Depilation and epilation: what is the difference and the main difference. Let's describe the main points of different types of depilation and epilation. "Sweet" removal of problem hair

One of the stages of effective body care is getting rid of unwanted hair. To do this, you need to choose the method that suits you. Many girls are interested in the difference between epilation and depilation - it lies in the duration of the effect, the specifics of the procedure and the cost of the procedure. These methods have their pros and cons, and it's impossible to say which one is the best.

The difference

Getting rid of unwanted hair is an integral part of every girl's hygienic self-care. Ways such as hair removal and depilation will help to achieve smooth skin. Often these two concepts are considered synonymous, but this is not the case. These procedures are united only by the process of hair removal, but not by the technique.

What is the difference between them:

  1. When epilation is complete removal of the hair along with its root part. During the procedure, damage is inflicted on the follicle (safe for the girl), which, as a result, further prevents hair growth. For a lasting effect, you will need a course of 5-10 sessions. It will take a sufficient amount of time and financial investment.
  2. Depilation is considered a less effective method, since only the visible part of the hair located on the surface of the dermis is eliminated. It will take a little time, but the effect will not last long.

Epilation types

Experts note that any type of procedure should be carried out exclusively by a professional using special equipment. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages.

After completing the full course (you need from 5 to 10 trips to the salon), you can get rid of unwanted body hair for a very long time.

  1. Electrolysis. The hairs are influenced by a special needle that conducts a current, which leads to the destruction of the follicle. This method is suitable for girls with any skin tone and hair structure. But it should not be done if you have high light sensitivity. The procedure takes a long time, since each hair is processed separately and is accompanied by quite strong painful sensations.

  2. Laser hair removal. During the removal process, the laser beam has a powerful effect on the color pigment in the follicle - as a result, it breaks down and hairs will no longer grow. The best effect is obtained if the girl has light skin and dark hair. The procedure is practically painless; only a slight tingling sensation can be felt during it. After that, scars are not formed.

  3. Photoepilation. The process by which a light beam is exposed to the root area of ​​the follicle. Suitable for all types of dermis, including even tanned ones.

Important! If you just recently returned from the sea or were in a solarium, then the trip to epilation should be postponed. Since the skin with a fresh tan is especially at risk of severe burns.

Types of depilation

The most common methods of depilation and possible contraindications to them:

  1. Depilatory cream. Thanks to a special composition left on a specific area for 3-6 minutes, the product removes the upper part of the hairs. Fast process, the result of which is enough for 7-10 days. After it, there is no irritation and pain.

    Important! The removal procedure is accompanied by the release of hydrogen sulfide, and this, with frequent use of the cream, can cause allergic reactions.

  2. Shaver. Fast, simple and inexpensive way of depilation. But the effect is enough for him literally for a couple of days, and after that irritations, cuts, pustules and ingrown hairs may form.

  3. Epilator. A special device that can be used at home. Pulls hairs out by the roots and keeps skin smoother for up to 14 days. Girls note some soreness of the process and hair ingrowth.

  4. ... It is also often called bioepilation, since removal occurs with a natural product - molten sugar. It is applied to the dermis, hardens in a couple of seconds, and then breaks off along with unwanted vegetation. The method is inexpensive but effective. After each session, the hairs become thinner.

  5. Wax strips. In this case, epilation is carried out not with sugar, but with the help of melted wax, which is applied to a cloth. The principle of action is similar to shugaring, but it is accompanied by stronger painful sensations. As the hair is pulled out by the root, it is smooth for up to 21 days.

    Every girl dreams not only of beautiful skin, but also of well-groomed hands. In detail about fashion trends in manicure for fall 2018.

    Each of the types has its own advantages and disadvantages, having studied which you can easily determine the best one for you. The main criteria are the type of skin, its color, hair thickness, pain threshold, as well as time and financial costs.

In the names of hair removal procedures, we most often hear the words "epilation" and "depilation", are they synonymous or are they completely different procedures? These names are often confused even by experts. However, there is a fundamental difference.

Depilation is the removal of the hair shaft above the surface of the skin, or the removal of hair from the root, but without damaging the hair follicle itself.

Epilation is the removal of hair with the root part, in which damage to the follicular apparatus necessarily occurs, which creates chances for the permanent cessation of hair growth.

Depilatory methods are mostly used independently at home, but some of them are used by professionals in salons, and hair removal is the prerogative of a specialist with a medical education.

And then what methods are referred to as depilation, and which to epilation? For example, is hair removal with wax hair removal or depilation?

Indeed, the confusion with the terms is significant. The same wax depilation is called "bioepilation", although it does not at all claim to destroy the hair follicle, but this name has become so strong that it has become more familiar and understandable than the correct "biodepilation". Or devices for home use, which are called "epilators", it would be much more correct to call "depilators".

Before the appearance of methods for destroying hair follicles and follicles, epilation meant removing hair from the root part, then the terminology was revised, but out of habit the old names are also used.

There are several different types of hair removal:

Shaving - mechanical removal (cutting) of the supercutaneous part of the hair, the hair root and follicle remains intact.

Chemical depilation with lotions, powders, foams, creams based on substances that can dissolve the supercutaneous part of the hair, the hair root is practically not affected, the hair follicle remains intact.

Hair removal with tweezers, thread (threading), epilator - mechanical hair removal from the root without affecting the follicle.

Waxing - hair removal from the root without damaging the follicle. This implies two methods: using hot (hard) wax and cold (soft) wax. The first method is practiced mainly in salons, because heating the wax and controlling its temperature is troublesome. The second method is used both in beauty salons and at home.

Sugaring - the meaning of this procedure is very similar to waxing, but instead of wax, a warm, thick, sugar-containing paste is used.

The main types of hair removal include:

Electrolysis and electrolysis - destruction of the hair root and follicle with a low electric current. There are 3 main methods of electrolysis: galvanic method (direct current), thermolysis (alternating current) and blend method (combination of direct current and alternating current).

Light hair removal is based on damage and destruction of hair follicles and / or hair follicles by light rays. The main methods of light hair removal are laser hair removal (using a specialized laser device) and photoepilation (using a flash lamp that gives off intense flashes of light - IPL). Both methods exploit the unique ability of the pigment melanin, which color the skin and hair, to absorb light energy.

Combined type of epilation - ELOS. The abbreviation ELOS stands for ELECTRO - Optical Synergy (joint action). Electro means bipolar RF energy (RF energy), and optical means pulsed light or just light energy (IPL or Laser).

What methods can modern cosmetology offer us for hair removal?
Today, in order to achieve absolutely smooth skin, there are various methods of epilation and depilation. First, let's figure out what is the difference between them.

is a hair removal that does not affect the hair follicle (follicle). Hair will grow back anyway. At epilation the hair is removed along with the hair follicle. As a result, its growth stops.

All options depilation, except, perhaps, enzyme methods, are easily applied at home. These include: shaving hair;

  1. chemical dissolution of hair with depilatory creams;
  2. enzyme methods (destruction of hair with enzymes);
  3. using a depilatory machine;
  4. applying wax.
  5. sugaring and sweet depilation
Shaving hair- the easiest and most painless method. The speed and ease of use of the razor is impressive. And if you take into account the fact that it also exfoliates dead skin cells, it seems that nothing can be more perfect than a razor. But, unfortunately, only the top of the hair is destroyed, its bulb remains in place. Therefore, within two to three days after shaving, new prickly hairs appear.
Frequent shaving can lead to ingrown hairs and soreness, especially during hot seasons. To avoid these problems, it is enough to take a five-minute hot shower. It will steam out the skin and soften the hairs, which will help you to shave more efficiently and without consequences. But remember, you should never try to dry-shave your hair!

Depilatory creams
Another popular depilation method is cream. After using it, the skin remains smooth for about a week, and hairs become thinner over time. But the apparent simplicity, speed and ease of use (apply and wash off in time) are compensated by the appearance of irritation and an unpleasant odor. If there are scratches at the depilation site, then the use of creams should be postponed. Before such depilation, it is necessary to test for skin irritation. To do this, the cream is applied to a sensitive area, for example, on the inner fold of the elbow. The reaction usually occurs within 24 hours.

Enzyme method
It is based on a thermochemical effect on the hair growth zone. The preparation, which includes special enzymes from the group of enzymes that destroy the germ cells of the hair and stop their growth, is applied to the areas that the patient wants to depilate. Thermal bands are applied on top. Then computer equipment comes into play, with its help the chemical composition quickly penetrates the hair follicle and more actively destroys it. The remaining hairs are removed with wax at a low temperature. Experts say that the full course has a lasting positive effect.

Depilatory machine- These are small and affordable mechanized tweezers that pull hairs "by the roots". To mitigate the discomfort, manufacturers have developed methods such as cooling strips, vibrating nozzles, rubber spikes, and the like.
It is worth considering that there are two types of cars: with a vibrating spring and with rotating plates.
In a typewriter with a vibrating spring, the hairs get stuck between the loops and when the springs are reversed, they are pulled out by the roots. Machines with rotating plates work according to the so-called "tweezers principle". Inside them are embedded metal elements that converge and diverge when rotating. You can use such devices only if there is no inflammation in the depilation area.

What our ancestors did not have to do to get rid of "increased hairiness". In ancient Rome, women used products made from a mixture of honey and beeswax. In the East, in addition to various chemical compositions of resins, herbs and minerals - analogues of today's depilatory creams, there was a special ritual of removal: with the help of a coarse thread, the hair was twisted and then pulled out with a sharp movement. In France in the Middle Ages, ladies pulled out hairs with tweezers.

Wax application

There are three types of wax depilation: hot, warm and cold. The difference between them is only in the temperature of the wax. The hotter it is, the less painful the procedure is. At home, warm or cold wax is usually used.

Let's start with the "warm option". On sale there are special cassettes filled with wax, and an apparatus for warming it up. The cassette is inserted into the device, and after 15-20 minutes the procedure can be started. The composition is applied in the direction of hair growth. Then the paper that comes with the wax cassettes is applied and smoothed over the treated area. Then it breaks off with a sharp movement against the growth of the hair.

Apply cold wax to small areas of the skin. It is convenient to use wax strips, for example, on trips, because with their help you can easily remove regrown hairs. But it should be remembered that you need to tear off the plate abruptly, otherwise the procedure will be accompanied by strong pain. In addition, you have to contend with the remaining wax on your skin, which is difficult to remove.

The hot wax method of hair removal is more commonly practiced in beauty salons. The composition is applied in the direction of hair growth. At this time, the skin heats up, the pores open, and hair removal along with wax is almost painless and easy. When using the "hot method", you need to keep in mind that there is a possibility of burns, and therefore you need to trust yourself only to professionals.

Wax depilation will get rid of excess vegetation for about a month. Do not take a hot shower after the procedure. Experts advise treating the affected area with anti-inflammatory solutions. In addition, there are soothing lotions that can help your skin heal faster after depilation. It is also not recommended to use wax during your period. For patients with epilepsy, diabetes, thrombosis or varicose veins, this method is contraindicated.

Now people are increasingly giving preference to natural products, so they return to old recipes and traditions.
The system of professional SPA - depilation with sugar very accurately fits the definition of SPA, because it is a comprehensive self-care based on traditional oriental recipes and modern scientific developments. It is a 100% natural product based on water, lemon juice, sugar and a complex of extracts to relieve irritation and slow hair growth.

Shugaring- the most effective method of temporary means of removing unwanted hair, because it works in several directions:
- depilation (envelops hairs and removes them from the root, without breaking)
- peeling (penetrates the pores, loosens the dry stratum corneum)
- moisturizing (the extracts included in the composition gently moisturize the skin)
- removal of irritation (extracts contribute to the rapid healing of microtraumas).
- suppression of hair growth (contains extracts that slow down hair growth)
Sweet depilation is similar in principle to wax depilation, but instead of wax, a thick sugar paste is used, which has a number of advantages. Sugar depilation is used on any part of the skin, including delicate areas, the bikini area, armpits, "antennae" and is especially good for legs, where many women, after using wax, have a problem of ingrown hairs, as well as severe irritation and redness.

The main feature of this depilation method is that the hair after removal does not grow for 3-5 weeks, and the skin suffers much less than when using wax. Sugar hair removal is less painful than waxing, because the paste adheres to the hair without affecting the skin, it is applied both slightly warmed up and at room temperature, eliminating the possibility of burns. The hairs are removed from the root without breaking off, which significantly affects the long-term results and the absence of prickly bristles, and the newly growing hairs are soft at the end, because they are formed from scratch in the hair follicle. Since the sugar paste is water-based, it can be easily washed off with warm water. The result of sugar depilation is super smooth skin like a baby's !!!

Sweet depilation

Unlike wax and shugaring, caramel applied to the body at room temperature.
The composition of caramel includes: vegetable glue, sugar, honey, lemon.
Lack of chemical additives and dyes.
Immediately after application caramel on the treated area of ​​the body, under the influence of heat
the hands of the beautician and the skin of the client, the caramel becomes more plastic.
In this case, overheating of the skin is excluded, which makes it possible to use it for varicose veins.
Caramel is applied to the skin against hair growth, removed by hair growth, so the likelihood of ingrown hairs is reduced, and the method of hair removal using caramel has a number of advantages:
no stretching of the skin; caramel residues are easily washed off; no swelling and redness

To methods epilation include:

  1. electrolysis;
  2. laser hair removal;
  3. photoepilation
  4. Elos hair removal


This method appeared a long time ago, back in the 30s of the last century. With electrolysis, hair removal occurs using an alternating electric current of high frequency and great strength. Using a magnifying glass, the beautician inserts a thin needle into the hair follicle and delivers an electrical discharge. Under its influence, part of the bulb is destroyed and it loses the ability to produce new hair.
Electrolysis needles are available in insulated, gold-plated (silver-plated) and medical steel. The insulated needle reduces the possibility of subcutaneous scarring and increases the efficiency of the electrolysis procedure, allowing the current energy to penetrate deeper into the hair follicle.
The Golden Needle is intended primarily for people suffering from allergies and skin sensitivities, as well as those whose skin reacts negatively to standard medical alloy needles.
The medical steel needle is made of an alloy of nickel and chromium, which is used in the manufacture of delicate surgical instruments.
Electrolysis is a rather painful method. In addition, if the procedure is carried out incorrectly, side effects in the form of burns, scars and spots are possible. Therefore, it is so important to contact a professional beautician. Completely miraculous vegetation removal will occur after three sessions. Repeated sessions are tolerated less painfully than the first. After the procedure, the skin turns slightly red, which is considered normal. After a few hours, the redness subsides and small crusts appear, which dry up and fall off after two days. It should be remembered that after electrolysis, you can sunbathe only with the use of sunscreens.

Laser hair removal
With laser hair removal, the same method of influencing the hair follicle is used as with electrolysis, only a laser beam serves as a "weapon" in this case. The main advantage of this method is the fact that the process is practically painless. But the procedure takes quite a long time (from 4 to 6 hours - legs). The main limitations of laser hair removal are light hair or dark skin. Currently, there are three types of lasers: ruby, alexandrite and diode.
There is no significant difference between the two. It is not recommended to apply laser hair removal to pigmented areas of the skin, for example, nipple halos.
Before the procedure, the treated area is carefully shaved or the hair is removed with a cream.
After the procedure, it is advisable not to be in direct sunlight, not to sunbathe, including in a solarium, during the first two to three days. For the same period of time, it is necessary to limit water procedures (bath, sauna, pool). In the summer, before going outside, it is recommended to apply sunscreen with a filter of at least 30 protection units to the treated skin areas.

During photoepilation, a high-density light flux burns out the hair follicle and thereby prevents its further growth. True, the hair does not leave the bulb immediately, but only after a day. Before the procedure, a cooling gel is applied to the skin area requiring epilation, which absorbs the thermal energy generated by the light flash.
The main advantages of photoepilation are:
the possibility of applying on any type of skin, hair color also does not matter;
the procedure is much faster than with laser hair removal (1-2 hours for leg hair removal);
the ability to epilate even intimate places.
There is a misconception that photo and laser hair removal can lead to extensive burns and scars. This is not entirely true - burns do happen, but they are shallow and not so severe as to lead to scarring.
But in any case, whichever method of removing excess hair you choose, remember that you should consult a professional cosmetologist who, depending on your wishes, the characteristics of the hairline, skin type and financial capabilities, will select the most convenient option for you.

ELOS hair removal
The new technology summarizes all the advantages of existing technologies (photo-, laser-, electro-), combines electrical and optical energy and eliminates their disadvantages. That is, during the procedure, the hair follicle is destroyed under the simultaneous action of the energy of a high-frequency light pulse and current. The abbreviation ELOS stands for Electro - Optical Synergy (joint action). Electro means bipolar radio frequency radiation, and optical means pulsed light or just light energy.
The hair removal process is quite calm and enjoyable. You lie down on the couch, put on dark glasses, your skin is protected with a special gel. The cosmetologist treats the skin surface with strong and short flashes of light using a special apparatus. After the procedure, a special spray is applied to the treated surface.
What are the advantages of ELOS hair removal?
1. Elos hair removal - after the procedure, the skin is not injured
2. ELOS epilation - no side effects
3. Elos epilation - comfortable
4. ELOS epilation - hair hardly grows into the skin
5. Elos hair removal - after the procedure you can sunbathe
6. ELOS epilation - applicable for any type of hair and skin

What is the principle of operation of the apparatus?
The elos epilation device includes two energies: bipolar radio frequency and light spectrum energy. First, light energy is applied to the hair. She is attracted by the pigment that is in every hair, even gray. The radio frequency wave then destroys the hair follicle. There is too little light energy to remove the hair, so a bipolar radio frequency wave is used.

What is the difference between Electrolysis and Elos hair removal?

Unlike electrolysis, Elos hair removal is painless, does not leave redness on the skin, it takes less time, does not require special care after the procedure, and also guarantees 100% hair removal

What is the difference between Photo and Elos hair removal?
With the help of Elos hair removal, you can remove any type of hair, while photo hair removal does not destroy gray and light hair. After the procedure, you can sunbathe and take additional cosmetic procedures; with a photo, sunbathing is prohibited for two weeks before and after the procedure.
How long does 1 procedure last and how many procedures are needed?
It all depends on the surface to be treated and on the structure of the hair. At the consultation, the specialist will determine the number of procedures required.
Approximately how many Elos hair removal procedures do you need to do?
The recommended course of procedures is from 4-6 to 10 sessions, it all depends on the individual characteristics of the person.

Brazilian hair removal
In Europe and America, just brazilian- a procedure without which a self-respecting girl from among the "city princesses" cannot live for a month. It's like a drug: you probably know that it will hurt, but you still run to the salon, comforting yourself with the thought that then it will be very beautiful and good.
Why "Brazilian"? It all began in New York in 1987, when seven Brazilian sisters - Josley, Joyce, Janeya, Jussara, Zhdurasi, Judsey and Jonis Padila - founded the J Sisters International salon in Manhattan. It was they who revealed to the whole world that in Brazil, where girls wear tight swimsuits, literally from one piece of fabric, epilation is done in this way, and it is very sexy.
Pictures of celebrities with words of gratitude are hung on the walls of the salon: for example, Gwyneth Paltrow reports that visiting the salon of the sisters changed her life, and Christy Ellie says that “down there,” she now “feels like a baby.” Paula Yates, widow of Michael Hutchence from INXS, in general, flies once a month from London to New York just for this procedure. The fact is that in Europe and Great Britain, "Brazilian" hair removal is not done in every salon, and it is not easy to find a good specialist. "Brazilian" hair removal makes you feel sexy and fashionable, says the youngest sister, Jonis. “Without her, I don’t even want to make love to my own husband. And he says to me: "Can you go to the salon?" But after the procedure I feel free, attractive and clean again. "
Need to say, " brazilian"Hair removal is, of course, for those girls who, for the sake of beauty, are ready to endure real pain. By the way, I have friends who read books during the procedure and can even doze off easily. Well. And for those who, like me, publish sounds from oohs to squeals, I convey the advice of my yoga teacher: "If you want to be beautiful and healthy, make pain your best friend."
The process of epilation itself (for those who are not yet in the know) is not a procedure for those who are shy. In the beautician's office, you will have to strip naked and, lying on a chair, spread your legs wide (the pose is called "frog") - just like in a gynecologist's chair. Then all areas of the body where hair can grow are smeared with hot wax in small strips (including, of course, the labia), and then. Naturally, the wax is ripped off. The result is a thin strip of neatly trimmed pubic hair.
But, of course, for such an intimate procedure you should find your master, in whose professionalism you will be one hundred percent confident and to whom you will go constantly. Well, who doesn't like Rio, let them remain unconvinced.

Bikini design

The service "bikini design" or "intimate haircut", despite its long history of existence, appeared in Russia recently. However, after such a short period of time, bikini designs and intimate hairstyles have gained immense popularity, and have become an art form for professionals.

According to the technology, bikini design is a curly hair removal using almost all existing depilation methods: special creams; wax; laser; electro and photo epilation. The most effective way is bioepilation.

In the salons, the bikini design master offers a range of services, which includes a curly haircut with depilation elements, hair coloring, as well as decorating the hairstyle with decorative elements. The wizard will suggest choosing the best pattern and model of an intimate haircut from the catalog, taking into account the shape of the hips. The color of painting is individually selected for each client. The time of the procedure takes from 1 to 2 hours. The price largely depends on the complexity of the drawing, however, it is quite acceptable for a client not even with the thickest wallet. Be careful when choosing a clinic. It must be remembered that a bikini designer must be not only a professional in his field, but also have creative potential.

Have a great mood and a painless way;)

In preparing the review, materials were used:

REMEMBER: all procedures have limitations and contraindications for use, so consult your master and doctor!

In the fight against excess hairs on the body, both depilation and epilation are currently used. Depilation removes only the upper part of the hair that protrudes above the skin. This method has advantages and disadvantages.

Depilation is the term used to remove hair with a razor or special chemical creams. Of course, this method is quite convenient and painless. Such procedures can be easily carried out in. But many beauticians consider the use of a razor inappropriate.

When you shave off your hair, it grows even more intensively. In addition, the sharp end of shaved hair can grow into the skin and cause inflammation. If you use a razor frequently, over time, the skin will harden and it will become more difficult for hairs to break through the outer layer of the epidermis. This can lead to the development of inflammatory elements on the body. To avoid all these problems, you need to use a scrub more often.

Using a razor is quite dangerous. Shaving can lead to cuts that take a long time to heal. The main disadvantage of this hair removal method is the short-term effect. The skin will remain smooth for only 1-2 days, after which you will need to pick up the razor again.

Depilatory cream allows you to get rid of body hair for about 1 week. But this tool has several disadvantages. It must be used very carefully, as non-observance of the instructions can lead to the formation of light chemical burns or cause serious irritation. The product has a rather unpleasant odor and can cause a burning sensation when applied to the body. This is categorically contraindicated for people with sensitive skin, as well as for those who have abrasions and cuts on the treated areas of the body.

Advantages and disadvantages of hair removal

When carrying out epilation, it is possible to remove the hairs from the skin along with the bulb, or destroy the bulb. The most common type of hair removal is waxing. This method is very effective and efficient.

Hot wax is sold in jars. Before use, such a product must be warmed up and then applied to the skin. Hair can be pulled off by applying and pulling fabric strips from the waxed skin. Cold wax has already been applied to the substrate in an industrial environment. The waxing procedure is quite painful, but effective.

The effect after such epilation lasts for several weeks. Unlike shaving, this method of hair removal does not harm the skin or promote the growth of unwanted vegetation. After each epilation procedure, the hair will become thinner and slower to grow.

In addition to waxing, there is also laser hair removal, electrolysis and photoepilation. All of these methods are very effective, but they are also expensive. However, some of them are able to rid a person of excess hair once and for all in just a few procedures.

According to an ancient legend, the Queen of Sheba, in order to gain the favor of King Solomon, ordered the court doctors to make an ointment from wax with the addition of medicinal herbs to get rid of unwanted vegetation. This marked the beginning of the history of the struggle for smooth skin. The practice of eliminating the problems of special areas of the body has been developing for more than one millennium. In ancient Rome, they were shaved off with a sharpened blade, in the Roman Empire, they were pulled out by thread. Many methods, having evolved, have survived to our days.

Women actively use shaving, eliminate hairs with the help of wax, special creams, and a laser.

The secret of Persian beauties occupies a special place among the ways to make the skin smooth. Hair removal with caramel paste has gained unprecedented popularity over the past few years.

The beauty industry is constantly introducing new methods of dealing with body hair.

What is the Difference Between Hair Removal and Depilation

Only you decide which method is better: depilation, epilation or regular shaving. Often women do not see the difference between the definitions, believing that they are one and the same. Is it so? There is controversy over the correct terminology. In fact, there is no unambiguous definition of these concepts.

The generally accepted European interpretation: depilation - removal of the upper part of the hair to the follicle, without affecting it. Provides for pulling out the rod, which is easy to grip. Usually defined as mechanical action - shaving, depilatory creams.

Removing the entire hair, including the follicle, is epilation. The process consists of actions aimed at destroying the structure of the hair follicle, weakening it, slowing growth.

Sugaring means hair removal using a sugar mixture

In Soviet and post-Soviet medicine, the definition of terms was significantly different:

  • Epilation is the elimination of hair for cosmetic or medical purposes.
  • Depilation is a type of epilation that provides a temporary effect, without affecting the hair follicle, does not prevent further growth.

Today, European definitions of concepts have become widespread, so modern cosmetologists use the term "epilation" for procedures with wax strips, however, the expression "waxing" is also not considered a mistake, if we start from the terminology traditional for our country. Sugaring is a deep hair removal. Due to its consistency, the caramel paste penetrates deeper than the wax and removes hairs more effectively.

"Sweet" removal of problem hair

For a long time, women have used home epilators to fight for skin smoothness. Compact machines are always at hand, they can be taken on vacation, the process does not require special preparations. Many are accustomed to comfortable use, turning a blind eye to the main drawback - the painfulness of the procedure.

The caramel composition, in addition to removing hair, makes the skin velvety and smooth

The emergence of a new method has put many before a choice: an epilator or a sugaring? Gradually, the method of Persian beauties supplanted the epilator machines. Removing with sugar paste has many benefits:

  • does not cause irritation, including on sensitive skin;
  • carried out in several stages, a small number of hairs are removed at a time, therefore it causes a minimum of pain;
  • you can make shugaring paste yourself;
  • warm sugar balls are used for the procedure, not hot, the skin is not injured;
  • weakens the hair follicle, hair grows thin, prevents the formation of ingrown hair, inflammation;
  • used on all parts of the body, all skin types;
  • has a peeling effect;
  • the skin remains smooth for up to 6 weeks.

It is problematic to epilate with a sugar solution at home. This requires a lot of preparation and skill. Many women seek help from qualified specialists, because the advantages of the procedure outweigh all the disadvantages.

What is the difference between shugaring and waxing

Modern beauty salons offer clients several types of hair removal. Superiority belongs to waxing and the newfangled method - shugaring. What are the main differences between these types of problem areas?

Paste, unlike wax, penetrates deeper, allows you to remove hairs of less length (2-4 mm). The wax is powerless in front of rods shorter than 5 mm, since it captures only the part that is located on the surface.

Pulling out hair with wax against their growth injures the hair shaft, provoking bending.

The paste removes hair in short strokes in the direction of growth. The possibility of inflammatory processes is minimal.

Many beauties, choosing between waxing and shugaring, prefer the second, appreciating its merits

Varicose veins are a contraindication to the use of wax, which heats up to 40 ° C. Sugar balls are used slightly warm, have fewer contraindications.

The wax provides for a single application to the entire area to be epilated. With sugarning, removal is performed in several approaches, the procedure is less painful.

Remains of the paste are washed off with water, no special oils or solvents are required.

Contraindications for conducting

Like any cosmetic manipulation, shugarning has a number of contraindications:

  • diabetes;
  • low blood clotting;
  • thrombosis with inflammation of the vein wall, thrombus formation;
  • dermatological diseases;
  • damage, skin irritation.

Shugaring is not a panacea for problematic vegetation, but, provided it is carried out correctly, this method can be the best solution for removing unwanted hair in terms of the ratio of the achieved effect and the amount spent.