Calculate BMI of a pregnant woman. What should be the weight gain during pregnancy? Methods for calculating the permissible weight gain

An increase in the amount of subcutaneous fat layer of the expectant mother is an essential condition for the successful and full development of the baby during the entire embryonic period. Typically, younger pregnant women gain less weight than older women. But carrying, for example, twins or even triplets will significantly increase the weight indicators in mothers of any age period. In each of these cases, a pregnant woman in one way or another observes changes in her body weight, which is not always the norm.

To determine the weight indicators of a pregnant woman, you need to get used to correctly organized weighing:

  • It is recommended to measure body weight once a week, you should try to get into the same time interval before breakfast, which increases the accuracy of further calculations and dynamic evaluation of the results.
  • Weighing is done after emptying the bladder and colon.
  • The same scales are used.
  • Each time, it is best for a woman to weigh herself in specially designated clothing (with the subsequent deduction of her weight) or without it at all.
  • For easier calculations and tracking the level of body weight, it is better to record the results in a special notebook.

The above tips are advisable only if the pregnant woman is weighed at home with her own weights. But if the expectant mother undergoes this procedure only at an appointment with a leading obstetrician-gynecologist, it is worth visiting him at approximately the same hours, and immediately before getting on the scales, re-empty the bladder.

Body Mass Index Table

When evaluating the results of the obtained body weight values, all specialists and trained pregnant women use body mass index calculation... This technique allows not only to simplify all calculations, but also to identify overweight or underweight with the same ease. To calculate the body mass index, special calculators have been created. The following values ​​fit into them:

  • weight before pregnancy (in kg);
  • height (in cm);
  • the presence or absence of twins;
  • the date of the start of the last menstrual period;
  • weight for this weighing (in kg).

In this way, the increase in body weight produced over a certain period of time from the beginning of pregnancy is calculated.

In the case we are considering, the weight consists not only of the mass of all organs and biological fluids of a person, but also reserves of the body's fat depot... In addition to the usual formation of a certain amount of subcutaneous fatty tissue, the body of the expectant mother occurs growth of a new organism, which has constantly increasing from week to week of its intrauterine development.

Do not forget that to ensure the normal development of the fetus the uterus increases in size, the formation of human milk in the mammary glands occurs, the placenta is born and grows, are constantly present amniotic fluid, the membranes of the fetus and the umbilical cord, which also contributes to the level of body weight.

Factors Affecting Pregnancy Weight Gain

  • The presence and degree of severity affects the body weight during gestation, because with it there is an active loss of fluid through frequent vomiting, which leads to dehydration and weight loss.
  • Such pathological variants of the course of pregnancy, as well as the presence of pronounced edema syndrome, contribute to weight gain.
  • Gestation two or even three fruits at the same time provides a more pronounced weight gain than with a singleton pregnancy.
  • , the mode and amount of fluid absorbed during pregnancy has a strong effect on the woman's metabolism, which indicates the direct influence of these factors on the formation of the fat layer, the growth of the placenta, uterus, the fetus itself and the formation of milk.

The rate of weight gain during pregnancy

Weight gain during pregnancy by week

How Much Weight Gain During Pregnancy? In women with the usual normal physique and correct build, the increase in body weight for the entire period of bearing the baby according to the dynamic data obtained for the assessment of the mass index, including the child, should be 10-15 kg... For cases with reduced weight, the normal level of gain is from 12 to 18 kg, with obesity of the 1st degree - from 6 to 10 kg, with obesity of the 2nd degree - from 4 to 9 kg.

If a woman is waiting big addition to the family, then the scale of the rate of weight gain during pregnancy is slightly different from the scale indicated above. For normal body weight, the values ​​of the gain are from 15 to 25 kg, for obesity of the 1st degree - from 14 to 24 kg, for obesity of the 2nd degree - from 10 to 19 kg.

Thus, the thinner a pregnant woman is, the more weight she can gain when carrying a baby. Conversely, overweight ladies tend to gain less.

Weight gain during pregnancy by week: table

Pregnancy weight gain table by week

For the convenience of evaluating the results and analyzing the weight gain of a pregnant woman, experts have developed indicators weight gain rates during pregnancy by week.

They are still dependent on the type of constitution of the mother and her personal body mass index, but most importantly, they reflect in detail the weight gain for each stage of pregnancy. This greatly facilitates not only the work of leading obstetricians and gynecologists, but also the understanding of their pregnancy by the expectant mother herself.

The change in the weight of a pregnant woman in any of the cases depends on the characteristics of her metabolism, the nature of nutrition and the needs of the fetus, which only confirms the individuality of these weight parameters.

For women of normal body weight:

1-17 weeks - an increase of 2.35 kg;
17-23 weeks - an increase of 1.55 kg;
23-27 weeks - gain 1.95 kg;
27-31 weeks - 2.11 kg gain
31-35 weeks - an increase of 2.11 kg;
35-40 weeks - an increase of 1.25 kg;
for the entire period - an increase of 11-15 kg.

For women with grade 1 obesity:

1-17 weeks - an increase of 2.25 kg;
17-23 weeks - an increase of 1.23 kg;
23-27 weeks - an increase of 1.85 kg;
27-31 weeks - gain 1.55 kg
31-35 weeks - an increase of 1.55 kg;
for the entire period - an increase of 7-11 kg.

For women with reduced body weight:

1-17 weeks - an increase of 3.25 kg;
17-23 weeks - an increase of 1.77 kg;
23-27 weeks - an increase of 2.1 kg;

35-40 weeks - an increase of 1.75;
for the entire period - an increase of 12-19 kg.

When carrying a multiple pregnancy:

1-17 weeks - an increase of 4.55 kg;
17-23 weeks - 2.6 kg gain;
23-27 weeks - an increase of 3 kg;
27-31 weeks - gain 2.35 kg
31-35 weeks - an increase of 2.35 kg;
35-40 weeks - an increase of 1.55 kg;
for the entire period - an increase of 15-20 kg.

Weight loss during pregnancy

Weight loss in pregnant women should be considered for the trimester of pregnancy.

  • In the first trimester weight loss is most often an obvious sign of early toxicosis, in which a pregnant woman loses kilograms due to dehydration and the woman's frequent refusal to eat a full meal.
  • For the second and third trimesters the reasons for the weight loss are very similar and are expressed in the wrong nutrition of the pregnant woman (most often due to the fear of gaining extra pounds, which is absolutely unjustified and dangerous for the unborn baby's desire) or the presence of somatic pathology of any organs or systems.

In any case, a woman should be sure to consult with the gynecologist leading her pregnancy.

Large weight gain during pregnancy is far from safe. The reasons for its occurrence can be considered due to the weakening of the excretion of fluid from the body, the aforementioned high-water pregnancy and the presence of hypothyroidism with a reduced release of thyroid hormones into the blood.

In the event that a gynecologist discovers the presence of such a large weight gain during pregnancy, untimely and irrational assistance to them can lead to the development of gestosis in pregnant women, and the Rh-conflict between the baby and the woman.

Of course, these causes are pathological for both the mother and the fetus. But physiological reasons (for example, a large age of the mother and a genetic predisposition to overweight) are no less dangerous in this regard.

Adequate treatment pathological increase in weight during pregnancy is:

  • no high-calorie foods;
  • limiting water intake;
  • in the most complete laboratory, instrumental and apparatus examination of a woman;
  • in regular walks and reasonable physical activity at home of the expectant mother.
  • in the introduction of fasting days.

This type of therapy and prevention of overweight in a pregnant woman is recommended for no more than one or two times a week.

Fasting day is eating products of the same type and water in an amount of about 1 liter. The expectant mother can experiment and independently decide on the menu for fasting days, however, it is still worth discussing your plans with the leading gynecologist.

Examples of fasting days:

  • Vegetable(zucchini or pumpkin with the addition of a small amount of sour cream).
  • Apple(a kilogram of fresh apples or baked for 6 meals).
  • Fruit(using the same apples, but all the fruits at the request of the mother and the doctor's recommendations).

Pregnancy Weight Gain Videos

For a more complete acquaintance with the topic weight gain during pregnancy You can watch the video, which popularly covers the causes of increased body weight, rules and recommendations for weighing and calculating mass indices, as well as normal values ​​of weight gain during each week of the embryonic period of the fetus.

A general discussion will only help you fully understand the pregnancy weight gain schedule, therefore feel free to ask and share my own experiences with other people. Your reasoning will help not only you, but also girls and women planning pregnancy, which is important for their moral preparation for pregnancy.

Weight gain during pregnancy is of great importance: women want to remain attractive and slim, and doctors monitor it because of the risk of complications and the development of pathologies. Intrauterine growth of the fetus is inevitably accompanied by weight gain, but it should not deviate significantly from the norm. This can be dangerous for both the woman herself and the child.

Why are these norms important for pregnancy?

According to the recommendations for pregnant women of the American Institute of Health (used widely around the world), weight gain during gestation depends on the woman's initial weight. To do this, you need to know your weight and height, calculate your body mass index (BMI). It is equal to the ratio of weight (kg) to height squared (m²). If a woman weighs 50 kg with a height of 1.60 m, then the BMI is: 50 / (1.6) * 2 = 19.5.

Permissible increase based on BMI:

  • up to 19.5 kg / m² - from 12.5 to 18 kg;
  • 19.8 - 26 kg / m² - from 11.5 to 16 kg;
  • 26 - 29 kg / m² (excess body weight) - it is recommended to gain a maximum of 11.5 kg;
  • 29 kg / m² and more (severe obesity) - no more than 6 kg.

It is necessary to adhere to the norm, since an intensive recruitment can complicate the course of pregnancy, childbirth and the future life of the child. The calculation of BMI during pregnancy is not carried out, since the indicator will be unreliable.

Reasons for weight gain

During pregnancy, a woman gets better not only because of the appearance and development of a child inside her, but also because of changes in the metabolism of her body.

What causes the physiological weight gain in a woman:

  • fetal weight - from 2.5 to 4 kg, it increases gradually throughout the entire period, but active growth begins from 26 weeks;
  • uterus - reaches a mass of up to 1 kg;
  • placenta (due to which the fetus lives and feeds) - 600 - 650 g;
  • the volume of amniotic fluid (necessary for intrauterine life) - 900 g;
  • fetal membranes (amnion, smooth chorion, part of the decidua) and umbilical cord - on average 300 g;
  • chest - increases by 0.5 kg;
  • the volume of circulating blood through the vessels increases by 1 - 1.2 liters.

Due to the presence of physiological compensatory mechanisms, under the influence of hormones, the woman's body prepares for childbirth, therefore, it stores up with fluid. No more than 2400 g is accumulated in adipose tissue, another 2500 - 2700 - in other types of tissues of organs and systems. If all of the above factors are summed up, about 13 kg is added over 9 months of bearing a child. Scales for pregnant women are of particular value, helping to control weight.

A pronounced increase in weight may indicate the development of pathologies and disorders of lipid, protein, carbohydrate metabolism and water-salt balance. Often, a sharp increase in weight occurs due to edema, which is a sign of early or late gestosis (toxicosis).

Weight gain during pregnancy by week

For 40 weeks, body weight gains unevenly. It grows fastest at 2/3 (14 - 27 weeks). This is due to the fact that the metabolism of the expectant mother changes greatly. The placenta matures, intensive production of hormones begins, the volume of circulating blood changes, the rate of deposition of "fat reserves". The child has already formed the bookmarks of all organs, after which they begin to grow rapidly.

At the beginning and towards the end of pregnancy, weight is not gained so intensively, because in the first 12 weeks the internal organs are laid. In late pregnancy, functional maturation occurs and the fetus is prepared for life outside the mother's body (growth slows down).

Baby weight table by week of pregnancy

Table: Fetal weight gain in utero by week

Pregnancy period, week Weight of the unborn child, g
4 0,5
6 0,7
8 1
10 4
12 14
14 43
16 100
18 190
20 300
22 430
24 600
26 760
28 1000
30 1300
32 1700
34 2150
36 2600
38 3100
40 3400

A deviation from the indicated values ​​in a newborn within 800 g is considered conditionally normal. That is, a child 2600 - 4200 g is full-term, mature.

Mom's weight gain rate during pregnancy by week

Table: norms of weight gain during pregnancy by week for a woman

Pregnancy period, week Increase, g
2 500
4 700
6 1000
8 1200
10 1300
12 1500
14 1900
16 2300
18 3600
20 4800
22 5700
24 6400
26 7700
28 8200
30 9100
32 10000
34 10900
36 11800
38 12700
40 13600

The values ​​given are general for women with a normosthenic body type and a BMI of 21-25.5 kg / m². Weight gain by 21 weeks is a third of the total set, after this period you need to weigh yourself every 7 days, if you suspect the development of edema, you should do this more often.

For those expecting twins

If a woman bears 2 fetuses at the same time, then this entails features of weight gain. The total mass of the placenta increases, the volume of circulating blood increases, and all physiological aspects of weight gain undergo similar changes. For 40 weeks, both fruits should grow in sync. Their mass should be the same and should be added on a weekly basis.

At birth, the weight of each of the twins / twins is 500 - 800 g less than at the birth of one child.

Weight gain rates for women based on BMI:

  • from 18.5 to 24.9 - mom can gain from 17 to 25 kg;
  • 25 - 29.9 - the increase is limited to 14 - 23 kg;
  • more than 30 - you can add only 11 - 19 kg.

How to calculate pregnancy weight by week

To do this, you need to know the initial weight (at the time of conception) and the gestational age.

In the first 13 weeks, the increase should not be significant (5-10% of the total). The second trimester is the most active in terms of mass growth. Up to 400 g per week (up to 45% of total weight gain). From the 26th week of pregnancy (in the 3rd trimester), weight gain slows down, and for each month you can gain no more than 1 kg, up to 25% of the total value.

How to calculate the weight of a baby during pregnancy

You can calculate the body weight of the fetus at a later date using the Jordania formula. To do this, you need to measure the circumference of the abdomen at the level of the navel, determine the height of the uterine fundus (the distance from the xiphoid process to the bosom) and multiply the 2 numbers obtained. An interesting fact - the height of the fundus of the uterus corresponds to the gestational age in weeks.

Calculation in 3 steps:

  • abdominal circumference (OK) = 93 cm;
  • the standing height of the uterus (WDM) is 30 cm (that is, a period of 30 weeks);
  • the estimated weight of the fetus is equal to OJ * WDM = 93 * 30 = 2790 g.

The Yakubova formula is also applicable. You need to add the numbers of the abdominal circumference and the height of the standing of the uterus, then divide by 4 and multiply by 100.

  • the patient's waist circumference is 93 cm;
  • the height of the uterine fundus - 30 cm;
  • the estimated weight of the fetus is (93 + 30) / 4 * 100 = 3075 g.

In calculations of this kind, there are errors, therefore, the most accurate and correct answer to the question about the parameters of the child can be obtained from the results of ultrasound.

Weight loss during pregnancy

In addition to the increase, there can be a decrease in body weight during pregnancy. In the first trimester, a woman often experiences severe stress. Until she knows that she is pregnant, she is worried about the delay in her period. Toxicosis develops at 8 - 9 weeks. In this case, nausea, vomiting, and decreased appetite are observed. As a result, the pregnant woman loses weight a little.

In the 2nd trimester, pregnancy is relatively calm; for most, this period begins at 18 weeks. The woman does not feel psycho-emotional discomfort. Stabilization of physiological processes occurs, and the fetus begins to actively grow. A stagnant weight gain or severe deficiency may indicate insufficient nutrition. Weight gain during pregnancy is a physiological process. Excess weight will quickly disappear in the postpartum period, and grueling diets can lead to malnutrition (underdevelopment) of the fetus.

In the 3rd trimester, a few days before childbirth, the woman's weight decreases slightly. The main reason for weight gain is edema, not an increase in adipose tissue. Since the hormonal background of the body changes before childbirth, the woman begins to lose excess fluid, urination becomes more frequent - the weight decreases.

How not to gain extra pounds during pregnancy

It is not difficult to solve the problem of gaining excess weight. A woman should understand that the diet should be balanced and simple. Meals should include natural products: meat, fish, vegetables, cereals, pasta. You can eat steamed food without a lot of oil. It is recommended to use low-fat broth soups, cereals, vegetable salads. You can not be limited in bread, but it is advisable to eat not fresh, but yesterday's.

You should drink water, homemade fruit drinks, fruit drinks, yoghurts, milk are useful. The drinking regimen during pregnancy is determined by the gynecologist. Normally, a woman should consume no more than 1500 ml of liquid per day, this includes soups, tea and other drinks. Exceeding this indicator can provoke the appearance of edema. If the mass is added daily and began to grow rapidly, then you need to see a doctor. In order to timely identify a pathological increase, the data on weekly weighing should be noted in the calendar.

In order not to gain excess weight, during pregnancy it is recommended to give up fast food, a large amount of sweets, alcohol, spicy, fatty foods, carbonated drinks, strong coffee. Packaged juices are also not recommended as they contain a large amount of sugar. The daily calorie intake for women is calculated individually, depending on the initial BMI, but not less than 1500 kcal. You can use the Pregnancy Calorie Calculator to help you meet your dietary intake.

Consequences of deviations from the norm

It is necessary to observe the norms of weight gain, since a strong set gives negative consequences, like pregnancy with obesity. These women have a high risk of developing arterial hypertension, which may remain after childbirth. High blood pressure during pregnancy can lead to complications later in life. Among them:

  • preeclampsia (edema, hypertension, massive excretion of protein in the urine);
  • eclampsia (the development of seizures).

Another consequence of excess weight gain is a violation of carbohydrate metabolism. For a pregnant woman, this is fraught with the development of gestational diabetes mellitus, often a mesocenosis (vaginal infection) appears, and for a fetus - macrosomia (a large fetus weighing more than 4.2 kg) and diabetic fetopathy. Such a newborn may have developmental disorders of the nervous system or other developmental abnormalities. In some cases, there is evidence of pathology in tooth attachments and cryptorchidism (undescended testicle into the scrotum) in boys.

Often, in women with excess body gain, the development of a large fetus, polyhydramnios is diagnosed. This complicates the process of future childbirth. The likelihood of a violation of labor is increasing. There may be a development of a clinically narrow pelvis. This is a condition when the fetus is too large for the existing size of the mother's pelvis. In this case, there will already be a question about operative delivery (cesarean section).

How is the calculation on the online calculator

Calculating the mass with the online calculator is easy. To do this, you need to know the weight before pregnancy, height, weight at the time of calculation, body mass index, period in weeks. You must enter data in the fields of the fetal weight calculator, and the result will appear on the screen.

Most pregnant women think they should eat for two so that the baby grows and develops normally. However, this is not so: women in a position need to eat right so that the baby is provided with vitamins, minerals and other useful substances. And you don't have to eat all day long. Compliance with a balanced diet helps a child to grow strong and healthy, and a woman to gain only the required kilograms. What is the minimum weight gain during pregnancy by week.

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Indicators are normal

How to calculate a woman's weight gain during pregnancy. To evaluate this indicator and find out whether this value is considered the norm, you need to know your own index.

It is with its help that it will be possible to carry out calculations. You need to square your own height, and then divide the body weight by the previously obtained number.

The formula looks like this: I (index) = m⁄h2,

where m - denotes body weight in kilograms, h - woman's height in meters.

Thus, based on the results, certain conclusions can be drawn.

Decoding the results:

  • the index is less than 18.5 - this indicator is insufficient;
  • the level of 18.5-25 is considered optimal;
  • 25-30 - indicates excess weight;
  • more than 30 indicates excessive weight.

The schedule for weight gain during pregnancy must be followed by a woman carrying a child. Excessive or insufficient weight of the baby threatens with a deterioration in its growth and the development of congenital diseases. The optimal body weight is based on the index that was observed in the patient before conception.

To find out how much you can gain kg while carrying a baby, the table can help:

You can use the Pregnancy Weight Calculator to find out if your body weight is normal by week. This device will help you constantly monitor the development of your baby.

Attention! The numbers given in the table should always be in sight of the patient in order to conduct daily monitoring, especially in the 1st and 2nd trimesters.

The rate of weight gain during pregnancy on a calculator is not convenient for everyone, so doctors have compiled a special table, thanks to which women always manage to maintain their own body in a strict form, non-compliance with which can cause problems with the development of the fetus.

How much weight can you gain during pregnancy - table:

A week Optimal indicator
2 0,5
4 0,7
6 1
8 1,2
10 1,3
12 1,5
14 1,9
16 2,3
18 3,6
20 4,8
22 5,7
24 6,4
26 7,7
28 8,2
30 9,1
32 10
34 10,9
36 11,8
38 12,7
40 13,6

Important! Sometimes these results can be 0.5 kg more or less, it all depends on the characteristics of the patient's body.

The main thing is that every week the indicator grows at least a little in order to know for sure about the healthy and full development of the baby.

Thanks to the table of weight gain during pregnancy by week, it is possible to find out exactly how much a woman

you can get better within a certain period so as not to harm the child's condition and his own well-being.

The required body weight in each case is considered individual, but still the minimum indicator a woman is worth reaching.

How the weight grows

When does weight gain occur during pregnancy? Usually, a noticeable increase in mass is observed upon reaching 20 weeks, although, as can be seen from the table, it may increase already shortly after conception.

What is the weight of pregnancy. Its increase is made up of several factors.

Interesting! How to take: instructions for use during pregnancy

They are quite rational indicators, namely:

  • 3 kg - child (in the last months);
  • 0.5 kg - chest;
  • 2 kg - water accumulated by the body;
  • 1 kg - amniotic fluid in which the baby is located;
  • kilogram - uterus;
  • 500 grams of placenta;
  • 1.5 liters is occupied by blood (reserve), which is necessary for the full functioning of the child's body;
  • 4 kg of fat deposited by organisms, from which it will take useful substances in case of lack of them in the diet.

Usually, the rate of weight gain during pregnancy is equal to these indicators, but sometimes fat or swelling gives extra pounds. If this happens, the doctor will prescribe the woman a diet with the optimal amount of water and food.

How to correctly calculate the body weight of a woman in position. Exactly this can only be done by a doctor, when examine the patient... If she herself does not figure out how to monitor her own kilograms, the gynecologist will help her solve the problem. Body weight is important when, since it can be used to determine the condition of the child and to notice the developing intrauterine diseases in time.

Reasons for deviations

If a woman is interested in how much kg can be gained during pregnancy, it is recommended to focus on why they are gaining quickly or, conversely, slowly.

This happens for a number of reasons.

The rapid set of kg, which begins when carrying a fetus, significantly complicates the process, since a woman will need to carry not only "herself", but also the child.

Even if such an indicator does not exceed the permissible norm, and the patient feels ok, it still has a negative effect on the mother's condition, since high rates do not in the best way affect the state of the digestive tract, heart, and liver.

But their work is divided into two organisms, so it is not known whether they will be able to cope with high loads. In this case, the woman needs a strict diet, which will help to normalize the condition and relieve the mother of edema.

It will be much worse for those women who are constantly gaining extra pounds. They significantly harm the work of internal organs, preventing them from working fully. The rapid set of kilograms causes gestosis, which negatively affects the development of the fetus. To normalize the indicators, you need to go on a diet and carefully monitor the amount of food taken.

If the pregnant woman fails to normalize the indicators, then this leads to problems with the baby's condition or causes congenital anomalies. After all, mom is not able to provide a small body with vitamins and other useful components. An insufficient amount of nutrients leads to a disruption in the formation of the child's organs and his systems, often causes a miscarriage.

Thinking about how to gain weight during pregnancy, it is worth taking into account the doctor's recommendations, since the specialist calculates the optimal weight strictly individually.

Special cases

Weight gain during gestation also depends on the number of children in the womb.

Sometimes, with the help of ultrasound, it is possible to diagnose 2 or more embryos, which, as they grow and develop, will constantly add kg.

As a rule, while carrying two or more children, the expectant mother needs to fit into the framework of 16 to 21 kilograms.

At the same time, you should not limit yourself, since nutrition and useful components must necessarily be enough for two babies. Usually, with multiple gestations, the patient is prescribed vitamins and useful supplements that can provide babies with all the necessary vitamins.

Important! Doctors say that for the second and subsequent pregnancies, you can gain 2-3 kilograms more. This is considered the norm.

It is recommended to use an online calculator, which will reveal an excessive set of kg or a shortage of them. Strict adherence to the norm will allow you to bear and give birth to a healthy baby without health problems. Otherwise, the child may be diagnosed with congenital diseases or other health problems.

Useful video: weight gain during pregnancy, norms

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Immediately after conception, the woman's body begins to prepare for the intrauterine formation of the fetus. The production of estrogen and progesterone increases, the body fat rises, the mark invariably goes up. Weight gain by weeks during pregnancy is measured for the reason that any significant deviation entails pathologies in the development of the child or complications in the health of the mother.

When does a pregnant woman start gaining weight?

In the first months, weight gain is almost imperceptible. The embryo has just attached itself to the wall of the uterus, the placenta has begun to form, the body is preparing for gestation. Therefore, the first trimester is characterized by the fact that this weight increases by only 1-2 kilograms. In rare cases, due to toxicosis, the girl's parameters will remain unchanged or, conversely, will become lower.

The second trimester is due to the rapid growth of the child, the weekly rate, depending on individual characteristics, is about 300 grams. If the arrow stands still during weighing, then this indicates problems of intrauterine development and additional diagnostic measures will be prescribed to determine the cause.

By the time of delivery, the kit should reach 9-14 kg of the original figure. Experts calculate this figure using various methods, but in recent weeks, special attention has been paid to the scale of the average physiological allowance. In accordance with which body weight depends on a woman's height - for every 10 cm of height, there are 22 grams.

How much weight should a pregnant woman gain?

The minimum set averages 9-10 kilograms, but in order to understand how much weight you can gain, you need to take into account some factors:
  • child - from 3 to 4 kg;
  • uterus - up to 0.9 kg;
  • placenta - up to 500 grams;
  • amniotic fluid - up to 0.9 kg;
  • an increase in the mammary glands - up to 0.5 kg;
  • increased blood flow - up to 1.0 kg;
  • fat layer - up to 2.3 kg.
Normal weight gain also depends on the age category, the older a woman is, the more likely she is to gain excess weight. Because the metabolism and metabolism slow down, which leads to obesity. If there was a fat deficiency before pregnancy, then during gestation the body will begin to gain kilograms. Early toxicosis, complexion, a large mass of the baby and the placenta, all these parameters are taken into account in the calculations.

A pathological increase indicates a too rapid increase in mass, which occurs when consuming an excessive amount of high-calorie foods, impaired kidney function and fluid retention in tissues, as well as due to the development of hypothyroidism (lack of production of thyroid hormones).

When diagnosing such pathologies, competent treatment is required to restore the efficiency of the urinary and endocrine systems.

The rate of weight gain during pregnancy by week

Weight increases unevenly by week, depending on which trimester is taken into account in the calculation. The first months of gestation are due to almost zero marks. Normally, the expectant mother needs to gain up to 2.5 kg, it is not uncommon for the parameters to remain in place at this stage, this is also considered a variant of the norm.

The indicators for the next period increase significantly due to the active development of the fetus. In the second trimester, there is a dependence on the constitution of the girl and body mass index (BMI). So, the rate of increase during pregnancy for 7 days is:

  • a woman with a deficiency should add no more than 500 grams;
  • normal weight - up to 450 g;
  • excess - up to 300 gr.
The last period is characterized by the preparation of the body for labor, aging of the placenta and a decrease in the amount of fluid. Therefore, the parameters are gradually decreasing, the child prepares for birth.

Pregnancy weight gain chart

Pregnancy weight gain chart by week

In order to independently determine the standards, you must first calculate the BMI. The formula is quite simple and does not require complex calculations:

For example, a girl is 67 kg, with a height of 1.69 m, then the BMI will be 19.8, which is a normal indicator. For obese people, the index is more than 26, and for thin people - less than 19.8.

The pregnancy weight gain table will help you find out the parameters in accordance with the calculated BMI:

Week of pregnancy Your BMI<19,8 Your BMI = 19.8-26.0 Your BMI> 26.0
2 0,5 0,5 0,5
4 0,9 0,7 0,5
6 1,4 1,0 0,6
8 1,6 1,2 0,7
10 1,8 1,3 0,8
12 2,0 1,5 0,9
14 2,7 1,9 1,0
16 3,2 2,3 1,4
18 4,5 3,6 2,3
20 5,4 4,8 2,9
22 6,8 5,7 3,4
24 7,7 6,4 3,9
26 8,6 7,7 5,0
28 9,8 8,2 5,4
30 10,2 9,1 5,9
32 11,3 10 6,4
34 12,5 10,9 7,3
36 13,6 11,8 7,9
38 14,5 12,7 8,6
40 15,2 13,6 9,1

It can be noted that overweight women do not gain kilograms over a 9-month period, and girls of a thinner physique, on the contrary, achieve normal performance.

A slight deviation is considered normal, and not a pathology that requires medical intervention.

The rate of weight gain during pregnancy by months table

In the first trimester, the increase may not be observed at all, it is not uncommon for the figure to decrease due to toxicosis, bad habits and stressful situations. If we take into account the norm by months, then there is an uneven increase in kilograms. At the same time, the boundaries can be blurred due to genetic characteristics and additional factors affecting the course of pregnancy.

Increase table every 30 days:

The table shows that the standard can either increase or decrease, which indicates the occurrence of morning sickness or the experiences of the expectant mother.

At a doctor's appointment, they are initially weighed only once every 30 days, since the figure does not undergo significant changes. In the future, the indicator is examined much more often, up to every week, while experts try to schedule an examination and consultation at the same time, so as not to distort the results of the parameters in dynamics.

Why there is no weight gain during pregnancy

Long-term toxicosis leads to dehydration and a lack of kilograms, such a pathology requires a more thorough examination to identify the causes and subsequent treatment in a hospital. Drops, vitamins and complete rest are prescribed.

If there is no weight gain during pregnancy, then the child receives less nutrients, there is a high risk of hypoxia (oxygen starvation). Doctors, in this case, recommend increasing the calorie content of meals, as well as stimulating appetite through fractional meals (about 6 meals per day).

To normalize the indicator, you should drink plenty of fluids for a better metabolism and always carry with you for a snack, dried fruits, nuts, bananas or candied fruits. Peanut butter contains a lot of protein and energy, so this product will be indispensable if there is a lack of muscle and body fat formation.

In the absence of appetite, you need to force yourself to eat, in small pieces, it is better to sit in a comfortable environment to improve the psycho-emotional component. Going out into nature, picnics by the water stimulate taste buds, thanks to which food will be beneficial, and fresh air will fill the body with oxygen.

Weight during pregnancy is one of the most important issues of concern to expectant mothers. Every time you step on the scales, you immediately want to know how much you have gained, and whether your weight is normal for this period of pregnancy. We suggest you calculate the weight using our calculator. Find out what constitutes weight during pregnancy and your normal approximate weight gain.

Weight gain during pregnancy is on average 12 Kg... An increase of 10 to 15 kg is considered normal, provided that there is no pregnancy pathology (usually edema). In the first half of pregnancy, weight gain is on average 4 Kg.

A healthy pregnant woman, on average, adds 300 (+ - 30 g) weekly to 20 weeks and 330 (+ - 40 g) from 21 to 30 weeks., 340 (+ - 30 g) before childbirth.

The weight is distributed as follows:

  • Fruit weight - 3300 g
  • Placenta - 650 g
  • Amniotic fluid - 800 ml
  • Uterus - 900 g
  • Breast glands -405 g
  • Blood volume - 1250 ml
  • Tissue fluid - 2500 ml

Weight gain occurs individually and primarily depends on the woman's weight, which was before pregnancy. To do this, you can rely on the body mass index.

Body mass index is calculated according to the formula:

I = m⁄h2
m- body weight in kilograms
h- height in meters

The norm is considered to be a body mass index of 18.5-24.99. Indicators below and above these figures are considered to be underweight and overweight, respectively. With an initial lack of weight, weight gain can be from 13 to 18 kg. With initial overweight, the gain can be from 9 to 11 kg, and with obesity up to 9 kg.