanced using a well-known visualization technique. It is also useful to make a color collage by sticking pictures and photos on a large sheet of Whatman paper that match your idea of ​​a happy life.

A vivid image of a future family idyll with a betrothed, created by the imagination and captured on paper, contributes to the implementation of a new, optimistic version of a life scenario. Dreams do come true. It turns out that by sending only good thoughts and feelings into space, one can quite naturally expect that the reciprocal "echo" will also be kind. "How will backfire ...".

Video - Affirmations:

An affirmation for love is a psychological attitude that is formulated in the form of a specific phrase and programs the human subconscious mind to achieve the desired result. To know true love and get married in the shortest possible time, one should repeat effective words from day to day several dozen times until the person believes in what she says and loves himself first of all, changes his attitude to the world around him and to members of the opposite sex.

How to Make Positive Affirmations?

You should only say affirmations in a good mood, you should have a smile on your face, and the words should sound calm and confident. To enhance the effect of the phrase, you should add a visualization method and clearly imagine that all dreams have already come true.

To tune yourself into a positive wave, you need to watch only kind and informative films, read relevant literature and listen to relaxing musical compositions while reading affirmations for love.

It is enough to devote 10-15 minutes a day to this lesson, but during the pronunciation of affirmations you need to focus as much as possible on the process and believe in the miraculous effect. You can come up with attitudes for early marriage and love on your own, forming positive affirmative phrases that do not contain the particle "not" and the word "want". You can use audio files or related videos and repeat the words that people say in these media sources.

Affirmations, invented in poetic form, are more quickly remembered and involuntarily replayed in a person's thoughts, sending a signal to the Universe and attracting desired happy events. To make it easier to formulate attitudes, you can make a list of all your aspirations and goals, and then summarize the affirmations from what has been written as briefly and succinctly as possible.

The most effective are positive attitudes that a person pronounces immediately after waking up and before going to bed. You can do this in front of a mirror and smile at your own reflection, feeling how happiness and bliss spreads throughout the body. Word constructions can be printed and placed in prominent places in the house, magnetically attached to the refrigerator, and hung on your bedroom wall so you don't forget about them and practice every day.

You can add photographs or images of happy married couples, beautiful places, a large and cozy house to affirmations, as well as other pleasant pictures that match the desires of the person, and make a collage. Such visual images contribute to the speedy fulfillment of dreams.

Affirmations for early marriage and love

Strong Affirmations for True Love:

  • My heart is open every day for a new love.
  • Love lives in me, I radiate it and attract wonderful mutual feelings into my life.
  • I deserve true and mutual love.
  • I respect and love myself, I am tolerant of all my shortcomings and I am proud of my merits, so I am loved by the best man on Earth!
  • I know sincere and mutual love and feel the beauty of a harmonious and happy relationship.
  • I love with all my heart and this feeling is limitless.
  • I am happy and endlessly loved!
  • My heart is overwhelmed with love feelings and kindness, I am in harmony with myself, therefore I am attractive for men and desirable.
  • I am grateful to God and the Universe for a romantic relationship and for a man who is endowed with all the necessary qualities (list them) and loves disinterestedly and tenderly, with all his heart and with all his soul.

To attract a loved one and get married as soon as possible with a specific man, you need to use effective affirmations:

  • I give my heart to a man (pronounce the name and surname of a loved one, name his best qualities) and receive it in return. Our hearts beat forever in unison.
  • I found my soul mate and love my betrothed madly.
  • I enjoy spiritual and intimate intimacy with my only man, we have an idyll and complete understanding.
  • I know that today comes the day when fateful words will sound and the beloved will propose to marry him.
  • I am ready and worthy of a happy marriage and a long family life with my chosen one.
  • Our passion will last for many years, and falling in love will last a lifetime.
  • I am incredibly happy that I met a man dear to my heart and will carefully carry our mutual feelings through the years.

Affirmations for men

If a man wants to meet his soul mate and dreams of a full-fledged family, you need to say the following affirmations:

  • Today I will meet my beloved woman, who will become my devoted and faithful wife. We are happy in married life, because we have love and understanding, we have many beautiful kids.
  • I attract to myself the love of which I dream again. All dreams will come true, happiness will enter my house in the guise of a girl of heavenly beauty, whom I will respect, appreciate and passionately love all my life.
  • I appeal to heaven: grant me my beloved and family happiness, because I deserve the best and deserve mutual love feelings.

Effective affirmations for love and happy events:

After reading the psychological attitudes, you must definitely thank the higher powers for the donated material and spiritual benefits.

Every person dreams of meeting mutual love on their life path, but not everyone is lucky with the fulfillment of this dream. Things can get better if you learn to use love affirmations (affirmations for Love).

How does this technique work? We will tell you about this now. First, start dreaming about meeting your loved one. Imagine your joint (long and happy) life with him. Believe that your dreams of love will definitely come true, and begin to "radiate" love yourself. Present it to relatives, nature, animals, friends and girlfriends. Why start with this kind of love? The fact is that many people are looking for love, but they do not even suspect that they are not quite ready for a serious relationship. After all, true love is one hundred percent willingness to compromise and sacrifice oneself for the sake of the beloved “half”.

The choice of positive affirmations must be taken with great responsibility. There are people who choose a phrase that is completely inappropriate for a given situation. The danger is that an incorrectly chosen affirmation can "lead" a person to terrible trouble.

Make a list on a completely blank piece of paper. Evaluate the level of sincerity of each of them. The most successful will be the affirmation that "sits" somewhere in the depths of your heart.

Try to make positive affirmations while on a pleasant trip or while savoring a favorite meal. At such times, your brain is focused on one thing, and it will not lead you into a state of delusion.

Affirmations work according to the principle of substitution. At any given moment, the human mind is able to keep "inside itself" only one thought. It follows that the essence lies in filling and keeping thoughts in consciousness, which are fully supported by your desire.

Imagine that there is a large glass of very cloudy water right in front of your eyes. Imagine that you are placing this glass under the tap and pouring very clean water into it. In a glass, cloudy water pours over the edges and disappears, but clear water remains in the glass.

Did you read everything carefully? It is important! The fact is that something similar is happening in the human head! The brain (glass) is filled to the brim with beliefs and thoughts. When you start working on a new affirmation, it begins to replace the old one. Please note that the replacement does not happen instantly, but over time. The stronger the affirmation you choose, the longer it will take to “process” it.

Affirmations should always sound in the affirmative.

As if you have already achieved everything ...


  1. I fell in love with this man and he loved me.
  2. My beloved person is crazy about me.
  3. My Love is mutual.
  4. I am loved and desired.

Do not use such words (phrases, particles) in affirmations: “not”, “stopped”, “no”, “never”.

Specific affirmations. "Specificity" evokes the strongest emotions. And here are the words that are very suitable for the "role" of affirmations: "with admiration", "with pleasure", "easy", "comfortable", "amazing", "stunning", "charming".

Which affirmation is better to choose (the one that is read in someone else's text or the one that you can compose yourself)? Pay attention to the second option! Yes! It is better to compose affirmations yourself, and not look for them in other people's lines.

How to check if the affirmation is correct?

Very simple! Read the phrase or say it. If you experience the state of "flight" while pronouncing (reading) a phrase, then you are doing everything as it should.

There are stones that enhance the work of affirmations. Now we list the names of these wonderful stones: ruby, amethyst (in a gold frame), carnelian, turquoise, carbuncle. They are considered to be stones that are fully "charged" with love.


We have great advice for you! Make a wish map or make a visualization board. Spend time contemplating beautiful images that are associated with love, with your loved one, with feelings.

Do not hurry! Give God the opportunity to do everything for you specifically at the time in which he already “wrote in” everything, while you were living a completely different life. Be at home less and less! Live as if you have already succeeded! You live, as they say, to the fullest.

Many people, unfortunately, are sure that affirmations will not be enough for luck to "stick" to a person. Affirmations quickly turn away from such people.

Unmarried girls and women dream of attracting tender feelings into their lives. They naturally wait for an offer from a man who they can like. The most effective affirmations for such a situation are: “I am happily married”, “my adored spouse loves me”, “my family is the best family in the world”.

Some women need affirmations to help them love their bodies ...

  1. My legs dance great.
  2. I love my body!
  3. I've always been good at taking care of myself.
  4. I admire my body!
  5. I feel a feeling of love for literally every cell of my body!
  6. I am very good at taking care of myself.

You must love yourself! Then it will be easier to attract love into your difficult life! "Transfer" affirmations into words. Speak them directly in front of the mirror (to your adored reflection).

These affirmations must be said sincerely and with smiles! Another condition is a great mood. You now have a "problem" that needs to be solved every day. Make sure that no one "instills" even a small portion of negativity into your destiny. How to do it? Just don't let such people get very close to your own person!

Love Affirmations are wonderful!

Be sure to work hard to learn how to use them. Exercise. Exercise will help you perceive affirmations in a different way. It will be very easy for you to deal with them. Words and phrases (of the nature of affirmations) will act on you as effective hypnosis.

Although psychological techniques seem to most skeptics to be untrustworthy, as practice shows, they are actually effective. It is unlikely that they will solve all problems only through simple conviction, but you can sort out a number of questions. Affirmations, which are a kind of internal commands, do a good job of changing the perception of the surrounding reality, which is important for building harmonious relationships.

How to use affirmations to attract love?

It is important to understand that affirmations are extremely positive thoughts. You cannot build them in an indefinite form: for example, "I am proud of myself, but the situation last year ...". Even if there were some mistakes in life, albeit serious ones, even if you are not ideal (and who is ideal?), You need to learn to accept yourself. In addition, you cannot build phrases with negation: for example, "I'm not afraid to be alone." The subconscious mind immediately discards this small particle, and the mood goes directly to the opposite. Therefore, you can only work with clear and clear phrases.

There are several ways to "implement" them in your subconscious, and for a better effect, it is certainly desirable to implement everything. First, recite the selected phrases daily. It is recommended to do this in the morning, when a kind of programming of a new day takes place. It does not matter whether you say the affirmations loudly or barely audibly: it is only important to remain confident in these words. The number of statements is also irrelevant. An effective way is speaking through a mirror, referring to your reflection.

Secondly, you can carry out visual activation: print the selected affirmations on a sheet of paper, stick it where your eyes often appear - at the computer monitor, on the refrigerator, on the wall opposite the sofa, etc. As soon as the statement comes into your field of vision, you need to linger on it in order to read it to yourself.

Thirdly, psychologists advise not only to read and pronounce, but also to prescribe positive statements. To do this, you can have a separate notebook, or you can use a new blank sheet each time, but they are not burned, but folded in a pile and put first under the pillow at night, then to any secluded place.

Self-love affirmations

Oddly enough, but in order for the one who can go through fire and water with you to finally appear in life, embody all your thoughts about a personal fairy tale and become the only one, you should initially think about self-love, and not the search for love from the outside others. No matter how denied, but the energy of a person, which he spreads around him, works better than any external attractiveness: the feeling of comfort and disposition to oneself is often decisive. And this applies to absolutely all points, up to a woman's attitude to herself. If she is clearly convinced that everything is wrong in her, her life is not of particular value and is not filled with bright colors, and she herself cannot arouse interest in a man, moreover, not superficial, but turning into a deep feeling, so it will be. And not at all because the stronger sex suddenly lost all positive qualities, but because a woman will be perceived exactly as she perceives herself. For this reason, you need to start with self-love affirmations.

For example:

  • "I'm getting better and better every day."
  • "I am absolutely happy and satisfied with my life"
  • "My inner and outer worlds are in harmony"
  • "I can do whatever I have in mind"
  • "I have every reason to get what I want"
  • "I am unique and deserve special treatment."

You can see that each of the statements in some way has a selfish part - it should be so. This does not mean that you will be so filled with love for yourself that you will stop hearing and feeling those around you, giving love to them. But your task is not to divide yourself when you meet a man, but to maintain integrity, at the same time joining a new and happy "we". Therefore, a little selfish note of this very "I" does not hurt.

Affirmation for a man's love

After you have coped with gaining confidence and accepted yourself with all the negative and positive aspects, you can enhance the effect by turning to affirmations for love and early marriage. The main point when composing such phrases is to use only the present extended tense. By putting words in the future form, without specifics, you can turn the waiting period into infinity. It is better to compose these settings yourself, since each forms their own happiness, but you can also use the existing ones if they are right for you.

  • "I'm next to the man I was looking for"
  • "I love and be loved, having found a home and a heart"
  • "I am interested in men, they are comfortable with me, they want to give me their love"
  • "I am marrying the one who was intended for me"
  • "I am grateful to fate for meeting with the only one in my heart"
  • "Men have the deepest feelings for me"
  • "My man wants me to spend my whole life with him."

How often to repeat affirmations for love and early marriage? There is no single recommendation. You can voice the phrase only 1-2 times a day, but do it with full awareness and pure faith, or you can at least keep repeating the same thing, but at the same time reflect on the rise in prices and traffic jams on a weekday. Of course, the last option will do nothing. Sincere conviction in the correctness of affirmations is the guarantor of their effectiveness.

Each of us would like certain changes in our personal lives. We always deserve the best and strive for it. You can achieve the result by properly attuning your own subconsciousness to it. And one of the most effective ways to do this is considered to be positive affirmations - affirmations. Regular practice and self-confidence can help us change reality and make our own lives better.

What are positive statements and how do you read them?

Translated from Latin, the word "affirmatio" means confirmation. Since the time of Ancient Egypt and for many centuries, our wise ancestors knew this effective way of expressing conscious thought and used it in order to change not only their own behavioral factors, but the surrounding reality.

With the help of regular repetitions of certain short, clearly formulated expressions, a person created attitudes towards the desired, which was realized in positive changes.

In short, affirmation is a verbal formula for visualizing desires, with the help of which a person changes the world around him in the direction he needs. Truly believers know very well what the power of prayer is - when clearly formulated desires are expressed in a certain form. Basically, affirmations are the same, but in a free form of personal wording - there is no mysticism here, but it works! All of this is very much like one.

In modern psychotechnical practices, this phenomenon is practiced quite often. This method has become an effective way of treating alcoholism and tobacco smoking, widespread in medical practices. Every one of us can use affirmations just as well.

Of course, many women of any age are interested in solving the problem of organizing their personal life, finding a loved one and creating a strong and friendly family. The practice we recommend is 100% effective in this regard as well. The only indisputable condition is to learn how to correctly compose and read affirmations.

Affirmations are more effective when combined with other practices, namely visualization and relaxation (relaxation). Then they are more effective and mutually reinforce each other, helping to quickly achieve the desired result.

First of all, in order for your wishes to become real, you need to correctly and as briefly as possible, but at the same time succinctly formulate your own desires.

So, first, take a sheet of blank paper and a pencil, and write down in a column all your wishes regarding a specific goal. Reread everything carefully and remove the unnecessary. Leave only those phrases that will completely, as briefly and clearly define the essence of your desire. You will get a few short expressions that should become an affirmation.

  1. You can read them everywhere and at any time of the day. You can do this on public transport, on walks, in queues in stores and in other situations.
  2. Do not forget to take special time to read the affirmations.
  3. Try to create a calm environment for yourself in which no one and nothing will distract you. Choose music that makes you feel calm and immersed in your own thoughts. So you will create a protective barrier for yourself from everything extraneous and unnecessary that has nothing to do with your thoughts.

One of the recommendations from those who have been successfully using such practices for a long time advises not to compose phrases for affirmations in the future tense and not to use the words “I will”, “I can” and the like. Only such expressions are valid, which speak of an event in the present tense, as if it had already happened: “I am loved by Petya,” “I live a happy family,” and others.

The right words to attract love and marriage

Affirmations for love and marriage are a little different from others, especially when you have never seen your chosen one. We will talk about ways to attract the love of an unfamiliar man below. For now, let's consider those options in which we have a clearly defined goal - marriage with a specific person.

Start with yourself. This is the first rule that must be strictly observed. Compose phrases as if you have already achieved what you want. Never use words that indicate ongoing action. You need to be especially careful with the word "I want". This is dangerous already because it evokes in the subconscious the association with the need to continue the programmed action.

In other words, if you say that you “want” love and “want” to get married, you will continue to want it. This is equivalent to all affimations, including those that we will talk about below.

Also, avoid mentioning negative phrases and words. You cannot say, "I am unhappy in love and want to get married." The word "unhappy" will be perceived and modulated as an affirmation of your subsequent state.

The most effective are affirmations for love and that are repeated immediately after waking up and before going to bed. During this time, your body is most relaxed and responds best to spoken phrases.

It may be necessary not only in those cases when you intend to find the chosen one of your heart. Often, with the continuation of family life, you can notice that marriage has become a routine, where there is simply no room left for that bright feeling that was before or at the beginning of your marriage.

In this case, your affimations should be structured to bring back your feelings and those of your spouse. For example, phrases might sound like this: “Our bright feelings for each other returned”, “My husband loves and appreciates me”, “I am the best for my husband” and further in the same way.

Conspiracies to get a specific man as husband

Attracting the love of a particular man, as in previous cases, depends on the clarity of the request. In this case, a phrase like “a good guy loves me” will be ineffective. After the words “He loves me”, list in as much detail as possible the qualities that you see in the character of your beloved: "I am loved by a strong, brave, pragmatist (or romantic), serious (or cheerful) Fedya Ivanov".

You can also add a mention of his financial situation, but here you need to be careful. There are not so many real millionaires or really rich men today. Therefore, do not try to pass off wishful thinking. In affimations for not, it is the specifics of everything that is important.

The formula for happiness

The wording of one's own concept of happiness is often vague. Try to initially define for yourself what you mean by this concept. We are sure that you are hardly sincerely convinced that with "dear paradise and in a hut." Here again pencil and paper will help you. Do not forget to foresee and concretize your life scenario.

Show exactly the same attitude to the definition of the scenario of love, so to speak to ““. If you say “Sasha gives me flowers in bed in the morning”, and only this is enough for you, then you will receive exactly the same actions from your man. Your goal is to designate your desires as if they have already materialized.