Artificial feeding of the child. Key points and recommendations. Why is a bottle-fed newborn more prone to constipation? Causes of the problem and the right ways to solve it

All young mothers are well aware that in the first months of life there is no healthier food than breast milk for a newborn baby. But sometimes a situation arises in which there is a need to transfer the child to another diet (there is no breast milk or the mother cannot breastfeed). Artificial feeding of a newborn baby requires the right approach both to the choice of formula and to following a new diet. Consultation with a pediatrician is a prerequisite before starting IV.

Indications for switching to IV

Feeding even the highest quality mixtures will not be able to make up for those microelements that the baby receives with mother's milk. Therefore, the introduction of adapted nutrition should always be justified. Pediatricians identify several circumstances when artificial feeding is considered necessary:

  • Difficult childbirth, after which the mother must restore her strength;
  • Reception of certain groups of vital medicines by a woman;
  • Infectious diseases of the mother;
  • Lack of milk in the glands of the breast or its insufficiency. The lack of milk is determined by the control weighing of the baby after feeding;
  • Inability to feed the child due to temporary absence. This indication is justified when there are no conditions for storing expressed milk or the period of absence of the mother is calculated in weeks.

Insufficiency of milk production should first be restored with the help of drugs that enhance lactation. Artificial feeding of a child is started only if these drugs do not bring the expected result. It is not necessary to introduce mixtures completely at once, even a few grams of breast milk are useful for the baby's body and it is impossible to deprive him of this benefit.

Pros and cons of using artificial mixtures

Not all young mothers seriously think about what awaits them and their baby when switching to the use of infant formula. Often, just because of her convenience, a woman deprives a child of the microelements necessary for his immunity and general health. Before deciding to switch to IV with a pediatrician-recommended formula, you need to weigh all the advantages and disadvantages of a new diet. The obvious advantages of artificial feeding of a child include:

  • The possibility of feeding the baby to other relatives. That is, the mother can calmly go about her business and not worry that the baby will cry from hunger;
  • When feeding a baby from a bottle, the mother always knows how much he eats at a time and, if there are health problems, he immediately notices this by the amount of food left;
  • The appearance is always associated with the type of mixture. In order to determine the allergen in a breastfed child, a nursing mother has to completely revise her diet;
  • Formula takes longer to digest than milk, so the number of meals your baby has to eat is reduced.

This is one of the benefits of formula feeding. but there are more cons:

  • Artists are more likely to get colds and allergies in subsequent years. This fact is explained by the absence of special enzymes in their body, which the baby can only get from mother's milk;
  • The use of bottles requires their constant sterility. If cleanliness is not observed, then the development of dyspeptic disorders is possible;
  • Babies fed with mixtures often suffer from periodic regurgitation - a poor-quality nipple contributes to the swallowing of air;
  • When traveling with a child, you have to take a separate bag with a mixture, bottles, sterilizers, that is, extra luggage;
  • Often you have to change several types of mixtures in order to find the most suitable one;
  • Artificial feeding of a child also implies certain financial costs. A good mixture cannot be cheap, and as the child grows older, more and more of it is required from time to time.

The disadvantages of formula feeding are much greater than the advantages, and therefore it is worth first trying to restore hypolactation, and only then resorting to such an extreme measure.

How to choose a mixture

The selection of the mixture must be agreed with the pediatrician. The doctor knows the peculiarities of your child's health and will advise the most gentle nutrition. It is also necessary to independently show increased attention to the choice of mixtures and be sure to comply with the following criteria:

  • Best before date- the most important condition for the absence of unwanted reactions. Choose those boxes where there is a margin of several months of use;
  • The packaging must not be opened or deformed. The presence of dents, scratches indicates non-compliance with the conditions of transportation, and such a mixture may be damaged;
  • Meals are provided according to age categories. It is impossible to give a newborn child a mixture intended for older children; an unformed stomach and intestines can react with serious diseases;
  • It is necessary to accustom the baby with the introduction of hypoallergenic mixtures;
  • If the child has certain health problems, then the diet may contain additives that are useful for improving the functioning of the organs. Mixtures may contain herbs to boost immunity, iron to treat anemia.

How to cook food

With artificial feeding of a child, his well-being will directly depend on how you prepare the mixture. The instruction must be read and follow its points.

  • For breeding, it is best to use special bottled water, when boiling, some of the nutrients are lost. If water is taken from the tap, then boiling it is mandatory;
  • The dosage must be fully respected. Exceeding the amount of dry mixture or lack of water can lead to oversaturation of the intestines with nutrients, and this is reflected by colic, dyspeptic disorders. The lack of a dry base leads to the fact that the baby is naughty, asks for a bottle at the wrong time;
  • The mixture is diluted directly in the bottle, where water is first poured with a temperature not higher than 50 degrees. Higher temperatures lead to the destruction of beneficial bacteria;
  • After dilution, shake the mixture and make sure that there are no lumps. Before feeding, check the temperature - it should not be higher than 37 degrees;
  • The hole in the nipple should be such that the baby makes some effort to suck. The outflow of a thin stream leads to the complete rejection of the breast and to the fact that the stomach begins to quickly stretch.

The mixture can be prepared in advance, but it should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than a day and heated in hot water.

Video instruction:

How to properly feed a baby

Formula-fed babies often weigh much more than their mother's milk-fed peers. It's not as good as it seems, with increased obesity comes a variety of health problems. To avoid this, you do not need to overfeed the baby, it is necessary to take into account how much he drinks and how long he can do without a bottle.

  • The bottle is chosen when the baby is fully fed with mixtures or their amount reaches 2/3 of the total nutrition. The nipple must be necessarily with a narrow hole, this will not allow the baby to wean from the breast ();
  • A teaspoon is used when the child is mainly breastfeeding, and the missing amount of food is received in the form of mixtures;
  • Sometimes a child refuses both a bottle and a spoon, but he needs to be fed. In this case, the diluted mixture is poured through a syringe without a needle in small doses.

Feeding technique

Moms take note!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me, but I’ll write about it))) But I have nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too ...

  1. The baby should be in an almost vertical position, it is convenient for sucking and will not allow you to choke.
  2. Make sure that the milk completely covers the nipple, and that air accumulates at the bottom of the bottle. This will prevent air from entering the stomach.
  3. After feeding the child, you need to hold it in an upright position so that the trapped air comes out.


Just because you're formula feeding your baby doesn't mean you should leave him alone. The baby may choke on milk or lose the bottle. The emotional contact of the mother with the baby is also important, so holding him in your arms you can calmly observe the concentrated face of the crumbs and take a break from household chores.

The nipple on the bottle needs to be changed periodically, it quickly becomes thinner, and the mixture flows through the hole in a continuous stream. Always use the mixture after preparation or store it in the refrigerator. The rest of the food is poured out immediately.

The baby "artificial" needs more, this will make up for the deficiency of missing trace elements.

How much formula should a baby eat?

A newborn child in the first month of life eats from 700 to 800 ml of the adapted mixture for 8-10 times. For 2-3 months of life, the amount of the mixture grows to 900 ml. With the introduction of complementary foods, the volume of mixtures decreases.

It is believed that the child has enough food, which is 1/5 of his body weight per day. That is, if the baby weighs 4 kg, then he should drink 800 ml of milk per day. In the first days of life, the baby can drink 30-40 ml at a time, later up to 100 ml. In this regard, the frequency of feeding after the first month of life decreases. See material:

Feeding bottle and teat sterilization frequency:

In the first month of life, all bottles and nipples should be sterilized after each feeding. First, the remnants of the mixture are removed with warm water and a brush, then all appliances are boiled for 10 minutes. It is best to purchase a special sterilizer, using it, you will always be sure that the dishes are clean.

After the first month of life, it is enough to rinse the nipple and bottle and rinse them with boiling water. But still, make sure that the bottles are thoroughly washed, special attention should be paid to threads, hard-to-reach places where bacteria can multiply in a few hours.

Is it possible to store the prepared mixture:

The prepared mixture is stored at room temperature for no more than 2 hours, in the refrigerator for no more than 12 hours. The remaining remnants of the mixture after feeding are poured out; drinking such milk after an hour can lead to poisoning.

Video: Proper bottle feeding

Free IV

The need for food in a baby at different times of the day is not the same. But still, it is necessary to adhere to a certain schedule with a deviation of half an hour in one direction or another. So you will always know what time the baby usually eats and you can guess the time of the visit to the clinic or for a walk. Subject to the regimen, the baby falls asleep easier and is less prone to excessive weight gain,

Situations in which a mixture change is necessary:

  • The mixture is not suitable, causes diarrhea or constipation, allergic reactions;
  • Reaching a certain age. For a 6-month-old baby, there is no point in giving a mixture for newborns;
  • The need for special medicinal nutrition.

Problems of artificial feeding:

Artificial feeding of a child is considered in medicine as "metabolic stress" and therefore causes a wide variety of reactions. Allergies, stool problems, colic occur in the first days in most babies. Some of them get used to it, others have to change the mixture.


Moms take note!

Hello girls! Today I will tell you how I managed to get in shape, lose 20 kilograms, and finally get rid of the terrible complexes of overweight people. I hope the information is useful to you!

Undoubtedly, breastfeeding is the gold standard of nutrition for children. But what to do when a mother cannot breastfeed? Let's say she is sick, she has no or little milk, or there are other reasons. Artificial feeding with milk mixtures is called for help. In order for it to be beneficial, it is important to know all the nuances - how often to feed a newborn with a mixture, how much formula can be given, which one is better to choose, etc.

What is artificial feeding

This is a replacement (full or partial - 2/3 of the diet) of mother's milk with artificial dairy products.

BTW: Ideal for twins, triplets, etc.

Selection rules

It must be done in favor of a quality product. This is not only about the date of manufacture, the duration of storage after opening the package. First of all, these should be the correct recommendations of the pediatrician, based on:

  • food composition,
  • baby age,
  • his weight
  • body features,
  • reactions to food.
  • his weight
  • body features,
  • reactions to food.

Reasons for replacement

Is there diarrhea or constipation, drowsiness, increased gas formation? Perhaps the dairy product is not suitable. Feeding takes place in the mode of tears and spitting? Something went wrong, didn’t like the taste or something else. So, you need to consult a doctor for advice and advice. Because there are more serious reasons that force a pediatric specialist to replace one formula for artificial feeding with another:

  1. Allergy to the composition (severe rashes).
  2. Requires another, suitable for age.
  3. Due to illness (requires a special composition with medicinal properties).
  4. Stopping weight gain.

BTW: You can not use several different mixtures, give food intended for a different age, or feed a child against his will.

How often can artificial mixtures be changed

No, it is not recommended to do this often and, moreover, arbitrarily without talking with the pediatrician. It is difficult for a child's body to rebuild quickly or, worse, to do it all the time. Try to closely observe the assimilation of the new food by the child:

  1. The rash may go away the next day.
  2. The unfavorable stool improved by evening.
  3. The tummy does not hurt the next morning.
  4. No spitting up or anything like that.

ATTENTION: If something is wrong, pay a visit to the children's clinic. Ask what types of dairy products are ideal.

Mixtures for artificial feeding - types and varieties

Manufacturers manufacture products for artificial feeding of newborns, which are based on milk (goat or cow). She happens:

  • dry, liquid,
  • unleavened and fermented milk substitutes for women's milk,
  • ordinary (the composition is a bit like mother's milk) and adapted (as similar as possible).

Varieties of mixtures for artificial feeding of newborns

  1. The most adapted: with the greatest degree of similarity with mother's milk.
  2. Highly adapted: due to the presence of tauric acid, nutrition is ideal for premature babies.
  3. With less adaptation: from cow's milk powder, without whey, but with the observance of other adaptation parameters.
  4. With partial adaptation: without whey, with incomplete adaptation of carbohydrates and fats, starch and sucrose; unacceptable for newborns.
  5. Special: for special cases when special nutrition is required (babies with a weakened immune system, premature babies).
  6. Therapeutic (lactose-free, soy, semi-elementary, with thickeners - for allergies, malabsorption of food in the intestines, low weight, disorders of the intestinal flora, etc.).

ATTENTION: Medicinal and special mixtures are prescribed by a doctor according to indications!

How often to feed a newborn formula - feeding schedule

Is it possible to feed the baby at will and demand? No, it's better not to.

Firstly, this is not mother's milk, which comes in proportion to what he sucked in the previous feeding.

Secondly, the baby's body needs time to digest artificial food. Otherwise, if the break is not observed, nothing good will come from adding fresh food to undigested food.

When a baby is bottle-fed, he must consume the prescribed amount of food, and strictly by the hour.

How to enter the mixture correctly - cooking rules

If this is the first introduction of dairy products (or new ones) into the diet, then carry out the process for 5-7 days. Initially, a small volume is offered (no more than one third of the prescribed portion). If everything went well, the amount of food increases during the week.

Rules for the preparation of milk formula and feeding

The first thing to do is to carefully read the instructions for preparing a dairy product and stick to it. A larger or smaller amount of the contents of a pack or jar is fraught with belching, regurgitation, unstable stools and other consequences that are dangerous for the liver, kidneys, pancreas and other organs. When preparing a mass that a tiny artificial man must certainly like, keep in mind:

It is prepared exclusively before feeding and in no case - not for the future.

Water (boiled) and the product are quickly mixed in the right proportion until completely dissolved. The bottle is then shaken.

It is necessary to cook only in well-sterilized dishes.

For breeding, specialized water without harmful substances is used.

The feeding nipple must be suitable for the baby.

REMEMBER: The temperature of the cooked food should be 36-37° (by dropping a drop on your wrist, check - the liquid should not be felt).

How to calculate the required amount of formula for feeding

The norm is calculated based on the age of the crumbs, weight and appetite. In principle, the so-called. "bulk method". For example, per day the main food should be:

  • in the first two months of life - 1/5 of body weight,
  • in 2-4 months - 1/6,
  • at 4-6 months - 1/7,
  • after six months - 1/8-1/9.

Example. The weight of an infant aged 3.5 months is 5700. Give him 950 ml of an adapted formula per day. But the approximate amount of food, as well as how many hours to feed, is specified in each case separately with the doctor, and not “by eye”.

REMEMBER: Your little "artificial" can eat different amounts of food at a time. The determining factor may be well-being, appetite and other factors.

How much food is needed in one feeding?

To do this, the daily volume is divided by the number of receptions. Those. from the formula 950:6 = 158 we see that at a time through the required period of time (with six feedings) the little one should be given about 160 g.

BTW: The volume of the artificial product does not include juice, water, decoctions of fruits and vegetables. If the menu includes complementary foods (vegetable puree, yolk, cottage cheese), the fact should be taken into account when determining the required volume of the mixture.

How to properly formula feed your baby

  1. Before feeding with powder or liquid products mixed with baby water, the temperature of the resulting mass is checked (should not be higher than 36.6-37 degrees).
  2. It is important to observe that the baby does not swallow air while sucking.
  3. Unused mixture should not be given again.
  4. The child should be in a semi-vertical position.
  5. After eating, the dishes and the nipple must be sterilized with high quality.

NEED TO KNOW: Is there anything left in the bottle? Pour it out, because you can’t leave a drop next time!

How many times to feed - feeding schedule

How to find out after what time, how many times to feed the "artificial"? Their feeding schedule is usually traditional. So, in the first month of life, it is necessary to give food 6-7 times, i.e. a break is maintained somewhere in 3-3.5 hours. (At night, the interval can be about 6 hours). After the interval increases.

ATTENTION: If you notice that the “artificial” baby is not enough, he does not eat up, consult a doctor about increasing the number of feedings.

In a word, everything is determined, and then, if necessary, the doctor will correct it. For example, the baby will not cope with the recommended volume at a time. So, feed more often, but in smaller portions.

One way or another, it is advisable to closely monitor the behavior of the little one. He should not be lethargic and inactive. Should be gaining weight well. Otherwise, at the reception, at the clinic!

BTW: Include water in your formula-fed diet! But do not take it into account when calculating the total amount of the daily norm of a children's meal.

  1. When preparing food, take the mixture with a clean measuring spoon.
  2. In the first days, prepare the desired volume by adding 10-20 ml. When the “artificial” baby’s diet improves, it will be easier to select the amount.
  3. Yes, milk during artificial feeding is longer in the stomach, and therefore the regimen is established. But if the baby becomes very worried about 15-20 minutes before feeding, do not torment - feed.
  4. The nipple should be with a normal, not a large hole - the milk does not flow in streams, but drips.
  5. Hold the bottle in such a way that the milk fills the neck. Otherwise, swallowing air with milk, the baby will burp.
  6. Do not leave him alone with the horn - burping, he may choke.
  7. Don't feed while you sleep.
  8. Go to the clinic if you notice frequent regurgitation, insufficient weight gain and height, frequent (more than three times a day) stools with undigested lumps, any anxiety before or after meals.

Advantages of artificial feeding

So, is there no breast milk, or are there other good reasons for not breastfeeding? Do not rush to get upset! Yes, the artificial nutrition recommended to you does not contain such unique elements of human milk. But still, this feeding system has its advantages.

  1. You can entrust feeding to your husband or someone from your family, and go away on business.
  2. By feeding the child in this way, the mother knows how much food he needs. Therefore, you will immediately notice health problems.
  3. You can, unlike breastfeeding moms, continue to eat as before.
  4. You are not threatened with mastitis and other problems that arise during breastfeeding.
  5. Due to the longer digestion of the mixture, the number of meals is reduced. So, you can devote much more time to yourself, your family and your favorite business!

The best food for a newborn is mother's breast milk. And no nanotechnology and the latest advanced developments of modern science are able to make the mixture as close as possible to the composition of natural milk, which only a mother can give to a baby.

However, breastfeeding is not always possible. Unfortunately, there are reasons that prevent normal breastfeeding of the baby. It can be a serious illness of the mother, which requires treatment with strong antibiotics, antitumor drugs, and a banal lack of mother's milk or its complete absence. When the prospect of artificial feeding becomes a reality, parents have many questions, which are answered with pleasure by the authoritative doctor and favorite of millions of mothers, Evgeny Olegovich Komarovsky.

Dr. Komarovsky will tell more about artificial feeding in the next video.

Komarovsky about children - "artists"

It is impossible to replace mother's milk with any, even the most expensive "premium" mixture. Its value is not only in vitamins and enzymes, but also in immunoglobulins. Mom's milk gives the child the same immune protection, thanks to which the baby is quite reliably protected from most viruses in the first six months of its life, until its own immunity begins to actively form.

This does not mean at all that artificial children are completely deprived of their mother's immunity. They still have innate immunity, which was formed during pregnancy, and with proper care, it will also be able to protect the child, not as effectively as breastfeeding, but something is better than nothing.

Evgeny Komarovsky notes that artificial feeding should be carried out only with the use of adapted milk formulas. They cannot be replaced by either cow's or goat's milk.

Even 30 years ago, the doctor says, there were much more problems for artificial children, because there was no alternative. Now choose goat milk as food for babies, according to the doctor, is barbarism and a sign of parental irresponsibility.

Evgeny Olegovich advises not to listen to grandmothers who remember how the great-grandmother fed “seven cows' milk” and call the mixture “chemistry” and “poison”. Up to a year, the doctor generally does not recommend giving milk to children, up to three - do it with caution. The reason is that the amount of calcium and phosphorus in cow's milk is so high that children's kidneys are not able to excrete such compounds. This is fraught with serious diseases, allergies to cow protein and problems with the skeletal system.

If the child eats mixtures, the mother needs to be more attentive to the quantity and quality of what the baby eats. Bottles and nipples should be clean, and the mixture should be diluted strictly in the proportions indicated on the package.

Complementary foods and IV

If the baby is gaining weight well, and artificial people usually add very well, then no complementary foods are needed for up to six months, Komarovsky believes. From six months, you need to introduce additional food, according to the complementary feeding schedule. Pediatricians overwhelmingly advise mothers to start complementary foods with vegetable and fruit juices and purees, but Yevgeny Komarovsky recommends starting with kefir and cereals, and leaving fruits, even in a state of puree, until better times, when the child's first tooth erupts.

It is his appearance that Evgeny Olegovich calls a sure sign that a small body is ready for solid food, which in nature is all fruits and vegetables.

Doctor Komarovsky will tell you how to make the first complementary foods and how to feed the child in the video below.


A common problem is excessive weight gain with formula feeding. When breastfeeding, food is given to the baby more difficult, he feels full faster and does not overeat. And it sucks more fun from a bottle, and therefore the baby almost always eats 20-30 extra grams of the mixture. If the pediatrician sighs sadly at the next examination after weighing, looking at the chubby little one, the mother can reduce the concentration of the mixture by adding a little less dry matter to the water than is provided by the recipe and recommended by the manufacturers.

There is an opinion that children who eat mixtures are more likely to suffer from dermatitis and allergies. There is a grain of logic here, but it is impossible to argue that this is a pattern. If the child showed an inadequate reaction to a particular mixture, you can replace the mixture itself. But Komarovsky does not recommend doing this too often and without the knowledge of the pediatrician.

    Feed your baby from a pacifier with a small hole so that he has to make an effort to satiate, then the chances are reduced that the little one will overeat, suffer from excess weight and other unpleasant consequences of overeating.

    Choose only blends that are labeled "Adapted" if the baby is prone to allergies, it is advisable to feed him with a hypoallergenic mixture. Of course, it is more expensive, but it is better to overpay for food than to spend many times more on treatment.

    If the family has the opportunity to use the services of a breadwinner, then there is no reason to refuse such an opportunity, Komarovsky believes. The main thing is to make sure that the nurse is clean, to know what foods she eats, whether she smokes or takes any medications. At the same time, the doctor clearly distinguishes between the concepts of “donor milk” and “nurse”.

    Donor milk is quite difficult to transport in order to preserve all its beneficial properties. And if it was stored in the refrigerator, pasteurized, boiled or subjected to any other processing, there is definitely nothing useful left in it, and there is no point in giving it, says Yevgeny Komarovsky.

    When to stop formula feeding is ultimately up to the parents. However, Komarovsky's position here is similar to his position on the issues of cessation of breastfeeding. After a year, the child, in principle, does not need mixtures or breast milk. His diet should be expanded and include meat, vegetables, fruits, grains, and mixtures can no longer satisfy all the needs of a grown organism.

Breastfeeding newborns is a very valuable gift of nature. Experts say that every woman can breastfeed. But sometimes desire alone is not enough. Difficulties appear. If for some reason a woman cannot breastfeed, the choice of mixture must be approached carefully. After all, the health and development of the baby depends on this. How to choose the right mixture? What are the mixtures? How to prepare the mixture? Let's talk in the article.

What are the important points to consider when switching to artificial feeding of newborns? To get started, consult your doctor. It can offer formulas as close as possible to breast milk. They must be of high quality and purchased in special stores or baby food departments.

Do not buy mixtures of different brands and several pieces. Buy one pack. After all, you do not know if it will suit the baby. Carefully read the composition and expiration date. When switching to a new mixture, the crumbs may experience constipation or loose stools. Don't worry. Thus, the child's body adapts to the new food.

You should not buy the mixture from your hands, albeit at a price much lower than the store. Even if it has an intact package and a normal expiration date, there is no guarantee that it has been stored under the right temperature conditions and acceptable humidity. Which means it could be corrupted.

What mixtures for artificial feeding of newborns exist

Manufacturers of baby food offer a wide range of different formulas. Sometimes parents are at a loss as to which one to choose. Each child is individual. Basically, infant formula is made from high quality cow or goat milk. Protein is processed.

1. Adapted. As close as possible in composition to mother's milk. It is possible to feed a newborn from the first days of life with an artificial mixture with maximum adaptation. The baby quickly gets used to the mixture, as it is nutritious, quickly absorbed by the body. It is based on demineralized whey, the right balance of vitamins, fats and carbohydrates. Such mixtures include, for example, "Nan", "Nutrilon", "Humana 1".

2. Partially adapted. Does not contain demineralized whey. Partially adapted formula mimics the composition of breast milk. Just as nutritious and healthy. This is "Nestozhen", "Baby". They can be given from birth, but this food is more likely to cause negative reactions in the child than the above. But the price is cheaper.

3. Unadapted. Includes casein, beneficial substances such as lactose, amino acids, vitamins and semi-saturated fatty acids (PUFAs). Based on raw cow's milk. It is recommended to give to children over six months.

4. Sour-milk. Saturated with bifidobacteria. If a formula-fed newborn's stools are often hard, irregular, or have problems with the digestive tract, these mixtures are the best choice. The opinions of doctors as to whether fermented milk formula can be the main food of the child differ. Some advise giving fermented milk mixture no more than 1 time per day. Others say that you can feed children exclusively to her, because this is not kefir, but a mixture, albeit with the addition of bifidobacteria.

5. Medical. They have unique properties. They not only nourish the baby, but also have a healing function. Infants who have been diagnosed with anemia may benefit from formulas with high iron levels; with disruption of the gastrointestinal tract - baby food based on soy milk; prone to allergies - hypoallergenic mixtures. Therapeutic nutrition is prescribed for children born prematurely. They contain a lot of vitamins, minerals, protein and protein.

Mixtures are sold in the form of a dry powder and ready-made. The first option is more popular. It is economical and affordable for most families. Preparing the mixture is not difficult. Instructions are on the package.

Remember the main, golden rule: you need to introduce a new mixture gradually. First 30 ml, the next day - 60 ml, etc. The mixture with a thickener is intended for children who have profuse regurgitation. It is introduced little by little into each feeding. The dense consistency of the food does not allow it to be easily pushed out of the stomach.

Why choose a quality blend?

International standards have been developed on the basis of biochemical studies. They are responsible for the quality of breast milk substitutes. The appearance of such mixtures is the most important technological achievement of mankind. Previously, children were fed cow's milk, and almost all of them had problems with the kidneys, intestines, and allergic reactions. Now, natural and artificial feeding are almost on the same level.

What are the features of the adapted mixture? What is in its composition?

1. Reduced protein levels. An excess of aggressive cow protein leads to negative reactions in the child's body. The digestive system cannot digest proteins due to a lack of enzymes. Abuse can lead to allergic reactions, metabolic disorders, digestive system problems and weight gain.

2. Proteins are very close in composition to mother's milk. Such mixtures contain amino acids. They are essential for building cells.

3. The presence of taurine. It is a sulfur-containing amino acid that is not found in proteins. Necessary for children, especially in the first year of life. In older children, taurine is produced on the basis of the synthesis of cysteine ​​and serine. Responsible for the proper functioning of the brain, building cells, absorption of fats and other components.

4. Semi-saturated fatty acids (PUFAs) are responsible for the development of the child's brain. The body produces hormone-like substances based on PUFAs. Their main task is to regulate metabolic processes at the cellular level, provide anti-inflammatory effects and immune response.

5. Carbohydrates. There are much more of them in breast milk than in cow's milk. The main one is lactose (85% of the carbohydrate composition). It consists of galactose and glucose, belongs to the group of disaccharides. The remaining 15% are oligosaccharides. They contain several molecules of simple sugars. Their main task is to maintain the intestinal microflora and protect against harmful bacteria. Oligosaccharides are replaced by a low molecular weight polymer of glucose in mixtures. It normalizes the intestinal microflora, is responsible for the absorption of fats and their entry into the blood. Thanks to this, the baby does not feel hungry.

How to prepare milk formula?

Not everyone knows how to prepare the mixture correctly. It would seem that this is easy. But sometimes there are nuances that lead parents into a stupor.

None, even the most expensive, adapted formula can replace breast milk. The transfer of the child to the mixture should be carried out gradually, if there are reasons for this.

First of all, carefully read the instructions on the package. Pay attention to such moments.

1. What temperature should the water be.

2. What are the correct proportions of the preparation of the mixture.

3. Is there a measuring spoon in the package.

5. How long can the mixture be stored and under what conditions.

Sterility is the main condition for the preparation of the mixture. The main task of parents is to protect the child from microbes by all means, to help adapt to environmental conditions. Extra microbes are useless. Intestinal infections are very dangerous for a child of the first year of life. Formula should be prepared before each feeding. For a newborn, be sure to boil the bottle and nipple.

When everything is ready, proceed to the preparation of the mixture. We determine the desired ratio of water and measuring spoons of the mixture. Pour boiled water into the bottle and let it cool to the required temperature. Pour the required amount of the mixture (without a slide).

Do not use another spoon, but only the one that comes with the kit. Close the bottle with a cap and shake. Make sure there are no lumps. You should not shake the bottle too actively, so as not to saturate the milk drink with air bubbles.

We check the temperature. We drip a little of the mixture on our elbow. If the temperature is normal, you can give crumbs.

It is important to maintain the correct ratio of water and mixture. Some mothers, in order to saturate the child, add more measuring spoons to the water. You don't need to do this. For the first three months, the baby already suffers from colic.

Prepare only as much formula as your child will eat. Do not store unfinished formula and do not add a new portion to it. The longer the mixture is stored, the higher the risk of bacterial growth in it. If you are going on a trip, take a thermos of boiled hot water with you. It will be needed to prepare a fresh mixture for the crumbs.

You should not exceed the feeding norms for bottle-fed newborns, which the pediatrician has announced to you. Usually they are written on the packaging of the mixture. If your baby feels the urge to suck on the bottle after feeding the recommended dosage, this is not a signal to offer more formula. Most likely, the satiety signal from his stomach had not yet reached the brain. Give your baby a pacifier if he suckles it. And in the future, do not try to quickly feed the child. Let him suck slowly. To do this, purchase a slow flow bottle teat. By the way, a small hole in the nipple will protect the child from swallowing a large amount of air, which means from intestinal colic, belching and hiccups.

Give the child a mixture with a temperature of 36-38 degrees, as body temperature. So it will be absorbed better.

Is it necessary to give water with artificial feeding

Supplemental fluid is needed for children who receive infant formula as their main diet. In what volume and how to properly supplement babies? First you need to decide what you will give to drink. There are several options for what water to give to a newborn, and they can be combined with each other:

  • special children's water;
  • boiled water;
  • pure spring water, from an artesian well;
  • infusion of fennel fruit or other children's "tea" (usually recommended for colic);
  • infusion or decoction of raisins, prunes, dried apricots (with their help, including constipation in newborns with artificial feeding).

As for the quantity, then be guided by the following calculations: 30 grams of water multiplied by 1 kg of the child's weight. That is, a child weighing 7 kg needs about 210 grams of fluid per day. But how much water to give a newborn on a IV is very average recommendations. Children who have a high body temperature need more fluids. And the baby, who is in a humid room with a comfortable air temperature, will drink less. All this should not bother you.

If supplementation during artificial feeding is not carried out enough, the child will most likely have problems with the stool. Usually, literally trying to shove liquid into a child, parents resort to tricks. For example, they begin to sweeten it. In principle, it is not harmful. If done in moderation. However, many children after such desserts do not drink ordinary water in the future. It is more useful in this case to try to give the child water from a syringe without a needle, if he does not drink water from a bottle, pour water over his cheek. Or give from a spoon.

The first complementary foods with artificial feeding

It used to be thought that formula-fed babies should start getting supplemental food in the form of fruit juices as early as 4 months of age. Now that many adapted formulas are sold in stores at affordable prices, the introduction of such early complementary foods is not at all necessary.

That is, it is recommended for artificers to start complementary foods at the same age as for babies who eat mother's milk at 6 months. And not from fruit juices or fruit purees, but from vegetable purees or dairy-free cereals. This complementary food is given at 6-7 months. At 8 months it's meat time. After - cottage cheese, fish and kefir.

The main foods that should be introduced into the diet of a child by the age of 1 year:

  • vegetables;
  • fruits;
  • cereals;
  • meat;
  • fermented milk (kefir, cottage cheese - if the child does not have an allergic reaction to them).

Egg yolk and fish - if the child tolerates them well.

The introduction of complementary foods with artificial feeding can be carried out in accordance with the table on our website.

Table. Scheme of the introduction of complementary foods with artificial feeding of children from 0 to a year by months.

Name of products and dishes of complementary foods Child's age, months
0-1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9-12
Adapted milk formula or "follow-up" milk formulas, ml 700-800 800-900 800-900 800-900 700 400 300-400 350 200-400 200-400
Fruit juices, ml 5-30 40-50 50-60 60 70 80 80-100
Fruit puree, g 5-30 40-50 50-60 60 70 80 80-100
Curd, g 40 40 40 40 40-50
Yolk, piece 0,25 0,5 0,5 0,5
Vegetable puree, g 10-100 150 150 170 180 180-200
Milk porridge, g 50-100 150 170 180 180-200
Meat puree, g 5-30 50 50 60-70
Fish puree, g 5-30 30-60
Kefir and other fermented milk products or "following" mixtures, ml 200 200-400 200-400
Bread (wheat, top quality), g 5 5 10
Crackers, cookies, g 3-5 5 5 10-15
Vegetable oil (sunflower, corn) 1-3 3 3 5 5 6
Butter 1-4 4 4 5 6
Whole milk 100 200 200 200 200 200

When breastfeeding, there is no need for supplementation, unless at the request of the baby.

The child is bottle-fed, does it need to be supplemented with water? Why do it?

Like it or not, the formula for feeding differs in composition and its properties from breast milk. Mother's milk mainly consists of water, so there is no need to supplement the baby. The mixture is more nutritious, it contains more protein, and basically artificial babies need additional fluid intake.

If the baby does not receive the required amount of fluid during artificial feeding, he will suffer from constipation and intestinal problems.

How to give a newborn baby water to drink? When to give and how much?

You can give your baby water in different ways: from a spoon, from a syringe (of course, without a needle), from a bottle.

It is necessary to supplement the crumbs with water in the period of time between feedings.

Do not forget that the ventricle of your newborn baby is still extremely small, it cannot contain a lot of liquid - both formula and water.
At first, the baby can drink about 70 ml of water per day, then gradually the volume will increase to 150 ml.

If the child does not want to drink, in every possible way refuses water, cries when you try to give him a drink, then you should not force him.

Water Requirements

The opinions of experts about what kind of water is allowed to be given to the baby differ.

Some believe that you can give ordinary boiled water. Others say that when boiled, useful substances disappear from the water, so you need to give your baby bottled water purchased, designed specifically for children.

It's up to you, but the main thing is that the water is clean. At the very least, it is worth installing a filter and certainly not giving raw tap water to the crumbs.

Do not give cold water. The temperature of the water with which you add crumbs should initially be about 30 degrees. Later, it can be gradually reduced to 20.

Signs of lack of fluid

The first sign that there is not enough fluid in the body of the crumbs is infrequent or no urination. If the baby does not pee for more than three hours, this is one of the signs of dehydration.

With a lack of fluid, the baby's lips will dry out, and the tongue may also be dry. It is urgent to give the baby water.

With severe diarrhea, the body of the crumbs loses a lot of fluid, which is dangerous for him. In this case, you need to give water to those babies who are breastfed.

It is also necessary to drink the baby if he has a high temperature.

Make sure that the room where the baby is located is not too hot, do not dress the child too warmly. Such excessive care leads to increased sweating, due to which the crumbs body loses fluid. The air in the room should be fresh, carry out wet cleaning.