Who is a sincere man? Sincere feelings - what is sincerity in a relationship

At the beginning of a relationship, when two lovers know each other little, various doubts inevitably arise about the sincerity of feelings. Usually, girls much more often than guys begin to think and ask themselves the question: does my soul mate really love me? Various ways of checking a partner have been invented. By applying one of them, you can find out whether the young man truly loves, or whether he is still in search and is prone to betrayal.

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When verification is needed

Before using one of the methods of testing feelings, you need to objectively assess whether these relationships really need to be tested. Often, girls cannot fully appreciate the sincerity and devotion of their partner: they begin to torment him with nagging and jealousy, although the guy did not give the slightest reason for such behavior.

It must be remembered that various checks can be disastrous for a relationship - a young man has every reason to be offended if the girl does not believe in his love and sets up various traps.

It makes sense to check your partner's reliability on several occasions.

  1. 1. Relationships have been going on for a long time, but they are not developing. Few people would think to experience the feelings of a young man if the candy-bouquet period has barely begun. After a couple of dates, the guy himself cannot really answer the question of whether he considers his feelings serious. But if the meetings last a year or more, and the young man has not spoken about living together or future children, then it makes sense for the girl to think about what place she occupies in the life of her beloved.
  2. 2. There are clear signs that the man is hiding or not saying something. If he often talks on the phone, lowering his voice, and then does not tell who he was talking to, this is a clear reason to be wary. Another sign can be considered if a guy often disappears for several hours or days, and then dodges the story or is clearly lying about his place of stay.
  3. 3. In a relationship on the part of a man, indifference or obvious hostility appears. The cooling of relations is manifested in the lack of care on the part of the guy: signs of attention disappear, he tries to devote less time to his beloved, communicates less and less and ceases to be interested in the girl's life and affairs. In extreme cases, overt aggression can occur. All these signs indicate that another lover appeared in the life of a man, and the existing relationship began to weigh him down. But he does not want to openly say about it or is afraid, therefore he is trying to push the annoying woman to make the decision to leave him herself.

    Before you come up with ways to test a guy for feelings, you need to answer the question yourself - are you ready for the results of this test? There is a possibility that the outcome of the test will turn out to be disappointing and it will turn out that the young man has not experienced the feelings that he talked about on first dates for a long time.

    How to understand if a man needs you

    How to check a guy

    It should be borne in mind that the above signs do not necessarily indicate a partner's infidelity. Equally, this behavior can indicate that a man is experiencing some difficulties in the financial sphere or he has problems at work. In order to clarify the situation, there are several methods for checking a partner:

    • Intimate talk. The first and most effective way to find out the true intentions of a young person is through open dialogue. Often women start a whole investigation instead of just talking to their lover. A man may not even suspect that something has gone wrong in the relationship: the constant workload pushes thoughts about his personal life into the background. You need to thoroughly prepare for such a conversation: choose the right time (after a delicious dinner, when the man does not feel anger, irritation or extreme fatigue), remove all distractions (turn off the TV, put away phones and tablets), create a relaxed atmosphere (clean up the room , turn on dim light). We must try not to scare the man with an invitation to talk, because everyone knows how much the stronger sex is afraid of the phrase "We need to talk." Better to start the conversation in a casual way by asking about business or sharing interesting news. Such a conversation brings together, therefore, some of the doubts about the love and loyalty of a partner can dissipate by themselves in the course of the conversation.
    • Communication with a stranger. You can check your other half using social networks. The easiest and most effective way is to create a new account on a social network and write to your young man on behalf of a stranger. If he easily agrees to communicate with a stranger, this is a bad sign. A man who appreciates an existing relationship is unlikely to easily chat with a stranger. But do not immediately accuse your loved one of treason - perhaps he simply does not attach much importance to the usual flirting by correspondence. Therefore, communication at a distance should be continued, trying to bring the guy to an invitation to a real date. If after a while he agrees to meet with an unfamiliar woman in a cafe or go to the cinema with her, then in this case one can draw a disappointing conclusion - the young man is in search and does not appreciate the relationship that he already has.
    • Tracking the object. If there is a suspicion that a man has already begun to cheat, then there is an opportunity to verify this by looking at the correspondence on his phone or computer. Young people do not always remember that they need to clear their browser history and delete incriminating text messages. Regular monitoring of all of his gadgets does not seem like the most ethical act, but it will quickly find out if there is cheating in your relationship. Those who can afford it, hire a private detective. A professional detective in a short time is able to collect a dossier on almost any person, including a printout of all his calls and messages, as well as a detailed report on each meeting or trip.

    The sincerity of a man's feelings is not always manifested in his tendency to cheat. There is a category of people who may not love the woman who is next to them, but at the same time not cheat on her. But it is very important for any woman to know that she is loved, and do not live with her simply out of habit or for selfish reasons. True love is expressed in a man's ability to make some sacrifices for the sake of his beloved.

    To test a young man, you can declare your non-existent illness or complete financial ruin, and then look at his further behavior. If a guy appreciates a girl only for her attractive appearance or good income, then such a test will quickly put everything in its place - a man who is indifferent to you, most likely, will not lend a helping hand, but will simply run away from problems. But it must be borne in mind that such a check can destroy even a stable and long-term relationship - men often do not forgive such a serious deception.

    Relationships by correspondence and at a distance

    In the age of modern technology, it is not at all necessary to live next door to a man in order to have a passionate romance with him. Social networks are full of hundreds of dating ads, and numerous sites offer a variety of tests that will help you choose a soul mate from the available profiles. It is often difficult for women to understand the sincerity of a man's feelings if all of them are in the exchange of messages. Correspondence is not capable of reflecting the whole gamut of feelings of lovers, but nevertheless, according to some signs, one can calculate in which cases a young man is not too sincere in his intentions:

    • Doesn't want to share photos. If communication takes place on a dating site that allows you to maintain anonymity, then the interlocutors may not have an idea of ​​each other's appearance. In such a situation, there are positive aspects - without seeing a young man, you can get a more objective idea of ​​the moral qualities, interests and hobbies of your new pen pal. But there are also negative aspects - for example, there is no guarantee that the interlocutor is not a 14-year-old teenager, and flirting with minors is clearly not included in the plans of an adult woman. Therefore, a categorical refusal to share photos should be alarming.
    • Refuses to meet in reality or constantly transfers them under various pretexts. In this case, the fears fall into the same category as the previous point: if the guy does not want to see you in reality, he may be impersonating someone else. There can be a lot of different assumptions: either he provided someone else's photo, or he was deceiving about his financial situation, or he is married, although he claimed to be free. There were situations when the young man constantly postponed and postponed the meeting, and then it turned out that he was in prison. All these options need to be borne in mind, especially if something began to be alarming in communication with a young man.
    • He invites to his place, but he is not ready to go himself. If a correspondence relationship is established between interlocutors living in different countries, then an indicator of the seriousness of intentions is the willingness to come to another country. A foreigner who is interested in a bride from another country will not be afraid to overcome all obstacles and come to her. But if a serious relationship is not included in his plans, then he will be content with numerous excuses about workload and invitations in the style of "come to me, I will show you a beautiful city." In such cases, it is very likely that more than a dozen women regularly receive such invitations from him.
    • Not able to speak on serious topics. If a guy constantly makes vulgar jokes, reduces all conversations to the topic of sex, and sometimes says direct insults to women, then this should immediately alert. A man who is seriously interested in a relationship with a woman will not allow himself such behavior.
    • Periodically disappears without explanation. If a guy disappears for several days, and then continues the correspondence without even explaining the reasons for his absence and without apologizing, then this is a disappointing sign - it is highly likely that the young man does not consider this correspondence relationship to be something serious and does not attach much importance to them.
    • Doesn't try to develop relationships. If the correspondence lasts several months, and the guy has never tried to translate the relationship into the category of real meetings, then such conversations are unlikely to develop into something serious. Most likely, this correspondence is just a kind of outlet for a man, a non-binding opportunity for distraction, but has nothing to do with real life. If a guy is really in love, he will do everything possible to make the virtual romance real, and as soon as possible.

    There are many ways to test the sincerity of a man's feelings, but I want to remind you that a real, warm and trusting relationship does not need to be tested. The best way to maintain reciprocity and sympathy for many years is to give love and unconditionally trust your partner if there are no obvious signs of not trusting him. After all, constant suspicions, checks and scenes of jealousy can destroy even the strongest family.

Are there sincere feelings in the modern world and how to recognize them? A person acquires different experiences during his life. Not always positive and often painful experience in relationships forms "armor" and sincerity to show "death like". But there are people who, having experienced a lot, have not lost the ability to sincerely express their feelings.

What does sincerity mean?

Sincere feelings are a genuine, natural manifestation of emotions that arise in a person. The concept of sincerity is based on the word "spark". Feeling, arises as a spark, and immediately manifests itself in the external world, consistent with the behavior, facial expressions and internal state of a person at the moment of demonstrating sincere feelings. Sincerity means:

  • manifestation of feelings in a "pure", unveiled form: joy, sadness, anger, anger, envy;
  • openness of a person;
  • honesty;
  • clarity of thoughts;
  • sincere attitude not only to other people, but also to yourself.

The psychology of sincerity

The phenomenon of sincerity in psychology is studied by social psychologists. Sincerity is formed in childhood. A small child still does not quite understand what the parents require or want from him, but he unmistakably distinguishes between mother and father. Expression clearly manifests itself through facial expressions, gestures, voice intonation. The mother scolds the child, speaks in an angry voice, but he sees that the face is not angry, that means she is swearing "insincerely", for fun. A person's sincerity can be read through non-verbal manifestations:

  • symmetrical display of emotions on the right and left sides of the face;
  • during a conversation, an interested glance towards the interlocutor;
  • free coordinated gestures.

Sincerity and honesty are the difference

The concepts of "sincerity" and "honesty" are often considered synonymous, they are similar, but not the same. How sincerity differs from honesty:

  1. Sincerity- an emotional phenomenon, expressed in a direct, not analyzed by a person, manifestation of feelings: an emotion originated inside and immediately manifested itself in the outside world.
  2. Honesty- a moral and social phenomenon, comes from "honor", "respect", "honor". It is customary in society to respect honest people. Honesty is about what a person does.
  3. Sincerity- consistency of speech with external manifestations (congruence).
  4. Honesty- includes sincerity and truthfulness based on moral values.

Sincerity - is it needed now?

Sincerity is a character trait and for people who grew up in a family where any manifestation of feelings was encouraged, it is difficult to restrain yourself emotionally. Such people have a difficult time in society, because sincerity implies the transmission of both negative and negative ones. Sincerity is considered a quality of a mature person who is ready to resist ridicule, slander and remain herself. Sincere feelings will always be in demand because:

  1. Any person, even someone who is insincere himself, needs a sincere attitude.
  2. In the family - sincerity is an indicator of trust and mature relations between spouses;
  3. In the development of a child, sincere emotions and feelings are a necessary element in the upbringing of a harmonious personality.

How to check a man for the sincerity of feelings?

What girl or woman doesn't dream of mutual feelings with her partner? The degree of sincerity on the part of a man is not always clear, since the stronger sex shows any feelings in a metered dose, because by nature a man is "supposed" to be restrained. The sincerity of a partner's feelings can be recognized by the following criteria:

  • the man's words do not disagree with his actions and actions;
  • he likes to take care of the woman he loves;
  • in difficult times, sincerely empathizes and tries to reduce the discomfort of the partner;
  • spending time together is important for him;
  • gives gifts;
  • ready for a lot for the sake of his beloved;
  • Reasonable jealousy can also be an indicator of sincere feelings.

How to test a woman for the sincerity of feelings?

Honesty and sincerity are the keys to being trustworthy and successful. What is sincerity in a relationship, it can be more difficult for the stronger sex to understand if a loved one is sincere with him or pretends to be because of his selfish goals. Some men, trying to figure it out, go to extremes and begin to follow every step of their girlfriend. Sincere feelings on the part of the weaker sex are manifested as follows:

  • the warmth with which a woman communicates with her beloved;
  • she gives her feelings without demanding something in return;
  • is sensitive to a man's flirting with other women;
  • sees in a man more positive qualities, and accepts shortcomings as they are;
  • devotes a lot of time to appearance in order to be attractive to him;
  • is interested with genuine interest in the life of a loved one;
  • shares both joy and sadness with a partner.

How to recognize a friend's sincerity?

Friendship is, first of all, sincerity, as women believe. The concept itself is very energy intensive. Women are vulnerable and emotional creatures and in many aspects are more likely rivals to each other: who is more beautiful, more successful or more successful with men. True sincere friendship between women is of great value and is a gift that must be cherished. Shows of sincerity of a friend:

  • keeps all the secrets and secrets discussed;
  • she can “cry into the vest”;
  • respects the interests and moral values ​​of a friend;
  • sincerely rejoices at success and saddens when failures pursue;
  • does not flirt with her girlfriends boyfriends;
  • will always express a critical opinion in the right place, if a positive outcome of the situation depends on it;
  • understands without words;
  • knows how to forgive.

How to develop sincerity?

How to learn sincerity and is it really possible to develop this quality in yourself? Psychologists say that like any skill, sincerity can be developed through practical actions:

  1. Communication with sincere people... If you pay attention, such people seem to be surrounded by special energy and charisma, others are drawn to them. An insincere person doesn't get that much attention.
  2. Reading relevant psychological literature... It is useful in that tasks are given in stages to improve the skill of sincerity.
  3. Getting rid of complexes... Often indecision, shyness and shyness interfere with being sincere with others, any step towards sincerity causes painful thoughts about their imperfection and fear "what will they think of me?"
  4. Openness... If the environment inspires confidence, why not try to open up, show your benevolence, warmth and sympathy even to strangers. Only in this way can a person gain experience of sincere self-expression.
  5. Working with speech... Cold intonations in the voice can be signs of insincerity or indifference.

Real feelings are not always beautiful. Sincerity of the heart cannot be forced to manifest itself in the form of just one eye-pleasing Hollywood movie footage. Living a little artificial life, we often refuse to observe the shadows within ourselves, we do not want to see the imperfection of our own person, and as a result, we do not want to recognize the right of a loved one to live and demonstrate his true feelings and emotions.

We surrounded ourselves with comfortable decorations, we plunged into an illusory picture reality, we hide unhealed injuries and unhealed wounds under a matte coating of high efficiency and incredible performance, we played with the rules and business standards, it is much safer for us to be fake not only in professional life, but also in our personal relationships. We demand compliance from ourselves, we demand compliance from a partner, we adjust our life to some monstrous standards. A strained lifestyle leads only to neurosis, and in this state it is impossible to cultivate a real and deep feeling. Sincere feelings can only appear where there is a safe space.

Each of us has both light and shadow, there are no people in the world who do not make mistakes. "Ideal people" run away from their real selves, they pretend to be who they are not. Nobody is perfect, but the trick is that you can recognize the right of a loved one to imperfection only when you have learned to truly recognize it in yourself. If you made a mistake and fell, and then got up and tried to reassemble yourself to continue on your way, you know that it is not so easy. And when you have experienced this on your own experience, you will not blame your loved one for his mistakes, seeing that he has similar processes, but will try to help you get through this stage as soon as possible.

Tolerance and support for each other along the way is what is important in a relationship. If fears, doubts, pain, hatred, envy, anger and other not the brightest aspects of our character live in each of us, then why do we not want to recognize the right of another person to have and show the same qualities? Why do we want only the most beautiful to be manifested in our relationship, but we refuse to help the dearest person in the world to live what he cannot cope with on his own. Yes, to witness the manifestation of anger, despair, sadness, jealousy and other "negative" character traits of a loved one is not the most pleasant thing, but he also tolerates us the same way. Try to see the good in a person and focus your attention on the best qualities of a partner, to know and accept his difficult sides, but to look at the good that is in each of us, that's what is important. Forgive, learn to forgive, allow a person to be as real as he can be at a given moment in time. Getting to the water by digging a well can sometimes take a lot of effort, but trust me, it's worth it.

There is no need to look for an ideal partner, become a support environment for your person, help him to get to the bottom of the clean water inside yourself, if you have already managed to do this with your inner well. And if you yourself are still in the process, then try to be more tolerant of each other. Two people walking very close can never hide, they cannot hide something. If you are already taking a person as a partner, as a partner, as a friend, then take him as a whole. There is no need to say: “I accept this in you, but don’t show this to me,” take it entirely. After all, we always have the best partner we deserve, as well as the best parents, the best children, the best colleagues at work. Accept them all exactly as they are, learn to love them exactly as they are, and one day you will be surprised at how beautiful the one who is accepted along with all his shadows and weaknesses becomes.

It is very important to remember that by allowing loved ones to heal their own wounds next to us, we help to manifest all the very real that is in them. Each of us has a very great fear of being rejected if someone close to us sees us as real, but in each of our loved ones exactly the same fear lives. So be the first to say: "It's okay, it goes the way it goes, but I still love you much more than the actions that you perform." It's okay if a loved one flares up or quarrels with us, it's okay if he doubts or he is afraid, this happens to each of us. Learn to forgive in relationships, be sure to learn to forgive, after all, what is a certain amount of difficulties and negative emotions compared to the happiness of knowing that such an amazing person lives next to us. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder :) I wish you happiness!

Dina Richards.

Relationships between people have many of their own characteristics, and it is not always possible to correctly interpret the behavior of another person. This is especially true of the relationship between a man and a woman. Very often, difficulties arise due to the fact that a woman does not understand the seriousness of male intentions. Does he have sincere feelings for her, or is he just having a good time? Let's try to figure this out.

Man and his behavior

Not every woman understands how a man works. They think completely differently and often do not talk about their feelings. But if a man experiences real, sincere feelings, it will affect his behavior. There are four most common signs by which you can determine what really feels the object of your sympathy:

  • When a man really loves a woman, he strives to spend as much time with her as possible. In order to stay longer with his chosen one, he will find not only time, but also an excuse.
  • Actively shows tenderness and care.
  • Doesn't ignore requests, even the smallest ones.
  • From his friends you can hear that in the company, in the absence of a lady of the heart, he becomes more withdrawn.

Signs of falling in love

If a man is in love and has really sincere feelings, then it is worth taking a closer look at how and in what he dresses. There is a misconception that only women like to dress up. When a man is in love, he will change his usual, comfortable clothes for more stylish and fashionable ones in order to please the chosen one.

The second sign of falling in love betrays a man with a head. He cannot look away from his beloved, especially when he thinks that no one sees him. A man will admire his woman, and if he notices that he has been caught in this "crime", he will immediately look away.

The sincere feelings of a man are especially pronounced when his beloved needs help. It doesn't matter what the nature of the problem is: emotional, financial, physical or any other, he will certainly offer his help. But if he just observes from the outside, then it is worth thinking about the further continuation of the relationship.


But if he speaks evenly, too smoothly and as if he was rehearsing his speech at his leisure, then his feelings are not entirely sincere. When a guy loves, he does not pick up high-flown, literary words in a conversation, but says everything as it is. A person in love in a conversation feels relaxed and will use the same expressions as in a circle of friends. And of course, he will avoid obscene language.

Mood and going out

Sincere feelings or not can be determined by observing a man's reaction to the mood of his chosen one. If he is happy when his woman is doing well, then he really has a deep affection for her. When he is annoyed, if his lady is not in the mood, then there can be no talk of healthy and strong relationships. A guy in love will do everything to make his chosen one feel happy.

A man in love will always take a girl with him to all kinds of events and parties, meeting with friends. This is the simplest answer to the question: "How to understand whether he is experiencing sincere feelings or not?" If a man likes to appear in a circle of friends and acquaintances, accompanied by his chosen one, this speaks only of one thing: this girl is not another temporary hobby.

Money, love and sex

You should also not be deceived about how much a man spends on his lady. This is the most common female mistake that everyone needs to warn about: if a man spends a lot of money on his companion, this does not mean that he has sincere feelings, love and affection for her. It's just that the law is that if a man has money, then he just likes to spend it in order to show others his worth. And there is not even a hint of high and pure feelings. There has never been and never will be a connection between finance and love. If a guy gives expensive gifts, it simply means that he has money and wants to spend it. Consistency should not be confused with sincerity.

Intimate relationships play an important role in the life of lovers. Of course, everyone has long known that to satisfy their sexual hunger, guys can start short-term relationships with girls, and later leave them without regret. If a man in a relationship is only interested in sex, you should not deceive yourself - this is not love at all. After all, love is not only intimacy. Anyone who really has sincere feelings for a girl will patiently wait until his beloved herself is ready to spend the night with him.

Is he really in love?

Men rarely talk about love, but the signs of this bright feeling are very difficult:

  • He always appears on time at the appointed time, because he values ​​the time spent together.
  • He ignores calls and messages from friends and colleagues because he doesn't want to waste valuable hours of communication with you.
  • His gaze is constantly riveted to the object of his adoration.
  • He may not talk about love, but it is impossible not to feel it.
  • When a man talks about the future, he makes joint plans, saying "we", "us", "ours." A man in love, no doubt, wants to spend the rest of his life with his chosen one.
  • He remembers all the important dates. But this is rather an exception. Usually men cannot remember all significant numbers - this is quite normal, as they are arranged. So do not be offended and throw a tantrum, it is better to delicately remind you of the upcoming event.

  • He does simple things that he would not do for anyone else. A man in love will try to please his lady in everything, will take care of even the smallest things.
  • A guy in love is a caring guy. Sometimes even hyper caring. Only he will be interested in whether his chosen one had time to dine, whether she did important and pre-planned work, etc.
  • Tries to spend more time together.
  • She will tell you about herself frankly. At the same time, the stories will not always be the same where he appears in a favorable light. Men in love can tell their lady even about those situations where they misbehaved and regret it.

These are the men in love. And even if they are not so emotionally organized as to express all their feelings in words, their actions speak for themselves.

As we enter into a new relationship, we expect to receive sincerity and understanding in return. But we often tend to overestimate our partner's feelings and become disappointed. Sometimes a man is too secretive, and his behavior is ambiguous, which does not allow an objective assessment of the degree of his affection. This is true in the early stages of a relationship, when people are not yet close enough to directly ask each other about their feelings.

Unfortunately, men are prone to love games and relationships without commitment, while women perceive every man as a potential husband. In order not to waste precious time and not be disappointed in love, it is important to check the sincerity of your man in time. This is not so difficult to do, you just need to carefully look at his behavior and trust your own intuition.

A glance will tell everything

Do you know how an interested man looks at his woman? With admiration and genuine concern - it is easily read in his eyes. In addition, a man who sincerely likes a woman will never look at other representatives of the fairer sex, because they do not exist for him. But he is inclined to consider every mole of his passion.

This happens not because a man notices flaws, but only because of the inability to take his eyes off the object of sympathy. If you constantly catch his gaze, in which a spark is clearly visible, and when his eyes meet you, a man smiles - be sure that he is not indifferent to you.

The level of tactile intimacy is an important sign of male sympathy!

Invasion of personal space

Of course, in a good sense of the word. A person's personal space is considered to be a 50-centimeter zone around him. If your partner is constantly trying to violate your personal space, then he wants to be closer to you. If a man often touches you, albeit casually, it means that with a high degree of probability he is experiencing deep feelings.

Remember: a completely harmless and even friendly hug for the shoulders, arms, waist can be regarded as a manifestation of a man's sincerity and favor. Especially revealing is a man's desire to take your hand or touch his hair - such little things demonstrate his willingness to get closer.

Genuine interest in your personality

A truly interested man strives to find out as much as possible about his lady. In a conversation, it is very easy to identify the degree of sympathy of a man: if he asks you about what you were like in childhood, who you dreamed of becoming, who you were friends with and what kindergarten you attended, it means that your counterpart is trying to create your psychological portrait in order to better understand who you are. human.

Would a man who has no feelings for you take similar steps? In exactly the same situation, you can easily make sure that the man is insincere with you - after all, in this case, the conversation will be supported by general phrases and banal superficial questions.

Attitude towards you and others

  • You are the center of his universe. Men do not like to admit someone's superiority, but when it comes to women, the situation is fundamentally changing. A sincerely interested and in love man on a subconscious level treats his woman as a queen: he showered her with flowers and gifts, is ready to rush to her in another city and sacrifice plans for her sake. This is typical only for men who take their ladies extremely seriously.
  • Talks about the future. Obviously, a man who is not going to develop a relationship will in every possible way avoid talking about a joint future. Moreover, in a conversation with him, you will not hear the pronoun "we". If a man never makes plans for the future, try to start this conversation yourself. If your partner shies away from even such a simple topic as choosing a country for next year's vacation, you can almost unmistakably assume that a man is not interested in you as a permanent partner.
  • Willingness to forgive. Of course, we are not talking about serious misconduct, because sometimes even people in love are unable to forgive each other for strong insults. And yet - an interested man is inclined to forgive his woman for petty whims and bad moods. He will never allow himself an overly emotional showdown and aggression. If your partner has become irritable, allows himself to make rude statements in your address and is not ready to forgive minor oversights, it means that you do not occupy a significant place in his life.
  • Jealousy. Healthy and moderate jealousy perfectly characterizes the attitude of a man towards your person. A truly sincere man in his intentions will interfere with your communication with other potential suitors. You will feel this already in the first stage of the relationship: your man will strive to fill all your evenings and weekends so that there is no time for someone else. You can also easily see the "winner's gaze" when he notices that other men are staring at you.
  • Acquaintance with relatives and friends. Everything is very clear here: if a man in every possible way delays the moment of your acquaintance with his close environment, then he does not see the point in this. The psychology of a man is simple - he does not consider you a close enough person for you to enter his life. The sincerity of such a partner is out of the question.
  • Honesty level. As you know, a lie is a sign of distrust. Analyze how honest your man is with you. Even the most insignificant lie is a sign that a man does not want to open up to his woman, because he does not consider her a close person. By lying, a man subconsciously shuts himself off from you and tries to hide his life. And if they do not trust you, then there is no need to talk about sincerity on his part.
  • Who is the main initiator of communication? Observe your communication carefully and find out who initiated the contact. It is easy to guess that a man with serious intentions is ready to call his woman a hundred times a day and send SMS messages every minute. But if it turns out that it is you who most often call your partner, and he answers your questions that he did not have time to call - you should know that such a man is unreliable and, most likely, is not sufficiently interested in you.

Listen to your heart and trust your intuition - only then you can accurately check how sincere your man is with you.