Individual route for accompanying a gifted child. Planning an individual educational route for a child with artistic talent

International scientific and practical conference

"First Steps in Science"

"Individual route for the development of a gifted child in an educational institution"



1. Introduction……………………………………………………………………….3

2. Goals and objectives of the work………………………………………………………..4

3. Scientific and theoretical substantiation of the problem………………………....6

3.1. Giftedness and its signs…………………………………….…..6

3.2. The main ideas of working with gifted children at school … ……… ..6

3.3. Principles of pedagogical activity in work with gifted children 7

3.4. Forms of work with gifted children………………………………..... 8

3.5. Groups of skills that are most affected by the CPC 9

3.6. Participants in the implementation of this program 10

4. Stages and plan for the implementation of the program.11

5. Planned result of the program implementation ……………..……..14

6. Conclusion…………………………………………………………………………………….……..15

7. References 16

8. Appendix 17


Currently, modern pedagogy is based on a personality-oriented approach to raising children. The future is our children, and without education, there is no future for Russia.

The purpose of modern education is to create conditions for self-determination and self-realization of the individual.

Thoughts about the need to support a growing person are of concern to many educators and psychologists.

Pedagogical support is the main element of education.
The essence of pedagogical support is to help the student overcome this or that obstacle, difficulty, focusing on his real and potential opportunities and abilities, developing the need for success in independent actions.

Thus, in a growing personality, a positive task is maintained, as well as a desire for independence, self-movement.

It is possible to support the beginning to appear. You can see this when the child has already taken a step: he has shown talent, ability.

In this case, it is important to reinforce what is beginning to appear.

The motto of the work was the words of Socrates: "In every person there is a sun, you just need it to shine." The search and development of gifted and talented children, work with them is the task of each country. In the modern era of the formation of a post-industrial society, when the importance of the intellectual and creative human potential is growing significantly, work with gifted and highly intelligent children is essential. It continues to be one of the priorities in the school.

The program in a complex solves the problems of the development of gifted children - covers the main aspects of the upbringing and education of gifted children in the conditions of a municipal educational institution, contains an assessment of the real state of the system for working with gifted children, outlines prospects, determines priorities for further development in the field of working with gifted children, contains specific activities to achieve the set goals.

The demands placed on schools today are high. And what does a “good school” mean for parents and society?

· This is a school where they teach well in all subjects, and upon graduation, children easily enter universities.

· This school should be taught by highly qualified and intelligent teachers.

The school should have its own traditions.

The school should provide modern education.

· In a good school, the personality of the child is respected, they are dealt with not only in the classroom, but also in the system of extracurricular activities.

That is why it is so important to determine the main tasks and areas of work with gifted children in the education system.

Targets and goals:

Target: To form favorable learning conditions and create a psychologically comfortable environment at school for the successful development of the child's individuality.

Pedagogical tasks:

Maintain high academic motivation of schoolchildren;

Encourage their activity and independence, expand opportunities for learning and self-learning;

· to develop the skills of reflective and evaluative activity of students;

to form the ability to learn - to set goals, plan and organize their own activities;

promote the individualization of upbringing and education of schoolchildren;

· lay additional prerequisites and opportunities for successful socialization.

Scientific and theoretical substantiation of the problem

Giftedness is a systemic quality of the psyche that develops throughout life, which determines the possibility of a person achieving higher results in one or more types of activity compared to other people.

Signs of giftedness:

High intellectual ability

・High creativity

Fast learning ability and excellent memory

Curiosity, inquisitiveness, desire for knowledge

High personal responsibility

Independence of judgments

Positive self - a concept associated with adequate self-esteem

The main ideas of working with gifted children at school:

All children are capable, only these abilities are different in their spectrum and nature of manifestation;

Giftedness is only a statement of the internal characteristics of the child, its external manifestations are possible with a high motivation of one's own achievements and in the presence of the necessary conditions;

Every child is gifted, hence the pedagogical task is to identify the originality of this giftedness and create the necessary conditions for its development and implementation, which is provided by special educational services, enrichment of the developing environment, including activities that captivate the child, motivation of his own active efforts to improve his abilities.

The development of any giftedness is based on thinking, hence the leading educational activity in working with gifted children is the educational activity that develops thought processes, which is substantive, technologically and organizationally provided;

The activity of a teacher in identifying, supporting and developing a gifted child requires special professional competencies, and hence special professional training, while a different level of giftedness requires a different level of professionalism of a teacher: teacher-researcher, teacher-mentor, teacher-consultant.

· The main idea of ​​work on the identification and development of gifted children is to unite the efforts of teachers, parents, heads of educational institutions and other departments in order to create favorable conditions for the realization of the creative potential of children.

Today, it is especially important to find ways in the approach to the development of the personality of a gifted child.

Therefore, when discussing the system of working with gifted children, I would like to emphasize the idea of ​​working with everyone children, that is, about the maximum development of skills, abilities, cognitive abilities.

Life requires a school to prepare a graduate who is able to adapt to changing conditions, communicative and competitive. This is what the psychologist and writer G. Thompson meant when he said: “Abilities are the explanation for your success”

Principles of pedagogical activity in work with gifted children:

the principle of maximum attention to any talent, any extraordinary personality;

the principle of strengthening a variety of extracurricular work with children, the search for talents;

the principle of creating conditions for creative activity through various forms of individual work;

the principle of freedom to choose the type of activity, access to educational services;

The principle "In every person there is a sun";

the principle “I am ready to help you at any time”;

the principle of preserving and strengthening the health of the child.

Forms and methods of teaching

Self-education of abilities, self-disclosure of natural inclinations is an important condition for the realization of the individuality of a gifted child.

In the realization of his individuality, the child should be the main one, considered as the most interested participant in this process. From these pedagogical positions, the problem of developing the abilities of gifted children is considered as the realization of their individuality.

Forms of organizing educational activities with gifted students:

The form


Special course


elective course

· Taking into account the individual abilities of students.

· Increasing the degree of independence of students.

· Expansion of cognitive abilities of students.

· Formation of skills in research, creative and project activities.

Student conference

· Development of skills and abilities of self-acquisition of knowledge based on work with popular science, educational and reference literature.

Generalization and systematization of knowledge in academic subjects.

Work according to individual plans

Creation of an individual trajectory for the development of the child's personality

The skill groups most affected by the CPC are:

Research (generate ideas, choose the best solution);

Communicative (cooperate in the process of activities, assist comrades and accept their help, monitor the progress of joint work and direct it in the right direction, the ability to get out of conflict situations);

Evaluative (evaluate the course, the result of their activities and the activities of others);

Informational (independently search for the necessary information, structure information, save information);

Presentation (Speak to an audience, answer unplanned questions, use various visual aids, demonstrate artistic capabilities);

Reflective (answer the questions: “What have I learned?”, “What do I need to learn?”);

Managerial (design process, plan activities - time, resources, make decisions);

Participants in the implementation of this program:

1. School administration (principal, deputies);

2. Working group consisting of creatively working teachers;

3. Leaders of school methodical associations;

4. Teachers - subject teachers;

5. Class teachers;

6. Psychologist, social pedagogue

7. Leaders of circles and sections.

Stages and implementation plan

program “Gifted children.

An individual route for the development of a gifted child in an educational institution »

An individual student development plan is not only a modern effective form of assessment, but also helps to solve important pedagogical problems.

Implementation stages





I .Diagnostic

in-depth psychological and pedagogical study of the child, identification of his individual characteristics.

Tasks: - Conduct a psychological examination of the child to determine his psychological development

September October

2. research of the emotional-personal sphere

3. diagnostics of interpersonal relationships

4. psychological health diagnostics


Creative group of teachers to develop criteria for the giftedness of students;

Bank of creative works of students;

Bank of texts of Olympiads and intellectual competitions;

Portfolio of gifted children of the school;

II . Development of an individual curriculum, program, route




Individual Curriculum - "I choose subjects to study"

Individual educational route - "I determine in

in what sequence, in what terms, by what means the educational program will be implemented

1). Development of a program of project activities for the second half of the day

Selection of projects, coordination of the schedule, goals, forms and methods of activity, criteria for evaluating the result: circles, electives, project activities, excursions

2). Development of a health saving program

1. consultations with specialists, significant adults.

2. choice of forms and schedule of sports activities, determination of sports load

drawing up a health saving program;

3).Integration with other specialists

during the year

1. Individual consultations of the student and his parents

2. Organization of student participation in competitions, olympiads of various levels

3. Organization of various types of classes: excursions, practical work, trainings, brainstorming, research

4. Creation of a system of incentives and rewards

Conducting school subject Olympiads, conferences, creative and research competitions

III.Determination of evaluation methods and saassessment of student progress

April May

display of achievements, personal exhibition, presentation - portfolio of achievements, exam, test paper

Planned result of the program implementation

Gifted Child Model:

1. Personality, healthy spiritually, morally and socially;

2. A person who is able to independently find a way out of a problem situation, carry out search activities, conduct research, reflect activities, own the means and methods of research work;

3. A person who is able to independently carry out product activities;

4. A person with a versatile intellect, a high level of culture;

5. A person who guides in his life by universal human values ​​and norms, who also perceives another person as a person who has the right to freedom of choice, self-expression;

6. A person who is ready for a conscious choice and development of professional educational programs in certain areas of knowledge, taking into account inclinations, established interests and individual capabilities.


1. The introduction of a system of work with gifted children makes it possible to create conditions for the successful self-realization of schoolchildren.

2. Allows you to prepare a graduate who is able to adapt to changing conditions, sociable and competitive.


Program of work performance indicators

with gifted children

1. Increasing the level of individual achievement of children in educational areas for which they have the ability.

2. Adaptation of children to society in the present and in the future.

3. Increasing the level of children's knowledge of general subject and social competencies, increasing the number of such children.

4. Satisfaction of children with their activities and an increase in the number of such children.

Let us remember that we, adults, should be for the child both fertile soil, and life-giving moisture, and a warm sun that warms the flower of a child's soul. It is then that the unique abilities given to each child from birth will be revealed.


1. Anastasi A. Psychological testing in 2 books. M., 1982.

2., Didactics for gifted children Odar. child No. 6. - S. 50-55.

3. Binet A. Modern ideas about children. M., 1910.104 p.

4. Golubeva and individuality. - M., 1993

5. Matneshkin of creative talent. Questions of psychology. 1989, No. 6, pp. 29-33.

6., Sisk and talented children. Questions of psychology. 1988, No. 4. pp. 94-97.

7. Interaction of a psychologist with the parents of a gifted child / // Odar. child No. 6. - S. 115-121. - Bibliography: p. 121.

8. Gifted children / Per. from English; Under total ed. , . - M.: Progress, 19s.

9. Gifted children / Ed. M. Carne. - M., 1991.

10. Gifted children: identification, development, support. - Chelyabinsk, 1996.

11. Gifted children: problems and prospects / Ed. . - Chelyabinsk, 1995.

12., Yurkevich, gift or test. M., Knowledge, 1990, 76 p." alt="(!LANG:Signature:" width="147" height="522 src=">!}

arrogance" and not only destroy such self-esteem, but, on the contrary, in moments of his despair, inspire that he has extraordinary abilities. It is important to firmly believe that this child is given to understand and do something that is unattainable to others.

3. Respect and discuss any even, at first glance, crazy idea proposed by the student. In the words of Niels Bohr, it was "crazy" ideas that made modern physics. If the number of questions to which you do not know the answer increases or you spend too much time clarifying them, then it is better to contact the administration so that another teacher is selected for this student, otherwise you will accumulate (after all, he is not the only one) fatigue, lack of time , irritation. All this will lead to a sad result: the student may be disappointed in you. Probably everything you could do is done. He needs another teacher.

4. This, of course, does not mean that gifted children need only omniscient teachers, "walking encyclopedias." Even the most prepared teacher has the right to not know something - any educated person always has space for development. It is important how the teacher reacts to his ignorance. If with dignity and without "complexity", and at the same time he is well versed in the skills of working with reference and any other ancillary literature - such a teacher is a godsend for a gifted child.

5. Do not worry or be offended that, despite all the efforts made, your subject and yourself are not the most favorite of this student. Don't expect much gratitude from a gifted student because you have spent much more time and effort on him than on others; most likely, he will consider this to be the norm and may not even notice this, although, I will immediately make a reservation, gifted children are grateful students.

6. The teacher should always remember that a gifted student needs a serious mental load: if the training is easy, empty, the student, oddly enough, will quickly get tired. But from difficult activities, especially lying in the sphere of life-defining interests, the child never gets tired. His brain must be constantly at work. Independence of thinking, questions to the teacher, and then to oneself are essential components of successful lessons. Gifted students are workaholics, especially when they are passionate about an idea. They are able to go headlong into the area of ​​interest to them and completely ignore everything that does not apply to it.

7. Psychologists note that with their unusually high abilities, gifted children often find it difficult to acquire school skills and abilities. The so-called school or academic talent has nothing to do with intellectual and even more so creative talent. Truly gifted children rarely have school talent, so there are almost never excellent students and medal winners among them. School grades are not an end in itself for them, and it is possible to influence them with bad grades only in the primary grades. They can be offended, humiliated, but it is almost impossible to push them to action with ratings. But a difficult, even if unsolvable, task may well "start" them. The teacher can use this feature.

8. All gifted children have an incredible ability to "absorb" knowledge, love dictionaries, encyclopedias, reference books, primary sources. And the teacher should be not so much a teacher of his subject as introducing such children into science. The main emphasis in working with such children should be on self-education. The ability of a gifted child to learn independently is unusually high. The teacher must know: continuous self-learning must become his own enduring characteristic.

9. In accordance with the interests of the student, his creative theme is determined, requiring him to invent, independently put forward ideas and implement them. Working on an idea that captivates him, the student will satisfy his curiosity, his "exploratory instinct." The scientific adviser of the topic can be a school teacher, or a person from the outside (for example, a researcher). Knowing the creative theme of the student, many teachers will adapt their subject to it.

10. From a teacher of gifted children, most of all, personal, spiritual qualities are required, and not only and not so much intellectual or even methodological "baggage". A teacher who has decided on such selfless work deserves respect and support. According to V. Efroimson, such work is possible only "in a team, merged into a single whole by an intense creative impulse, a group of exceptionally gifted people, with excited and tense minds, united by a common goal and a selfless leader"

Increasing the level of development of intellectual and creative abilities.

The level of communicative competence, the child must learn to independently resolve emerging conflict situations. Increasing the level of development of skills of self-regulation and arbitrariness.



An individual educational route for a preschooler with signs of giftedness in intellectual development at the MKDO BGO child development center - kindergarten No. 11

2016-2017 G .

Place of work: MKDO BGO child development center - kindergarten No. 11

F.I. child: Stas S.

Age: ___4 years________

Type of talent:intellectual.

Forms of work: individual and subgroup classes with a teacher - a psychologist, educators of their group.

Accompanying members:

Characteristics for a child

During the expert assessment of the child by educators, the boy was noted for a high level of development of intellectual abilities, as well as well-developed physical qualities.

In the classroom, the boy is often distracted, interferes with others, can do extraneous matters, but at the same time he is well oriented in what is happening and answers the questions asked. The child actively participates in kindergarten activities: competitions, sporting events.

Outside of educational activities, Stas is very active, mobile. Always benevolent towards others.

Based on the results of in-depth psychological diagnostics, we can talk about a high level of intellectual development, especially its verbal component. The boy has a good vocabulary, a high level of awareness, understanding. The child has a high level of cognitive need, and creative thinking.

Conclusion: the data obtained during the study indicate a high level of development of intellectual and creative abilities, a high level of communicative competence and self-regulation skills. Further work with the child will be aimed at harmonizing her personal development.

Target: creation of conditions for harmonization of the child's personal development.


Activation and actualization of the intellectual and creative abilities of the child;

Development of self-regulation skills.

Planned result:

Increasing the level of development of intellectual and creative abilities.

The level of communicative competence, the child must learn to independently resolve emerging conflict situations. Increasing the level of development of skills of self-regulation and arbitrariness.

Work organization:the training program is designed taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard of preschool education, the characteristics of the educational institution, the region and the municipality, the educational needs and requests of pupils. In addition, the conceptual provisions of the exemplary basic general educational program of preschool education, the variable comprehensive program "From Birth to School" edited by N.E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva, the partial program for the development of mathematical representations in preschoolers "Mathematical Steps" by E. V. Kolesnikova, the methodological manual "Lego Design in Kindergarten" by E. V. Feshina.

Work form



Study of mental processes (memory, perception, attention, thinking)


Study of products of activity

Psychological testing




Teacher - psychologist


Interaction with teachers



1 time per quarter



senior caregiver

Consulting teachers on the topic: "Creating a portfolio of success for a child with signs of giftedness."

"Games and exercises for the development of intellectual and creative abilities"



During a year

Participation in competitions and other events

1 time per month


Interaction with family



As needed

senior caregiver

Teacher - psychologist



Work with a portfolio of success.


Cognitive leisure




Performing tasks and exercises for the development of creative thinking and imagination.

Divergent TRIZ tasks


Criteria for evaluation

Individual psychological and pedagogical diagnostics

Diagnostic results

Interaction with teachers

Interaction with family

Portfolio creation and development.

Individual educational routepreschooler with signs of giftednessin artistic creativity at the MKDO BGO child development center - kindergarten No. 11

2016 - 2017

F.I. child: Varvara Vl.

Age: __3 years_________

Type of talent: creative.

Forms of work: individual and subgroup classes with a teacher - psychologist, creative competitions, theatrical activities.

Accompanying members:teachers and specialists of MKDOU, parents of the child.

Characteristics for a child

Varya has pronounced musical abilities. She loves music, is artistic, quickly responds to rhythm and melody, listens attentively to them, easily remembers, composes her own melodies. The girl freely reproduces the melody with her voice, precisely intoning it, picks it up by ear on a musical instrument. When she sings, she puts a lot of feeling and energy into the performance, as well as her mood. It easily changes the strength of the voice, tempo, timbre, pitch, dynamics. The girl is highly inquisitive and observant. She easily establishes contact with the interlocutor.

Preserving and revealing the creative potential of each child seems to be a very important and urgent task, so an individual educational route was drawn up for working with Sonya.

Conclusion: the data obtained in the course of the study indicate a high level of development of creative abilities. Further work with the child will be aimed at harmonizing her personal development.

Target: creation of optimal conditions for the development and implementation of the musical and creative abilities of the child, taking into account his age and individual psychological characteristics.


Uncover musical abilities;

Improve and expand the system of additional education;

Involve in competitions at various levels;

Create a rich subject-developing musical environment

To increase the level of interaction between the kindergarten and the family in matters

support and accompaniment of talented children.

The program is formed as a program of psychological and pedagogical support for positive socialization and individualization, personality development of preschool children.

Expected results.

Effective participation in competitions of various levels;

A subject-developing environment for musical development has been created;

Close interaction with the family in the framework of cooperation.

Psychological and pedagogical support plan

Used technologies and methods.

1.Pedagogical monitoring.

Identification of "problem" and "successful" areas of development - in-depth diagnostic examination

Building a route with orientation to the zone of proximal development of the child;

Selection of methods, determination of methods and methods of work.

Selection of individual tasks;

Communication with parents and teachers;

Adjustment of tasks, methods of working with a child.

Final diagnostics;

2. Forms of work with gifted children: creative workshops, work according to individual plans, participation in competitions, festivals, circles.

3. The use of techniques aimed at ensuring emotional well-being and the development of vocal and choral skills - music therapy;

Fairy tale therapy;

Breathing exercises according to the method of A.N. Strelnikova;

Articulation gymnastics;

Physical vocalization;

Dictionary exercises;

Music games;

Musical auto-training;

Therapy with creativity - (art therapy).

music observation method; empathy method; method of modeling the artistic creative process; method of intonation-style comprehension of music.
4. Pedagogical technology for the development of cooperation among older preschoolers in the process of singing.

Approximate terms of achievement of results.

September 1 Selection of diagnostic methods.

2. The study of individual characteristics and interests of preschoolers.

3. Tracking the emotional state of the child in the OOD.

October 1. Participation in the city competition - "Young Talents".

2. Tracking the emotional state of the child in the Domisolki circle.

3. Quiz "Guess the melody"

November 1. The game "Define the genre of music."

2.Consultation "A capable child is a special value for society" Music Director

December 1. Musical living room.

2. Educational music games.

3. Preparation of a solo number.

4. Solo performance at the New Year's party.

Conversation "The creative potential of a preschooler."

January 1. Drawing up a card file "Favorite song"

2. Solving puzzles.

February 1. Exhibition of drawings "Fairy tale in music"

2. Evening of music "Fairy tales and fairy tale characters in the musical works of P. I. Tchaikovsky."

3. Quiz "His Majesty - Rhythm"

4. Learning a song for March 8. Memo “What is musical ability? » Music director.

March 1. Playing musical instruments.

2. Conversation "Is your child musical?"

April 1. The game "Wonderful Song"

2. "Solve the puzzle."

3. Exercise "Musical ladder".

4. Consultation "Development of creative musical abilities in a preschooler"

May 1. Participation in the Victory Day concert

2. Monitoring of work efficiency. Recommendations.

During a year -

1. Visit to the circle "Domisolki"

2. Active participation in the holidays and entertainment of the preschool educational institution. Individual consultations. Musical director.

Work form



Individual psychological and pedagogical diagnostics


Psychological testing




Teacher - psychologist


Diagnostics of creative abilities

Interaction with teachers

Informing about the results of diagnostic studies



1 time per quarter



Advice for teachers on:

"Creating a Success Portfolio of a Child with Signs of Giftedness".

Creation of conditions for the development of creative abilities:

organization of participation in competitions and other events

Development and completion of a portfolio of success.

1 time per month


Interaction with family

Psychological and pedagogical education of parents:

"A gifted kid or how to develop talent in a child."



As needed

senior caregiver

Teacher - psychologist

Creating conditions at home for the development of the creative abilities of the child.


Work with a portfolio of success.

Organization of participation in competitions and other events, joint work.

Cognitive leisure



Visiting museums, exhibitions, theaters.


Autumn fun. New Year's Eve. Matinee dedicated to International Women's Day.

Performances: "Wolves and kids", "A bag of apples".

Music lessons Conversations

Watching Movies

During a year


Musical director

creative workshop


child's abilities and desires

Assessment of intermediate results

Criteria for evaluation

Individual psychological and pedagogical diagnostics

Diagnostic results

Interaction with teachers

Psychological and pedagogical competence of teachers

Creation of a subject-spatial environment for the development of the child's creative abilities

Portfolio creation and development.

Interaction with family

Psychological and pedagogical competence of parents

Portfolio creation and development.

Theatrical activity

Participation in theatrical performances

Participation in competitions

The term for the implementation of the individual development program is 2016-2017.

Individual route for accompanying a child of senior preschool age with signs of giftedness


F.I. child: Nikita Beskrovnykh

Age: _6 years __________

Type of talent: creative.

Forms of work: individual and subgroup classes with a teacher - a psychologist, educators.

Accompanying members:teachers and specialists of MKDOU, parents of the child.

Characteristics for a child

The development of the child is normal. The boy is very active and inquisitive. According to observations, he often sets himself extremely difficult goals, showing perseverance and perseverance in achieving results.

Nikita is sure of himself. He has an excellent memory and a well-developed imagination, the boy has a rich vocabulary, a pronounced ability to create words and a peculiar sense of humor. He easily memorizes and reads poetry with expression, retells texts, invents stories and fairy tales, conveys the content of cartoons and films.

The boy's favorite pastime is construction (Lego). He is happy to design fantastic animals, people. He easily invents a plot and creates images without a scheme. He likes to design according to the content of literary works and cartoons.

Construction helps the boy to compose, imagine, tell, self-realize in creativity.

Target: Formation of a child's success, creativity in various types of search and productive activities.


∙ Develop, together with the family, a plan for psychological and pedagogical support for possible prospects in the development of the boy's abilities and support for his personality strengths.

∙ Develop the child's creative abilities in artistic activities.

∙ Increase self-esteem, self-confidence.

Planned result:

Increasing the level of development of creative abilities.

Work organization:the training program is designed taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard of preschool education, the characteristics of the educational institution, the educational needs and requests of pupils. In addition, the conceptual provisions of the exemplary basic general educational program of preschool education, the variable comprehensive program "From Birth to School" edited by N.E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva, a partial program for the development of mathematical representations in preschoolers "Mathematical Steps" by Kolesnikova E.V., a methodological manual "Lego-construction in kindergarten" by Feshina E.V.

The program is formed as a program of psychological and pedagogical support for positive socialization and individualization, personality development of preschool children.

Psychological and pedagogical support plan

Work form



Individual psychological and pedagogical diagnostics







Teacher - psychologist


Musical director

Study of mental processes (memory, perception, attention)

Study of emotional processes (fears, anxiety)

The study of personality traits (self-esteem, arbitrariness, level of claims)

Study of social relations (with adults, with peers)

Diagnostics of artistic and aesthetic development

Interaction with teachers

Informing about the results of diagnostic studies



1 time per quarter



Consulting teachers on the topic: thinartistic material for the development of memory, thinking, speech”, “Games and exercises for the development of creative abilities”

"Creating Creative Projects"

Individual conversations

During a year

Interaction with family

Psychological and pedagogical education of parents:

"A gifted kid or how to develop talent in a child."

How to teach a child to communicate without conflict.



As needed

senior caregiver

Teacher - psychologist

Maintaining the interest of the child, encouragement.


Creating conditions at home for the development of the intellectual and creative abilities of the child.


Work with a portfolio of success.


Organization of participation in competitions and other events, joint work.

Cognitive leisure



Visiting museums, exhibitions, theaters.


artistic activity

Participation in creative competitions

Making postcards for the holidays

"New Year"

"International Women's Day"

"Victory Day"

creative workshop



As the child wishes






Participation in creative competitions

creative workshop

As far as possible and the desire of the child


Psychological and pedagogical support

Development of positive self-identification




According to class schedule

2 times a month


Program work

"I am a student!"

Joint activities with teachers and peers


Assessment of intermediate results

Criteria for evaluation

Individual psychological and pedagogical diagnostics

Diagnostic results

Interaction with teachers

Psychological and pedagogical competence of teachers

Creation of a subject-spatial environment for the development of the intellectual and creative abilities of the child

Portfolio creation and development.

Interaction with family

Psychological and pedagogical competence of parents

Portfolio creation and development.

artistic activity

Participation in competitions

Individual work of psychological and pedagogical support

Positive emotional state of the child

Development of self-regulation skills

Development of communicative competence and cooperation skills.

The implementation period of the individual development program is 2018-2017.

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Secondary School No. 8"

Chernova Kirill

Nizhnevartovsk, 2014-2015 academic year

Individual route of development of a gifted child

Full name Kirill Chernov

Giftedness: academic

An individual educational route is a purposefully designed differentiated educational program that provides the student with the position of the subject of choice, development and implementation of the educational program when teachers provide pedagogical support for his self-determination and self-realization.

Purpose: to create favorable learning conditions and create a psychologically comfortable environment at school for the successful development of the child's individuality. An individual student development plan is not only a modern effective form of assessment, but also helps to solve important problems.
pedagogical tasks:

  • maintain high learning motivation of schoolchildren;
  • to encourage their activity and independence, to expand opportunities for learning and self-learning;
  • develop the skills of reflective and evaluative activity of students;
  • to form the ability to learn - to set goals, plan and organize their own activities;
  • promote the individualization of upbringing and education of schoolchildren;
  • lay additional prerequisites and opportunities for successful socialization.

Individual development program for a gifted child Kirill Chernov

Stage 1 is diagnostic.

The goal is an in-depth psychological and pedagogical study of the child, the identification of his individual characteristics.

Method used



Methodology "Map of Giftedness" (based on the methodology of Haan and Kaf). The purpose of diagnosis: to assess the degree of severity in a child of various types of giftedness.

1-2 week of September

School psychologist

Questionnaire G.A. Karpova educational motivation.

Purpose: to determine the nature and presence of educational motivation.

1-2 week of September

Classroom teacher

Methodology Klimov I.I. "Map of interests"

3-4 weeks


School psychologist

Eysenck questionnaire. Personal characteristics.

3-4 weeks


School psychologist

Test to determine the level of school anxiety. Author - Phillips.

3-4 weeks


School psychologist

3-4 weeks


School psychologist

Development of an individual curriculum, program, route.

Development of an individual route for a gifted child.

1st week of October

Lazareva L.A.

Drawing up an individual curriculum in the Russian language, literature, mathematics, the outside world, English for work with Kirill Chernov

1st week of October

Teachers - subjects

Lazareva L.A.

Elisova M.I

Choosing a topic for research work on the world around

2nd week of October

Lazareva L.A teacher - supervisor

Drawing up a plan by the student to take into account the desires of the child.

2nd week of October

Lazareva L.A., teacher - supervisor

Interview with parents. Purpose: to take into account the social order of parents.

2nd week of October

Lazareva L.A.

Forecasting - individual curriculum - "I choose subjects to study"


Reason for choosing

Work form

Expected results

Russian language

Effective participation in the All-Russian Olympiads, final works

High score at the end of the year


Individual and remote consultations.

Effective participation at the city stage of the All-Russian Olympiad.

High score at the end of the year.

English language

All-Russian Olympiad, competitions

Individual and remote consultations.

Effective participation at the city stage of the All-Russian Olympiad.

High score at the end of the year.


All-Russian Olympiad, competitions,

final works

Individual and remote consultations.

High score at the end of the year.

"Integration with other specialists"

Drawing up a map of the cognitive activity of the child by a psychologist, class teacher, head of the NOU and subject teachers.


Map of the cognitive activity of the child.

Development of an individual educational route by subject teachers.


individual educational


Passing tests, subject Olympiads


Class attendance schedule

Diagnosis, reflection by a school psychologist, head of the NOU, subject teachers.


Conversation with parents about the health of the child, about the emotional state. Classroom teacher


Map of observations of the child's health.

Design - an individual educational program - "I draw up a program of educational activities"




Preparation for participation in the school and municipal stages of the All-Russian Olympiad.

2. Individual work.

3. Attending Polyglot classes.

School Olympiad in Russian - 2nd place.

Preparation for participation in distance olympiads and competitions in the Russian language, literature, English, mathematics

1. Individual consultations of subject teachers.

2. Individual work.

All-Russian R&D World-1st place

All-Russian interdisciplinary -2 m

International "Serious questions about a carefree childhood" -1m

Preparation for participation in the city meeting of the NOU.

Development of research work. Step by step work on it.(student plan and leader plan)

Facets of Knowledge 1v "The Best Naturalist"

Preparation for participation in city creative competitions. (as positions become available).

1. Individual consultations of subject teachers.

2. Individual work.

The winner is the city creative competition on energy saving.

Laureate - city competition "Best Student of the Year".

« Determination of methods for assessing and self-assessing the success of the pupil "

Self-esteem: "What did I want?"

"What did I do to achieve my goal?"

"What did you learn?"

"What else needs to be done?"

Portfolio for 2014-2015 academic year

Portfolio Chernov Kirill


school stage

School (Russian language - 2m, surrounding world -1m, mathematics-1m)

distance competitions, olympiads

City competitions

City rally NOU Facets of knowledge -- 1m

All-Russian Olympiad in the Russian language


"Snail" "Hedgehog" in Russia-9m, in the city -6m

"Elephant" in Russia 7m, in the city 5m

International Olympiad on "Serious questions about a carefree childhood" -1 m

"We know, remember, we are proud" -1m

Facets of Knowledge "The Best Naturalist"

Signature Chernov Kirill