Applique from plasticine on cardboard. Bright plasticine appliques on cardboard Appliques from plasticine balls on cardboard

Natalia Nikolaevna Fedorova

Plasticine Applique -« Butterfly»

I want to introduce work done by children of the multi-year group of 5-7 years. Work performed in the technique plasticine appliques.

Creating such appliques Allows you to develop and patience in the child, contributes to the development of small motility of the hands, develops figurative thinking, imagination. Creating an image, with the help of balls, the child develops targeted activities, volitional regulation of behavior. The child learns to complete the work started to the end.

In such a technique, we already did the fish, and now decided to do butterfly.

This applique is made on the basis of a plastic plate.

Take plasticine, press off small pieces, ride balls and attach to the silhouette butterfly.

Creating such appliques is painstaking.

Here are what butterfly from us turned out.

Each work is individual in its own way.

Applique from plasticine balls It looks very original. This work can be decorate not only a group, but also a house.

Publications on the topic:

Children's creativity is the most favorable type of activity for the development of small motility of hands, which is directly related to the formation of intellect,.

Plasticine gives us great opportunities for a variety of creativity with children. In an earlier preschool age, the crafts are mainly directed.

Software content: to form elementary perception of artistic words and art. Continue to fix the skills of working with plasticine.

Lajk from plasticine using natural material: "Butterfly on a flower". Plasticine modeling is a very exciting process and excellent.

Greetings to all, dear colleagues! I bring to your attention my master class on making postcards for the holiday on February 23. It is made.

The flower moved at the flower all four petals. I wanted to disrupt him, he felt and flew away. Since time immemorial, butterflies are associated with spring,.

New Year is soon! And so I decided to do something beautiful, original with my own hands, showing fantasy. I want to imagine yours.

Plasticine modeling is one of the first types of creativity for kids. Plasticine can be given to the child already a year. You can break through the formation of flagella, circles and just smear it on cardboard and, of course, make an applique of plasticine. The child is accurately passion for a long time. Of course, the older, the more difficult the figures and applications can be made. When laying from plasticine, fingertips will always be involved, which is well stimulated by the speech development of the child. True, this is another way to develop small motility, as well as imagination, fantasy, contributes to the establishment of coordination of actions and improves perishability.

Types of Technician

The main types of plasticine appliques are distinguished:

1. Molding technique. With such an applique, you can use a ready-made pattern or pattern, and you can give fantasy. To fill the pattern, we knew the plasticine well and stretch it on the sheet, filling separate parts of the drawing. Perform work should be accurately, without leaving the contours.

2. The technique of queening or technique of flagella. Plasticine applications made by this method will have a very unusual and original view. The drawing can be arbitrary, and you can fill out a ready-made pattern. For performing, we roll down thin plasticine flagellation and twist it in the desired form. For attachment slightly add to the cardboard.

3. Plasticine mosaic. Perhaps the most common and fascinating type of plasticine appliqué for kids. This species provides for the use of the template. It is necessary to just tear the small pieces of plasticine and fill in them pattern.

4. Technique of volumetric appliqués from plasticine. Suitable older kids. There will be needed only three things: a sheet of cardboard, plasticine and an infinite fantasy. The child himself comes up with the drawing and creates all its parts from plasticine.

5. Combined applique. Here you can use all the techniques listed above using or using the template.

I would like to pay attention to another very exciting technique - plasticine appliques for the smallest. By holidays, any picture made in this technique will produce a furor. You can choose any thematic picture.

Plasticine Cat

Let us show on the example of appliqués from plasticine flavors on the template.

Required materials: Prepared picture-template (preferably on cardboard), syringe at least 5 ml, soft plasticine of different colors, a glass with hot water.

1. Prepare the first color with which we will work. Doubt a piece of plasticine so that he fit in the syringe.

2. We put a syringe with a plasticine in hot water about half a minute (depends on the water temperature and the quality of plasticine), so plasticine will become softer. Slowly squeeze plasticine on a smooth surface.

3. Repeat items 1 and 2 for other colors. With this method, neat, the same harness is obtained.

4. Getting to fill the applique. You need to perform every detail alternately, filling uniformly. The breaks should not be afraid - we take the next piece and continue.

5. The main part of the work is performed. The background can also be performed from plasticine using the techniques technique. In this option, we will be offered simply use watercolor paints or gouache.

"Autumn in the forest"

We will show another example of a volumetric application from plasticine, rich in the details - "Autumn in the forest". This is a vivid example of how the application from plasticine can also be trained: to show the time of year, forest inhabitants, types of trees, bird migration, species of fungi.

We will need: a sheet of a cardboard of orange or yellow, soft plasticine, a destruction and a knife for plasticine.

Consider the execution of appliqués for children in stages:

1. From white plasticine, we make a trunk and fastened it about in the middle of the sheet. Next, form branches.

2. The knife tip is depicting the relief of the crust.

3. Black plasticine compelling the trunk, simply attaching pieces of black plasticine.

4. Yellow plasticine is now useful. We tear pieces from it, slightly pressing them, attach to the branches of the tree.

5. We will add fallen leaves to the ground in the same way.

6. From white, brown and red plasticine forming mushrooms - boletus and amansor.

7. Make a Christmas tree. To form below the overhead method. "Needle" make a knife tip for plasticine. Fresh trunk to Christmas tree.

Plasticine It is one of the best materials for the development of the child. Lighting plasticine can be started and for a child 5-6 years this process will become fascinating and very interesting. From this material can create volumetric figures, and clamping from plasticine on cardboard. When a child sculpts from plasticine, his finger muscles train, which favorably affects speech development.
The most important thing is that the applique of plasticine for children is necessary, it develops their imagination and fantasy. At the same time, the kid examines the properties of the material, including its gluing property.

Parents should be jointly engaged with the child's creation of plasticine applications on cardboard. First, the baby may need help in drawing a template or modeling some details. Secondly, the process with mom will become much more interesting and more exciting, the child will be engaged in creating an individual masterpiece.

Types of plasticine appliques

From the plasticine you can create different applications. They can be plane or volumetric.

Plasticine painting can consist of parts that are stacked from small balls. In this case, it becomes like a mosaic.

In addition, to simplify the task of the kid, you can draw a template. But it is worth remembering that plasticine appliqué for children is an infinite expanser for fantasy, so you can give the opportunity to create a picture without a template.

If you decide to create a plasticine application with a child, then you should choose a material based on wax. It is much softer and will easily succumb to children's hands. This will allow the baby to create any shape, roll the ball or harness, blind petals and other details.

Pictures made of plasticine can be created on any primary means: disposable dishes, discs, piece of plastic and so on. But still most often the basisspeaker cardboard . In order for it, there are no fat spots, it must be protected by a plastic bag or another other way.

Plasticine Applined Applications

Picture of plasticine on cardboard can be created using one of the numerous techniques. Below is a few techniques that will help your baby. It is interesting to spend time creating a plasticine picture.

Engineering technique

When using this technology, you can use a ready-made pattern, or give the full fantasy will. If a pattern is used, then it must be drawn. Then the baby is well kneading plasticine so that it becomes the most soft. A small piece of soft plasticine must be put on cardboard and smear it, filling the desired space, for example, a lake or tree. Separate details, as in the figure above, can be made volumetric. This will make the applique even more beautiful.

It is important to know that before starting working with a different color, a table need to be well cleaned from plasticine. Make it easier with a knife. In order for the plasticine is not a lip to the hands, they need to be watched in water, so the table should have a glass with water and several napkins to clean his hands from sticking plasticine.

Technique Zhgutikov

Very original and unusually looks like a plasticine picture of flavors.

The process of creating such an applique for the baby will become more fascinating. Mom paints a template of future appliqué. At this time, the kid chooses the desired color of plasticine. Material needs to be rented and roll out in flagellation of different lengths. After that, the necessary parts need to be folded from the obtained flagella. They must be attached to a cardboard basis and attach.

You can start from uncomplicated applications, for example, dragonflies or several flowers. Then move to more complex works, such as animals.

Mosaic technique

From the small multicolored plasticine balls, you can create an applique in the form of a mosaic. It can be a butterfly, fish, flower and so on.

When using such equipment, it is also better to have a template whose details to the child will be filled with small multi-colored balls. The baby needs a lot of patience to create such a masterpiece. But if mom succeeds in intrigue the baby, he will not leave the process until the plasticine picture is ready.

Creating such an applique allows in the child to develop the prison and patience. With the help of such classes, Chado can be taught to complete the cases started.

Plasticine volumetric appliques

This technique can be called one of the most common. From plasticine, the kid and mom create separate parts, which are then connected on the cardboard into the overall composition. If the applique is complicated, it is better to use a pattern. Simple picture can be created without preliminary drawing. The child can independently place the elements of the composition and select colors. It develops its creative abilities.

To create an applique of such beautiful green birch, the template does not need to draw. Let the child independently arrange trees, leaves, grass and other details.

Connection of various techniques

Remember that you can create a picture of plasticine on cardboard, using several techniques. For example, the contours can be made from flavors, and inside the part to fill with balls or blank. Create everything that your fantasy allows you.

In this case, you are taken picture with flowers. Flowers drawn turned into a child in bulk, where the smear, where flags, where balls rolled from plasticine. The baby was invented and added a butterfly. The girl really liked the picture, so the decoration of her plasticine was pleasure.

Thus, for appliqués from plasticine, you can take any kid like a picture or use a pattern with a sketch of the picture.

You can find ready-made appliqué templates without problems on the Internet. You will only stay download them and print, and then do the creative process with your baby.

Remember that plasticine appliques are a wonderful site for the development of creative abilities, fantasies and imagination. But besides this, making the applique of plasticine, the baby can spend time with benefit and interest.

What to take the company kids before the new year? You can make small Christmas cards "Christmas balls" in the technique of plasticine appliqués on cardboard.

For kids from 3 years, it is necessary to prepare the basics of postcards in advance. The older children, the most part of the work they can do themselves. In practice, it turned out that if you make a blank and prepare the necessary materials in advance, not only kids and younger students are connected to the manufacture of New Year's postcards with enthusiasm, but also lyceums with students. In general, this is a reason to arrange a small family holiday.

Preparation of the foundations for mini postcards "Christmas balls"

1. Cut from white cardboard rectangles with a size of 10.5 * 8 cm. From the colored paper, cut the rectangles with a size of 9.5 * 7cm. Color paper is better to take different calm light shades. If the postcards are scheduled to sign, then the cardboard must be taken in size 21 * 8cm and bend in half. Then the postcard can be signed inside from the other side, on which there is no applique from plasticine. You can create congratulations on separate leaves and glue the finished postcard on the back.

Plasticine applique for children from 3 years old Christmas balls

2. We glue the colored paper in the middle of the cardboard. At the same time, the edges will remain a frame with a width of 0.5 cm.

Plasticine applique for children from 3 years old Christmas balls

3. Slices of color plasticine roll over in the pellets and cut circles with a diameter of about 5 cm. To do this, it is better to choose a suitable lid in advance.

4. We select suitable circles and blanks. We stick the circles at the bottom of the postcard.

5. From golden or beige plasticine riding a flavor. Another harness is done under the color of the circle.

6. Twisting flagellas with each other, form a loop and stick it to a circle from above.

7. A piece of golden plasticine flatten and cut the cap for the ball and the stationery knife. We disguise the place of the junction of the flavor and ball.

Plasticine applique for children from 3 years old Christmas balls

The blank for the postcard is ready. It is better to make such billets twice as much as an estimated number of children so that everyone has the opportunity to decorate two balls.

Just in case it is useful to prepare several additional sheets from cardboard and colored paper (in case, during the work, someone from the elders wants to join you. Such blanks can always be used to prepare postcards to other holidays.

Decorate with children of mini postcard "Christmas balls"

Now the main thing is not to limit the fantasy of children. For decoration you can use not only plasticine, but also beads, sequins, pieces of colored paper, foil, confetti. By the way, confetti can be done for this work with a hole punch from any brilliant packaging or wrapping paper.

Execution technique can also be any way: prints from the caps of the handles and markers, decorative elements of plasticine, drawing with markers and gel handles on light plasticine, terethery.

It is better to know and understand the world around the world helps creativity helps. So, reflecting in their work the phenomenon of nature and a change of the time of the year, children remember them well, learn to recognize and describe with words.

Therefore, thematic crafts will be a good addition to classes in kindergarten and even the youngest classes.

For example, plasticine appliqué will help the kids to get acquainted with the palette of autumn shades, turn their attention to the change in the color of foliage and grass, on flying in the warm edges of birds and on our permanent forests that make themselves the supplies.

The basis of the crafts is becoming a paper or cardboard sheet. It is best that such an applique of plasticine on the cardboard is obtained, as it retains the form well and does not bend under the severity of plasticine. Take a cardboard of a golden shade.

From white plasticine we make a trunk of a tree.

We attach large side branches and thinner branches to it.

The stack is applied to the barrel and sprigs drawing - as on the birch crust.

Large sections of the trunk are covered with black plasticine pattern.

A piece of yellow plasticine turn into leaves.

By the same leaflets cover the surface of the earth under the birch.

From white, red and burgundy plasticine, we make mushrooms - one Borovik and two aughs.

We put mushrooms on different sides of the birch: Borovik - one way, flying to another. We offer kids to show which of them edible, and which - no.

Take green plasticine and begin to make a Christmas tree out of it. For this piece we cut the stack, turning into a fringe.

From above, we attach some more such pieces - like tiers of spruce paws. We draw the attention of the children to the fact that the Christmas tree, unlike birch, has not changed its original color.

Do not forget about the brown trunk of the Christmas tree and a pointed top.

We proceed to the creation of the main characters of the picture. First make a gray silhouette.

Attach eyes and spout, we turn a smooth back into a needle cheese.

On this fur coat, fix a small fungus. It becomes clear that the hedgehog is preparing for Winter.

On the other hand, from birch, near the Christmas tree, we put a gray bunny.

Crafts are almost ready.

But that our applique for children is even more useful, we complement her flocks flying away in the distance of birds and rich touches.

It remains to put the picture in the frame - and the work is over!

In the process of its creation, the children repeated everything they knew about the autumn, and made their knowledge visual.