Physical development and functional state of preschool children. Postnatal factors of physical development of children. Empirical formulas for calculating anthropometric data in children over a year old

As you know, the growth and development of young children occurs according to special laws that are simply not applicable to the development of adults. For an adequate and complete assessment of the baby's condition and its development at certain periods of life, a number of indicators are used. There are certain standards for the physical development of children, determined based on the data of the World Health Organization. It is on these main indicators that pediatricians are guided, evaluating the "standard" or "non-standard" of the baby's development.

The main indicators of the age norms of the physical development of the child

Some of the main indicators that pediatricians pay attention to when examining children under the age of one month on a monthly basis include:

  • height - this is the most important indicator of correct development. Lagging is an alarming symptom that should not be overlooked. The highest growth rates are observed in newborns, the older the child becomes, the slower it grows. It is important to understand that this increase is not a uniform process, therefore, jumps occur at different periods of life. The age norms of the child's physical development, given in special normative tables, make it possible to evaluate this indicator;
  • the weight - another important indicator, it can change under the influence of a lot of factors, however, the average values, which are recognized as the boundaries of the norm, still exist;
  • motor functions Is an important indicator for assessing the level of psychomotor development. Immediately after birth, the presence of natural physiological reflexes is assessed by motor activity.

Each parent should understand that the norms of the physical development of a child under one year old given in the tables are averaged (average), so not every deviation from them should be a cause for panic. The formation of an organism is assessed after analyzing many features, taking into account all individual characteristics.

The norms of the physical development of a child under one year old, at the age of 3 and by the age of five

The growth of a baby born full-term, at the time set by the doctor, is 46-60 cm.

During the first two months of his life, the child grows very actively and adds about 6 cm in height.When he is one year old, the growth will differ from the same indicator at birth by 20-25 cm and will be 71-85 cm.

In another year, it will grow by 12-14 cm, and by two years the growth will be 85-100 cm, by four years it will increase to 93-108 cm, and by five - up to 110-112 cm.

A lag of more than 10-15 cm from the average value is a cause for concern and a visit to a doctor.

At birth, weight ranges from 2600 to 4500 grams. During the first three months, the most intense increase occurs, then its rates decrease slightly. By one year, a healthy baby weighs an average of 10-12 kg.

The norms of physical development of a 3-year-old child suggest that his weight should be 13-14 kg, and by four it should increase to 16-17 kg. Well, at five years old, the weight, as a rule, reaches 19-20 kg.

Small deviations from the norm should not be perceived by parents as an unambiguous pathology, since weight is a labile indicator, largely due to the individual characteristics of the organism.

The norms of physical development of children: motor functions

In addition to controlling weight and height, the norms of physical development of preschool children also provide for monitoring the formation of motor functions. So, a two-month-old baby should confidently hold his head, the movements of the arms and legs should become less chaotic. Also at this age there are already attempts to grab a toy and hold it in hand.

By the age of three months, most children begin to roll over from their backs onto their tummies, but some learn to do this only by five months and this is not a deviation.

At six months, the first attempts to sit up and crawl are usually made, and by seven months they are usually crowned with success. At nine months, the child is already crawling, turning from stomach to back and back, sitting, standing at the side of the crib and even taking the first steps. Most children can walk independently without support at 11-12 months.

If your baby has any deviations from the table values, you should not immediately think that he is sick or developing abnormally. Nature has no standards, and each unique organism is worthy of individual formation. But at the same time, each parent needs to be able to track the development of their child, taking into account all the individual characteristics.

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Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

FSBEI HPE "Perm State Humanitarian Pedagogical University"

Faculty of Pedagogy and Childhood Psychology

Department of Preschool Pedagogy and Psychology

on the basics of pediatrics and hygiene of children of early and preschool age on the topic:



student group 511

Filimonova Arina



Silin B.V.


Features of the development of preschool children and their assessment


List of used literature


It is known that physical development, together with other indicators of children, is an essential indicator of the health status of children. The state of physical development depends on congenital characteristics, as well as on the environmental conditions in which the organism grows and forms. Trained medical workers should be allowed to conduct a survey of the physical development of children, in particular anthropometry, since the technique and methods of anthropometric measurements require certain knowledge and practical skills.

It is very important to constantly monitor the physical development of preschoolers. The purpose of this study is to form an idea of ​​morphological, functional, somatoscopic signs, familiarize with the methods and devices used for anthropometric and functional studies, develop skills for assessing the physical development of children by anthropometric and physiometric characteristics.


physical development preschooler growth

The term "physical development of a child" is understood as a dynamic process of growth (increase in length, mass, individual parts of the body) in different periods of childhood. The physical development of children is influenced by many factors, which sometimes makes it extremely difficult to identify the causes of its violation. The main criteria for physical development include body weight and length, the circumference of the ready and chest, body proportions (physique, posture).

Anthropometric indicators are a complex of morphological and functional data characterizing age and sex characteristics of physical development. They are divided into three groups:

Somatoscopic - the condition of the musculoskeletal system (the shape of the spine, chest, legs, posture, muscle development), the degree of fat deposition and puberty;

Somatometric - body length and weight, chest circumference, thigh, lower leg, forearm, etc .;

Physiometric (functional) - vital capacity of the lungs (VC), muscle strength of the arms, back strength.

Somatoscopic indicators.

The examination begins with an assessment of the skin, then the shape of the chest, abdomen, legs, the degree of development of muscles, fat deposits, the state of the musculoskeletal system and other parameters (indicators).

The skin is described as smooth, clean, moist, dry, firm, flaccid, acne, pale, flushed, etc.

The condition of the musculoskeletal system is assessed by the general impression: massiveness, shoulder width, posture, etc.

The spine is the main supporting function. It is examined in the sagittal and frontal planes, the shape of the line formed by the spinous processes of the vertebrae is determined, attention is paid to the symmetry of the shoulder blades and the level of the shoulders, the state of the waist triangle formed by the waist line and the lowered arm.

The normal spine has physiological curves in the sagittal plane, the front view is a straight line. In pathological conditions of the spine, curvatures are possible both in the anteroposterior direction (kyphosis, lordosis) and in the lateral direction (scoliosis).

Posture is the usual posture of a person standing at ease. It depends on the shape of the spine, the uniformity of development and tone of the muscles of the torso. Distinguish posture correct, stooped, kyphotic, lordotic and erect. To determine the posture, visual observations are carried out over the position of the shoulder blades, the level of the shoulders, and the position of the head. In addition, instrumental studies are included (determination of the depth of the cervical and lumbar bends and the length of the spine).

Normal posture is characterized by five characteristics:

1- the location of the spinous processes of the vertebrae along the plumb line, lowered from the tubercle of the occipital bone and passing along the intergluteal fold;

2- the location of the shoulder girdle at the same level;

3- the location of both blades at the same level;

4- equal triangles (right and left), formed by the body and freely lowered arms;

5- correct bends of the spine in the sagittal plane (up to 5 cm deep in the lumbar spine and up to 2 cm in the cervical).

With a number of diseases (scoliosis, kyphosis, etc.), there is a change in posture. Often, engaging in an inappropriate sport, early specialization (gymnastics, barbell, etc.) lead to dysfunction of the spine and muscle imbalance, which negatively affects the function of internal organs and the performance of a person as a whole.

The foot is an organ of support and movement. Distinguish between normal, flattened and flat feet. A flat foot is characterized by a drooping arch. The development of flat feet is accompanied by the appearance of unpleasant, painful sensations in the foot and ankle joint under load.

Somatometric indicators.

The most stable indicator of physical development is the child's height. It determines the absolute length of the body and, accordingly, the increase in body size, development, maturation of its organs and systems, the formation of functions in a particular period of time.

For the first year, the child gains an average of 25 cm in height, so that by the year his growth is on average 75-76 cm.With the child's development, the monthly increase in height can fluctuate within ± 1 cm, but by 6 months and by the year these fluctuations growth should not exceed 1 cm.

Measurement of children in the first year of life is carried out in the supine position with a horizontal stadiometer. The child is placed on his back in such a way that the head firmly touches the top of the head to the transverse bar of the stadiometer. The head is set in a position in which the lower edge of the orbit and the upper edge of the ear tragus are in the same vertical plane. The assistant fixes the child's head tightly. The legs should be straightened by light pressure with the left hand on the child's knees. With the right hand, bring the movable bar of the stadiometer tightly to the heels, bending the feet to a right angle. The distance between the fixed and movable bar will correspond to the height of the child.

The growth of children increases unevenly. In the period from 4 to 5.5 years in boys and at 6-7 years in girls, growth accelerates somewhat - up to 6-8 cm per year (the so-called first physiological extension). Roughly, it can be assumed that, starting from 1 year, the child grows on average by 5 cm annually.

Measurement of growth in children over one year old is carried out in a standing position with a stadiometer. The child stands on the platform of the stadiometer with his back to the vertical stand, in a natural, erect position, touching the vertical stand with heels, buttocks, interscapular region and the back of the head, hands are lowered along the body, heels together, toes apart. The head is set in a position in which the lower edge of the orbit and the upper edge of the ear tragus are in the same horizontal plane. The movable bar is applied to the head without pressure.

Body mass.

Unlike height, body weight is a rather labile indicator that reacts relatively quickly and changes under the influence of a variety of reasons. Weight gain is especially intense in the first quarter of the year. The body weight of full-term newborns ranges from 2600g to 4000g and is on average 3-3.5 kg.

The dynamics of body weight is characterized by a greater increase in the first 6 months of life and less by the end of the first year. The child's body weight doubles by 4.5 months, triples by the year, despite the fact that this indicator can change and depends on nutrition, past diseases, etc. The energy of the increase in body weight gradually weakens with each month of life.

On average, by one year, the child's body weight is 10-10.5 kg. The increase in body weight in infants does not always differ in this pattern. It depends on the individual characteristics of the child and a number of external factors.

Determination of body weight in young children is carried out on a scale with a maximum permissible load of up to 20 kg. The diaper is weighed first. It is placed on the weighing tray so that the edges of the diaper do not hang over the tray. The child is placed on the wide part of the tray with his head and shoulder girdle, legs on the narrow part of the tray. If the child can be seated, then he is seated on the wide part of the tray with his buttocks, legs on the narrow part. It is possible to place a child on the scales and remove them from them only with the balance beam closed, not standing on the side, but directly from the side of the balance beam. Weight readings are counted from the side of the weight where there are notches or notches (the lower weight must be placed only in the notches available on the lower scale). After recording the weights, the weights are set to zero. To determine the weight of the child, subtract the weight of the diaper from the scale readings.

Weighing of children under one year old in preschool institutions is carried out every 10 days, from 1 to 3 years old - once a month.

At an older age, the annual weight gain is on average 2 kg: for the 4th year of life - about 1.6 kg, for the 5th - about 2 kg, for the 6th and 7th - 2 , 5 kg. By the age of 6-7 years, a child's body weight is approximately equal to twice his body weight at the age of 1 year. An accurate assessment of the physical development (Physical development) of a child is possible only on the basis of a comparison of the indicators of his height and body weight with the indicators of standard weight-and-weight tables or curves.

When assessing the physical development of a child, it is necessary to know the correct ratio between body weight and height. The mass-growth index (MCI) is understood as the ratio of mass to height, i.e. what mass falls on 1 cm of body length. Normally, in newborns (MCI) is 60-75 g.

Proportionality of development.

In addition to height and body weight, the correct proportions of the body are important for assessing physical development. It is known that the circumference of the chest in full-term is less than the circumference of the head at birth. The head circumference of full-term babies varies within a fairly wide range - from 33.5 to 37.5 cm, on average it is 35 cm.When analyzing these digital indicators, one should take into account the height and weight of the child's body, as well as the ratio of the head circumference to the chest circumference ... When comparing, it should be borne in mind that at birth the head should not exceed the chest circumference by more than 2 cm. In the future, it is necessary to focus on the growth rate of the head circumference. In the first 3-5 months, the monthly increase is 1.0-1.5 cm, and then 0.5 -0.7 cm. By the year, the head circumference increases by 10-12 cm and reaches 46-47-48 cm (on average 47 cm), by the age of one and a half, it increases to 47.9 cm, in 2-year-old babies - up to 49 cm, and in three-year-olds - up to 50 cm.In the 2nd year of life, the head circumference increases by 2 cm, for 3rd - 1 cm.

Measurement of the chest circumference is made with a centimeter rubberized tape in a state of calm breathing (pause, and older children when inhaling and exhaling). The tape is applied at the back - at the corners of the shoulder blades, and in front - at the level of the lower edge of the nipples.

Statistical functions.

Static functions are assessed taking into account the rate of the child's motor development. These are the various motor skills of the child. It is necessary to take into account the ability of a child at a certain age to hold his head, make movements with his hands (feeling an object, grabbing, holding a toy in one hand, performing various actions), the appearance of dynamic functions (turning from back to stomach and from stomach to back, pulling up, crawling, sitting down , get up, walk, run).

Timely eruption of milk teeth.

The teeth are laid around the 40th day of embryonic life. A child is born, as a rule, without teeth. Teething is a physiological act, the first teeth erupt at the age of 6 months. First, 2 lower middle incisors appear, by 8 months 2 upper middle incisors appear, by 10 months 2 upper lateral incisors appear. By one year, 2 lateral lower incisors erupt. Thus, at 1 year of age, a child should have 8 teeth - 4/4. By the age of 2, the eruption of the remaining 12 milk teeth ends. From 5-6 years old, teeth begin to fall out, being replaced by permanent ones.

Development of movements.

At the end of the 1st - 2nd year, the child masters independent walking. Some kids, being able to walk, continue to crawl after a year, and sometimes they prefer walking on all fours. Crawling techniques evolve and vary. However, each of them contains the following components: straightening the head, neck, back and arms; simultaneous rotation in opposite directions of the trunk and shoulders, trunk and pelvis; differentiated movements of the shoulders and arms, trunk, legs and pelvis. These components of crawling have already been partially mastered by the child at the 1st year of life, later they are improved and combined into new motor skills.

For some time the baby continues to walk sideways. A child of 12 - 15 months, when walking, may not hold on to the support, but he is not yet able to turn back from this position in order to get a toy. This will become possible only by one and a half years.

In an upright position, the baby is not able to fully straighten his hips, which is why he stands "with his stomach forward", and his legs are slightly unfolded.

When the baby is 1.5 years old, he begins to move in a new way - bending his arms at the elbows and pressing them to the body. As the movements of the arms and the shoulder girdle become more and more differentiated, coordinated (reciprocal) movements of the arms are formed when walking: the right hand moves forward simultaneously with the left leg, and vice versa.

An increase in trunk stability in an upright position promotes the development of leg movements. The hips and knees are freely unbending, plantar flexion is formed in the feet (lowering the forefoot downward), due to which a heel-toe form of a step appears with initial support on the heel, then on the toes - the so-called roll.

From one and a half years old, the baby begins to easily get up without support from a position on his stomach and on his back. Then he gradually masters various combined movements. For example, learning to go up and down stairs.

At the end of the 2nd year, the child is already able to walk backwards, trying to run. This progressive development of motor skills becomes possible due to the improvement of the balance function. A uniform step rhythm is formed.

At the age of one and a half to 2 years, manual actions that require supination of the forearm continue to improve, and the child learns to turn the door handle, empty objects from boxes.

The development of coordinated voluntary extension of the fingers and the active use of the thumb form the basis for the improvement of manipulative activity.

With the development of differentiable and controlled movements in the wrist joint, the child gets the opportunity to simultaneously act with both hands, but in different ways.

By the end of the 3rd year of life, the child's coordination of movements is already sufficiently developed.

Thus, thanks to the intensive development of motor functions, by the age of 3, the child already masters the ways of using many objects, as well as the initial skills of self-service.

In addition to anthropometric measurements, muscle tone, tissue turgor, the nature of fat deposition, etc., are noted. navel, on the back - under the shoulder blades, on the limbs - on the outer surface of the thigh and shoulder, on the face - in the cheeks). Depending on the thickness of the subcutaneous fat layer, one speaks of normal, excessive and insufficient fat deposition. Attention is drawn to the uniform (throughout the body) or uneven distribution of the subcutaneous fat layer.

Determination of soft tissue turgor is carried out by squeezing the skin with the thumb and forefinger of the right hand and

all the soft tissues on the inner thigh and shoulder, while a feeling of resistance or elasticity is perceived, called turgor. If the turgor is reduced, then when squeezing, a feeling of lethargy or flabbiness is determined.

Muscle tone is determined by passive flexion and extension of the upper and lower extremities. Muscle tone is judged by the degree of resistance that occurs during passive movements, as well as by the consistency of muscle tissue, determined by touch. In healthy children, muscle tone and mass in symmetrical places should be the same.

Anatomical and physiological features of organs and systems.

The skin thickens, becomes more elastic and resistant to mechanical stress, the number of blood vessels in it decreases, but is still relatively large. By the age of 6, the structure of the dermis approaches that of adults, but the keratinization of the stratum corneum of the epidermis is not yet complete. Hair thickness increases from 0.08 mm at the end of the first year of life to 0.2 mm by 6-7 years.

The metabolic rate in bone tissue decreases. The calcium content in the skeleton increases from 179 g at 3 years to 239 g at 6 years. Ossification of the skeleton is not complete; there is still a lot of cartilaginous tissue in it. By the fourth year of life, lumbar lordosis is significantly reduced, and therefore the protrusion of the abdomen, characteristic of young children, disappears. By the age of 5-6 years, the shape of the spine becomes the same as that of an adult, but the fixation of the spine is still imperfect.

The growth of the facial skull outstrips the growth of the brain, and the paranasal sinuses (paranasal sinuses) continue to form. By the age of 4, the lower nasal passage develops.

By the age of 7, the formation of the chest is completed. The ribs gradually take the same position as in an adult, the respiratory muscles develop, the so-called rib breathing appears.

Until 6-7 years of age, the glottis, trachea and bronchi remain narrow. The mucous membrane of the respiratory tract is delicate, rich in blood vessels. The mass of the lungs, the number of alveoli, and the lumen of the bronchioles increase. By the age of 5-7, the formation of the acin structure ends. The tidal volume increases from 114 ml at 3 years old to 156 ml at 6 years old, the minute breathing volume - from 2900 to 3200 cm3, respectively. By the age of 6, oxygen demand reaches a maximum value of 9.2 ml / min / kg (which is twice as high as in adults). Breathing becomes deeper and more rare, one breathing movement accounts for 31/2-4 beats of the pulse. Respiratory rate decreases from 30-35 per minute in 1 year to 23-25 ​​per minute by 5-7 years. With auscultation of the lungs up to 5-7 years, puerile breathing is determined.

The cardiovascular system becomes more efficient and resilient. The mass of the heart and the strength of the heart contractions increase. The shape and position of the heart is almost the same as in adults. Borders of relative cardiac dullness at 2-6 years: the upper edge is the second intercostal space, the left edge is 1-2 cm outward from the left midclavicular line, the right edge is slightly inward from the right periosternal line (does not reach the middle of the distance between the right peri-sternal line and the right edge of the sternum). The apical impulse of the heart on examination is determined in the fifth intercostal space, somewhat outward from the right midclavicular line.

The heart rate gradually decreases: at 3 years old it is 105 beats per minute, at 5 years old - 100 beats per minute, at 7 years old - 85-90 beats per minute. Blood pressure rises on average from 95/60 mm Hg. Art. in 3-4 years up to 100/65 mm Hg. Art. at 7 years old. For an approximate calculation of blood pressure, you can use the following formulas: for systolic blood pressure - 90 + 2n, diastolic - 60 + n (n is age in years).

Further development of the gastrointestinal tract occurs. From 2 to 5 years, the length of the esophagus increases from 13 to 16 cm, the diameter - from 13 to 15 mm, the distance from the teeth to the entrance to the stomach - from 22.5-24 to 26-27.9 cm. and the capacity of the stomach, the intestines are lengthened. The mass and size of the pancreas and liver increase, and their functions are improved. In children 5-7 years of age, the lower edge of the liver protrudes from under the right costal arch by 1-2 cm along the midclavicular line. In connection with an increase in the secretion of the digestive glands, an increase in the activity of digestive enzymes, digestion becomes more perfect. The frequency of bowel movements is 1-2 times a day.

The mass and size of the kidneys increase. From the age of 5, the structure of the nephron glomerulus is the same as in adults. The number of urinations decreases from 10 times a day at 3 years to 6-7 at 7 years. At 3 years old, a child secretes up to 800-900 ml of urine per day, at 7 years old - up to 1000-1300 ml. The clearance of endogenous creatinine corresponds to that of adults.

The hematopoietic system develops, the mass of the bone marrow increases. The composition of the blood (Blood) changes: at 4-5 years of age, a repeated crossover occurs in the leukocyte formula, when the number of neutrophils and lymphocytes is practically equalized. The mass of the thymus gland, the mass and size of the spleen increase. The number of lymph nodes continues to increase, the lymphoid apparatus of the nasopharynx and gastrointestinal tract develops.

There is a further improvement of the immune system, the level of complement increases. The synthesis of immunoglobulins increases: the content of immunoglobulins M in the blood reaches the level of an adult by 4-5 years, and immunoglobulins G - at 5-6 years. The level of immunoglobulins A in preschool age is lower than in adults.

Endocrine glands develop. The hypothalamic-pituitary system is being improved, the size of the pituitary gland is increasing. A sufficient level of secretion of triple hormones of the pituitary gland ensures the normal growth dynamics of the child and the correct functioning of the peripheral endocrine glands. The mass of the thyroid gland increases, the hormones of which are necessary not only for the growth processes, but also for the differentiation of the c.ns., the normal intellectual and psychomotor development of the child. The differentiation of zones in the adrenal cortex continues. There are no significant changes in the level of sex hormones, but further development of the gonads (testicles, ovaries) is noted, their "preparation" for the period of puberty increases the mass of the parathyroid glands.

The development of the central and peripheral nervous systems continues. The mass of the brain increases. The leading paths of c.s. are being improved. and nerve endings in the cephalocaudal direction: by 3-5 years, the myelination of nerve fibers is mainly completed. After 3 years, cervical and lumbar thickening of the spinal cord appear, its mass by 3-5 years tripled compared to its mass at birth.

Further development of the sense organs takes place. The size and mass of the eyeballs noticeably increase. In 6-year-old children, the processes of refraction formation are still continuing, deep vision begins to develop. By the age of 6, visual acuity reaches 0.86. The volumetric perception of objects and the ability to distinguish colors are worse than in school-age children. Hearing acuity and the ability to differentiate sounds increase. At the age of 6, hearing acuity is lower by words than by tones. The sense of smell improves - the sensitivity to odors and the ability to differentiate them increase.


So, we examined the features of the physical education of preschool children; the main methods and rules for their assessment.

By physical qualities and abilities, we mean such qualities and abilities that characterize his physical state, this is, first of all, the state of his morphological and functional development: the constitution of his organism and the physiological functions of the latter. Among the signs that characterize the constitution of an organism include, in particular, such indicators of its physique as height, weight, body circumference, etc. Among the various physiological functions of the human body, it should be especially noted that the motor function is development of motor (physical) qualities.

And, of course, at an early and preschool age, it is important to solve the problems of upbringing practically all physical qualities.


1. Hygiene of children and adolescents, ed. V.N. Kardatenko - M. - Medicine - 1980 - p. 41-115

2. Kozlov V.I. and other Physiology of child development. M., 1983 .-- 15 p.

3. Veltischev Yu.E., Vetrov V.P. Objective indicators of the normal development and health of the child. - M., 2000 .-- 165 p.

4. Assessment of the physical development of children: Method. instructions / Comp. Krasnov V.M., Grigorieva M.N., Krasnov M.V., Piskunova A.I., Kustova V.G. - Chuvash. un-t., Cheboksary, 2002 .-- 56 p.

5. Grokholsky G.G. Physical activity of preschool children: Method. Recommendations, AFV and CRP. - Mn, 1992 .-- 44p.

6. Stepanenkova E.Ya. Theory and methodology of physical education and child development. - M .: Publishing Center "Academy" 2001.-368s.

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It is known that physical development, together with other indicators of children, is an essential indicator of the health status of children. The state of physical development depends on congenital characteristics, as well as on the environmental conditions in which the organism grows and forms. Trained medical workers should be allowed to conduct a survey of the physical development of children, in particular anthropometry, since the technique and methods of anthropometric measurements require certain knowledge and practical skills.

Measurement of children in the first year of life is carried out in the supine position with a horizontal stadiometer. The child is laid on his back in such a way that the head firmly touches the top of the head to the transverse bar of the stadiometer. The head is set in a position in which the lower edge of the orbit and the upper edge of the ear tragus are in the same vertical plane. The assistant fixes the child's head tightly. The legs should be straightened by light pressure with the left hand on the child's knees. With the right hand, bring the movable bar of the stadiometer tightly to the heels, bending the feet to a right angle. The distance between the fixed and movable bar will correspond to the height of the child.

Measurement of growth in children over one year old is carried out in a standing position with a stadiometer. The child stands on the platform with his back to the vertical stand, in a natural, erect position, touching the vertical stand with heels, buttocks, interscapular region and the back of the head, hands are lowered along the body, heels together, toes apart. The head is set in a position in which the lower edge of the orbit and the upper edge of the ear tragus are in the same horizontal plane. The movable bar is applied to the head without pressure.

Determination of body weight in young children is carried out on a scale with a maximum permissible load of up to 20 kg. The diaper is weighed first. It is placed on the weighing tray so that the edges of the diaper do not hang over the tray. The child is placed on the wide part of the tray with his head and shoulder girdle, legs on the narrow part of the tray. If the child can be seated, then he is seated on the wide part of the tray with his buttocks, legs on the narrow part. It is possible to place the child on and off the scales only when the balance beam is closed, not standing on the side, but directly from the side of the balance beam. Weight readings are counted from the side of the weight where there are notches or notches (the lower weight must be placed only in the notches available on the lower scale). After recording the weights, the weights are set to zero. To determine the weight of the child, subtract the weight of the diaper from the scale readings.

Weighing of children under one year old in preschool institutions is carried out every 10 days, from 1 to 3 years old - once a month.

Measurement of the chest circumference is made with a centimeter rubberized tape in a state of calm breathing (pause, and older children when inhaling and exhaling). The tape is applied at the back - at the corners of the shoulder blades, and in front - at the level of the lower edge of the nipples.

In addition to anthropometric measurements, muscle tone, tissue turgor, the nature of fat deposition, etc., are noted. on the back - under the shoulder blades, on the limbs - on the outer surface of the thigh and shoulder, on the face - in the cheeks). Depending on the thickness of the subcutaneous fat layer, one speaks of normal, excessive and insufficient fat deposition. Attention is drawn to the uniform (throughout the body) or uneven distribution of the subcutaneous fat layer.

Determination of soft tissue turgor is carried out by squeezing the skin with the thumb and forefinger of the right hand and
all the soft tissues on the inner thigh and shoulder, while a feeling of resistance or elasticity is perceived, called turgor. If the turgor is reduced, then when squeezing, a feeling of lethargy or flabbiness is determined.

Muscle tone is determined using passive flexion
and extension of the upper and lower extremities. Muscle tone is judged by the degree of resistance that occurs during passive movements, as well as by the consistency of muscle tissue, determined by touch. In healthy children, muscle tone and mass in symmetrical places should be the same.

These descriptive traits are rated for their severity as "small", "medium", and "large".

An individual assessment of physical development is based on a comparison of his anthropometric data with regional standards developed by the method of regressive analysis. The use of normative or dental tables allows you to give a differentiated description of the physical, development of the child and highlight children who need constant monitoring and specialist advice.

Lagging in physical development can be due to a number of reasons that need to be identified by the doctor of a preschool institution. The hereditary and constitutional factor is of some importance. Chronic infections and intoxications, primarily rheumatism, tonsillogenic cardiopathy, chronic pyelonephritis, hypothyroid dwarfism, are more often the cause of unsatisfactory physical development. We can talk about nanism only if the growth rate is more than 10% below the standard.

A detailed examination of the child allows you to identify the features of his skin, lymphatic system, and skeletal system. Scoliosis or a funnel chest may be present in preschool children. Timely detection of this pathology prevents the development of disability in the future. All children with suspected pathology of the musculoskeletal system should be referred for consultation to an orthopedist, corrective gymnastics is indicated.

age boys girls pulse breath hell
the weight height the weight height
1 year 11,5-13,8 82-87 11,7-13,5 80-87 120-125 35
2 year 12-14 85-92 11,8-14,0 82-90 110-115
3 year 13,8-16 92-99 13,6-16 91-99 105-100 28
4 year 15,8-18,5 98-107 14,5-17,5 95-108 100-106 80-104 40-60
5 years 17,6-21,7 105-116 16,9-19,9 98-112 100 80-109 40-60
6 years 19,6-24,2 111-121 18,8-23,8 111-116 90-96 26 80-109 40-60
7 years 21,6-28,2 118-139 21,8-27,4 118-129 85-90 80-109 40-70
8 years 80-87 80-109 40-70
9 years 80-85 85-114 45-74
10 years 78-75 20 90-119 50-70
12 years 75-72 90-119 50-70
13 years 72-82 95-117 53-73
14 years old 72-76 17 95-117 53-73

age floor. Physical development level
High Above average average Below the average short
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Body mass
3d. small .. l 18,7> 18,6-17,3 17,2-14,1 14,0-12,6 12,5<
virgins 18 , 5> 18,4-16,9 16,8-13,8 13.7-12,4 12,3<
3d. small. . 19,1> 19,0-17,8 17,4-14,7 14,6-13,1 13,2<
6month . virgins 18,7> 18,6-17,7 17,6-14,2 14,6-13,3 12,9<
4d. small. 19,6> 19,5-18,3 18,2-15,3 14,1-13,0 13,8<
virgins 18,9> 18,8-17,5 17,4-14,7 15,2-13,9 13,5<
4d. small. . 21,2> 21,1-19,7 19,6-16,0 14,6-13,6 14,3<
6month virgins . 20,4> 20,3-18,3 18,2-15,7 15,9-14,4 14,1<
5 years small .. 22,9> 22,8-21,0 20,9-16,8 15,6-14,2 14,8<
virgins 21,9> 21,8-20,2 20,1-16,6 16,7-14,9 14,9<
5 years small .. 23,9> 23,8-22,1 22,0-18,1 16,5-14,9 16,1<
6mіs. virgins 23,8> 23,7-21,8 21,7-17,6 18,0-16,2 15,5<
6 years small .. 25,0> 24,9-23,2 23,1-19,5 17,5-15,6 17,5<
virgins 25,9> 25,8-23,5 23,4-18,6 19,4-17,6 16,1<
6 years small. 26,7> 26,6-24,7 24,6-20,3 18,5-16,2 18,2<
6month .. virgins 27,5> 27,4-24,9 24,8-19,7 19,6-17,6 17,5<
Body height
3d. small .. 108> 107-104 103-93 92-88 87<
virgins 107> 106-102 101-91 90-86 85<
3d. small .. 109> 108-105 104-96 95-91 90<
6month virgins 108> 107-104 103-94 93-90 89<
4d. small .. 111> 110-107 106-99 98-94 93<
virgins 110> 109-106 105-98 97-94 93<
4d. small .. 114> 113-110 109-102 101-97 96<
6month virgins 1ІЗ> 112-109 108-101 100-96 95<
5 years small .. 117> 116-113 112-105 104-101 100<
virgins 1І6> 115-113 112-105 104-102 101<
5r. small .. 120> 119-117 116-108 107-104 103<
6month virgins 120> 119-116 115-108 107-103 Ї02<
6 years small .. 124> 123-121 120-112 111-108 107<
virgins 124> 123-120 .119-111 110-107 106<
6 years small .. 128> 127-124 123-115 114-111 110<
6month virgins 127> 126-123 122-114 113-109 108<
Chest circumference
3d. small .. 59> 58-56 55-50 49-47 46<
virgins 58> 57-55 54-49 48-47 46<





Abolished on the basis of the Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Belarus of 23.06.2017 N 290.

1. To approve the attached standard indicators of physical development and fitness of preschool children in the Republic of Bashkortostan (hereinafter - testing standards).

2. The State Committee of the Republic of Bashkortostan for Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism, the Ministry of Public Education of the Republic of Bashkortostan, the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Bashkortostan:

bring testing standards to subordinate organizations;

annually analyze the health status, physical development and fitness of preschool children and submit information to the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Bashkortostan.

3. Administrations of districts and cities to take the necessary measures to organize the physical education of preschool children.

4. Control over the implementation of this order shall be entrusted to the social and humanitarian department of the Office of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Bashkortostan.

Prime Minister


by order of the Cabinet of Ministers
Republic of Bashkortostan
dated May 30, 2000 N 510-p

Indicators of testing the physical development of preschool children

1. Weight-height indicator

│ Age, │ Weight, kg │ Height, cm │
│ years ═════════┤
│ │ boys │ girls │ boys │ girls │
3 13,7-15,3 13,1-16,7 92-99 91-99
4 15,3-18,9 14,4-17,9 99-107 96-106
5 17,4-22,1 16,5-20,4 105-116 104-114
6 19,7-24,1 19,0-23,6 111-121 111-120
7 21,0-24,1 20,6-28,3 117-128 117-128

2. Vital capacity of the lungs

│ Gender │ Age, │ Vital │
│ │ years │ lung capacity │
│ │ │ (ml) │
boys 3,500-800
4 650-1000
5 1100-1500
6 1500-1800
7 1700-2200

Girls 3 400-800
4 650-1000
5 1100-1400
6 1300-1800
7 1500-2000

3. Muscle strength

│ Gender │ Age, │ Muscle strength │ Muscle strength │ Deadweight │
│ │ years │ of the right hand, kg of the left hand, kg strength, kg │
Boys 3 3.4-6.2 3.1-5.5 13.5-19.6
4 3,9-7,5 3,5-7,1 17,6-22,4
5 6,5-10,3 6,1-9,5 19,7-28,1
6 9,6-14,4 9,2-13,4 28,9-37,4
7 11,6-15,0 10,5-14,1 28,7-39,9

Girls 3 2.6-5.0 2.5-4.9 12.4-17.2
4 3,1-6,0 3,2-5,6 14,5-19,7
5 4,9-8,7 5,1-8,7 16,3-22,5
6 7,9-11,9 6,8-11,6 24,5-32,9
7 9,4-14,4 8,6-13,2 25,0-35,0

Indicators of physical fitness of preschool children

│ Indicators │ Gender │ Age │
│ │ ├═════════┬══════════┬═══════════┬═══════════┬══════════┤
│ │ │ 3 years │ 4 years │ 5 years │ 6 years │ 7 years │
Running speed М 3.5-2.8 3.3-2.4 2.5-2.1 2.4-1.9 2.2-1.8
10 m from the stroke D 3.8-2.7 3.4-2.6 2.7-2.2 2.5-2.0 2.4-1.8

Running speed М 11.0-9.0 10.5-8.8 9.2-7.9 8.4-7.6 8.0-7.4
at 30 m from D 12.0-9.5 10.7-8.7 9.8-8.3 8.9-7.7 8.7-7.3
start (sec)

Jump up from M - - 20.2-25.8 21.1-26.9 23.8-30.2
places (cm) D - - 20.4-25.6 20.9-27.1 22.9-29.1

Long jump M 47.0-67.6 53.5-76.6 81.2-102.4 86.3-108.7 94.0-22.4
standing (cm) D 38.2-64.0 51.1-73.9 66.0-94.0 77.7-99.6 80.0-123.0

Range M 1.8-3.6 2.5-1.1 3.9-5.7 4.4-7.9 6.0-10.0
right throw D 1.5-2.3 2.4-3.4 3.0-4.4 3.3-5.4 4.0-6.8
hand (m)

Range М 2.0-3.0 2.0-3.4 2.4-4.2 3.3-5.3 4.2-6.8
left throw D 1.3-1.9 1.8-2.8 2.5-3.5 3.0-4.7 3.0-5.6
hand (m)

Range М 119-157 117-185 187-270 221-303 242-360
throw D 97-153 97-178 138-221 156-256 193-311
medicine ball
(1 kg) due
head (cm)

Running speed
90 m 30.6-25.0
at 120 m 35.7-29.2
at 150 m

All parents are concerned about the questions: “Is their child growing normally? Is his teeth getting out correctly? Is he a good weight or height? " etc.

Of course, if the child is tall and taller than all his peers, the parents are proud of this, rarely wondering if this is good? But on the other hand, parents begin to worry if their child is short, especially when it comes to a boy.

For some reason, the child's weight worries parents less than his height. Mom and dad of a fat baby believe that they have an absolutely healthy, well-fed child and only at school age begin to think about his excess weight.

Before puberty, boys and girls are, on average, the same height and physique. There are two age "leaps" in the development of a child: the first - during the first year of life, the second - during puberty.

Development skills of preschool children

"Tops of development". There are the so-called "development tops" of certain skills. It must be remembered that a child's development is individual. Therefore, below is the average age by which children usually develop certain skills.

■ 2 years - the baby stops urinating in his pants during the day;

■ 3 years - speaks in simple sentences, stays dry for several nights;

■ 4 years old - gets dressed and undressed with a little help from parents;

■ 5 years old - draws a man with a torso, arms and legs.

The main features characterizing the physical development of preschoolers. In preschool children, the musculoskeletal system is actively formed. In children of this age, the natural curves of the spine are not fixed, therefore it is very important to monitor the correct posture of the child. Between the ages of 4 and 6, children get tired quickly, but fatigue also goes away quickly.

Tables of changes in height and weight of a child from 3 to 7 years old.

Tables 1-6 show the average data for the groups. Of course, the division of indicators into "small", "medium" and "large" is conditional.

The average height or weight of the child is within the range indicated in the “average” column. This height or weight corresponds to the average height or weight of children of this age.

Height or weight, the value of which is within the limits indicated in the columns "small" and "large", values ​​are also normal, but they may indicate the possibility of lagging behind or ahead of the child in height or weight.

Table 1

Height of boys from 3 to 7 years old (cm)

table 2

Weight of boys from 3 to 7 years (kg)



Table 3 Boys head circumference(cm)



Table 4

Height of girls from 3 to 7 years (cm)

Table 5

Weight of girls from 3 to 7 years old (kg)

Table 6

Girls head circumference (cm)
