What to do to make a girl. How to make a girl love you? Don't be limited to "sexual relationships"

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Relationship - a fine line... The question often arises - even when she is attracted to him.
There can be many reasons for this, and knowing them will allow you to create new relationships or bring back old ones.

The main reasons why this happens

So, let's look at the main reasons for this behavior.

1. Timidity. This is one of the reasons why a man ignores a woman. Yes, not all representatives of the stronger sex immediately make contact. There are those who are shy in front of the ladies. This is due to inner insecurity. It often happens with young people who have not yet had a serious relationship, and the world of a woman for them is something unknown and dangerous.

2. Is in the process of choosing. Such indecision may be due to the fact that a man decides whether he needs a particular woman, whether she is suitable for him.

3. The man already has another woman. It can be a mistress or even a wife. Naturally, he doubts whether it is worth spoiling an established relationship for the sake of something unknown.

4. Ambiguous behavior of the woman herself. Suppose he likes her, but his character, behavior, reputation inspire fear.

5. The difference in social status. A man of modest means may feel insecure and unlucky compared to rich lady... Even if he likes her, the difference in the level of wealth seems to him an obstacle to starting a serious relationship. This is also due to his self-esteem, because every man wants to feel self-sufficient and able to earn more than his chosen one. There is also the opposite situation, when a man with high incomes and status in society does not run the risk of establishing a relationship with a lady with modest success and much lower on the social ladder.

6. Significant difference aged. In many ways, this can be an obstacle. A man can think about what relatives, friends or colleagues will think of him. If the relationship, when the man is older, is still somehow perceived by society, then in the opposite case, they usually cause bewilderment.

7. The lady is too intrusive. This can also become an obstacle and alienate a man not only in the beginning, but also in the already established relationship. He wants to feel like a conqueror, and if the girl shows excessive zeal, then this can scare him away. This is especially dangerous at the beginning of a relationship, when they have not yet been properly established.

8. Lack of serious plans. In this case, the man is honest and wants to protect the lady from unnecessary worries... He has no plans to start with her. serious relationship, That's why the best way- ignoring.

9. It's just that a man has certain character traits - he is freedom-loving, independent, and comes to a woman when only he needs it. In this case, you may not appear for several days, not answer calls, or simply forget to call or write. This type of man is difficult to fix, and the woman will have to either accept or leave.

10. The man is very busy. Do not panic, it is likely that he is simply very busy at work and has little time for his personal life.

There are several reasons why a man who is already in a relationship suddenly begins to ignore his partner:

  • The girl is too intrusive, requires a lot of attention, while he needs a certain amount of freedom.
  • He had thoughts of parting.
  • He wants to rest, to be alone.
  • He had another.
  • As a punishment. This method is used by manipulators who want to completely control a partner.
  • Resentment. In this case, it is better to find out what was the reason for this condition. Overly touchy men can also cause discomfort, so you need to take a closer look at this character trait.

Whatever the reason for ignoring, it is still worth finding out in order to bring the relationship to harmony or end it if everything has become too bad.

How to adjust a relationship if you want a man to stay close

Finding out why a man ignores a woman he likes and is interested in , you can start adjusting the relationship. It is important not to go too far here. To begin with, you should decide whether you really need this representative of the stronger sex. We often try to get whoever repels us. This is at the level of instincts. But at the same time we forget to listen to our subconscious, which is trying to say: "Dangerous."

First you need to talk to him. Don't push too hard. The conversation must be started carefully. If a man does not want to date, then you can try to start a correspondence with him. It is important not to blame him, but to ask for his opinion. Tell me how much you need clarity in a relationship, because the unknown is always frightening and annoying.

When the object of affection refuses to make contact, then it is worth taking a break from your side. Two options are possible here:

  • If this is not your person, then he will not return, and you will find yourself more worthy and interesting.
  • If he is interested in communicating with you, then the ignore on your part will make him want to know what happened and why you disappeared.

You must understand that no one has power over another person. If a man does not want to communicate with you at all, then you should not fall into despair, look for flaws in yourself. To begin with, you need to calm down and occupy yourself with some business. Communication with other people, new acquaintances helps. No need to dwell on a man, this leads to opposite result... A woman should be independent, self-sufficient and not subject her life exclusively to the chosen one. Men flee from those ladies for whom he became the center of life, and other interests are lost. Therefore, become and you are sometimes unavailable, this will arouse additional interest in him.

A man should be regarded in terms of prospects: will he caring husband, a good father, whether he respects his partner. In any case, a woman should remember about herself and appreciate not only the personality of a man, but also her own.

Relationships do not work out in all pairs. the usual way... Often partners are faced with ignoring their soul mate. In most of these couples, it is the man who ignores the woman. Women, in turn, find it difficult to understand this behavior of their man. Some girls are amused by this situation, while others are worried and thought-provoking. But not a single woman who is ignored by a man can remain indifferent in such a situation. "So why is the man ignoring?" - most main question for girls in that case. It is difficult to find the correct answer to this question. Let's try to figure it out.

According to average statistics, a good portion of women find two main reasons for being ignored. In the first case, the man hates. And the second reason may be the fact that the man is in love. Is this opinion justified? According to psychologists, main feature lack of indifference is his demonstrative manifestation. For example, if you are really indifferent to a person, then you do not show any relation to him. Right? Therefore, if you notice that a man is ignoring you, then there must certainly be a reason. The main question remains, what is the reason for this?

Male psychology is very difficult for us, as well as the psychology of any other person. It is sometimes difficult to explain and even more so to understand their behavior. We can only try to logically analyze the actions and behavior of men. If you have already asked yourself the question "what to do if a man ignores?", Then think about whether you really need an answer. If you are serious and do not want to back down, then you can try to get to the bottom of the answer. First, you need to analyze your relationship. Think about when a man started to ignore? What relationship were you in before being ignored? What situations did you find yourself in? If there is no relationship between you, then there is only one answer. Most likely, with the help of demonstrative ignorance and his indifference, a man tries to hide his true emotions. By the way, in such a situation, most men hide positive emotions.

A man is trying to hurt you, make you think, show that he is indifferent to you with his demonstrative ignorance. It's no secret that pickupers like to use this technique. A man ignores a woman, and a woman, in turn, is accustomed to male attention begins to react emotionally to this. She begins to ponder and ask questions, "Can't I interest him?", "Am I bad for him?", "Why doesn't he like me?" All these questions pop up on subconscious level... From the fact that a woman torments herself with many similar questions, her "offender" - a man who ignores her and does not appreciate her, begins to evoke more and more feelings.

Everything is much more complicated and reasons male disregard maybe more if you were or are still in a relationship. Analyze, perhaps you could offend something, push your man away with your act or behavior. Men rarely open up and give vent to their feelings. They do not always express their attitude or opinion directly. In this case, if a man ignores a woman, he may be trying to show resentment, or maybe even his hatred of a woman (this is in the event that his woman behaves indecently or has changed). Contact yourself first to find a reason for male neglect.

Sometimes men, by their ignorance, try to hide their true positive feelings for the girl. Due to their shyness, in order not to betray themselves and their feelings, they try to avoid their beloved in every possible way. But if he has real ones for you deep feelings then you will definitely feel it.

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Any representative strong half humanity becomes very weak when its other half becomes in an instant, like a stranger. Just a week ago, she could confess her love to you, and today you understand that she left you.

From such a sharp turn of events, you fall into a stupor, and a whole heap of questions arises in your head: "How?", "Why?" But the most important question that keeps you awake at night is: "How to get your girlfriend back?"

Sound familiar? Most likely, you have come across this. Or now you find yourself in this situation and you need emergency help... After all, one wrong action can deprive you of the opportunity to return your old relationship!

Where to begin

The first thing you need to do is calm down... Emotions, in general, have never been a man's assistant. Moreover, in the case when the girl leaves you.

Don't make the mistake of most guys who:

  • Drink alcohol
  • They call and ask to return
  • Tell all friends that the relationship is over

Alcohol does not drown out, but enhances the state in which you are. It is a mistake to think that he is amusing, etc. By removing the internal "brakes", it increases several times your mood... If you were good, it will be even better. If it's bad, then vice versa!

Please come back too not will lead you to success! Because in the eyes of any woman, this is weakness.

And telling others about your breakup is the very last thing. Since you will only put yourself in conditions when your friends begin to feel sorry for you, and reduce the likelihood her return.

(Then it will be unpleasant for her to look your friends in the eyes; in addition, the "labels" that others hang on you will unconsciously keep you within the framework of the "fallen apart" couple and will not allow you to "converge" again).

Try not to communicate with her for 3 weeks or a month. This is necessary so that she has time to doubt her own attractiveness to you. And also so that you have time to realize your mistakes, change your image and "cool" your emotions.

By the way, about mistakes ...

Try to remember all the moments of your behavior in the relationship and answer the following questions:

Who called and initiated the meeting more often? Who was more jealous?

Did you put her desires ahead of yours? (for example, you wanted to go to one place, she wanted to another; and, in the end, you went where she wants she)

Have you indulged her fleeting desires?

Did you deny yourself anything to meet her? (especially often when you have any goals from which you "stole" their time and gave it to your girlfriend)

How similar were your meetings to each other? Have you always behaved the same?

Positive answers to these questions indicate that you made many mistakes in the relationship and, accordingly, were not interesting for the girl.

Just do not spend more than 2-3 days analyzing your relationship. Because the rest of the time you have to devote to other activities. For the next 3 weeks add to your schedule such number interesting activities and doing so that every evening, upon coming home, you immediately fall asleep.

And after you pass preparatory stage, again you will answer the question: “I still want to return it? Or is it better to find new girl? ". If your answer is yes, then move on to action.

A meeting

When you see her (after 3 weeks), you should smile and be friendly. Show her that you are not at all worried about your relationship, and do not think about how to return it.

For this:

If your meeting takes place in those places that unite your interests or important matters, then the duration of the meeting should not cross the 10-minute mark. The main thing is not to talk about your relationship in any way. If she brings up this topic (asks you about something or starts to apologize), then say: “Come on, don't worry! You know, I am grateful to you for everything that we had! " and immediately change the topic of the conversation.

When you meet, try to indirectly show which changes in you happened. Why indirectly? Because a direct statement won't work. Those. if you say that now you have become "this and such", then she will not believe. Better to demonstrate a new quality in behavior.

For example, if you lacked masculinity, then change your image in this direction, and also mention that you began to train in gym or in the martial arts section.

Also try to make her feel that you a fan appeared. You can ask your friend to call you during the meeting. And you pick up the phone and talk to your "fan".

Hope you get what I mean! 😉

If there are no places that unite your activities, then call her. Also inform her that you are grateful for everything and offer to drink coffee, "like civilized people."

Further strategy

When there are subsequent "random" encounters, you have to play your game hard. Forget about such a word as "weakness", because now the further outcome of the situation will depend on your play.

Now you have to give her an easy one hope for a relationship and immediately take it away.

How to do it?

Use contrasts in your circulation for this. For example, at one spontaneous meeting, you have a sweet conversation, tell what happened to you, and also joke and tease her. And on the other - you deliberately "do not notice" her, you communicate with your friends and other girls.

If she spoke loudly your name so that you notice her, then say hello ( of course, with a smile on his face; after all, you get pleasure from life without it!), tell her that you are glad to see her and go about your business!

Over time, this will lead to the fact that she wants to return to you!

Now you have a working strategy in your hands! Only don't use knowledge about how to return your beloved girl in order to take revenge on her. As you practice this strategy, you must be sure that you have forgiven her. If you hold on to her evil and want her to realize her loss, then start dating another girl, and do not let your ex come to you. This will be the best "lesson" for her!

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Getting your girlfriend back can be tricky, especially if your relationship ended on a minor note. However, if you think that there is an incredible connection between you, then it is worth collecting the cooled coals and trying to rekindle the extinguished flame. If you want the girl to want you back, give her time to remember and understand how adorable you are. And to figure out how to do this, just follow the next steps.


Step aside temporarily

  1. Give the girl some freedom. You may be thinking that The best way to return the girl - with all his might and by any means to fight for her, in fact, it is better to give her some respite than to immediately rush into battle. Unless she's in a serious relationship with another boyfriend and you're determined to break them up, take it easy, give her time to heal and take a fresh look at the relationship.

    • This does not mean that you need to cut all ties, unless you think this will be the best way. But you shouldn't write to her every five minutes or ask her to walk with you all the time, as you will only push the girl away.
    • If you leave her alone, she will most likely think of you too. She will think that she hasn't heard a word from you for some time. For a girl, this will mean that you are good without her. It will intrigue and make her think about how you are doing there.
    • If she initiates meetings early enough, that's good. But don't rush to get too close when you are together.
    • Giving your girl some freedom will make you look more mature. This will make her want to bring you back even more.
    • Of course, you shouldn't delay taking action. Give the girl enough time to heal her wounds, but not too much time to forget all the wonderful moments associated with you. Cases are different - trust your intuition. However, there is general rule: give her at least a couple of weeks, but no more than two months.
  2. Think about what went wrong. Giving the girl some freedom, do not sit with folded arms, watching the movement of the clock hands. Instead, think about why things ended between you two. If the reason is obvious, like you haven't given enough time to it, great. But if the situation is more complicated, for example, you didn’t let her know how much you value her, and you spent too much time at parties, then you need to pinpoint the problems that caused your feelings to cool down.

    • If the girl was the initiator of the breakup, then the problem is more serious. Think of all the reasons that could have pushed her to break up. If everything ends abruptly, check your mail and text messages to find possible reason parting.
    • If you've ended a relationship, that's another matter entirely. You need to convince the girl that you will not break her heart again.
  3. Make a plan for solving the problem. Got the problem? The decision is yours. If there are multiple problems, you need to find several solutions, or one comprehensive solution that will solve each of them. If the relationship is broken because you spent too much time with your friends, find opportunities to pay more attention to the girl by arranging weekly night dates and looking for more. joint activities... And if it’s because of your inability to communicate well, add honesty and empathy to your day-to-day relationship.

    • First of all, you need to work on yourself. It’s clear that you were flawed in the relationship.
    • Change your attitude towards the girl. If her fascination with horses is driving you crazy, find a way not to get so annoyed about it before moving on.
    • If there are a lot of problems, make up long term plan action, whether it relates to psychotherapy, withdrawal from addiction or peculiar overhaul souls.
  4. Work on yourself. Even if you think that you have accurately identified the problem and found a solution that will allow you to instantly return the girl, nothing is so easy. You better work to become more attractive person generally. And when you face the girl again, she will feel the difference. We are talking about both internal and external work on oneself. New hairstyle is unlikely to impress the girl, but the cheerfulness and conscious changes that you make to your image will make her pay attention to you.

    • Dedicate more time to your favorite hobbies, be it cycling or mechanics. When a person devotes himself to what he likes, he becomes more positive, and it becomes much more pleasant to communicate with him.
    • Develop more positive attitude to life. If she feels happier just by being around you, she will most likely want to see each other as often as possible.

    Make the girl want you back

    1. Show your girlfriend that everything is fine without her. If she finds out that you are completely unhappy, cry in public and shout her name at every corner, she will forget about you faster than you can say that you miss her. Instead, make her know and see that you are having a great time every day without her. She will see you active, filled vital energy person, and will wonder why you don't openly show that you miss her more and more.

      • Have fun in places where you are likely to meet her. Show that you are having fun with your friends, let her see you laughing and having fun, but don't overdo it.
      • When you see her in society, such as at a party, don't drop everything to run and ask how she's doing. Ultimately, approach her, but make it clear which one you have active public life without her.
    2. Let her friends know that she needs you. Here's a fact: you can't get a girl back if her friends don't stand up for you. If friends don't like you because you were too controlling, careless, or simply because you bad guy, then your goal is to convince them that you are not that bad, and then they will pass this information on to the girl.

      • When reaching out to her friends, take the trouble to have a sweet conversation and not seem too intrusive.
      • When talking to her friends, don't mention her right away. Although you can casually ask how she is doing and really let them know how painful you are, if you are able to be so vulnerable.
    3. When the time will come, slowly approach her. When enough time has passed and you are back in her field of vision, you need to slowly begin to return to her life. When faced with her, stop and talk for a couple of minutes, or at lunch, as if accidentally place your tray next to her, or even write her a message if you know that her favorite show is starting on TV.

      • Keep calm. Be nice to her, letting her know that you just want to be friends. Don't shower her with compliments on the second date after a breakup.
      • As soon as you start chatting again, raise the stakes slightly. Offer her something simple, like having a coffee or getting ready for a library class together. This is not the time for romance.
    4. Show how you have changed. Screaming "Look how I've changed!" - no need. Just spend more time with the girl so that she understands that you have changed your attitude towards life, if necessary. If she thought you were too sloppy, work on your appearance. If she criticized you for being constantly late, make an effort to show up early for your next date for coffee. You should not focus on what you have changed in yourself. Let the girl see for herself and she will be truly impressed.

      • Change should come naturally to you. Do not change anything just to appease the girl, otherwise everything will return to normal at the first opportunity.
      • If you feel like you actually hurt your girlfriend when you dated, it's never too late to apologize. She will be touched that you thought about the relationship so much after it ended.
    5. Stuff yourself. Yes exactly. Even when you think that you have almost returned the girl, even when she finally realizes what a tidbit you are, it is not yet time to declare your love. Instead, throw the rod so that she realizes that she still has to fight for your love, and not just throw herself into your arms. As you start dating more and more often, remember that you don't need to be available all the time.

      • Get lost for a few hours and let her think where you are. She’ll just go crazy.
      • After dating, mention them without too much detail, and she thinks she might really lose you.
    6. Make sure she wants you back. Once you feel like you've got her attention and made her jealous, it's time to make sure she really wants you back before confessing your feelings. You don't need to be 100% sure about her feelings, but the more confident you are, the less you will blush. Here are some signs of her desire to renew the relationship:

      • Pay attention to her body language. When you speak to her, does she lean closer to you and look into your eyes? Does she look down every time she is embarrassed?
      • See if she is jealous. She asks if you are dating other women, or does she look upset when you hang out with girls? If so, then she wants you to be only with her.
      • Observe, she may have started treating you like her boyfriend again. Does she hug you, compliment you, and invite you on dates with particular enthusiasm?
    7. Admit your feelings. Once you make sure she shares your feelings, it doesn't make sense to beat around the bush. Find a time when you can be alone and romantic place with the right atmosphere Now look into her eyes and tell her how much you missed and how you want to be together again. Don't be humiliated, but show that you've thought a lot about failed relationship, and now we are determined to change everything in better side.

      • Be convincing. Show how much effort you have made to change instead of making empty promises.
      • Give her time. If she refuses you at first, don't get angry or disappointed. Remember, even if a girl wants you back, maybe her mental wounds have not healed yet.

    Keep the relationship going for years to come this time

    1. Give your new relationship a fresh breath. If you're lucky and the girl has decided to give you a second chance, try to freshen up the relationship as much as possible. Yes, you can enjoy the same restaurants, shows and things that you loved to do together again, but it is important to "renew" the relationship - find new ways of leisure and time so that the girl does not feel like she is experiencing déjà vu.

      • You can brush up on happy moments, but try to avoid bad memories from life together if you can't treat them with humor.
      • Don't take the relationship for granted. Just because you’re dating again doesn’t mean you shouldn’t rush to show your girlfriend how much you love her.
      • Do not hurry. Treat the relationship as if it were new, instead of plunging back into the old relationship. Don't be together all the time, even if it was before the breakup.
      • If you constantly worry about the mistakes made, the girl will notice this, and the relationship will cease to give her pleasure.
    2. Be yourself. Yes, you had to change significantly (for the better) in order to return the relationship, so be it, but you do not need to walk with your tail between your legs, as if you have so exhausted yourself with the changes that you cannot relax from the pain. In the end, she started dating you for the first time, loving who you are, so be sure to show her the personality traits she loved the most.

      • If you feel that you cannot be yourself without dooming the relationship to failure, then you should rethink your priorities.
      • Be confident in yourself. Remember, the girl loves you, not your meek version in need of her attention.
    • Be discerning. Rate your ex-girlfriend before doing anything - perhaps she has changed for the better or the worst side... Either way, you will either not like the changes, or it may become easier to bring it back.
    • When spending time alone with your ex, do not openly insult her new boyfriend, as yours will. true intentions obvious and embarrassing.
    • Set aside all disagreements and do not leave unresolved problems before embarking on this mission.

Most men believe that it is a man who should run after women. However, those guys who are successful with women do not share this point of view.

That's why they're always at parties with themselves cool girls... What would your life be like if instead of courting girls, they ran after you? Here are 10 tips to help you figure it out.

1. Use the "reverse approach"

The “reverse approach” is when you say and do the opposite of what you say and do to get the girl up. However, this approach assumes that the woman already knows and trusts you.

The goal you are pursuing is NOT to try to be nice and nice in order to win her approval. How can this be done?

One way is to use sarcastic comments that are the opposite of what the girl wants to hear.

Or, your answer to her question should be the opposite of what she expected to hear, and you should do it in a tone that clearly implies that you are just laughing at her. If you do this, then a reverse polarity connection is formed, implying that it is she who will haunt you.

2. Read between the lines

If you are talking to a girl on the phone and she says she is dating someone else, then you should understand that she is saying this more for herself than for you.

Perhaps she just accidentally agreed to go on a date with another guy, but she still feels sympathy for you, and she needs to tell you this in order to convince herself that she is not free.

If you find yourself in such a situation, then tell her something like: “Yes? Congratulations. Or do you think that I tried to run after you? "She will not know what to answer you, and will begin to understand that you independent guy, who does not need any woman, and this is exactly the type of men that girls LIKE.

Don't be surprised if she calls you back within a week and says that she would like to go somewhere with you, since she doesn't want to see the guy she dated last week anymore.

3. Don't be limited to " sexual relations"

When I first started studying the question "How to be successful with women," the idea of ​​"sleeping with a girl" seemed much more interesting to me than now, because I believed that if I could learn to seduce a girl, I would be successful with any woman.

Well what can I say now. A lot of guys from those who have learned to seduce women, cannot find "the very" suitable woman for him, with whom they would like to spend their lives.

And when they do find one, they cannot keep it. I think it is much more interesting and useful to understand how and why a woman is drawn to a man, and why she stays with him. With this knowledge you will be able to find "your" woman and keep her close.

There is nothing wrong with seduction, but it is only part of the puzzle that alone cannot make you happy and successful in life.

4. Stop courting, start winning her attention.

There are two main ways a man can get to know a woman: courtship and attraction. If you base your relationship on ATTRACTION, the approach is very different from courtship.

If you are caring for a woman, then her first reaction will be to "run away", and this turns you on even more, and you continue to run after her.

And if a girl likes you, then her natural reaction is to want to stalk you. This subtle, subtle difference makes up all the diversity of the world.

5. Dominate

Courtship is based on your ACTIONS, PROPOSALS and what you GIVE, which mainly means gifts, dinners, flowers, compliments, etc.

Attraction includes ways of communicating, your personality traits, and masculinity. Courtship involves the strategy of "becoming a friend", you have to be very nice to please her.

Attraction doesn't mean all of this, because a woman doesn't have to like you to feel attracted to you.

Courtship is a challenge, and attraction is a challenge. Courtship means to be a worshiper, submissive and weak; attraction is leadership, strength, and dominance.

Stop courting, start getting her attention, and you won't BELIEVE how it will turn your relationship with the woman upside down.

6. Be strong

Women change their minds about a man if they see that he is behaving confidently. Therefore, you need to show the girl that you are one of those rare guys.

And if she told you that the other guy is interested in her, or that she is busy tonight, then you must understand that she is just testing you.

Simply answer, “Come on, I know it's not true,” and she will understand. And more importantly, she will understand that she is dealing with a real man.

7. Stay on course

Most men immediately orient themselves towards courting a woman and finding her location. She leads, you follow her.

In fact, she doesn't even lead. It's just that a man is trying to convince her of this with the help of appropriate questions and body movements.

This terrible mistake that will get you nowhere. Instead, stick to your course, even if it is not "being pursued." Let her change her behavior, body language, mood according to your behavior.

Never let her be ahead. Show her that you are from the category of men who are used to being the captain of their ship, and this will undoubtedly attract her.

8. Never stop halfway and explain your actions.

If you've done something that seems to upset the woman, don't try to apologize or do anything to cheer her up.

You don't need to feel or act like a guilty person or show her that you are uncomfortable with what you did. Just act like nothing happened.

Go to next topic or history. If she starts to complain, then just say that it was just a joke, and continue your story further.

If you try to stop and begin to apologize for what you said, then you may feel like it's over for you. If you say something and she doesn't like it, then it's HER problem.

Women often complain, just to see how you will behave in such a situation. And if you do not give in to this, her respect and attraction to you will grow significantly.

9. Show that you are a normal man.

In our world, there are a lot of different idiots, perverts and psychologically unstable guys, so it is very important with all your behavior to demonstrate that you do not belong to such subjects.

Tell the girl that you are busy and hang up without even asking her to come on the date. Make fun of the stupid behavior of other guys who act like weaklings. If she calls you but doesn’t leave a message on your answering machine, tell you she’s stalking you, and normal people leave messages.

Doing so will show her that you are not one of those freaks who desperately want to get into her panties. And she will understand that you are better than those other guys with whom she usually dates.

10. Use her own games on her

We all know that women love to "play different games." And when you turn the situation around and start playing her game with her, it shifts the emphasis in your favor.

One of my favorite games is “You are bad well-bred child and I don't like it. " I don't think it needs explanation.

Others use the method "Let's see who is more interested" and "I am hard to win, and you yourself will come running to me." Use these methods and you will soon find that she realizes that she cannot resist you as a person.