What to give a girl for 5 years. Presentations for a young fashionista. Birthday gift

Is your beautiful princess approaching her first birthday? Well, this is a serious matter and should be treated with great care. On this festive day, the birthday girl is waiting not only for the most cheerful holiday, but also for special gifts, as wonderful as the hero of the occasion herself. The situation is slightly complicated by the fact that, for sure, your girl is used to various presentations and it is now very, very difficult to surprise her. But do not despair, in our article, as always, we will tell you what to give your daughter for 5 years, so that the holiday is sure to be a success. Here we will tell you about the most wonderful ideas that will certainly please her taste, surprise and, of course, delight.

When choosing a gift for your daughter for 5 years, do not forget that you are dealing not just with a child, but with a lovely lady, albeit very small, but already very attentive to herself, her appearance and leisure. Therefore, the gift should be beautiful even externally! Take care of bright packaging.

What can you give your daughter for her birthday: first anniversary

As this momentous day approaches, it will not be superfluous to remind you that your girl is already at that age when it is time to prepare for school as hard as possible. Of course, this does not mean that you should present the birthday girl with a lot of things that are extremely useful for school. No, it is better to let these be gifts that, in a playful way, will allow you to properly prepare for the upcoming educational process.

A child is a person who is not too interested in the practical side of the presentation, so you can safely give something that is just interesting. And this is definitely not a warm sweater or new pants, the baby does not see any joy in such gifts. Better a bright dress!

For her birthday on her first anniversary, her daughter should be given something very special that she will not forget for many years and with which it will be interesting for her to spend time. Some girls at this age are already seriously interested in fashion, others like to imitate their mother, playing with her makeup, the rest are fans of outdoor and active games. The choice of a presentation depends solely on the nature and hobbies of your hero of the occasion.

A useful gift for a girl for 5 years

It is a mistake to think that your daughter did not like a useful gift. Of course, even a practical present should be something interesting and exciting. It is no secret that at such a young age all children are drawn to knowledge and what is most pleasant is that everything new is easy for them, so it’s time to get down to learning crumbs. Of course, a stack of boring notebooks and books will only scare a child away, but if you find something original and interesting, then be sure that your lessons will be held in an atmosphere of fun and joy. And we know many such gifts. And here are the most popular ones:

  • Self-taught pen. Of course, this pen won't learn letters and numbers for your daughter. This is a kind of simulator that will allow the girl to learn how to write correctly and beautifully. The device can have the most varied design performance: in the form of all kinds of animals or cartoon characters.
  • A set for a little prodigy. After all, we do not even doubt that your baby is an incredibly developed girl. And so we propose to present to my daughter for her 5th birthday an unusual mini-laboratory for her first experiments. Traditional sets include puzzles and cards that will allow you to repeat all the knowledge about letters and numbers, words, colors, etc. in a fascinating way.
  • An interesting set of cards to read. It is likely that your birthday girl already knows how to read, albeit in syllables. And this skill, of course, needs to be honed. By playing, she will be able to learn to read easily and quickly, using your gift and, thereby, turning the lesson into an interesting activity.
  • Double-sided magnetic board in the form of an easel. On such a board, you can write and collect various drawings with the help of magnetic figures. That is why it is a double-sided board in order to be multifunctional and as interesting as possible for a child.
  • Colorful abacus. For her birthday, you can give a 5-year-old girl children's abacus. It was on such a toy that you once learned the first basics of mathematics, and now it's time for your baby. Of course, the appearance and functionality of modern models has changed a lot, but, perhaps, the best game for learning counting has not yet been invented.
  • Game complex in the form of a colorful lesson table, on which any task will be doubly pleasant. Included with such a table, as a rule, there is also a lot of necessary accessories for the school: a marker, crayons, felt-tip pens and much more.
  • Scrub for children. The world famous family board game in a children's variation.

As you can see, a useful gift is a great idea. You can present a quite inexpensive gift to your daughter, which will be very useful for her before school and, of course, will turn into one of her favorite toys. It can be a cognitive painting, the first spelling notebook with bright pictures.

What to give a child from parents: gadgets

Considering that your girl is already very mature, it's time to learn how to use her first gadgets.

  • Mobile phone. You should not buy a too expensive model, especially since the specialized market is ready to offer even special children's models, slightly simplified and distinguished by a very attractive appearance and low price.
  • Learning laptop with a striking design and many functions for learning not only letters and numbers, but also foreign languages. Depending on the model, a laptop can have a different set of functions, therefore, the price also varies from very inexpensive to more advanced models. But, it is worth noting that both the first and second options deserve attention, because even the most democratic options are a fascinating toy that will take your daughter for a long time and help her in learning.
  • A simple player or tape recorder. If the child is not indifferent to music, give her a bright children's tape recorder. To decorate the room and listen to your favorite CDs anytime.

You can present your daughter for her birthday with other gadgets that are useful in life. For example - a clock that helps to learn the time, a children's tablet, a handy alarm clock with pleasant melodies.

Birthday gift ideas for daughter: gifts for outdoor games

The choice of a gift for a 5-year-old girl may be related to her free leisure time. Children of this age, of course, are very mobile and always take part in various active games with genuine enthusiasm. Your present may be related to this particular childhood hobby.

  • Jump rope. But not simple boring, but modern and very bright. The market offers various improved models, for example with an electronic meter. So the girls in the yard will be able to compete among themselves who made the most jumps.
  • Balancing disc, which can be made in the form of a hemisphere or a flat plate on an unstable leg. It helps to develop coordination and the vestibular apparatus of the child, in addition, it is very fun to try to "tame" this toy.
  • Rollers. And, of course, all the necessary protective equipment is included in the kit. We are sure that your baby will be delighted with such a gift, so feel free to include this idea in the list of the best gifts for your daughter.
  • Jumper. An original design, with the help of which a girl will be able to get a handle on the most interesting and unusual jumps, thus maintaining her physical fitness at the highest level.
  • Twister. One of the most interesting games for a fun company, which can be both friends of your birthday girl and parents. Family evenings like this will bring you closer together with an interesting game.

The category of these same gifts can be safely attributed to children's croquet, bowling or boomerang. But if you still did not manage to interest the child in sports, then maybe he should be shown how interesting it is? For this, tickets for various sports events are suitable, for example, in rhythmic gymnastics or figure skating.

Option for interesting gifts for a girl: gifts for a real woman of fashion

For a 5-year-old girl, you can buy something completely girly, because you have a little princess growing up, who will certainly become a real queen, like her mother.

  • A set of baby cosmetics. Preference should still be given to decorative rather than care. So it will be more interesting for the birthday girl. Do not be afraid, such cosmetics do not contain harmful substances and are completely hypoallergenic. Now the girl will be able to do beautiful makeup for herself every morning, just like her mother, having fun together.
  • A set for needlework. This can be, for example, a set for creating beautiful bracelets or any other jewelry. Which will then become great gifts for girlfriends and worthy additions to the birthday wardrobe.
  • Hair accessories. If your birthday girl has long beautiful hair, then she probably loves her mother to make her fashionable hairstyles and use the most beautiful hairpins. Now she will have a whole set of such accessories, consisting of all kinds of hairpins, elastic bands and other hair ornaments.
  • Fairy or princess outfit. What girl does not throw on her holiday to dress up in a beautiful costume of a real princess with a real crown or a real fairy with a real magic wand? Give your clever girl such a great opportunity.

TOP 10 gifts for a daughter for 5 years:

  1. A set of baby cosmetics.
  2. New party dress.
  3. A set for home creativity.
  4. Roller Skates.
  5. Board educational game.
  6. Dance rug.
  7. Learning laptop.
  8. An unusual pen writing with invisible ink.
  9. Double-sided magnetic board in the form of an easel
  10. Surprise themed party.

As you can see, it is not so difficult to find a good gift for a girl for her first anniversary. At the young age of five, a baby can be interested in many different toys, which, while being very exciting, are also useful and help to properly prepare for the upcoming school.

Age 5 for a little princess is a time of curiosity, active creativity and understanding of the world around her. A five-year-old girl is no longer just a toddler with open eyes, but a real researcher, capable of drawing conclusions, evaluating, and calculating in advance. And also a young singer, builder, seamstress, actress, etc.

How to please a five-year-old birthday girl so that the surprise becomes not only pleasant, but also useful?

To your attention - 13 original ideas for a children's holiday!

1. Play-Doh Kitchen Creations by Hasbro

Does your little hostess imitate her mother in everything and love to cook for her toy pets and dolls? Delight your child with the Kitchen Stove set so that your daughter can feel like a real chef in a restaurant.

Advantages of the toy - a complete set for cooking, consisting of a toy stove and utensils. It has everything a young chef might need - a frying pan with a saucepan, the necessary cutlery, a mini rolling pin and a spatula.

And most importantly, your child will find jars with Play-Doh multi-colored plasticine and special molds with which you can mold fish, vegetables, meat and other products for a fun game.

Such a set will cost about 2500 rubles. in stores in Russia

In addition, for a novice chef, you can keep an eye on other novelties of this line of toys. For instance, noodle machine or game for slicing food... The advantages of the kits are high quality and safety of materials.

2. Game set for learning a foreign language

Such sets can include the simplest game cards for learning English words (or other / language) or complete sets of tools (disks, cards, etc.) for an exciting language learning through the game.

Such a gift is a great opportunity for the kid to get ready for school, expand the level of knowledge, and also improve photographic memory.

With the help of play techniques, you can significantly create and deepen the basic vocabulary of foreign words, as well as expand the child's general ideas about the language as a whole.

The cost of a set is from 300 rubles (for the simplest, basic) to 4000 rubles.

All the little girls get into their mothers' cosmetic bags one day. Young princesses also want their own lipsticks, eyeshadows and glitters for 100% beauty.

A children's set of cosmetics will help to save mother's cosmetics and please the growing woman. Today they are produced by many companies, but the main thing, of course, is to pay attention not only to the design of the packaging and the number of items, but also to the quality of the product itself - it must be absolutely safe for the child.

The cost of Winx Club sets is about 300-900 rubles, Intellectico sets for a bright manicure will cost 400 rubles, and Markwins cosmetics - 300-2000 rubles.

Probably, there are no girls who would not be delighted with such sets: beads of different colors, shapes and sizes, straps and strings, elastic bands and rhinestones - which is just not there!

All materials for future jewelry are located in convenient cases, real treasures of young artisans. Weaving will not only contribute to the development of creativity in the child, but also help in the development of fine motor skills, taste, imagination, perseverance.

After the child has mastered weaving bracelets, you can move on to the bead mosaic.

The average cost of the kits, depending on the filling and packaging, is 400-2000 rubles.

Such playgrounds have become very popular today among girls of this tender age.

A set for beginners in beauty salons may include the simplest items - a hairdryer, a hairbrush, a hairpin, an unbreakable mirror on a stand.

For more professional stylists and hairdressers, modern manufacturers offer whole play complexes in which a child will find a stylist's play table with a mirror, all the necessary tools, accessories and cosmetics, as well as shelves with a hairdryer, curling irons, and so on.

Equally popular is a set for hairdressers, which is a large doll head on a stand (mannequin). It usually comes with several wigs that can be dyed, trimmed, styled and styled. And also with a set of cosmetics for the first lessons of a make-up artist.

The average cost of the sets is 300-5000 rubles.

Very popular coloring pages that are sold in stores like hotcakes. The essence of the game is to paint the picture in "pieces", each of which has its own number. The colors of these numbers are shown on the original drawing that comes with the kit (as well as paints and brushes). Every novice artist wants to create a masterpiece, but not everyone has enough experience and technique. Such paintings allow even the youngest creative personalities to paint masterpieces, even with oil and acrylic.

You can start with the simplest drawings (for example, your favorite cartoon characters), and then gradually move on to more complex work.

The average cost of such a "coloring" for the education of a genius, depending on the size of the canvas and the complexity of the drawing, is 400-4000 rubles.

It is also worth noting that coloring becomes a wonderful "anti-stress" for an overly emotional and capricious child, teaches perseverance and patience, instills a love of creativity and leads you in the right direction from modern annoying gadgets.

A fantastic world of tiny adorable animals, united in whole series with fully equipped houses.

This line of toys is popular all over the world, and our country is no exception. Even adults begin to smile involuntarily when they look at the inhabitants of the country of Sylvanian Families, let alone five-year-old girls!

In this children's fantasy world, the child will find families of the forest animals themselves, houses with furniture and many elements. You can create an entire country of Sylvanian Families at home with markets and bakeries, shops and markets, schools and cozy apartment buildings. Every forest family has a dad and a mom, four kids, and even a grandparent.

Materials for toys are used exclusively environmentally friendly, completely safe for kids.

Such beauty will lighten the parental wallet by 2,000-8,000 rubles.

A very positive gift for an active, cheerful child. Almost all children at this age love to dance. The rug is a device with which you can not only have fun and throw out your emotions, but also learn to dance, develop coordination and a sense of rhythm.

The device is a dense rubberized mat with arrows, which should be stepped on in accordance with the program displayed on the TV screen. The sequence of steps is reflected on the screen, the child only has to repeat it. For correct movements, there are points that the program issues at the end of the dance.

The price will depend on the size of the rug and the material itself. The average cost is 1,500-20,000 rubles. The most expensive ones are metal platforms with several difficulty levels and the ability to dance right in your shoes.

Also, in many modern rugs, you can create your own melodies.

Many adults are familiar with this board game - but, unfortunately, not all kids. It's a pity. After all, this game is a real magic wand for the development of children and exciting family evenings.

The game is a special platform with numbers (points) and mini-cubes with letters. There is a Scrub for children under 8 years old, and there are more complicated options.

The game promotes the development of vocabulary and literacy, attentiveness and logic, develops mathematical abilities and helps in mastering the alphabet, if your child has not yet fully mastered it. An intelligent game for the whole family!

The average cost is 700-3000 rubles.

What child doesn't like to sing? All girls (including moms) love to sing at home! And not only. And wise mothers, who understand that any talent needs to be developed, use all the opportunities for this. One of them is karaoke.

However, here a lot depends on financial capabilities. A high-quality professional karaoke system can seriously hit a parent's pocket (the average cost is from 30,000-45,000 rubles and up to 250,000-500,000 rubles), but a five-year-old girl who is just starting to take the first notes does not need such a system.

You can get by with an ordinary DVD-player with karaoke function, DVD-discs with your favorite (child!) Songs and, of course, a microphone. Its average price, depending on the set of functions and capabilities, is 400-3000 rubles.

Today, radios with the function of an alarm clock and a starry sky have become fashionable. But it's not about them.

We are talking about real planetariums that can be arranged right at home. Such modern "gadgets" allow you to see all the constellations and planets right from your bed. Such an optical present in a stylish design will be appreciated by any child - and even any adult.

To look at the starry sky, you just need to turn off the light, and use the remote control to find any constellation in the universe, see what the sky looks like over the Arctic, how a comet flies and a star falls, and also just enjoy the beauty of space. The planetarium rotates, completely imitating the movement of the stars.

It is worth noting the compactness of the device (you can take it to kindergarten and give a "lecture" to classmates), the ability to adjust the latitude, time and date, projection angle.

The average cost of this useful toy is 400-15000 rubles.

An interesting novelty for young artists that allows you to paint without paints. Tired of splashing paint on your carpet? Tired of washing children's dresses from gouache and watercolors? This tablet is your salvation!

The novelty from Canadian inventors is created from a plastic base with a special coating, on which you can create countless times - with ordinary water and a brush. As soon as the water evaporates, the masterpiece disappears, and you can start a new one.

An economical, developing and saving tablet for parents with an average cost of 2500-2900 rubles.

The kit should include the tablet itself, a convenient stand for it (approx. - water is poured into it) and a bamboo brush.

Another novelty that kids want so much and parents are curious about.

If a gadget is an educational one! It is clear that in our time it is simply impossible to completely fence off a child from gadgets, but it is in the power of parents to instill in a child the right habit - to use them for business and self-development.

The 3D pen lets you ... draw right in the air. Do you think this is impossible? As much as possible! Children's fantasies can finally take shape. With such a pen, you can create 3D characters, inscriptions and decorations, exclusive items.

(1 estimates, average: 5,00 out of 5)

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Still wondering what to give a girl for 5 years? You have taken the right step by contacting the site for help! It is here that a huge number of original ideas and useful tips for choosing gifts for all occasions are collected. Using them, you will be able to prepare really good birthday gifts for children.

5 years is a very beautiful date. Every child is looking forward to his birthday, and girls - especially. On this day, the little princess will be in the center of everyone's attention, she will hear many flattering words and receive even more welcome gifts. Mom will make every effort to make her daughter look even better, even more beautiful than on ordinary days: there will be a new elegant dress, and a fluffy hairstyle with curls and pigtails, and children's jewelry.

Five-year-old girls are sensitive to their appearance, they love new clothes and beautiful things. Therefore, you definitely will not be mistaken with the choice of the most worthy of the, if you purchase:
· A gift card to a children's clothing store;
· A set of children's jewelry;
· Baby hat with embroidery, veil or ribbon flowers;
A set for making beads with your own hands;
· Children's handbag or cosmetic bag;
· Hairdressing accessories for girls.

But do not think that outfits and jewelry are all that the "girly" world is limited to! At the age of 5, the daughters actively help their mothers with the housework, perform simple steps to clean the apartment, and participate in the cooking process.
In order for a girl to become a good housewife, it is necessary in every possible way to encourage her aspirations for home economics. Super Helper thinks it will be very useful to give the girl, for example, a baby vacuum cleaner, a food processor or a set of toy dishes.

It can be a wonderful gift. Although this pleasure is not cheap, the effect of such a gift will surpass all your expectations: the little hostess will simply be delighted!

We all know that our children are very talented. At the age of 5, it is still difficult to say whether a girl will turn out to be a professional dancer, singer or actress. However, if a child naturally has the inclinations for such an activity, at this age he already actively demonstrates them. Therefore, it is extremely important to develop the child's abilities, stimulate the disclosure of talent. . Appropriate activities and toys can help. Therefore, SuperHelper invites you to give a girl for her 5th birthday:
· Microphone with karaoke;
·, A table screen with decorations for him;
· Children's fancy dress;
· Children's face painting.

Wandering in stores in search of an answer to the question of what to give a girl for 5 years, never pass by the book departments. Our country still has the fame of the most reading country in the world, for many people a book is still the best gift. And children are no exception here: they are very fond of good old books, despite the abundance and availability of modern electronic gadgets! For five-year-old girls, the following are perfect:
· Colorful children's encyclopedic editions;
· Fairy tales of the peoples of the world (the more fairies, princesses, elves and other similar characters, the better);
· Adventure works.
Pay attention to books with additional accessories - puzzles, stickers, coloring pages. As a rule, they are in high demand among children.

Whatever gift you have prepared for a 5-year-old girl, hand it over with good wishes and a sincere smile. Children are amazing creatures, they feel our true mood and do not forgive us for falsehood.

TOP - 200 gifts for five-year-old girls can .

A five-year-old girl is at a new stage in her life. This is the age when she prepares for school, learns a lot of new things, masters skills that are completely new to her. It is very important to give her such things that will stimulate self-confidence, because at this age girls face new challenges. You will need toys and items to help you improve your communication, learning and problem-solving skills. Let's take a closer look at what to give a 5-year-old child for a birthday girl.

These toys gained popularity in the world in the 50s of the last century, and to this day capture the interest of girls. Long-legged dolls are dressed in clothes of fairy-tale and mythical characters, they are sold along with furniture and accessories. Modern Barbies can be bathed in water, created fantastic light shows with them, or just role-play. Due to the wide variety and set of functions, dolls are perfect for creative play, developing the child's coherent expression skills. The accessories that come with the doll stimulate curiosity and help evaluate and analyze various situations. They also help in the development of fine motor skills in children of this age.

Toy house

In the dollhouse, which consists of several levels, you can make a make-believe home environment. A house with furniture is the dream of any 5-year-old baby. In the dollhouse, you can find samples of realistic furniture for the living room, dining room, kitchen, bedroom and bathroom, in some instances there is even a patio.

The toy cottage is great for both solo and group play. It develops children's imagination and creative skills, helps develop communication and problem solving skills, and critical thinking. It is important that the toy is made from environmentally friendly materials, the accessories in it should not be too small.

Plastic forms "Food"

Plastic molds in the form of food products will be a great addition to toy kitchen utensils (pots, plates, spoons, forks, cups). They can become an attribute of the Supermarket game if they are supplemented with a toy cash register. The kit contains assorted toy fruits and vegetables, pizza, chocolate bars, ice cream, french fries, hot dog, hamburgers, canned food and other food items.

Such a toy will be an excellent tool for teaching 5-year-old little ladies, explaining to them which foods are harmful and which are useful. Stimulates creative skills. When using kitchen utensils, plastic molds will teach girls how to play in the kitchen.

Sleeping bag

This item can be useful both during the trip and at home. You can buy or order a special set with the image of your favorite fairytale hero. Some children like to sleep in such a bed, even on a bed, because it is soft and comfortable, warm and cozy in it. The gift cannot be classified as a budget one, but it will bring practical benefits and will serve the girl for a long time.

Certificate for visiting the city zoo, museum

Instead of a regular gift, consider a gift that can be used even after blowing out the candles on the birthday cake. The local zoo, museum, art studio offer annual certificates or gift cards that are made especially for the whole family. The child will be interested to learn new and interesting things about his city, to see unusual animals.

Certificate for attending a master class

Girls at the age of 5 are already pretty good at doing something with their own hands. In addition, they strive to imitate their mother in everything, so a visit to a master class will be a good gift for a little princess, where she will be taught how to cook a dish or make jewelry with her own hands.

In addition to new useful skills, the girl will receive a lot of positive emotions from the very process of learning and creativity, and she will certainly want to repeat this at home.

Creator's Kit

If you can't decide what to give a five-year-old girl for her birthday, this gift option can help you out. The assortment of such sets is striking - these are both sculpting sets and sets for creating jewelry, sewing handbags, and making soap. The main thing is that it should be indicated on the box that the set is suitable for this age category.

Mom can help the birthday girl in the creative process, and then such a gift will be doubly useful, because every minute of communication between mother and daughter brings them closer and gives them positive emotions.

Reading gifts

As the attention span of a 5-year-old is increased, the child may sit and exercise for longer periods of time. Reading is a very important activity for this age, because the child is already close to the skill of independent reading. Books will help the girl get ready for school. In the store, you can buy a classic children's book or an illustrated book with pictures, simple words and large print. Check with parents which books their child will be interested in.


Patience and ability to solve problems grows, so you can consider table and floor puzzles as a gift for the baby's 5th birthday. If she likes cartoon characters, ballerinas, historical or dance themes, let the game carry the information that interests the child. Cognitive logic games help to solve more complex problems. They allow you to develop not only logical thinking, but also fine motor skills of the hands.

Movement and coordination

Girls of this age have a lot of energy, they need physical activity, they learn to coordinate body movements. The girl jumps on one leg, repeats gymnastic or dance elements on the playground. Investing money in gifts that support physical activity is a great idea for your child's development. As a sports equipment, you can give a ball, a rope, a Velcro dart game, a plastic hoop. Some girls of this age are ready to learn to roller skate and skate, swim and ride a bike. You can present a gift certificate for lessons with a professional who can help turn the lesson into a hobby.

Gifts for learning

The learning process is a natural activity for preschool children. They love to ask questions and be interested in new information. Kids science kits will turn lessons into an exciting experience. At this age, girls are successful in learning the basics of mathematics and writing. A gift in the form of an electronic globe will allow you to master geography and get a better idea of ​​the planet. Computer programs, educational video games and applications will also be a great gift for a girl and her parents. If you give a girl a set for playing "Hospital", she can get an idea of ​​first aid.

Clothes with prints or embroidery

The birthday girl probably has her favorite characters from films and cartoons, so it would be a good idea to give her a T-shirt or dress with the image of her favorite character. Such clothes can be bought ready-made, or can be made to order. The image can be applied both by printing on fabric and by using machine embroidery.

If you order such clothes, then next to the image of your favorite hero you can place the name of the girl, as well as the number 5, which symbolizes her age. Such a T-shirt or dress can be worn on a holiday, in particular on her birthday.


Far from being a budget, but a memorable gift. After all, toys and books get bored with time, the girl grows out of them, and beautiful earrings made of gold will serve the little owner for more than one year and will remind her of the donor. Such expensive gifts are often given by the closest people 0 grandmothers, grandfathers, godfathers.

Buying a birthday present for a girl is challenging, but exciting and creative. After you study the interests of the child, you can easily support his hobbies and hobbies, and the question of what can be presented to the child for 5 years will be resolved. The larger the collection of gifts, the more active development will be. Avoid items with very small parts or toxic materials. A high quality gift is a guarantee of the child's health and emotional well-being.

Greetings, dear readers! Five years is the first anniversary of the child. And if you have a girl, the little princess will need special gifts. Modern kids very quickly get used to the world around them, require new experiences and a change of activity. So the question of what to give a girl for 5 years should be solved in an original way. And we will throw you some original ideas.

Five-year-olds are special guys. They are active, inquisitive, love role-playing games and are happy to imitate adults in everything. Girls at this age are real ladies. They are smart, judicious, know how to behave in front of strangers.

But girls are very sensitive. They love to fantasize, imagine themselves to be princesses or fairies, so they will never give up a beautiful dress or cosmetic bag.

At the same time, five-year-old ladies are future schoolgirls. They are already trying to write words, reading and counting, and preparations for entering school are in full swing. So before choosing a gift, find out pretty well what the girls are interested in and what they would be happy to receive.

Birthday gift

Gifts for 5 years can contribute to both the creative, intellectual and physical development of a girl. At this age, the child's muscles are actively growing, strengthening, so sports gifts will be very useful.

We bring you popular anniversary gift ideas. If you go on a visit and do not know what to buy as a gift for your child, listen to our suggestions.

For intelligence and imagination

Children aged 5 years can play on their own for a long time. But you should not leave the girl alone for a long time: she needs communication for full development. Present your little one with games that are suitable for the whole family:

  • Game book. This is a unique edition that contains various games. With it, you can play sea battle, tic-tac-toe, checkers. The set includes chips, crosswords and puzzles.
  • Jewelry set. Girls can make bracelets, hairpins and other gizmos themselves. For this purpose, special kits with blanks are sold.

To prepare for school

The purpose of the gifts from this series is to enhance the craving for knowledge and develop the girl's mental abilities. The main thing here is not to be zealous, so as not to scare the child away from school. By the way, a gift for preparing for school can be inexpensive and at the same time very useful.

  • Scrub. This is a board game, according to the rules of which the players must add words from letters. It is good for the whole family and helps to expand vocabulary.

  • A set for a prodigy. The first five years of life for a child is an active learning process. Sets with puzzles or cards will help to strengthen memory, develop intelligence, get basic concepts about letters, numbers, phenomena of the surrounding world.
  • Pen for a first grader. More precisely, this device can be called not a pen, but an attachment for it. It allows you to develop the correct position of the hand when writing and facilitates the process of learning to read and write. In addition to the attachment with a pen, you can purchase a beautiful writing book.
  • Board with magnets. In stores for children, boards are sold on which you can attach letters, numbers and other elements using magnets. Such a manual is a great attribute for laying out words, composing examples and calculating them.

  • Abacus. This gift can be presented from both parents and grandparents. If the abacus has an original design, the girl will be happy to learn how to count.
  • Play set for classes. Learning kits include crayons, pens, blackboard, alphabet, picture cards and more.
  • Useful gadgets. Today, a popular gift for children is a phone or tablet. If you decide to present a gadget to your princess, make sure that it contains a minimum of games and a maximum of educational programs and applications. The tablets can be used to study math, alphabet, music, and more.

Gifts for physical activity

Children love to move, and by the age of 5 they are already starting to engage in some kind of sports or dancing. Present the girl with an object that will help her develop her body, strengthen it and make it more flexible.

  • Jump rope. An inexpensive gift for family friends. Today you can find a lot of design solutions for simple things, so even an ordinary jump rope can look stylish and festive.
  • Hula Hup. This is the hoop needed to form the correct figure. If the baby is engaged in dancing or gymnastics, this simulator will come in handy.
  • Balancing disc. This is a toy that you can spin while standing. She trains the vestibular apparatus, forms posture, and improves endurance.

  • Rollers. Godfathers or relatives can present the girl with roller skates. Even if the baby seems too small to ride on them, she will certainly be delighted with the gift.
  • Swimsuit. You will need a beautiful bathing suit both for summer swimming and for visiting the pool.
  • Jumper. This is a cane with a stand. Standing on it, you can jump like a kangaroo.
  • Twister. This is a game that all family members can participate in. It is a field with colored marks on which hands and feet are alternately placed.

This is far from a complete set of sports games that are sold in stores: bowling, hisbee, children's croquet and others. They will introduce the baby to sports, make her life brighter and more extraordinary.

All the gifts described are perfect for a birthday and will surely cause a storm of delight in the baby.

What to present for the New Year?

Girls at 5 years old expect magic from the New Year, so surprises should be beautiful. The gift should be not only useful, but also quite original. If you are in doubt about what to buy, ask the baby to write a letter to Santa Claus and quietly peek at it or ask your daughter directly.

What is right for a 5-year-old girl?

And do not forget that vivid impressions are very important for the baby, so horse riding lessons, going to the circus or zoo, participating in master classes and tricks can also be great gifts.

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