Perfect proportions. Girth size calculator. Sizes of men's shoes

For each brand, shoe size markings can be indicated in several systems. For instance: UK (5.5); US (7); RUS (38); EU (38 2/3).

The reason for this is their own standards for determining shoe sizes in different countries of the world. This can be the true length of the foot, or it can be adjusted for freedom of movement, measured in cm or inches.

Many manufacturers provide pivot tables to match the size of one system to another. However, for different brands, even the sizes indicated in a single system do not always correspond to each other.

The most accurate shoe selection can be made using the Mondopoint scale. is a system for measuring feet in millimeters. In professional stores, you may be asked to measure your leg using a special ruler. You can also do it yourself at home.

How to correctly determine your foot size:

    Take a piece of paper and place it tightly against a wall, cabinet, or door. It is important that the angle is straight, the skirting board can be a hindrance. Prepare a pen or pencil. Stand with your back against the wall and place your bare foot on the paper with your heel touching the wall. The leg should be parallel to the edge of the sheet. Trace the outline of the leg or mark at the longest toe. At the same time, it is important not to lift your leg off the surface and keep a pencil or pen strictly vertical. Measure from the edge of the sheet, where the heel was, to the farthest mark at the toes. Measure the other leg in the same way. The greatest result will be a guideline when choosing shoes.

This gives you the foot length in centimeters. Even if the shoe manufacturer does not provide size data in the mondopoint system, our consultants will be able to measure the length of the insole themselves and recommend the most optimal size for you.


    In the evening and in the morning, the size of the legs can be different. We recommend measuring in the evening. The choice of shoe size can also be influenced by the fullness of the foot and the width at the metatarsus. Most often, shoes are sewn based on average parameters. If you are the owner of a wide or narrow foot, consult our specialists before ordering via the Internet. Not all of your shoes can be the same size. For example, winter and trekking shoes and jogging shoes are bought with a margin of at least half a size, ski boots must be in size, and climbing shoes are chosen one size or even two smaller. Allow for socks. It is recommended to try on shoes with appropriate socks. For trekking, skiing and mountaineering boots - high thermal socks, for winter shoes - warm thick models, sneakers, respectively, on thin running socks. To choose shoes for a child, you can cut out his footprint and take it with you to the store. You will be able to compare it with the insole and see how the given size fits. Lacing in different ways allows you to adapt the shoe to fit narrower or wider feet and achieve the most comfortable fit.

Quite often, when buying shoes, the question of the size of the foot becomes relevant. Therefore, every modern adult should know how to correctly measure the size of a foot and what should be taken into account when trying on new shoes. The expert advice in our article will be relevant for both adults and children.

How to measure your foot size

To know how to measure your foot size for shoes, you need to use the following instructions:

Note! It is not worth measuring the leg itself, because during arching, the foot may shrink or stretch, thereby giving an incorrect result.

Measure the size of each foot, since the obtained values ​​may differ slightly, which will create discomfort for a person when wearing shoes. People are not completely symmetrical, so when getting different results, the maximum number is taken as the final value.

Foot length in mm. What shoe size is the measured length.
235 36
240 36,5
255 38,5
250 37,5
260 40
257 39
270 41

Insole measurement

One of the options for measuring the foot can be an insole. This method is used in the European system and creates a small footwear allowance of 15 mm. To take the measurement, you will need to remove the insole from the existing shoe of a suitable size and measure her as well as the foot.

How to measure your foot size for shoes: the insole will help with this

People are not completely symmetrical, so when getting different results, the maximum number is taken as the final value.

Note! Online retailers mostly use insole measurements, not foot measurements.

Measurement of foot volume

The volume is the size of the girth of the leg in the widest part. Girth is often not counted because most of the population falls under standard values.

There are special markings on shoes:

  • B - narrow foot;
  • D is the average value;
  • E - slightly more than standard;
  • EE - wide foot.

To calculate the value, the formula is applied: Q = 0.25 N - 0.15 V - E


  • Q- the total girth value;
  • N- the volume value obtained during measurement;
  • V- leg length;
  • E- constant value. Installed using a table.

Example: having a length of 225 mm, a coverage of 210, we substitute the values ​​in the formula and the result will be 1.75. The result is rounded up.

Human gender Foot length Volume N
Women's shoes21-27 1-10 16
Men's footwear24-30 1-10 17

Features of choosing shoes with heels

When choosing shoes with heels, you need to take into account its size. When the value exceeds 3 cm, the foot moves forward and the pressure on the thumb increases. Also, fashion shoes are tougher than casual shoes and are harder to carry.

In this regard, one should acquire a size larger than the initial one:

  1. Half of the original with heels 5-9 cm high.
  2. One size, with a size of 10-15 cm.
  3. With larger values, a size 1.5 larger than the initial one is selected.

Foot size in children

How to measure foot size for shoes in children is useful for every parent to know. Taking a child with you and choosing shoes that are suitable in all respects is a long and exhausting task.

To avoid this, you should immediately measure the leg, substitute the obtained values ​​into the table, and find a match, calmly purchase the shoes you need.

How to determine the size of a child's shoe

To measure the foot of a small child, you need to place the foot on a piece of paper and circle it... This is carried out in the evening, since even a child at this point shows a slight swelling of the foot.

When choosing shoes with heels, you need to take into account its size. When the value exceeds 3 cm, the foot moves forward and the pressure on the thumb increases. This must be taken into account when measuring your foot size for shoes.

During measurement the child's feet should be 10 cm apart, for lighter foot load and accurate totals.

In the store, the resulting contour must be attached to the insole of the selected shoe... It should be remembered that this is a value per bare leg. If you will additionally put on a sock, etc., you should take a shoe one size larger. Equally important is the width of the foot.

Note! You can calculate the foot size for shoes without using a table. To do this, you need to measure the length of the foot from the extreme point to the heel and divide the number by half. Then add the resulting value to the original, since this value will give the correct result.

Example: leg length is 18 cm. Dividing this number in half, you get 9. Add this value to the initial value (18 + 9). The final number is the size.

This result is in line with Russian standards. If shoes are purchased overseas, the conversion table should be used. You can find it on the website of the store itself.

Shoe size and foot length

It is quite easy to figure out how to measure your foot size for shoes, however shoe size will vary from country to country and from country to country. To translate them from one system to another, it is easier to use special tables. The initial data will be the length of the foot and the corresponding size.

International size standards

The world uses several basic standards for determining the size of the foot:

  1. International standard. In this version, the size of the foot is calculated in millimeters. The measurement is taken from the most prominent toe to the heel. Without adjustments to the type of pad, which is why the system is as simple as possible. A similar standard is used in Russia.
  2. European standard. All measurements are in centimeters according to the size of the insole. The difference between adjacent dimensions is 6.7 mm. The insole is 15 mm larger than the foot (functional allowance). These values ​​in Europe will be higher than the values ​​from the first option.
  3. English standard... Measured in inches, in accordance with the size of the insole. The smallest value is 4 inches (infant's foot). The dimensions differ by 85 mm from each other.
  4. American system. Similar to the one used in England, but with a smaller starting value. The numbering is equal to the previous one.
Length in mm. Russia England America. For men America.
For women
230 35 3,5 4 5 36
235 36 4 4,5 5 37
250 37 5 5,6 6 38
257 39 6 6,5 7 40
260 40 7 7,5 8,5 41

Take advantage of useful tips for choosing shoes from experts in the world of clothing and footwear:

  1. When purchasing shoes from the manufacturer, do not be lazy to visit the official website and view user comments. Such unbiased opinions will provide much more useful information.
  2. Pay attention to the brand when shopping for shoes. He may use his own dimensions, different from the accepted ones. In order not to miscalculate the value, see the description of the purchase on the manufacturer's website. Also, in addition to the size of the foot, additional useful measurements may be indicated for shoes, such as: the volume of the bootleg, the height of the heel. Other parameters should be clarified with managers or support service. Customer reviews play an important role. With their help, it is easy to find out the features of a product of a given brand.
  3. Once you've found the perfect shoe, write the tag down. The next time you buy shoes from this brand, you can be sure of the right size.
  4. When measuring the length of the foot, there may be a difference in the length of the feet. In this case, the choice is made in favor of a larger value. With a strong difference, a half-size model will come to the rescue. For a smaller foot, insert an insole.
  5. Various problems with the legs in the form of corns or bumps, do not allow be guided by only one length when choosing a model. In this case, it is necessary to measure in advance each selected model. Some companies allow delivery with fitting.
  6. Be aware of the differences between the systems of measures in different states. This is especially true for those who like to order through international stores.

Knowing the rules and details of measuring foot size, it is very easy to purchase shoes at any store or retail outlet. Important to remember that the result of a successful selection depends on the time of day and the accuracy of the calculations.

Instructions on how to correctly measure your foot size:

How to determine your shoe size:

The choice of footwear is a delicate matter. It is necessary that she does not sting anywhere and does not dangle, in a word, so that the leg in it, as they say, sleeps. That is why buying footwear over the Internet raises a certain level of caution. After all, we cannot try on "clothes" for the feet. Correct determination of the size of your foot will help turn a purchase into a profitable purchase. All self-respecting manufacturers strictly adhere to established standards, so knowing your size, you can easily find the shoes you need in any country.

We measure our leg correctly

Before proceeding directly to the measurements, here are some useful tips.

    Measurements are best taken at the end of the day when the leg size increases due to the rush of blood.

    Put on socks - you won't wear shoes on your bare feet. However, be careful - too thick a sock, for example, a grandmother's self-tying, can seriously affect the accuracy of sizing.

We recommend that you measure both legs and take the highest result as a basis.
In order to choose the optimal shoe model, it is necessary to know with a high degree of accuracy two main parameters: the length of the foot and the fullness.

Foot length

Find the size of your foot in the table below.

So we got the Russian shoe size. The domestic sizing system has a number of advantages. First, it is metric and complies with the international standard ISO 3355-77. Secondly, the measurement technique is such that you can easily determine the shoe number without making adjustments for the shape of the last. However, this is not the case in all countries.

The basis french shoe size system adopted insole length. The unit of measurement is a stroke equal to 2/3 cm. As a rule, it exceeds the length of the foot by a decorative allowance. The size of the allowance can vary from 0 to 15 mm.

English the sizing system measures length in inches. We remind you: 1 inch = 2.54 cm. For size zero, the length of the newborn's foot is taken here - approximately 4 inches. The numbering goes through 1/3 inch from 0 to 13, and then again from 1 to 13.

V United States the sizes are similar to the English ones. They are only offset to zero by 1 / 12th of an inch (2.1mm). Therefore, some US and UK sizes may be the same. Also in the United States, there is another system of sizes for women's shoes of large sizes. It is also numbered from 1 to 13, only it is shifted even more towards the beginning of the measurement in the direction of decreasing.

Below is a table showing the correspondence of sizes to different countries. Knowing your domestic shoe size, it is easy to determine which shoes to order.


It may turn out like this: it seems that the size was chosen correctly, but if you put on your shoes - and your leg, as in the last! Or, on the contrary, it dangles, like in a kalosh. And the whole point is that they did not take into account such an important characteristic asfullness legs. This is the girth of the foot at its widest toe (see picture).

In the European Union, the following scale of completeness values ​​is most common:

B- narrow foot,

D- standard fullness of the foot,

E- the foot is slightly fuller than the average,

EE- wide, full foot.

However, if you are somewhat wide-boned, then it is better to calculate your fullness of the foot yourself. To do this, we suggest using the following formula.

W = 0.25B - 0.15C - A

W- the required completeness number,

B- foot girth in mm,

WITH- foot length in mm,
A is a constant coefficient, which can be determined from the table:

Let's look at an example. Let's say you are a man with a foot length of 220 mm and a girth of 205 mm. We count! 205x0.25 - 220x0.15 - 17... Total: 1,25 ... Round to one. It turns out that in the Russian system the fullness of your leg is 1 .

To buy shoes abroad, it is necessary to transfer the received data to the system of another country. To do this, we recommend using this table.

Since the American and English systems for measuring the fullness of shoes are almost identical, I did not duplicate repetitive lines.

It should be noted that the Americans often do much easier. They only leave three sizes of fullness: N(narrow) - narrow, M(medium) - medium, W(wide) - wide.

To make everything clear, consider an example. Here are very gentle... Such a model will be a good addition to any light dress, be it a bridesmaid's outfit or a prom dress.

When examining the product card, pay attention to the following characteristics:

- Colors (colors available).

- S ize (available women's sizes) - marked in green, fullness marked in red.

- Size Chat(size table) - given exclusively for this store (marked in yellow).

We choose, for example, size 8, corresponding to our 38th. The completeness of M shoes, that is, normal.

Here is another example -... In the product card, you can see what sizes are in stock (the size field is marked with a green checkmark). Shoes also differ in completeness. Moreover, in this case, the buyer has the opportunity to choose from the proposed options. See the box marked with a red check mark. If we check the correspondence table, we will see that the shoes are from 40 to 50 sizes with fullness from B (for a very narrow foot) to 6E (one foot above the average fullness).

As you can see, translating your domestic shoe size into foreign measurement systems is as easy as shelling pears. Simple calculations will take just a couple of minutes. As a result, you can buy imported shoes online with peace of mind. Now you can enjoy the comfort and elegance of branded products as well as lesser-known brands.

The child cannot adequately assess whether or not it is comfortable to walk in these shoes, therefore, choosing comfortable shoes according to the child's feelings is problematic.

The same problem exists in adults. Sometimes it is quite difficult to determine the size. It seemed that he had worn a certain size all his life, but when trying on in the store, we managed to make sure that now this size does not match. This is due to physiological or pathological deformity of the foot during life. The older a person gets, the more the foot is deformed and the more difficult it is to choose shoes by size. Sometimes you have to purchase two sizes larger for a comfortable fit. This is due to completeness. The existing shoe size reflects these features.

Shoe size is a numerical or letter designation that reflects linear parameters. The need for systematization is due to standardization for the shoe industry. The average parameters of the most common indicators for the insole and the average fullness are used.

In the world, many different classifications are used to designate a shoe range. There are sizes for very small people from 1 to 23 and for very large people 47-62.

Legs differ in fullness and configuration, so the shoes may not fit in width or fullness. In England, the fullness of the shoe has a letter designation and is determined by the type, for example, type C - for legs with narrow feet, D - normal foot width, H - for full legs. If there is no letter designation, it means that these are shoes of medium weight.

American system of completeness of shoes, subdivided by sex and age:

  • 4A - very narrow,
  • 3A - narrow,
  • thin,
  • medium,
  • wide and so on.

There are international criteria for systematization.

Dimensions are indicated in millimeters or two numbers, where the first number is the length, the second is the width.

Almost every country has its own shoe size range. There are American, Canadian, Mexican, British, Japanese. There are averaged tables where you can determine the size of your shoes in the metric system of other countries. This became a necessity due to population migration and the possibility of shopping on different continents. You can order shoes through online stores.

To determine the size, you need to find out the length of the foot. It would seem that what is easier, but there are also certain subtleties and tricks. It is imperative to measure while standing, preferably in the evening. This will help to avoid serious mistakes in the future.

It is especially difficult to determine the size of shoes for young children. In babies under one year old, the length of the foot is simply measured with a ruler or using a tape measure.

Over a year old, you need to measure the feet with a certain frequency as the foot grows. For young children under 3 years old - once a quarter, from 3 to 6 years, once every six months. It all depends on how
the child is growing rapidly, it is better to measure the length just before going to the store. This is necessary in order not to be mistaken with the size.

It is very difficult to find shoes, even if you know the length of the foot and the estimated size. There is an immutable rule that shoes and boots must be tried on. This applies to both children's and adult shoes. You can guess with the size, but the shoes will be narrow or, conversely, very wide. Boots may not fit in the width of the bootleg, the height of the heel and other parameters.

But, nevertheless, the main parameter when choosing shoes is precisely the size. How to correctly determine what size shoes are needed?

We measure the length of the foot and preferably the width in order to find out the fullness of the foot. There are certain rules that must be followed. It is imperative to measure in an upright position to determine the real size of the foot.

The time for the procedure is evening. Legs may swell by this time of day and their size changes. This factor must be taken into account in order not to buy tight shoes.

The contours of the foot are drawn on the paper on which the person is standing. Measurements are made in length and width. The length parameters are summed up and divided by 2 - this is the average foot size. To this indicator, you need to add about 10 mm - this is the estimated size of the shoes.

For winter shoes, you need to take about 15 mm to the main size. This margin is required for air gap and warm socks.

These rules should not be neglected in order not to be mistaken with the size range, especially if the shoes are ordered via the Internet.

Difficulties arise when sizing in other units. There are various calculators on the websites of shoe stores, where when you enter your parameters, the sizes adopted in other countries are automatically obtained using the formula.

Correctly selected, comfortable footwear is a guarantee of health not only of your feet, but of well-being in general. When wearing uncomfortable shoes, various diseases and deformities of the feet, and even the spine, sometimes develop. Some may even require surgical correction. It is especially necessary to accustom children to good shoes in order to avoid many troubles in the future. High-quality shoes of the correct size mean beautiful posture, easy gait and great mood.

Choosing the right shoe size is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. But there are some difficulties to be overcome.

Each seller has a specific shoe size chart in stock. In most cases, sellers use international dimensional grids: European (EU or ISO), American (US or USA), British (UK) and Russian (RUS).

There are five basic shoe measurement systems:

  • 1. American - almost analogous to the English system, but slightly different from it. Shoe sizes are numbered every 1/3 inches.
  • 2. English - the system does not measure the length of your foot, but the length of the insole. The difference between European and American is that the inch is used as the unit of measurement, not millimeter or centimeter. The minimum pitch is 1/3 "or 8.5 mm.
  • 3.European - not the length of the foot is measured, but the length of the insole. Because of this, the size, in contrast to ISO, is slightly larger. The unit of measurement is called shtich and is equal to 2/3 centimeters or 6.7 mm.
  • 4. ISO 3355-77 - foot length is measured from the beginning of the heel to the extreme point of the big toe. Shoe size is calculated in millimeters, but most often, for convenience, the size is indicated in centimeters.
  • 5. Russian - shoe size is determined quite simply. For this, the length of the foot is taken, after which the result obtained is divided by two and the length of the foot is added.
    That is, if your foot length is 26cm, then we take 26cm: 2 = 13cm, add the foot length 13cm + 26cm = 39 size. It seems confusing, but it's actually very simple.

Such a simple method will help to determine the size of the leg: you need to take a paper sheet, circle the foot with a pencil or pen, then it remains to measure the distance between the beginning of the foot and the extreme point of the contour of the big toe.

You can ask to have a circle around your foot (this will be more accurate than you do it yourself), or you can put a blank sheet on the floor, put your heel against the wall and circle only your thumb.

This will be the foot length in centimeters. You just need to take into account that to determine the size, the resulting length should be increased by 0.5 or 0.7 centimeters. When choosing winter shoes, you should take at least 0.5-1 sizes larger. But it's still best to measure the insole length of your shoes. Since when choosing a size, it is more accurate to take into account the length of the insole than the anatomical length.
You can also print this sizing chart and measure your foot:

Based on the obtained value, now you need to determine your size according to the provided table for men's, women's and children's shoes:

Corresponding size table for men's shoes

Russian39 39,5 40 40,5 41 41,5 42 43 43,5 44 45 46
US size7 7,5 8 8,5 9 9,5 10 10,5 11 12 13 14
European size40 40,5 41 41,5 42 42,5 43 43,5 44 45 46 47
In centimeters25 25,5 26 26,5 27 27,5 28 28,5 29 30 31 32

Corresponding table of sizes of women's shoes

Russian34 34,5 35 35,5 36 36,5 37 37,5 38 38,5 30
US size5 5,5 6 6,5 7 7,5 8 8,5 9 9,5 10
European size35 35,5 36 36,5 37 37,5 38 38,5 39 39,5 40
In centimeters21,5 22 22,5 23 23,5 24 24,5 25 25,5 26 26,5

Corresponding table of sizes of children's shoes

Russian31 32 33 34 35 36
US size1 2 3 4 5 6
European size32 33 34 35 36 37
In centimeters20 20,5 21,5 22 23 24

For some models, you may need foot width and instep.
Basically, the width of the foot is indicated in American shoes. Width, like length, is also measured between the outermost points across the foot. It will not be superfluous to measure both the dimensions of the foot and the parameters of the insole from the shoe, so that the results are the most accurate. The amount of lift can be measured with a string. It is necessary to tie the widest part of the foot with a thread, fix the section of the thread, straighten it and measure it with a ruler. If you have to buy shoes with high tops, such as boots, then you need to take into account the volume and height of the bootleg.

If on the product page the seller indicated the size table of the shoes sold, then at least it does not hurt to ask the seller whether it corresponds to reality or not? Very often sellers, especially on Aliexpress, list items with the wrong size grid. It is clear that in this case, doubts will arise when determining the size of the shoe.

Therefore, it is best if you write your size to the seller in the order, preferably in ISO or American, and the seller will advise you which size to take.

It is better to ask when ordering, because in case of problems, your message will serve as proof that the seller indicated the wrong size to you or sent the wrong product.

The text of the question will have to be entered in English. You can use programs for translating text, if installed on your computer, or free online translators, such as,,,, and etc., but usually the standard phrases are enough:

- Hello, my feet size is XXX cm or Y.Y US. Can you advice me what size i must choose?

Replace XXX and YY with your measurements and send back to the seller.

One of the best ways to buy flawlessly online shoes is to try them on in a store. Remember the size and then order. Thus, it is almost impossible to make a mistake with the size.

If suddenly you ordered shoes on Aliexpress based on the advice of the seller and it did not fit you in size, then return the full amount to yourself. How to do it .
For example, the size grid for men's and women's Nike shoes:

This table may be useful to someone, but not all sizes agree with the real ones: