Earth's gravitational field. Earth gravity. Earth's gravitational field On April 10, there will be no gravity on earth

We all studied the law of universal gravitation in school. But what do we really know about gravity beyond what our school teachers put into our heads? Let's update our knowledge...

Fact one

Everyone knows the famous parable about the apple that fell on Newton's head. But the fact is that Newton did not discover the law of universal gravitation, since this law is simply absent from his book “Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy.” There is no formula or formulation in this work, as anyone can see for themselves. Moreover, the first mention of the gravitational constant appears only in the 19th century and, accordingly, the formula could not have appeared earlier. By the way, the coefficient G, which reduces the result of calculations by 600 billion times, has no physical meaning and was introduced to hide contradictions.

Fact two

It is believed that Cavendish was the first to demonstrate gravitational attraction in laboratory ingots, using a torsion balance - a horizontal beam with weights at the ends suspended on a thin string. The rocker could turn on a thin wire. According to the official version, Cavendish brought a pair of 158 kg blanks from opposite sides to the rocker weights and the rocker rotated at a small angle. However, the experimental methodology was incorrect and the results were falsified, which has been convincingly proven. Cavendish spent a long time reworking and adjusting the installation so that the results would fit the average density of the earth expressed by Newton. The methodology of the experiment itself involved moving the blanks several times, and the reason for the rotation of the rocker arm was microvibrations from the movement of the blanks, which were transmitted to the suspension.

This is confirmed by the fact that such a simple installation of the 18th century for educational purposes should have been installed, if not in every school, then at least in the physics departments of universities, in order to show students in practice the result of the law of universal gravitation. However, the Cavendish installation is not used in educational programs, and both schoolchildren and students take the word that two blanks attract each other.

Fact three

If we substitute reference data on the earth, moon and sun into the formula for the law of universal gravitation, then at the moment when the Moon flies between the Earth and the Sun, for example, at the moment of a solar eclipse, the force of attraction between the Sun and the Moon is more than 2 times higher than between Earth and Moon!

According to the formula, the Moon would have to leave the earth's orbit and begin to revolve around the sun.

Gravity constant – 6.6725×10 −11 m³/(kg s²).

The mass of the Moon is 7.3477 × 10 22 kg.

The mass of the Sun is 1.9891×10 30 kg.

The mass of the Earth is 5.9737 × 10 24 kg.

Distance between the Earth and the Moon = 380,000,000 m.

Distance between the Moon and the Sun = 149,000,000,000 m.

Earth And Moon:

6.6725×10 -11 x 7.3477×10 22 x 5.9737×10 24 / 380000000 2 = 2.028×10 20 H

Moon And Sun:

6.6725 × 10 -11 x 7.3477 10 22 x 1.9891 10 30 / 149000000000 2 = 4.39×10 20 H

2.028×10 20 H

The force of attraction between the Earth and the MoonThe force of attraction between the Moon and the Sun

These calculations can be criticized by the fact that the reference density of this celestial body is most likely not determined correctly.

Indeed, experimental evidence suggests that the Moon is not a solid body, but a thin-walled shell. The authoritative magazine Science describes the results of the work of seismic sensors after the impact of the third stage of the rocket that accelerated the Apollo 13 spacecraft on the surface of the Moon: “the seismic ringing was detected for more than four hours. On Earth, if a missile struck at an equivalent distance, the signal would last only a few minutes.”

Seismic vibrations that decay so slowly are typical of a hollow resonator, not a solid body.

But the Moon, among other things, does not show its attractive properties in relation to the Earth - the Earth-Moon pair moves not around the common center of mass, as it would be according to the law of universal gravitation, and the ellipsoidal orbit of the Earth contrary to this law doesn't become zigzag.

Moreover, the parameters of the orbit of the Moon itself do not remain constant; the orbit, in scientific terminology, “evolves”, and does this contrary to the law of universal gravitation.

Fact four

How can this be, some will object, because even schoolchildren know about ocean tides on Earth, which occur due to the attraction of water to the Sun and Moon.

According to the theory, the Moon's gravity forms a tidal ellipsoid in the ocean, with two tidal humps that move across the Earth's surface due to daily rotation.

However, practice shows the absurdity of these theories. After all, according to them, a tidal hump 1 meter high should move through the Drake Passage from the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic in 6 hours. Since water is incompressible, the mass of water would raise the level to a height of about 10 meters, which does not happen in practice. In practice, tidal phenomena occur autonomously in areas of 1000-2000 km.

Laplace was also amazed by the paradox: why in the seaports of France full water comes sequentially, although according to the concept of a tidal ellipsoid it should come there simultaneously.

Fact five

The principle of gravity measurements is simple - gravimeters measure the vertical components, and the deflection of the plumb line shows the horizontal components.

The first attempt to test the theory of mass gravity was made by the British in the mid-18th century on the shores of the Indian Ocean, where, on one side, there is the world’s highest rock ridge of the Himalayas, and on the other, an ocean bowl filled with much less massive water. But, alas, the plumb line does not deviate towards the Himalayas! Moreover, ultra-sensitive instruments - gravimeters - do not detect a difference in the gravity of a test body at the same height, both above massive mountains and over less dense seas of kilometer depth.

To save the theory that has taken root, scientists came up with a support for it: they say the reason for this is “isostasy” - denser rocks are located under the seas, and loose rocks are located under the mountains, and their density is exactly the same as to adjust everything to the desired value.

It was also experimentally established that gravimeters in deep mines show that the force of gravity does not decrease with depth. It continues to grow, depending only on the square of the distance to the center of the earth.

Fact six

According to the formula of the law of universal gravitation, two masses, m1 and m2, the sizes of which can be neglected in comparison with the distances between them, are supposedly attracted to each other by a force directly proportional to the product of these masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. However, in fact, not a single proof is known that matter has a gravitational attractive effect. Practice shows that gravity is not generated by matter or masses; it is independent of them and massive bodies only obey gravity.

The independence of gravity from matter is confirmed by the fact that, with rare exceptions, small bodies of the solar system have no gravitational attractive ability completely. With the exception of the Moon, more than six dozen planetary satellites show no signs of their own gravity. This has been proven by both indirect and direct measurements; for example, since 2004, the Cassini probe in the vicinity of Saturn has been flying close to its satellites from time to time, but no changes in the speed of the probe have been recorded. With the help of the same Casseni, a geyser was discovered on Enceladus, the sixth largest moon of Saturn.

What physical processes must occur on a cosmic piece of ice for jets of steam to fly into space?

For the same reason, Titan, Saturn's largest moon, has a gas tail as a result of atmospheric outflow.

No satellites predicted by theory have been found on asteroids, despite their huge number. And in all the reports about double or paired asteroids that supposedly revolve around a common center of mass, there was no evidence of the rotation of these pairs. The companions happened to be nearby, moving in quasi-synchronous orbits around the sun.

Attempts to place artificial satellites into asteroid orbit ended in failure. Examples include the NEAR probe, which was sent to the Eros asteroid by the Americans, or the HAYABUSA probe, which the Japanese sent to the Itokawa asteroid.

Fact seven

At one time, Lagrange, trying to solve the three-body problem, obtained a stable solution for a particular case. He showed that the third body can move in the orbit of the second, all the time being in one of two points, one of which is 60° ahead of the second body, and the second is the same amount behind.

However, two groups of companion asteroids found behind and in front of Saturn's orbit, which astronomers joyfully called the Trojans, moved out of the predicted areas, and the confirmation of the law of universal gravitation turned into a puncture.

Fact eight

According to modern concepts, the speed of light is finite, as a result we see distant objects not where they are located at the moment, but at the point from which the ray of light we saw started. But at what speed does gravity spread? Having analyzed the data accumulated by that time, Laplace established that “gravity” propagates faster than light by at least seven orders of magnitude! Modern measurements of receiving pulsar pulses have pushed the speed of propagation of gravity even further - at least 10 orders of magnitude faster than the speed of light. Thus, experimental research contradicts the general theory of relativity, which official science still relies on, despite its complete failure.

Fact nine

There are natural anomalies of gravity, which also do not find any clear explanation from official science. Here are some examples:

Fact ten

There is a large number of alternative studies with impressive results in the field of antigravity, which fundamentally refute the theoretical calculations of official science.

Some researchers analyze the vibrational nature of antigravity. This effect is clearly demonstrated in modern experiments, where droplets hang in the air due to acoustic levitation. Here we see how, with the help of a sound of a certain frequency, it is possible to confidently hold drops of liquid in the air...

But the effect at first glance is explained by the gyroscope principle, but even such a simple experiment mostly contradicts gravity in its modern understanding.

Viktor Stepanovich died under rather strange circumstances and his work was partially lost, but some part of the anti-gravity platform prototype has been preserved and can be seen in the Grebennikov Museum in Novosibirsk.

Another practical application of antigravity can be observed in the city of Homestead in Florida, where there is a strange structure of coral monolithic blocks, which is popularly nicknamed. It was built by a native of Latvia, Edward Lidskalnin, in the first half of the 20th century. This man of thin build did not have any tools, he did not even have a car or any equipment at all.

It was not used at all by electricity, also due to its absence, and yet somehow it went down to the ocean, where it cut out multi-ton stone blocks and somehow delivered them to its site. laying out with perfect precision.

After Ed's death, scientists began to carefully study his creation. For the sake of the experiment, a powerful bulldozer was brought in and an attempt was made to move one of the 30-ton blocks of the coral castle. The bulldozer roared and skidded, but did not move the huge stone.

A strange device was found inside the castle, which scientists called a direct current generator. It was a massive structure with many metal parts. 240 permanent strip magnets were built into the outside of the device. But how Edward Leedskalnin actually made multi-ton blocks move still remains a mystery.

The research of John Searle is known, in whose hands unusual generators came to life, rotated and generated energy; discs with a diameter of half a meter to 10 meters rose into the air and made controlled flights from London to Cornwall and back.

The professor’s experiments were repeated in Russia, the USA and Taiwan. In Russia, for example, in 1999, a patent application for “devices for generating mechanical energy” was registered under No. 99122275/09. Vladimir Vitalievich Roshchin and Sergei Mikhailovich Godin, in fact, reproduced SEG (Searl Effect Generator) and conducted a series of studies with it. The result was a statement: you can get 7 kW of electricity without costs; the rotating generator lost weight up to 40%.

The equipment from Searle's first laboratory was taken to an unknown location while he was in prison. The installation of Godin and Roshchin simply disappeared; all publications about her, with the exception of the application for an invention, disappeared.

The Hutchison Effect, named after the Canadian engineer-inventor, is also known. The effect manifests itself in the levitation of heavy objects, the alloy of dissimilar materials (for example, metal + wood), and the anomalous heating of metals in the absence of burning substances near them. Here is a video of these effects:

Whatever gravity actually is, it should be recognized that official science is completely unable to clearly explain the nature of this phenomenon.

Yaroslav Yargin

Based on materials:

A unique phenomenon: on January 4, there will be no gravity on Earth for 3 seconds.
During the New Year holidays, all inhabitants of the Earth will have the chance to experience a phenomenon that happens once every thousand years. This will happen on January 4 at 19:47 Moscow time.
According to scientists, at this moment it will be easy to take pictures while jumping. Usually a person lands on the ground in a quarter of a second, but this time he will be able to hover in the air for as much as three seconds.

British astronomer Patrick Moore explained that at this moment Pluto and Jupiter will line up. And with their enormous mass they will pull back the Earth’s gravitational field, as a result of which it will weaken significantly.
ANSWER to a joke

In the new year 2015, the inhabitants of the Earth will experience the approach of an asteroid and a small parade of planets, as well as several solar and lunar eclipses. But the most unique phenomenon - the parade of planets - will occur on January 4 at 19:47 Moscow time. Jupiter, Mars, Mercury and Venus will line up. All sorts of horror stories immediately spread across the Internet about the unimaginable consequences of a series of these events. In the UK (where else!) there was a scientist named Patrick Moore, who reported that thanks to the parade of planets it would be possible to “hover” in the air for as much as 3 seconds.

Patrick's argument is this: lined up in one line, the planets with their enormous mass will pull back the Earth's gravitational field, and it will become significantly weaker. Thus, all objects will no longer be pulled to the ground with the same force, the person will be able to jump and simply “hang” in the jump for a while. This news was picked up by journalists, and now the promise of a miracle came from the TV screens: “On January 4, all the inhabitants of the Earth will have a unique chance to experience a phenomenon that happens once every 1000 years...”

A new myth has been debunked by Russian scientists. “The parade of planets is not capable of significantly changing gravity,” said Dmitry Zykov, deputy editor-in-chief of the Science and Life magazine. “During the parade of planets, gravitational forces are added on one side and subtracted on the other. Individual changes occur, but they are so insignificant and unnoticeable that it is very difficult to even record them. Not to mention freezing in the air for three seconds,” the expert explained.

As it turned out, the British astronomer published his message back in the 1970s, moreover, on April 1. Why this joke only surfaced now is unknown. Either someone dug it up on television for the sake of laughter, so that we wouldn’t get bored during the holidays, or someone simply passed off an old joke as fresh news. However, there is nothing stopping you from trying to hang in the jump on January 4th and see what happens. And the reason for this may not be an astronomical phenomenon, but other, more mundane, but no less pleasant moments: the joy of a gift, a kiss from a loved one, or just a good mood!

Gravity, also known as attraction or gravitation, is a universal property of matter that all objects and bodies in the Universe possess. The essence of gravity is that all material bodies attract all other bodies around them.

Earth gravity

If gravity is a general concept and quality that all objects in the Universe possess, then gravity is a special case of this comprehensive phenomenon. The earth attracts to itself all material objects located on it. Thanks to this, people and animals can safely move across the earth, rivers, seas and oceans can remain within their shores, and the air can not fly across the vast expanses of space, but form the atmosphere of our planet.

A fair question arises: if all objects have gravity, why does the Earth attract people and animals to itself, and not vice versa? Firstly, we also attract the Earth to us, it’s just that, compared to its force of attraction, our gravity is negligible. Secondly, the force of gravity depends directly on the mass of the body: the smaller the mass of the body, the lower its gravitational forces.

The second indicator on which the force of attraction depends is the distance between objects: the greater the distance, the less the effect of gravity. Thanks also to this, the planets move in their orbits and do not fall on each other.

It is noteworthy that the Earth, Moon, Sun and other planets owe their spherical shape precisely to the force of gravity. It acts in the direction of the center, pulling towards it the substance that makes up the “body” of the planet.

Earth's gravitational field

The Earth's gravitational field is a force energy field that is formed around our planet due to the action of two forces:

  • gravity;
  • centrifugal force, which owes its appearance to the rotation of the Earth around its axis (diurnal rotation).

Since both gravity and centrifugal force act constantly, the gravitational field is a constant phenomenon.

The field is slightly affected by the gravitational forces of the Sun, Moon and some other celestial bodies, as well as the atmospheric masses of the Earth.

The law of universal gravitation and Sir Isaac Newton

The English physicist, Sir Isaac Newton, according to a well-known legend, one day while walking in the garden during the day, he saw the Moon in the sky. At the same time, an apple fell from the branch. Newton was then studying the law of motion and knew that an apple falls under the influence of a gravitational field, and the Moon rotates in orbit around the Earth.

And then the brilliant scientist, illuminated by insight, came up with the idea that perhaps the apple falls to the ground, obeying the same force thanks to which the Moon is in its orbit, and not rushing randomly throughout the galaxy. This is how the law of universal gravitation, also known as Newton’s Third Law, was discovered.

In the language of mathematical formulas, this law looks like this:

F=GMm/D 2 ,

Where F- the force of mutual gravity between two bodies;

M- mass of the first body;

m- mass of the second body;

D 2- the distance between two bodies;

G- gravitational constant equal to 6.67x10 -11.