Distorted perception of surrounding reality. Distorted perception of reality. Emotional sphere disorder

Sometimes a solution to the issue, as Helps get rid of OT permanent stress, especially during work in large company. To do this, you can use several uncomplicated techniques.

Reception 1. Install the spheres in which you are competent

If you clearly understand that you are responsible only for the sphere of activity that is covered by your post, you will be easier for you get rid of distorted perception of reality. You are not responsible for business, strategies, you are responsible only for your site. And if some collapse happened, and you did everything from you required - it should not be in panic. Such a position will save you from unnecessary emotion and help work with a sober head.

Reception 2. Live this particular minute.

Stop Torzatya what was yesterday, do not worry about what happens tomorrow. It is because of this, a distorted perception of reality arises. Life happens now, and only now you have the opportunity and enjoy the moment, and change something for the better. Today is the only reality.

Reception 3. Do not seek to ideal - it is a good enemy

It is necessary to give yourself a report that there are things that can be improved to infinity. Moreover, not always this perfection is necessary. But perfectionism in everything leads to a distorted perception of reality. We begin to concentrate on the process, losing sight of the final goal.

Reception 4. Your work is not your identity

Especially if your work concerns in order to require some functions from other performances. This causes a wave of negative in your direction, which in itself leads to strong stress. Therefore, that the distorted perception of reality does not absorb you entirely, separate yourself from their functional duties. Determine for yourself what you do based on the requirements of the profession, and in what cases you act on the basis of own emotions. This is well helped by such psychological receptionWhen you at work mentally put on working clothes for which the whole negative will be sent. And at the end of the working day, it should be just removed and shaken.

Reception 5. Change the scale of the event

To not exaggerate the importance of trouble and get rid of distorted perception of reality, imagine the score of the estimates, from 0 to 10, where 10 is a truly life catastrophe. All occurring events measure on this scale. And you will see that most problems will not be such a big catastrophe.

Reception 6. Run the principle of zebra

Do not perceive failure as a punishment, but good luck, as of granted. This is a distorted perception of reality. In life, these two poles are always followed. Therefore, take good luck and failure with gratitude. And from the last try to extract the experience.

Reception 7. Turn on positive images.

Imagine such a well-known reception - Thank the fate, the Most High, the space or the universe for the fact that there was a good one with you today. In addition, thanks for what you want to happen to you, but in the present time, as if it already has it. This is an example of a productive distorted perception of reality.

Reception 8. Look at yourself from

Remember something that I once worried a long time ago. How do you perceive it now? Similarly, you can look at any situation that happens to you now. How will you perceive it in a year, three, five?

Reception 9. Call a friend

Not just to get rid like a vest. When we say, we climb all our emotions that lay the brain, in words, thereby leveling them. And when we exempt from emotions, there is a distorted perception of reality. Then we can find the right decision In a situation. On the contrary, it is possible to imagine that a friend calls you and tells your situation. What would you advise him?

We all know that it is impossible to be good for everyone, but some do not cease to seek it. It is important to remember that you should behave like a professional, confidently and not be afraid to spoil with someone's relationship. Recommend only to the opinions of those people who are important for you. And then you will have less to suffer a problem ,.

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Distorted perception and incorrect (to perform actions) processing information, incomplete information, naturally, lead to incorrect solutions and errors.

Distorted perception of reality, based on the deception of feelings, accepting the apparent, imaginary for valid. Existing only in the imagination, uncommitable, dream.

Any distorted perception and incorrect (for action) processing information, as well as incomplete information, naturally lead to incorrect solutions and errors.

To distorted perception and incorrect reaction lead: unclear in the form and content of the statements offered for reflection; The lack of attention to the parties to the subject of the conversation.

Curves equal volume.

To compensate for distorted perception of sounds low frequencies At a low volume in the broadcasting equipment, the volume control with the so-called tone compensation is used when, with a decrease in the playback volume on low audio frequencies, the gain is created in 10 - 12 dB relative to the frequency of 1000 Hz (see page.

Does locality and departmental barriers cause a distorted perception officers The patterns of exchange relations in the socialist society, whether there are no psychological atavism here, the roots of which go to the exchange relationship on the basis private property. How do such distortions occur in the psychology of leadership personnel - this problem is really not yet studied, but it is very relevant.

Here in this self-esteem of the head and the danger of distorted perception of his inverse ties And with a team, and with superior guidance, and with the heads of related units.

If one time is to look at one color, and then translate the view to another, then the first time will be observed a distorted perception of this color. Colors are perceived somewhat differently and under the influence of other, surrounding or flowing flowers. Similar phenomena Called contrast colors. The simultaneous and consistent contrast distinguish.

Improved can be sluggishly misinterpreting, or, on the contrary, not to moderately active and moving, gradually appear illusory and distorted perception of the ambient light. For example, stains on the wall or cracks are perceived in the form of various structures surrounding people n objects are presented in a distorted, deformed form and seem painted in bright, unusual colors. Usually, visual hallucinations arise in the form of brightly colored Pestry images of NLN paintings. They are complemented by auditory, olfactory and tactile hallucinations, which in turn cause certain visual illusions. Freds of the synesthesia (mixing of perceptions), when the affected seems to necessarily knows the music, hears the sound of color or feel the touch of smell.

When survey, it is necessary to take into account that even true answers may be unreliable and incomplete for forgetting reasons; incomplete perception of both objective and subjective reasons; distorted perception; misunderstandings of the observed phenomenon; layers formed during the storage of perceived in memory. Therefore, it is necessary to determine the degree and cause of the inaccuracy and incompleteness of the answers and relevant additional issues to achieve the elimination of this inaccessibility. The results of the survey are recorded in the form of a cumulative explanation.

The main geometric parameters of the mutual location of the film screens of viewers in cinemas. | Horizontal viewing angles of various screens (by E. M. Goldovsky A - with a regular flat screen. 6 - with a wide screen. B - with a widescreen screen. G - with a panoramic screen.

The boundary angle and the location of the audience is determined by the beam of vision and the normal to the screen at the points of its side edges. An increase in the boundary angles is distorted image perception.

The affected can be sluggish and misinterpretative, or, on the contrary, are not moderately active and movable. Gradually appear illusory and distorted perception of the surrounding world. For example, stains on the wall or cracks are perceived in the form of various structures surrounding people and items are presented in a distorted, deformed form and seem painted in bright, unusual colors. Usually, visual hallucinations are arising and the form of brightly colored pesting images or paintings. They are complemented by auditory, olfactory and tactile hallucinations, which in turn cause certain visual illusions. Freds of the synesthesia (mixing of perceptions), when the affected seems to necessarily knows the music, hears the sound of color or feel the touch of smell.

At the same time, the selection can lead to loss important information, to substantial distortion of reality. Protecting the brain of man from overload, reducing psychological loads, giving relaxing senses, selection of information at the same time makes absolutely impossible full perception A man of the observed reality, necessarily leads to a distorted perception of reality and the emergence of the identical phenomena of the same phenomena.

- (Lat. Illusio, from Illudere, play). 1) Self-deception, the game of imagination. 2) Foreign Foreignness. A dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. Illusion of Lat. Illusio, from Illudere, play. a) deception feelings (see ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

Hallucinations - - Perceptions arising without real object, deception of feelings; the patient sees or hears what in reality in this moment does not exist. Hallucinations are divided into analyzers (visual, tactile, auditory, etc.) and by nature ... ...

- (from Lat. Illusio Cheating), distorted perception of reality, deception of perception. 1) illusion as a result of the imperfection of the senses; peculiar to all people (for example, optical illusions). 2) illusions due to the special state of the psyche ... encyclopedic Dictionary

Illusions - - erroneous, improper perception of real objects and phenomena. Especially often illusions appear against the background of depression with anxiety or fear, as well as in the insufficient clarity of perception related to the deterioration of the activities of the organs ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of Psychology and Pedagogy

illusion - illusion1, and, judgment that arose as a result of the substitution of real imaginary, erroneous perception of objects, reality phenomena; SIN: DISCUSLATION. ... There is nothing ruthless collision of children's illusions with an adult reality (Yu. Sez.). ... ... Dictionary Russian nouns

illusion - And, g. 1) Special. Distorted perception of reality based on feeling deception; Something apparent. Optical illusions. Spectator illusions. The illusion of silence. The movement of the stroller produces a strange illusion: it seems that ... the mountain is in place ... and ... ... Popular Dictionary of the Russian Language

And, g. Distorted perception of reality based on feeling deception; The adoption of apparent, imaginary for valid. Optical illusions. Illusion of movement. □ Here is a rocky hill, similar to the head of a giant; Next stone woman, as it were ... ... Small Academic Dictionary

See the dream, hope, deception, ghost to disperse illusions ... Dictionary of Russian Synonyms and similar expressions in the meaning. under. ed. N. Abramova, M.: Russian Dictionaries, 1999. Fantom Illusion, Dream, Hope, Cheating, Ghost; smoke, chimera, deception feelings, error ... Synonym dictionary

- (from Latin Illusio game imagination, deception), distorted perception of reality, deception of perception. 1) illusion as a result of the imperfection of the senses; People are characteristic of all people (for example, optical illusions). 2) illusions caused by ... ... Modern encyclopedia

- (from Lat. Illusio Check) Distorted perception of reality, deception of perception, 1) illusion as a result of imperfection of senses; People are characteristic of all people (eg, optical illusions) 2)] illusions due to the special state of the psyche (for example ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

Hello! Tell me, please, what happens to me. Recording from my diary:
"The perception of reality is distorted. Everything around seems unnatural and unrealistic. I see items, but not yet touch, I do not know what can be the feeling from touching them. But these sensations are not pronounced, as in a dream. Rather, I remember that I remember that I must feel what I feel. Pursues the feeling that I am in someone else's body: I \u200b\u200bdo not control my actions, but I only observe from the part. I do on the machine, I speak on the machine. Words are simply formed in the phrase, but there are no thoughts of people, as well as the perception of people And everything that surrounds me. I do not feel emotions - only the physiological needs that are very dumping. In the mirror I see someone else's face. Lost interest in life, as well as anything. The feeling as if I am under the action of alcohol or other drugs. Brain It simply refuses to perceive what is happening. By delivering a physical pain, I will not return myself to reality. As if unconscious, I wake up and fall asleep. I am tormented by insomnia and a sense of own insignificance, weightlessness. Everything is so anyway that I can easily jump into the window. But I do not do this not because I'm afraid or I do not want, but rather, because I know that it is wrong

Anastasia, Kharkov, Ukraine, 22 years

Psychologist's response:

Hello, Anastasia.

You describe the symptoms anxiety disorder - a sense of depersonalization and dramatization. Depersonalization - in itself it is not hazardous, but the experience of him turns a person to horror, seems terrible and related to psychic diseases. Feeling, as if you are separated from yourself, are out of yourself and without any control and observe. It may still be as a feeling that you like a robot and not a human being, you will not recognize yourself, or as if you are invisible and really do not exist. No matter how frightening it is for you, but this is a very common phenomenon in those who suffer from panic disorder or other alarming disorder. This is not dangerous. Of course, such sensations seem strange and it seems that you lose touch with reality, but it is not. This is a feeling, feeling, but it is not what happens to you in fact. Derealization - is amended mental statewhere the environment seems foggy, unreal or disconnected. May be stated multivariate different people. Some people describe it as if they are in a fabulous place or other world, where items ambient may seem fuzzy or fragmented. For others, sounds change or disappear, etc. Derealization is characteristic of a number mental disorders. It may also be with anxiety and depression, a panic disorder, at PTSD, immediately after a traumatic event, during brain damage in the occipital or temporal fraction. Drugs, such as marijuana, some medicines and even a large number of Caffeine can contribute to the dramatization. Contact your neurologist and to a psychologist (internally or in absentia by Skype).

Sincerely, Lipkin Arina Yurevna.

In the process of working with clients it is easy to notice that important for spiritual state The person has how he perceives what is happening.

Perception is the beginning and the end of how a person feels, what actions do, what features of the nature acquires, as it lives, what fate reaps.

Working with any request, I have forced and invariably coming to the beginning, the source from which it all started. This is how a person perceived the situation.

When a client tells a lot of things in detail about its difficulties, failures, injustice, disease, humiliation, fear, rejection, etc., then I understand that the essence of his experiences is in assessing the event that has happened as negative, the consequences of which are not overcome. This is the first thing you can work with, the rest is what the client is experiencing, can crumble in the process of work in itself.

We are taught to evaluate, i.e. interpret events from the very early childhood. The baby is already talking: "It's not good. So it is impossible, there will be va-va". The schoolboy is rated by estimates, pointing to errors without delaying attention on what is good. So we are learning negative thinking.

The first thing we do when we face the events of life, we instinctively estimate what is happening: dangerous - not dangerous, right - not correct, good - bad. So we teach black and white thinking.

Customers describing their problem, talk about events in terms of assessment and interpretation. It is very difficult to achieve a presentation of just facts to make an independent representation. The client immediately offers its own interpretation of events from the point of view of his experience and upbringing. There is no impartial statement of facts and analysis as such. And there is an estimate, interpretation that is taken for the truth. Of course, it is truth for of this person. But if we consider that every person has its own unique experience and education, then you have to admit that everyone has his own eyes, everyone looks at the same event through their own filter, which some facts take into account, others discarded as not important or not noticing them like not existing ones.

Consciousness works selectively and associative. This is a feature of the psyche. It protects the psyche from overload. Consciousness as if scans the events and highlights what is consistent with already existing beliefs. Such perception is unconsciously and typically for any person.

Thus, all distortions begin with perception, and this further leads to destructions.

It is legitimate to argue that if you change the style of perception, then you can avoid unwanted consequences In the form of diseases, failures, nervous disorders?

Is it possible in principle a realistic perception?

In any case, you can put a task: bring the existing perception to reality, and then the client himself will witness how his life difficulties are scattered one by one.

The difficulty lies in the fact that the client lives in captivity of his images and ideals and does not associate its problems with perception errors. He clinging to his beliefs that were created under certain circumstances and in other contexts are not powerful. These beliefs are support in life, landmarks that direct life Path.

A person hard to transfers uncertainty. The unknown scares it. He is terribly trusted not to ideas, but the lifetime itself, which unfolds right now in his incomprehensible reality right in front of him. And he takes his attention to his mind, in reasoning, in comparison with ideals, in assessment and criticism. Fear before unknowable causes to determine, explain, give interpretations to the whole taking place: it is because he thinks so, they want something, .. - explanations, excuses, impairing for others.

It is terrible to discard ideas, and to look into the truth, and to take the life of what it is, without explanation and justification.

It is terrible to abandon black and white thinking, to tell yourself: it happens, and it happens differently, in all different, much depends on the context.

Created pattern of perception, and you need courage to overcome it.

When a person is stuck in an emotional assessment of what is happening, it does not work. Again and again he is experiencing an event as not justice, not correctness.

It is necessary to wake up from hypnosis created ideal images And ask yourself: if so, how can I act for yourself and others? Is it possible to improve something? How to make something good from this?

There is no distortion of perception, when a person only perceives what is, not adding anything, without reducing anything. We often do not realize how much we are in the separation from reality, we put out objects with no existing qualities, we assume and guess, without having it real facts. The more thoughts are torn off from reality, the behavior of an individual is dismissed and destructive for others.

It seems that it is easier to see only what is, not allowing the mind to play in their fantasies? In fact, it turns out to be difficult. Restless mind without stopping reproduces new thoughts, regardless of the will of a person. Sometimes the mind fully delays a person in his sweet fantasies of happiness or suffering. It is surprising that experiences from fantasies are the same as real as from real events. That is, in fantasies, the events are not real, and the experiences are real. This trap delays its simplicity and accessibility. You can simply, without any effort, get a variety of experiences without exposing, as it seems to be risk. It is difficult to break out of such infantile emotional experience. Side effectreal life Fucks on the seam. A person becomes not adaptive and becomes more and more inadequate in behavior, taking off from reality.

Thinking activities Natural and necessary for a person. It is useful for science and creativity, which have specific goals and achievements. Creative thinking energy can be aimed at analyzing the facts, planning the events of your life, search for ways to achieve the goals. But a distorted perception man gets stuck in estimates and emotions, inactive. He leads endless monologues, arguing and proving, resisting what is.

It seems to me that one of the most important tasks of any person to develop the ability to realize the perception of reality. Such work can be carried out independently with the help of training concentration. Available to each methods: prayers, meditations, concentration exercises.

The ability to see clearly and clearly, without worrying, introduces a quiet attitude to the events taking place and allows you to more effectively solve life tasks. The adoption of everything that is, makes it possible to agree with the life as a whole, with the fact that life is more than a separate person, and the naive little part to fight against the whole. The reverence before that it makes it possible to measure the strength and not to spend them on what it is impossible not to fight with windmills.

An impartial perception of the fact that there is expanding the horizons of the vision, will allow you to leave the framework of narrow thinking, to face something new and acquire new experience. A wide vision allows you to see the problem solving options previously hidden from the eyes.