Home cosmetics for face skin from avocado oil - a gorgeous result in the shortest possible time! Avocado face mask - the secrets of making avocado oil

Esters are used in cosmetology much more often than simple plant extracts. We propose to consider how the cosmetic avocado oil is useful for the face, how to use it, as well as recipes and effective masks for improving the skin.

The benefits of avocado oil

Avocado is an exotic plant that, despite its nondescript appearance, is a real storehouse of vitamins and minerals. Many traditional healers compare avocado oil with omega-3 acid in terms of usefulness. This ether is extracted directly from the fruit of the tree, therefore it is called "pure", in most cases it is a cold-pressed product.

Why avocado oil is good for your face:

In addition to the above benefits, the fruit oil is applied topically to help relieve dryness and itching. Once applied, the product is deeply absorbed into the skin, making it an ideal moisturizer. Many beauty therapists prescribe a variety of avocado scrubs to cleanse, tone, and shrink pores.

How to use avocado oil

Pure avocado essential oil is often used to treat the face in mixtures with other esters. A simple mask with jojoba and overseas fruit extract works great. It is necessary to mix the preparations in equal parts, warm them up a little and apply to problem areas. Wash off after 15 minutes if the mixture is not absorbed.

To moisturize dry skin, you can make an effective lotion with avocado. Add a few drops of the product to a glass of mineral or melt water and stir. Wipe face with liquid morning and evening (after removing makeup). Do not rinse afterwards.

A dry face is prone to various troubles: peeling, itching. To protect yourself from this, just mix a little of this ester into your favorite cream and use it as always - under the foundation, on your own, before going to bed.

In winter, the same remedy can be used to protect the face from frostbite and cracks, but we also recommend adding a drop of sea buckthorn to the cream - it will help nourish the tissues with useful microelements.

Oily facial skin will be much better if you apply a little avocado oil (3 drops), lemon juice (a teaspoon) and rose water (a glass) to the greasy areas. This liquid acts as an alcohol-free tonic, giving it a matte finish and a pleasant color. Use as needed. For eczema and psoriasis, the drug can be applied in a pure form as a point, but, in this case, it does not need to be washed off.

If the problematic and oily skin of the face appears pimples, pustules, or acne- then you need to combine aloe vera and avocado. Both ingredients accelerate regeneration and have an antibacterial effect. Apply in the morning and evening, if urgently needed during the day.

For normal facial skin, protection and nutrition are very important. A mixture of mashed avocado and its oil will help to provide tissue saturation with vitamins. Cut one fruit in half and carefully three or grind in a blender. After that, add a little warmed-up oil over the fire to the gruel (two or three tablespoons), and spread it on the entire face, rinse off after 20 minutes, repeat every three days.

If you have age spots on your face, then you need to use sterolins in avocados. To activate their action, you need to combine the essential oil of the fruit and castor oil, apply the mixture to problem areas and leave for half an hour, rinse without soap.

Photo - Avocado oil

Few people know about the benefits of avocado oil for the skin around the eyes. This remedy copes well with mimic wrinkles and crow's feet. We combine three drops of fruit ether and a little castor oil, apply very carefully - the main thing is not to get on the mucous membrane and in the area of ​​the eyelashes (otherwise barley is possible). Do it regularly before bed.

Excellent reviews on the use of avocado oil as face lifting products... Best recipe:

  1. Mix 2 tablespoons of avocado oil and almond oil (also a spoon), gently heat in a saucepan.
  2. When the container becomes warm, you need to add more spoons of green tea and put the liquid to cool;
  3. Next, after the mixture has cooled, add 10 drops of lavender essential oil, 8 drops of chamomile, 4 drops of ylang ylang and 2 drops of rose oil.

Mix everything very well and pour the gel into a dark glass liquid for 24 hours. This will create a very aromatic blend that should be added to your masks and creams. It is not recommended to use a clean one - a burn is possible. You can also drip ether into the bath for aromatherapy, massage and body cleansing.

To restore aging skin and to give it elasticity, you need to use a mixture of olive ether and avocado. Apply after showering or washing. Experts say that you can use any additional extracts: jasmine, orange, rose.

It is very important to buy quality avocado oil for the face, on average 100 ml of unrefined product costs $ 10. The price of the drug depends on the size of the package and the company that provides it. You can store ether for two years, but in a dark place at a temperature of 20 degrees. It is also worth noting that the best drugs are always provided by companies from South Africa.

Natural avocado oil is incredibly beneficial for the face. Its regenerating and rejuvenating properties were known back in the Middle Ages and it was especially popular among the beauties of South America. This product is obtained by cold pressing the pulp of dried fruits, less often from seeds. Thanks to this method, the finished oil retains a maximum of biologically active components, vitamins and minerals, the action of which is aimed at preserving the youth and beauty of our skin.

Avocado oil has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin of the face

Popularity in cosmetology

Avocado oil has found the greatest recognition in the field of cosmetology. This product is considered one of the most effective in the care of aging and dry skin. More often it acts as the basis for various cosmetics. It is blended with other plant and essential oils to create nourishing, moisturizing and anti-aging products. But avocado pomace can be used on an individual basis. With this application, it shows particularly noticeable results, working faster and more intensively.

On a note! At the same time, the unrefined product, which has a greenish tint and a subtle nutty aroma, will exhibit the best properties. Oil that has passed the refining process shows a slightly lower efficiency. This product is characterized by a golden color and no odor.

The set of useful components that contain pomace from avocado fruits is very similar to the fats found in human subcutaneous tissue. For this reason, biologically active substances are easily absorbed into the skin, penetrating precisely into those areas where they are most needed.

Avocado oil is ideal for all skin types and will be beneficial for all ages. It, unlike many other oils, has a light texture, due to which it is absorbed incredibly quickly, and there is no oily sheen after using it.

Cosmetic properties

The properties of avocado oil are quite varied and are very important for the beauty of our skin.

  1. Possessing softening and moisturizing qualities, this drug is able to fully saturate the skin with nutritious components, stimulate the blood circulation process and enrich each cell with oxygen. It penetrates deep under the skin and activates the production of natural collagen, which in turn helps to give the skin elasticity and make it firm.
  2. Avocado oil is often included in cosmetics, which stimulates the process of tissue and cell regeneration, helps to cure acne, rashes, and removes flaking and irritation.
  3. These extracts contain a large amount of sterol - a plant component that fights premature aging, prevents the appearance of wrinkles and age-related pigmentation.
  4. Natural avocado extract is considered ideal for the care of thin and incredibly delicate skin around the eyes. It gently nourishes problem areas, effectively moisturizes, helps to cope with sagging and smoothes fine wrinkles.
  5. Avocado oil is a reliable protective barrier that is highly effective in adverse weather conditions. Ultraviolet light in summer, cold wind in autumn and frost in winter will not be able to affect the condition of our skin if we use cosmetics based on natural avocado extract before going outside.


The rules for using avocado oil in facial skin care are very simple and straightforward:

  • they can be enriched with purchased cosmetics, for example, lotions, creams and tonics, adding 10-12 drops of oil for every 10 g of the preparation;
  • to quickly eliminate peeling, irritation and inflamed lesions, it is recommended to wipe your face with a clean extract. It is applied to the skin with a thin layer and, after 40 minutes, blotted with a soft napkin;
  • to restore and regenerate the skin, pomace from avocado pulp is added to a night cream and used daily before bedtime - 1 teaspoon of oil will be enough for one small jar.

And remember that only with regular use of this drug can you get the expected effect.

Recipes for youth and beauty

  1. The following remedy will help to even out the tone and improve the complexion: combine 5 ml of avocado pomace with 10 g of sour cream. Dilute 4 drops of freshly squeezed lemon juice in the resulting mixture and let stand for a quarter of an hour.
  2. A skin nourishing agent is prepared from 10 ml of avocado oil and raw yolk. The ingredients are mixed and left on the skin for 20 minutes.
  3. A mask made from olive and avocado oils has excellent anti-aging properties. They are mixed in equal proportions and applied to the face. After a quarter of an hour, the preparation is washed off.
  4. Using the following eyelid remedy made from avocado oil, you can get rid of crow's feet: take 10 ml of avocado extract and grape seed oil, 2 times drip the esters of verbena, rosemary and geranium. Using your fingertips, gently drive the preparation into the skin around the eyes, let it stand for half an hour and blot the rest with a soft napkin.
  5. Avocado oil is good for lashes too. With its help, you can restore their condition and prevent loss. The natural extract is applied with a brush to the lashes and gently spread over the entire length. After 25 minutes, remove the product with a napkin.

Important! In the care of eyelashes, it is very important to avoid getting oil on the mucous membrane of the eye!

Nature has presented us with a most valuable gift - an absolutely natural remedy that contributes to the preservation of youth and beauty. You will definitely like the result of its application. Treat regularly and be beautiful!

Recipes for effective masks made from avocado pulp can be viewed.

All materials on the site are presented solely for informational purposes. Before using any means, a consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

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The avocado is prized by women in the tropics as a powerful skin care product with medicinal properties. "Alligator pear" (as this fruit is called) is useful for internal and external use. The fruit of the evergreen tree destroys the myth that oils are only suitable for the care of dry skin and hair, because avocados are also used to reduce oil production.

Useful properties of avocado for cosmetology

Avocado - the fruit of an evergreen tropical tree

Avocado is a pear-shaped fruit of a tropical evergreen tree. Oddly enough, botanists consider it a berry. The skin is tough and ranges in color from dark green to black (when ripe). Fatty flesh of a pale green avocado with a yellow tint. There is a large seed in the center.

Important! Despite the fact that the avocado bone contains significantly more potassium and phosphorus than the pulp, it should be eaten with caution. Avocado pits contain tannins, which, when concentrated, can cause digestive disturbances or allergic reactions.

The seed contains tannins, which are toxic in large quantities

The benefits of avocado can be easily explained by looking at its composition. The pulp of the fruit contains:

  1. Vitamins (C, B3, B1, F, E, PP and folic acid). Avocado pulp contains 2-3 times more vitamin F than fish oil. It removes toxins from the body, normalizes blood circulation and regulates body fat metabolism. Avocado oil also contains 5 times more vitamin E than olive oil, which slows down the aging process of cells and maintains vascular health.
  2. Trace elements (potassium, phosphorus, calcium and magnesium).
  3. Trace elements (iodine, iron, aluminum and zinc).

Since this type of oil is light and does not form a dense film on the surface, it is easy to wash it off, which is why beauties love to use avocado in hair treatments. Vitamin E deeply nourishes the scalp, preventing dryness, irritation and even dandruff. The beneficial elements in the avocado fruit stimulate hair growth, which is why it is recommended to use it when growing hair, eyelashes and eyebrows.

Avocado oil helps in the fight against wrinkles, excess sebum production, acne and inflammation, dry skin and flaking. Regular use of masks made from the pulp of an alligator pear or with the addition of its oil delays the aging of cells (due to vitamins and trace elements in the composition), stimulates regeneration processes, regulates blood circulation in the deep layers of the skin of the face and nourishes them.

Vitamins in avocado deeply nourish the skin and promote cell renewal

Do not forget about the use of avocado in cosmetic body treatments. Thanks to its nutritious properties, it is a major component in stretch marks. Regular use of massage mixtures based on avocado oil throughout the month significantly reduces visible stretch marks on the chest, abdomen and thighs.

In addition to its beneficial effect on the appearance and health of the skin and hair, avocado oil helps to get rid of brittle nails and strengthen the nail plate. To do this, the cuticle and nail plate are massaged with liquid oil until it is absorbed. Avocado works due to the presence of vitamin E in the oil, it is often recommended to take it in pill form for brittle nails. A pleasant advantage of this oil is that it does not leave a greasy film and is quickly absorbed.

Methods and areas of use at home. Cosmetic effect

To make home remedies for skin, hair and nails, not only avocado oil is used, but also the pulp of the fruit. The bones are used to make body scrubs, but you need to be extremely careful with them, because the tannins in their composition can cause side effects. In order to choose a suitable composition, they take into account the individual characteristics of the skin and hair, and also sort out many options for avocado products.

Hair products

Do not think that due to the oily content of avocado, it cannot be used for oily hair. On the contrary, the composition of avocado oil is very close to the natural oil that the scalp secretes. That is why it is recommended to use it both to normalize the work of the sebaceous glands and to moisturize dry ends.

Before applying one of the options for the composition with avocado, you should familiarize yourself with the rules for using oils on your hair.

  1. It is recommended to apply the oil to dry and "dirty" hair (meaning that you do not wash your hair before applying the mask).
  2. The composition is distributed along the entire length and to the roots. Do not be afraid that the hair will be too oily after that, the avocado oil is quickly absorbed without leaving a film.
  3. It is advisable to cover the smeared hair with a plastic bag or a special bathing cap (you can buy a disposable one at the pharmacy), keep it warm for 1-3 hours.
  4. When the mask is washed off, the hair is not wetted with water, but shampoo is immediately applied to it. To completely wash out the oil, wash your hair thoroughly 2-3 times, paying equal attention to the tips and roots.
  5. After rinsing off the shampoo, do not use masks and conditioners with silicones, so as not to weigh the hair down.

Important! Masks with oil in the composition help to quickly wash out the dye from the hair.

Avocado and egg yolk mask

To moisturize dry hair, it is recommended to use an avocado mask. To make it, the pulp of a medium-sized whole fruit is mashed with a fork or blender. The yolk whipped into foam is added to the resulting mass, a tablespoon of lemon juice and olive oil each.

A nourishing mask with olive and avocado oils is great for dry hair

The mass is applied to the hair, starting from the roots, covered with a shower cap or plastic bag, and left for 20-30 minutes. Then thoroughly rinse the mask with shampoo.

Already from the first use, the appearance of the hair will change significantly, they will acquire a natural shine, and will be less electrified. A course of 10 procedures will help moisturize dry hair with styling products, an iron or a hairdryer, and also accelerate its growth.

Mask for oily hair

Do not worry that using avocado will only worsen the appearance of already oily hair, because this oil of this fruit is very light, does not leave a dense film and is quickly absorbed.

The mask contains: medium-sized avocado pulp paste, half a glass of kefir (fat content 1%), and a teaspoon of sea salt and lemon juice. Lemon juice neutralizes the oil secreted by the scalp, so the hair stays fresh longer.

Apply the mask to the hair without touching the hair roots. Leave on for 15–20 minutes and wash off with shampoo. After a course of 10 procedures, the hair will need to be washed less often, it will acquire a healthy and not greasy shine.

Dandruff mask

To get rid of such an unpleasant disease as scalp fungus, they use homemade recipes based on avocado with essential oils. It is recommended to add 10-15 drops to two tablespoons of the caring base oil.

To choose the right essential oil, you should pay attention to their properties:

  1. Rosemary is an antioxidant that cleanses the scalp and has anti-inflammatory properties.
  2. Eucalyptus is an antiseptic, astringent and anti-inflammatory, cleanses and refreshes the scalp.
  3. Tea tree has an antiviral effect, deeply cleanses the scalp, has a strong anti-inflammatory effect. Nicely cools the skin.
  4. Ylang - Ylang is used for fungal infections of the scalp, so this essential oil is suitable for treating dandruff.
  5. Juniper eliminates excess fat content, helps in the fight against scalp fungus.

To prepare the mask, mix 3-5 drops of the selected essential oils with two tablespoons of avocado oil. Warm up the mass a little, apply to the scalp with massage movements. Cover with a hair cap or bag and leave for 30-40 minutes. After the time has passed, rinse thoroughly with shampoo.

For eyelashes and eyebrows

It is not the first generation of women who strive to have long and thick eyelashes, using expensive store and home remedies for this. Now, bushy eyebrows have been added to the beauties' wish list.

For this, it is most often recommended to take vitamin complexes, a wide range of which is presented in pharmacies. However, do not forget that the visible result will appear faster if you influence the body from the inside and outside. Avocado oil contains vitamins E and F, which rightfully deserve the title of "guardians of beauty". They stimulate accelerated cell renewal, accelerate hair growth.

The oil is best applied with a brush for combing eyelashes and eyebrows

To grow thick and long eyelashes, simply purchase liquid avocado oil from a pharmacy or beauty store and apply it every night. To do this, it is better to use special brushes for combing, you can easily find them in decorative cosmetics stores. In case of emergency, you can wash the brush from the old mascara.

It is best to apply the oil to the eyebrows and eyelashes before going to bed, avoiding contact with the mucous membranes of the eyes. A course of 20 procedures is enough to make the girls from the mascara ad envy your eyelashes, and Cara Delevingne and Emilia Clarke's eyebrows.

Two Hollywood beauties who set the fashion for thick eyebrows

Avocado oil for face

When taking care of your hair, do not forget that the skin of the face also needs nourishment and hydration. The use of masks with avocado and its oil in pure form helps to even out skin tone, eliminate acne and reduce irritation.

Avocado helps in the fight for beautiful and healthy skin

Avocado for acne

To dry out pimples on your face without causing flaking, it is recommended to use a mixture of avocado base oil and essential oils (rosemary, eucalyptus, pine or tea tree).

Apply the composition to the cleansed skin of the face with a thin layer along the massage lines. After 20-30 minutes, remove the excess that has not been absorbed with a cotton pad. Apply every other day for a month. To maintain the effect, one procedure per week is enough.

Mask for oily skin

You don't need to drain your face with alcohol and salicylic acid to get rid of excess oil production. It must be gently degreased to avoid flaking. A mask with avocado pulp is ideal for this.

The matting mask contains: half fruit puree, 2 tablespoons of kefir and a teaspoon of lemon juice. Mix all the ingredients, apply to cleansed skin for 15–20 minutes, rinse with warm water.

After just 10-15 procedures, the skin will become less oily, the pores will become less dirty, and the face will shine from the inside.

Avocado for wrinkles around the eyes

In the fight against wrinkles (including around the eyes, on the eyelids), avocado is a powerful helper. For this, not only oil is used, but also the pulp of the fruit. Vitamin E in its composition stimulates collagen production, improves skin elasticity, and slows down the aging process.

To prepare the mask, grind half of the avocado with a blender or fork. Add a few drops of rosemary or rose petals essential oil to the puree. Apply the mixture to cleansed face skin, paying special attention to problem areas (nasolabial triangle, outer corners of the eyes, forehead).

No lifting creams are needed when avocado oil is eaten

To see the result, it is necessary to carry out at least 15 procedures. It is recommended to use the mask 2-3 times a week. The duration of the course is determined individually, based on the condition of the skin and the desired result. Usually 1–1.5 months is enough to achieve a noticeable effect.

If you do not have the opportunity to buy avocado fruit, do not be discouraged. Pure alligator pear oil is enough to restore and preserve the youthfulness of the skin. It is applied directly to the skin or added to a day cream.

To carry out such a procedure, you only need manual dexterity and no fraud: avocado oil (or a mixture of a daily cream with it) is driven into the cleansed skin of the face with fingertips. It is especially necessary to massage areas with noticeable wrinkles. After the very first such massage, the skin will become more elastic and moisturized, and after 15 procedures, creams with a lifting effect will leave your shelves.

Avocado for lips

The delicate skin of the lips often suffers from chapping, dryness and bad habits. Often because of this, even expensive lipstick looks disgusting on them. In order not to deprive yourself of the pleasure of using your favorite products, you need to add lip care to your list of beauty procedures.

Lips are not particularly picky, because in order for the cosmetics to easily fall on them, it is enough to get rid of dead particles with a scrub once a week and moisturize them regularly. Products with vitamins E and F in the composition well nourish the skin of the lips, it is they that avocado oil contains.

It doesn't take much effort to moisturize chapped, flaky lips - just apply a little avocado oil twice a day instead of lip balm.

Scrub cream

Using a lip scrub is a must-have procedure in the fight for beauty

A special scrub helps to eliminate flaking on the lips; you can buy it at a beauty care store or prepare it yourself. To do this, mix one teaspoon of sugar with a teaspoon of butter or pulp puree. With the resulting composition, massage your lips for 2-3 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Lips after applying the scrub are smooth and moisturized - now any lipstick will look like Chanel on them.

The benefits of exotic for body skin care

Even though the skin on your hands or thighs is rougher than on your face, you shouldn't forget to moisturize it. Avocado oil is ideal for this, as its composition deeply moisturizes the skin, promotes elasticity and is quickly absorbed.

Cellulite oil

When choosing a remedy for anti-cellulite massage, it is worth stopping at avocado oil, because its composition is overflowing with useful elements that stimulate the active renewal of skin cells. To combat cellulite, 5-10 drops of essential oils are added to avocados, which have a warming effect, for example, orange, lemon, mint or fir.

Before the massage, take a shower, it is better to cleanse the skin with a scrub, so the anti-cellulite effect will be fully manifested. Apply the resulting mixture to the steamed skin of the thighs, buttocks and abdomen with massaging movements, actively rub in it for 5-10 minutes. After that, the excess oil is removed with a napkin or towel.

Combines with essential oil of orange, avocado fights visible cellulite

As a result, after 15 sessions of massage with an oil mixture, it is hard to believe, because the skin tightens, becomes elastic and healthy, there is no trace of the external manifestations of the "orange peel".

Application for stretch marks

The oil mixture with avocado helps to get rid of not only cellulite, but also stretch marks on the body, for example, on the chest. It is recommended to use it both to prevent the appearance of new ones and to reduce existing striae.

To prepare the composition, you must mix 2 tablespoons of avocado oil with 10-15 drops of any of the essential oils that promote skin renewal (orange, rosemary, fir, mint, lavender or geranium). Apply the resulting mass to stretch marks (or to places subject to their formation), do not rinse.

Use the oil mixture every day after showering for one to one and a half months. After applying oil on stretch marks 2 times a week until the desired result is achieved, one massage a week is enough to maintain it.

Contraindications and possible side effects

The advantage of avocado is the safety of its composition, because the only contraindications to its use are:

  • Individual intolerance to the product.
  • Acute diseases of the liver and gallbladder.

Without harm to health, avocado oil is used for body care even by pregnant and breastfeeding women. However, they are not advised to consume the fruit as it causes indigestion in infants.

Having studied the composition and effect of avocados on the skin, pharmacists have come to the conclusion that this is the softest and most gentle base oil that suits even the most delicate skin of children.

Cosmetic oil for face avocado is called "beauty oil" for a reason. For thousands of years, it has been used by women to maintain the health and youth of their skin.

This organic vegetable oil is cold pressed from avocados found in the Americas, Israel, South Africa, New Zealand and Australia. The oil has a dark green color and a pleasant nutty flavor. If the oil is refined, it has a light yellow hue and loses half of its beneficial properties.

Avocado oil, like the fruit itself, is widely used in medicine, cooking and cosmetology. In terms of its characteristics and properties, it surpasses many other useful vegetable and cosmetic oils.

It contains vitamins (A, E, D, B1, B2, K, PP), trace elements and polyunsaturated fatty acids (oleic, palmitic, linoleic, stearic, etc.), lecithin, chlorophyll and phytosterols. All of these components have a beneficial effect on the entire body, and even more so on the skin.

How avocado oil is used in cosmetology

The main advantage of avocado oil is that in its composition it is close to the fat composition of the human skin mantle, which means that its components easily penetrate the cells of the epidermis and saturate them as much as possible with everything they have. Not unimportant for this cosmetic product is the fact that it does not leave a sticky unpleasant film and oily sheen on the skin.

In cosmetology, oil is recognized as one of the most effective means of moisturizing, nourishing and rejuvenating the skin. It improves blood circulation, which contributes to the enrichment of tissues with oxygen, activates the formation and renewal of epidermal cells, improves healing in case of acne, microcracks and wounds on the skin and creates a protective barrier against the damaging effects of ultraviolet radiation.

Avocado oil is suitable for all skin types. It is successfully used in the care of such a delicate area as, eliminating dryness, flabbiness and fine wrinkles. It can be used both in cold and hot weather. It can be used for care, both as an independent cosmetic product, and as a base for creams, masks and other products. It works well when mixed with other plant and essential oils.

Every woman should have this product in her cosmetic bag. It will help every skin type cope with their problems. Avocado will nourish normal skin with the substances it needs and will tone it up. - this is getting rid of dryness and flaking. Oily and problem skin prone to acne and comedones will get rid of these impurities, inflammation and post acne. Mature skin will receive help in the fight against wrinkles, sagging and age-related pigmentation. Thus, you can safely use avocado oil for your daily face care.

How to apply avocado oil

There are several rules for the use of oils in cosmetology, they also apply to avocado oil.
Rule 1: Test the product for an allergic reaction. Test: Apply a small amount of oil to the skin of the wrist or the inner bend of the elbow and observe the reaction for 30-40 minutes. If there is no itching and redness - use, if there is - exclude from your arsenal of cosmetics.
Rule 2: in order for the components to better penetrate the skin cells, the oil must be heated to 36-38 degrees.
Rule 3: before applying oil or a mask with it on your face, thoroughly cleanse your skin with a scrub.
Rule 4: the duration of exposure to masks on the face should be from 15 to 30 minutes. In the evening, apply the oil to the skin at least half an hour to an hour before bedtime.
Rule 5: it is best to wash off the composition of oil masks from the skin with warm water or an infusion of medicinal herbs. If the oil is used neat, just blot the residue with a dry cloth.
Rule 6: it is recommended to apply oil in the composition of masks 1-2 times a week, and in pure form 3-4 times or more. The course is 10-15 procedures.
Rule 7: oil cannot completely replace other cosmetics, no matter how super useful it may be. Therefore, be sure to combine care using avocado oil with other face care products.
Rule 8: Dose the oil correctly. For every 10 grams of cream, lotion, or toner, add about 10 drops of oil.

Recipes to moisturize and nourish the skin

♦ As mentioned above, avocado oil can be used on the skin either alone or as part of masks or as oil mixtures.
♦ You can enrich your skin cream or gel with avocado oil: just add a few drops to a single serving of your skin care product (1-2 drops per gram of cream).
♦ Oil applications will help against skin damage, especially after acne. Soak a gauze napkin with clean oil or a mixture of oil and ethers and put it on the problem area for 30 minutes. At first, carry out the procedure several times a day, and then repeat the treatment 1-2 times a week. Typically, within a week, the skin is restored, it becomes fresh.
♦ In winter, the oil protects the skin from wind and frost, and in summer from solar radiation.

This oil blend will help aging skin fight wrinkles and restore tone. Avocado oil acts as a base for essential oils, which help to activate metabolic processes and complement the anti-aging effect of the base.

Sandalwood Ether - 2 drops
Orange ether - 2 drops
Rose oil - 2 drops

Combine all the ingredients in the recipe. Apply the oil along the massage lines with a light, pounding motion on your fingertips. Leave to soak for 30 minutes. Blot the remaining oil after the procedure with a dry paper towel.

The skin on the lips needs daily hydration and nourishment to maintain its firmness. This mixture will help to get rid of the lips from sticking in the corners of the lips, eliminate dryness and flaking.

Jojoba oil - 1 teaspoon

Combine cosmetic oils together and apply the resulting product daily. Pre-massage your lips slightly, this will improve blood circulation and thereby accelerate the absorption of the composition.

If you want to give your face a velvety and fresh glow, prepare and apply oil blends based on avocado oil regularly. Each of the oils carries its own natural charge to the cells, enhancing the processes of renewal of the epidermis.

Avocado oil - 1 teaspoon
Argan oil - 1 teaspoon
Shea butter - 1 teaspoon

Cleanse your skin with a scrub suitable for your skin type. Apply the composition and leave it on for 20-25 minutes. Remove the remains with a napkin.

It takes constant hydration and nutrition to feel healthy. And the cleansing of such skin should be extremely gentle. A scrub mask made of avocado oil, cream and rolled oats will solve these problems, it will both cleanse the pores and nourish the skin with vitamins and moisture.

Avocado oil - 1 teaspoon
Oatmeal (finely ground) - 1 teaspoon
Cream - 1 teaspoon

Grind the hercules in a coffee grinder and add butter and cream to it, let it brew for 3-5 minutes. Apply the mixed gruel to the skin along the massage lines. Then let sit for 10-15 minutes to absorb. Wash yourself with warm water. Repeat the procedure up to 2 times a week.

Avocado oil - 1 tablespoon
Orange oil - 2-3 drops
Sea salt - 1 tablespoon

Take finely ground salt and mix with oils. Apply the scrub following the massage lines and massage lightly with your fingertips for 1 to 2 minutes. Leave to soak for another five minutes, and then wash off with lukewarm water or herbal infusion.

A mask with kefir and lemon, together with avocado oil, effectively removes the scars and scars left by acne and acne.

Avocado oil - 1 teaspoon
Kefir - 1 tablespoon
Lemon juice - 2 drops

Suitable for both dry and sensitive skin, this recipe consists of a blend of very beneficial nourishing oils. The application of the mask is combined with a light massage, which further increases its effectiveness for cell renewal and overall skin health.

Avocado oil - ½ teaspoon
Almond oil - ½ teaspoon
Myrrh essential oil - 2 drops

Prepare an oil mixture, warm it slightly to 36-38º and apply along the massage lines to the skin of the face and neck, gently patting it with your fingertips. Soak the mask for 20 minutes, and remove the remaining oils with a napkin. Carry out such procedures daily for 10-12 days, then take a month break.

You know that it is easier to prevent any problem than to get rid of it. So it is with the skin. Don't wait for wrinkles to furrow your face, use preventive masks like this one.

Banana - 2 tablespoons of pulp

Honey - 1 tablespoon

Mix all the ingredients of the mask and apply it all over the face, neck and décolleté. Leave the mask to work for 20-25 minutes and then wash off with water at room temperature. For the prevention of aging, it is recommended to carry out such a rejuvenating procedure once a week, alternating with other mask recipes.

Avocado oil - ¼ teaspoon
Almond oil - ¼ teaspoon
Cosmetic clay - 1 teaspoon
Rose ether - 1-2 drops

Dilute the clay with a small amount of boiled water and mix with oils until the consistency of sour cream. Apply to face and leave to dry. It will take 8-10 minutes, it is not recommended to keep it longer in order to avoid overdrying the skin. Rinse with warm water and apply moisturizer. Repeat after 3-4 days.

You can make your own natural night cream with avocado oil. Preparing it is not difficult, just stock up on the right ingredients and a little patience. But the result is a unique natural skin product that you will not find in the cosmetics department.

Avocado oil - 20 ml
Almond (or jojoba) oil - 20 ml
Frankincense oil (ether) - ½ teaspoon
Lemon oil (ether) - ¼ teaspoon
Lemon juice - ½ teaspoon
Beeswax - 20 grams
Calendula flowers - 2 tablespoons

Prepare the infusion: pour the calendula herb with 1 cup boiling water and leave for 30 minutes, then strain. In a small saucepan, melt the wax in the avocado and almond oil. The fire should be low, it is important not to overheat the mixture. Pour 3 tablespoons of calendula infusion and lemon juice into the melted wax and remove from heat. Stir the mass all the time both when heating and when cooling. When the mixture cools down to 36-38º - add to it and mix everything again. Divide the cream into jars and refrigerate, shelf life 3 weeks. Apply the cream to your face every night.

For more tips to use avocado oil for your face, watch the video tips:

And in conclusion - fly in the ointment

All kinds of natural oils, including avocado oil, are very beneficial for facial care. But don't forget that our skin not only needs fat-soluble vitamins and minerals and fatty acids, it needs a variety of nutrients such as peptides, fruit acids, water-soluble substances and more.

Therefore, replacing all cosmetics only with oil procedures is harmful, you simply deprive the skin of full care. Take breaks between oil courses, change oils, dilute them with other ingredients, otherwise an oil film may form on the surface of the epidermis, which will close the access of oxygen and moisture to the cells. Instead of healthy, glowing skin, you can get dry parchment.

Have you got some useful information about cosmetic avocado oil? Share it with your followers on social networks!

The exotic "alligator pear" has become an excellent alternative to expensive cosmetics for skin care. The famous avocado oil has become widespread in medicine and cosmetology due to the maximum amount of nutrients, a whole "ensemble" of vitamins. Such an ingredient can completely replace half of the important bottles and bubbles on your boudoir shelf: from face lotions to emulsions and night creams.

How do you get it?

The best anti-aging and anti-stress remedy is obtained from the seeds as well as the pulp of the avocado. This elixir of youth has earned the trust of women all over the world, who zealously fight against unwanted facial wrinkles, sagging and dry skin. Having avocado essential oil in your locker is a sure victory over the symptoms of aging.

Natural avocado oil is produced by cold pressing. With this method, all the useful qualities of the product are preserved, wherever you store the miraculous bottle. Emerald liquid has an exotic nutty taste and pleasant aroma.

At home, making avocado oil will turn out quickly and without much money. Prepare 1 kg of exotic fruits, peel them, remove the seeds. The remaining pulp must be ground in a blender, preferably mixed with a few drops of another essential oil (citrus, tea tree, ylang-ylang, etc.). A homogeneous mass will become the basis for your future tonic, cream or face scrub.

It must be heated over a fire, stirring for 5 minutes. When evaporated, the thick itself will become more saturated in color. As soon as this happens, cover the container with the "brew" with a gauze cloth folded several times.

The whole mixture will have to be squeezed hard to obtain the avocado oil. After all these manipulations, take a dark bottle and pour the contents into it. It is best to store such a substance, like any other oil, in a dark place.

Beneficial features

By applying such a product to the skin of the face, the production of collagen and elastin is instantly activated. In order for old age to remind of itself as late as possible, monitor the normal level of these substances in the body, if necessary, feed the epithelium with useful components. With the help of avocado oil, early formation of wrinkles can be avoided, the natural metabolism and water balance of the skin can be restored.

The invaluable benefits of avocados are also high-quality lifting. With regular facial care, you can contour its oval, tighten, smooth the relief, cleanse from irritation, acne. Any cosmetic product based on avocado oil perfectly evens out the tone of the face, eliminates flaking, especially in the summer.

The skin is constantly exposed to negative external factors: high humidity, temperature changes, wind, dust, UV radiation, etc. Maintaining water balance in such conditions is your direct responsibility. A powerful avocado-based product that does the job perfectly.

Cosmetologists recommend using such a natural ingredient at any age. It is absolutely safe, has a number of useful properties and the richest composition. The skin is nourished by such “ingredients” as vitamins B, phytohormone, a whole lipid complex, squalene, etc. There are also fatty acids that are not always obtained from food.

Only thanks to amino acids is the excellent absorption of the drug into the body, and the skin itself remains moisturized for a long time. Those who suffer from increased fat content of the dermis will feel how greasiness, not natural shine, gradually disappears. If you hate freckles, and also suffer from "seasonal" age spots, you will definitely need avocado oil.

It performs the following functions:

  • restores the dermis, eliminates wrinkles;
  • is part of numerous homemade masks, lotions, ointments;
  • transforms skin prone to dryness, flaking;
  • penetrates deep into the layers of the epithelium, produces collagen;
  • "Adjusts" the elasticity and firmness of the skin;
  • prevents early aging, tightens, corrects the oval of the face.

Such a remedy can be added to any cosmetic preparations if you are pursuing the goal of rejuvenating, making the skin smooth and soft. You only need 3 drops for 1 teaspoon of cream (day or night). If you are concerned about the area around the eyes, then it is better to mix the oil from the pulp of the fruit with a tincture of grape seed, mint, and fennel.

More on the benefits of avocado oil for the face in the next video.


It's no secret for cosmetologists that such a product perfectly cleanses the skin from rashes. A young girl can get rid of acne and acne with the help of avocado oils, and ladies of Balzac's age can stop the aging process of the dermis. In a large number of currently known cosmetic preparations, "alligator pear" is used not only as an independent product, but also as an emulsifier. It is part of a variety of masks, creams, scrubs, tonics.

You can use avocado oil in place of micellar water. Makeup remover with such a tool will be safe and effective. It is enough to heat the product in a water bath and carefully remove the remnants of the make-up with a cotton swab dipped in a thick mixture.

Experts advise to carry out a daily facial massage using such an exotic oil. For 20 ml of base, it is enough to add 5-6 drops. This "elixir of youth" is also used for the skin in the corners of the eyes. If you want to get rid of crow's feet, mix the base product with olive seed oil, geranium esters, and rosemary. Visible results should appear 2-3 months after the start of the rejuvenation course.

It is useful to use such a remedy 2 times a day: in the morning and in the evening. An auxiliary tool for such a procedure will be a silicone brush or wooden spatula, as well as a cotton swab. With them, it is easiest to apply the prepared mixture to specific areas of the skin.

Get ready that the rich vitamin composition will penetrate deep into the pores, the effect not only locally, but also on the entire "immune system" of the dermis. It is necessary to use the product for 2 courses per year (in summer and winter) with short breaks. If the avocado fruit itself is used internally, then you can also count on improving the condition of the skin, but after a longer period of time.

All kinds of ointments, rubbing, "talkers" and masks, which include avocado, the process of regeneration, rejuvenation, recovery "start" much faster. Make sure that such oil in its pure form must be used for at least 20 days, but not more than a month. It is up to you how to use the prepared mixture. It can be used to wipe your face after using scrubs, but before applying the cream. An avocado mask can be massaged into the skin to induce normal circulation and relieve morning facial swelling.

To eliminate flaking, dryness, you can prepare a mixture of 10 ml of this component, combining them with a few drops of any essential component. Apply the mask to your face for 40 minutes. It is better to remove excess with a paper towel or cotton swab. If problem areas are pronounced on your skin, do the procedure 2 times a day.

If you decide to use avocado as a night cream, apply it on your face half an hour before bed. But from bags under the eyes, "crow's feet" such manipulations should be carried out 1 hour before bedtime and do not forget to remove the remnants of the substance. In the latter case, cosmetologists strongly recommend mixing the base component with olive oil, mint, orange, etc. Such a drug will help eliminate the first symptoms of aging after a week of treatment.

If you simultaneously use avocado pulp inside, for example, for breakfast and at the end of the day, then metabolic processes in the body will certainly normalize. This method will have a positive effect not only on the condition of the skin, but also on the internal organs (liver, kidneys, blood vessels, gastrointestinal tract, etc.).

Finally, apply the product to specific areas of the face, make special applications. To do this, soak a damp cloth with pure avocado oil, any essential oil and leave it on for the next 30 minutes. The first procedures are carried out up to three times a day, later you can distribute them 1-2 times a week. You will regain a fresh, healthy look faster than you expected.

Mask recipes

There are a huge number of recipes for effective masks that will help you achieve the desired result in a matter of weeks. You can turn to trusted brands or make a mask at home. Before experimenting in your own "laboratory", consult a dermatologist. The fact is that for different types of skin (oily, dry, normal), different proportions, additional ingredients and solutions are assumed.