Perfumes from essential oils: the creation of a unique fragrance independently. How to make perfume in home from essential oils

The use of essential oils is varied. Essential oils are used to treat and prevent diseases, to maintain and extend the youth and beauty, in everyday life for the care of animals, flavoring and disinfection of the premises. Due to its aromatic properties, essential oils are used to create spirits and in the perfume industry. Applying the essential oils of the perfume can be done at home. Such natural perfumes will not only have a pleasant fragrance, but also have therapeutic properties.

To create perfume with a harmonious aroma, you need to stick to some rules.

1. Decide what an emotional effect from the spirits you want to receive.

2. Before creating perfume, you need to solve what type of fragrance you most suitable.

3. Completely combine the essential oils on the notes of the flavor.

4. To create perfumes, it is necessary to use only 100% natural essential oils.

5. When stirring components for spirits, do not use metal objects.

6. When compiling a composition, it is better to write, which and in what number of essential oils you add.

Classification of perfumes by types

Perfumes are classified by the type of fragrance for 5 main types: coniferous, citrus, floral, chip, oriental.

Coniferous (green) flavors. Perfumes of this type consist mainly of coniferous essential oils such as cedar, juniper, pine, to which, add citrus flavors or essential oils of sage and lavender. Such perfumes have a cooling and invigorating aroma, which is popular with men.

Citrus flavors. Perfumes of this type have a light, fresh aroma and consist of citrus oils, which are combined with spices aromas or floral essential oils. This type of fragrance is popular among men, but also suitable for women.

Flower armatas. Perfumes of this type are created from floral essential oils, such as rose, neroli, jasmine and ylang-yulang. This type of fragrance is suitable for women.

Aromas type Schipr. Perfumes of this type are based on combinations of moss fragrances, wood and floral essential oils. Such perfumes have a deep warm aroma, mixed with floral or citrus shades. Often the smell of such flavors resembles the smell of the forest after the rain. The composition of such spirits, as a rule, includes fragrance of patchouli and oak moss, which are often combined with essential oils of Bergamot, Sandala, jasmine and roses. Such perfumes can be male and female.

Eastern flavors. Perfumes of this type, as a rule, store heat and mystery. They are pretty heavy and persistent. Veiver essential oils, patchouli, sandals are often used in the spirits of this type. Women's flavors usually have a sweet heavy floral fragrance, at the same time, both male flavors are less sweet and have a greater focus of citrus and essential oils of nutmeg sage and lavender.

After you have decided on the type of spirits, you can start creating your fragrance. In order to make a balanced and harmonious mixture, it is necessary to take into account the aromatic properties of essential oils.

Classification of essential oils on notes

In terms of its aromatic qualities, all essential oils are divided into the upper, medium and basic notes.

Top notes (Initial notes) are those smells of spirits that you feel the first when inhaling the flavor. They are revealed and sound during the first 5 -10 minutes. These are citrus, green notes of freshness.

Sheart notes (Middle notes) are those aromas that are revealed over the next 10-20 minutes and sound from 1.5 to 3 hours. These are floral, spicy, fruit, wood flavors.

Basic notes (Finite or loop notes) are those flavors that open with the notes of the heart after the extinction of the upper notes and reach their pronounced sound after 2 hours. For some spirits, the sound of finite notes can last up to 6-8 hours. These are musk, amber, heavy balsams, resins, mosses.

Table of upper, medium and basic notes to create spirits

Top notes

Middle notes (heart notes)

Basic notes (final notes)










pink tree

carrot oil





black pepper


tea tree





oak Moss.

This table is not final so that the aromas of the average notes can switch to the aromas of the upper notes and, on the contrary, it all depends on the overall composition.

To create a harmonious and balanced perfume, it is necessary to use the aromas of all three notes. The main proportion of the combination of flavors in the drops is 3: 2: 1. That is, 3 drops of oils of the upper note, 2 drops of medium notes oils and 1 drop of basic note oil. But other combinations are allowed, for example 2 top notes and one medium or 2 top notes and one base, etc. When connecting flavors, you must navigate not only on the rules, but also on your own sensations.

How to make perfume with essential oils at home

Before you begin to create your spirits, it is necessary to determine what effect from the flavor you want to get: soothing, refreshing, romantic, invigorating or exciting.

Soothing essential oils: Cedar, chamomile, incense, geranium, lavender, patchouli, sage, neroli, vetiver, basil, jasmine. These essential oils possess a significant soothing effect and help get rid of depression, stress and insomnia.

Refreshing essential oils: Mint, pine, cypress, cedar, lemon, lime, Melis.

Romantic atmosphere You can create using floral flavors: neroli, roses, jasmine, lavender.

Cheer out Essential oils of orange, mandarin, lemon, lime, Bergamot, Basilica, Grapefruit, Petitgreyne and Pomeranians will help.

To aphrodisiacam With the exciting properties, essential oils of Patchouli, Ylang-Ilanga, Neroli, Sandala, Jasmine.

Perfume can be on an oil, alcohol and wax basis. Perfume on an oil basis is well suited to aromatize the room, you can also add them to shampoos, balms and creams. Spirits on an alcohol basis is best to apply directly on the body. A wax basis spirits have a solid consistency and have a resistant aroma.

And oil and solid perfume should be applied carefully, in small quantities behind the ears, on the bending of the elbow. Otherwise, these types of perfumes can leave a bold on the skin and stain clothing.

How to make perfume on an oil basis

As a base for the creation of oil perfumes, jojoba oil is best. It does not have a pronounced smell, so it will not interrupt the main aroma of essential oils. This oil has high permeability, well absorbed and leaves no bold trail on the skin. Perfume made on the basis of jojoba oil is stored up to 6 months.

In order to create perfumes on an oil basis, take a bottle of dark glass and fill it with 10 ml of jojoba oil. Next, add to the base oil from 15 to 20 drops of essential oils. First add base notes, slowly dropwise. Then add medium notes on a drop, mix each time and breathe the fragrance to feel as the smell change. Finally add the oils of the upper notes and mix well well. Stick the bottle and hide her dark cool place for 1-2 weeks so that the spirits are ripe.

You can increase or decrease the number of essential oils, depending on the intensity of the flavor you want to get.

How to make spirits on alcohol

To create perfumes on an oil basis, it is better to use pure ethyl alcohol, but in the extreme case you can take and vodka. If you decide to use vodka worth choosing a quality product that does not smell.

Perfume About 12-20% of essential oils in 70% alcohol.

Eau de parfum 7-12% of essential oils in 70% alcohol.

Eau de Toilette 4-7% of essential oils in 70% alcohol.

Cologne 2-5% of essential oils in 70% alcohol.

For example, if you take 60 droplets of essential oil and a base of 100 ml (100 ml x 20 \u003d 2000 drops).

It is necessary to find any percentage in the mixture will be 60 drops. We use knowledge from the school program:

2000 drops - 100%

60 drops - x%;

So, to get a light cologne, we need to mix 60 drops (or 3 ml) of essential oil and 100 ml (or 2000 drops) of the base substance.

After you have decided on a perfume concentration Mix the essential oil with alcohol in a glass bottle. Add etheric oils as much as in the manufacture of oil perfumes. At the same time, each time evaluate the fragrance. When the perfume is ready, close the bottle with a lid and leave a "mature" in a dark cool place for 15 -30 days.

How to make solid perfume

For solid perfumes, beeswax and basic oils are used as the basis. As basic oils for solid spirits, you can use, and. The classical balance of base oil and wax is 1: 1.

Mix 2 teaspoons of the base oil and 40-45 drops of a mixture of essential oils. In this case, the fragrance is made with a rich smell, but you must note that the resulting mixture will be still diluted with wax.

Then melt 2 tea spoons wax on the steam bath. As soon as the whole beeswax melt, add a mixture of oils and mix well. Do not stand too long to keep the mixture on fire, as heated essential oils evaporate quickly. Remove the container from the fire and mix all again. So far, the mass harvested, pour it into a prepared container. As a tank for solid perfume, you can use a small jar with a lid of plastic or glass.

The creation of its perfume is a creative process and you must first of all navigate your own feelings. Experiment and create your own fragrance that is suitable for you. Below I cite a few already ready-made recipes of perfumes that can be done at home using essential oils.

Recipes perfumes from essential oils

Recipe number 1 "Eau de Cologne" (Cologne water) or cologne.

Of course, the real recipe for Cologne water is kept secret, but this variant of the cologne is quite similar to the original.

15 drops Essential oil Petitgrin

10 ml of distilled water

230 ml of 70% alcohol.

In glass tank mix alcohol and essential oils. Give the resulting mixture for 4 days, and then add distilled water and leave to ripe for another 2-3 weeks.

This fragrance is best suited for men.

Recipe number 2. Spirits "All Alive".

These perfume option of Cologne water for women.

4 drops of essential oil of sweet orange

10 drops of lemon essential oil

8 drops of essential oil incense

1 drop of Mirra essential oil

10 ml of alcohol or 20 ml of jojoba oil for perfumes on an oil basis.

Mix all the ingredients in a glass container and give it in 2 weeks.

Recipe number 3. Perfume for women "Sensual fragrance."

These perfume make a woman more sexy and desirable for persons of the opposite sex.

5 drops of coriander essential oil

6 drops of Bergamot essential oil

4 drops of neroli essential oil

10 ml of jojoba or alcohol.

Pour the jojoba oil or alcohol into the glass jar, then add essential oils in the specified order, mix. Close the bottle with a lid and leave it for 7-14 days.

Recipe number 4. Sensual cologne for men.

This perfume plays the role of aphrodisiac. The fragrance of this cologne will allow to attract more attention to the weak floor representatives.

20 drops of coriander essential oil

23 drops of cedar essential oil

5 drops of essential oil incense

100 ml of alcohol.

Mix alcohol and essential oils in a glass bottle and leave it for 2-3 weeks.

Recipe number 6. Perfume water "Forest Fairy".

40 drops of orange essential oil

20 drops of cedar essential oil

40 ml of alcohol.

Mix all the ingredients and leave it for 2-3 weeks.

Recipe number 7. "Flower garden".

This fragrance will give you a romantic mood.

5 drops of lavender essential oil

10 drops of cedar essential oil

5 drops of Bergamot essential oil.

Mix all the ingredients in a glass bottle and leave to "ripe" for 1-2 weeks. The fragrance of these spirits will help to relax and calm down after stressful situations.

Recipe number 8. Oil perfume "Duma forest"

This fragrance has a smell of forest, which sets up for meditation and gives a peace.

2 drops of fir ethereal oil

2 drops of cedar essential oil

1 drop of vetiver essential oil

1 drop of essential oil Bergamot

5 ml of jojoba oil.

Mix all the ingredients in a glass bottle and let it brew within 1-2 weeks.

Recipe number9. Oil perfume "Summer Sleep".

This mixture is pleasantly warming up and relaxes in cold winter days. Thanks to its flower aroma, reminds of summer.

10 drops of lavender essential oil

5 drops of daisy essential oil

4 drops of cardamon essential oil

1 drop of cedar essential oil

10 ml of jojoba oil.

Add essential oils to a glass jar, then dilute them with jojoba oil and mix well.

This fragrance is particularly suitable for removing stress, elimination of anxiety, irritability and depression.

Recipe number 10. Oil perfume "youth"

This fragrance has a rejuvenating, invigorating effect, awakens the clarity of the mind and increases the concentration of attention.

13 drops of mint oil

13 drops of rosemary essential oil

5 drops of lemon essential oil

5 drops of essential oil sage nutmess

30 ml of jojoba oil.

Mix all the oils in a glass bottle and leave it for 1-2 weeks.

Recipe number 11. Solid Spirits "Freshness"

14 drops of ginger essential oil

10 drops of vetiver essential oil

Recipe number 12. Solid perfume "Romance".

25 drops of roses essential oil

10 drops of lime essential oil

10 drops of vetiver essential oil

3 teaspoons of bee wax

3 teaspoons of any base oil (jojoba, almond, grape bones, olive).

Recipe # 13. Solid spirits "deep feelings."

20 drops of orange essential oil

15 drops of essential oil ylang ylang

10 drops of cedar essential oil or sandal

2 teaspoons of bee wax

2 teaspoons of any basic oil (jojoba, almond, grape bones, olive).

Recipe number 14. Solid arts "Citrus paradise".

10 drops of essential oil patchouli

5 drops of essential oil mandarin

5 drops of lemon essential oil

5 drops of neroli essential oil

2 teaspoons of bee wax

2 teaspoons of any basic oil (jojoba, almond, grape bones, olive).

It's not easy to choose to choose, but also underlining uniqueness, the fragrance is not always simple. Should I spend time and considerable money at this time? What if you just take and create your own hands unique perfumes from essential oils at home? After all, everything you need is to choose several different essential oils, the basis, stocking of some necessary technicians and, of course, fantasy.

This is a creative, exciting process, he captures with his head, pleases with its results and the ability to feel like a real perfumer who create new and new recipes. And given the small costs that it is important for many, it is also an excellent way to save.

What you need

To independently prepare perfume from natural essential oils, nothing hard to reach. Perhaps something from what will be needed, even there is a house.

  • Essential oils, they can be purchased in many stores, on the Internet or in some pharmacies. It is better to take several somewhat for the subsequent mixing of them in different versions and proportions. Beginner perfumes are desirable to experiment with inexpensive oils.
  • As a base material, oil without smell (jojoba or olive) or pure alcohol is taken. Suitable and high-quality vodka without impurities and additives in the composition.
  • Glycerin to give the spirits of persistent fragrance. As a retainer, instead of glycerin, you can take the oil of the sandalwood, vanilla, mirrier to choose from. They are able to strengthen the basis of the spirits, giving out their fragrance.
  • Water distilled or spring. Flowing water, the most affordable house, will not suit, as it contains impurities unnecessary in this case.
  • Strips 10/1 cm, sliced \u200b\u200bfrom any paper or napkins, as future "Probers".
  • Several glass pipettes (not plastic), one on each oil. You will need to measure the number of drops.
  • Natural coffee for "stemming" smells when flavors are mixed in the nose.
  • Notebook and pen.
  • Packaging for perfume: Little bottle (bottle, jar) from dark glass or ceramic muddy. The capacitance must be closed tightly.

Manufacturing process

When everything that needs is already cooked, you can proceed directly to the most creative process - the manufacture of perfumes from essential oils according to your own recipe, at home and with your own hands.

Before mixing the oil in the bottle, you need to imagine that it should end up. To do this, on the cooked paper strips, you can drop 1 drop of oil (on each strip - different) and bring to the nose of 2- 4 pieces. Strips should be signed to subsequently not get confused, where and what is applied. Then, changing the aromas and constituting the various combinations thereof, choose the most suitable smell for yourself, but given the fact that in the time of the "maturation" of perfumes, it will change a little, will become present and final.

So, the desired fragrance is found. Now you need to figure out how to mix oils. It is customary to understand that spirits consist of "heads", "hearts" and basics. These are three conditional phases of any spirits.

  1. The first stage ("head"). This is the fragrance that is brightly heard in the first 15-20 minutes after applying spirits.
  2. The second stage ("heart"). It sounds from 0.5 to 12 hours, is used as the main sheet music.
  3. Third stage (base). After the gradual disappearance of the previous phases, this remains "echo", "loop" until it is evaporated. The fragrance in this phase is thin, slightly noticeable.

It is necessary to take oils in the ratio of 1: 2: 3, depending on which noise and when it should be heard at the request of the "author" of the aroma. That is, which oils will play in the first phase - those, let's say, 1 drop. In the second phase - 2 drops, in the final phase - 3.

Oil perfumes based on alcohol

Selected oils thoroughly mix in a glass or ceramic container, add alcohol or vodka to them in a proportion of 20-30% oils relative to the amount of alcohol. Mix well again. This is an option for the spirits of medium sharpness. For a thin fragrance, the ratio should be 10% of oil relative to alcohol, for strong - 70%. After that, the resulting mixture should stand 2-3 days in a dry dark place. On the third or fourth day, add distilled water, a few drops of glycerin, mix everything. It's all that it was necessary to do to get the spirits, left them to insist and use in their pleasure!

Recipe: Vanilla, Patchouli - 2 drops; Chamomile, Ylang-Ylang, Bergamot - 5 drops; Sandal - 8 drops. Mix well, pour 10 ml of vodka or alcohol. Insist 2-3 days, add 10 ml of water. Leave "reaching" for another 2 weeks, periodically shaking.

Spirits on the oil base

As a base here will be oil without smell: usually take olive or jojoba. Oils are mixed to a homogeneous consistency, they insist 2-3 days.

Recipe: Jojoba - 10 drops, bergamot and sandals - 2 drops, cinnamon and vanilla - 1 drop. These are a perfume C, which has just shocking effect.

Dry (solid) perfume

These perfumes are created based on beeswax and oils in a ratio of approximately 1: 2. Unlike previous species, dry can be used immediately after cooking as soon as they cooled and harden. For their storage, you will need a small flat jar with a lid. Spicy, fruit and oriental flavors are suitable here.

Recipe: Wax - 5 g., Jojoba - 5 g. And 15 drops of any aromatic oils to choose from. Grinding wax and jojoba extract melt in a water bath, preventing boiling. In a hot mixture, it is quickly pouring harvested essential oils, immediately mix with a wooden stick or toothpick (lumpy lumps at a cold spoon). Pour a hot mix into a prepared cosmetic jar. The packaging should be washed in advance, dried and wrapped alcohol for disinfection. After that, the aromatic mass will dry quickly, and it can be used.

Of course, these are just examples of recipes that can be easily applied on their own and at home. Each woman will have their own unique options made by themselves, because each will choose those oils into the composition of their own spirits, which she will like more.

To avoid mistakes in the manufacture of the spirit of our own production, some important conditions must be observed:

  1. In order not to distort the aroma of oils in their factory container, it is better for each of them a separate pipette.
  2. Each step of the work done is fixed in the notebook, so that the recipe remains, and then you could again make the same spirits. Or not to repeat the error if something does not work as a result (do not like the final fragrance, etc.).
  3. For the first time, it is enough to take 3 essential oils to choose from. With the arrival of experience, it makes sense to experiment with more and create new flavors with your own hands.
  4. The prepared mixture for perfume can be skipped through a coffee filter for cleaning. But this is at will.
  5. If the resistance of the perfume is not fundamental, instead of glycerin, grape seed oil or castor is suitable as a retainer.

Having learned this simple, but very exciting skill, you can create different perfumes from essential oils for all occasions, invent our recipes at home. This is the excellent version of the gift to women, which is so easy to make with their own hands, and savings, and hobbies, and creativity, and for someone, perhaps, a new business.

And no matter how many recipes neither the Internet or printed editions, it is always better to try something to go about the illusory idea of \u200b\u200bcreating the most unusual combinations. After all, the new masterpiece sometimes happens completely by chance, the main thing is to give the will of fantasy and to his taste.

The fragrance of spirits may emphasize femininity and individuality, reveal the image, and maybe on the contrary.

It is important in this matter to independently explore all the little things or to trust a professional perfume.

Tell how to make perfume at home.

It turns out that the perfume composition is very easy to create. The most important component of this magical action are oils - sources of uniqueness. Oils are selected strictly better quality from good proven firms. It is better to acquire from the manufacturer. It is from this that most of the success in this perfume work depends.

What is needed for this

Aromatic essences by nature have volatile properties. If the body apply fragrant liquid on the body, then over time, the exhibit the smell changes. Knowing all the above-described terms of composition composition, it is easy to understand how to make perfume at home. Perfumes connect the components with different flavors - the "base" is obtained. It is divided into several "notes":

Basic note (loop);

Heart note;

Top note (head).

From the time of application, their period of active action begins: they evaporate and exuded the fragrance in turn - from top to bottom.

The basic note is considered the most resistant in the composition.. The fragrance keeps from twelve to 24-period hours after applying. The duration of the action is directly related to specific ephrine oils that are taken by perfume.

Note heart - This is the first element of the composition. When entering into interaction with other essential oils, reveals their shades and opens up new sensations.

Top nota - quickly evaporated essential oils. You can call such citrus.

In all fragrant liquids there are some of their listed additional elements: distilled water, alcohol, coconut butter, jojoba, sweet almond. It is believed - each woman should have its own special (genetic) fragrance, compilation of it is perhaps an extremely thinly sensitive master.

Step by step instructions

At the beginning it is necessary to put the following things to your desktop:

Distilled water, real spring;

The existence of a long fragrance provides glycerin in a small proportion;

Fresh coffee (applied to update smell feelings);

Essential oils themselves;

Be sure to: a notebook, handle, from 5 to15 pure pharmaceutical pipettes, paper strips 0.4NA10 cm., Blockers for future aromatic essence.

If you make perfume at home with a sharp aroma - in the combined liquid there should be 70% of essential oils. For tender smell - 20 percent.

To obtain spirits with the "long-playing" aroma, the resulting fluid must be inspected: first 48 hours in a dark and cold place (not in refrigeration) and after adding water (if the base is 80 milliliters - a pair of art. Spoons) and glycerin (several drops) - Another 48 hours. There are recommendations for insistence (before the addition of water and glycerin) within one month. Experts assure that spirits are required as good guilt, time for maturation.

Oils are applied to testers from paper 1 droplets and are made to the nose, the best most liked aromas are selected. Preferences are specified in the notebook.

It's believed that the best ratio in the composition is a 1: 2 ratio (head: heart: base).

After the composition of the essential oils is ready, the work ends with the addition of alcohol or jojoba oil, or olive oil, or distilled water, or pure spring water. In the case of cooking dry perfumes, a combination of oily oil and wax is added.

Mixing options smells

Recipe number 1.

How to make perfume at home for evening romantic mood:

First note - Rose (1 Cap.), Sandal (6 cap.);

Recipe number 2.

Fragrance lightness and summer:

First note - rose (1 cap.);

Second note - Melis (2 cap.);

Third note - Bergamot (2 Cap.), Lemon (4 Caps).

Recipe number 3.

Male fragrance:

First note - Sandal (2 cap.);

Second note - Lavender (2 cap.), Juniper (2 cap.);

The third note is lemon (1 CAP.), Bergamot (4 Caps).

Recipe number 4.

Aroma exciting:

First note - Rose (1 Cap.), Sandal (8 Cap.), Patchouli (3 Cap.), Jasmine (3 Caps);

Second note - Ylang-Ylang (3 Cap.);

Third note - Verbena (3 cap.).

Recipe number 5.

Night gentle fragrance (insisted at least 15 hours):

The first note is sandals (5 cap.), Musk (5 cap.), Ladan (3 cap.);

The third note (the second - no) - jojoba (3 cap.).

The best flavors of spirits at home are obtained when mixing roses, lavender, chamomile, ylang-yulang, jasmine and iris. The smell of mint pepper is softened or lavender, or rosemary. Citrus is perfectly mixed with juniper. In no way, it is impossible to mix rosemary and lavender.

To keep long

With inattentive storage, the resulting composition may be poisoned, lose the exquisite fragrance and even disappear. However, the highest quality spirits have a shelf life of no more than 3 years.

First, the perfume is better stored in a dark place. It is better to keep the bottle in the box and do not expose direct sunlight.

Secondly, the tightness of the bottle is of great importance in the extension of the storage period. Best of all stored perfume with a sprayer.

Thirdly, when applying perfumes, do not use fingers in this process. This is superfluous and not necessary to contact the skin with spirits. It is necessary to use a disposable plastic wand or something similar.

And, in conclusion, nothing will endure the test of time, but the highest quality perfumes - on an oil basis - is stored longer than all. Therefore, natural spirits are much more expensive than their competitors. Perfume made at home, or purchased in a store with an alcohol basis, even from a sealed bottle, slowly evaporate under the influence of heat. They need to be stored only in the refrigerator in a closed packaging.

When buying spirits, it is very often difficult to have difficulties with the choice of the desired fragrance and is very difficult to predict what the basic note will be felt on yours after a while. You can try to make perfume yourself, combining different components and picking up the appropriate fragrance for you. This article will be discussed about how to make perfume with your own hands at home, as well as consider popular recipes.

A little theory, or three notes of ether

Before you cook perfume at home, you need to remember that all classic perfume is made up of three phases:

  1. Primary note - Head of spirits. Smells are used that quickly evaporate for 20 minutes after they were applied to the body. These are citrus fragrances, thyme, bergamot, lavender, mimosa, nutmeg and others.
  2. Basic nota - Heart of spirits. The fragrance is revealed after half an hour. Mostly floral odors, pine, musk, juniper, jasmine and others are used.
  3. Basic note - the basis of spirits. Use flavors that are kept longer than all. They leave slightly noticeable and light smell. Such oils include vanilla, cedar, cassia, smells, moss, oriental spices and others.

Some essential oils sometimes go from the group to the group, the main thing is not to disturb the unity of the composition.

Did you know? In Europe, in the Middle Ages, it was believed that geranium protects against unclean strength, so they put it on the windowsill and planted around the houses.

What do you need for spirits

You need to stock the necessary components before making perfume at home.


It is best to use glass or ceramic dishes for mixing flavors. You will need test tubes, columns, a small vessels.
They must be voluminous for the convenience of mixing oils, but at the same time not too large so that less air falls into the vessel.

Important!Metal or plastic dishes do not take, because the essential oils of plastic are corrosive, and with the metal react.

You also need to get a pipette with which you will drop a certain amount.


Based on the basis of the fragrance. It can be oil or alcohol. Oil perfumes are more durable, but very delicate. Alcohol - exhaled faster, but they are saturated.
For the base of oil spirits, it is best to take olive oil, almond oil, jojoba, cocoa. For alcohol spirits, ethyl alcohol serves as the basis. You can also cook dry perfumes, the base for which the wax will serve.


To determine the fragrance, it is recommended to use chopped paper strips. They must be well absorbing so that you can test the smell, perched strips into the bottle with spirits.
If you sniff the perfume directly from the bottle, it will not work out to feel all his nuances. Also wet the strips in different oils and, bringing them to the nose, determine whether odors are combined.

Essential oils

Before making perfume, it is necessary to prepare bottles with essential oils. For a start, there are three oils for each fragrance note.
Oil roses and jasmine are not too cheap, so while you have not decided on the direction of the flavor, use affordable oils, such as geranium oil, myrta, ylang-yulang.

Manufacturing process

We begin the manufacture of spirits at home from the basics of perfume. We take a strip of paper and apply oils on them that belong to the most resistant.

Then various combinations are brought to the nose and choose the combination that you like most. After that, add one odor of the basic note.

Important!It is better not to rush with the association of several fragrances at once, otherwise you can get confused, which combination you liked the most.

In the same way, it is necessary to add an initial note oil. When the perfume is prepared, you need to apply a few drops on a cotton handkerchief and leave it for a couple of hours. If the smell you like, then you did everything right. The proportion of oils should be 1:2:3 Depending on the odors of the first, second and third phase. This is not a strict rule, and each for itself can determine the intensity of the ingredients according to its own preferences.

Alcoholic perfumes should contain 20-30% of essential oils in alcohol, and an oil-based perfume is 10% essential oils. Dry spirits are mixed like this: 50% of bee wax and 50% of mixed oils. Cooked perfume need to pour into a sterile bottle. Alcohol perfume need to insist in a dry and dark place for several weeks.
Sometimes it must be mixed gently, but not shake it. For oil spirits, it takes less time - about 1 week. Dry spirits can be used immediately.

Popular recipes

Consider how to make spirits yourself at home according to the most popular recipes:

Summer perfume:

  • ethyl alcohol - 20 ml;
  • melissa - 3 k.;
  • bergamot - 2K.;
  • lemon - 5 k.;
  • neroli - 2nd to.

Perfume cloves:

  • ethyl alcohol - 20 ml;
  • violets - 3 k.;
  • bergamot - 2K.;
  • carnations - 4 k.;
  • roses - 2 k.;
  • lavender - 2nd to.

Delightful Eve:

  • ilang-Ilanga - 15 k.;
  • bergamot - 5 k.;
  • vanilla - 4 k.;
  • rose tree - 8 k.;
  • palmaroza - 5 k.;
  • musk - 2 k.;
  • mandarin - 5 k.;
  • jasmine - 5 k.;
  • sandalwood - 5 to.

Smell and his influence on man

Smells carry a definite symbolism and can affect humans:

  • bergamot - Neutralizes the aggression and the cruel energy of the crowd. Protects the aura from external stimuli. Stimulates to creative feats and suppresses closure.
  • vanilla - creates aura of trust and heat, pushing to the creation of a family. Helps to hear the interlocutor, harmonizing already existing relationships.
  • heather - Eats from the way sexlessness, reinforcing the flow of erotic sensuality.
  • geranium - helps to cope with small losses and with negative situations. Reveals sensuality and gives it to erotic relations a little dreaminess and sentimentality.
  • jasmine - eliminates the complexes, reveals a suitable nature.
  • ginger - adds hardness to character and determination. Helps a weak organism to overcome the disease.
  • lavender - helps to realize themselves, as well as relax completely.
  • mandarin - It can help find peace of mind and restore the aura damaged by someone else's angry.
  • mint - Helps to strengthen mutual understanding between people, as well as remove the expectation of trouble and the sense of tension in relationships.
  • rose flower- gives the character of freshness, lightness, sophistication.
  • tea tree - Creates a protective shell, thereby protecting against the aggression of the surrounding world.
  • orange - Creates aura of serenity and trust. Enhances faith in itself and optimism.
  • basil - improves self-esteem, eliminates complexes.
  • verbena - Enhances the successfulness of a person, helps in solving complex issues.
  • carnation - Protects from the surrounding malice and relieves extra emotionality.
  • - helps to achieve success in work, and also opens talents.
  • ylang-Ilang. - increases the potency of man and the sensuality of a woman. It is the aroma of erotic games.
  • cinnamon- adds warmth and comfort in man aura.
  • lemon - It is a traveler's aroma that helps feel comfortable in any atmosphere.
  • muscat- Strengthens tolerance in the life of the family, and also develops intuition in adolescents and helps to cope with the problems of transitional age.
  • patchouli - Enhances intuition, helps to cope with any situation.
  • pine - It will restore the strength after the emotional impact.
  • eucalyptus - May give longevity and help restore the forces after the disease.

Enjoy the process of creating an aroma of your dreams. And then the favorite perfume will give you beautiful and restore the inner harmony.

Buying perfume, we often find it difficult with the choice of the desired fragrance. It is difficult to predict how basic notes will "sound" on your skin after some time. Why not try to make perfume yourself? So you can combine various flavors and choose the best for yourself. In this article we will tell, how to make perfume from essential oils that will reflect your individuality.

How to make perfume from oil?

How to make perfume from essential oils

To make perfume independently, prepare the following components:

  • Bottles with bought essential oils.
  • As a base, cosmetic oil or alcohol.
  • Bottles for the preparation of flavors and their storage.
  • Paper cut by strips to compose combinations.
  • Pipettes.

With this simple arsenal, you can make up your composition. Now it remains to figure out how perfumes from essential oils are made.

First you need to choose a base on which the fragrance will be held. It can be butter or alcohol. Oil perfume is quite delicate, but at the same time durable. Alcohol - very saturated, but they exhale faster. The first can be used immediately as soon as you prepared them, and the second insist for a couple of months.

For the base, especially good oils: olive, jojoba, sweet almond oil, cocoa and grape seeds. Ethyl alcohol is needed to create alcohol aromas.

To get the upper note, oils are used, which evaporate quickly, but, on the other hand, they set the tone: lemon oil, lavender, grapefruit, sweet and bitter orange.

The heart of spirits are fragrances that evaporate slower, such as jasmine oils, roses or exotic ylang-yulang

The basis of perfumes - oils that are held longer on the skin: sandalwood esters, cedar, vanilla.

Apply for each piece of oils of each note on each piece, and then, overlapping on each other at once, 3-4 strips, "try" the aroma.

Specialists advise mixing components in the following proportions: average note - 50%, base -20%, upper notes - 30%. At the same time, 10-12 ml of oil take no more than 20 drops of aromatic esters. For alcohol spirits, take 70-85% alcohol, 0-10% water, 15-35% essential oil. When the alcohol spirits are insteading, take them off every 2-3 days.

For cooking take the oil or mix the alcohol with water. Add basic notes, medium and finally top to them.

Recipes perfumes from essential oils

There are ready recipes, how to make perfumes from essential oils. We offer some simple options for beginners. Choose any base and mix it with the specified components.