How to steam your face before the mask with a wet towel. Herbal steam bath. With potatoes, soda and tea tree

It is important to know how to steam your face at home before the mask in order to get a more pronounced effect from its application. There are several ways. The technique will depend on the type of skin, the presence of contraindications.

Regular procedures will help maintain healthy, youthful skin. However, they do not require excessive costs.

Why you need to steam your face before using masks

In order for the active components of the mask to penetrate deeper into the skin, to have a more pronounced effect, it is necessary to steam the skin. In salons, this is done using a special apparatus - a vaporizer. At home, a steam bath or a hot towel is enough.

Special preparation of the skin allows you to open the pores, clean them deeply. After treating the face with steam, it is easier to remove black dots, open acne.

About the effectiveness of steaming says:

  • Improving the complexion, due to the activation of blood microcirculation.
  • Reduction of blackheads, blackheads, blackheads due to more complete elimination of impurities. The main thing is to carry out the procedure not at the time of exacerbation.
  • Improving skin tone due to the acceleration of metabolic processes.
  • Calming effect, especially if the procedure is carried out with a decoction of herbs.

If steaming is done before mechanical cleaning or peeling, this will make the procedures more effective. If you are allergic to scrubs or other exfoliating products, steaming your face can act as an independent cleansing procedure.

Who should not steam their face

Direct contraindications to steaming are:

  • Hypertension, as the procedure can lead to spikes in blood pressure.
  • Bronchial asthma - an attack of suffocation is possible due to the action of steam.
  • Cardiovascular diseases.
  • Couperose.
  • Increased skin sensitivity to thermal effects.

You will have to refuse steaming for a while if there are damages on the skin - burns, abrasions. Also, at the time of the formation of comedones or acne, accompanied by unpleasant, painful sensations, it is not recommended to act on the face with steam or other warming agents. The procedure is best done after the replenishment is formed.

Any dermatological diseases are a contraindication to steaming.

Experts consider steaming an important and useful procedure, which is a necessary component of care. You need to resort to it once every ten days for oily or mixed skin, for dry or prone to irritation - once a month. For normal or combined with areas of dryness in the U-zone - once every 14 days.

The duration of the procedure should be selected individually. It should not exceed 10 minutes. The more dry or dehydrated the skin, the shorter the treatment should be (about 5 minutes).

You can steam the skin of the face with the help of decoctions of herbs, which will increase the effectiveness of the masks several times, due to the complex effect of useful components.

Steaming facials with medicinal herbs will not only soften the skin. They will be an excellent prevention of rhinitis, pharyngitis and other diseases of the ENT organs.

Replace herbs with essential oils. It is necessary to select additional components for steam baths based on the needs of the skin.

So chamomile - relieve inflammation, soothe. It, in combination with linden flowers, is suitable for the care of dry or dehydrated skin.

A series and calendula will reduce the secretion of sebum. Sage, mint, linden flowers will relieve inflammation. They are suitable for combination or problematic dermis.

St. John's wort, nettle will increase the elasticity of fading, mature skin.

For the procedure, you will need three, four glasses of water.

To reduce inflammation, blackheads and hanging sebum production, tea tree oil, ylang-ylang is suitable. Additionally, rose oil and grape seed oil will moisturize the skin.

There are several ways to steam your face - steam baths, special masks, hot compresses. For dry or sensitive skin, it is better to use the second and third methods. They are less damaging to the epidermis.

To avoid thermal burns, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • The distance between the face and the hot water container should be 30-40 cm.
  • If you experience discomfort, you need to raise your head a little higher or, in general, stop the procedure.
  • When steaming with compresses, you need to use water that is comfortable for the skin at a temperature of about 42 ° C.
  • When carrying out the procedure with the help of special masks, it is forbidden to exceed the exposure time indicated on the package.

After steaming, you can wipe your face with a moisturizing tonic.

How to steam your face before applying masks

To carry out the procedure at home, you will need a wide ceramic or metal container. It will need to pour boiling water or a decoction of herbs into it. A large terry towel or medium cotton towel will also come in handy. The first will be needed to cover the head and the container during the steam bath. The second is for hot applications.

Before starting the procedure, it is necessary to cleanse the skin. Even if there was no decorative cosmetics on it, it is necessary to wash with foam. It is important to pick up the hair with a bandage or hairpins. They should not fall on the face or otherwise interfere with the procedure.

On the skin around the lips and under the eyes, experts recommend applying a greasy cream or petroleum jelly to prevent overdrying.

steam treatment

The steaming bath allows you to open the pores more deeply, increase the effectiveness of both cleansing and moisturizing masks. It is carried out according to the following scheme:

  • Prepare boiling water, pour into a wide container.
  • Lean over her, wrap herself in a towel.
  • Wait 5 to 10 minutes depending on skin type.

After the procedure, blot your face with a terry towel and apply a mask or nourishing cream.

For greater efficiency, a decoction of herbs or essential oils is added to boiling water at the rate of 20 drops per liter of water.

To prepare the infusion - the selected dried herb is poured with boiling water, covered, kept for about 20 minutes.

Another method on how to steam your face before a mask is hot cloth applications:

  • It is necessary to boil water or prepare an herbal decoction.
  • Allow to cool slightly until the temperature is comfortable for the skin.
  • Soak a cotton towel in the liquid.
  • Squeeze it out, put it on your face.
  • Wait until the fabric cools down, repeat the manipulation.

In total, it will take about a third of an hour to fully open the pores in this way. You can increase the effectiveness of such steaming by adding rose, argan, or avocado seed oil to the water.

The method is more gentle for the skin, it is easier to combine it with generally relaxing procedures. It can be used by people suffering from hypertension.

There are many ready-made "hot" masks. It is important to apply them according to the instructions, avoiding areas with sensitive skin. They are especially effective against blackheads, allowing you to open the pores before cleansing masks or peels.

You can prepare a steaming mask on your own by heating honey with egg yolk in a water bath. A warm homogeneous mixture is applied to the face (no more than 15 minutes).

Some women use porridge for warming masks. To do this, boil a small amount of hercules or rice without spices. Allow to cool slightly, apply to the skin for no more than a quarter of an hour.


Knowing how to properly steam your face before applying masks allows you to comprehensively care for your skin at home. Steaming makes the use of scrubs and peels more effective. It prepares the skin for mechanical cleaning, improves skin color, restores a healthy glow to it. Perhaps its use as an independent procedure.

How to steam your face before the mask, see the video:

A special place among the methods of skin care is steaming. It has been proven that such a procedure expands the pores, helps to eliminate various impurities and fat, and also improves blood circulation and the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Cosmetologists recommend using this method of deep cleansing of the dermis before applying masks or scrubs.

Under the influence of hot moist air, the skin becomes softer, the pores open, the face becomes easier to clean from dead cells, make-up residues and sebum.

There are several types of this procedure - a steam bath, an application of warm cotton napkins and a steaming face mask.

Attention! Before steaming the skin, apply a rich cream around the eye area so as not to overdry the delicate skin in this area.

What herbs to use for baths and applications

Use 1-2 tablespoons of herbal mixture per 2 liters of water.
  1. For oily and problem skin
    Mix in equal proportions sage, St. John's wort, birch leaves and lime blossom.

  2. For dry skin
    A mixture of linden, chamomile, dandelion and 1-2 bay leaves.

  3. For aging skin
    A mixture of nettle, licorice and cinnamon.

  4. For combination skin
    A mixture of calendula, sage and mint in equal proportions.

  5. For all skin types
    Chamomile. Steaming with chamomile helps to cleanse, moisturize, eliminate acne, get rid of mimic wrinkles. Also, a decoction of chamomile acts as a wound healing, disinfectant and anti-inflammatory agent.

How to steam your face in a steam bath

  1. Cleanse your face from cosmetics and impurities (use milks, lotions, cleansing tonics, soaps)
    Put your hair under the bandage, in a ponytail, so that it does not interfere.

  2. Add herbs to boiling water, remove the decoction from the heat and let it brew for 15 minutes. After that, put the container in front of you, lean over it no lower than 20 cm and cover your head with a terry towel. It is worth remembering that the water should not be very hot, as you can get a burn or excessive expansion of the capillaries.

  3. Steaming time depends on skin type.
    For dry skin, steaming is recommended for no more than 5 minutes and no more than once a month.
    For normal skin, the steaming time can be up to 15 minutes.
    For oily skin - up to 20 minutes and carry out procedures 2 times a week.

  4. After the session, rinse your face with warm water and pat dry with a soft cloth. Upon completion of steaming, you can begin to cleanse the skin with masks, scrubs, peelings.
Attention! Immediately after the procedure, the face should not be exposed to cold water and drafts. You can take steam baths in the evening two hours before bedtime.

How to quickly steam the skin of the face using Applications

This method is nicer than the first one. Not everyone can stand sitting over a pot of hot steam, although the first method also has its advantages (prevention and treatment of diseases).

How to make applications to steam out the skin?

For applying applications, you can use the same decoctions as for steam baths. Add 1-2 drops of an essential oil (such as rose, rosemary, ylang-ylang, grapefruit, almond, or lavender) to the tea for added effectiveness.
  1. For the procedure, we need a large cotton napkin. Dip a napkin into a warm broth, wring it out slightly and place it on the cleansed skin of the face.

  2. After the cloth has cooled, soak it again in the decoction and apply on the face. Such manipulations should be repeated 3-4 times.
It is important! For applications, do not use very hot water, otherwise you can get burned.

How to quickly steam the skin of the face with a mask

Steaming your face with a mask is one of the safest skin cleansing methods. It is suitable for those who have sensitive epidermis prone to redness and irritation.

The benefits of steaming masks are as follows

  • under the influence of heat, the pores expand, the active substances that are part of the mask penetrate into them and cleanse them of accumulated impurities.

  • the thermal effect of such a procedure does not burn the skin, but only enhances the effect of metabolic processes.

  • the effect of using this method is simply wonderful. After a 15-20-minute session, the appearance and condition of the skin improves significantly, the face looks younger and more well-groomed.

How to make a skin softening mask

  1. Apply the mask to a cleansed face. To improve the thermal effect, it is advised to cover the mask with a tissue paper with holes around the eyes, nose and mouth.

  2. The duration of the procedure should not exceed 10-20 minutes.

  3. Wash off the mask with water at room temperature.
The regularity of sessions of using steaming masks should not exceed once every ten days.
If you follow these simple rules, you will give your skin a healthy look, smartness and tone.

Recipes for steaming masks

  1. Baking soda and oatmeal mask
    Mix oatmeal (tablespoon) with soda (half a teaspoon), dilute with milk or water to the consistency of thick porridge, leave on face for 25 minutes, then rinse with water

  2. Mask egg + honey
    Mix honey (three tablespoons) with two yolks, grind thoroughly and warm to room temperature. Leave on face for 15-20 minutes and rinse with warm water.

  3. Salt mask
    Take two tables. tablespoons of salt per liter of boiling water. A towel moistened with this solution is placed on the face, grabbing the chin and neck. Let the towels cool down. The skin must first be moistened with a cream. Doing such a steam bath too often is not recommended.
Many women are interested in the question of how often you can steam your skin. Beauticians advise resorting to this procedure no more than once every 10 days, since too frequent steaming can lead to dryness and irritation of the epidermis.

The drier and older your skin, the less often such procedures should be performed. Steaming should be treated with extreme caution in the presence of a vascular network, "stars", cuts, nar%

Prepare a small pot of water and bring it to a boil. The basis for steaming is only water and your skin. This does not require a lot of water. Fill a small container with 1 to 2 cups of water and bring it to a full boil.

  • Wash your face. While the water is heating, wash your face with a gentle cleanser. Be sure to remove all makeup and any impurities, grease or sweat from the surface of your skin. It is very important that the skin is clean during steaming. Your pores will open wide, and if dirt or make-up remains on your skin, it can cause irritation.

    • Do not wash your face with a scrub or harsh soap. Before steaming, it is best to wash with a very mild cleanser to reduce the chance that further steam therapy will irritate the skin.
    • Dry your face with a soft towel.
  • Pour boiling water into a cup. If you're using steam as part of a holistic home spa treatment, pour the water into a large, beautiful ceramic or glass bowl. If you just want to do a quick procedure, you can leave boiling water in the pan. Line the table with a couple of towels, no matter which container you decide to use.

    • Do not pour water into plastic containers. You don't want small pieces of plastic to be absorbed into your skin along with the steam.
  • Add essential oils and herbs. And now it's time to add essential oils and herbs to the water to make the therapy special. If you add oils and herbs, steam treatment becomes aromatherapy as well. Just a few drops of essential oils will take a very long time to evaporate.

    • Be sure to add additional ingredients after you remove the boiling water from the stove. Otherwise, the fragrance will evaporate quickly.
    • If you don't have any special oils and herbs, try using tea! Dip a few herbal tea bags in water. Chamomile, mint and just tea are great for steaming.
  • Steam your face by covering your head with a towel. Wrap the towel around your head so that it falls back and the steam is concentrated near your skin. Bend your face close enough to the evaporating water to feel its effect on your face, but not so close that your skin starts to burn or it becomes difficult for you to breathe.

    • The usual steaming procedure lasts about 10 minutes. You can get almost the same benefit by steaming your face in just 5 minutes.
    • Do not steam your face for longer than 10 minutes, especially if you have acne or other skin problems. The procedure causes the skin to swell, and prolonged steaming can exacerbate the appearance of acne.
  • Clear the pores of dirt with a mask. Steaming opens your pores wide, creating the perfect opportunity to cleanse them of dirt and other impurities. The best way to do this is to make a clay mask after steaming. Apply the mask on your face and let it dry for 10-15 minutes. Wash it off with warm water and dry your face with a towel.

    • If you don't have a clay mask, use regular honey or a combination of honey and oatmeal.
    • If you decide not to make a mask, you can simply wash your face with warm water after steaming.
    • Avoid using strong exfoliants on your skin after steaming, especially if you have acne. Since your face will be slightly puffy and your pores will be open, rubbing can lead to breakouts.
  • There are many procedures that help bring skin condition closer to ideal. The most accessible and common method of its purification is steaming. They are not neglected by elite beauty salons, where the latest developments in the field of cosmetology are used, but you can easily steam your face at home, using what is always at hand - for example, hot water.

    Characteristics of the procedure

    The essence of steaming is that hot and humid air, acting on the skin, increases its elasticity, makes it softer, increases blood circulation, and makes the pores open. This makes it possible to remove dead cells, make-up particles, fatty plugs that were previously inaccessible. The procedure perfectly prepares the face for cleansing, that is, to remove acne, blackheads, wen, and the effectiveness of masks and creams applied after it increases several times.

    Steaming skin of different types has certain nuances:

    The skin must first be prepared:

    1. It is necessary to remove makeup and wash with a cleanser. If the skin is oily and prone to dermatoses, you can use a scrub. It is important that the skin is clean before the procedure, because if impurities get into open pores, inflammation may begin.
    2. Apply a rich cream to the skin of the eyelids and around the mouth for protection.
    3. Hair is removed under a special cap or bandage so that it does not fall on the face.

    Further actions will depend on one or another method of steaming.

    Ways to steam the skin of the face

    Use of special tools

    Manufacturers of cosmetics offer ready-made masks that have a steaming effect. The components of the product, when interacting with water, emit heat, under the influence of which the pores expand and are cleaned of excess fat and dirt. Completely rid the skin of comedones (black dots) such a tool is not under force, but it dries and tones the skin well. The advantage of these masks is that they can be used even by those who are contraindicated in intense thermal effects (people suffering from hypertension, bronchial asthma).

    The method of cold hydrogenation is gaining more and more popularity today. Means for this procedure are indispensable on trips, as well as in cases where exposure to moist heat is contraindicated for the skin. Their action is based on the ability of the liquid from the gel components to penetrate into the surface cells of the skin, provoking their swelling and rejection of keratinized particles. The undoubted advantage of the use of such funds is that the time required for the action of the gel is limited to 5 minutes.

    Means for cold hydrogenation are sold in the form of gels

    Online stores sell reusable napkins for steaming. It is made from a material resembling microfiber. To carry out the procedure, it is enough to moisten it well, place it in the microwave for 20 seconds, and then apply it on the face for 5 minutes.

    Carrying out the procedure at home

    There are three main methods for steaming the skin at home - using steam (steam baths), using an application and using a steaming mask.

    Steam steam

    For this procedure, you will need water (a liter will be enough), a small wide container and a large towel that can cover your head and a bowl of water.

    After steaming, you can start cleaning your face. If it was not planned, then a moisturizer is applied to dry skin, and after it is absorbed, rinse it with warm water. Oily and combination skin can be treated with a scrub, but this must be done very carefully. It is better to just wash with cool water and apply tonic. If there is none, then lemon juice diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 5, or apple cider vinegar (a teaspoon of the product is taken in a glass of water) is quite suitable.

    After steaming, it is necessary to exclude the effect of sudden changes in temperature. Do not use too cold water for washing or go outside (which is why the procedure is recommended to be done in the evening). If you still need to leave the house, it is better to calculate the time so that at least two hours pass after steaming.

    In order for steaming to also have a therapeutic effect, decoctions of medicinal herbs can be added to the water. When choosing a component, you need to consider which one is suitable for a particular type of skin.

    Decoctions for steaming are usually prepared in advance. Vegetable raw materials are taken at the rate of a tablespoon per glass of water (for sensitive skin, the volume of grass is halved), brought to a boil, infused for 30 minutes, filtered and heated again for the procedure. Herbs can be used individually or prepared as a collection by mixing several equal parts suitable for skin type.

    Table: Herbs for different skin types

    Photo gallery: Plants suitable for making decoctions for steaming

    Nettle tones the skin and stimulates metabolic processes Coltsfoot decoction helps relieve inflammation Calendula copes well with acne Chamomile can be used for all skin types Elderberry decoction relieves irritation on sensitive skin

    The use of essential oils also gives the steaming procedure a lot of useful properties.. These substances activate metabolic processes and have a positive effect on the psychological and emotional state. However, if you plan to use the oil that is used for the first time, its dosage for the first procedure should be reduced, limited to two drops. The duration of steaming is also better to reduce. This is done in order to reduce the risk of an allergic reaction.

    Table: Essential oils for steaming different skin types


    Another very common method of steaming the face is applications. To carry out this procedure, you will need a container of hot water (you can also replace it with a decoction of medicinal herbs or add a few drops of essential oil) and a large cotton cloth:

    1. Wet the cloth, wring it out and put it on the face, pressing it tightly to the surface of the skin.
    2. After it cools down a bit, remove and repeat the above steps 3-4 more times.
    3. After steaming with lotion, we wipe the skin and proceed to further procedures.

    When steaming with a cloth, be careful: if the water is too hot, you can get burned.

    Masks with the effect of steaming

    A steaming mask can be made based on honey or oatmeal.

    If you do not trust the products produced under industrial conditions, you can prepare a steaming mask yourself (the frequency of use of such products depends on the type of skin: for oily and combination skin they can be done once a week, for dry - once every 10 days). Here are some simple recipes:

    1. In equal parts, mix the yolk, honey and olive oil until smooth. The composition in a water bath should be brought to a temperature where it becomes already noticeably warm, but not burning, and applied to a cleansed face for 10 minutes. You can check the temperature of the mask by applying it to the back of your wrist. After the required time, wash off the composition with warm water.
    2. Not only to steam, but also to lighten the skin, a mask based on semolina will help. To do this, you need to cook a thick milk porridge (do not add salt, sugar and butter), and after it has cooled to a comfortable temperature, apply it on your face for 15 minutes. The composition is suitable for very sensitive skin or when the vessels on the face are dilated or located close to the surface.
    3. Another option is an oatmeal mask. Of these, thick porridge is boiled in water and table soda is added (a teaspoon of soda is taken for 3 full tablespoons). The warm mixture is applied to the face for 15 minutes and fixed with polyethylene. At the end, the skin is lightly massaged and only then the mask is washed off with warm water. This procedure is suitable for oily skin types.

    Video: How to properly clean your home

    Contraindications and precautions

    Often the question arises of how often you need to steam your face. The allowable periods have already been mentioned above, but if there is no urgent need, it is better to reduce the frequency of the procedure to once every 10 days for normal and oily skin, once every three weeks for dry skin. The drier and older the skin, the worse it reacts to such aggressive influences and the higher the risk of irritation.

    Has steaming and its contraindications. These include:

    • hypertonic disease;
    • vascular and heart diseases;
    • bronchial asthma;
    • skin diseases in the acute period;
    • rosacea (spider veins).

    Steaming masks should not be used in parallel with other thermal effects, as this can cause tissue overheating and even burns. Although such formulations are not contraindicated for people with high blood pressure and circulatory disorders, they should be used with caution, carefully listening to your feelings during the procedure.

    Before using a new component, you need to conduct an allergy test by applying a small amount to the elbow and waiting for two hours. If no reaction occurs during this time, the composition with the ingredient can be safely used.

    Skin health is one of the most important criteria for beauty. To maintain and maintain it, the face must be constantly looked after. Steaming is the basis of many cosmetic procedures, and their effectiveness and final result depend on how correctly it is done.

    Any cosmetic procedures that help the skin to acquire a radiant and healthy look require careful preparation, which means that to approach the question “how to steam your face before cleaning at home?” - you need it right. The prepared epidermis is able to more actively take in nutrients as part of masks and creams, and under the influence of steam, the pores are cleansed, blood microcirculation improves and the sebaceous glands are activated. The stage of preparation for cleaning is simple and safe for any type of skin, if you follow the basic cosmetic rules.

    Dermatologists and cosmetologists advise periodically cleaning the face, so that by removing excess sebum, allowing the skin to breathe and be healthy. Any cleaning includes a set of measures, in which an important part immediately before it is occupied by thermal effects. Like any cosmetic procedure, steaming has contraindications.

    • with inflammatory, pustular forms of acne;
    • with skin diseases - eczema and herpes;
    • in severe forms of hypertension;
    • with bronchial asthma;
    • in the presence of rosacea (vascular network);
    • with increased dryness.

    Skin cleaning takes place as prescribed by a doctor using special equipment and specialist skills, but salon procedures are expensive. The unit will save you from unnecessary manipulations - a vaporizer, the mechanism of action of which is identical to that used in beauty parlors. A device that works on the principle of an electric kettle has already arrived in every home and allows you to open pores and remove impurities. The device is easy to use and does not require additional accessories. The electric sauna turns on after the water with herbs is poured into the container. When heated, warm steam is evenly supplied from the holes. The device can also be used for inhalation. At home, in order to reduce comedonation and make the skin less polluted, it is recommended to use natural scrubs and masks after steaming the face for cleansing. Without cleansing the skin, any care at best will not have any effect, and at worst, it can aggravate the situation.

    Facial steam bath classic

    You can prepare the skin on your face for cleaning yourself, using a number of products that can be found in every home. Deep cleansing of the pores is carried out using kitchen utensils and towels according to the classical scheme:

    1. Before doing home treatments, remove makeup or wash your face with a product suitable for your skin type.

    2. Boil water in a kettle or saucepan.

    3. Pour over or place the container in front of you to comfortably tilt your head over the steam, let cool slightly (hot steam will not do you any good and may cause burns).

    4. Take a comfortable position, leaning slightly over the container to feel the effect (you should not get too close to the steam) and cover your head with a towel, leaving a hole for the hot air to escape.

    5. For dry epidermis, use a steam bath for no more than 7 minutes, for other types, the rate increases to 12 minutes or more (more on steam procedures by skin type, see below).

    6. Being over the steam, you can exfoliate.

    7. Finishing the session, wash your face with cool water or wipe the steamed face with ice, which will help the pores to recover and the skin to be ready for the next stage of care - applying a cream or mask.

    A beneficial result is achieved by adding various medicinal plants and extracts to the water. For each skin type, they will differ. With the composition, you can improvise by adding new ingredients. But it is better to choose dishes for cooking water from natural materials, without chips and scratches. An aluminum container is not suitable for this procedure.

    Steam bath recipes by skin type

    There are herbs and plants that determine the basis of home care for a particular type of skin and the healing effect. For example, before steaming the face for cleaning, owners of normal dermis should take note of the following herbs for preparing a steam bath:


    Chamomile is a versatile skin care product. It is also successfully used to maintain a normal epidermis. As essential oils, geranium, sandalwood, bergamot will be the best for this type, which should be added at the rate of 10 drops per liter of liquid.

    For dry skin

    The basic rule for skin prone to dryness is gentle cleaning plus enhanced hydration, so the preparation of a steam bath takes place with the participation of essential oils and plants:

    orange peel or orange;
    bay leaf;

    A decoction using herbs is prepared based on how to steam the face before cleansing. The combination of herbs and oils will give a tangible effect, individual medicinal plants will help in the prevention of dryness. It is recommended to arrange a herbal bath no more than 2 times a month, otherwise you can dry out the skin. It is recommended to replace steaming with warm compresses, which have a gentle effect, give a result similar to a steam bath.

    For dry epidermis, it is recommended to carry out special cleaning with steaming. First you need to steam your face, then apply heated sunflower oil on it. After a quarter of an hour, massage with a wet swab with salt. Completes home rinsing procedures.

    For oily

    With problems of oiliness, shine, acne, a steam bath with chamomile will help to cope. For her you will need:

    Chamomile pharmacy - 2 tbsp. spoons;
    boiling water - 400 ml;

    Chamomile flowers are poured with boiling water, infused for 5 minutes, then boiling water is added. After that, the procedure can begin. Be careful not to bring your face too close, but check the temperature of the steam with your palm. Stay on top of it for 10 minutes. During this time, the pores will expand, and the vapors containing chamomile will cleanse the skin. Before carrying out the procedure, remember that you need to do make-up removal before cleaning. Then wipe the steamed face with a tonic or a slice of fresh cucumber. This will allow clean pores to shrink and the skin to acquire freshness. Finally, apply a light cream to the skin.

    A healing effect on the oily epidermis will have steam procedures with the addition of aroma oils:


    Deep steam for oily skin using the collection of rosemary, lemon balm, linden, calendula, oak bark and the addition of the above oils is carried out weekly.

    For the fading

    A bath with a decoction of herbs for a fading dermis has a good steaming effect if you use a combination of essential extracts of sage or rosemary with the addition of:


    The duration of the steam is 3-5 minutes, the frequency of the procedure is no more than once a month.

    Mature skin often gives itself away as defects, among which pigmentation is common. The main condition for such skin is not to harm even more. It is important to soften the epidermis and whiten it. For these purposes, herbs are used - burdock, licorice, blackcurrant leaves, dandelion and essential extracts of myrrh, cedar, lemon.

    For combined

    The effect for the mixed type is achieved depending on how to steam the face before cleansing and what base to choose for preparing the sauna. The condition for the selection of herbs in this case is the predominant skin type. The procedure time is recommended to be increased to 25 minutes, but with a frequency of 1 time in 7 days.

    For problematic

    For problematic skin, cleansing with steam is a necessary therapeutic measure. A steam bath based on a collection of yarrow, burdock, bay leaf, currant leaf, chamomile, licorice normalizes sebum secretion, enhances metabolic processes in the skin, removes impurities, eliminates closed and open comedones. For problematic skin, esters of clove, tea tree, camphor or rosemary are widely used and have proven healing effectiveness.

    Let's summarize to solidify the understanding of how to steam your face before cleansing safely and effectively.

    The following conditions must be met:

    1. The distance between the face and the water surface, which will allow you to get a healing result, should be more than 20 cm.

    2. The steaming procedure is best done with your eyes closed if water supplements are used. Some of them can irritate the mucous membrane of the eye.

    3. Do not completely cover the head and the area around the water container with a towel.

    4. Breathe while steaming slowly and deeply.

    5. At the end of the session, be careful with the skin, avoid rubbing.

    6. It is not recommended to make complex masks after the steam procedure, so as not to clog the cleansed pores. A universal recipe for all types is a mask with honey. It will have a healing effect in the presence of minor injuries, as well as soften and nourish the skin. For the oily type, it is preferable to make light homemade masks - protein or cucumber.

    7. For problematic skin, the end of the steam bath will be disinfection and peeling. Hydrogen peroxide 3% or salicylic solution 2-3% is suitable as a multilateral agent.

    Steam cleaning as a home method of skin care has not only a therapeutic effect, but easily replaces therapeutic methods. Competent selection of the medicinal composition and the implementation of cosmetic rules are the main condition.