How to prepare a face mask from a natural yogurt. The benefits of yogurt. Natural yogurt in face masks

Yoghurt masks are an excellent means to moisture and feed the skin of the face. Useful bacteria contained in yogurt will help clean, whiten, rejuvenate the skin and get rid of wrinkles. We collected only the best recipes that can be repeated at home without spending a lot of time and money. We wish the fascinating reading of the article!


Yoghurt is one of the most popular delicacies for kids. At least, if you believe the commercials through which cunning manufacturers are trying to reach children's hearts and their parents' wallets. So, by including any "cartoon" channel, you will rather quickly get acquainted with the happy family: an active figure (guess, with what a drink), the life of the mother's model appearance and voice for the scenes, which will explain the benefit of yogurt for your child several times. Well, as a special bonus, the manufacturer will offer you a lot of new tastes: strawberries, cherry, peach, apricot ...

The fact that natural yogurt can be a wonderful basis for a wide variety of masks, not everyone knows. In addition, this option will be much more profitable for the family budget than what the modern beauty industry offers the ladies. Meanwhile, the mask from yogurt, which can be done at home without any problems, will have no less beneficial effect on the skin than its industrial analog. It may not only be rejuvenating, pulling or nutritious, but also successfully combat wrinkles or contribute to the trough of pores. In a word, a yoghurt face mask is a real charge of cheerfulness and health, which, besides, does not burden the family budget.

Another of their undoubted dignity is universality. From all the variety of recipes you can always choose the one that is suitable for your skin. Confuse strawberries? Not trouble, there is an excellent mask with an egg! Do you think honey is the basis of health? There is no need to give up your habits. And if you are not alien to the spirit of adventurism, you can create your own unique recipe!

With some pathologies (significant damage to the skin, infectious diseases, herpes or affectionate), the use of yoghurt masks without additional consultation does not recommend a doctor!

Facial yoghurt: benefit

You can list the useful properties of yogurt for a very long time, especially if you remember its beneficial effect on many organism systems (in particular, digestive). But we decided that you, dear readers, primarily interested in the healthy skin of the face and everything, one way or another, associated with beauty.

IngredientHis influence on the body
Squirrels, fats, lactosePowerful energy source. By the way, this is a rare case when commercials, extroducing the beneficial properties of yogurt, are pretty close to the truth.
VitaminsThey are more than 30 of them in our hero, and many of them are powerful natural antioxidants. That under the current environmental situation will be more than by the way.
Amino acidsThe main component of ensuring the proper protein metabolism, although in fact their impact on the body is much more multifaceted.
MicroelementsIn yoghurt masks for the face (regardless of what kind of recipe you choose - with strawberries or oatmeal) a lot of iron, chlorine, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium and calcium. Their deficiency leads to the fact that the skin becomes a flabby and unhealthy.
Lactic acidProvides natural humidification and cleaning of the skin and enhances its ability to resist the negative effects of the environment.

Yoghurt with fruit filling was patented in 1933, but the mass production went a slightly later - in 1947. There was distinguished (who would doubt) Danone, who offered consumers a lot of recipes with a banana, strawberry, peach and even Maracuy.

Recipes masks with yogurt

Moisturizing mask with yogurt and honey

Mask with yoghurt, orange and strawberry

Against wrinkles
  • Yogurt thick - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Cottage cheese - 4 tbsp. l.
  • Vegetable oil - 2 h.
  • Orange (medium) - 1/2 PC.
  • Strawberry - 2-3 pcs.
Preparation and useWe rub up to a homogeneous mass, and then add vegetable oil into it and squeezed fruit juice. The resulting mass should be mixed thoroughly
Duration of the procedure15-20 minutes
ActToning, rejuvenating, nutritious. Such a face mask is greatly struggling with wrinkles and small cracks on the skin.
Recommended skin typeMature (age) sensitive
Application scheme2 times per week
special instructionsVegetable oil can be replaced with olive (1 tsp.)

Banana mask with yogurt

Yoghurt mask on nut butter

Mask with yogurt and oatmeal

Yogurt is wonderfully coping with cleaning copper kitchen utensils. You just need to lubricate them with dishes (well suits any purchased) and leave it for 15-20 minutes, then rinse the "client" with hot water. And you say, "charge of cheerfulness and optimism" ...

Review of the cosmetologist

Yogurts sold in our stores, as the basis for masks fit badly. Nothing terrible with your skin, of course, will not happen, but also you can not count on a special healing effect. And no matter what kind of recipe you choose. On the other hand, the acquisition of a yogurney will require some additional costs from you, but this will allow you to get an environmentally friendly product without preservatives and dyes. You understand that if yogurt can be stored for several months, this is achieved by the introduction of certain components into its composition.

What is for breakfast today? Hmmm, oatmeal or yogurt? Both of these products are extremely helpful for the body and filled with useful substances. I advise you to stop your choice on oatmeal, and yogurt leave for the preparation of a stunning susaptive face mask (but this does not mean that oatmeal is not a place among home care products!).

Saturated with protein, kalzium, vitamin D and nithelifications (useful bacteria that stimulate digestion) yogurt, no doubt, in the top ten most useful products for the stomach products. But it may be no less useful for skin.

Yoghurt contains lactic acid and alpha hydroxyl acid, which dissolve dead skin cells. Such a light peeling not only prevents redness and gives the skin a shining look, but also reduces wrinkles.

When applied to the skin, a velvety yoghurt mask moisturizes, fighting acne, prevents premature aging of the skin, makes it easier for sunburn and brightens pigment stains. It can be said that the yoghurt mask is universal.

Dr. Juditte Helmman, Dermatologist, Clinical Professor of Dermatology in the clinic "Mt. Sinai, "agrees that yogurt helps to update and mitigate the skin. It recommends applying a rich amount of yogurt (or kefir) on the skin during sunburn. Mixed with honey yoghurt is an effective exfoliation tool, as well as the treatment of follicular keratosis.

Aesthetic medicine specialist Amand Holdridge advises to add a couple of Malauuk oil drops into yogurt for more efficient treatment of sunburn and acne. Using the oil, make sure the mask does not hit the eye, mouth and other sensitive areas of the skin and mucous membranes. And to combat pigment stains and premature aging, Holderge's skin offers to mix half a lemon juice with a pair of tablespoons of yogurt and apply this mixture on the code 2-3 times a week.

Skin Mask based on yogurt

Pink honey-yoghurt mask

You will need:

  • 6-7 Fresh Rose Petals
  • 2 tablespoons of organic pink water
  • 1 tablespoon of yogurt
  • 1 tablespoon of forest honey manuka

Cooking method

Cook the rose petals in a bowl, add pink water, yogurt, honey and mix thoroughly. Apply a mixture to the skin for 10 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Make sure you use organic yogurt without additives. You do not want any surprises from unnecessary sugar, which is so often found in yogurt.

You can't wait? Then run rather for yogurt to try on yourself and make sure that this mask is really capable of following 5 wonders:

1. Moisturizing

Return dimming, using only delicious yogurt, which lies in the refrigerator. A simple yoghurt mask two or three times a week will make your skin, soft and shining. In addition, you will safely save on various masks.

First, you need to clean well. Then apply gentle, natural yogurt without additives on the skin of the face and neck. Leave for 10 minutes and rinse with water.

Milk acid and natural alpha hydroxide acid contained in yogurt will help soften the skin. Remember, yogurt should be quite thick and necessarily natural, without preservatives. If the mixture is too liquid, drain excess moisture.

2. Treatment of sunburn

For too long missed in the rays of the summer sun? Add some cool yogurt to your unhealthy red tan. The zinc contained in it will cool and calm the skin.

Add a couple of daisy essential oil drops into natural yogurt. Gently apply a mixture to damaged skin areas and leave for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with water.

3. Getting rid of acne

Acne, beware! Yoghurt has natural antibacterial and antifungal properties. To get rid of these hated rashes, apply a little yogurt on the skin with acne. Let him do magic and wash in 30 minutes.

Regular use of yogurt, together with the kneading facilities, will make your skin cleaner, reducing the risk of unexpected acne.

4. Lightening pigment stains

With regular use of a yoghurt mask, you can achieve a specific clarifying effect. In order to effectively deal with age spots and traces from an unsuccessful tan. Add a bit of lemon juice to yogurt, apply a mixture to the skin for 30 minutes, and then rinse with water. Repeat this procedure three times a week.

5. Preventing premature skin aging

Sooner or later they will still appear, you know it. But this does not mean that you just need to sit and wait for the appearance of wrinkles. You are quite able to delay this far from the most long-awaited meeting. Yogurt mask helps to fight shallow wrinkles. In addition, lactic acid gently exfoliates dead skin cells and narrows pores.

Mix the tablespoon of olive oil and four tablespoons of yogurt. Apply the mixture on the face for 30 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Repeat three times a week.

Do not want to mess around? Some companies produce organic masks containing yogurt, try.

Note: Be careful! Possible allergic reaction. If after using a yoghurt mask you noticed redness or rash, immediately stop using it. But do not be discouraged. There are many other options for natural skin care products. For example, you can use food soda.

Yoghurt can be not only a dietary and useful product, but also an excellent cosmetologist in the face of face masks. Rich in different active substances, masks from yogurt, which are so easy to cook at home, will become an excellent tool for gentle and high-quality skin care of your face. With regular use, the effect will be simply striking, noticeable not only to you in the reflection of the mirror, but also others.

How does the mask from the yoghurt for the face so wonderfully transform the skin? It's all about those substances that contain this dairy product: they are, penetrating into skin cells, they begin there their invisible at first work, which after a while and gives you such amazing results. Judge himself, looking at the chemical composition of yogurt and its action on the skin:

  • water - one of the main components of this product, and that is why yoghurt masks are primarily beautiful natural humidifiers;
  • from vitamins leading cholinewhich adjusts the fat balance, fights the aging of the cells and soothes the irritable skin;
  • niacin Makes asleep cells to awaken from sleep and protects them from harmful external influence;
  • vitamin A. - the first enemy of dryness, which still has both anti-inflammatory properties;
  • vitamin C., penetrating the walls of the vessels, strengthens them, and in the cells there is a restoration work, increasing the production of elastin and collagen;
  • b. Vitamins B. Pores are purified from dirt, smoothed wrinkles, improve the complexion of the face;
  • potassium moisturizes and nourishes faded skin;
  • calcium Makes it soft and silky to the touch.

All these substances penetrating into the cells perform their painstaking and persistent work there. And the more regularly you will make masks from yogurt for your face, the more noticer will be the results. Indeed, in this case, the arsenal of workers and active substances will increase each time and they will perform their work several times better.

Yogurt masks: testimony and contraindications

The effect will be maximal if recommendations for the use of this cosmetics are performed. As a rule, yoghny face masks are recommended in the following cases:

  • for tired skin, behind which there has been no proper care for a long time;
  • for fading skin, the aging of which must be stopped;
  • for dry, cracked skin, which needs maximum moisturizing;
  • for oily skin, which requires regulation of body balance;
  • for ordinary skin, which is needed effective regular care.

Since homemade face masks from yogurt are natural tools, there are simply no contraindications to their applications. However, it is worth more attentively to the other ingredients that are part of the mask, as they may contain allergens for your body.

Best Recipes Face Masks from Yogurt

Do not require complex technologies in cooking, face masks from yogurt at home can easily prepare any woman. And the results will not make a long time to wait. The only nuance that you must understand for yourself: yogurt should be natural, without any additives and even without sugar.

  • Fruit (Berry) Mask for Normal Leather

Yoghurt (2 tablespoons) Mix with the flesh of any of the listed fruits or berries: lingers, currant, raspberries, mandarin, orange, kiwi, apples, grapes, peach, watermelon (1 tablespoon).

  • Fruit (berry) fatty mask

Yogurt (2 tablespoons) mix with the flesh of any of the listed fruits or berries: grapefruit, rowan, cranberries, strawberries, cherries (1 tablespoon).

  • Fruit (Berry) Mask for Dry Skin

Yogurt (2 tablespoons) Mix with the flesh of any of the listed fruits or berries: melons, apricots, persimmon, banana (1 tablespoon).

  • Bleaching Mask from Green

Yogurt (2 tablespoons) mix with chopped dill greenery, parsley (tablespoon).

  • Anti-inflammatory mask from sorrel

Yogurt (2 tablespoons) mix with chopped rod leaves (tablespoon). With dry skin, it is recommended to add olive oil (teaspoon).

  • Classic mask with peeling effect

Just apply yogurt on your face, and then roll it with your fingers neat, without flushing with water.

  • Nutritional mask with oat flakes

Yoghurt (3 tablespoons) mix with chopped oat flakes (tablespoon) and liquid honey (teaspoon). This miracle mask can ideally take care of any skin type.

Easy in preparation and very effective for any type of skin, face masks from yogurt is a simple and inexpensive cosmetics that every woman can afford. Don't you want to rejoice at the mirror, and smile with our own reflection? Believe me: The mask of yogurt is capable of converting your skin to the most magically.

Masks for the face prepared on the basis of natural yogurt are not in vain are considered an excellent means capable of moisturizing and feeding the skin. Facial masks from yogurt are easy to use and suitable for any type of skin. Yogurt is useful for a person, and you can make such a mask all year round.

Cosmetics with yogurt have a positive effect on the general state of the dermis. Many cosmetic firms add this fermentation product to a whole line of skin care products and hair (moisturizing cream, face gel, hair balsam).

But the greatest benefits will bring masks from natural yogurt (necessarily fresh) cooked at home.

The yoghurt mask for the face will help get rid of a number of defects, she:

  • perfectly moisturizes dry skin, eliminate peeling;
  • remove redness;
  • get rid of oily shine;
  • increase the turgors of the skin.

Facial mask from natural yogurt will give the skin fresh, tightened appearance. Ideal for women suffering from skin pigmentation, as it has a soft whitening effect. Yoghurt mask helps in the fight against seasonal freckles. Does not cause allergic reactions.

What is the benefit of such masks?

Yogurt is useful for the skin of the face due to the huge content of amino acids. It is these components that carry the skin cover, they feed well and soften the skin, they give it youth, slow down the aging processes.

It also contains a lot of water, therefore, the means based on it give a good moisturizing effect.

The set of vitamins contained in it (vitamins of groups A, B, C, Holin) are restored to the water-fat balance of the skin, strengthen the vessels, increase its elasticity, purify and remove inflammatory processes.

The presence of minerals (calcium, potassium) in the milk product helps to feed and tone the skin of the face.

With regular use of masks based on a natural dairy product, it is possible to significantly improve appearance and bring great favor to the skin on the face. The main thing is to correctly pick up the percentage of fatty:

  • bold yogurt should be added to the mask for dry skin in need of nutrition and moisture. It is suitable for fading, flabby skin;
  • the defatted product is the perfect solution for masks used in fat or combined face skin.

Best Natural Yogurt Mask Recipes

Mask, relieving inflammation

A yogurt-based mask with the addition of aspirin is an excellent tool that allows you to quickly get rid of teenage pimples, redness, small inflammatory processes on the face. She cleans well and moisturizes the skin.

For preparation, it is enough to take several spoons of natural yogurt, a little mineral water and a pair of aspirin tablets.

The tablets are crushed into a mortar into the powder, add mineral water (mineral water in combination with acetylsalicylic acid gives the best effect), to be lost in a cleaner, mixed with a sour milk product, put on the face with a brush or tampon, leave for 10-15 minutes, wash off cool water.

Apply to the face made of the composition follows no more than two times a week.


Yoghurt in combination with egg yolk - a wonderful way to support the tired, dry skin of the face. Both ingredients are not only saturated with a whole complex of vitamins and amino acids, but also moisturize skin covers.

All that will be needed for the mask: yolk of raw eggs and a little fresh yogurt.

The raw egg is washed, separate the yolk, beat it in the tank before the appearance of the foam. Add two or three teaspoons of fat yogurt, stir.

To impose on a prepared person, leave for about 20 minutes, washed off. Apply a means with an interval per day for 2 weeks. After a week break, you can repeat the course.

From wrinkles

Details in Look in the video:

Relisting from pigmentation

Fresh cucumber and natural yogurt are perfectly coping with high pigmentation on the face, align and brighten the tone of the skin, make a practically imperceptible scattering of freckles. The effect of bleaching in such a mask is simply striking, many women are confident about this that regularly use this means.

The ingredients needed for the preparation of the means at home: half of fresh cucumber, a pair of spoons of a natural milk product, crude protein of one egg.

Cuccurhchik grate, squeeze juice through a sieve, whipped protein into the container into a strong foam, add cucumber juice and fresh yogurt to the container, all stir up to homogeneous mass.

To impose on the face, top to cover the skin of the face well-humidized napkin (so that the feeling of tightening). The time during which the tool must be on the face, about 30 minutes. Wash off with cold water and wipe the face with ice cube. Regularity of use - 3 times a week.

Fireless skin

Skilled yogurt in combination with beer yeast strongly narrows the pores and cleans the fat skin, and the mask with the addition of fresh grenade juice dry and removes the bold gloss. Both means are easy to manufacture and fit perfectly for regular use. Their alternation will help bring fatty skin in a short time.

Components: A pair of degreased yogurt spoons, 3 tablets of beer yeast or one spoon of grenade juice, pressed from fresh fetus.

Preparation: Tablets crowed into the mortar to the state of the powder, mix with yogurt or squeeze juice from grenade grains and stirred with a low-fat fermented dairy product.

Apply a wide brush on the face, give a completely dry, rinse the face with cool water, wipe the frozen infusion of chamomile.

Applying masks alternately, making between them between them in one day.

Facial care


14.08.14 12:46

Yoghurt - natural, simple yogurt without any additives and preservatives is not only a tasty and useful delicacy or dietary product. This is also a magnificent cosmetology. Try to make home yourself face masks from yogurtAnd make sure how efficiently they moisturize the skin and pull it up.

Of course, it is almost impossible to find a suitable yogurt in stores. And if they succeed, the price of it will be significantly higher than the average. The exit can be the preparation of yogurt houses from milk and friction or finished yogurt. Usually it is recommended to buy a yogurtnress for this, but you can actually cook yogurt without it. The most difficult thing is to maintain a permanent temperature for a long time. If you succeed, it will easily work out and everything else.

Home yogurt is the perfect base for a face mask from yogurt. In this case, you really get a natural, high-quality will sell without preservatives and emulsifiers. It will really be useful to the skin and will not harm. Sometimes women try to kill one shot of two hares, and make masks for a person from yogurt, using yogurt as the basis with additives. They believe that the finished yogurt with fruit will be even more useful. However, in this case, you get canned fruits, the benefits of which is very controversial.

But the benefits of yogurt for the face is indisputable. In order to understand this, it is quite sufficient to carefully examine its composition. Most of the way, as surprising, occupies ordinary water. But she, contrary to the convictions of many, is not useless at all. No matter how much substances you use, contributing to moisturizing, without water they are all powerless.

However, moisturizing substances in the composition of yogurt are included. This is, of course, potassium. As well as Vitamin A. thanks to this combination of a face mask from yogurt, it is perfectly moistened to your skin. But this is not the only property of yogurt.

After all, it contains lactic acids. They gently affect the skin, exfoliating dead cells, clean and lining the skin. Thus, yoghurt masks provide non-aggressive and careful peeling.

In addition, yogurt removes skin fatigue, gives it a tone, nourishes it and even protects against ultraviolet. Yogurt makes skin velvet and tender, returns her natural color. The high content of vitamins in natural yogurt makes a mask for a person from yogurt truly useful. For example, vitamin C strengthens the walls of the vessels, due to which the skin supply is improved by oxygen, which means that the skin becomes more healthy. In addition, it stimulates the production of elastin and collagen, which ensure the youth and elasticity of the skin. Vitamins of the group in help to clean the pores of the skin, and choline narrows them and leads to normal the sebaceous glands.

It turns out that the face masks from yogurt are shown by the owners of dry skin, fading, as well as fat. They are suitable for the care of the combined skin, and of course, for normal. Depending on the accompanying ingredients, you will receive the effect. Which is needed at this moment. Yogurt is a truly universal product.

Yogurt masks: recipes

How relevant the masks from yogurt for dry skin is not difficult to understand, because dry skin needs so much in moistening, as well as nutrition and protection. All this skin can give yogurt. And other, equally effective ingredients add to it to enhance the effect. Remember that for dry skin it is better to take yogurt elder.

The best combination for moisturizing and nutrition is yogurt and various oils. Take 2 spoons of natural yogurt, add a teaspoon of olive oil, and 3 drops of verbena oil and daisies. For the desired effect, Mask is enough for 10 minutes. If you do not have essential oils, you can add chamomile and verbena bumps to yogurt.

Excellent combined yogurt and other sour milk products. So, 2 spoons of yogurt, mixed with a spoon of rubbish cottage cheese - this is a simple and very effective mask for moisturizing dry skin. The teaspoon of the pulp of sweet fruits or berries, such as a banana, peach or strawberry, will only enhance the positive effect of the mask.

2 spoons of yogurt mix with a squirrel of one egg. It is already very powerful in itself, and if you add olive oil or, if you need to get skin, fatty cream is stronger, then the effect will be stronger.

Masks from yogurt for oily skin are effective due to the deep cleansing of the skin, as well as the positive impact on the operation of the skin glands. Therefore, recipes for such masks are very diverse and always in demand. First of all, remember that the fatty yogurt should be used for oily skin.

In the care of bold leather, yoghurt-fruit or berry masks also use. However, in this case, acidic berries and fruits prefer preference. For example, cherry, cranberries, rowan, as well as citrus and pineapple. On 2 spoons of yogurt add a spoonful of juice or pulp of the selected fruit. To dry the fatty skin, you can use not only fruits, but also vegetables. In this regard, a tomato can become an excellent assistant. The proportions are preserved the same as in fruit masks.

An equally effective component are beer yeast. Take several tablets of beer yeast and strain them to powder. You will need a roughly tablespoon of powder. It is introduced in 2 spoons of yogurt and stir as closely as possible. Now you need to add lemon juice, about a teaspoon, and the same carrot juice. You will need about 15 minutes to achieve a positive effect.

Mix 2 spoons of yogurt with one spoon of wheat flour. Try to split all the dry lumps. In a thick sour creamy mass, add a spoonful of plum pulp. Instead of plum you can use a pear.

Since yogurt is a universal product, a yogurt mask for combined skin is a real find. As for oily skin, it is better to take a fattened product for combined.

For the first mask, from this category, you will need a zest of any citrus, be it lemon, grapefruit, mandarin or orange. The zest must be chopped, for example, in a coffee grinder. As a result, this cytrus flour should be obtained. Three spoons of yogurt will require one spoon of such flour and a teaspoon of liquid honey. It is necessary to wash off a mask from the zest after 15 minutes.

You can return to almost traditional masks. For combined leather, such fruits and berries are recommended as watermelon, lingonberry, kiwi, currants, grapes or peach. Proportions and time Use all the same: 2 to 1, and 15 minutes.

Excellent effect provides cosmetic clay. For combined skin, red or roses cosmetic clays are ideal. Take half a spoon of powder, and spread two spoons of yogurt. The resulting reddish mass is neatly distributed in the face, and leave to push. Usually for this enough 12 minutes, after which the mask must be washed.

Another wonderful composition for combination skin looks like this: 2 spoons of natural home yogurt, a spoon of olive oil and 2 teaspoons of a fresh lemon juice. In 15 minutes, with this mask, you will achieve fresh appearance, tone, remove the fat shine with the T-zone, without drying the dry areas.

Yogurt masks for normal skin is a great nutrient and tonic that will save from fatigue and consequences of stress, give freshness, lines the complexion, makes the skin velvety and smooth.

This will help you not only yogurt, but also vegetables. For example, an excellent result ensures the pulp of cucumber. By the way, the cucumber will help not only moisten and get the skin, but also to light it slightly. They will help in caring for normal skin as cauldron, Bulgarian pepper, radish, beet, eggplant or zucchini, grated carrots and so on. The proportions in which any of these vegetables is mixed with yogurt is already known to you on other sections of the article: all the same 2 spoons of yogurt, 2 spoons of pulp vegetable or fruit.

Beet yogurt mask - excellent nutrient for normal skin. Take one yolk, add a teaspoon of yogurt to it, and as a fear of a shallow grater of beets. Carefully stir the resulting mass. Then take a brush and apply this mass on the skin.

A separate place is occupied by universal masks from yogurt for all skin types, as well as masks that decide various problems that are not related to one type of skin. For example, in order. To whiten the dark skin, as well as to clarify the boring freckles, the yoghurt mask with greens can not be suitable.

Take a little dill and parsley, finely cut the greens, and mix well. You will need a tablespoon of this mixture, as well as 2 spoons of natural yogurt. The mixture is important to mix very well, and give a little broken so that the greens give the juice. After that, the greenish mass is imposed on the skin, and are waiting for no more than 15 minutes.

A truly universal is a mask with chopped oat flakes. The tablespoon of such flakes is added to the three spokes of yogurt, then interfere there a teaspoon of honey. Such a mask is perfectly refreshing, cleanses the skin, leads it to the tone. In addition, she removes traces of fatigue, returns a pleasant color and texture of the skin, aligns the contour.

If you take the floor of a white or green clay spoons, and breed a yogurt powder, then another universal and very effective mask will be. However, if you would like to get rid of acne, it makes sense to prefer blue clay. It has an anti-inflammatory effect, dries acne, and also helps the wounds from them to delay without the formation of scars.

You can affect the variety of yoghurt masks and delight to read positive feedback about them. However, it is best to choose the one that most suits you and experience its miraculous power.