A long nail on the index finger of a man. Why do men need a long pinky nail

I have always been tormented by the question of why guys and men grow a pinky nail, but I would never have been interested in this topic if I had not seen this long pinky nail on my fifty-year-old boss, and then on several more decent-looking older men from the number of clients of the firm I work for. It became very interesting to me why men need these long nails on their little fingers, and I turned to the Internet for answers.

On the Internet, I found many interesting versions on the topic of long male nails. For example, it was previously believed that among the thieves' fraternity, card sharpers, bagmen (thieves who, in public transport, cut packages and bags of thin materials from unsuspecting citizens with their fingernails) and burglars who open locks with their fingernails, grow a fingernail on their little fingers. I can't imagine how you can open the lock of the front door with your fingernail. Although it may be possible to open a mailbox or case with a fingernail. In the colony, this was a sign of authority, because the significant figures of the criminal world, while in prison, did not work and led a rather free lifestyle, which allowed them to take care of their nails and grow them.

And I also read that in China it was considered a good omen to grow a nail on the little finger, which should reach the end of the phalanx of the ring finger, supposedly this is a great monetary success. The continuation of the Chinese belief says that if this nail breaks off, then this is to the loss of a loved one, so the nail was cherished and cherished in every possible way, cherished, carefully filed and boasted to everyone, they say, there is a lot of money and relatives are healthy. Another strange version of many Muslims is that a long nail on the little finger drives away evil spirits.

Many believe that a long nail on the little finger is grown by the gay bohemian elite and men with "bad habits" who measure the dose with the help of a fingernail (I think it's clear who we are talking about). A long nail on the little finger is considered by some to be the hallmark of Freemasons, Kabbalists and other Satanists. By the way, now many young guys have begun to grow long nails, as an attribute of vampire fashion. Over the past few years, there have been many series about vampires, about their life and relationships. In the films, vampires were humanized and made human with some features, but with ordinary human emotions and desires (in films, vampires even have sex, which should be unnatural for a cold-blooded creature). These characters attract teenagers with their invulnerability and at the same time sensitivity and sexuality. Many teenagers want to imitate these characters at least outwardly. And it’s just that most vampires in films have a good manicure (elongated nails) and this external feature is the easiest to copy.

The most dubious version for me, which I found on several forums about why men grow a nail on their little fingers, is to attract women. To be honest, I have not met a single girl who would like this same nail. The paradox is that the women themselves, who grow long nails, cannot stand it when the guys have a white stripe of the nail more than two millimeters. A long nail on the little finger in most women is generally disgusting. Perhaps some men believe that since women find their long nails attractive, then this will add attractiveness to male long-nail carriers.

To find out the truth and dispel all the most ridiculous arguments, I decided to interview my many friends and acquaintances on social networks and received answers from more than 200 men of different ages. After grouping the responses, here's what I ended up with.

160 men out of 200 honestly admitted that a long nail on at least one finger allows them to:

  • getting boogers out of the nose (this is the most common answer);
  • picking out ear wax when it pawns the ear or just itches (the second most popular answer);
  • get rid of stuck pieces of food in the teeth if there was no toothpick at hand;
  • to pick out the dirt from under the nails;
  • clean the navel from the overgrown crust;
  • rip off sores and burnt skin after sunburn.

The remaining 40 indicated other reasons plus referred to "just because". Of the remaining forty-five men, they said they grew their nails (not just on their little fingers) because it helped them play the guitar. Ten more said that with the help of a fingernail they unscrew screws in computers, laptops, phones, pry off various small nuts, microcircuits, solder wires and other rubbish for repairing computer and other equipment.

Four guys grow a nail on their index finger to make it easier to use a push-button phone (yes, not everyone has iPhones and touchscreen phones these days).

Two more work in the jewelry business and one said he grows medium length nails on his thumb and forefinger, and the other grows nails on his right hand. Moreover, the guys themselves said that they have a lot of tweezers of different sizes, but sometimes it is more convenient and faster to cling small pebbles and chain links with their own nails, and the tweezers are often magnetized and they have to be wiped with a special compound.

Another four assured me that it was more convenient for them to count banknotes. One of the guys works as a bank teller and has rather long nails on both hands (he told me a secret that he does a manicure every week), the other three work as taxi drivers and the nail on the little finger helps them count money and separate bills when they stick together.

Five men who are engaged in the repair and decoration of apartments use a long fingernail as a pencil and cutter to make a mark or a mark on the putty wall, on linoleum, on wallpaper. And this is very convenient, because the incision from the nail is not erased or smeared like a pencil, a small scratch from the nail is practically not noticeable.

Two more assured me that they just like taking care of their nails and they hate short-cut nails (I am 100% sure about the orientation of these men, but this is their peculiarity). The rest consider their slightly overgrown nails to be part of their style (all 8 guys are slender build, with long hair, dainty fingers and sophisticated features). A guy with such a slightly elven appearance can afford long nails.

It turns out that for most men, a long nail is just a very practical personal “gadget” that can be very useful in everyday life, in some cases it is also part of the external style attributes, an internal need.

Probably, at least once in our lives we came across men who had a long nail on the last finger and sometimes pointed. It becomes unclear to many why men grow a nail on their little finger, because it does not bring any beauty and looks terrible. As it turned out, this tradition did not originate in our time, but in antiquity and carries a long history. Now this nail in the image of a man may indicate the special tastes and interests of the stronger sex, or his belonging to a particular profession.

For the first time, the tradition of growing back appeared in ancient China, in order to emphasize their high status, men singled out their little fingers. In medieval France, local aristocrats grew a fingernail to scratch at the door. According to those customs, knocking on doors was ugly and only the poor did it, but scratching quietly was the height of decency and nobility. And also the Freemasons had to grow a nail to be different from everyone.

The Masonic secret society waged a constant struggle against Christianity and worked to ensure that all states and nations united into one empire. The main task of the Freemasons was to seize power and educate a new society. In the 18th century, letters were sealed with sealing wax and many grew a fingernail to quickly open the seal, since sometimes a special knife was not at hand and it was very difficult to open the envelope.

The nail was lengthened on the left hand, as the right hand fought with swords and wrote letters with a pen. And if the weapon was intercepted with the left hand, then the little finger was not involved, since the emphasis on the grip of the sword fell on 3 middle fingers. This tradition existed until the 20th century, until the letters began to peck with glue. According to many sources, even Pushkin had a nail on his little finger, which he covered with a cover before going to bed, so as not to accidentally break it.

Well, why do men grow a nail on their little fingers in the modern world? First of all, because they consider it a beautiful addition to their image. It is not clear why they decided so, because all the girls said that they do not like it when a long nail flaunts on the little finger of a man. Of course, it’s beautiful when a man takes care of his hands and does a manicure, but this nail spoils the whole picture.

Other men believe that a long nail on the last finger of the right hand is necessary in order to unscrew something when a screwdriver is not at hand. With such a fingernail, they unscrew small bolts and screws.

A lot of men grow a pinky nail to clean their nose and ears, they say it is very convenient, although not very aesthetically pleasing. Often, drug addicts grow their last fingernail so that they can sniff cocaine or other drugs from it. It is very convenient, besides that just one dose is placed in it and you don’t have to constantly twist a hundred-dollar bill, especially since not every drug addict has one. Another lovers of a long nail on the little finger are gamers. As it turned out, they need a nail on their left little finger in order to win a gambling card game, it helps to quickly and deftly shuffle cards and make marks, which then help them win and indicate the correct bets on time.

Well, of course, not without teenagers, who, in an effort to imitate adults, did not forget about this detail. It seems to them that such a nail will make them more mature and increase their authority over other guys. A long fingernail can often be seen on guitarists; it replaces a plectrum with it in order to make beautiful finger picks on the strings. With difficult finger positions, it is easier to pick up a string with a fingernail.

A long nail may also indicate a man's prison past. So the former jailers are trying to show that in prison they were on a special account and did not do anything difficult and difficult. If we analyze the reasons for growing a nail, then most likely this detail of the male image can be attributed more to a negative quality than a positive one. Today, modern society does not accept this. Women do not like the long nail on the man's hand, it is alarming and repulsive from the stronger sex, creating an obstacle in terms of communication and trust.

In European society, this phenomenon is treated more loyally than in ours. This is understandable, because it was from there that the fashion for growing nails by men came. But in Asia, such a nail will not cause any emotions at all, for them it is absolutely normal. Asians believe that a long nail on the little finger looks very beautiful on a dark male hand and stands out favorably, acting as a kind of decoration.

Why do some men grow a pinky nail: mysticism and professional traditions

In the modern world, where everyone tries to follow fashion and look decent, it becomes incomprehensible why some men grow a nail on their little finger. But there may be several reasons for this.

Often in this way men try to express themselves and stand out from the crowd, showing that he is not like everyone else. Such men are sure that a long nail on the little finger makes them better than others and more unusual.

This is inherent in outrageous people who want to attract attention to themselves. Such unusual manifestations of one's ego include wide holes in the ears, an unusual hairstyle, hair color and even makeup. Men belonging to certain subcultures should look like this and many girls like this appearance of men, although opinions differ here.

A long nail is also often grown by men of different professions. It can be found in a man who works with wood. It helps him to set serifs without using a marker. Builders also use their fingernails to draw dashes on walls, wallpaper, and floors. This is very convenient, since such a label will not be erased and is clearly visible.

Drivers' assistants twist the speed and brake tapes with such a fingernail. Many jewelers have a long nail on their hand, as they work with small details, it is convenient to pick them up and hold the elements with a nail. For the same reasons, repairmen also grow a nail to unscrew bolts, take microcircuits and hold solder wire.

Cashiers and people who deal with money use long nails for convenience when counting money and separating bills.

But this is not all professions. Many men who work with small elements grow several nails at once. For example, on the thumb and forefinger to use them as tweezers or grips.

Chefs have long nails, which they use to correct dishes and decorate before serving. Also, with the help of a nail, cooks taste ready-made dishes. Do not worry, because the chefs keep their hands and nails clean and carefully monitor this. Interested in why some men grow a nail on their little fingers, you may not get a specific answer.

Then you should be wary and it is better not to communicate with such a person, maybe he is hiding something. In today's world, men do this to stand out from the crowd. And some people think it's beautiful. Well-groomed hands and neat nails always attract attention and indicate that a man takes care of himself. A regrown nail is often used in professional activities.

The perception of a person's appearance is a purely personal and individual matter. The concept of upbringing, tact and respect for personal space does not allow you to judge or ask questions regarding the choice of clothes, hairstyles or tattoos. But natural curiosity does not cease to torment women, especially if the interlocutor has some extravagant details. Do not ask embarrassing questions, because today we will satisfy your curiosity by understanding why some men grow a fingernail on their little fingers, looking at the origins of this fashion and dwelling on its modern admirers.

Who grows the nail on the little finger: ancient traditions

The habit of letting go of a long nail on one of the fingers is by no means a new trend. In many cultures, this detail was given a symbolic, occult or purely practical meaning. Sometimes it symbolized belonging to a certain caste or group of people, while the identification mark in the form of a nail could be a secret symbol, or quite generally accepted.

  • In ancient China, not only was it supposed to have a grown nail, but also the required length was clearly regulated. When the hand is in an open position, with straight fingers, the nail of the little finger should have reached the end of the phalanx of the ring finger. Since only wealthy people could not work physically, which means that only wealthy people could grow the desired length, this was an attribute of the upper strata of the population and a sign of wealth. The nail was supposed to be filed and groomed, and its breakage foreshadowed the owner of failure or even the death of loved ones.
  • In Muslim countries, it was believed that a sharp dagger on the most defenseless and small finger serves as a reliable weapon against evil spirits, which protects against their intrigues during sleep. I must say that such a tradition is still alive and relevant, so once in a country where the dominant religion is Islam, why do men grow a nail on their little fingers, you can not ask.
  • European aristocrats, with their characteristic practicality, found a rather ingenious use for this dagger. In the 17th century, when correspondence was sealed with a wax seal, it was convenient to open letters with a fingernail if a special knife was not at hand. The right hand was needed to hold a pen or weapon, but on the left a long nail did not interfere at all.
  • The elegant French of the Middle Ages considered it bad form to knock on the door, making loud noises. During palace intrigues and almost official adultery, it was possible to pay a visit to the favorite without attracting attention by gently scratching at the door with a long fingernail.
  • Members of the Masonic society, in dire need of maintaining their secrecy, came up with various identification marks to identify like-minded people. Passwords, handshakes, symbols, including a disproportionately long pinky nail.

There is no official confirmation that this is how the Masons recognized each other, but even A.S. Pushkin was credited with belonging to the Masonic lodge, based on the poet's love to let go of the nail.

As you can see, the reasons why men grow a long pinky nail were completely different. The more surprising is the fact that such a tradition existed in different countries, with a radically different culture.

The recent past: why men grow a fingernail on their little finger

Over time, sealing wax seals disappeared into oblivion, replaced by ordinary glue. In the past, boudoirs and superstitions remained, but, nevertheless, men continued to wear a long nail on their little fingers into the 20th century. And again, the reasons for this combined fashion and practicality.

  • The nail was used as a cocaine dispenser. Yes, yes, this psychotropic drug was sold legally in pharmacies at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century as a remedy for depression and painkillers. Later, when cocaine was outlawed, drug addicts in Latin America and the United States continued to use the nail of the little finger to measure the required dose, which was known as the nail. Now you understand why Snoop Dogg has such an enviable manicure in the clips.
  • In the vastness of the Soviet Union, by the presence of characteristic tattoos and a long nail, one could unmistakably recognize the authority of the criminal world. In places of deprivation of liberty, there was a strict hierarchy, according to which, individuals were authorities in the zone. Only they could afford not to work while serving their sentence, keeping a long nail. However, a prisoner who did not belong to a privileged number, even if he wanted to, could not afford such a distinctive sign - this was strictly suppressed. Such people can still be found today, and they remain committed to the custom. Therefore, it becomes clear why men grow a nail on their little fingers if they were related to the criminal world.
  • Another reason why men grow a nail on their little finger is a banal scam. A well-known technique of card sharpers and magicians, called "volt", is that after shifting the deck, it can be returned to its original position with one imperceptible movement of the hand. And a long nail serves as a kind of bookmark that separates the two parts of the deck. Thus, the order of the cards remains the same as before the withdrawal - beneficial for the sharper.
  • Railroad workers also had a reason to grow a pinky nail. It is very convenient for assistant drivers to twist the speedometer tape, on which the speed of the train, its stops and stopping distance are recorded. Of course, not all railway workers allowed themselves such extravagance, but in general, it was quite common.
  • The criminals, who were called "pouchers", used a sharp long fingernail to cut thin packages in public transport for the purpose of robbery, and burglars allegedly successfully opened the locks of front doors with their fingernails. Frankly speaking, the version is rather dubious, although the hero of Ilf and Petrov, the great schemer and son of Lieutenant Schmidt, dealt with the closed lock with his fingernail, so everything is possible.

Quite often, representatives of criminal and near-criminal circles had a long nail, which completely discredited the once aristocratic habit. So much so that the prim English have become contemptuous of any person with such a distinction, believing that he is obviously drug addicted.

Why do modern men grow a nail on the little finger

photo from http://www.howcast.com

Despite the fact that cocaine has long been dosed by grams, and criminal authorities look stylish, today it is far from uncommon to meet a man of any age and profession with a long nail on the finger of his right or left hand. And believe me, our contemporaries have no less weighty reasons for having such a distinction than the Masons.

Professional Convenience

If you make a list of those who grow the nail on the little finger of the left hand for professional reasons, it will look like this:

  • guitarists. Musicians playing in the Fingerstyle technique actively use the little finger not only for playing the strings, but also for percussion sounds. Of course, it is much easier to buy fingerpicks (special overlays), but authenticity is important for creative people. In addition, some guitarists note that fingerpicks reduce the sensitivity of finger contact with the string.
  • Artists. Another possible reason why people grow a pinky nail is drawing. In order not to smear the already drawn part of the picture with the edge of the palm, they use the nail of the little finger as a fulcrum, a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich will not spoil the drawing. But in this case, we will not talk about the left, but about the right hand, if we are right-handed.

Bus drivers.

However, not only they - taxi drivers, cashiers and everyone who deals with the manual counting of banknotes, use the nail as a bookmark, allowing you not to lose count. In addition, according to reviews, it is more convenient to separate sticky bills. So the driver, counting money on the go, keeps everything under control. At least in the calculations.

  • Masseurs. More precisely, those of the representatives of the profession who practice acupressure - acupressure. A long thin nail allows you to accurately direct pressure to the points responsible for the state of a particular organ. Acupressure is quite a worthy reason why men grow a nail on their little fingers.
  • People involved in the repair of computers, telephones, household appliances, etc.. According to them, the nail helps to pry small parts, wires, bolts, nuts and other small things. It can even be used as a screwdriver for small fasteners.
  • Jewelers. Tweezers of different sizes, available in the arsenal of jewelry masters, do not at all cancel the fact that sometimes it is more convenient to pry off pebbles or gold links with your own nails. Usually we are talking about the index and thumb of the right hand.
  • Builders-finishers. Making a small mark on plaster, putty, linoleum or wallpaper by running a sharp fingernail over it is much easier and faster than looking for a pencil. Such a strip will not be smeared and will not be erased, remaining almost invisible.

Although it is safe to say that representatives of all these professions would have done their job perfectly well without an overgrown nail. So, most likely, they let him go out of some kind of spiritual commitment, or a desire to be special.

household habits

Some men are quite capable of revelations, and when asked why they grow a nail on their little finger, they directly talk about some everyday habits in which the nail helps them. Perhaps such a motivation will seem like a whim, but you must admit that the habit is quite harmless, and you should not criticize acquaintances or unfamiliar people for their choice.

  • dudes. Guys who take care of their appearance, along with girls, use various styling products. Hairspray and hair gel are full-fledged residents in the male beauty arsenal. But scratching the scalp on which the styling is done, and not damaging it, is not an easy task. A long nail comes to the rescue, easily penetrating to the base of the styling, and relieving itchy sensations.
  • sluts. No matter how much you would like to omit this point, you should not forget about it. A very common reason why guys grow a pinky nail is the convenience of picking their nose, ears, navel teeth, and other hard-hitting things. Considering that not everyone has the courage to confess to such base goals, preferring to be mysteriously silent, the prevalence of such motivation to let go of the nail is difficult to overestimate.
  • aesthetes. Many men find such a detail as a long nail very piquant, and try to bring zest to their image. You should not immediately think about homosexuals, because even men of a traditional orientation find it attractive. However, gays can also be remembered, but the nail on the little finger is not at all a distinctive feature.
  • Vampirism. Of course, not in the literal sense of the word. Literary and movie sagas about vampires excite the imagination of teenagers, forcing them to imitate the images of their favorite heroes. And if parents, teachers or office rules do not allow letting go of long pointed nails on all fingers, then everyone will perceive one little finger relatively calmly.
  • Modern China. The age-old tradition of the East is not only alive today, but also extremely widespread. True, she completely lost her symbolism. People who happened to visit China were surprised to note that far from representatives of the intelligentsia tend to wear long nails. Taxi drivers, sellers, workers almost without exception have long nails. They are no longer a sign of belonging to the highest caste, but rather serve as a reflection of the national habit of rarely cutting nails.

Now you know why men of different professions grow a nail on their little fingers. The next time you meet a stranger on the street with such a feature, try to guess who he is - an artist, a guitarist, a jeweler, or maybe just a nose picker?

Many people have a grown nail on their little finger. And each person has his own reasons or associations for this. The birthplace of this gesture is Ancient China, where the length of the nail on the little finger determined the position of a person in society.

A fairly large number of various historical sources report that A. S. Pushkin had a long nail on his little finger, who was very proud of him. Every time before going to bed, Alexander Sergeevich put a special cover on him so as not to break it. Currently, some people do not know and do not understand why they grow a nail on the little finger and what it is connected with. There may be several reasons for this.

In most cases, a long nail is grown to express one's individuality. Owners of a long nail believe that this sign distinguishes them from other people and thus they become better. A similar reason is the creation of some shocking. Especially in men. A regrown nail is accompanied by tunnels in the ears, a fashionable hairstyle and, possibly, makeup. Many subcultures dictate exactly this appearance in men. The strangest thing is that most modern girls are attracted to just such an appearance, and not some paratrooper or hockey player.

It happens that a long nail on the little finger is also found in adult men. In this case, we can say that this person is a thief or a cheater. According to criminal traditions, it is thieves and cheaters who wear a long nail on their little fingers. Perhaps such a person is not a thief at all, but adheres to a position of disagreement, i.e., fundamentally does not want and does not live a quiet life.

In the criminal layers, a long nail, with excellent manual dexterity, was used as a bookmark in a deck of cards or a master key for locks. If you talk with such a person, you can understand that they consider themselves to be a thug "aristocracy". The wording of the words of such people will not be “I am lazy and do not want to work”, but “work humiliates me”, etc. In most cases, such people do not look very neat and do not inspire any confidence.

If a long nail was seen in a creative person, then there are several reasons for this. For example, in the United States, many rap artists wore a long fingernail, thanks to which they used cocaine. If you completely fill the entire nail with cocaine, you get a standard dose. By using cocaine, many musicians and artists stimulate themselves to create something new. Watching modern creativity, we can say that cocaine is not popular and the promotion of a healthy lifestyle is gaining momentum.

In society, a long nail says more negative things about a person than positive ones. In Europe, this issue is tolerated, therefore, the question of why they grow a nail on the little finger does not arise. This is due to the fact that the fashion for wearing such a nail came from Europe. Back in the 17th century, the French bourgeoisie wore a long nail.

This is because before entering the room it was customary not to knock on the door, but to scratch a little on it. Every man was required to wear a long nail. A century later, the bourgeoisie of England used such a nail to open envelopes with correspondence. In modern China, a long nail on the little finger, on the contrary, is considered a beautiful and emphasizing element of every man. Also, in Asia there is a belief that a long nail brings good luck.

A long nail can be observed in hard-working men. Some use it to tighten small bolts or screws. Also, these men can have a nail not only on the little finger. If a long nail on the index finger is convenient for a man, then he will grow it on it. When working with wood, some men will mark with their fingernails if they don't have a pencil or marker handy.

Not the most aesthetic reason for wearing a long nail is picking your nose or ears. Yes, some people use a long nail for these activities and sometimes do not hide it. Usually, in such people, the nail does not stand out much, because it is inconvenient to perform these actions with a too long nail.

It happens that a young man has a long nail, but he looks quite neat, has nothing to do with various subcultures, etc. Most likely, this person plays the guitar. Many guitarists use a long fingernail to replace the pick. Some people like this way of playing the guitar. The only disadvantage of this use of the nail is its fragility.

Many jewelers have long nails on their hands. This is due to the fact that you have to work with small elements. By the way, not only jewelers can wear a long nail. There are a lot of professions that require working with small details. People with such professions usually have 2 grown nails. Usually these nails are located on the thumb and forefinger. Typically, these nails are used to replace standard tweezers.

A long nail can be observed in cooks. This is due to the fact that some dishes require very careful work or decoration. Also, chefs use their fingernails to taste dishes. There is no need to be afraid to eat such dishes. All chefs are required to observe strict nail hygiene, which is checked very often and thoroughly.

Asking a man his reason for wearing a long nail on his little finger may not get any answer. In this case, this person is hiding something, and contacting him is not recommended.

After talking on the forums, you can find out the opinions of other people, why they grow a nail on the little finger and why on the little finger. There can be a lot of options, and their variety will make you wonder.

Many men like to grow a long pinky nail. That's interesting, but why? It is difficult to give an unambiguous answer to this question, because, it turns out, there may be several reasons for this.

The first nails on the little finger began to grow the aristocracy back in the 17th century. This was done with a purely utilitarian need - for quickly printing out letters when there was no special knife at hand. And with a sword, as you know, it was uncomfortable. So they began to grow nails on the most unnecessary finger - the little finger of the left hand. The sword was held in the right, they also wrote with the right, and the left was, as it were, out of work. In addition, even if you hold the weapon in the left, then the emphasis on the grip of the sword was on three fingers - index, middle and ring. This tradition of growing a little fingernail for such use lasted until the beginning of the 20th century, when letters began to be sealed not with sealing wax, but with simple glue.

In France of the 17th-18th centuries, it was customary for the nobility to grow nails on the little fingers for a different reason. According to historical data, according to the French etiquette of the seventeenth century, a man was recommended to have a long nail on his little finger. Such a nail helped its owner to enter the door in the room. Knocking on the door was then considered bad form, and scratching it with your fingernail was the norm of decency.

In the XX century, in this way they meant their belonging to the criminal world. In our colonies, this was a sign of authority, because the significant figures of the criminal world, while in prison, did not work and led a fairly free lifestyle, which allowed them to care for their nails and grow them.

In the 1970s, American drug addicts, who were then innumerable, sniffed powder, mostly cocaine, from their fingernails. Those in dire need measured out the dose of magic powder, pouring it on the little finger. It was very convenient and conspiratorial, which led to the emergence of a measure of the weight of cocaine, which was called Nail (“nail” in English).

Also, a long nail on the little finger (usually of the left hand, but if the man is left-handed then right) is necessary for "katals" - card sharpers. When performing a fraudulent removal (“volta”), the nail is used for bookmarking when separating cards. All the rest, having seen this (a long nail) in childhood in yard companies such as, also grew this very nail in imitation of older comrades. Many people still have the habit.

Today, people who grow on the little finger can be considered those who follow the belief that a person must be original. And of course, some men sincerely believe that it looks very stylish. Well-groomed hands, neatly trimmed nails on nine fingers, and one finger that stands out among them, unlike the rest of the fingers. This is with regard to the little finger, because they also grow nails on the other fingers. Often for the convenience of playing the guitar, and Ostap Bender deftly opened the locks with his fingernail. And the Chinese generally prefer not to cut their nails often.