Information storage in China. Stone - the history of information carriers Can all stones be your amulets and talismans


The first carriers of information were the walls of caves in the Paleolithic era. At first, people painted on the walls of caves, stones and rocks, such drawings and inscriptions are called petroglyphs. The most ancient rock carvings and petroglyphs (from the Greek. petros - stone and glyphe - carving) depicted animals, hunting and domestic scenes. Among the most ancient images on the walls of the caves of the Paleolithic era are the impressions of human hands, and the random interweaving of wavy lines, pressed into the wet clay with the fingers of the same hand.

It is noteworthy how vivid, vivid were the images of animals in the caves of the late period of the ancient Stone Age. Their creators were well aware of the behavior of animals, their habits. They noticed in their movements such lines that elude the modern observer. It is noteworthy that, while depicting animals, the ancient masters used rock irregularities, depressions, and protrusions to model their bodies, resembling the outlines of the figures. The image, as it were, has not yet separated from the space surrounding it, has not become independent.

The people of the ancient Stone Age did not know the ornament. On the images of animals and people made of bone, rhythmically repeating strokes or zigzags, similar to an ornament, are sometimes visible. But, looking closely, you see that this is a symbol for wool, bird feathers or hair. Just as the image of an animal “continues” the rocky background, so these ornament-like motifs have not yet become independent, conditional figures separated from the thing, which can be applied to any surface.

It should be assumed that the oldest information carriers served not only as a simple decoration, but rock paintings were intended to convey information or combined these functions.

The transition of a person to a new way of life and other than before, relations with the surrounding nature occurred simultaneously with the formation of a different perception of the world. Of course, even at the time of the new stone age there was no science, scientists, philosophers who devote themselves to the study of nature and human society. Awareness of the world occurred spontaneously, and all members of society participated in it. At this time, the perception of the environment remained concrete, figurative. Abstract, abstract concepts have not yet separated from their real manifestations. This can be judged by the images, in which the figurative understanding of the world is embodied. In ancient times, their role was even more important than now: in the absence of science, it contained almost the entire experience of knowing the world.

The most ancient writings have come down to us in the form of inscriptions carved on the rocks. However, charcoal, clay, chalk drawings were washed away by rain, and in order to increase the reliability of information storage, primitive artists began to carve the silhouettes of animals on the rocks with a sharp stone. But a stone as a carrier of information and a chisel as a tool for writing are extremely inconvenient to use. Although the stone improved the safety of information, its recording and transmission speed left much to be desired. Therefore, people began to write on the material that is easier to find or make. At the same time, later on, letters of religious content, state decrees, and texts of cult purpose were engraved on the stone.

When the Spaniards took out gold by whole ships from America, the Indians openly laughed at them. After all, these strange Europeans were unaware that, most of all, the indigenous people valued natural stones, which no one paid attention to at that time. All the great civilizations of antiquity were sure that the stones are not just pieces of solidified lava and other fossils, but some energy entities with almost magical properties. We are so out of touch with this knowledge that many people consider cobblestones only good for paving a road or shooting with a slingshot. However, scientists still cannot explain some of the phenomena associated with them. And what scientists have already managed to find out makes us take a fresh look at the stones - at least with interest. And that's why:

The stones are moving

Crawling or sliding stones are not yet fully understood geological phenomenon. Huge (up to several hundred kilograms) and tiny boulders arbitrarily, at different times, in different directions, slowly move along the clay bottom of the dry Lake Racetrack Playa in Death Valley (California, USA). Their movement cannot be seen with the naked eye - however, it is evidenced by the long "trenches" of traces that the stones leave behind. These shallow stripes (2.5 cm) are visible for 3-4 years, and show how the stones suddenly change their trajectories even at a right angle, intersect, turn over from side to side (this is evidenced by the change in the width of the "path"). The stones came here from a hill located south of a dried-up reservoir.

In the 19th century it was believed that supernatural forces moved the cobblestones, but in the last century, many minds began to unravel the mystery of moving stones. Theories of magnetism were put forward (however, no metal was found in blocks of rocks), the phenomenon was also associated with the formation of an ice crust, along which stones supposedly slide (which was also refuted). Now that scientists have the results of many years of research, it is assumed that the cobblestones are moved by ... a strong wind. According to the concept, rather unusual atmospheric phenomena occur over the lake - a whirlwind even forms in its center.

However, it still remains a mystery how, even on rain-moistened clay, wet 350-kilogram stones can travel great distances. It is also unclear why some stones move, while others sleep for several years, and how do they manage to move in different directions under the same “gust of wind”? We can only say that neither the shape nor the size of the boulders will affect the distances they cover.

Stones hold a spark of hope for dinosaurs

In RuNet about "dinogats", or "silicified bones of fossil dinosaurs", there is indecently little information - but in vain. These magnificent stones of semi-biological, semi-mineral origin are found somewhere in the States (Colorado, Arizona, Utah, New Mexico), and much less often in Argentina, on the island of Madagascar, in Mongolia and Siberia. The remains of prehistoric animals become the basis for the growth of silicon oxide crystals only in favorable conditions - without access to oxygen and in soils where the waters are saturated with minerals. Inorganic substances fill all the cavities inside the bones, keeping hard tissues in their original form - and even in bright color. Thanks to such high-quality preservation, dinogats most likely contain intact bone cells, from which the "lost" DNA of dinosaurs that died out many millions of years ago can be read. With the relatively recent invention of the PCR method, only one such cell will be needed for cloning, so these stones are much more alive than one might realize at first glance.

The same, in general, can be said about pieces of amber, which, in addition to air bubbles, also contain fossilized insects and plants. So far, they are only being studied, but it is quite possible that the future will give extinct species a new chance!

Stones are edible

Pearls are a completely edible gift from the sea, and even very healthy because of the calcium they contain. Previously, only pearl miners and very wealthy people could afford to eat it. However, even now few people add it to their diet.

And modern people often eat succinic acid, not even suspecting that it is hiding behind the name of food additive E363. It was first obtained by dissolving amber in alcohol, but it is found in small quantities in many plants. This acid accelerates growth - both plants and people, and improves immunity. In addition, succinic acid has every chance to form the basis of a new generation of drugs for diabetics: it stimulates the body's independent production of insulin and helps to normalize metabolism.

Stones take care of the skin

A lot of talk today about mineral powder, which is made from various natural stones. For example, the same hardened coniferous resin turns into amber powder. Such cosmetics justify the high price - because it has a bacteriostatic effect, accelerates the processes of respiration in cells and, in addition, works as a micro-scrub, rejuvenating the skin. In addition, amber is a source of free hydrogen protons and electrons, therefore it saves cell membranes from the destructive influence of free radicals, delaying old age for a long time.

Stones control energies and heal

The energy-informational theory, as we call it today, has been known since ancient times - the Hindus were familiar with cosmic energy, who still call it Prana, as well as the peoples of China and Japan - in their traditions, energy is called Qi. This theory assumes that all objects in the Universe are surrounded by energy-informational fields. The formation of crystals absorbs a huge amount of energy - such a crystal structure is one of the most durable, since this Qi is accumulated in them. And the stones radiate it back until they are destroyed by time. That is why ordinary and precious minerals can influence not only our body, but also the spiritual essence - influence mood, harmonize life, help achieve goals. They are used not only as talismans and amulets, but also as medicines from nature itself. Each mineral has its own properties, and the choice of each person should be purely individual. And the science of astromineralogy helps in this, which explores the interaction of natural stones with people.

How can stones heal? – This, of course, is about today's popular stone therapy. Almost everyone has heard about it, but not everyone has tried it on themselves. The technique came to us from the East, and taught the "dark" Europeans to get rid of stress, heaviness and muscle pain in different parts of the body, internal inflammatory processes and speed up metabolism. To achieve various medical purposes, stones are selected from different origins - marble, jadeite, basalt, jasper, turquoise, amber, sandstone, granite, and so on. By influencing hot and cold stones on biologically active points, the masters of this business can achieve amazing results in a few pleasant sessions.

". Where we touched a little on the theoretical foundations of stone magic. Let's look at this issue in more detail - and determine what are the stones talking about? And also how and why they say it.

What are the stones talking about? Start over. Stone is the general name for any solid fossil, except for pure metals or sand. But in addition to the material manifestation, the stone also has many additional meanings that people have been associated with it for thousands of years.

So, a stone is a symbol of stability, duration, reliability, immortality, inviolability, eternal, cohesion. Stone, rock, mountain, tree or grove - all these concepts are symbolically interconnected and can represent the cosmos in its entirety. Stones often coexist with trees in sacred places. They either stand alone to commemorate a sacred place or event, or they are associated with a tree in the structure of a sacred altar, where they symbolize the durable and surrounding, and the tree is transient and increasing.

We have already encountered the magic of trees in the article "Magic of trees and dendrotherapy". So today we will pay more attention to the stones. And how they can communicate with us.

Speech stones - how is this possible?

Stones are the bones of the Earth. It is known that bones are able to store information and remember the state of a Human. By the bones you can determine its energy potential.

This is probably why our ancestors used stones as information keepers. In today's language, in this capacity, a stone can be compared to an ultra-modern computer with a huge memory card. The Magi knew how to interact with the power and consciousness of the stone, to transfer their energy to it. This is how the power of the Places of Power was formed. At positively tuned, energetically active intersections of the Earth's magnetic lines, huge boulders with a powerful charge capable of influencing a Human and the environment were placed.

In primitive symbolism, stones can give birth to people and have parental potency; or people can be turned into sacred stones. In Russian fairy tales, a lot is said about intelligent stones that helped Man. They were the guardians of treasures and magical items. A stone is always a helper and friend.

It is assumed that this is a kind of lunar cult, associated both with fertility and cold; with the frozen land of winter that breeds spring. Up to the present day, there have been preserved Places where even modern people respect and revere stones, knowing about their amazing power and ability to heal various ailments. Such places are the preserved remains of ancient Sanctuaries, where the Mighty Boulder served as an Altar and a store of Energies.

Some stones have their own symbolism, for example, jade, gems or pearls, black stones (Kaaba, black stone of Cybele, black jade or pearls) sometimes have the symbolism of the Cosmic Egg, or omphalos. Tall, vertical stones or columns symbolize the phallus (symbols of which are also a tree, a mountain, a tree on a mountain, a column with a tree growing on it) and indicate the supreme support of everything in the universe.

How to communicate with stones?

The thought of a stone moves much more slowly than that of a Human. Therefore, in order to hear a stone, you need to spend a large amount of time near it. Everything depends on the harmony of the Man and on the age of the stone itself. There are stones that are open to communication and are ready to transfer Knowledge and information. There are those who do not want dialogue with people. Understand this will help your own feelings and perceptions. If it becomes bad, it is better to leave the place where the stone is located in time.

It should also be taken into account that conical stones and pyramids made of stone have the same symbolism as vertical stones: they all also have phallic semantics. Cubic stones signify stability and static perfection and, as such, are often placed at the base of sacred structures. So if you want to talk to a cubic stone about something other than what it symbolizes, get ready for a very, very long answer.

For practical purposes, we will analyze two contact options:

  1. Stone work at the level of consciousness. Approaching the stone, you need to sit next to it, say hello and slowly tell the essence of your question or dialogue. After that, it is better to lie down next to the stone, it is desirable that the crown of the head or the forehead area come into contact with the surface of the stone in the place where you feel the greatest comfort and positive energy. After that, it is worth waiting for some time until the thought of the stone reaches your thought. In this case, one feels how other, not one's own thoughts begin to sound in the head, and perhaps even different pictures and Images begin to emerge. Images should not be tried to understand immediately. Their essence can be realized after a while. Revelation may come in a dream.
  2. Stone work at the subconscious level. Two Forces are involved here - the Soul of Man and the Spirit of the stone. No need to strain your mind and brain, to fiddle with your consciousness, to say something. You just need to open the Soul and fall asleep next to the stone, at least for a few hours. The soul itself will come into contact with the stone and receive the necessary information. The image can come immediately, in the same dream by the stone.

It is worth noting and always remembering that a lot depends on our own openness and respect for the stone. From our awareness and purity of Thought and Thought. If someone has a negative attitude towards the manifestation of living Nature, no matter in what form - cutting down forests, or eating animals, then Nature itself does not accept such a person. And the civilization of stones is Its integral and one of the most ancient forms and manifestations.

When dealing with stones, there are several points to consider.

So, stones live in families. They cannot be thrown from place to place, turned over, used for their own purposes. These are living beings with a soul and fulfilling their mission on Earth.

Let me give you an example: in one place I saw a platform covered with flat stones. He asked how they were feeling, they began to moan, cry, they began to complain. People brought them great pain, grief, misfortune. They were cut off from their strong earth and turned into a pavement, and people walking along it every day, not even hearing them cry, collected their suffering.

Of course, you can take stones, because almost everything that is on earth belongs to man. But, only when people really need them. But, again, with the help of prayers, you need to explain to the stones what they are for.

The ancient inhabitants of your planet built libraries that were fundamentally different from the libraries being built today. Before building temples, the keepers of truths - the priests and scientists of an advanced civilization - traveled to a certain place where a special stone was kept. This stone was cleaned in a certain way and prepared for information to be embedded in it. Then, with the help of telepathy, information was transmitted from the consciousness of people into the structure of the stone.

After that, the geometric shape of the temple was developed, and the builders used the natural shape of the Earth's surface and the natural flow of energy flows of the area so that all knowledge could be fully preserved in an integral stone structure. Stones are the "skeleton" of the Earth's skeletal system. When you visit the Pyramids and the Old Temples, you feel a surge of energy - this is the nourishing energy for your consciousness. You come to take the knowledge that you yourself left thousands of years ago.

The ancients knew what the stones were talking about...

When you come to the Holy Places, you allow these energies of knowledge to activate your Physical body, increasing your spiritual development. Stones attract stellar energy. Scientists are looking for the mystery of the sacred stones of Stonehenge, Avebury, Silburyhill and other structures located on different continents. By the way, we already had an article about Stonehenge "Stonehenge and Woodhenge", which described a practical example of combining the magic of stones and the magic of trees.

The ancients built temples and megalithic structures at certain geographical points of the planet in order to accumulate the vortex energy of the portals. You know that portals (energy corridors of penetration into a particular civilization) are used as a window to other dimensions. Through the portals, earthlings entered the portals of different star systems, such as Sirius, the Pleiades and Arcturus. The stones were arranged in a certain configuration, and light was the key to their activity. As a result, stellar energies of a certain type were attracted to the Earth.

Thus, information exchange between stellar systems was possible. The chain "Man - Earth - Star System" was created. Such places were used by priests and the thinking elite of ancient civilizations to push creative ideas, and couples in love to conceive a child with a certain energy of knowledge. A child conceived in this way carried the charge and energy characteristics of the star portal. Other places were used as broadcast stations, calendars or future programs and served as a "trigger" factor to solve emerging problems. It can be confidently said that when you visit the Holy Place, you contribute to the acceleration of your spiritual development by activating the process of your own thinking.

So, the stones speak volumes. All that remains is to hear...

Based on materials and also from the book "Knowledge stored by Dolmens"

The impact of minerals and crystals on humans

Kuleshova Ludmila

Man has been using crystals for a long time, finding various applications for them: for storing information in liquid crystal displays, lasers, the medical industry, etc. In addition, it is known that many ancient civilizations skillfully used the wonderful properties of crystals to promote health.

When choosing a crystal (or jewelry) for yourself, take your time, especially when purchasing antiques. Hold it in your hands, feel the structure, weight, whether there is a response resonance (heat, cold or other sensations). Trust your intuition and your feeling of liking or disliking for him, and him for you. If the stone is “not yours”, then it will fall out of the setting, crush or fall, forcing you to remove it.

The fact is that crystals store information in their "memory". This may be information about the previous owners, their possible "adventures" (sometimes bloody). Therefore, having acquired even a very nice crystal, be sure to clean it from old information programs: rinse thoroughly in a vessel with sea salt (2 tablespoons of salt per glass of water), in spring water or, in extreme cases, in running tap water . After cleaning, the crystals must be activated by standing in the sun for at least an hour. It is also good to place the stones on a quartz druse at night.

Below are the most well-known properties of common crystals.

quartz crystals help you get closer to the stars. They are like crystallized starlight. Like a laser, quartz radiates energy in a bound, highly concentrated form that can heal a person.

You can use a quartz crystal to gain strength, as a "magic vine" or drink an elixir infused with stones. Preparing it is simple: place a quartz crystal in a glass or porcelain container of water and place it on a windowsill to recharge the water with sunlight. The finest vibrations of the quartz crystal are transferred to the water. Now you can wash your face with this water, rinse your hair, and quench your thirst. It is also useful to look at quartz crystals, which improves vision and clears the mind. If you look at a lit candle through a quartz crystal for a long time, then a state of peace and relaxation sets in.

Quartz crystals are considered natural purifiers. For quick energy recharging and rejuvenation of the body, hold a quartz crystal in your left hand, pointing to your wrist, and vice versa in your right, and after 5-10 minutes there will be no trace of fatigue.

For the development of perception, hold the crystal in your left hand (point up hand). It is necessary to comply with this condition, since the right hemisphere of the brain, responsible for the intuitive, creative principle, is connected with the left half of the body. The crystal mobilizes the hidden potential of the right hemisphere and gives you the opportunity to best reveal your abilities. It will strengthen and help convey to consciousness what you have known for a long time.

And now a little about some water elixirs infused with other stones and having a healing effect on the human body. Take any clean glass vessel, pour in filtered water, place in it crystals of rock crystal, amethyst, smoky and rose quartz, carnelian and cacholong (the so-called "Tibetan mixture"). Soak in the sun for 3 hours. Under the influence of ultraviolet rays, water is charged with healing vibrations of stones, and, as a result, you get an elixir of vigor and health. Consume half a cup daily. You need to drink water in small sips, with joy feeling how a multi-colored rainbow flows into you along with water. Set your own deadlines. The effect will not be long in coming.

Almost all representatives of the world of minerals have a biologically active effect. An information exchange takes place between a mineral and a person. Some minerals (for example, carnelian, agate, cacholong) work more effectively when they are slightly heated. The strength and energy of the mineral can charge not only water, but also oils or ointments.

Amethyst - establishes internal balance, brings harmony to all levels of consciousness, has a beneficial effect on the activity of the kidneys.

Turquoise - one of the most powerful healers. Helps with diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system, hormonal and genetic disorders, treats eye diseases, tumors and ulcers. Stops internal bleeding. Favors pregnancy and easy childbirth. Improves memory.

Jet - helps with convulsions, reduces excessive tension and arousal. Improves eyesight. Removes headache and toothache. It is also recommended for diseases of the uterus and ovaries.

Hematite - Promotes resorption of hematomas. Purifies the blood. Treats the spleen, liver, kidneys, bladder. Stops bleeding.

Gypsum - restores the protective forces of a person. Helps with epilepsy, depression, insomnia and migraine. Improves the function of bones and joints. Prevents tooth decay. Dissolves and removes negative emotions. It has a positive effect on the lymphatic and endocrine systems. Improves memory and enhances attention.

rock crystal b - heals skin diseases, allergies, mental disorders, insomnia, headaches. Helps with hormonal disorders, diseases of the reproductive system, both in women and men, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Relieves alcohol and drug addiction.

pomegranate green - relieves stress and harmonizes all body systems, improves vision, hearing, metabolism, cardiovascular system and removes excess salts.

Garnet dark red - strengthens the immune system, improves skin color, helps with frigidity and infertility.

Pearl - cures headaches and dental diseases. Helps with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, genital area, bleeding, diabetes, cancer. Purifies the blood. Protects the fetus during pregnancy.

Malachite - stone of health. Helps with toothache, stabilizes the work of the cardiovascular and endocrine systems. It relieves asthma, rheumatism, eye diseases, normalizes metabolism, blood pressure, the menstrual cycle and the digestive tract. Protects against heart attacks and hypertension.

Cacholong - has long been used by Chinese healers to treat asthma, kidney stones, promotes normal childbirth.

Obsidian - increases physical muscular strength, improves the function of the kidneys and adrenal glands. It treats gout and rheumatism, female and male diseases of the genital organs. Cleanses organs at the cellular level.

Rhodonite - normalizes the work of the endocrine system; recommended for mental and nervous disorders. Helps with infertility.

cat eye - treats rheumatism and gout, female and male disorders of the genital organs, cardiovascular system, eczema, psoriasis and other skin diseases, nervous and mental dysfunctions.

Hawkeye - treats the same as the cat's eye, as well as the kidneys, eyes and nerves.

Carnelian (carnelian) - Renews the body as a whole. Helps the body to restore the reserves of silicon it needs, which decrease with age.

Eye of the Tiger - treats bronchi and lungs, relieves constipation, diseases of the female genital organs, allergies.

Amber - Helps with cancer, lung disorders. Restores the endocrine system, vision, nervous and muscle tissue. Protects from infertility, facilitates childbirth. Promotes the removal of sand and stones from the kidneys. Restores strength. In addition, it contains succinic acid, which is a natural biostimulator of the nervous system, improves the functioning of the respiratory system, kidneys, and helps to increase the hemoglobin content in the blood in case of anemia.

Nephritis - chemically stable and does not enter into any reactions inside the body. It has amazing heat capacity. Applied to the area of ​​the stomach or kidneys, it acts as a warm compress, gradually eliminating inflammation and pain. It is recommended for all diseases of the urinary and digestive systems.

Several ways to heal with stones

Preparation for stone treatment requires spiritual nobility and purity. In order to treat another person, you yourself must be practically healthy!

To gain energy you must have a yellow, white, or green stone with you. Stand up straight, inhale, while raising your hands up, then exhale sharply, saying loudly "ha"; at the same time, quickly lower your hands down, leaning towards your shins. In this position, make a slight breath hold for 2-3 seconds. Repeat this exercise 3 times. Then make a light run in place (7-10 sec.)

To eliminate wrinkles and rejuvenate the face: pour water at room temperature into a glass dish. Put in it crystals of amethyst, rose quartz, jasper. Charge water by moving another crystal over its surface (seven times). At the same time, you can make a healing slander: "I am young and beautiful, I am the Goddess of Beauty." Then wash your face with this solution and wipe your face with an amethyst stone along the cosmetic lines.

To improve vision put pieces of chalcedony or malachite on the eyes. Exposure time 5-8 minutes. Tuning: "The fundus of the eye is well supplied with blood, the blood washes the fundus well, I see clearly and distinctly."

The magical properties of gemstones

An old Persian legend tells that noble stones are the creation of Satan, who, having noticed how Eve admires the colorful flowers in the gardens, gave them magnificent colors in order to arouse greed and temptation in people's hearts.

Their geological origin is more prosaic - noble minerals were formed as a result of chemical processes that took place during the formation of the earth's crust.

Already in ancient times, they served as decorations, and their brilliance and color aroused surprise and admiration. Each era has its favorite noble stones.

The Egyptians willingly wore jewelry made of emeralds, turquoise, amethysts, rock crystal. The Romans valued diamonds and sapphires above all else.

Semiramis, Cleopatra and other queens of ancient times adored pearls. Fashion of the Renaissance and Baroque preferred colored precious stones: rubies, sapphires, topazes.

The toilets of ladies and gentlemen of the Rococo era sparkled with diamonds and, finally, the era of romanticism revealed the beauty of semi-precious stones: garnets, opals, aquamarines and chrysolites. Jewelers made beautiful and original brooches, necklaces and bracelets, studded with reddish carnelian, green "cat's eye" or iridescent milky-blue luster of moonstones (selenites).

However, the choice of this or that jewelry depended not only on the taste of its owner. A variety of superstitions and beliefs were associated with noble stones. The stone was not only an ornament, but also a talisman that brought happiness, an amulet that protected from illness and trouble, and sometimes a sign of a profession.

Astrologers argued that each stone belongs to a certain sign of the zodiac, therefore people born in a given month should wear rings with the corresponding stone.

Wearing a stone that does not correspond to the sign of the zodiac under which its owner was born has a bad effect on his fate.

In various everyday situations, it was good to have a suitable talisman stone. During the renaissance, newlyweds exchanged rings with emeralds , because these stones were supposed to provide a permanent feeling, and they also favored pregnant women. moon rocks overcame love obstacles. The players were lucky.

There was a widespread belief about the healing properties of precious stones. In the Middle Ages, the goldsmith had to be not only a craftsman and merchant, but also sometimes a doctor who, if necessary, knew how to pick up a stone for his clients that would help with various bodily and spiritual ailments.

How to choose gemstones for yourself

It is known that the stolen stones show rather negative properties; those bought become talismans after many years, but stones donated or inherited are genuine talismans.

Also, stones are not indifferent to the gender of their owner; "female" stones are happy on a man's hand; "male" - on the hand of a woman.

It is known that male stones shine brighter and have warm tones and shades, female stones do not shine so much and have cold colors and shades.

In order to increase the affinity with the stone, they put it on and, imagining themselves shrouded in an invisible golden light of the sun, try to absorb it in their imagination through the stone and pour it over the body or concentrate it in a diseased organ. By doing the exercises several times a day, one gradually accustoms oneself to "breathe sunlight through the stone" without any effort on the part of consciousness.

In crystals, the vibrational frequency of the elements is very high and stable, which is confirmed by scientific research (measurements). And they make everything that is at a short distance from them go to their level of vibration, including the cells of our body, which have their own internal vibrations.

When communicating with gemstones, you need to trust your feelings, and select for yourself what you instinctively like, what you are “drawn to”, what your hand wants to touch.

If you like a stone, it means that its vibrations help you, give you "energy", which corresponds to what is happening in your life at the moment. But, “everything flows, everything changes,” and you and the internal vibration of your body also change depending on your condition, so it is possible that after a while you will need something completely different from what you need today.

For example: if you are now drawn to a green stone, it means that your body needs peace and balance, but time will pass and you will be drawn to stones of a revitalizing red color. Your inner state has changed - your choice has changed.

There are many options here, trust yourself, your intuition.

But if you doubt yourself, or want to give a gift to a person who does not have the opportunity to ask what he is intuitively drawn to, you can turn to the old well-known method, which puts the choice and time of wearing stones in a certain connection with the planets, luminaries and zodiac constellations. At the same time, those gemstones that are associated with the planet astrologically dominant in his destiny are considered the most favorable for a person.

Sun Stones : chrysolite, diamond, as well as aventurine, heliotrope, hyacinth, ruby ​​and chrysoprase.

moon stones opal, adularia (moonstone), pearl, coral, aquamarine and beryl.

Mercury stones : golden topaz, agate, carnelian, emerald.

Stones of Venus : sapphire, agate, pearl.

Stones of Mars : ruby, hematite, jasper, garnet, diamond.

Jupiter stones : turquoise, sapphire, lapis lazuli.

Stones of Saturn : onyx, amethyst, dark topaz.

Neptune stones : amethyst, crystal, adularia.

From the table below, you can find out which planet ruled the year of your birth, while keeping in mind that the astrological year begins on March 21. To use the table correctly, you need to shift your date of birth back by 2 months and 21 days, and then set the astrological year of your birth and the patron planet.

There are many horoscopes of stones. I present for your consideration a generalized horoscope of stones, compiled according to 21 literary sources (the number in brackets corresponds to the frequency of the name of the mineral in different lists).


Year of birth









































































Onyx (11), ruby ​​(6), chrysoprase, malachite (5), emerald, cat's eye, opal (4), agate, amethyst, jet, obsidian, jasper, charoite (3), all black, transparent and red stones



Lapis Lazuli (10), Obsidian, Sapphire (8), Zircon (Hyacinth) (5), Turquoise, Garnet, Hawkeye (4), Rock Crystal, Opal, Topaz, Jasper, Charoite (2)



Amethyst (8), alexandrite, coral, sapphire (5), aquamarine, zhemchug, chrysolite, jasper (4), lapis lazuli, moonstone, carnelian (carnelian), chrysoprase, charoite (2)



Jasper (8), amethyst (7), carnelian, ruby ​​(6), diamond (5), rhodonite, sardonyx, chalcedony, all red stones



Agate (9), Carnelian (8), Rose Quartz (5), Turquoise, Coral (4), Haicinth, Jade, Onyx (2), all white and clear



Beryl (8), agate (6), tiger's eye, potaz, chrysoprase (5), rock crystal, sardonyx (4), amethyst, jade, rhodonite, chrysolite, citrine, charoite (2), all colored stones



Chalcedony (6), moonstone (5), selenite, pearl, chrysolite, chrysoprase (4), carnelian (3), aventurine, agate, amethyst, jade, onyx, chrysoberyl (2), all white opaque stones

a lion


Ruby, chrysolite, jasper (7), amber (6), beryl, topaz (4), sardonyx, zircon (3), rock crystal, garnet, obsidian, opal, citrine)2), all yellow and golden stones



Jasper (8), emerald, sapphire (6), jade, carnelian (5), rock crystal, chalcedony, chrysolite, citrine (4), diamond (3), agate, beryl, sardonyx (2)



Diamond, opal (7), beryl, rock crystal, lapis lazuli, rauchtopaz (5), jade, jasper (4), emerald, moonstone, carnelian, topaz, citrine (3), chrysolite (2), all pink stones



Topaz (9), hematite (bloodstone) (6), aquamarine, garnet, carnelian (5), ruby, sapphire (4), coral, malachite, chrysoprase (3), agate, rauchtopaz (2)



Turquoise (6), hyacinth, emerald (5), amethyst, topaz, chalcedony (4), chrysolite, charoite (3), amazonite, garnet, lapis lazuli, onyx, radonite (2), all red and green stones

Horoscopes compiled by different astrological schools are somewhat contradictory, but in general they are no more contradictory than our life itself. Nevertheless, despite all the shortcomings of the horoscopes of stones, the mysterious symbolism of noble gemstones is full of charm for a very large number of all countries and continents. You should not rush to completely abandon it, since its psychotherapeutic effect is well known and tested for centuries.

I would like to note that the most accurate selection of stones is carried out with the help of specialists who own the method of electroacupuncture diagnostics developed by R. Fol. This method allows you to determine the effect of drugs and their bioenergetic radiation, medicinal plants and various minerals on a person.

The stones are assigned the following meanings:

Amethyst - protects from drunkenness, restrains passions, "widow's stone."

Carbuncle - reconciles friends.

Chrysolite - drives away nightmares.

Coral - protects from lightning.

Pomegranate - gladdens the heart.

Topaz - calms anger, promotes friendship.

Sapphire - a symbol of fidelity, chastity and modesty, brings happiness in love, protects a woman from slander.

Opal - gives hope.

Chrysoprase - predetermines success, brings peace.

Cornelian - keeps marital happiness and fidelity, protects from witchcraft.

Emerald - brings happiness and joy.

Diamond - a symbol of innocence, firmness and courage, brings happiness.

Agate - saves from the evil eye, poisons, gives longevity and health.

Turquoise - "stone of happiness", helps lovers, a symbol of unchanging and true love.

Pearl - "tears of anguish", protects from the torments of unrequited love.

Amber - protects from spells, the evil eye.

Olivine - Ensures the sympathy of others.

Nephritis - "stone of life".

Lapis lazuli - "healing stone".

Aquamarine - “stone of lovers”, protects marital happiness, promotes well-being in life.

Coral - Protects from the evil eye.

Ruby - reciprocity in feelings.

Onyx - "stone of leaders".

Malachite - strengthens spiritual forces.

Zircon - improves mental abilities, stimulates the desire for science.

Beryl - favors the constancy of feelings, a good companion of wanderers.

Chalcedony - helps to cope with spiritual weakness and despondency.

Sardonyx - protects from infidelity and lies.

Hyacinth - symbolizes good luck, strengthens strength.

Crystal - provides women with happiness in love, relieves bad dreams.

Media on the timeline


The relevance of the work is due to the importance of the role of the accumulation of knowledge - the foundation of the foundations of any civilization. But human memory is imperfect and unable to contain all the knowledge and experience that pass from generation to generation. Therefore, since ancient times, people have used a wide variety of information carriers. At the same time, despite the improvement in the types of media, the very principle of recording and the data structure have not changed much over several millennia.

Information is information about persons, events and phenomena, regardless of the form of presentation. Depending on the value, completeness, and reliability of the provision, information is of great importance. A document containing information and intended for its transmission in time is called material carrier.

The document records facts, events, phenomena of practical and mental activity of a person. The functions that the document performs: informational, organizational, communicative, educational. The most important of these functions is informational.

Goal of the work- to study the history of the appearance and development of the first documents.

Tasks: to consider the types of the most ancient material carriers of information, to characterize them, to determine the meaning of documents received on various material carriers.

The evolution of media types

Mankind has accumulated a huge amount of information over the millennia of its existence, which the human brain is not able to store and transmit without distortion. The emergence of writing - stimulated the search and invention of special materials for writing. However, at first, people used for this purpose the most accessible materials that could be found in the natural environment without much effort: palm leaves, shells, tree bark, tortoise shells, bones, stone, bamboo, etc.

The storage media has been continuously improved. Appeared: parchment, papyrus, birch bark, paper, film, perforated media, magnetic, optical media. Each type of storage medium has its advantages and disadvantages. The methods of documenting information and the forms of its transmission are being modernized, becoming more and more convenient to use.

Stones and cave walls as information carriers

The first carriers of information were the walls of caves in the Paleolithic era. At first, people painted on the walls of caves, stones and rocks, such drawings and inscriptions are called petroglyphs. The most ancient rock petroglyphs depicted animals, hunting and domestic scenes. Among the most ancient images on the walls of the caves of the Paleolithic era are the impressions of human hands, and the random interweaving of wavy lines, pressed into the wet clay with the fingers of the same hand.

It attracts attention, how lively, bright were the images of animals. Their creators were well aware of the behavior of animals, their habits. They noticed in their movements such lines that elude the modern observer.

The people of the ancient Stone Age did not know the ornament. On the images of animals and people made of bone, rhythmically repeating strokes or zigzags, similar to an ornament, are sometimes visible. But, looking closely, you see that this is a symbol for wool, bird feathers or hair. Just as the image of an animal “continues” the rocky background, so these ornament-like motifs have not yet become independent, conditional figures separated from the thing, which can be applied to any surface.

It should be assumed that the oldest information carriers served not only as a simple decoration, but rock paintings were intended to convey information or combined these functions. In ancient times, their role was even more important than now: in the absence of science, it contained almost the entire experience of knowing the world.

The most ancient writings have come down to us in the form of inscriptions carved on the rocks. However, charcoal, clay, chalk drawings were washed away by rain, and to increase the reliability of storing information, primitive artists began to use sharp stones. Although the stone improved the safety of information, its recording and transmission speed left much to be desired. Therefore, people began to write on the material that is easier to find or make.


One of the first materials available was clay. Clay had sufficient strength (safety of information), besides, it was inexpensive and easily accessible, and its plasticity and convenience made it possible to increase the efficiency of recording.

The ability to write effectively contributes to the emergence of writing. More than five thousand years ago, writing appeared on clay (no longer drawings, but icons and pictograms similar to letters).

Later, scribes began not to draw, but to press signs. For this purpose, a thin reed rod was used, which had the shape of a small triangle in the cut. In combination with the line, it forms a wedge-like impression on the material. This is how cuneiform arose - a writing system in which signs are made up of combinations of vertical, horizontal and oblique wedges.

Clay tablets became the material basis for highly developed writing. In the second half of the III millennium BC. e. in Sumerian literature, a wide variety of genres were represented: myths and epic tales in verse, hymns to the gods, teachings, fables about animals, proverbs and sayings.

An interesting fact is that people even made letters with envelopes from clay. The finished burnt clay tablet with the text of the letter was coated with a layer of raw clay and the name of the addressee was written on it. Then the plank was re-fired or dried in the sun. From the release of steam, the inner plate peeled off from the “envelope” and turned out to be enclosed in it, like a nut kernel in a shell.

Clay was heavy for large texts, the need for which was growing. Therefore, another carrier had to appear to replace it.