How to drink a cat from diarrhea. Diarrhea in a cat of an incomprehensible color: causes, duration and treatment

Table 1 summarizes the differential diagnosis of chronic diarrhea (diarrhea) in cats. More details on this issue can be found in the works listed in the list of references (1-3).

Food hypersensitivity was reported in one study (4) to be the cause in about 30% of cases. This cause is very difficult to differentiate from IBD because most affected cats have histological changes consistent with chronic inflammatory bowel disease (4), and also because a definitive diagnosis requires a dietary trial that owners often refuse to do. Unlike most cases of IBD, the severity of clinical signs of IBD decreases within 2–3 days of dietary changes in food-sensitive cats (4).

Table 1. Differential diagnosis of chronic diarrhea in cats:

History and clinical examination
The chronology of deworming, the characterization of the type of diarrhea (small or large intestine, see Table 2) and the complete history of feeding are key items in the history taking. It is necessary to document previous therapy, especially the use of antibiotics, as it may be associated with a violation of bacterial microflora and secondary chronic diarrhea. If vomiting has occurred, then this fact should also be noted. The clinical examination should be complete, including palpation of the abdomen and careful examination of the ventral surface of the neck, in particular the thyroid gland.

Table 2. Characteristics of small and large intestine diarrhea:

Small intestine Colon
Feces Quantity Increased Decreased or normal
Slime Absent (except for ileitis) Often observed
Intestinal bleeding May be Is always
Blood in the stool Absent Often observed
Steatorrhea Present, manifested by impaired digestion or absorption of nutrients Absent
Defecation Frequency Usually rises slightly - up to 4 times a day Increases (frequent small bowel movements)
Difficulty defecation Absent Usually present
Urgency Absent Usually present (sometimes, having a bowel movement outside the litter box)
Other signs Gas evolution, swelling Can be observed Can be observed
Weight loss Can be observed Rarely
Vomit Can be observed Can be observed

Basic laboratory tests include a complete blood count and biochemistry, including a total thyroxine test, especially in older cats. The goal is to rule out metabolic disorders and to identify any possible consequences of primary intestinal disease, such as hypoalbuminemia, hypocholesterolemia, or any electrolyte imbalance. Moderate increases in alanine aminotransferase and alkaline phosphatase levels are often seen in hyperthyroidism and chronic intestinal inflammation.

The next step in the event of inconclusive results from previous tests should be to detect pancreatic disease, including exocrine insufficiency and chronic pancreatitis, respectively, by measuring fTLI (feline trypsin immunoreactivity) or fPLI (feline pancreatic lipase immunoreactivity) in the blood. Serum folate and cobalamin concentrations should also be measured in order to diagnose possible malabsorption of these vitamins and initiate reimbursement in the event of cobalamin deficiency. Ultrasound is used to look for internal changes, especially in the liver, pancreas, intestinal wall, and abdominal lymph nodes. Puncture of the observed abnormalities with a fine needle may aid in the diagnosis of cancer or pancreatitis. If liver failure is suspected, it is recommended to determine bile acids before and after feeding. Abnormal results are indicative of liver biopsy.

After this stage, if a definitive diagnosis is still pending, a bowel biopsy helps differentiate between chronic inflammation and neoplasia. If abdominal ultrasound reveals any focal lesion, full-thickness biopsy and extirpation of the mass are recommended.

Because cholangitis (cholangiohepatitis), pancreatitis, and intestinal inflammation (IBD) are often associated in cats, liver and pancreas biopsies must be performed simultaneously (5). All three segments of the small intestine are recommended for biopsy. If the ultrasound does not show focal lesions, an endoscopic biopsy may be done. In this case, it is likely to be more efficient to sample the stomach and duodenum by upper endoscopy, but also the colon and ileum through colonoscopy, in particular since intestinal inflammation and neoplastic lesions may be unevenly distributed.

Three case studies are presented below to illustrate treatments for chronic feline diarrhea.

Case 1 - giardiasis
An eight month old domestic ovariectomized shorthaired cat presented with a complaint of chronic diarrhea lasting 4 months.
The cat has undergone: deworming (including praziquantel / pyrantel and milbemycin), dietary changes (including digestible foods and a diet with no previously used protein sources), and a course of metronidazole for one month (10 mg / kg twice daily) ... These measures proved to be ineffective. A history of diarrhea appeared to be of a mixed type (small and large intestine), with increased stool volume, sometimes with severe diarrhea and mucus.
The owner did not notice any changes in the cat's behavior, vomiting was not observed, but polyphagia has been noticed in the past few weeks.
The animal was mainly kept in the house and was always under the control of the owner in the courtyard. On clinical examination, the cat was lively, alert and sensitive, the weight was below normal, with a body index of 2-3 / 9, and was 2.5 kg. Palpation of the abdomen showed that gas / liquid filled the bowel loops without pain or significant expansion. Further examination did not reveal any deviations.

Figure 1. Giardia trophozoites in a smear of fresh feces.

The relapse after the first treatment could probably be explained by the contamination of the environment and the other cat with cysts. The persistence of cysts was also explained by their transfer to the fur of cats (2). But this relapse could also be related to metronidazole resistance. The study of feces at the end of the course of treatment was not carried out, but, nevertheless, it was decided to discontinue the drug used and to prescribe fenbendazole. Even though fenbendazole has proven to be effective in this case, metronidazole is the “drug of choice” for treatment against feline giardiasis, which has recently been reported to be very effective in stopping spore formation in a group of chronically infected cats (10). Fenbendazole is not approved for use in cats; it stopped the spread of cysts in only 4 out of 8 cats with concomitant Giardia and Cryptosporidium infections (11).

One study found that doses of fenbendazole up to 5 times the recommended dosage could be safely administered to healthy adult cats (12), but a case of a serious hypersensitivity reaction (idiosyncrasy) has recently been reported in a cat (13). Giardia are sensitive to moisture levels and die in dry environments. But the main problem is the persistence of cysts in the places where the animal is kept. Cysts die at temperatures above 55 ° C. The best are disinfectants containing tetravalent ammonium compounds. Chlorine-containing products are also effective (2).

At this stage, the following assumptions were made for this cat with chronic diarrhea and concomitant elevated liver enzyme levels:

  • chronic liver disease
  • chronic pancreatitis,
  • IBD or intestinal neoplasia and hyperthyroidism.

The presence of hypertension without any symptoms of renal failure made it possible to take hyperthyroidism as the main version. The total plasma thyroxine was at the level of 75 nmol / l (normal values: 15-52 nmol / l), and after that the diagnosis was "hyperthyroidism". Urine culture was performed on culture media, since it is known about frequent urinary tract infection in cats with hyperthyroidism (14). The results were negative. The cat was prescribed mercazolil 2.5 mg twice a day and at the same time amlodipine 0.625 mg once a day to relieve hypertension, because the blood pressure was high enough and there was a threat of organ damage. One week later, systolic blood pressure was 166 mmHg. Art., the stool improved, but was still soft. Echocardiography showed no signs of hypertrophy. 3 weeks after the start of treatment, the level of total plasma thyroxine was 30 nmol / l, therefore, the initial dosage of mercazolil was maintained. An increase in creatinine and urea levels was not observed; biochemistry, alkaline phosphatase, alanine aminotransferase parameters were normal. The chair has returned to normal. Systolic pressure - 156 mm Hg. Art., and the animal was supported on amlodipine.

This case shows that metabolic disorders should never be excluded from the list of possible diagnoses for chronic diarrhea in cats and that hyperthyroidism should be ruled out first and only then differential diagnosis should be continued, especially in cats over 7 years of age with reduced body weight.

Case 3 - Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)
An eight-year-old domestic shorthaired ovariectomized cat was admitted with a complaint of recurrent diarrhea for 8 months, with a simultaneous decrease in body weight. Appetite was inconsistent, sometimes vomiting was observed, but not more than three times a week. Occasionally, the stool contained fresh blood and mucus. Pushing and sudden diarrhea were not observed, on average there were 2-3 stools a day, occasionally with some difficulty. Studies for FIV (Feline Immunodeficiency Virus) and FLV (Feline Leukemia Virus) were negative. The cat, on the recommendation of a veterinarian, was dewormed twice a month with praziquantel and pyrantel pamoat without any changes. A monthly course of metronidazole did not improve the clinical condition of the cat, nor did changes in the diet.
Clinical examination revealed no pathology, and there was no dehydration. On abdominal palpation, a slight thickening of the intestinal loops was noted.

A complete blood count showed no change, except for mild non-regenerative anemia, which was considered a symptom of a chronic illness. The coagulation test performed due to the report of fresh blood in the stool was normal. Triplicate flotation and response to Giardia antigen were negative. With the exception of reduced plasma albumin (20 g / L, the norm is 25-38 g / L) with normal globulin and a slight increase in alkaline phosphatase (110 U / L, the norm is 12-85 U / L), blood biochemistry, including total thyroxine was normal.

Urinalysis showed no proteinuria, specific gravity 1.038. Thus, in this cat, diarrhea was accompanied by hypoalbuminemia. Therefore, the main possible causes could be: liver disease, possibly associated with chronic pancreatitis, protein loss through the gastrointestinal tract (due to chronic inflammation or primary neoplasia of the intestine) and exocrine pancreatic insufficiency. Determination of bile acids before and after feeding made it possible to exclude liver failure. Abdominal ultrasound showed no changes in the liver or pancreas, but the small intestine mucosa was abnormal (Figure 2) and the mesenteric lymph nodes were enlarged.

Figure 2. Ultrasonography of the abdominal cavity of case # 3. Image of the loop of the middle of the jejunum showing wall thickening (3.1 mm). There is a thickening in the outer muscular layer, the entire outer serous membrane has an irregular structure.

Serum trypsin immunoreactivity did not go beyond the normal range, which made it possible to exclude exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, but serum cobalamin was significantly reduced (190 ng / l, the norm is 290-1499 ng / l). Serum folate concentration without deviation. Due to the severity of the clinical picture and the presence of mixed diarrhea, gastroduodeno- and colonoscopy was performed. Only the duodenal mucosa was recognized as abnormal due to increased heterogeneity and looseness (Figure 3).

Figure 3. Endoscopic view of the duodenum of case # 3. Note the altered, granular structure of the mucous membrane.

Biopsies were taken from the stomach, descending duodenum, colon and, blindly, from the ileum. The cat was transferred to a soy protein hydrolyzate elimination diet and was given metronidazole 10 mg / kg twice daily for 4 weeks. Due to the reduced concentration of serum cobalamin, therapy was supplemented with injections of vitamin B 12 (250 μg / kg once a week subcutaneously for 6 weeks).

The histopathologist's report indicated severe lymphoplastic inflammation of the small intestine with very severe infiltration and architectural changes, but the biopsy results were considered unreliable. The pathologist advised that he could not rule out the possibility of lymphoma due to the very superficial way of biopsy. Immunohistochemical staining of biopsies (15) also did not make it possible to determine between the two possibilities. The stomach and lining of the colon were considered normal. Considering the possibility of lymphoma, they decided to perform full thickness biopsies of the intestinal wall before applying immunosuppressive therapy. Three segments of the small intestine, tissues of an enlarged lymph node, pancreas and liver were examined. The liver and pancreas were considered healthy, and the version of severe chronic inflammation of the small intestine was confirmed (Figure 4).

Figure 4. Histopathological presentation of full thickness jejunal biopsy (case No. 3). The architecture of the villi is destroyed, there is dullness and, in places, fusion of the tips of the villi, moderate expansion of the central papilla and protruding smooth muscle fibers. The assimilation layer is diffuse and saturated with increased numbers of mature lymphocytes and plasma cells, which erode crypts in 7-9 cells of the thick layer. An increase in the number of intraepithelial lymphocytes is also observed. The epithelium of the mucous membrane is slightly thinned, with cuboid enterocytes, which often reduces the clear brush border of the epithelial tissue.

After these procedures, lymphoma was ruled out. The cat was finally diagnosed with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).

The treatment consisted in the introduction of prednisolone according to the following scheme: 2 mg / kg twice a day for 5 days, during the next week 1.5 mg / kg twice a day and 1 mg / kg twice a day during the second week. After 3 weeks, the animal was presented for re-examination. The stool was semi-shaped, but still moist, no blood or mucus was observed. During this time, the weight gain was 0.4 kg. After 6 weeks, the serum cobalamin concentration returned to normal. Therefore, the cat was prescribed 250 mcg of cobalamin subcutaneously every 4-6 weeks. The prednisolone dosage was progressively reduced and after 3 months the animal was clinically healthy. Thereafter, steroid administration (1 mg / kg every other day) and elimination diet were followed for another 6 weeks. Minor annual relapses are stopped with a course of metronidazole or prednisolone and cobalamin. The therapeutic diet is applied on an ongoing basis.

It can also develop due to a decrease in the tolerance of the intestinal immune system to the following factors:

In IBD, dietary changes are usually recommended, such as a no-protein diet, a diet that has not been used previously, or a diet that is highly digestible. The therapeutic diet itself is usually ineffective, and therefore it is recommended, at least in the first stages, to supplement it with antibiotic therapy. A recent study in cats demonstrated a relationship between the number of bacteria attached to the mucosa and the severity of tissue damage in IBD (17). Moreover, the number of attached Enterobacteriaceae, E. coli and Clostridium spp. correlated with the severity of clinical signs and the level of cytokine mRNA production (17). These results increase the likelihood of bacterial involvement in the pathogenesis of feline IBD and justify the use of antibiotics in such cases.

If the above measures are ineffective, immunosuppressants are used. It is recommended to start with steroids and then add or use another drug if they are insufficiently effective (Table 3).

Table 3. Drugs used to treat IBD in cats:

Therapeutic diet Diet based on previously unused or hydrolyzed proteins. Highly digestible diet
A drug Dosage
Antibiotics Metronidazole 7-10 mg / kg po twice a day
Doxycycline 5 mg / kg po twice a day
Immunosuppressants Prednisone 1-2 mg / kg po twice a day for 4-7 days, then a gradual decrease in dosage in accordance with the clinical picture (course of at least 2-3 months)
Cyclosporine 1-4 mg / kg twice daily (monitor for falling levels)
Chlorambucil 1-2 mg / m2 p / o every other day with a gradual decrease
Other Cobalamin 250 mcg per week subcutaneously for 6 weeks, then 250 mcg per month for a year
Sulfasalazine 10-20 mg / kg po twice a day

Cobalamin deficiency is common in cats with gastrointestinal disease in the United States, especially those with IBD and alimentary lymphoma (18,19). However, the prevalence of hypocobalaminemia may be lower in other countries such as the UK (20).
Since it indicates a serious metabolic disorder, cobalamin levels must be monitored and adjusted to normalize metabolism and improve the clinical picture (18).

The described case of IBD is unusual due to the possibility of a diagnosis of lymphoma based on endoscopic biopsies - and therefore the need for a full-thickness biopsy for further investigation. There are reports of the impossibility of reliably differentiating IBD and lymphoma based on the results of endoscopic biopsies of the small intestine (21). In this case, the lymphoma had to be ruled out before steroid use because of the risk of possible secondary resistance to chemotherapy.


  1. Hall EJ, German AJ. Diseases of the small intestine. In: Ettinger SJ, Feldman EC, eds. Textbook of Veterinary Internal Medicine, St Louis: Elsevier-Saunders; 2005; 6: 1332-1377.
  2. Marks SL, Willard MD. Diarrhea in kittens. In: August JR, ed. Consaltations in Feline Internal Medicine. St Louis: Elsevier-Saunders; 2006, pp. 133-144.
  3. Washabau RJ, Holt DE. Diseases of the large intestine. In: Ettinger SJ, Feldman EC, eds. Textbook of Veterinary Internal Medicine, St Louis: Elsevier-Saunders; 2005; 6: 1378-1407.
  4. Guilford WG, Jones BR, Markwell PJ, et al. Food sensitivity in cats with chronic idiopathic gastrointestinal problems. J Vet Intern Med 2001; 15: 7-13.
  5. Weiss DJ, Gagne JM, Armstrong PJ. Relationship between inflammatory hepatic disease and bowel disease, pancreatitis, and nephritis in cats. J Am Vet Med Assoc 1996; 209: 1114-1116.
  6. Hill SL, Cheney JM, Taton-Allen GF, et al. Prevalence of enteric zoonotic organisms in cats. J Am Vet Med Assoc 2000; 216: 687-692.
  7. McGlade TR, Robertson ID, Elliot AD, et al. High prevalence of Giardia detected in cats by PCR. Vet Parasitol 2003; 110: 197-205.
  8. Mekaru SR, Marks SL, Felley AJ, et al. Comparison of direct immunofluorescence, immunoassays, and fecal flotation for detection of Cryptosporidium spp. and Giardia spp. in naturally exposed cats in 4 Northern California animal shelters. J Vet Intern Med 2007; 21: 959-965.
  9. Tzannes S, Batchelor DJ, Graham PA, et al. Prevalence of Cryptosporidium, Giardia and Isospora species infections in pet cats with clinical signs of gastrointestinal disease. J Feline Med Sutg 2008; 10: 1-8.
  10. Scorza AV, Lappin MR. Metronidazole for the treatment of feline giardiasis. J Fe (me Med Surg 2004; 6: 157-160.
  11. Keith CL, Radecki SV, Lappin MR. Evaluation of fenbendazole for treatment of Giardia infection in cats concurrently infected with Cryptosporidium parvum. Am J Vet Res 2003; 64: 1027-1029.
  12. Schwartz RD, Donoghue AR, Baggs RB, et al. Evaluation of the safety of fenbendazole in cats. Am J Vet Res 2000; 61: 330-332.
  13. Jasani S, Boag AK, Smith KS. Systemic vasculitis with severe cutaneous manifestation as a suspected idiosyncratic hypersensitivity reaction to fenbendazole in a cat. J Vet Intern Med 2008; 22: 666-670.
  14. Mayer-Roenne B, Goldstein RE, Erb HN. Urinary tract infections in cats with hyperthyroidism, diabetes mellitus and chronic kidney disease. J Feline Med Surg 2007; 9: 124-132.
  15. Waly NE, Gruffydd-Jones TJ, Stokes CR, et al. Immunohistochemical diagnosis of alimentary lymphomas and severe intestinal inflammation in cats. J Comp Pathol 2005; 133: 253-260.
  16. Jergens AE, Crandell JM. Clinical staging for inflammatory bowel disease. In: August JR, ed. Consultations in Feline Internal Medicine. St Louis: Elsevier-Saunders; 2006, pp. 127-132.
  17. Janeczko S, Atwater D, Bogel E, et al. The relationship of mucosal bacteria to duodenal histopathology, cytokine mRNA, and clinical disease activity in cats with inflammatory bowel disease. Vet Microbiol 2008; 128: 178-193.
  18. Ruaux CG, Steiner JM, Williams DA. Early biochemical and clinical responses to cobalamin supplementation in cats with signs of gastrointestinal disease and severe hypocobalaminemia. J Vet Intern Med 2005; 19: 155-160.
  19. Simpson KW, Fyfe J, Cornetta A, et al. Subnormal concentrations of serum cobalamin (vitamin B12) in cats with gastrointestinal disease. J Vet Intern Med 2001; 15: 26-32.
  20. Ibarrola P, Blackwood L, Graham PA, et al. Hypocobalaminaemia is uncommon in cats in the United Kingdom. J Feline Med Surg 2005; 7: 341-348.
  21. Evans SE, Bonczynski JJ, Broussard JD, et al. Comparison of endoscopic and full-thickness biopsy specimens for diagnosis of inflammatory bowel disease and alimentary tract lymphoma in cats. J Am Vet Med Assoc 2006; 229: 1447-1450.

Olivier Dossen,
Department of Internal Medicine, University of Illinois, USA

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How to treat diarrhea in a cat

A kind and caring owner will definitely pay attention to the condition of the pet and determine if something goes wrong. For example, a cat may have diarrhea. Changes in stool in cats are directly related to the characteristics of the diet. The problem can happen if the cat has tasted stale food, or if his body does not digest some foods. You never know what troubles can still happen with a fluffy. In this case, a veterinarian examination is needed. The owner can independently solve the problem, knowing how to treat diarrhea in a cat at home. But only if the situation does not become critical!

Our beloved cats can, like their owners, suffer from indigestion or diarrhea. Living in city apartments or even in a house, cats can sometimes experience "human" ailments. Although for the animal world, such failures in the body are not typical. When they get sick with something, they begin to heal themselves. For example, many have seen cats start eating grass and they know which one to choose. They instinctively know how to take care of their well-being. But this is on condition that pets move freely wherever they like: in the field or in the forest. Without such an opportunity, pets are looking for help from humans.

Diarrhea is the body's signal for problems with digestion and absorption of food. Timely intervention will help alleviate the condition of the cat. Otherwise, severe diarrhea can lead to dehydration. The health of your pet needs to be monitored. In order to prevent illness, you need to understand the causes of diarrhea in cats.

What affects digestion failure in cats

Cats are "aristocratic" animals. They are very picky about food. But sometimes the habit of trusting their wishes can let them down. Therefore, food poisoning or indigestion remains the most common cause of diarrhea. This is not difficult to understand. When changing the diet, it is imperative to monitor how the cat behaves, how his body reacts to innovations. You don't need to give your pet cat food waste indiscriminately. Such food is difficult to digest.

Diarrhea can occur from eaten canned cat food from a dubious manufacturer. Or it could be food picked from the street. Diarrhea sometimes occurs naturally. For example, when kittens change from milk to solid food. In order for the cat not to suffer from diarrhea, you do not need to feed him with sausages and surrogate products.

How to find the problem

You should pay attention to how much the stool is thinned, and how often the cat goes to the litter box. It is necessary to check the condition of the stool - whether it has a mushy state, whether there is a watery discharge in it. This is necessary in order to discover the reasons for the changes. Stool problems in animals can arise under stressful circumstances, for example, when, for example, a domestic cat is transported somewhere or just sent with him for the first time on a trip. Not all pets and do not always tolerate long trips calmly.

On various external changes in the life of a pet, his body reacts violently, then calmly. Therefore, you must definitely watch your pet. Characteristic symptoms due to digestive disorders can develop into a disease. It needs to be diagnosed on time. At the same time, you need to use the advice of a specialist who will tell you how to treat diarrhea in a cat at home, if the discomfort is not so serious.

Reasons that can affect the malfunction in the body

  1. A cat may simply have worms due to intestinal inflammation, for example. Worms can enter the kitten's body through the mother's milk. This will also lead to diarrhea.
  2. The cat's liver or pancreas may not work well. Hence the disruptions in the body.
  3. Seals also suffer from dysbiosis.
  4. Infections (for example, toxoplasmosis) can periodically enter the pet's body.
  5. Some medicines can cause allergies in the cat, which can be accompanied by diarrhea.
  6. The pet's body can thus react to the side effect of the medication.
  7. The worst-case scenario when persistent diarrhea develops is animal cancer.

In the vast majority of cases, feline diarrhea is associated with poor quality or improper food. Therefore, you should not assume the worst in advance. You need to think about how to help your pet recover. Due to the correct diagnosis, much can be solved without complications in an adult cat. The main thing is to choose a competent approach to solving the problem. You may need to take medications. When choosing medications or home treatments, it is best to consult with a specialist.

Diagnostic issues

Diarrhea in cats manifests itself in different ways and has characteristic features. For example, a selection may have a different shade. Such differences in the manifestations of the disease indicate different causes of diarrhea. The following types of diarrhea are diagnosed today:

  • diarrhea of ​​the mucous membrane (due to worms);
  • diarrhea as a reaction to milk;
  • bloody diarrhea (indicates a disease);
  • saturated color diarrhea (yellow to orange indicates liver problems);
  • white diarrhea (be sure to see a doctor);
  • diarrhea as a reaction to drugs;
  • vomiting and diarrhea (severe intoxication of the body);
  • green diarrhea (a clear sign of food poisoning and decay in the intestines).

When veterinarian assistance is needed

Consultation and examination of a specialist will help to identify serious violations in the work of body systems. True, emergency help is not always needed. Cats can cope with morning sickness on their own and return to normal by the evening. This can be judged by the pet's appetite and habitual lifestyle. In this case, you will no longer have to worry about the cat's condition. But it is possible to intervene in preventive measures with activated carbon in food. If there is a deterioration in the condition, the cat does not eat or drink, this is a direct sign of intoxication. We urgently need to go to the vet.

Severe discomfort is often accompanied by severe vomiting. After which diarrhea begins with blood. Such symptoms without the intervention of a veterinarian can lead to serious consequences. The specialist will help you make an accurate diagnosis, identify problems and outline a solution.

Treatment of diarrhea with drugs

On the Internet, it is quite easy to find a video from a veterinarian who gives general advice for a non-emergency situation.

It is advisable to consult a doctor before use in order to choose the right product and calculate the required dosage, depending on the weight of the cat.

First, the main drug for the first aid to the pet is injected. It can be "Veton", "Smecta", "Bifidum" or "Bactisubtil". The drug in capsules is taken ¼ diluted twice a day. Children's "Smecta" is also suitable. The contents of the ¼ sachet must be mixed with the cat's food. Taking the drug twice a day. Among other things, kittens should be given probiotics. The same "Bifidum". You can get by with activated carbon. Many people use a syringe to inject the drug, since it is not always possible to force the cat to eat food with the "additive".

Decoctions are good for diarrhea and its consequences. For example, from chamomile or St. John's wort. The herbal collection has an enveloping effect and an astringent effect. The drug "Itraconazole" will help to get rid of worms. It is used to stop the spread of fungal infections.

Just do not give the drug to a pregnant cat.

If the measures taken do not help, then you will have to take tests. In no case should you independently treat a cat with severe diarrhea.

Treating diarrhea at home

When there is no opportunity to visit the clinic, you have to find ways to treat cat's diarrhea at home. Various measures are suitable for this. If the temperature of the cat remains within the normal range during diarrhea, the cat will not refuse to eat. This indicates the normal process of experiencing diarrhea. But still, it is better to save the cat from the consequences.

1. You need to try to limit the use of dairy products.
2. Water for the cat should be constantly available, preferably boiled at room temperature.
3. It is necessary to exclude canned food and other feed from the pet's diet (you can replace them with boiled meat and rice or make meat puree).
4. Normalization of the stool allows you to switch to the usual diet.


Simple rules for dealing with a cat will help to avoid many serious problems. To prevent the cat from suffering from diarrhea, you need:

  • check it for worms in time;
  • timely vaccinate;
  • choose only high-quality feed from trusted manufacturers;
  • monitor the cleanliness of the place (rug, bowl, toilet).

Periodic disinfection of feline sites is helpful. Also, do not forget that during the treatment of the cat you will have to protect it from communicating with relatives (especially stray ones) so that you do not have to treat diarrhea at home in two cats. And, of course, you should not create stressful situations for your pets in advance, if there is an opportunity to avoid them.

Diarrhea in a cat is a rather unpleasant phenomenon. Its appearance is due to a violation of the digestive processes, pathologies of the digestive system, poor quality food and other reasons. Hosts should remember that diarrhea is a consequence of a problem, but not a cause.

The mechanism of development of diarrhea in a cat is associated with increased intestinal motility, which occurs under the influence of certain substances or toxins of microorganisms that irritate the mucous membrane. The manifestations of diarrhea are increased bowel movements, as well as abundant liquid feces. There is also such a phenomenon as false or pseudo-denunciation. It occurs against the background of constipation. In this case, there is a release of a small amount of feces, in which mucus is present.

Experts distinguish acute and chronic forms of diarrhea (diarrhea is considered chronic, lasting more than 10-14 days).

Causes of diarrhea in a cat

Diarrhea in a cat is one of the first manifestations of impaired motility and secretion of the digestive system. Such a disorder can occur with various infectious and non-infectious pathologies. Factors leading to the appearance of diarrhea in a cat can be:

  • wrong, too abrupt change in diet;
  • the use of food of inadequate quality by animals;
  • individual reaction to a certain food, intolerance to any of its components;
  • inappropriate diet;
  • metabolic disorder;
  • too much feed;
  • poisoning of an animal with poisons, drugs or other chemicals;
  • helminthic invasions;
  • infectious diseases of the digestive system;
  • reaction to taking medications;
  • inflammatory diseases of the digestive tract;
  • common infections of various nature.

Signs of feline diarrhea

Symptoms accompanying diarrhea in a cat are, in most cases, the following:

  • loss of appetite or complete lack of it;
  • an increase in the number of bowel movements;
  • the animal is lethargic, apathetic;
  • dehydration of the body is noted;
  • possibly bloating;
  • the feces are liquid, they may contain impurities such as blood, mucus, particles of undigested food;
  • with prolonged diarrhea, the pet noticeably loses weight.

Diagnosing diarrhea in a cat

Diagnosis of diarrhea is usually not difficult in cats. It is more difficult to determine the cause of this condition in an animal. The effectiveness of treatment depends on the correct and timely diagnosis.

The owner of the cat should carefully consider the change in the state of the pet. When seen by a veterinarian, it is imperative to describe the entire course of the disease, the time of onset of symptoms and the violation of the behavior of the animal. The specialist, in addition to collecting information, also measures the temperature, palpates the pet's abdomen, and determines the presence and degree of dehydration. Based on the results of all these manipulations, a preliminary diagnosis is made. To confirm it, additional examinations of the cat may be needed: a study of feces for eggs, a worm, a urine test, a blood test, a study of feces for the presence of occult blood. In addition, radiography is often required. This method allows you to identify what disease caused the cat's diarrhea: peritonitis, intestinal obstruction, pancreatitis or other pathologies.

Preventing diarrhea in cats

Prevention of diarrhea in cats consists in adherence to the correct diet and diet of the animal. It includes the following activities:

  1. Regular disinfection of the litter box, utensils and feeding area.
  2. Selection of suitable quality products and feed for animal nutrition.
  3. Timely implementation of the necessary vaccination.
  4. Exclusion of contact of the cat with poisonous substances, preventing the ingestion of household chemicals, medicines and other similar substances into the pet's food.
  5. Periodic intake of antihelminthic drugs.

Treatment of diarrhea in a cat

Determining the appropriate course of treatment for diarrhea in a cat depends on the underlying causes of the problem. However, there are common points.

A one-time loose stool, provided that there are no foreign impurities in it, and the condition of the animal does not suffer, is not a reason for a mandatory visit to the veterinarian.

If it was noticed that the animal has eaten something suspicious, with a sharp change in its diet, the pet eats poor-quality food or plants, it is necessary to pay attention to the behavior of the cat. At the same time, such factors should be eliminated if possible: remove garbage where the animal cannot get it, maintain a suitable diet, and prevent eating plants and harmful substances.

In case of repeated diarrhea in a cat, as well as in the presence of other signs of the disease, such as vomiting, especially with an admixture of bile or white foam, deterioration of the condition, and others, you need to call a veterinarian at home. Indeed, in such cases, transportation is contraindicated for the animal. When visiting the clinic, the pet's condition can deteriorate sharply.

If it is not possible to call the veterinarian home, then you should call the veterinary clinic or go there without the animal. Along with this, the following recommendations are fulfilled:

  • the animal is given drugs prescribed by a veterinarian;
  • feeding a cat with diarrhea is not worth it during the first day until his condition recovers;
  • if the animal does not vomit, then it needs to be given clean water for drinking, this will help prevent dehydration.

When diarrhea develops in a cat, the animal should be transferred to a more gentle diet, which includes only those foods that are easy to digest. You can give your pet homemade food, such as boiled crushed potatoes, boiled rice, and more, in small portions. In this case, it is worth monitoring the amount eaten, since an excessively large amount of food eaten at one time can lead to repeated vomiting. After feeding, even if the animal is not full, it is better to wait 1-2 hours. If during this time the cat's diarrhea does not recur, then you can feed him again. The animal is fed every 3-4 hours in small doses until its condition improves. After that, you can gradually increase the single serving and reduce the number of feedings per day. A gentle diet must be maintained for at least two more days.

After that, if the cat's diarrhea does not return, he is put on a normal diet for the next few days. This must be done correctly. First, dietary and regular feed are mixed in equal proportions and the animal is fed with this mixture. The next day, the proportions are slightly changed, the ratio of regular to diet food is 3: 1. In the absence of consequences on the third day, you can completely switch to a normal diet. Thus, the transition from diet food to the usual menu takes three days.

For a walk, it is better to take the animal on a leash during a period of illness. This will allow you to monitor the pet, to find out if he has vomiting, diarrhea and the number of urinations. With self-help at home, the cat needs close supervision and control.

Do not give any medications without consulting your veterinarian. In case of acute diarrhea in a cat, taking medication can cause unpleasant consequences. Drugs intended for dogs are categorically contraindicated for cats, and vice versa.

If the cat's diarrhea does not stop even if all recommendations for caring for the animal are followed, or appears again after a short period of time, you should immediately call the veterinary clinic. The reason for contacting specialists is impurities in the feces (blood, greens, mucus, foam, etc.), as well as a lack of appetite, lethargy of the pet, weakness, lethargy.

Diarrhea in an adult animal is no longer good, but diarrhea in a kitten is simply dangerous. Therefore, you need to take action as quickly as possible. But, first of all, you need to establish the cause of the ailment, and then treat it. Today we will tell you about the main causes of this ailment and advise what to do and how to treat diarrhea in a kitten.

The consequences of prolonged diarrhea are more severe in kittens than in adult cats. The most common symptoms you may see in your pet are:

  • The depressed state of the animal
  • Decreased or complete loss of appetite
  • Increased bowel movements
  • Weight loss with persistent diarrhea
  • The body loses a lot of water
  • Liquid feces with possible impurities of undigested feed particles
  • Possibly bloating

If you are sure that your baby has a disorder caused by inadequate feeding, you can try to solve this problem yourself.

Diarrhea in a kitten appears several times more often than in adults. What is the reason?

Among the factors contributing to this are:

  • Imperfection of the formation of the digestive system of small kittens.
  • Rapid growth and development of the body.
  • Immunity is still weak.

The reasons that can cause diarrhea in kittens include:

Kittens have a very sensitive gastrointestinal tract, so you shouldn't change the diet drastically, especially if the feed is of poor quality. The stress kittens can get from moving can also be a source of frustration.

When should you get help from your veterinarian?

There is a chance that the kitten's diarrhea is caused by some serious medical condition. When is it important to get immediate veterinary help?

  • The kitten has diarrhea with blood or mucus;
  • Diarrhea in a kitten lasts more than one day;
  • The stool is copious and very thin;
  • The kitten meows plaintively, sometimes even hysterically (this can be caused by severe pain);
  • The kitten has diarrhea and vomiting at the same time;
  • Blanching of the nose and gums is noted;
  • The body temperature rises;
  • Fever, convulsions;
  • Stench (stronger than usual) on stool;
  • The kitten cannot quench its thirst.

If you have one of the listed symptoms, with diarrhea, it is very important to urgently take your pet to the veterinarian... The pet will be examined, the cause of the disease will be found out, and after the diagnosis is made, a course of treatment will be prescribed.

Treatment based on causes and symptoms

Given the three reasons why a kitten may develop diarrhea (infections, diet changes and worms), then treatment procedures should be carried out, starting from the ways to eliminate the three main problems. For this, sera with antibodies against various infectious diseases are used. Antibiotics are used to suppress the secondary microflora that develops on the affected mucous areas of the intestine.

It can also be probiotics that restore the intestinal microflora, and preparations for worms in the form of a suspension or tablets. Intestinal spasms are relieved by Papaverine, it also helps to normalize peristalsis. Diarrhea causes dehydration. To prevent this, small pets may be given IVs. And they are also used to relieve toxicosis and for feeding. If possible, drugs are administered intravenously, but given the situation, they are most often limited to subcutaneous injections.

After the first vomiting appears, the animal stops feeding. You should know that a kitten is a fragile creature, therefore, not giving him food for too long is dangerous to his life. In this situation, 12 hours without food is the maximum that you can go for.

If the kitten has diarrhea and vomiting

Kittens are often not properly fed, which in turn leads to diarrhea and vomiting. What to do in this situation? A sudden change of food, overeating - all this disrupts the processes of assimilation of food, and the kitten begins to suffer from diarrhea, you should not drastically change the diet of the crumbs, you need to switch to new food slowly, slightly increasing the amount of new product in the daily diet of the pet every day. If it is noticed that the kitten does not know the measure of food, then you need to reduce the amount of portion. It is better to give food less, but more often.

Kittens are extremely inquisitive and the baby can easily eat some kind of poisonous substance. Provided not only vomiting and diarrhea. If measures to save the pet are not taken in a short time, then the little cat may not live until the next day. Even diarrhea and vomiting can provoke inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

What should I do? In any of the above cases, you should observe the development of the situation. If you can see that the kitten is getting worse every minute and there is no improvement, other negative signs of the disease appear, then you need to rush to the veterinarian. If, despite the diarrhea, the kitten feels quite satisfactory: he is cheerful and playful, then you can try to solve the problem on your own.

The first step is to close access to food for the baby. During vomiting, time is sometimes the best medicine. Let the stomach of the crumbs come to its senses and it is quite possible that the next day there will be no trace of the ailment. Keep in mind that you should drink your pet regularly and preferably in sufficient quantities.... After all, water is an additional opportunity to wash out the stomach.

If the kitten has bloody diarrhea

Veterinarians have noted several main causes of bleeding in kittens with diarrhea:

Possible treatment. Based on the research results, the veterinarian may recommend several ways that will have a beneficial effect on the kitten's condition:

  • drugs that help normalize the performance of the alimentary tract;
  • antibiotics if your baby has a bacterial infection;
  • preparations for worms, if found;
  • drinking boiled water;
  • change of diet.

If the kitten has diarrhea with mucus

  • trichomoniasis;
  • coccidosis;
  • lamblia;
  • isospores, etc.

But if mucous diarrhea in a kitten is accompanied by other negative symptoms: vomiting, loss of appetite, weakness, fever, then this is already a sign of inflammation of the lower intestine. And whatever disease is the cause of the disorder, and the pet's loose stools must be urgently carried to the veterinary clinic. By the way, if you take some animal feces with you as a sample, it will simplify the work of a specialist in making a diagnosis, which means that it will speed up the treatment and recovery of the baby. Submit a job about health to a doctor, and he will tell you what to do next in order for the kitten's health to return to its previous course as quickly as possible.

If the kitten has diarrhea and does not eat anything

If this is a very small kitten that has recently begun to wean itself from mother's milk and its body has not yet fully adapted to adult food, then diarrhea and refusal to eat is a standard phenomenon. If the kitten is older, then such a situation may arise from the fact that he can overeat. But you should know that this is normal only if the animal goes to the pot as usual.

Worst of all, when the baby's discharge almost does not stop. This is a clear sign of malaise. If you are concerned about your pet's health, then you should consider its discharge. If the feces smell bad, are very liquid, and also have an unnatural color, then this is already a dangerous situation. If there is also blood in the feces, this is a signal to immediately call a doctor.

The worst development is panleukopenia, also known as feline plague. It is a viral disease that is difficult to fight, and the disease progresses extremely quickly. Diarrhea and lack of desire to eat is one of the signs of this ailment. Fortunately, there is a vaccine for panleukopenia.

If the kitten has diarrhea of ​​an unusual color

Normal stool color varies in several shades of brown, but if a kitten's stool takes on a non-standard shade, then this is definitely a signal that should not be ignored.

  • For example, green diarrhea in a kitten is a sign that the baby's stomach contains stale food infected with putrefactive microflora. Usually this phenomenon is accompanied by an increased temperature of a small pet.
  • Abundant stools of a grayish color and with a specific, rancid odor are a clear sign of impaired digestion.
  • Too light, white faeces - problems with bile flow and / or liver disease.
  • Red diarrhea (blood streaks) - possible bleeding in one of the parts of the kitten's gastrointestinal tract.
  • Stools are black, tarry in color - just like with red diarrhea, a sign of possible hemorrhage in the digestive tract.
  • Yellow diarrhea means that the kitten does not digest food well, and orange discharge is already a reason to think about the health of the baby's liver.

Treatment according to age

It is important to understand that a kitten is the same child and at every stage of life, faced with such a nuisance as diarrhea, the approach to treatment can be different.

Diarrhea in a month old kitten

What to do if a month old kitten has diarrhea? The problem may be associated with congenital abnormalities. Also, intrauterine infections or poor milk in the cat may be the cause. In some cases, diarrhea in a kitten of 1 - 1.5 months is an unsuitable artificial milk formula for feeding.

At such a young age, tiny pets have almost no vitality, and their body still cannot absorb drugs. Therefore, most of the menstrual cats with prolonged, severe diarrhea usually die. Even more can be said about this. Sometimes it's even good that the kitten dies quickly enough. Otherwise, he would have faced a painful life full of suffering.

You should not get upset ahead of time, if you are not indifferent to the fate of 1 month old fluffy lump, then take the kitten to the veterinarian. It may not be that bad.

Diarrhea in a kitten at 2 months

Diarrhea in two-month-old kittens begins most often due to a change in the halo of habitat. This is the age when the older generation is passed on to other hands for further education. And in the near future, the new owners often face the question of what to do and how to treat diarrhea in a kitten for 2 months.

It should be understood that for a baby this is the first step into a new life, and hence the first shock. A kitten can easily experience stress from being in an unfamiliar environment and intestinal upset in this case is one of the few pronounced manifestations visible to the naked eye.

The first step is to make sure that the kitten feels comfortable. To do this, it will not be superfluous to equip a cozy corner for him, regret and support him in every possible way. So the baby adapts to a new life much faster. If we talk about medicines for diarrhea, then these are:

  • papaverine, which helps relieve intestinal spasms;
  • coapectate, treating intestinal disorders;
  • prebiotics and probiotics.

It is also necessary to put the animal on a strict diet. It's good if you can find out the preferences in terms of food from the previous owner and include the usual food in the diet of the crumbs. Then, over time, the kitten can be gradually retrained to the food that you think is most suitable.

Diarrhea in a kitten at 3 months

What to do and how to treat a kitten at 3 months with diarrhea? Three-month-old kittens are already fully formed animals, full of life and energy. Unfortunately, such an attack as diarrhea does not bypass the kittens of three months. The most common causes of diarrhea at 3 months of age are:

  • inability to control food intake (a kitten can simply overeat);
  • interest in everything new (the baby tries everything, including hazardous substances)
  • deworming.

By this time, the kittens are being vaccinated, but before that the babies are given the first deworming. Animal bodies react to this interference in different ways, and some kittens can easily develop diarrhea.

If the diarrhea is lingering, it's time to see the vet.

Diarrhea in a kitten at 4 months or more

Kittens over four months of age may suffer from diarrhea for the same reasons as adults, namely stress and bowel disease. What to do in this case?

Stress includes:

  • a visit to the veterinarian;
  • other animals, children, objects making unfamiliar sounds, etc.
  • moving to a new home, long trip;
  • change of food, water;
  • improper nutrition.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract can be as follows

  • bacterial;
  • food;
  • oncological;
  • physical.

For the treatment of a four-month-old kitten, standard techniques and schemes are used that correspond to a specific situation.

The doctor prescribes treatment in any case, even if the cause of diarrhea is associated with mechanical damage to the intestinal walls and other disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. Almost every case of diarrhea requires some degree of medical intervention. So what drugs have shown themselves on the positive side in the treatment of kittens.

List of medicines for the treatment of diarrhea

Activated carbon The use of this drug is justified only if the kitten just has diarrhea without additional alarming symptoms. If the pet, despite the liquid stool is cheerful and playful, then it is quite possible that coal, as a medicine, will end and soon the baby's stool will return to normal.
Smecta The drug has proven itself well in the market for stool strengthening agents. Smecta for kittens can be trusted with the health of a small pet. And the only thing that should be fully understood is the dosage of the drug.
Loperamide Loperamide for kittens is not the best option. Yes, the Internet is replete with advice on this topic, but it should be borne in mind that this is still a human drug, and even for adult cats, you need to select the dosage with great care. What to say about the fragile body of a defenseless kitten. Therefore, if possible, it is better to treat the baby with something else.

This human drug has taken its rightful place in the first-aid kits of cat lovers, since in some cases it is a really irreplaceable means of first aid to a pet. Enterosgel for kittens will help cleanse the baby's body of toxins. Kittens can be given it when:

  • any diarrhea;
  • chronic, acute intoxication;
  • intestinal infection;
  • poisoning.

Enterosgel for kittens is a great opportunity to help your baby from the very beginning of the illness.


All antibacterial drugs are divided into classes. This includes both drugs that inhibit the development of bacteria and bactericidal antibiotics for kittens. Some of the most popular medicines include:

  • lincosamides;
  • glycopeptides;
  • aminoglycosides;
  • chloramphenicol, etc.

Looking from the outside at the mass of these obscure names, it is easy to understand that only a qualified veterinarian can figure this out.


The only contraindication to use is age - up to a month, as well as individual intolerance to any active ingredients of Enterofuril, which can provoke an allergic reaction to use.

In other cases, this powerful antimicrobial drug will help to deal with diarrhea in a kitten in a fairly short time. Moreover, for babies it is better to buy a suspension, since it has a more moderate effect on the weak body of a small kitten.

Home treatment

Treating a kitten for diarrhea at home, in general, is a fairly everyday activity. And if you do everything according to science, then there should be no problems. Let's start with the correct diagnosis of diarrhea.


As a rule, when diagnosing diarrhea in kittens, there are no difficulties. The main task of this process is to determine the cause of diarrhea. And the more accurately the diagnosis is made, the more effective the further treatment will be. At the veterinarian's appointment, you will be asked to tell in as much detail as possible about all the unusual behavior of your pet, to describe his condition over the past 2-3 days.

In the animal clinic, the veterinarian will conduct an initial examination: temperature measurement, palpation of internal organs, determination of the degree of dehydration, which will allow him to determine the severity of the disease.

In addition, to determine the cause of the disease, additional research will be required: analysis of feces for internal bleeding, for the content of helminth eggs, blood and urine analysis; it is recommended to perform an X-ray examination to exclude such diseases as intestinal obstruction, peritonitis, pancreatitis and a number of other diseases.

What to do if a kitten has diarrhea - a list of recommendations:

  • If it turns out that spoiled, low-quality feed became the cause of diarrhea, then you must completely stop using them.
  • It is necessary to provide the kitten with absolute peace.
  • On the first day, the kitten is not fed, and on the second - the portions are very small
  • Constant access to clean drinking water
  • It is recommended to prepare a decoction for the kitten based on oak bark, flax seeds and oatmeal, you can use rice water
  • To reduce gas formation in the intestine, adsorbents are prescribed (baby smecta, activated carbon, etc.)
  • In common diarrhea, the use of antibiotics and sulfonamides is contraindicated. They negatively affect the intestinal microflora and this only entails a worsening of the condition.
  • Possible use of probiotics (lactobacilli or bifidobacteria)

To ensure that your kitten always feels good, you should use high quality food. When purchasing a kitten, it is advisable to ask the former owners of the feeding ration and observe it in the future. In the event of a change in the feeding scheme, it is recommended to do this gradually: each new type of food is introduced in small portions, monitoring the reaction of the kitten's body.

Do not hope that the disease will go away on its own. Treatment requires a responsible approach.

Nutrition of kittens with diarrhea

How to feed a kitten with diarrhea? From the first minute after diarrhea was noticed in the kitten, you need to stop feeding him for 12 hours. This does not apply to water. If the baby is too weak and cannot lap up water from the bowl on his own, you should drink him from a pipette or bottle and this should be done regularly. After all, dehydration is the worst enemy of a sick animal. You should know that the transfer of a kitten to a regular diet after a "hungry day" is done gradually. At the same time, they give not fatty, low-calorie and sparing food. In the first days after the disease, you can give chicken broth, kefir, boiled egg, rice porridge with the addition of beef or minced chicken.

Very important! In the event that your treatment does not have the desired effect, but at the same time the kitten's condition worsens, then you should as soon as possible seek help from a veterinary clinic.

If the kitten perked up and began to ask for food, then you can give him a little bit of boiled rice, you can also give the crumbs yogurt to drink. This should be limited to temporarily. The next day, chicken can be added to the diet of a recovering kitten. So, gradually, the baby will return to normal nutrition without harm to the affected stomach. By the way, products such as milk should be excluded from the patient's menu. The same applies to fatty, fried and smoked foods.

Viral diseases are one thing. But on the way to a long enough feline life, many dangers await the pet. Most diseases in cats are fast. In addition, cats are secretive creatures and not every owner can determine the first time that something is wrong with the pet.

Still have questions? You can ask them to the in-house veterinarian of our website in the comments box below, who will answer them as soon as possible.

    Hello, my kitten has diarrhea tried to drink phthalosol for 5 days, food oatmeal rice and open fish does not help, but still with periods and trembles, and so drinks eats with appetite how to be a veterinarian far help the kitten thanks

  • Good day! We took a British kitten, 2 months old. A day later, loose stools began, the color was normal, without mucus. It's already 4 days. But he plays and eats well. Smecta does not help, I diluted a sachet with 50 g of water. Where they got it from the owners, he ate "Whiskas", but I know that it shouldn't be given. I bought gourmet pate for kittens and dry Purina. Tell me, what kind of food to feed the British better and what can you give him from the drugs to normalize the stool? I read above what to give Fortiflor. What is the dosage?

  • Good afternoon, we recently took a kitten for 2 months, there is a cat at home, she is almost a year old, they etched lice and worms in both, everything was fine, but literally 3 days ago, the little one started having diarrhea, and it was previously noticed that a lot of gas, constantly farts , and now sometimes it also poops unintentionally, sometimes you can just say with water. I want to say that there was a malnutrition, sometimes I treated myself to fatty and fried food, could this be because of such a diet? Now he doesn't eat anything like that, only food. Constantly meows and abruptly begins to lick the ass.

  • Hello, two days ago they took a kitten for him 1 month and a week. I give the food that he ate from the breeder Royal Canin for kittens dry and pate for kittens, on the first day I gave cream 10 percent, as recommended, the next day in the morning I went to the toilet with a soft stool, and so on 5 more times a day. The cream has stopped giving. In general, the kitten is cheerful, plays, sleeps a lot. In the evening she gave me activated charcoal. Can you please tell me whether to panic or wait and look at the state? Thank you in advance!

  • Hello! We took a British kitten for 3.5 months, now he is already 5.5 .. unknowingly, I bought perfect food for kittens and gave it half and half with premium food, which the breeder gave us .. in the morning I gave him fermented baked milk, for lunch sometimes boiled chicken meat with rice , as a result, the kitten began to have liquid stools with blood, the first time the stool was formed, followed by the second time it was liquid with blood ... we went to the veterinary clinic, they gave us an injection that stimulates the work of internal organs, and were prescribed stomorgil pills, in a day we were given 1 more injection .. everything returned to normal, while I changed the food to fitmin, 2-3 days after the treatment, everything happened again, and we were prescribed phthalazole, the stool returned to normal, and again at the end of the treatment the next day everything happened again .. tomorrow we will go back to to the doctor .. please tell me what it can be and we were prescribed the right treatment?

  • Hello! As I understood, once they drove the worms, and again after 10-14 days they did not drive them or what? What is the body temperature? Smecta? Coal? Probiotic (is fortiflora good)? Have you ever tried to inject Prednisone to eliminate irritable bowel syndrome? Are there other animals at home? Disinfection was not carried out at home (floors with ecocide should be washed daily to kill the infection, not allowing the animal to be re-infected). Have you examined feces for Trichomonas, lamblia, isospores? Did you do ultrasound, X-ray with contrast? Exclude pancreatitis, colitis and other inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract. Biochemistry and a general blood test to understand where there is inflammation, how the internal organs work. If you have identified viruses, which ones?
    Try to drink a decoction of chamomile instead of water or Vetom 1.1, serve boiled rice to fix the feces a little, because the animal is dehydrated due to loose stools (you can give rehydron: in small portions, but often. It will help restore the water-salt balance). Again, I can only advise symptomatic, tk. no diagnosis.

    Goodnight. Thank you so much for your prompt reply! Melbimax was given once for worms in the veterinary clinic. Re-use was not mentioned.
    The remains of the tests came today. Scraping revealed enteritis coronavirus and gondi toxoplasma. The doctor said that now we will have diarrhea from time to time with a weakening of the immune system. And the treatment of diarrhea must necessarily be accompanied by a course of antiviral drug and antibiotic. Is it really so? The kitten tolerates injections and droppers so hard, this is a great stress for him. Is there really no other way to stop diarrhea? Please advise what to do if diarrhea attacks the kitten again? Thank you so much in advance!

    Hello! And how to deal with toxoplasmosis have you been told? Explained all the risks, including for humans? At the expense of the coronavirus - the same muck. Carriage remains for a long time (about 12-18 months, depending on what kind of immunity). That is, even after complete recovery, a clinically fully recovered animal is capable of infecting other susceptible animals (and if immunity weakens, then itself again). Therefore, do not forget about disinfection at home (at least once a week, general cleaning with disinfection, you can buy a disinfectant in the vetapetek). If you hold out for a year without colds, any sores that "undermine" the immune system, it will become much easier. Otherwise, you will have to carefully monitor the health of the pet for a year (do not let your shoes be sniffed or licked, take them off outside the door, carry them into the house in your hands and wash them thoroughly and put them in a closet where the kitten will not stick their nose in). After the street and contact with other animals, be sure to wash your hands before you squeeze your pet. It is obligatory to drive worms on a quarterly basis (helminths also weaken the immune system), and “muffle” the Toxoplasma.

Hello! We bonded yesterday a cat, he is 6 months old, and found the abscess, but on time ... He did not eat for a day, when the time came he ate, drank and began to have liquid stools, what caused this, please tell me ?? And how do we correctly switch to food for boned kittens?

  • Good day! The cat is 7 months old, active, eats wet food mixed with rice or noodles. Recently, loose stools, sometimes half (liquid and kitty). In a day, he walks a lot from two to 4 times. Sometimes we give dry food. September 23, during castration, even pooped. They brought me from the veterinary clinic, about half an hour later I went out on a large liquid and a lot, although they fed in the morning, and castrated in the afternoon. The cat is active, good appetite. True, since the beginning of June, they have not been anthelmintic, we do not give raw meat.

  • Good evening, the kitten vilified, prescribed proplan and food, and orootat the ass with chlorhexidine and swab with ointment, a week later the stool was better, but after a while, since the feces were not quite formed, they were allowed to blow smecta, and then the food was changed before that chicken sechas with salmon and again the stool worsened, today with mucus what to do?

  • Beautiful kitty 2 months old, loose stools. There is no opportunity to bring to the veterinarian, there is no money to pay for the services. I drank some water at first often, then a little local 2-3 times a day, cow's milk 2 times. Sluggish, does not play. Jumps off and climbs into the chair herself. She gave nurofen for 3 days: 1 ml once a day, amoxiclav 1 ml 1, 2 times according to health, omeprazole 1-2 times 1/4 capsule per 2 ml. She eats 2-3 times a day herself a little. Oatmeal porridge with ground beef, chicken broth does not drink, refuses, the cat stopped feeding her milk. What I spit out into my mouth with a syringe, does not tolerate it well. The teeth are white, the gums are pink, not inflamed, but teeth gnash when they eat. Examined the jaw for a foreign body - nothing extraneous except for the teeth. Light yellow diarrhea is almost not smelly 2 hours ago, arbitrarily at the ass, she licks it, and then began to drip. 3 times today I washed it. The kitten used to go to the tray herself, neat. Lost in the limbs very much, the stomach is soft. 6 hours ago I ate finely chopped boiled chicken with appetite. There is glucose, rehydron (do not drink from a syringe) enteros gel omeprazole, amoxiclav, nurofen (but I don’t give it hot, no thermometer) ceftriaxone. There are no worms, panleukopenia, anemia leukemia in cats and kittens. The cat was vaccinated and treated from protozoa to ok. 2 kittens died on the 1st day of okat, 1 kitten in the litter after 1.5 months. Analyzes 650 rub. 5 days do not live a kitten. Help save the last kitten. Sinuloksa, there is no lilac in the veterinary pharmacies of the city. What to do, there is no way to get the kitten to see the veterinarian

    • What kind of jokes? For 8 years, 12 beautiful cats and mestizo cats live. All are vaccinated with serum 2 times from 03/30/18 to 06/06/18. The best veterinarians in the city recommended not to castrate the cat until 8-9 months. and do not give remedies to reduce sexual desire before castration. from a cat 7 months. 3 cats immediately became pregnant for 5 years, 4.5 g and 7 months. A female cat, 4.5 g before pregnancy, was treated in the clinic for 11,000 from animia, giardiasis and clastridia with droppers for 5 days with metronidazole lilac ceftriaxone, etc. After 5 days, we were given the results, there is no giardiasis, and the clastridia was reported, multiplied from stress and diarrhea, vomiting in the cat. Ceftriaxone, combilipen, anandin, cerucal were prescribed for the cat. Cat 4.5 no longer vomited or vomited. She began to eat when I fed her with the topic 1-2 ml, often every hour and at night. I gave probiotics to everyone, vitamins as a course. At the 3rd clinic on 09/12/18, a blood test was made, no anemia, a 3,850 kg cat is healthy. Postpartum complication. The analysis of 14 leukocytes was prescribed by the veterinarian of the clinic of the suspension: Nurofen 2ml 2 rd amoxicillin 3ml 2 rd 7 days. Another 5L cat was treated for 6000 from fetal freezing, removal of the uterus. Prescription of Ceftriaxone in injections for 7 days, 2 droppers for 5 days, anesthetic for 7 days. No infections on test results. They donated blood for panleukopenia and 2 more viral ones, tested in all cats and the cat was negative. There are no worms according to the result of the analysis of feces. 06/24/18 all anthelmintic or prazitel suspension. The third cat, 9 months old, came in dead premature kittens, it was hard for a day, constantly called the veterinarian, it was impossible to take, rest was needed. The cat was 9 months old and the 3rd was given on 27.09.18 2 days 2rd Nurafen 1 ml, amoxiclav 3 ml suspension was recommended by the doctor up to 7 days. The cat is doing well and is still feeding the kittens. They hardly eat out of the bowl. The cat nursed previous healthy kittens for 2 years. We dropped off. They were hiding and still the cat was feeding. The cat even fed when the kittens were born to another cat, she was in a blanket after the operation from birth. And this one did not give birth then for 2 years. Then the kitten survived and is now healthy and vaccinated. The cat itself removed the stitches of another cat after the operation. Before visiting your veterinarian. The vet doctor at the reception, said that feeding cats is normal until 3 years old, cats can suck their mother, but they must be removed. Now there are 2 cats with kittens, the mother does not feed. They take turns sucking on both. Until 09/03/18 kittens died at 2 months, and these are 3 kittens from September. Lives, eats only meat. Will bind with teeth when eats. The feces are not smelly, light from the match head, they arbitrarily come out with air. I did not give antibiotic injections to anyone myself, where did you get it? The veterinarian told me to give a suspension and not only prescribed it to us, but prescribed it to others according to their situation. Other kittens play, mobile after amoxiclav and nurofen gave 2 rd for 3 days, 1 ml each, but the bottom is wet again after 3 days, there is no diarrhea, their eyes are not already mucus. I wiped it with a sterile medical napkin (not with alcohol) moistened with boiled warm water. I don't trust veterinarians after such comments. Cooked rice, does not eat, spits and bows his head down. I sing with rehydron, smecta every 2 hours. Kitten 2 months. clings to cats along with healthy, well-fed kittens. Cats have no diarrhea and watery eyes, they drink and eat normally. I did not insert a simple thermometer into the ass of cats and I will not do it. The priest is already stretched out. Droppers with what to do, there is a possibility at home. The kitten's tummy is soft when you take the air comes out. The kitten has died, and the tests are not yet ready, 1860 rubles. 1 invitro analysis. I'm not a millionaire, unfortunately. In order to cure 3 cats in a veterinary clinic, I spent 2 salaries per month and 2000 should remain. In the veterinary clinic for treatment, I always try to buy medicines myself, so that they can be effectively delivered. I’m not a veterinarian, I don’t want to torture a cat, but no one treated me so dearly for diarrhea. There should be a gentle and effective honest appointment, after which the animal will not die and I will not have to go to the clinic in 2000. The doctor said that the inflammatory process (infection) is treated with an antibiotic. The appointment was given taking into account all cats, adults and lactating as well. Cats do not have diarrhea. But until a small, thinned cat does not come back to normal, is it possible to anthelmintic? The veterinarian appointed Sinulox on 10/03/18 by weight, but the veterinarian supplier of our city does not have it, only in the neighboring region for today for 18 **, there is no lilac in the veterinary clinic, but we were prescribed it in / m for diarrhea. Every night and day, whenever possible, I try to alternate drinking rehydron, smecta, enterosgel after 2.3 hours, 2 ml each, when the cat itself does not eat, drink or sleep. 03.10.18 until 5 am I fought for the life of an emaciated kitten. At 9 to work. The veterinarian said a hard embryo, he would have died anyway, the pancreas does not work, the feces were light white-green and did not darken and he did not drink at all, he left in a day. I haven't even gotten to an appointment with a kitten for 2 months today, the doctor is busy, at the operation. Do not sleep for a day better than I can express yourself in 2 words. It is a pity that there is no qualified veterinarian who can quickly help the kitten, determine embryo or infection and prescribe what will make the kitten feel better and she will recover. By the way, now she herself is eating warm chicken soup with vegetables, she will hold her teeth together when she chews, maybe because of this, diarrhea. If I were a specialist, I would know how to help a kitten. And with the money I would buy meat for cats, probiotics, a suspension from worms. A cat does not eat rice without meat. She does not drink water herself. Moves slowly. I will try beef puree with rice again when the store is opened with revision. All cats love this kitten, she is always under supervision, she is not even allowed to be picked up. Not like taking it away. Immediately they meow loudly without stopping and everyone runs after the kitten screaming. Unlike humans, cats are more caring. But no one will help the animal to survive.

      serum is not vaccinated, it is treated. Vaccinated only with the vaccine. Secondly, deworming is carried out every 3 months, you indicated that the last one was in June. We add 3 months - in September it was necessary to drive TWICE again. You say about good maintenance, that all your cats are beautiful and healthy always, but then why do you allow inbreeding? You even kept silent about this when you wrote the first messages! You did not inform that you had the fact of interbreeding! Of course, the kittens might not have been born alive. And anemia does not appear just like that - feeding is unbalanced, there is clearly a lack of vitamins and minerals.
      I, too, would not trust veterinarians, your veterinarians, after the phrase "adult cats can suck a cat up to 3 years old and this is normal." It is not normal! Or do you think it's normal for a twenty-year-old boy / girl to eat and suck on their mother's breasts? And a three-year-old cat is already a very adult animal! And must eat a normal balanced food!
      You have mongrel cats, why breed them? Why not spay the cats? This will not only reduce the number of unnecessary kittens (it is extremely difficult to attach them), but also reduce the risk of developing oncology in a cat, and increase its life expectancy!
      The fact that gases go with feces may indicate 2 things: either dysbacteriosis has begun (and with such a number of medications used, and even in such dosages, it is not surprising), or pathogenic microflora multiplies (bacterial infection), the same clostridia can give gas bubbles in liquid stool (however, like other intestinal infections). Perhaps antibiotics no longer work, because amoxicillin is a primary antibiotic (weak), and it is time to replace it with a stronger one (to which the bacteria will be sensitive). As a probiotic, FortiFlora is better - but five is not cheap, but it restores microflora very well
      Smecta every 2 hours isn't it too much? And if you give it so often, but the stool is still liquid, obviously it no longer helps and this is a serious matter! Is your gut already out? Well, how is it that the poor kitten vilifies that the rectum has already begun to turn out?
      Until the diarrhea stops, it is impossible to worm! What do you mean, cats do not allow to take out the kitten? But you never know what meows. You are a human! You must take yourself, first of all, in hand, and, despite the meowing of adult relatives, take the baby to the appointment. Serenia is a really good drug, there was a period when it almost completely disappeared from the shelves, there was even a rumor that it was discontinued, but now supplies are resumed again and clinics can order themselves.
      on account of the day do not sleep, and it turns out actually from veterinarians in clinics. Daily duty - you rest for a day - again duty for a day. And we are the same people, we also get tired, also not omnipotent. We cannot save everyone. Sometimes they seek help very late, sometimes they themselves treat, and when they fail, they come for help and the doctor is again to blame. Sometimes it is a very complex disease that requires expensive and long-term treatment. Sometimes, to confirm the diagnosis, a lot of tests and studies are needed, to which the owners do not agree. Well, no one is immune from medical errors. Do not think that it is easy to heal ...

  • Victoria 18:05 | 25 Sep 2018

    Hello! We picked up the kitten on the street, somewhere 1.5 - 2 months old. He had diarrhea right away, for the third day he has diarrhea, brown diarrhea, he eats well, but after eating, after 10 minutes he goes back to the tray, liquid "Friskis" food, gave smecta, does not help, yesterday he gave rice broth, did not help, today I bought Filtrum sti pills, crumbled them, mixed them with some water and gave them from a syringe, fed them, and an hour later diarrhea again. I was already mixing food with rice so that I could eat rice (I just don't eat it). Help me please! What to do? Can give a couple of days pills, one a day, and it will pass? Any advice?

  • Good evening! Please help with advice! We picked up the kitten from the garbage dump without a mother, about 3-5 days, still blind. First, for 1 day, they were fed with diluted cow's milk, then with a mixture of 10% cream + yolk + honey. At first everything was fine, I sucked a bottle of 5 ml. at a time. Got 10 grams per day. And today (day 3) diarrhea, refuses to eat and sleeps all day. The feces are yellowish. Tomorrow I will run for a special mixture, now I gave a little smecta!

  • Hello! My kitten is 4 months old. Diarrhea for about a week (gray-yellow, runny). He eats badly, the kitten is from our cat, we gave her away, but left the kitten, eats liquid food. We live in a village and there is no way to go to the veterinarian, maybe we can somehow cure it with drugs. Help me please!

    Hello! We took home a one and a half month old kitten. He mastered quickly, did not seem to feel much stress - he played, ate, drank some water. Feed Go! Natural (protein 50% 4 types of meat). The first 2 days, the stool was normal, but rather dark in color. (The same as the food) On the third day, diarrhea appeared, the color is dark brown, there are no mucus or blood impurities. Already 2 times a day I propounded, but the first time in the morning I went normally. Is it worth somehow to treat or wait for now? Thank you in advance

  • Hello!!! We have a kitten found 2 days ago on the street mom is not. They brought home and fed them liquid food felix fantastic and diarrhea began. Bright yellow (sorry) very liquid kitten is only 1 month old very thin fleas no clean ears are actively playing but when liquid stool is not very much, but a little. We hope that you will help us somehow.

  • Thank you so much, I would be grateful to hear the advice regarding treatment. We live in Italy and the local doctors ... until, in general, have not found their own: (the doctor told us to switch to intestinal (for the stomach) food and bifidobacteria and re-deworming (now). After 10 days, if there is no result, an antibiotic To my request for additional tests, she said that there was nothing to do, that the analysis of feces and diet, then an antibiotic ... She prescribes the same antibiotic ...
    There is a suspicion, but the doctor rejected him that maybe this hereditary something ... The cat (mother) has chronic diarrhea, and now, almost a year later, her first month in our family has normal stools - nothing helped, neither diet, nor antibiotics, and not a change food for the stomach (it was generally awful). Now they changed her food again and it seemed to fit. I would be very grateful for any advice. And thanks for the advice regarding the analyzes - now I will know at least what to ask to do, otherwise I’m tired of acting on Abum
    And in terms of dosage ... How much coal to give ?!
    And the kittens are cheerful, playful, no vomiting, no fever, good appetite - they behave completely well except for diarrhea or very soft stools. I gave them 12 hours of hunger, gave them rice water and then gradually introduced the usual food ... Let's try to change the food and give them a decoction of chamomile.
    Once again, thank you so much for your time and attention.

    Hello! Well, you see, it's not a cat's chronic diarrhea, but an increased sensitivity of the digestive tract and inappropriate food. This is what it means to choose the right dry food. At the expense of kittens - white charcoal can be given 1/5 tablet 3 times a day for up to 5-7 days. There will be no harm from it, but it cannot be used for a long time either, because it can “absorb” useful elements, and not just toxins. Observe the babies, the main thing is that the infection is excluded from them. Take your time with repeated deworming (the main thing is to restore the stool so that there is no diarrhea), and then deworm all the animals at home (their mother too)

    Thank you for the information, yesterday I wrote a lot more, but for some reason I don’t see it published ... I spent 12 hours unloading and gave rice water ... I will repeat again. If it's not difficult, write in what proportions to give charcoal and re-deworming should be done now (the cat has very severe diarrhea with gas and like water)? The doctor said that there is no point in bringing a kitten yet, as it is necessary to change the food on the intestinal (for the stomach) to give bifidobacteria and wait 10 days and then she will be prescribed an antibiotic (the antibiotic is prescribed without tests). I asked for additional tests, but they said that there was no point in taking anything before the diet, and I was worried because I was losing weight. The rest of the kittens behave like healthy - play, curious, good appetite (well, I give them food in small portions and she is hungry), no vomiting and no fever.
    Well, more ... Could it be hereditary or because of problems during lactation: a mother-cat with chronic diarrhea (sometimes a little better, sometimes completely bad, antibiotic treatment did not help), the cat was primiparous and did not want to feed the kittens, I had to inject them mixture for kittens - but they did not want to eat the mixture at all - they were afraid that they would die and, on the advice of the breeder (where they took the cat), began to give cream 10% fat ... A week later we put the kittens on another nursing cat, but also not for long 🙁 their lactation is shorter stopped in a month and a half (maybe five days later) ... Maybe their microflora is somehow disturbed ?! I do not know what to think already 🙁 if there is an opinion or advice, I will be VERY GRATEFUL.

  • Your comment is there (scroll down below), and there is also a response with a dosage of charcoal (1/5 tablet 3 times a day for up to 5-7 days). It is not recommended to drive worms with diarrhea. Something suggests that the food is not suitable or that the worms are not driven according to the scheme (once chronically).
    Was the mixture given specialized for feeding kittens or for human children? At the expense of microflora - you have already been given advice on what and how much to give. It will take a long time to restore it. Perhaps due to dysbiosis, increased flatulence begins. Antibiotics will only make it stronger. Pick up good drugs to restore microflora, give it a course, give the rest of the drugs to stop diarrhea too (herbal teas and other recommended ones). And change feed. And the cat and the kittens. Drying will not work, go to boiled rice and vegetables, beef, rabbit meat (the poultry will cause allergies). And remember that a sudden change in food will also lead to a violation of the stool, you need to gradually introduce a new "complementary food", giving preparations for the microflora according to the instructions

  • Ktenka is almost 2 months old. In the evening he began to vilify. I think that more likely because I gave him a little yogurt "emigurt" before that they fed an egg with viscous for the kittens. What to do. By behavior, in principle, ordinary. The phyllis are light brown in color with undigested food particles.

  • Diarrhea in a cat is quite rare and signals that not all your cats are in good health. Although, why would? After all, everyone knows about the aristocratic origin and rather fastidious nature of these beautiful creatures. But if your cat suddenly has a change in the state of his stool - follow his diet.

    Stale food, or intolerance to certain foods will cause a lot of trouble for you and your four-legged friend. An additional trip to the doctor will not hurt in any case. In some cases, diarrhea is a rather serious signal, and if you do not take action, then dehydration can occur. Let us examine the causes of diarrhea in cats.

    Common causes of diarrhea in cats

    One of the most common causes of diarrhea is food. It is quite easy to identify it, if there has been a change in diet, then this is a completely understandable reaction of the body. Food waste that make it difficult to digest food, canned cat food, or just filth picked up on the street can cause diarrhea. Kittens accustomed to mother's milk experience diarrhea when switching to normal food. Try to avoid various types of sausages and other unhealthy foods in your cat's diet, as this can also cause diarrhea.

    If, instead of solidly formed feces, you find mushy or watery discharge in the cat's tray, the cat has begun to go to the toilet more often - then try to identify the reason for such a sharp change in stool. If you like long-distance travel, please note that not all eared ones tolerate them well... Stress can also cause disruptions in the digestive system, as you can see, nothing human is alien to our favorites. These are fairly common reasons and you shouldn't worry too much if this happens. But what if this is a symptom? Let's try to figure out in what cases diarrhea can be diagnosed as a disease.

    Fortunately, if the correct diagnosis is performed on time, the treatment of diarrhea in kittens and adults will not be difficult. This can also be done at home. We will consider together with you, how to competently act in such a situation... So wait and worry, your kitten is still running around. Yes, some of the causes and symptoms are quite serious and it is not easy to treat them, and if the recommendations below do not help, then you should contact a specialist.

    Diagnosing the type of diarrhea

    Diarrhea is of different types. Just like the color of the discharge, it indicates different reasons. Let's break them down:

    Diarrhea can occur in both adults and kittens. But don't worry, the treatments are no different. In which case, an experienced veterinarian will help you figure it out and point out all the nuances and features of the kitten's treatment.

    In spite of everything, any reaction of the feline body can indicate different diseases, which is why each case requires a different approach to treatment... Let's try to figure out how to treat each of the above episodes.

    When do you need specialist help?

    Certainly, you should not neglect the help of a specialist. But if there are no more cases of diarrhea, the cat returns to its normal diet, and the cat's well-being does not cause you any concerns - limit yourself to a mild herbal and activated charcoal treatment... In case of deterioration of the animal's condition, increased diarrhea, refusal of the cat from food and water, accompanied by frequent vomiting, the presence of blood in the feces - immediately contact a specialist! These symptoms can signal disease. And if you do not take the appropriate measures in time, the consequences can be dire.

    Drug treatment

    Vetom for cats should be included in the list of drugs that will provide first aid to adult animals and kittens with diarrhea. You can also use drugs such as "Smecta", "Baktisubtil", "Enterosgel" and "Bifidum". Do not mix them, but let's separate... "Smecta" should be used with caution, as not all kittens tolerate it well. But "Baktisubtil" is better in this regard (1/4 capsules diluted in water, 2 times a day). But if there is no choice, then buy the children's "Smecta", it is applied 1 \ 4 sachets 2 times a day. Enterosgel is one of the most effective drugs listed, it helps to remove toxins from the body.

    In addition to all medications, a probiotic is required for kittens. The most common is "Bifidum" (in a bottle of 5 doses, give one per day) or "Bifidumbacterin". Activated charcoal injected with a syringe without a needle will collect unwanted bacteria. Decoctions of St. John's wort and chamomile heal and have an astringent effect.

    If you have worms, use special drugs. Itraconazole will help with fungal infections, but during pregnancy of a cat, the use of the drug is not recommended. If the kitten's diarrhea continues within two to three days, contact a specialist. He will make the necessary tests, identify the causes and prescribe treatment. It is not recommended to make hasty conclusions and engage in self-treatment for severe forms of the disease!

    Home treatment

    Due to the fact that there is not always time, opportunity or finances to visit the clinic, you can carry out some therapeutic measures yourself at home. If diarrhea in kittens or adult animals not accompanied by fever, refusal to eat or lethargy then:

    Preventive measures

    If you follow simple rules, you can completely avoid the trouble in the form of diarrhea in a cat for what:

    • check the cat for worms in a timely manner;
    • try to vaccinate cats on time and regularly;
    • monitor the quality of the purchased food, and the cat's reaction to it;
    • keep the litter, bowl and toilet clean at all times;
    • carry out regular disinfection;
    • Whenever possible, try to limit cat contact with stray cats.

    Monitor the health of your cats, watch them. Try not to make tedious travels, do not create stressful conditions and let them breathe fresh air. Give vitamins and brush your fur as needed. Trust me, your furry four-legged friends will appreciate it and you won't have to treat them.