What to do if jeans are stretched or too large. How to make jeans shrink and retain their attractive appearance

Jeans are the most practical and comfortable, demanded and versatile clothing that is in every person's wardrobe. It is suitable for every occasion, for any weather, for any age, gender and status. High-quality and reliable products serve for several years, while retaining their shape, color and attractive color. However, sometimes when worn, they deform, change size and become larger.

The reason for the stretching of denim can be the poor quality of the material, when the fabric contains a large percentage of synthetics. Look for jeans that are more than 90% cotton. Then the material will not stretch when washed or worn.

When choosing, keep in mind that jeans should fit tightly and slightly restrict movement. After a few days, the socks will stretch slightly to fit exactly. In addition, trousers made from denim or stretch fabric can increase by one or two sizes if washed incorrectly.

Jeans tend to stretch in width rather than length. In this case, the most problematic areas are the waist and hips. Sometimes the garment will stretch on the belly or knees, and a high-rise pair may stretch at the waist. If your favorite jeans are stretched, do not rush to throw them away. A few easy methods can help bring your pants back to their original shape and size. Let's take a look at what to do if the jeans are stretched.

How to shrink jeans in a specific area

Use a small amount of fabric softener if the garment is stretched in a particular area, such as at the thighs or knees. To do this, lay the product on a horizontal surface. Mix warm water and conditioner in a 3 to 1 ratio.

Pour the resulting composition into a spray bottle or spray bottle. Shake the container to stir the solution and spray the mixture thoroughly over the problem area. The fabric in this area should be well saturated with conditioner water.

Then dry the jeans in the tumble dryer or in a special dryer. If there is no such function in a washing machine or special dryer, dry the material with a hair dryer. How to dry things quickly, see.

After the procedure, the problem area shrinks slightly. If the pants do not shrink enough, repeat the process until you achieve the desired result. Note that this method is not suitable for shrinking jeans completely.

How to shrink jeans by size

The easiest method is to wash the garments in hot water at the maximum temperature in the intensive wash or wash non-crease items. Dry your washed jeans in the washing machine, dryer, or at room temperature. Do not dry the material outdoors or in the sun, otherwise it will not shrink! To enhance the action, you can iron the dried pants with a hot iron.

You can reduce the size by putting on your jeans and soaking in water for a while. To do this, fill the bathtub with water at a hot, but comfortable temperature for yourself. Put on your trousers and lie in the bathtub so that the trousers are completely submerged.

Soak for 20-30 minutes until the water cools down to room temperature. Then go out into the fresh air and sun for a few hours until the fabric is dry. After this procedure, the jeans fit the figure.

For old and worn pants, you can use the boiling water method. It is not suitable for new items as boiling water can spoil the fresh color. Products will fade and fade. Before the procedure, turn the trousers over to the wrong side and carefully place them in boiling water. Leave the gas on medium heat and simmer the jeans for half an hour. It is important that the items are completely submerged in water.

Then carefully remove the item, cool and dry in a dryer or at room temperature. When processing dark trousers, you run the risk of getting boiled water, as the color will fade and become lighter. However, this is a suitable way to make the appearance of products fresh and new. This way you can give a new color and.

If you want to shrink the garments in length, squeeze the jeans after washing and dry them in a dryer, washing machine or on a battery. During normal care, it is impossible to turn out and squeeze the denim strongly, otherwise creases will remain. To prevent jeans from stretching or, conversely, not shrinking, you need to ensure proper care of the material.

How to wash jeans so they don't stretch

In order for jeans to retain their presentable appearance, their original shape and color longer, you need to wash the products separately from other things at temperatures up to 40 degrees. Before each wash, be sure to turn your jeans inside out, fasten the zipper and buttons!

Experts recommend choosing the wash by hand, but you can also wash in the washing machine on a delicate cycle without spinning. For washing, use warm water, a mild detergent without bleaching ingredients, or a soap solution made from laundry soap. To speed up the wash and effectively remove stains and dirt, add a glass of table salt to the water when washing by hand.

Do not soak, squeeze or twist denim. Do not throw the material over the rope to dry, otherwise streaks and marks will remain. In addition, after drying, such a thing is difficult to straighten and smooth. To dry jeans, as well as to wash, you need to turn it inside out. For drying, fasten the garments to the rope on the belt.

If necessary, you can use a warm iron on the wrong side of the completely dried trousers. Do not wash your jeans too often, otherwise the structure of the material will quickly deteriorate and they will lose their original attractive appearance. To prevent this from happening, it is recommended to wash it no more than once in five socks.

Almost every one of us at least once in our life wondered what to do to make jeans shine? Typically, denim pants stretch with frequent wear and lose their shape over time. However, there are ways to reduce your jeans by 1 or 2 sizes. We will talk about them in our article.

What to do to make jeans shrink read in our review

Shrinkage methods

Hot wash

The first thing you can do to make your jeans fit is to wash them in very hot water.

Washing in hot water may discolor the garment, so it is very important to use a soft powder.

Set the washing machine to an intensive wash: temperature 70-95 ℃ and the highest number of revolutions (800 and above). Delicate and hand wash are not suitable for denim, choose cotton mode.

There is no need to worry that jeans will deteriorate - denim is a very dense and durable fabric. However, do not wash trousers with decorative trim in this way: sequins, rhinestones or lace. This will not only damage the decor, but also clog the filter in your washing machine.

Important! This method of shrinking the fabric is only suitable for cotton-based items. When washed in hot water, synthetic materials stretch even more and lose their shape. Be sure to read the composition of the fabric on the label.

Immediately after washing, the jeans must be dried in the tumble dryer at the maximum setting (this will help to shrink the fabric one more size) or let them dry by spreading them out on a horizontal surface. Do not air dry your jeans after they have shrunk.

Never iron the denim while it is still wet - after that it will stretch even more.

As a rule, one such wash is enough to make the jeans shrink, but if you want to enhance the effect, try this procedure again.


This method is considered quite extreme, as it guarantees a change in the color of the fabric and the appearance of streaks. But if you like this style, you can safely resort to this method.

To prevent the color of the fabric from changing too much, be sure to turn the jeans inside out before boiling and make sure that the powder is completely dissolved in the water.

Do not use boiling to shrink jeans with scuffs, holes, patterns, or other decor

Fill a large saucepan or enamel bucket with water, add mild detergent or gel, and heat over high. When the water boils, use tongs to place the jeans in a container and boil for about 20-30 minutes, stirring constantly (turn down the heat). Do not put a lid on the dishes and make sure that the item is completely covered with water.

For jeans to shrink, after boiling, they must be properly dried. It is best to use a tumble dryer or lay out your trousers near a heat source (near a stove, radiator, or just in the sun). Use an old terry towel as a lining to help absorb excess moisture.

But what can be done to make jeans shrink if they cannot be boiled or the fabric has a decorative finish? Consider more gentle methods.

Fabric softener

Dissolve fabric softener in water (1: 3), pour the resulting solution into a spray bottle and shake thoroughly. Liberally dampen the areas that need to be reduced, and then dry the garment in the tumble dryer using the intensive mode. Or let your jeans dry by spreading them out near a heat source. The fabric will shrink only in the areas that you process. The procedure can be repeated if necessary.

The conditioner method is especially good if you want the jeans to shrink only in the waist area.

Cold and hot shower

What can I do to make jeans shrink if the fabric is only hand-washed? You can arrange a so-called contrast shower for your trousers.

The item should be rinsed in ice water and then immediately placed in very hot water. Since you can't do boiling water washing by hand, leave your jeans in the water until the temperature is comfortable for hand washing. If you have enough time, you can soak your jeans overnight in very cold water and wash them in hot water in the morning.

It is important that the laundry detergent or other detergent you will be using does not contain bleaching particles, otherwise the jeans will be hopelessly ruined.

With any method of shrinking the fabric, you should try to shorten the drying time as much as possible, since the wet material can stretch again. Let's look at a few ways to help you dry your jeans properly.

Correct drying

For jeans to shrink, they need to be properly dried. Drying will help not only to reduce the size, but also to maintain the shape of the trousers:

  1. Hang the trousers on the dryer or string exactly as you took them out of the washing machine drum. Do not straighten or pull the jeans (they should be wrung out very well). Determine to dry them near a hot air source - batteries, heaters. The water from the fabric will evaporate quickly and the pants will become smaller.
  2. Another way is to spread your pants on a towel. The fabric will absorb all excess moisture and the jeans will dry without losing their shape.
  3. The most effective way is to heat dry in a washing machine or tumble dryer. Drying this way will reduce the jeans one more size.

It is worth remembering that you cannot make trousers one size smaller only in length or width - jeans always fit evenly. Therefore, when buying, choose the length to the very heels (as a last resort, they can always be hemmed). Manufacturers advise taking jeans one size smaller, as they will stretch after frequent wear.

To prevent the natural stretching of the fabric, it is not recommended to wear the same jeans all the time. It is advisable to have several pairs of pants. By alternately replacing trousers, you will be able to maintain their appearance and shape over time.

Stretch denim pants cannot be reduced, on the contrary, they only stretch over time. These jeans may shrink a little after washing, but they will stretch again during the day.

Not all jeans can be made smaller by washing or special drying. In some cases, you need to take drastic measures - carry trousers to the workshop and reshape them to fit. Do not undertake this work on your own, without sufficient experience: if the jeans are very large, you will have to rip not only the side seams, but also the step seams. Moreover, on an ordinary sewing machine it will not be possible to make a special "denim" seam. In the workshop, you can not only reduce the size of your trousers, but also adjust their cut. Of course, this method is the most reliable.

So, we figured out what to do to make the jeans shrink. The most important thing in this business is not to overdo it, so as not to spoil the thing. If you have personal experience of how to make jeans smaller by size, share with us in the comments.

She graduated from the author's physics and mathematics lyceum and art school. She received a higher education in economics in the direction of "innovation management". Freelancer. She is married and travels actively. He is interested in Buddhist philosophy, is fond of transurfing and loves Mediterranean cuisine.

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Do you know that:

If the first signs of bearing in the form of untidy pellets appeared on your favorite things, you can get rid of them using a special machine - a shaver. It quickly and efficiently shaves off clumped fabric fibers and makes things look worthy.

The habit of using the washing machine "sparingly" can lead to an unpleasant odor in it. Washing at temperatures below 60 ℃ and short rinses allow fungi and bacteria from dirty clothes to remain on the inner surfaces and actively multiply.

Sometimes buying jeans brings first joy, and then disappointment: the pants stretch out and become out of size. How to wash jeans so that they shrink is a simple question. It is only important to understand the types of denim, study the precautions and - go ahead, save your favorite thing! Even an inexperienced hostess can handle the procedure for reducing jeans at home.

Why is the procedure needed

Why shrink your jeans when there is already enough choice in clothing stores? Firstly, not all of us are perfect, and often it becomes a big problem to choose pants according to the figure. It is wide in the belt, then narrow in the shin, and you also have to hem, remove the length. Thanks to the special washing conditions, you can adjust the model you like for yourself.

Secondly, not all types of denim are durable. You will have to reduce the size of the pants if they are stretched. The product itself looks good, emphasizes the figure, only elongated knees spoil everything. Someone does not want to splurge on new pants every time the problem of pulling out old ones arises. And the procedure will also help those who have dramatically lost weight.

At home, you can make things one size smaller with just one wash. It is unlikely that it will be possible to reduce the thing by 2 sizes, in such cases it is better to resort to a sewing machine.

Types of denim

Jeans are different: black, white, wide and skinny, expensive and not very. It is the type of fabric that affects the price tag of the product and the way of caring for it:

  1. Classic denim jeans- not the most budgetary purchase. But such pants will serve faithfully for several years. How to tell if denim is real? It is made by weaving two threads, and it always has a white seamy side. Denim material is cotton from Mexico, Barbadoss or Zimbabwe. The exceptional properties of such a fabric are that the product fits clearly on the figure, as if it was made to order according to individual measurements. These jeans are unlikely to have to be washed in order to shrink.
  2. Jeans are a fabric made from Indian and Asian cotton. Such products are cheaper than real denim, but they can also be of different densities. Good jeans are tight enough to rub on the knees. Do these jeans fit? Depends on the material. Asian jeans are difficult to shrink. After washing, it coarsens and shrinks slightly, but soon recovers in size. You should be especially careful with jeans made of Indian cotton: they are thinner than Asian and fluffy to the touch. If such a product shrinks, then in all directions. Not only the width of the belt will change, but also the length and volume of the legs.
  3. Stretch jeans are sewn from natural fabrics with the addition of synthetics - lycra. Such products fit the figure well, but they are not so easy to plant with conventional methods. If the product is stretched, then the shrinkage procedure will work for a maximum of a couple of days, and then the pants will return to their original appearance.
  4. "Summer" jeans are such a thin material that it fully justifies its name. Some things cannot be brought in even the season. They are called jeans conditionally: in fact, this is a cotton dyed under jeans, which does not look like real jeans in the interweaving of threads. A thin product is quickly wiped off, and it is extremely undesirable to wash it in hot water or boil it: the fabric will definitely shrink and will no longer stretch.

Remember: if you do not follow the precautions, you risk damaging the product. Do all the manipulations with caution, ask experienced friends for advice.

Shrink jeans: machine wash

The method is suitable for products made from natural fabrics: real denim and jeans. The composition should contain, if not 100, then at least 70-80 percent of cotton. Washing in a washing machine will not do much harm to durable and dense fabrics. But it is not recommended to wash products with synthetic fabric components like this: they will stretch even more or shrink so that they completely lose their shape.

Despite the fact that denim is highly durable, the shrinking procedure should not be abused. Jeans from frequent washings will fade and lose their presentation.

So that expensive jeans do not turn into clothes for a summer residence, give them a rest, that is, wash them in a gentle mode at low temperatures.

Denim may contain a small percentage of synthetics. This complicates the shrinkage procedure. What can you do to make these pants shrink? Wash them on an intensive mode at a temperature of 80-90 degrees, use an accelerated spin. Jeans can be planted by washing them this way several times without wearing them.

The author of the Miss Clean website recommends testing real denim. First, wash your jeans in hot water, but not for long. Choose the express mode of the washing machine, that is, up to 30 minutes. If nothing happened to the product, you can experiment on a large scale.


A safer way. To make your jeans smaller, follow these steps:

  1. Soak them in very hot water for 20-30 minutes. Be careful not to burn yourself!
  2. Use very cold water for rinsing. This "contrast shower" will make jeans narrower. Just move your pants from cold water to hot water several times.
  3. If time permits, you can soak the product overnight in cold water and wash in hot water in the morning.
  4. Squeeze the jeans well.
  5. Dry them on a horizontal surface.

The fun way: jeans will shrink if you bathe in a bathtub right in them! After bathing, rinse your pants and dry.

Instead of washing your pants, you can weld them like women did in Soviet times. This procedure is guaranteed to reduce the size of the item, but it will also affect its color. If you like blue-gray stains and a boiled shade, then feel free to proceed. If not, the method does not suit you.

  1. Take a large saucepan and fill it with water.
  2. What to weld jeans with? Add detergent: powder or regular soap. The solution should be saturated.
  3. Place the clothes in a saucepan, bring to a boil and simmer for about half an hour. Bonus: thanks to such washing, you can not only reduce the size of the product, but also get rid of old dirt.

To avoid the appearance of strong streaks, turn the thing inside out.

Drying properly

Jeans can shrink after a regular wash if you dry them properly. The main thing is to shorten the drying time. If the thing dries for a long time, then the fibers of the fabric have time to straighten out. Do this:

  • place the washed clothes near a heat source: radiators, stoves, - or simply lay them out on the street so that the sun's rays fall on them;
  • put a terry cloth under the product that absorbs moisture well;
  • use an automatic dryer.

To prevent the item from fading from the sun, dry it by turning it inside out. If the pants are drying on the fabric, take one that you do not mind, because jeans can shed. When drying on a battery, it is also recommended to put a thin cloth underneath so that there are no dirty yellow stains on the product. To reduce only the width of the trousers, hang them on clothespins to dry. Their own weight will not allow them to become shorter.

  1. Do not boil or wash items decorated with rhinestones and lace at high temperatures. The decor will definitely suffer.
  2. It should be understood that after the procedure, not only the width, but also the length of the trousers will change. If you buy a thing one size larger, then take it with a margin of length.
  3. If the thing is stretched out in certain places and starts to shine, for example, on the knees, wipe them with a swab dipped in ammonia, then apply gruel from washing powder to these places and only then wash in the usual way.
  4. Sometimes it is advised to take stretch jeans one size smaller, because they stretch quickly. However, pants that are too tight do not allow the skin to breathe and squeeze blood vessels. Make your choice wisely, don't buy jeans that are too tight. You can buy new ones if the old ones stretch out. But health will not be harmed.
  5. The product may shed heavily. Be careful not to end up with dirty gray pants as a result.
  6. What to do to prevent jeans from stretching as long as possible? First rule: Buy quality denim or jeans. And if you like thin synthetic trousers, then strictly follow the care rules indicated on the label. If stretch jeans are stretched, then they will not return to their original shape.

If the product has become out of size or has lost its attractiveness, do not despair! Arm yourself with our advice and try to bring the products back to life.

Tips on how to sew jeans on the sides, in the waist, how to alter flared jeans.

Many people have jeans in their closets or even a few pairs that they have not worn for a long time. Perhaps the thing is out of fashion, or maybe the jeans are too big or too small. Today we will talk about the case when jeans became big. Namely, how to properly suture them.

How to properly suture men's and women's jeans on the sides?

Important: It's worth saying right away that it is not as easy to sew jeans on your own as it might seem at first glance. If you are not confident in your abilities, it makes sense to contact the studio. Otherwise, you can simply ruin the thing.

However, if you think that your sewing machine should not just gather dust, but work, you can try. Just don't forget, this is the case when they say "Measure seven times, cut one!".

To work you will need:

  • Sewing machine
  • Scissors
  • Tailor's pins
  • Threads
  • Overlock
  • Parser
  • Chalk or a bar of soap

First, try on your jeans to determine where you need to sew the product. If you need to remove excess fabric only on the sides - this is one way, and if you need, for example, to suture in the hips - there will be another technique.

We will discuss all the options one by one. Immediately, we note that women's and men's jeans are sutured in the same way.

You can often find extremely simple tips on how to quickly sew jeans on the sides. The bottom line is as follows: put on top of the old jeans a model that fits you, cut off the excess and sew. Of course, this should never be done.

Important: It will not work to sew jeans only along the side seam, it is imperative to suture both the side cut and the inner cut. Otherwise, the product will be twisted.

If the jeans fit perfectly at the waist and there is a need to remove a little fabric from the sides, you can do this:

  • Slip on the jeans, wrong side out.
  • Use tailor's pins to mark the places where you need to sew, first on one leg.
  • Do this with the inside and outside seam.
  • Without ripping or cutting, take off your jeans.
  • Use chalk or scraps to mark the line for the stitching.
  • Sweep the garment by hand.
  • Try on jeans again, sit down, walk around.
  • Make sure your jeans fit properly.
  • Only after that you can cut off the excess 1 cm further from the future seam.
  • Now it's time to sew the jeans on a typewriter with threads that match the color.
  • Sew the finishing stitch around the outside edge of the jeans with a double thread.
  • Iron the jeans thoroughly.
  • Overlock the cut edges.

Video: How to sew jeans on the sides?

How to sew jeans in the thighs?

You can try to sew jeans only in the hips. This is appropriate when the thighs are narrow, and only in the thighs the jeans are large, and they sit normally on the legs.

Important: You can sew jeans in the hips if you need to remove no more than 4 cm. Otherwise, you will have to flog the codpiece, which is often beyond the power of a novice needlewoman.

You can sew on jeans by a few centimeters.

You can remove excess tissue on the thighs in this way:

  • Open the side seams.
  • Open the middle seam at the buttocks.
  • Sew taking into account the necessary preliminary measurements.
  • Sewing the edges must be strictly in the same style as the old seams, otherwise it will look ridiculous.

Important: It is almost impossible to sew finishing lines without experience. Therefore, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with this process by watching a video tutorial.

Video: How to sew a finishing line?

How to sew jeans on the bottom along the back seam at home?

To sew the jeans at the back seam, you will need the sewing tools listed above. Sewing jeans by hand in this place will not work.

So let's get started:

  1. Put on your jeans first.
  2. It is inconvenient to make basting in this part of the body on your own, ask someone to help you remove the excess and make a basting with pins.
  3. Then you need to rip off the belt.
  4. After that, you will have to rip the back seam, it is not difficult to rip it open.
  5. Use a ruler to measure the same distance between the old seam and the pins on both sides.
  6. Draw a cut line with a remnant, do not forget to leave 1 cm of allowance.
  7. After that, sweep the seam, then try on the jeans.
  8. If the jeans have settled well, the seam can be sewn with a typewriter.
  9. Overcast the cut on the overlock.
  10. On the right side, make finishing stitches.

How to taper jeans at the back seam

How to sew jeans on the pope

Now you need to properly trim the belt:

  1. Shorten it to the desired length by cutting off the fabric on both sides.
  2. Sew the sides of the belt together.
  3. Then sew the belt to the jeans, make a finishing stitch.

How to sew jeans in the waist, belt?

If the jeans are large at the waist, it is best to sew them in, as described above, at the back seam. If done correctly, they will sit well on the butt.

If the jeans are large at the waist and you don't want to bother, you can narrow the waist a little in an easier way.

You will need:

  • Elastic
  • Scissors
  • Sewing machine
  • Plain pin (differently English)

Let's get to work:

  1. Take a small piece of elastic. The length depends on how much you want to shorten the belt.
  2. Make slits in the belt in two places (the distance between the slits is several cm longer than the elastic).
  3. Now thread the pin through the elastic and pull it along with the elastic between the slots.
  4. Pin to your jeans so that the end of the elastic does not "run away".
  5. Using a sewing machine, sew two stitches from both ends.

Pull the elastic inward

How to sew jeans in a belt: before and after

Video: How to sew jeans at the waist?

How to sew, narrow flared jeans at the legs, straight into tight ones at home yourself?

Flared jeans that are not fashionable today can be narrowed and you get modern skinny jeans.

Important: You should not try to make skinny jeans out of flared jeans if the flare is initially too wide. The cut is completely different, the result will not please you.

It makes sense to narrow the flare by a few centimeters (3-4 cm). In this case, arm yourself with sewing tools and get to work:

  1. Iron the jeans and try on.
  2. Have someone help you baste the insets and step seams with pins.
  3. Open the folds, as well as the side and crotch seams.
  4. Draw seam lines with a piece of soap or chalk.
  5. Leave a centimeter of allowance.
  6. Cut off excess fabric.
  7. Hand sweep the seams.
  8. Try on jeans again, walk in them, try to sit down.
  9. If all fits, seams can be sewn on a typewriter.
  10. Overlock or zigzag the edges.

Flared jeans need to be sutured from two sides

How to sew men's and women's jeans one size smaller?

Important: Jeans can be sewn in one size, maximum 2 smaller. It's easier to sew new jeans than to sew them in more than 2 sizes.

If you do take the risk, be prepared to completely reshape your jeans.

To shrink jeans one size smaller, put them on and look carefully where they sit ugly.

Try to choose the easiest way to rework, with the minimum investment of labor and the best possible result.

There are several ways to alter jeans to a size smaller:

  1. Cutting off the excess on the sides and the inner seam.
  2. Alter the product along the back seam.
  3. Remove a little in the hips only on the sides.

A few simple rules for successful jeans suturing:

  • Jeans, both for women and men, are altered according to the same principle.
  • Before starting work, wash and iron the product.
  • It is advisable to find an assistant (s) to help you make correct and even outlines.
  • Do not rush to cut off the excess, it is better to finally make sure that you are doing everything right.
  • Remember, there are some models that cannot be re-cut.

How to sew jeans to size

How to shrink jeans at the waist without a sewing machine?

The above tips are suitable for those with a sewing machine. If you do not have the opportunity to sew jeans on a typewriter, you can resort to other methods:

  • Wash the garment in water with a temperature of 90 °, the fabric will shrink for a while, however, then the jeans will become large again.
  • Choose a suitable belt if you need to collect it only at the waist.
  • Sew the elastic into the belt by hand.

In principle, it is possible to sew the pant legs by hand, but it will not look aesthetically pleasing, and the finishing lines cannot be done manually either.

Finally, I would like to say, if you are not sure of a good result, it is better to take the thing dear to you in the atelier, the professionals will do everything right. However, following the advice, you can sew on your jeans to wear your favorite item again. We hope you succeed. We suggest watching the video to better understand how to alter jeans.

Video: How to make skinny jeans?


Denim shrinks when washed in hot water. Pour boiling water into a deep basin and lower for 10-15 minutes, do not add powder, otherwise the color of the material will fade. Bye jeans soak in boiling water, prepare a container with cold water. Remove from boiling water quickly and place in cold water for a few minutes. Then wring out the thing and dry it. Usually the fabric wrinkles a lot, and to iron denim without much effort, turn on the steam function on the iron. You can try on jeans and evaluate the result, the main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise you simply will not be able to put on the thing.

When you need to greatly reduce, for example, after losing weight, then hot water clearly will not help. Decide on the size you want and make a mark on the inside of the jeans. Do not unpick the factory seams yet - this can be done a little later. Sew the marked places on the sewing machine, preferably make a double stitch, then loosen the factory seams. Overlog the edges of the fabric to keep them from frizzing. Wash your pants in warm water and you're ready to go. Using this method, you can not only sew pants, but also correct problem areas by hemming only in a specific place.

If you are completely unfamiliar with sewing, and are afraid to wash them in hot water, contact any sewing company. The size will be reduced to the required size, moreover, the work will be done efficiently and professionally. It is very difficult to achieve a similar result in it, because denim is dense and it is difficult to sew it on a typewriter without skills. But if you are familiar with the sewing machine, you should succeed without the help of professionals.

Helpful advice

Do not rush to shrink jeans in size, especially if you recently bought them. Over time, they can shrink without the use of additional methods.

But even high quality jeans tend to stretch after wearing. Men are advised to buy gins of their own size, but women need to choose 1-2 sizes smaller for long wear. But don't overdo it: too narrow jeans create pressure on internal organs, which slows down the blood circulation process and can subsequently lead to various diseases.


Therefore, choose, first of all, and in case they stretch and do not want to part with them, follow a number of tips:
Wash jeans in the washing machine and then hot dry. Normal jeans will certainly shrink. If there is no hot drying, then after washing, rinse them with cold water and, without twisting or squeezing, hang them in an upright position. The main motto: frequent washing is the key to a good look;

Disassemble jeans along the side seams (if you have a skill, and if not, then it is better to contact), outline with a chalk from the seamy side the width you want to get, then sweep with threads. After trying on, if the width suits you, cut off all unnecessary and carefully stitch;

Do not carry alone jeans Too often: Purchase several pairs of jeans to prevent natural stretching. Alternately changing ones jeans on others, you will allow them to keep their "factory" look for a long time.
After washing when jeans shrink a little, do not iron them while wet. Slightly damp jeans after ironing, they will stretch again and the effect of washing will not work.

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In the wardrobe of any person, from a millionaire to an ordinary employee, you can find at least one pair of jeans. The main trump card of jeans - practicality and comfort in wearing - has become decisive when choosing them by millions and millions of men and women around the world.

Sometimes it happens that losing weight turns into some problems with the wardrobe. For example, you had favorites jeans... And suddenly they became great. However, if you have lost weight by, then there is nothing to worry about. You can continue to enjoy slender forms, because there are several ways that can save your favorite thing.


The first and easiest one is to wash in hot water. To do this, put them in the washing machine, set the temperature to 95 degrees. After the wash cycle is finished, stop it (before the cold rinse water flows into the machine again) and restart it, but without powder or any detergents. Dry after washing jeans either at the maximum temperature in the drum of the machine, or on a hot radiator or in the steam room of the sauna.

This method has a significant drawback. After a few days of wearing jeans can stretch again and return to their original state. So periodically you will have to wash jeans in this way again.

There is also a more time consuming option, but at the same time more effective. It is for those who know how to sew. Jeans can be easily sewn in at the side or back seam.

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