What does old school mean. Cherry tattoo meaning. The meaning of Old School Lightning tattoo

The popularity of tattoos is currently only increasing. Despite such a rather painful and expensive pleasure, more and more people prefer to decorate their bodies with a bright picture that will not disappear over time. The tattoo has quite a a large number of styles. All of them differ from each other in the thickness of the contour, the palette of the colors used, and the technique of execution. The old school style is still recognized as one of the most popular. A tattoo made using this technique is very difficult to confuse with anything and refer to another category. It has a lot of distinctive features that are immediately striking. So, what is this tattoo technique?

A bit of history

This style has half American and European origins. It originated in the 19th century. The first owners of tattoos of this style were sailors. As a rule, for them such a pattern on the body was associated with some kind of memorable event or a person. The knowledge of tattoos came directly to sailors from Polynesia, the islands of which are located in the Pacific Ocean. The first sketches of such decorations on the bodies of the local population were brought by Captain Cook after exploring Tahiti, Hawaii, and Zeeland. However, those drawings were very different from modern ones.

Main motives

Old school tattoo has pronounced characteristic distinctive features... First of all, the motives of the drawing are strictly observed. Since the first owners of this kind of tattoos were sailors, the themes related to sailing on ships were taken as the basis for the sketches. Drawings very often depict various waves, charming women, anchors, crosses, mermaids, roses (these are the flowers). Various inscriptions and quotes are also widely used, and they can be done in any language. More often than not, masters perform stars and hearts with daggers in this technique. Old school tattoo "sleeves" have also become quite common. What is it? The hand from the wrist to the end of the shoulder is completely covered with drawings, between which, as a rule, there is no free space, that is, the tattoo is solid. Moreover, it can consist of separate sketches that the master connects to each other. The "sleeve" is performed in uniform style... Old school technique in this case very popular. The sleeves are bright, crisp and rich.

Technique of execution

The main distinctive features of these tattoos are as follows. Bright simple colors(black, red, blue, white, green). The paint is made dense, opaque. But color is possible smooth transitions, shadows. In general, the drawing turns out to be far from realism, but very juicy and bright. Contrast adds a wide black outline. it required condition for old school style. A tattoo, as a rule, does not lose brightness over time, does not lose clarity and does not blur into a stain (if, of course, it was performed by a qualified master with high-quality materials).

The most successful places for application

In this case, there is no particular rigor in choosing the location of the picture. Basically, tattoos of this style are done in prominent places - for example, on the arms, chest, wrist, abdomen, calves, ribs. The last option the most painful, since there are many nerve endings and the skin is close to the bones. The same goes for the wrist. But the shoulder is the most painless option for tattooing. Basically, you can make a drawing like this anywhere. It's not that important. The main thing is the meaning that is put into the tattoo. There are also general views about the meaning of such pictures. However, it should be remembered that today a tattoo is perceived exclusively as beautiful picture on the body, no more.

Old school tattoo: meaning and meaning

Let's consider the most common motives. Classic version- anchor. In the West, its popularity has been at its height for a couple of hundred years. And the symbolism of such an image is very ancient. Its roots go deep into history for about two millennia. Such a symbol was considered a real guiding star protecting sailors. An old school tattoo with an anchor helped to stay on course and clearly follow the chosen goal. Another meaning of such a pattern is to always remain oneself, steadfastly withstand all headwinds and currents.

The second, no less successful and popular, subject for a tattoo in the style of old school is a swallow. In this case, it turns out to be a little cartoonish. This bird brings good luck and happiness to its owner. Ladies do them, as a rule, in the clavicle, on the back or near the ankle. However, male old school tattoos are also often created on the basis of images of pretty swallows. True, maybe not so colorful and feminine. As for the same sailor, he will only get such a tattoo if he walks 5000 through the water. For him, the swallow symbolizes a safe return to his native shore. After all, this bird is sure sign the fact that somewhere near the earth. Two swallows are perceived as a good trip.

Quite often, old school tattoos had religious significance for its owner. A prime example is a rock of ages. It is considered a true classic in Christian allegory. These are hopes, protection and support. It is believed that such a tattoo served as a talisman for a sailor. Very often, such a picture was combined with any inscriptions like "Hold on!" This was supposed to keep the person in difficult situation and instill confidence in the best.

Old school rose tattoo is another interesting moment the style in question. She is a symbol of a special pure love, passion, but also chastity. A huge role the color plays joy, white - respect and reverence, orange - joy. The red rose, of course, is associated with love in all its forms.

Choosing a master

The person you are going to entrust yours to precious body must be a real professional. Such people have diplomas of completed training, very often art education, as well as a fairly voluminous portfolio (examples of previously completed work). If the master refuses to draw a sketch for you on his own (even for a fee), you should be wary. Try to get tattoos exclusively in salons, where a written contract is preliminarily concluded. This will save you from further problems in the event of a low-quality drawing.

How to care

Old school tattoo needs exactly the same method of healing as all other drawings applied with a needle under the skin. After the end of the session, the master will apply you a special compress from the film so that you can safely get home. The film will prevent clothing from sticking to the fresh print and causing discomfort. In the early days, the tattoo will ooze with blood. It is necessary in mandatory wash off gently warm water... This should be done as moisture forms. After rinsing, it must be applied to the tattoo thin layer special ointment. The name will be prompted by the master himself. Do not scratch the drawing under any circumstances, do not peel off the exfoliating upper layer, do not sunbathe, do not visit the solarium, do not drink alcohol!

2 Times go by, fashion goes away, but the world is arranged in such a way that nothing in it disappears without a trace. Over time, designers, in the absence of new ideas, begin to reuse the developments of their ancestors, making minor changes to their products. Today, as you understand, we will talk about such a concept as Old school, which means you can read it a little later.
However, before continuing, I would like to recommend that you read a few more popular articles on the subject of fashion slang. For example, what does Exclusive mean, what does the word Rastafarai mean, what is Hype gear, how to understand the word Choker, etc.
So let's continue what does old school mean? This term was borrowed from of English language and consists of two words "Old" and "School", the first can be translated as "old" and the second as "school".

Old school- is a way of life, the main purpose of which is expressed in reverence for the past tense, and their inherent artifacts and other phenomena, for example, films, clothes, computer toys, films, etc.

Old school in fashion- means the fashions of bygone times, such as clothes and hairstyles of the 80s

Old school for gamers- this is a commitment to old toys like the same DOOM or the first Quake, you can also add fans of the first consoles to this galaxy. Sometimes oldschoolers are called gamers with vast experience in computer competitions and looking down on Nubas.

Synonym for old school: oldfag.
Synonym for old school: antiquity, tradition, classic.

It should be noted that Old school and Retro, that's two different concepts, practically unrelated to each other, although in some cases the line between these phenomena is rather blurred.
A retromaniac is a person who is an adherent of mass fashion, a culture inherent in a specific time period, while an old school student is closely "tied" to his subjective experiences.

For an old man, the period of the change of eras is very important, for example, this is the beginning of the 90s in Russia, the heyday of liberal madness. In this case oldsculler feels nostalgia for those difficult times, for the fact that he will never return. It must be admitted that in some countries of Eastern Europe there is a similar phenomenon, for example, the Germans are nostalgic for the GDR (Ostalgia), and in Yugoslavia - Yugonostalgia. And this can be understood by looking at the liberal sabbath, which is now happening with the knowledge and with the direct participation of the American elites.

On radio Mayak, there was even a program at one time, which was called " Old school with Mitrofanova", it defined a clear period for music related to old school - these are all songs and melodies created before 1999.

By the way, today there are photographers who proudly call themselves old school photo artists. They disdain digital cameras and try to do everything the old fashioned way, as their grandfathers and great-grandfathers did. Therefore, such an old-school photographer has in his store several "cool" film cameras, in the line of which there is certainly an unsurpassed one " Zenith". He is with hard work I got myself a bath for development, all the chemicals, a photomagnifier and many other necessary gizmos from the past, and amazes his friends with his fanaticism.

Old school music lover necessarily has a Soviet stereo system at home, a set

Tattoos can be very diverse. But few people know that there are different styles of drawing. The most popular are Old school and New School.

Old school

Old School tattoos were one of the first to appear, as the name of the style says, which literally translates as “ old school". They were first discovered in the 19th century. According to rumors, a sailor was the first to put such an image on his body.

Later, this tradition became popular among other sailors, and this, undoubtedly, left an imprint on the direction. Such tattoos were especially popular in America and some European countries.

Style features

Old School style has several distinctive features:

  • Crisp and bold black outlines.
  • Utterly simple forms, for the correctness of which it is not at all necessary to follow. All lines are roughly the same thickness. The proportions may be incorrect, and this gives the images a special chic and originality.
  • Bright colors. Tones such as red, blue, green, orange and yellow are especially popular.
  • Utterly simple plots and practically complete absence meaning, especially hidden and deep. When you look at such images, everything immediately becomes clear.

Who are these tattoos suitable for?

Old School tattoos are originally male images, because before they were applied exclusively by sailors. But later, when new ones began to appear youth subcultures, girls also began to pay attention to such tattoos. And yet on female body they look pretty rough.

Popular images and their meanings

Initially, sailors setting off on long voyages got tattoos as reminders of home and loved ones. They also immortalized on their bodies the names of the cities they visited, or the names significant people encountered on the way. Particularly popular was nautical theme... Images of fish, mermaids and other inhabitants were often used. underwater world, both real and non-existent.

A wide variety of birds, especially swallows and gulls, are also relevant. And since in those days they were popular gambling, then sailors often applied drawings of cards, dice. Also on the bodies could be found pistols, hearts, ribbons with inscriptions, female silhouettes etc.

Some tattoos meanings:

  • Knives, skulls and daggers remind that life is priceless, and death can overtake at any moment.
  • Heart and rose are personified with love, feelings.
  • A swallow, hands folded in prayer, and a dove bring good luck.
  • A compass and anchor will help you stay on track.
  • The image of a razor earlier could indicate that a person uses drugs (cocaine was divided into "tracks" by this very subject).
  • The dice symbolized luck, luck.

New school

The New School style is becoming more and more popular. And what is it? The name translates as “ new school". And such a direction appeared in the 80s of the last century.

There are several directions:

  • Wild style is like graffiti.
  • "Acid" and "Ecstasy" are psychedelic images, similar to the hallucinations that occur during drug intoxication.
  • The "Comic" style is characterized by the depiction of comic book characters.
  • "Cyberpunk" is the use in images computer games and advances in new technologies.


Main features of New School style tattoos:

  • The presence of a storyline. Not just characters can be portrayed, but entire phenomena and processes.
  • Outlines are present, but they can be subtle and done in different colors. And sometimes they are not needed at all.
  • Usage bright colors and halftones.
  • Volumetric drawings created by unpainted parts.
  • A special meaning, saturated with subtle humor. Some of the images are philosophical.

Who are they suitable for?

Images in the style of New School can be called universal, since they are found as a purely women tattoos as well as suitable for men. But they are usually chosen by creative, bright, courageous, intellectually developed and having own point vision.


Drawings will depend on the direction of the style, but non-existent and fictional characters are often used, for example, cartoon characters. In addition, the characters can do something, and it is the movement in the drawing that carries a certain meaning.

If you - bright personality then be sure to get a bold tattoo!