How to cook homemade creams for dry skin. Cream for dry skin. Home cream mask for dry skin type

Make cream at home very simple. It is difficult only to choose the necessary components for the skin and find the ingredients. Let's figure it out how to make cream at home.
If you seriously decide to make cream, then prepare Glass or porcelain plate and spoon. Plastic dishes are suitable for stirring and measuring the ingredients. Note that it is impossible to use the iron dishes! You still need a large saucepan for the water bath and a small mixer for whipping cream. A jar for storing cream can be used from old creams. We pre-jar with boiling water or boil on the water. The remaining appliances and dishes should be clean, you can use boiling water or wipe with alcohol.
Cream - This is an emulsion consisting of mutually insoluble liquids (oil / water or water / oil). As a consistency, cream is homogeneous, but over time begins to settle. An emulsifier is added to compound water and oil, for detergents (shampoo, soap) - surfactant (superficially active substance). It can be purchased in specialized stores or use starch solution. It is preparing at the rate of 10% starch from water. The cream add ½ from the mass of oil. For emulsion, various oils (vegetable and essential) are used. The aqueous phase consists of pure water or decoctions.
Creams are distinguished by low emulsifier content and emulsion. Proper consistency of cream - loose and creamy. You can make home various creams: moisturizers, nutritious, cold creams, exfoliating, protective, anti-cellulite. The appearance of the cream will depend on the oil and fat content contained in it.
Moisturizing creams. Prevent skin dehydration, provide it with a healthy and beautiful appearance. Recommended for dry and normal skin all year round 2 times a day, for oily - in winter 1 time in the evening.
Cold cream. Contains an increased amount of fat phase, used as a night cream for dry skin.
Nutritional creams.In a different way, they are called regenerating, because they contain high concentrations of biologically active substances: vitamins, oils, propolis extracts, placenta, etc. For greater effect, the cream is used in the morning and in the evening. Nutrient creams are designed for skin over 30 years. "Nutritious" means containing useful active components. Attention! Do not overdo the vitamins. It has been proven that the overdose of vitamin leads to acceleration of aging of the skin. Nutrient creams are not recommended to use constantly.
Exfoliating creams.Use for chemical peeling and combating skin aging. It contains fruit acids that dissolve in the skin of substances that fasten the rooted cells of the top layer of the epidermis, illuminate the skin, making it smooth and tender.
Wax masks. Make on the basis of emulsion waxes, paraffin, and Lanolin. Apply to the skin until solidification, then wash off. Such masks expand the vessels of the lower layers of the dermis, helping deeply penetrate the active ingredients.

So to make cream, prepare:

- aqueous phase (decoction, pink water or simple clean water) by recipe;
- oil (fat) phase by recipe;
- surfactant or emulsifier;
- active additives;
- Preservative, to increase the storage period.
We make a water bath: we put a large saucepan with water on the stove and warmth. We put in it a glass or porcelain plate and put solid oils there, the emulsifier and calm until the solid particles are completely dissolved. At the same time, heat the aqueous phase on the water bath so that the phase temperature is the same (60-70 degrees). Now in the oil phase we pour water, simultaneously stirring or whipping a mixer. I prevent the cream until it cools and does not thicken. To speed up the cooling process, check the plate into a cold water saucepan. Add essential oils and active ingredients, stirre and peer cream. Place in finished dishes. Store cream in the refrigerator during the week, with a preservative - month.

This is a universal way to make cream at home. Depending on the ingredients, the preparation recipe may change. We recommend to follow recipes!
Before choosing a recipe ,.

Video instruction how to make cream

Recipes cream at home

Cucumber cream for dry skin

nourishing face cream | Cucumber, olive oil, bee wax | dry skin

10 g of bee wax melt in a water bath. Add 40 ml of olive oil if there is a peach or almond oil and 2 tbsp. Spoons of pressed cucumber juice. Watch the mixer or stir well, stir until the cream does not cool. Apply in the morning on the cleaned skin of the face. The cream feeds dry skin.

20 minutes | | 2010-08-10

Bleaching cream with cucumber

whitening face cream | Cucumber | freckles

To get bleaching cream, add cucumber juice to any nourishing cream. For this cucumber, soda in a small grater.

5 minutes | | 2010-09-29

Cleopatry cream

mitigating face cream | Aloe, Honey, Pork Fat | Normal leather

40 ml of aloe juice to dissolve 40 ml of distilled water and 20 ml of pink water. Add 10 g of honey is an aqueous part of the cream. For the fatty part, unsolved pork fat are used, which must be melt in a water bath (100 g). Water part is also warm up on a water bath until the same temperature. Remove from water bath and pour the aqueous part into a fat, mixing thoroughly. Use a mini mixer. Finished cream lay out in a glass jar.

Cream with drain

mitigating face cream | Plum, egg yolk, butter | Normal leather

Egg yolk thoroughly grind with 1 tsp of honey and 1 tbsp. A spoon of fresh butter. Add 1 tsp of plum puree and mix to a homogeneous structure. The cream is applied to the skin of the face for 20-30 minutes, the excess is removed with a napkin.

30 minutes | | 2010-12-04

Cream with strawberry

nourishing face cream | Strawberry, egg yolk, butter | Normal leather

Creamy oil is melted on a water bath. Strawberries are triturated in the flesh. Beat egg yolk and mixed with 2 h. Spoons of butter. Add 0.5 spans of honey and strawberry flesh - 2 h. Spoons. Carefully mix to homogeneous consistency. Cream is prepared for one application. Apply for 20-30 minutes, and the excess is removed with a napkin.

30 minutes | | 2010-12-04

Cream with strawberries

nourishing face cream | Strawberry, Lanolin, Oatmeal | Normal leather

Prepare from fresh strawberries 50 ml of juice. 1 t. A spoonful of Lanolin melt on a water bath. Juice on the water bath is brought to the same temperature. Lanolin add to juice. Prepare oatmeal, add it to juice. Stir to homogeneous consistency. The cream is applied to the cleansed face of the face for 20-30 minutes, then remove the residue with a soft napkin.

Cream with rowan

nourishing face cream | Rowan, egg yolk, honey | Normal leather

The egg yolk is thoroughly triturated with 1 h. Spoon of honey, add 1 tbsp. A spoonful of fresh butter and 1 tbsp. A spoonful of well-sophisticated rowan berries red. Stir and apply cream on the skin of the face for 20 minutes. The residue of the cream is removed with a soft napkin.

20 minutes | | 2010-12-04

Cream of persimmon

nourishing face cream | Persimm, butter, egg yolk | Normal leather

1 tbsp. A spoonful of the pulp of ripe persimmon, crucified to the consistency of the puree, mixed with 1 tbsp. A spoon of fresh butter oil (melted) is added egg yolk and 1 t. A spoonful of honey and thoroughly mixed. Cream is applied to clean skin. After 30 minutes, the residue of the cream is removed with a napkin.

Chamomile cream

moisturizing face cream | Chamomile, butter, glycerin | Normal leather

1 tbsp. A spoon of chamomile flowers pharmaceutical poured 50 ml of boiling water, insist for 2 hours and filtered. In the water bath, 25 g of fresh butter is melted and stirring, 1 h. A spoonful of castor oil, 1 h. Spoon of glycerin, 5 hours. Spoons of the daisy and 3 h. Spoons of campaign alcohol. Well stirred and give to cool. This cream is recommended for normal skin prone to dryness.

15 minutes | | 2010-12-04

Cream with Kalgan's root

healing lip cream | Creamy butter, Calgan | dry skin

100 g of butter is melted, 0.5 spuns of powder powder of dry root of the Peppermont (Calgan Wild) and heated, stirring on a water bath for 10 minutes. They give cool and lubricate the lips with this cream when cracking (snacks).

20 minutes | Site | 2011-01-25

Lip Cocoa Butter Cream

softening lip cream | Cocoa butter, bee wax, olive oil | dry skin

Cocoa oils are melted on a water bath, 3 g of white bees wax and add 10 ml of castor, olive or peach oil. This cream softens the lips, eliminates dryness and peeling.

30 minutes | Site | 2011-01-25

Lanoline lip cream

softening lip cream | Lanolin, castor oil, rose oil | Edulous

In the water bath, 45 g of Lanolin melt, add 1 t. A spoonful of castor oil, stirred, removed from the heat and give the mixture to cool. Then add 2-3 drops of rose oil and mix well again. This cream lubricates weathered lips, it softens and moisturizes them.

1 hour | Site | 2011-01-25

Deep Cracked Cream on Lips

healing lip cream | Papestry, butter | dry skin

Prepare the powder from the root of the laptop. 5 grams of such powder are added in 1 t. A spoonful of butter warmed in a water bath. The cream will contain therapeutic substances that are necessary for the cracked lips.

10 minutes | Site | 2011-01-25

Carrot cream for dry face

nourishing face cream | egg yolk, carrot, bee wax | dry skin

Egg yolk mixed with 3 tbsp. spoons of fresh carrot juice. In the water bath, 20 g of bee wax is melted and mixed it with 2 tbsp. spoons of olive, sunflower or any other vegetable oil. Both phases should have the same temperature when mixing. It is removed from the water bath, the carrot mixture is added gradually into the oil, carefully stirred and give the cream cool. Lay out in a jar.

40 minutes | Site | 2011-04-19

Night peach cream

moisturizing face cream | Lanolin, peach oil | dry skin

10 grams of lanoline melt in a water bath, 40 ml of peach oil is added. 20 ml of distilled water is heated in a water bath and pour slowly, thoroughly stirring with Lanolin to frozen cream. Peach cream is used for the night.

30 minutes | Site | 2011-04-19

Peach cream with cocoa butter

nourishing face cream | peach oil, lanolin, cocoa butter | dry skin

Mix 40 ml of peach oil with 25 g of Lanolin and 5 g of cocoa oil, melted on a water bath, add several drops of lemon juice and 20 ml of distilled water. Apply as a night nourishing cream for dry skin.

30 minutes | Site | 2011-04-19

Pear cream

nourishing face cream | pear, egg yolk, cream | dry skin

1 tbsp. The spoonful of pulp fresh pear is well crushed in a puree, poured 25 ml of hot peach, apricot or almond oil (depending on the necessary effect), insist in a closed dish for 3 days and flicker. The 0.5 egg yolk is whipped with 5 h. Spoons of fresh cream and add this mixture into oil-pear infusion. The finished cream is stored in the refrigerator.

3 days | Site | 2011-04-19

Strawberry cream

nourishing face cream | Lanolin, Oatmeal, Strawberry | dry skin

1 tbsp. A spoonful of lanoline is melted on a water bath and add, continuously stirring, 1 tbsp. A spoonful of oatmeal (or grind oatmeal). Remove from fire, poured 100 ml of strawberry juice and add 5 drops of camphor alcohol. Give the cream to cool and keep it in refrigerators no more than a week.

1 hour | Site | 2011-04-19

Currant cream

nourishing face cream | Creamy oil, honey, black currant | dry skin

3 tbsp. Spoons of fresh butter melts on a water bath. Mixed from 1 tsp of honey, 1 tsp of olive or almond oil and 2 tbsp. Spoons of softened to the consistency of the puree berries of black currant. It is well stirred, adding gradually 3 hours. Spoons of campaign alcohol, and give to cool.

50 minutes | Site | 2011-04-19

Rowan cream

nourishing face cream | Red rowan, peach oil, cream | dry skin

2 tbsp. Spoons of softened in the chief of red rowan berries are mixed with 1 tbsp. A spoon of peach, almond or olive oil and heated in a water bath for 30 minutes. It is allowed to cool, 50 ml of whipped cream is added and stirred thoroughly. The finished cream is stored in the refrigerator and apply it to face for the night.

40 minutes | Site | 2011-04-20

Pink cream

nourishing face cream | Rose, Bee Wax, Butter | dry skin

Fresh roses petals are carefully crushed. 10 g of bee wax can be melted on a water bath, 50 g of fresh butter and pink petals are added, stirred carefully and removed from the fire. Then add 1 t. A spoon of the oil solution of vitamin A, is mixed again and give the cream cool.

1 hour | Site | 2011-04-20

Chamomile cream

medicinal face cream | Chamomile, butter, glycerin | Inflamed leather

1 tbsp. A spoon of chamomile flowers pharmaceutical poured 100 ml of boiling water, allowed for 2 hours and filtered. 50 g of fresh cream oil melted on a water bath is added, continuously stirring, 3 h. Spoons of castor oil, 1/2 h. Spoons of glycerol, 2 tbsp. spoons infusion chamomile and 1 tbsp. Spoon of camphor alcohol. Mix well and give to cool. This cream is used with dry, prone to skin inflammation. It is applied for 20-30 minutes, then remove the rest with a napkin.

3 hours | Site | 2011-04-20

Birch cream

moisturizing face cream | Birch, nettle, bee wax | dry skin

1/2 Art. The spoons of the mixture of birch renal and nettle leaves are poured 50 ml of boiling water, insist in a closed dish for 30 minutes and filter. 10 g of bee wax melts on a water bath, 50 g of fresh butter, 1 tbsp. A spoonful of olive, sesame or almond oil, 2 h. Spoons of vitamin A oil solution and 1 tbsp. A spoonful of birch infusion. It is stirred to obtain a homogeneous mass and give to cool.

1.5 hours | Site | 2011-04-20

Birch ointment for oily skin

anti-inflammatory face cream | Birch, cuff, castor oil | oily skin

Birch is used for problem skin. Here are ointment recipes for problem fatty skin. Mix in equal weight parts. Young birch leaves, castor oil and bone beef fat and put a mixture on a water bath. Heat, stirring, for 2.5 hours. Remove from the fire, immediately filter and add 3-4 tbsp. Spoons of fresh cuff grasses. Well stirred (whipped) and cooled. This ointment lubricates the face for the night. Store it in a dark cooler place. Birch leaves eliminate skin irritation, soften and tones it. The cuff has anti-inflammatory properties, normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands, refreshes the skin, gives it elasticity.

3 hours | Site | 2011-10-26

Cream with a decoction of the Hypericum for oily skin

moisturizing face cream | St. John's wort, Olive Oil, Lanolin | oily skin

Make a broth of the Hypericum and 1 tbsp. Mix with 1 tbsp. spoon cooled boiled water and 1 tbsp. A spoon of olive or almond oil. Add 1.5 tbsp. Spoons of Lanolina melted on the water bath, 3 g spermacet and mix thoroughly all (use a mini mixer). This cream moisturizes the skin, gives it an elasticity, normalizes the metabolism. The decoction of the Hypericum is prepared at the rate of 1.5 tbsp. Spoons of grass on 200 ml of water.

2 hours | Site | 2011-10-26

Cream with apricot bone butter

moisturizing face cream | Bee wax, apricot oil butter, rose oil | oily skin

10 g of white beeswax is melted on a water bath, a 40 ml of apricot bone oil is added, 2 hours. Spoons of pink water and stir well (whipped to cream consistency). They give to cool and add 4-5 drops of rose oil. Used as a night cream.

1 hour | Site | 2011-10-26

Cream with viburnum juice and bleaching effect

whitening face cream | Cream, Kalina | oily skin

To 40 ml of low-fat nutritious cream are added dropwise, well stirring, 1 h. A spoonful of viburnum juice. This cream has bleaching properties. It is better to apply it for the night. The cream is stored in the refrigerator.

10 minutes | Site | 2011-10-26

Sea buckthorn face for oily skin

nourishing face cream | Creamy butter, sea buckthorn, lemon | oily skin

50 g of fresh butter is melted in a water bath, then cool a little. Add 1 tbsp. A spoonful of sea buckthorn berries softened, 10 drops of lemon juice and stir well. Store ready-made cream in the refrigerator. This cream lubricates the face for the night.

30 minutes | Site | 2011-10-26

Aloe lemon cream

cleansing face cream | Cream, Aloe | oily skin

By 30 g of low-fat nutritious cream, 1/3 hours are gradually added. The spoons are well crushed in the aloe sheet and stirred carefully. This cream lubricates the face with a thin layer, after a few minutes the residues are removed with a napkin or cotton disk. This is a good tool for cleansing oily skin.

15 minutes | Site | 2011-10-26

Whitening Cucumber Face Cream

whitening face cream | Cream, Cucumber | oily skin

By 50 g of any day cream for oily skin add 8 h. Spoons of cucumber juice and stir well. The finished cream is stored in the refrigerator. This is a good whitening agent.

15 minutes | Site | 2011-10-26

Cleansing Cream on Ancient Recipes

cleansing face cream | Sea salt, cream | Normal leather

You will need cream 1 st. Support and 1 h. Such a small sea salt. Such a mixture is applied to the face and massage. The remains of the cream and salt are washed off with a warm water. The skin will be attached and feeds, becomes gentle and velvety.

3 minutes | Ancient recipe | 2012-08-19

Cucumber cream against freckles

whitening face cream | Cucumber, Lanolin, sesame oil | freckles

Fresh cucumber rubbed on a plastic grater. Then melts 15 g of Lanolin on a water bath, add 50 ml of sesame oil and 1 tbsp. Spoon of cucumber mass. This mixture is maintained in a water bath for an hour, then fixed, stir well and allow to cool.

3 hours | Site | 2012-09-26

Cream with white lily for leather with freckles

whitening face cream | Bee wax, honey, white lily | freckles

10 g of bee wax melts on a water bath, add 1 t. Spoon of honey, 3 tbsp. Spoons of crushed white lily petals and 2 h. Spoons of garlic juice. Thoroughly mixed, removed from the fire and allow you to cool. This cream not only whiten the skin, but also warns the appearance of wrinkles.

3 hours | Site | 2012-09-26

Creamy Wrinkle Cream

rejuvenating eye cream | Cream, Vitamin A and E | wrinkles around the eyes

To 1 hour. A spoon of fresh cream is added 1 drop of vitamins A and E. This cream is effective when the "goose paws" appears, it improves the skin color, gives a fresh healthy look.

5 minutes | Site | 2012-09-26

Almond eyelid

rejuvenating eye cream | Lanolin, almond oil, lecithin | wrinkles around the eyes

1 tbsp. A spoonful of lanoline is melted on a water bath and add 3 tbsp. Spoons of almond oil. Remove from fire and, stirring, gradually add 1 t. Spoon of lecithin and 2 tbsp. Spoons of cold boiled water. Ready cream is used to care for the skin around the eyes.

30 minutes | Site | 2012-09-26

Camphor wrinkle cream at home

rejuvenating eye cream | pork fat, camphor oil | wrinkles around the eyes

Before bedtime, the skin is useful to lubricate camphor cream. For its preparation, 50 g of interior pork fat is melted in a water bath, mix it with 50 g of camphor oil and allow it to cool.

PI Celebrate chamomile cream at home for the supply of peeling and dry skin: Pour 0.5 cups boiling water one tablespoon of dry flowers of the drug chamomile. Cover the lid tightly and insist for an hour, after which the infusion is performed. Now half of the glycerol teaspoon (plant is best) mix with two tablespoons infusion from chamomile. Add one tablespoon of well-softened butter or margarine to the mixture, and three drops of geranium essential oil, patchouli or orange.

Thoroughly scroll in the ingredients (it is recommended to beat the mass of the mixer) and place the finished cream into a separate container, for example, in a jar. Keep the cream in the refrigerator for five days. If you have a mixed type skin, add one incomplete teaspoon of camphor alcohol when cooking cream. Such a cream can be stored for a few days more.

* * * * Composition with a good softening cream effect for dry skin: Take one tablespoon of coltsfoot leaf and fill their 0.5 glasses of boiling water. Cover the lid tightly and leave it for 40 minutes, then strain.

Now mix the teaspoon of anhydrous lanoline with one tablespoon of olive oil (you can replace it with corn). Put the container with the composition on the water bath and without removing from the fire, add one tablespoon of mother-and-stepmother and the same amount of juice, pressed from fresh plantain leaves. For a few minutes, hold the composition on a water bath, continuously stirring, then beat it with a mixer.

* * * * Recipe for a cream designed for dry skin: Fill with one glass of boiling water Mix of two teaspoons of a dry or tablespoon of fresh nettle leaves and one tablespoon of birch kidney. Close tight and wait until the herbal mixture is completely cooled.

After that, take one teaspoon (the most convenient to measure it, pre-races on the grater or shouting into small pieces) and melt it in a water bath or on a small fire. After that, add one tablespoon of olive oil to the wax, the same amount of butter, three drops of vitamin A in oil, as well as one tablespoon of previously prepared infusion from nettle leaves and birch kidneys. Another 30 seconds continue to heat the mixture, then remove it from the fire and take the mixer, then shift the finished cream into a small jar.

* * * * Almond cream, well feed and soothing dry skin: Mix one teaspoon of Lanolin with the same amount of beeswax and melt them in a water bath. After that, add three tablespoons to the mixture (check that there is no alcohol in its composition) and two tablespoons of almond oil.

After that, remove the mass from the water bath and whip it with a mini-mixer at a low speed. As soon as the cream becomes warm, add two drops of essential or, and then beat the cream until it is completely cooled.

* * * * Cream-mask to feed dry skin: Take one tablespoon of the pulp of a sweet apple (only without skin) or the pulp of persimmon, the same amount of softened butter, one egg yolk and one teaspoon of heated honey. Pretty beat all the components of the mixer (or sort them) to obtain a homogeneous cream-like consistency. Apply the resulting mixture to the skin for 30-40 minutes, then clean the warm water. You can also lubricate your face with this cream at night and not to rush up until the morning. Store the cooked remedy within 2-3 days in the refrigerator.

* * * * This nutritional cream is used: take two tablespoons of the Jellochny oil, a teaspoon of bee wax, one tablespoon of a batchuchea fat and three drops of vitamins A and E in oil. Mix all the ingredients and melt them on a small fire or water bath. After that, put the cream in a separate jar. Apply a very slightly slightly cream on the face, since it is fat enough. To all of the time this cream, you can lubricate not only face, but also neck, hands and feet feet.

* * * * Strawberry, moisturizing cream prepared at home for normal and dry skin: take some ripe strawberry berries and press juice from them. As a result, 3-4 tablespoons of freshly squeezed juice should be obtained. Add one teaspoon of glycerol to it and leave the mixture for 5-10 minutes. After that, mix the mass with a teaspoon of oatmeal and thoroughly take the resulting mixer composition.

* * * * Use this aloe-based cream overnight for the night to feed dry skin: pour out with 3 tablespoons of water (mineral or boiled) one teaspoon of dry aloe powder so that the result is a creamy, homogeneous consistency. Then add to the mixture a teaspoon of liquid honey and a tablespoon of pink water (without alcohol).

Place the mixture with a mixture, and without stopping stirring, add one teaspoon of juice, pressed from aloe leaves (in order to get the best result, the leaves should fly in the refrigerator for two weeks) and one tablespoon of melted fresh sala (Use only unsalted). For two or three minutes, warm the mass in the water bath, then remove it and thoroughly take the mixer. Finished cream put in a small jar.

* * * * Oil-based cream, well-powered dry skin: Take one tablespoon, and a teaspoon of bee wax. Put the container with a mixture on a small fire or water bath and wait until the wax is completely melted.

At this time, take on the tip of the bora powder knife and spread it in one tablespoon of hot water. After the wax in the first mass is completely melted, remove the container from the fire and mix the boos powder from the water diluted in water. Whip mixer mixer at low speed until the cream does not cool.

* * * * Cucumber cream, slightly whitening skin: Take one fresh cucumber and soda it on a shallow grater, first cleaning from the peel. At this time, put a mixture of a single teaspoon of bee wax with three tablespoons of almond oil after the wax is melted, add two tablespoons of hot water to the mixture and one tablespoon of cucumber mass. Hold the mass in the water bath for another 30 seconds (do not forget to constantly stir). After that, strain almost ready-made cream and take it with a mixer.

* * * * Use sour cream cream if you have a combined and dry skin: take one tablespoon of juice, pressed out of fresh cucumber, raw egg yolk, teaspoon of lemon juice and half a tablespoon home sour cream high fatty. Mix everything and add two teaspoons of cologne or alcohol-containing pink water to the resulting mass.

In order for the cream to make the skin even better, add two drops of vitamins A and E into it in oil. And for the aromatization of the cream, add two drops of some essential oil into a mixture, such as orange, or roses. Wear a mass of a mixer, then put it for thickening into the refrigerator. Store the cream also in the refrigerator, within 5-6 days.

* * * * Face-based skin cream based cocoa oil: Take one tablespoon of olive oil, the same amount of almond oil, cocoa oil, slightly less teaspoon of bee wax and half a teaspoon of emulsifying wax. Mixing these components and placing the resulting mass on a water bath, melt all the ingredients. After that, remove the container with the composition with the water bath and add two tablespoons of pink water to it (without alcohol), mineral water or baking linden. Whip the mixture with a mixer or stir until it completely cools. If you wish to aromatize the cream, you can add two drops of aromatic essential oil to it.

CONTANECTION WALL FOR FACE MANUAL: Facial Jojoba: Applied Face Jojoba: Maskmask Recipes for All Skin Types based on Jojobamas Oil Care for Sloped and Dry Speeds for Sloped and Diryabe Skin Based Oil Oil Jojobamasca Oil Against eases and to remove inflammation with oil. . . .

Contents1.krem Moisturizing with Iris2. Moisturizing and protective cream 3. Aloe cream with a moisturizing effect of 4.ncake moisturizing cream with linden honey5. Moisturizing and nutritious cream with avocado oil 6. Mitigating moisturizing cream. Night apricot moisturizing cream. Anti-aging moisturizing cream. Cream with moisturizing effect with oil carite10. Cream with moisturizing effect for body moisturizing cream -. . . .

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Green tea is not only an invigorating drink, but also an excellent cosmetics that enjoys the beautiful floor for many years. The face is one of the main charms of female beauty, so, taking care of the most important thing, women use the best. The main advantage of green tea is that it is compatible with any skin type. For this reason. . . .

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We are accustomed to home tonics and masks for the skin of the face, but the cream is still buying in the store, giving "big" money for funds that do not always have decent quality. Is it worth risking with your beauty? The face cream can be prepared at home, and not at a time. Many funds are stored in the refrigerator up to 2-3 weeks. Prepare "your" cream that will work on your youth and freshness of the face.

Method of cooking homemade cream

You will need some inventory: a small mixer, glass or clay bowls (not metallic), wooden spoon, kitchen scales. The basis of the face cream is oil, water, grasses, and other ingredients. Connect them at home is not easy, it is important to know the technology.

  1. To interleep the solid base of the cream, you will need a water sauna. To do this, use a small bucket with a handle, put a bowl of a bowl with wax, butter so that the bottom does not touch the water, but simply a ferry.
  2. The product is token with constant stirring. Use a ceramic or wooden spoon.
  3. When the base melts, add liquid oils. Still 2-3 minutes before the compound of the components.
  4. In a slightly cooled mixture of oils, the remaining components are introduced around the drop. So that the maintenance was uniform, you can use a conventional pharmacy pipette or syringe.
  5. Whip mixer mixer.
  6. To quickly cool the cream, put the container with it in a bowl with ice or cold water, stir the spoon. At this stage, essential oils are introduced into the mass - only several drops.
  7. Cream is shifted in a dry container of glass, porcelain, clay and remove into the cold (on the refrigerator door). It is stored within 5 - 7 days.

Special attention is paid to the mixing procedure of components. First, they all must be the same temperature. That is, if the melted oils are slightly warm, then the water base must be warm. Secondly, it is impossible to hit the mixer at once, first just mix the ingredients with a spoon or a small wedge. This will help avoid stratifying the mixture.

Components of home creams

The selection of components depends on several factors: like the skin of the face, age and tasks that should be solved. As an oil base for cream, several options described below can be used.

  1. Almond oils, grape bones, apricot. It is suitable for any type of skin of the face, quickly absorbed, have a gentle smell and an unseen shine.
  2. Coconut butter, shi is denser, strongly smell and intensively feed the skin. They can leave on the face of shine and a thin film.
  3. Vegetable oils - olive, corn, flaxseed - intensively smelling and shine on the skin of the face, so the nutritional cream is relevant.
  4. Moisturizing face cream at home is prepared using oils such as jojoba, avocado, peach.
  5. The protective cream, which covers the face of the finest invisible film, is made on the basis of almond oil, primroses.
  6. Problem skin of the face will be "glad" oils: black cumin, roses, sea buckthorn, lemon.

As a water basis, purified water or decoction of herbs, colors, plants of weak concentration are used. Emulsifier - "Connector" of oil and water - beeswax, guar gum, palovaks, sodium alginate. You can also enrich the face cream at home by essential oil, fat-soluble vitamins (A, E).

How to use home formulations

The technique of applying cream depends on its skin on the skin and the final result. Therefore, observe non-hard rules.

  • All recipes for face creams contain oil, but than them more in the composition, the ingredients penetrate the ingredients. Oil in this case is a transport ingredient that delivers active substances in deep layers of skin. Light daytime creams can be made on the basis of ragners and water, and the night - on an oil, honey-based with a minimum fluid.
  • Before use, check the means to allergenicity: apply a drop on the wrist or fold the elbow for 15 minutes, and only then on the face.
  • Do not take a piece of cream from a jar with your fingers, use a spoon for this, preferably wooden or glass. Cream at home is prepared without preservatives, therefore, it is possible to develop in it of pathogens of microbes in non-compliance with sterility.
  • Apply a means to clean the skin of a face treated with foam, tonic or alcohol-containing compositions (for oily skin).
  • Lightweight aqueous creams do not need to be washed, and nightly saturated with oils must be removed with a napkin after 1-2 hours after applying.

Sensitive dry skin cream

The skin of the face, prone to peeling, the formation of pigment spots, with visible capillaries requires a special approach. The main requirement for the cream for this type of skin of the face is a high moisturizing activity and protective properties.

Simple home recipes will help you make the skin soft, moistened and smooth.

Pink moisturizer.

To prepare it, you will need 5 small tea rose buds, 50 grams of butter cream, 10 grams of bee wax, 5 grams of liquid vitamin A.

Melt the bee wax on the water bath, enter the oil in it, warm it 3 minutes, cool a little. Petals rinse, dry and straw into the mortar to the state of the casis. Mix, at the end, enter vitamin from the capsules. Store tightly closed in glass containers. Apply on cleaned skin.

  1. Intensively moisturizing face cream will be prepared as follows: Melt 5 grams of bee wax in a water bath, pour 40 grams of the oil of the Hypericum, 20 grams of plaque grease. Stirring, warm 2 minutes. Pour the drop of vitamin A, stirre up and break into the jar, clean it in the cold.
  2. Try cooking cream on the courage of healing herbs.

To do this, make a dry mother-and-stepmother in 200 milliliters of purified water, strain, cool. Anhydrous lanolin (5 grams) and 20 milliliters of olive oil mix, slightly warm. Wake up a mixer with herbal infusion. Apply twice a day on clean skin and neck.

Liquid vitamins can also be added to moisturizing creams: B, E. When adding champions from herbal components, the shelf life of a face cream is reduced to 4-5 days.

Nutritional creams

Food is necessary and dry, and fat, and normal or combined skin and neck. Homemade cream, which will feed the skin of the face, can be prepared on the basis of vegetable and essential oils with the addition of vitamins.

Effective domestic nutrient recipes will help you independently and effectively care for the face.

The daily nutritious facial cream can be prepared from such ingredients: 7 milliliters of olive, sesame oil and grape seed oil, 36 grams of distilled water, 2 grams of a vegetable emulsifier (guar gum, bee wax), 5 drops of Ilan-Alanga oil.

We calm the wax, add oil and mix, whip with the water basis, at the end we pour a drop of essential oil and shifted in a jar with a lid. We clean in the cold.

The vegetable composition for the face can be done like this: dry birch kidneys and nettle strain in mortar (15 grams), pour the glass of boiling water, cover and wrap in a towel. After cooling, the mixture is resolved. Stit into the capacity of 20 grams of bee wax and melt in the water bath. When it cools up to 60 degrees, enter in a warm infusion (pasty) in 5 milliliters of olive and butter, 10 drops of liquid vitamin A. Mix the whisk, cool down and remove into the refrigerator.

Almond nutritious cream.

Ingredients will be required: 5 grams of lanoline and bees wax, 40 grams of almond oil, 60 milliliters of pink water water based water. To prepare such a face cream, first melt the wax and lanolin, then take a mixture with butter and pink water, pre-mixing with a spoon. Place in a dry jar, close and put on the refrigerator door.

Rejuvenating funds

Fighting signs of aging - fading the skin of the face, wrinkles, dryness, redness - can be simple and effective with the use of homemade creams. Rejuvenating agents are able to suspend age-related changes, improve the complexion, make the skin more elastic, elastic and smooth.

And you will help you in this efficient beauty recipes.

  1. Multicomponent composition guarantees high cream efficiency. To prepare it, take 5 milliliters of argan oil, avocado and grape seeds, 7 drops of incense, 1 tablespoon of seabolings from wheat sprouts, 3 capsules vitamin E pharmaceutical and 2 grams of bee wax. All oil components mix in a dry bowl. We pour vitamin E, and if we bought in the granules (tocopherol), they are in the mortar and pour them into the oil mixture. Wax break the rolling pin or soda on the grater, melt a pair. Pour into the cooled to room temperature wax slightly warmed (up to 30-35 degrees) oil and take the mixer at the lowest speed. Put in a tightly closing container and remove in the refrigerator.
  2. Honey rejuvenating face creams are especially effective, and make them very simple. Mix in a bowl of 5 grams of vaseline, 20 milliliters of candied honey, 20 grams of castor oil and 2 drops (no more) of ordinary iodine. Such cream can be stored in the cold to 30 days, before use to mix with a dry spoon. It is applied to a clean face, after 30-60 minutes, the residues are removed with a napkin.

Fatty Cream

The skin of the face, prone to fatty, needs drying. Therefore, the components of creams will be such ingredients that disinfect face, remove the excess shine and normalize the work of the sebaceous glands.

This will help you with simple recipes.

  1. The nutrient cream for oily skin of the face will be prepared from such components: Cetyl alcohol - 2 milliliters, 10 drops of Bergamot essential oil, 30 milliliters of forest walnut oil, 7 grams of hop extract, 60 grams of decoction calendula. First, make a dry and crushed calendul, let's break 2 hours, strain. Bergamot oil warm up to 60 degrees on a water bath, add a cetyl alcohol and decoction, mix. Stirring, warm up to obtain a homogeneous consistency. Add hop extract and essential oil, stirred and put in a jar with a lid.
  2. The drying composition of the face can be done like this: Mix 40 grams of lemon juice with 1 teaspoon of glycerol, add a sounding with 5 grams of honey 1 yolk, pour 20 grams of olive oil. At the end of the stirring, enter 7 drops of campaign alcohol.
  3. Excellent remedy for oily brilliance faces - strawberry cream. We are preparing: 40 grams of fresh strawberries puree, 2 drops of vitamin E, 20 grams of coconut oil, sunflower and olive oil. Stir, store no more than 3 days in the refrigerator.

Homemade faces for the face that you cook at home do not contain fragrances, preservatives, formaldehyde and hormonal products. They are safe, effective, inexpensive. Of course, they have a more dense texture, it may not be quite pleasant to smell and hardly wash off the skin of the face, but such means are the optimal facial skin care option for the price and quality.

The face on the night can be lubricated with an oily mixture of sunflower and castor oils. On dry skin, sometimes you should apply the cream for the night. In this case, a wet method of application is recommended.

On a wet cotton swab to apply a small amount of oily cream and lightweight moving movements to apply it to the skin of the face. Fat and moisture penetrate the skin at the same time when applying the cream in this way. And now let's find out how to cook these homemade creams for dry skin.

Homemade cream for dry skin

Yolkovo - cream cream

100 ml cream mix with one yolk, add 1 tablespoon of vodka and juice of half lemon. The cream is ready.

Based Barcuch Fat

1 tablespoon of barzuchea fat, 1 tablespoon of hunting oil, 10 g of wax, oil vitamins A and E, melt it all on a water bath. The cream is very fat therefore applying a small amount of cream on the face. This homemade cream feeds the skin, protects against peeling, makes skin elastic.

Cream based on sour cream with lemon juice

200 g sour cream, lemon juice 1, 100 g of cologne, 100 g of alcohol, 2-3 tablespoons of cucumber juice, 2 fresh yolks. Sour cream, juices, yolks mix, add cologne and alcohol, put cream in the refrigerator for a day. Cream is stored for 6 months. Before pouring alcohol, the cream can be added vitamins A, E, essential oils (lemon, verber, jasmine, pink, orange) - they are rejuvenated by the skin.

Yolkovo - sour cream cream

One egg yolk mix from 100 g of fresh sour cream and add half lemon juice. Homemade cream for dry skin is ready.

Peach cream

One teaspoon of peach oil, one teaspoon of water, and one teaspoon of cosmetic vaseline. Mix all. Homemade cream is ready.

Cream Romashkova

One tablespoon of daisy flowers to pour boiling water (floor glass), insist 2 hours, strain. Melt 50 g of butter for a couple, add 1 tablespoon of castor oil, floor of a teaspoon of glycerin, a quarter of a glass of chamomile infusion and 30 g of camphor alcohol (camphor alcohol add dropwise), you can add aromatic oil. Cream for dry skin is ready.

Candidula cream

In one piece of dry calendula flowers add 10 parts of refined vegetable oil. Insist in a dark place for 7 days. Then, on the water bath, melt the beeswax 15 g, add one tablespoon of corn oil there, and 5 ° C of oil extract of calendula flowers. Add 10 g of glycerin to the cooled mixture and mix well. This cream is recommended for the night.

Nourishing cream

Fresh pork fat melt in a water bath. Then one tablespoon of liquid pork fat is mixed with one tablespoon of castor oil. Homemade cream for dry skin is ready. It is recommended to apply a cream on the skin with a thin layer, leave for 5 minutes, then flush the face with a paper napkin.

Olive - lemon cream

One tablespoon of olive oil, one teaspoon of lemon juice, mix everything well. The cream is ready. This cream can be used for face and hands.

Floral cream

Mix one tablespoon of sea buckthorn oil with three tablespoons of any nutritious cream and add two drops of linden essential oil, lavender, roses. Homemade cream is ready.

Cream cream

Dry skin in the evening can be wiped with any vegetable oil to which you need to add sour cream.

Now you know how easy it is to make homemade cream for dry skin. I hope this information was for you understandable and useful. I will be very grateful to you if you leave your opinion at the bottom in the comments!

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