How to stick artificial nails. How to stick overhead nails at home. So, here are some nuances, without which it will not be possible to remove the lining

Beautiful and well-groomed women's nails are, above all, the guarantee of the confidence of a woman in itself and the key to her beauty. So how to become the owner of really long and attractive nails?

In principle, today the simplest and at the same time affordable way receipt beautiful nails It is considered to be glued modern options Overhead nails. But, what to glue overhead nails, if there is no glue complete with nails? Often, when purchasing any varieties of modern overhead nails, together with them, a special glue must be present, which is characterized by harmlessness for the nail plate and at the same time it is not capable of calling allergic reaction. But, unfortunately, it often happens so that together with false nails in the package there is no given special glue. And, as you know such an element female beauty You can attach to your own nails only with the use of a certain special glue.

That is why, answering the question than you can glue overhead nails, if there is no glue, it is worth noting that no other alternative this toolToday there really do not exist. If there is no glue in the package, then you can get it separately in the store. Since it is mostly always, under no circumstances experts do not advise the use of glue not intended for these purposes. After all, ordinary household glue can in the future can cause native nails really huge damage. In connection with such facts, once again, it is necessary to emphasize the moment that answering the question to which you can glue overhead nails, if there is no special glue, then the answer can be only one. Under no circumstances need to completely forget about such a fact that it is possible to use in this situation only a certain harmless special glue, which is intended for overhead nails. But all other adhesives for solving this task are fully referred to.

It turns out that glue data varieties of nails only with the use of special glue. He must be present in the set together with the nails acquired. But if he did not turn out there, then this fact denotes that in the future it must be purchased separately. To carry out the process of sticker of overhead nails, it is necessary to apply some glue to the very low part Nail and easily distribute across platinum. Therefore, when answering a question than you can glue overhead nails, if there is no special glue, it should be noted that nothing. Naturally, you can try to glue your nails and ordinary glueBut such actions as a result can damage their own nail plate. And at the same time in the future they will be very difficult to remove. That is why it is better to pay a little and separately acquire special professional glue, than to remain completely without nails.

Although there is another option where there is not a special glue, but an ordinary natural adhesive agent. Often to use this method The female representatives are resorted, which due to the fact that special glue spoils native nails, try to find more alternative options solutions to the problem. In this situation, in addition to naturally glue, presence and such additional element like cotton. The wool is primarily intended to protect the female nail plate and in order for the false nails to make sure to be fixed as much as possible to the base. Otherwise, nothing is better not to exercise anything, so as not to spoil your own native nails, but simply apply some attractive and fairly beautiful image on them.

Thus, the sticker of modern options for overhead nails is a process that can be carried out even in home atmosphereBut without the presence of special glue there is absolutely no way to do.

In the struggle for the beauty of the girl use a lot of tricks. Special interest deserve false nails. They are used by fashionicates for the purposes of artificial increase in the length of the natural plate and the correction of its flaws. Such notes look natural and in the photo, and in reality. About how these devices are used and why they have become so popular, will be told in our article.

Advantages of overhead nails. Their species and features

Perhaps today there is no woman who would not know about the existence of false nails. Many beauties are familiar since childhood. The second name of such a "device" - Tips.

There are two main types of overhead plates: plastic nails and "solid varnish". The first must be attached using special composition. Another variety has a self-adhesive surface.

Why are the TIPSs take high demand, despite the existence of the gel and acrylic extension procedure? All business B. huge quantities The advantages of the overhead plates:

    • Naturalness. Tips look like natural nails. It does not understand the naked look that the girl just pasted them. This effect can be achieved with the help of extension, but in this case you will not have any guarantees that the master recreation beautiful shape. Look at the photo of the false nails - to spoil their outlines are not even a newcomer.
    • Availability. If the procedure for modeling gel and acrylic requires availability special equipment To carry out at home, the use of TIP remains available to everyone. The price of the set does not exceed 200 rubles. This is a significantly less cost of the extension service.
    • The efficiency of the procedure. To stick overhead nails at home, you will need no more than half an hour. Most girls copes with a task for 10-15 minutes. For such a gap, it is unrealistic to make an acrylic or gel extension.
    • Safety. Unlike modeling, overhead nails can be used even by children. When applied, the genuine plate is not injured, and the materials used to glue them are not toxic.
    • Strength. Your new marigolds will last for at least a week. During this period, the length of the natural plate will increase. In addition, Tips protect the nail surface from the harmful effects of varnish and other substances with which it is forced to contact. Therefore, for the week, the plates grow strong and beautiful.
    • Wide design selection. After gluing the Title, you can create any Neil Art. Most often girls use manual painting And rhinestones. New plates can be decorated with sequins, beads, feathers, stickers.
    • Even false nails are looking flawlessly without design, it is enough just to cover them with varnish. In addition, there are plates with an already ready-made in-art, which will definitely last during the entire period of wearing.

How to glue overhead nails?

Despite the widespread prevalence of this method of decorating a manicure, not all the girls are known how to glue overhead nails correctly. The procedure has nothing complicated, so even children can conduct it. The whole process consists of the following steps:

  1. Natural plates are cut as short as possible. It is necessary so that the plastic pad does not begged and fixed better.
  2. The remains of the old coating are removed. Regardless of how you used, it should be desired from the surface of the plates. Otherwise, manicure will not last day.
  3. The cuticle moves as far as possible. The surface of natural marigolds can be slightly polished. Free edges should be written.
  4. Natural plates wipe the primer. It can be replaced with hydrogen peroxide or alcohol.
  5. Drip some glue on the marigold. Immediately attach the lining. Lock it in the same position for 10-15 seconds, then proceed to the next marigold.

Now you will stay design. This method It will help to properly stick the usual overhead nails. With the "solid varnish" everything is much easier. When using this type of type, the glue is not needed.

By the same principle you can glue overhead nails on your feet. However, the use of tips is allowed only under the condition of the absence of infectious and fungal diseases.

It's time to replace the Tips? Do not rush to skip them if you want to keep the natural plates.

First of all, you need to make a bath. Dip the fingers of B. hot waterSo that glue for false nails was dissolved. Then you can easily remove the tips.

The author of the video will tell about their secrets of removal of glued artificial plates. Also, the heroine will show the fingertip procedure:

Fashionable leaves about false nails predominantly positive reviews. It is not at all surprising, given the convenience of using the Titness and other advantages. If you have already tried to wear them, tell about your impressions in the comments.

Fashion for beautiful and well-kept nails was always, there will be. Therefore, nails should be given much attention. But what to do if important meeting or event in a couple of hours, and time camping in nail salon lacks? TO ak glue overhead nails yourself?

Excellent output from the current situation can be overhead nails. But, like most procedures for, overhead nails have both pros and cons. The advantages include:

  • overhead nails will help hide the shortcomings of the nail plate;
  • artificial nails much stronger his natural;
  • varnish on the perfectly smooth surface of an artificial nail is better applied, longer keeps and looks brighter.

The minuses are also enough:

  • glue, with which nails are glued toxic and adversely affects the state of the nail plate;
  • when removing an artificial nail upper layer nail is injured;
  • with prolonged wearing of false nails, its plate is depleted, becomes fine.

If the decision on the overhead nails is accepted, it remains only to glue them correctly.

How to glue your nails at home?

In order to glue the nails of the house of special equipment, it is not necessary, but some items should still be at hand:

  • overhead;
  • glue (usually goes in a set with shapes);
  • napkins to remove excess glue;
  • manicure accessories;
  • means for degreasing nail platinum;
  • cup for hot water.

Remember that you can not glue the false nails if there is a plate on the plate fungal infection, artificial tips will only exacerbate the situation.

Getting to work. To do this, remove the remains of the old lacquer and make a manicure with the help of tweezers.

It is advisable to make high quality, delete how more skin Around the nail, while pushing it with an orange stick. Most often nails in the kit go standard size, Therefore, it will take some time to write overhead tips to the desired form and size. Nail must cover your own nail plate and not go beyond its limits. The nail plate should be aligned with a finely abrasive sawmill, degrease and cover the base under varnish. Then on the nail should be evenly thin layer Apply special glue and to avoid drying to glue an artificial form better immediately.

Applied invoice to the direction from the cuticle, the closer to the edge of the cuticle, the better. The remnants of glue, which will appear after pressing the tips to the nail remove the napkin. Cover nails with lacquer, paying close attention to the clutch sections of their own nail with overlaps.

The main task is to glue the nail from the first time correctly, because the glue is captured almost instantly, and it will not be possible to remove the wrong form. But even if it is not necessary to stick - do not despair! The situation is easy to fix, removing the failed nail and glue it again. To do this, you need to pour hot water into a bowl for water and put a finger there for 10 or 15 minutes.

After softening the adhesive framework, take off the tip gently, it is desirable to start from the area near the cuticle. The remnants of the adhesive from the surface of the nail can be removed by a solvent or cut, which is not recommended, since it is easy to cut the top layer of the nail plate and damage the nail. After removing the form from the failed, repeat the degreasing procedure, applying glue and directly gluing.

How to glue nails without glue

Usually in the set with forms there is a special glue, but what to do if he suddenly lost or ended? Naturally, it is not recommended to use the tools for the nail plate that are not intended for these purposes. Better to purchase ended glue in specialized stores. But if there is no time to go to the store, on help will come Transparent. On low fatty nail is applied with a brush thin layer colorless lacquer and impose an artificial form on top.

Harmful effect on the nail plate

In order to avoid displacement of TIPS, you will have to hold the nails pressed for a couple of minutes. Of course, this method is extremely unreliable, global, global in this way with ease falls off at the slightest manipulations. The only plus can be called relative safety of the procedure, because natural nails will suffer little.

Some craftsmen stick nails on ordinary glue, but in order to protect the penetration of toxic substances in the nail plate, lay the wool layer. Pointed forms glued with this method are not recommended to keep on your fingers more than a few hours to avoid negative consequences Not only for marigolds, but also for health as a whole.

If it does not work with glue under any circumstances, then there are currently overhead nails on an adhesive basis. I.e sticky layer Printed to the Tips themselves. In order to glue such a nail to wash your hands with soap, degrease your own nails and a false degreaser, if any, it is not quite suitable for alcohol or lacquer removal means. Then S. artificial form The protective film is removed and the nail is glued. Of course, such a form of overhead nails is much more convenient and harmful effects On the nail plate minimized, but still such nails will not hold on long.

Step-by-step instructions with superclaim

Glue overhead with the help of the superclay is categorically not recommended. First, such a type of glue is sufficient toxic and easily penetrates the body through open nail flakes. Secondly, probably in the life of any person there were cases when a small droplet of super glue fell on the skin of the hands. It was easy to wash it? Yes, it is almost impossible, the glue is moving along with the skin. And now imagine how to make nails glued to such glue? Most likely, only with their native nails.

But if the decision about sticking nails on superclauses is made, it is worth following the following rules:

  • Do not degrease your native nail plate, this layer will serve as a "safety pillow".
  • Apply super glue pour park Overhead, not on your own marigolds.
  • When sticking, pressing the nail form follows no longer three seconds.

To remove the nails glued on superclauses, there are two ways:

  • hold your nails in hot water (temperature at least 45 degrees) for about 20 minutes. Supercles should soften and move away from a living plate. In no case are not attempting to tear off the invoice for a long edge, to remove it is enough to make something sharp near the region of the cuticle;
  • with a special solvent. It is impossible to use a conventional solvent, it will burn the skin. But the solvent for nail glue is quite suitable. Usually it is produced in the form of a varnish with a brush, which is convenient to apply a solvent, avoiding sensitive skin sections.

After removing the nails, apply medical agent, and cuticle to handle with oil.

How to glue your nails to keep them for a long time

How can you remove your nails?

Overhead nails should not be kept on hand over two weeks, but as practice shows they fall off much earlier. Therefore, many girls are looking for ways how to properly stick to the invoice so that it holds as increasing or own.

There are some tricks that will allow an overhead nail to stay on the finger longer:

  • When sticking the invoice, it is necessary to not push it into the cuticle, but on the contrary, retreat 2-3 mm from the edge of the cuticle. After the glue dries, the usual saw for natural nails, you need to focus the interface of the natural nail and artificial junction, polish the baffik.
  • For degreasing the nail plate to use a special professional agent.
  • Before applying glue on the marigold, cover your nails with a special basis, it will better bind the adhesive base and the surface of the artificial form.
  • If in the process of socks suddenly, fixation was disturbed, you can heat this nail with a hairdryer, heat Return the glue quality based and the invoice will stop hanging out.
  • Not to contact with substances, which includes acetone. Homework It is recommended to perform in rubber gloves.

Review of self-adhesive nails from Fix Price in the following video:

In contact with

Extension of nails on tips, one of the simplest and fast ways Getting beautiful artificial marigolds. After reading our article, you will learn about what you need to build nails with tips, how to properly pick up the shape of the TIP and how to glue them to the nails. Also in the article there is a detailed step-by-step instruction for nail extensions.

What is Tips and their story

Most of the girls know or approximately represent what tips. Tips are framework, in shape resembling a nail plate made of plastic, nylon or polyflex.

The first plastic forms appeared in the seventies, they made them manually, so allowed to wear beautiful artificial nails could only have noble pain. They were the same length, due to the lack of manufacturer's skills, the first tips were very thick and rude. Since 1974, mechanized production of TIP began. In special metal forms poured plastic heated to 150 degrees. After cooling, the form was revealed and got ready-made typuses.

Materials for Tsight

Over time, the extension of nails on the Tips has become very popular, so plastic frames began to produce large volumes. Tips are made different materials Often, three types of substances are used:

  1. Polyflex - Frames from this substance are often used by increasing the nail to the tips of the gel, such use is due to fast and durable clutch. The substance has good elastic properties, does not destroy under the action of acetone.
  2. ABS plastic - the name arose due to the components of the inbound substance, namely: acrylonitrile, butadiene and styrene. ABS is the most common material that is used for the manufacture of TIP. Frames have durability, high elasticity and good clutch with materials for extension.
  3. Nylon is a shockproof material that is perfectly holding a form, has high elasticity, it is easy to simulate. However, for nail extensions with tips at home, nylon frames are not suitable, as they are difficult to glue to the nail plate.

Regardless of what material types will be made, they must be high quality. To verify reliability, you can slightly bend one of the frames in length.

If after light bend, the center will appear white stripe, Tips are poor-quality.

Typid varieties

Tips differ not only by the material from which they are manufactured. They have different shape and color gamut. To extend the nail to the TIPS was easy to choose the right form suitable defined type Nail plate.

Forms typ

Tips are available various shapes To create a specific nail design.


  1. Classic - have a smooth natural bend, fit almost for all types of nails. Most often used by professionals. Often are sold by packages by 50 copies, the cost is from 250 rubles.
  2. Straight - in such a type of type there is no contact zone, so they are also called contactless tips. Due to the absence of the contact zone, they are often used for French design. For 150 rubles you can buy a set of 100 copies.
  3. Significate Tips are used to create such forms of nails as stilettos, bridget, cat marigolds. The set includes 50 tips, you can buy a set for 150 rubles.
  4. The curved frames are indispensable when the nail buildings are in the style of "American".
  5. Almond-shaped tips - use to quickly give nail almond-shaped. They are different lengths, most often do not have a contact area, which makes it easier to create a french design. The price for 50 pieces varies from 100 rubles.

Each of the described species has a different length that is written on the package. The manicure wizard uses the maximum length of the Titness, special nippers are used to change the length.

Color spectrum

In addition to the form, Tips are different color gamut. Manufacturers produce a variety color solutions for creating perfect manicure.

  • transparent - perfectly suitable for almost any design;
  • bodily or natural shade - to give nails natural type;
  • color - easy to draw a drawing without using the main color of the varnish;
  • figure - Tips are used to quickly create beautiful manicure;
  • franch Tips for nail extensions - the rapid creation of an ideal French manicure.

How to choose Tips

Each girl wants extensive nails as much as possible to natural. In order to achieve such a result, you should buy thin, but at the same time durable tips. The thicker the frame, the worse it will look at the nails. Do not save on the material, it is better to acquire Tips famous firmsnot to get to the fake.

During the purchase of TIP, you need to take into account not only their length, but also the form. The better the framework of the frame on the nail, the easier it will be the process of extension. If difficult to pick up suitable sizeYou can take the Tips a little more, attach to the nail and remove extra edges with the saw.

When choosing a TIP, you should pay attention to the stop line, length free edge and contact zone. Free edge thicker and longer contact zone. Stop Line is a conditional contact zone and free edge separator. The tip of the nail plate must be restarted into the stop line.

Tips should be trimmed with typezipes, you should not use scissors or other cutting tools.

If the natural nail is slightly handled up, for convenience and beautiful manicure, free edge should be done middle length. With the defects of the nail plate, it is best to use glue gel, it is able to fill the cracks and notes, aligning natural nail.

Features of the contact zone

The contact zone is a thin part of the plastic frame, similar to a sneaker. The deepening should fit tightly to the nail, contact with it. Adhesion is applied to the contact area, only then the tight is glued to the nail plate.

Contact zone is of different lengths. It varies from three to six millimeters. The shorter nail bedThe less the contact zone should be.

Contact zone may be:

  • with several slots;
  • round;
  • deep;
  • V - figurative;
  • small;
  • large.

In the process of extension, the contact zone is spilled. Establishing nails for Tips at home is best to start with contactless frameworks. In such types there is no likelihood of design.

Liquid Tips

Progress does not stand still. Since 2010, liquid tips for extension of nails have become widely used in the Nail-Industry. Made such frames from flexible polymeric material. Liquid Tips - are called due to the fact that they are placed in them, which has a liquid structure. Forms are very durable, they can be used to 200 times.

To work with liquid tips, it is not necessary to buy additionally glue and a plurality of forms, it is enough to purchase a gel and a rotary ultraviolet lamp.

The box contains 50 Titz, there is such a kit from 1500 to 2500 rubles. One set of professionals is enough for almost two years. Liquid tips save not only time to build up, but also money. For beginners in the online store there is an opportunity to purchase full sets in which not only tips are located, but also suitable gel For extension.

Education on liquid tips

Step-by-step instructions for extension of nail items for beginners:

  • remove the cuticle of any in a convenient way;
  • polish the nail plate;
  • degrees
  • apply a primer coupling;
  • attach the tip to the nail by selecting the most appropriate size;
  • decide on the size for this, special markups are used on the form;
  • with brushes, put gel in liquid tips;
  • loam uniformly shape to the selected length;
  • glue the shape with gel to the nail;
  • holding the form to dry the nail for 10 seconds under the lamp;
  • after drying, remove the Tips;
  • with the help of the brushes, apply a gel layer on the finished substrate, forming a stress zone;
  • dry the nail under the lamp;
  • remove a sticky layer;
  • give the shape of the free edge;
  • apply the top gel, it should be remembered that it should be without a sticky layer;
  • dry under the lamp for a few minutes.

Video "Liquid Tips"

The roller shows a step-by-step instruction of nail extension gel on liquid tips.

Advantages and disadvantages of liquid Titz

  • leko to substitute to natural nail;
  • multiple use of TIP;
  • there is no need to apply adhesive on the nails;
  • no need to trim the Tips to give the desired length;
  • the creation of a French manicure is faster due to the dedicated smile line;
  • you can use even on very short nails.


  1. Before using the liquid TIP, nail-industry beginners, you should visit the lessons for nailing gel on the tips.
  2. Not suitable for people with a wide nail plate.
  3. You need a swivel lamp, while drying in the usual UV lamp gel can be spread.


Acrylic is a durable, quick-drying material. Acrylic nails - Elastic, after extension, the nogot is fine and look natural. When using acrylic at home, you need to choose a well-ventilated room, as the substance has a specific aroma.

Tools for extension

Before proceeding to creating an artificial note using the Title, you should check whether all the tools are at hand.

List of materials:

  • education material - acrylic;
  • primer or degreaser;
  • the liquid for dissolving acrylic is a monomer, a volume of at least 50 ml;
  • title set;
  • tassel for applying acrylic powder;
  • plugs for circumcision typset;

  • pilochka abrasiveness from 100 to 180 grit;
  • lounge napkins;
  • alcohol or other disinfection agent;
  • a jar with a lid, you will need for a monomer;
  • brush to remove dust;
  • glue for tsyty;
  • oil or means for softening the cuticle.

After buying everyone essential materialsYou can start creating beautiful nails.


Before you begin to make any manicure, you should wash your hands with antibacterial soap. If there is no such possibility, then the skin of the hand is treated with a disinfecting, alcohol or antiseptic.

The process of extension:

  1. Cut free edge of a natural nail.
  2. Remove cuticle with orange stick.
  3. To remove the sawmill fat shine From nails.
  4. Pick up for each nogot the desired type, the contact zone should cover less than half Nail plate.
  5. Numbering Tips begins with Figures 1 and ends with a number 10, the first size is wide, the width is reduced.
  6. Dispatch tips after a selection in order.
  7. Posted the edge of the contact area on each frame.
  8. Degrease the nail plate.
  9. Apply glue into the area of \u200b\u200bthe contact zone, evenly distribute it.
  10. Titz should be kept at an angle of 45 degrees, so that the glue does not grow.
  11. To impose a tight, so that the stop line is in contact with the tip of a natural nail.
  12. Press the frame to the nail plate and hold down to a strong clutch.
  13. Adjust the length of the free edge using the boat.
  14. Using a pink to give a frame fit form.
  15. Buff reduce the border between the Titome and natural nail, so that, by spending the finger on the plate, do not feel hubbles.
  16. Acrylic powder mixed with a monomer to obtain a plastic mass.
  17. With the help of a tassel, evenly distribute the acrylic mass along the entire length of the nail.
  18. Remove the extra thickness, you can with a sawn.
  19. Apply to the nail fixer.

After complete drying of the fixer, the nails can be covered with a monophonic varnish or create a special design. Novice to build nail to tips to better use colorless acrylic, and for suitable light pink. Extension of nails for tips using acrylic very light and simple procedure.


One of the main materials that is used by the Masters of Neil Art for building nail plates. The gel is easy to apply on the nail plate, it is good to go to bed and does not dry out as fast as acrylic. Therefore, the extension of the nails on the TIPS using the gel will become an easy and exciting procedure with which even inexperienced masters will art.

Tools for extension

The list of inventory that is needed to extend the nail gel is very similar to the list using acrylic powder. The only acrylic powder and the monomer is replaced by gel, and instead of a jar for a liquid is purchased ultraviolet lamp and liquid to remove the sticky layer.

The gels will need three species: camouflage or simulating gel, basic and gel finish.

Instructions for newbies

Step by step extension nail gel on tips, first 15 points identically acrylic extension. You should write the nails, remove the bold shine and move the cuticle. Starting with 16 points, extension of nails on Tips Gelem will be different from acrylic design.

Gel Application Stages:

  • open a jar S. basic gel;
  • drop gel to the center of the nail plate;
  • evenly distribute the material over the entire surface of the nail, leaving indents in 1 mm, from the tank rollers and the cuticle;
  • climb nail under ultraviolet light for 3 minutes;
  • apply a modeling or camouflage gel, most part in the stress zone, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe cuticle and on the free edge of the gel layer must be minimal;
  • saving a layer under the lamp for three minutes;
  • remove a sticky layer;
  • shape the arches of the nail;
  • with the help of a sawmill, make thinner free edge of the nail;
  • clear the nail brush;
  • equally distribute on the nail gel finish;
  • nail polarize 2-3 minutes;
  • remove the sticky layer if the finish coating leaves it;
  • slip oil with oil or softening.

Gel allows nails to breathe, it does not have a specific smell, so this material is more popular in contrast to the acrylic powder.

Design Frenc

French manicure Won its popularity for a long time and to this moment keeps the leading positions. French design Nails can be performed by two techniques:

  1. Express - rapid nail extension on French Tips. To do this, you need to buy special tips, with a drawn smile line. Stick them on natural nail and cover the finish gel.
  2. Standard creation of Franch assumes the presence of a light-pink camouflage gel. It is applied after the base layer on the entire surface of the nail. After drying and removing the sticky layer, a smile line is drawn by white gel. In completion, you need to apply the finish coating.

Building with sparkles

If you want to make a bright, brilliant manicure, then the modeling gel can be mixed with sparkles. Apply it in the same way as described in step by step instructions. To give more saturated color, You can make two shiny layers. Each dry separately under the lamp.

Nail care

So that artificial nails look beautiful and longer served, follow their condition. It is advisable to make the first correction two weeks after extension. Subsequent can be delayed for three to four weeks, it all depends on the growth rate of natural nail.

Working with chemistry and with plenty of water, it is advisable to wear gloves so that the nails do not dug. Do not allow sharp drops Temperatures, since gel nail can crack. Delete varnish with artificial marigolds need a liquid in which there is no acetone. Extensive nails should not knock on the table or other solid subjects.

Differences from extension on forms

Looking at the table, you can understand what kind of increment is better to use.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • fast magnification length;
  • the smaller probability of allergies;
  • easy to build up with which even a novice neil art is easily coping;
  • can be done smooth nailseven on deformed nail plates;
  • you can create an exclusive design of nails, maximum length and diverse shape.


  • it is difficult to achieve a natural form;
  • in the first stages require high costs money;
  • due to the thick free edge, artificial nails are inconvenient in operation.

Overhead nails give hands flawless well-groomed species and save you from the need to grow nails and select suitable color varnish. For some reason, for some reason can not grow their nails, the overhead will be very helpful. They are also convenient to use if long nails Need to one event. Most sets include a complete set of false nails from acrylic and quick-drying nail glue. Artificial nails should not be worn all the way, since with frequent use glue spoils natural nails.

In this article you will find tips on how to stick nails beautifully.

Remove old lacquer

So that the false nails are firmly held, you should completely remove the remains of the old varnish. If you had overhead nails, remove them, Ice in acetone. When the nails are separated, wash your hands so that they do not have acetone, because chemical substances dried skin.

Soak nails

Before fixing overhead nails, it is recommended to prepare for manicure. It will help keep your health natural nails. Soak hands in warm water As long as the nails do not become soft, and then dry the towel. Optionally, you can add to the bath for soaking a body wash gel, however, you should avoid means containing vegetable oilsSince they make it difficult to glue nails.

Pipitize nails

The third stage of preparation for gluing is trimmed by our own nails. For nail clipping, you can use manicure scissors or nippers (books). Move your nails with neat, but not too short, so that there remains a sufficient basis for glue for overhead nails.
Treat the edges of the nails using a saw. Cuticles should not cut, because they protect against infections. Just move them away, so as not to glue the nails to the skin. Do it while your hands are still wet. In order for the false nails to hold better, treat your natural nails with a special polisher. This will allow the surface roughness, and the false nails will be enshrined better.

Cook overhead nails

Spread on the table all nails in the package, observing the right order: the largest - for big fingers, the smallest - for the little fingers. Check if your nails are comfortable on top of your natural nails. IN some cases The lower edges of the overhead plates have to be treated with a saw. Most sets of overhead nails are sold with a glue bottle, which is very easy to apply. However, if you have acrylic or gel nails, A more complex process will be required.

Attach the first nail

Apply a drop of glue to your real nail and a little - on that part of the overhead nail, which will concern the present. Carefully attach invoice to natural, completely combining edges and bends.

To the nail fastened well, pressing it slightly for 10 seconds. Watch that there is no gap and the nail was located smoothly. Usually the glue dries very quickly. It should be applied carefully so that it does not squeeze out from under the edges. If this still happens, remove the excess glue with a cotton swab. It is recommended to start working with the leading hand.

Complete the work

In the same way, turn your nails to the remaining fingers. If you wish, you can shorten the nails with a sawmill to any length.

The video below illustrates in detail the process of gluing overhead nails.

How to choose the type of false nails

Instructions for the choice of overhead nails.

Acrylic nails

In acrylic nails, as a rule, an acrylic monomer or powder is used. Acrylic nails can be used as tips to lengthen natural nails or as whole nails.


  • Long retain the view
  • Durable and wear-resistant
  • Low price for a long time Services
  • Quickly dry (30-40 seconds)
  • If such a nail broke, it is easy to remove or fix defects
  • Easy to be removed by soaking in acetone for 15 minutes


  • Look hittered
  • Pretty heavy
  • Have a sharp unpleasant smell
  • If your hands do not contain clean, infections are easily developed
  • Gel nails

    Are considered safer compared to acrylic.


  • Do not smell
  • Shiny surface
  • Do not require training
  • Flexible, durable and look natural
  • On top of them can be applied ordinary lacquer For nails
  • The risk of infection below
  • disadvantages

    • Higher price
    • Difficult to remove and require spill
    • Save the view only a couple of weeks
    • Prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation can damage skin cells


    Something cross between acrylic and gel nails


    • Retain a view of up to 30 days
    • Look fresh and shiny
    • Smooth surface of nail
    • Do not waste fingers
    • Do not require spill
    • Remove by soaking in acetone for 8 minutes, followed by scrapering with the use of the cuticle removal


    • Dry under the action of ultraviolet radiation
    • More expensive than acrylic and gel nails
    • Use them can only people with smooth nails
    • To perform the procedure, you need to visit the salon