How to develop beautiful speech in a child. Speech development in children: stages, methods of developing speech skills How to develop a child’s speech at home

In the modern world, beautiful and competent speech is the key to success. Correct speech helps a child communicate freely with others, study successfully and be self-confident. How to teach a child to express his thoughts?

Where to start classes

The mechanism of speech formation in a child starts from the very first day of life. In order for this process to proceed quickly and smoothly, we, adults, need to become its most active participants. This long-term investment of our strength and emotions will pay off in spades in three to four years, when we get an interesting interlocutor with his own unconventional thinking and judgments. Speech development in children is the daily work of the baby and parents. Let's look at the stages of speech development in a child.

Where to start? Parents are a speech model for the child. That's why it's so important to be careful not only about what you say, but also how you say it. From the very first days, stimulate the baby’s speech: talk to the child as much as possible - pronounce the words clearly, slowly, but emotionally. Voice everything you do, but try not to limit yourself to everyday speech. Read nursery rhymes, poems - everything that is rhythmic and good for the ear. Look together, or rather, study the pictures in the book your child loves, ask questions. At first he will only show what you ask, and then try to repeat after you. Play toys and theater with your child. Give him an example of how to structure dialogues and situations, and gradually the child will answer you, and then he will come up with the conditions of the game himself.

Speech is life itself, so don’t limit your learning to printed materials and interactive toys. The surrounding world and nature will inspire your baby to new verbal discoveries, develop imagination and awaken the imagination. While walking, try to pay attention to such details as a curled dry leaf that looks like a tube, which can become a spyglass, or a drop of dew, which could very well become a real sea for ants. In the summer, build sand castles with winding passages, fly paper airplanes together, and lay out drawings from natural materials in the sand. In the fall, collect bouquets of leaves (at the same time learn the names of trees, shades of flowers), acorns, maple seeds, which will then be used for crafts. In winter, make snowmen and paint them with paints, bring home an icicle and let it melt in a basin. In the spring, launch boats in streams, show your child some drops, listen to the chirping of sparrows. All these actions fit into the child’s routine moments and do not require special costs. But if you miss time and leave the baby to his own devices, then closer to school you will have to make up for lost time by leaps and bounds, and what was so naturally laid down in childhood will have to be crammed in in large portions. And from such information overeating, you know what happens: nervousness, reluctance to learn.

Unfortunately, not every parent has the time and opportunity to work systematically with their child. Specialist teachers can come to the rescue, including children's speech therapists in children's development centers. Most often, their programs are aimed at ensuring that the child develops harmoniously, receiving and assimilating information in accordance with age and individual characteristics.

A child is like a small copy, he always tries to repeat after you, you are a parent - you are an authority...
The article explains everything wonderfully.
But don’t forget that your child listens to fairy tales.
There are quite a lot of sites on the Internet with children's audiobooks, try going and downloading them.
Then put it on the computer or burn it to disk and let the child listen.
Correctly pronounced words in the same fairy tale... will make it possible to get used to correctly delivered speech. And the child will like his native language. Because songs, fairy tales, stories... will take him to another world... And his eyes will strain less than when sitting in front of the TV.
Give it a try. Yes, and ask the child to tell you what he heard...
Leave the room for 5 minutes... and... let him restore to you the course of events while you were away... and compare with what is on the disk... that's the work on the mistakes...

29.04.2012 06:32:00,

I don’t know how to explain this, but my eldest child couldn’t tell stories from pictures at all, didn’t understand the order... no matter how much I struggled, there was no result...
But he was a very developed child, he spoke fluently from the age of one and a half, had a large vocabulary, easily and quickly learned to read and count, and generally thought well, now everything is in perfect order too...
In short, my conclusion is that this skill doesn’t mean anything... It’s just that some people see these pictures and know how to put them together in stories, others don’t. I also admit that this is useful :) But inability is not fatal :)

28.04.2012 16:36:45,

Total 10 messages .

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Little speaker. How to develop a child's speech? Speech development in children is the daily work of the baby and parents. Let's look at the stages of speech development in a child. In any case, be guided by the individual characteristics of your child...

We are 2.5 years old. Yesterday we had an appointment with a neurologist. We were diagnosed with delayed speech development and prescribed a course of the drug picamilon, which improves blood supply to the brain. At the same time, my daughter repeats any words, but reduces many of them to two syllables, especially when there are letters that are difficult for her, for example “r”, “l” (it turns out this is wrong; the child can burr, but at this age he should pronounce it completely all words).

The list of skills and abilities that a child masters at the age of 1-3 years is very extensive. Parents will have to help the baby learn to roll over, crawl and walk, hold a spoon, manipulate toys and, of course, talk.

Why is the development of speech skills so important for a baby?

Timely acquisition of speech skills is very important for the development of the child as a whole. Speech helps improve the baby’s mental activity, expands his ability to understand the world, has a positive effect on the child’s mental state, and plays an important role in regulating the baby’s behavior.

In addition, sufficiently developed speech makes acts of communication between the child and any close adult successful and reduces the risk of the child’s aggressive reactions to misunderstanding on the part of adults.

Many parents believe that this skill will develop on its own and that no additional effort is needed. However, this opinion is wrong. Developing a child’s speech is the task of mom and dad, who must first of all constantly talk to him from infancy.

In addition, it is important for parents to constantly initiate communication situations. If you don’t teach your baby his native speech, at least he will speak quite late, and in the worst case, you can miss neurological problems and developmental delays.

What stages of speech development does a child go through from birth?

From the first sounds to the baby’s first words, the path is neither close nor easy. The baby and his parents have a lot to learn. There are six main milestones in a child’s speech development:


This means of communication is available to the baby from birth at the reflex level. When a child feels discomfort caused by hunger, pain, a wet diaper or something else, he screams, expressing his displeasure.

Over time, the mother may notice that the baby can scream not only out of need, but also simply to call her. The child makes a voice, then pauses, waiting to see if someone will come to his call. If no one rushes to the baby, he begins to scream louder.

Moreover, the cries of a three-month-old baby already differ in intonation and volume, and therefore in content, so that observant parents can already understand from the sound what exactly the baby wants to communicate.


This is the next milestone in speech development. The sounds pronounced by the baby during this period (from approximately 2-3 to 5-7 months) are varied: these are both vowels and consonants, which the baby seems to sing: “aaa”, “gyyyy”, “agu”, “guu” .

The child is especially active in the presence of loved ones, when they are playing or talking to him.

It’s good if the mother does not hesitate to repeat the sounds that the baby makes, because then, by trying to repeat after her, he will master them even better. The older the baby gets, the longer the chain of sounds available to his articulatory apparatus he can skip.


After babbling, the next stage of baby speech development is babbling. Now the baby tastes the syllables: “ma”, “ba”, “pa”, etc. At first, he pronounces these sound combinations once, and having remembered how to do it and what comes out of it, he tries to pronounce several identical syllables: “ma -ma-ma", "tu-tu". This is an important step towards mastering words.

First words

The child usually speaks his first words at the age of 11-12 months. Continuing to actively babble, the baby may notice that small combinations of sounds familiar to him make up longer ones, to which the family reacts very joyfully: “ma-ma”, “pa-pa”, “ba-ba”.

At this stage of speech development, it is very important for adults to get involved as actively as possible, “throwing” at the baby a lot of short words, the meaning of which will be clear to him. Onomatopoeias are well remembered: “av-av”, “boom”, “bam”, “ko-ko”, “bi-bi” and others.

In addition, it is useful to comment on your actions and the actions of the baby, read more out loud and train the muscles of the child’s cheeks and lips using a variety of exercises:

  • articulation gymnastics,
  • playing the pipe and harmonica,
  • blowing soap bubbles,
  • even deflating dandelion parachutes.

In this way, the baby’s speech apparatus will be prepared for the next stage - active speaking.

Mastering more complex words and increasing your vocabulary

Mastering the words of the adult vocabulary is another step towards full-fledged speech. A period of active expansion of vocabulary is coming, and for the development of the baby’s speech, it is important for parents to use words from different parts of speech when communicating with their child:

  • nouns,
  • Verbs,
  • adjectives.

The baby learns more and more different objects and actions and begins to call them by their proper names, even if sometimes distorted: “lyalaka” (tumbler), “ampka” (light bulb), “babaka” (dog).

It is important not to scold your child if he fails to pronounce a word correctly, but to repeat it again and again in the correct version. Gradually, the baby will master the intricacies of articulation and will be able to speak quite clearly, but first he will try to put several words together.

Putting words into phrases

Connecting words into short phrases and then into long ones is usually available to a child closer to two years of age. During this period, the child composes simple phrases such as “Lala is sleeping,” “the dog is coming.”

If at the previous stages of speech development the baby heard enough words denoting not only objects, but also actions and basic signs, it will be easy for him to combine familiar words into understandable phrases, comprehending a variety of situations.

How to develop your baby's speech at home?

The child begins to express his emotions and desires from the first days, including through verbal means. Therefore, speech skills should be developed as early as possible. Of course, this does not mean that in a month the child will recite Barto by heart; the lessons will have a cumulative effect.

From birth to six months

So, the baby moves into the house. Parents and the baby continue their recently begun acquaintance with each other, look for a convenient daily routine, and get used to the changes. One of these changes is commenting on your actions.

Verbal contact with the child

Of course, no adult in his right mind would simply do this. However, for parents of a baby this is absolutely normal and even necessary: ​​“Who woke up here? This is Ksyushenka waking up! Now Ksyusha and I will wash ourselves, like this, first we’ll wash our right eye, now our left,” and stuff like that.

Please note that from a very early age you need to talk to your child, although affectionately, but without distorting the words, pronouncing them clearly, without lisp. This will give the child the opportunity to remember lexical units in the correct form.

Educational songs and nursery rhymes

It’s great if a mother has several nursery rhymes and songs in her arsenal: rhythmic combinations of words will interest the baby, their sound is useful for the development of the child’s speech, sense of rhythm, and hearing.

A very good effect is shown by reading nursery rhymes during daily rituals: massage, bathing, games. Each type of activity has its own rhyme, its own lexical group, its own intonation. Over time, the baby will learn both the procedures themselves and the words that correspond to them.

Praise and support

If you notice that your child is showing speech initiative and trying to pronounce new sounds, be sure to support him in this difficult task. Repeat the sound yourself, praise the baby, help the baby pronounce the new sound again.

Articulation gymnastics

Once the partying begins, you can perform articulatory gymnastics with your baby in the form of a game. An adult can puff out his cheeks, stick out his tongue, lick his lips and encourage the child to repeat after him.

And if you also smile between making faces, the baby will understand that this is a really funny game and will want to try to make it just as funny.

From 6 months to a year

Maintaining verbal dialogue, games

And during this period, you should not leave constant commentary on your actions and the actions of the baby, as well as repeating rhymes during daily procedures. It is also important to respond in a timely manner to all sounds and syllables that the child pronounces, responding to them with a short phrase and thus forming a dialogue.

The well-known games “Magpie” and “Ladushki” are good for children at this age - motor skills, coordination, and speech develop immediately. You also can’t do without playing hide and seek with the constant “peek-a-boo.”


You can also begin to introduce your baby to animals by offering him one or two toys, talking about this or that animal and making a sound that is characteristic of it: “Katya, look at this pussy. The pussy is beautiful, white. Pussy says: “meow-meow!”

It is important each time, showing a toy, to say approximately the same thing until the child begins to recognize it and show it when requested (“Show the pussy. Where is the pussy? Here is the pussy: “meow-meow”). Children remember onomatopoeia willingly and easily.

From one to two years

If parents are carefully involved in the child’s speech development, then in the period from 15 to 18 months a leap should occur, when a considerable part of the child’s vocabulary carefully formed by adults passes from a passive state to an active one.

In other words, the baby begins to use words, naming certain objects, actions, and situations with them. However, while waiting for this moment, as well as after it, it is important not to stop classes aimed at mastering the speech skill.

Repetition of sounds and words

Continuing interaction with toys (remember our pussy “meow-meow”), you should introduce a new element into the situation - encourage the child to pronounce the sound that the animal says.

If the baby does not answer the question the first time, the adult does it himself: “What does the pussy say? Pussy says “meow.” Ksyusha, tell me, what does pussy say?” This helps to move words from a passive vocabulary into an active one, and helps the child begin to use knowledge in practice.

Examination of books and poems, their discussion

This is truly a whole field for the development of speech and other intellectual abilities: you can read, look at images, discuss, name objects, colors, look for something in a picture, etc.

It is important to do all this for an adult and a child together, and not just once, but repeating it day after day. It is necessary to read with expression, in different voices and with different intonations, as required by the text. Monotonous reading will not interest the baby, and the activity will bring neither pleasure nor benefit.

Verbal participation in dialogue with adults

It is necessary to remember: the age of 1.5 to 2 years already presupposes the child’s participation in the dialogue verbally. If previously it was enough that the question “Where?” the baby showed the desired object, now questions and tasks should require a simple verbal answer: “What is the elephant doing?”, “How does the dog bark?”, “Who came?”, “Let's call dad. How can we call dad?”

Completion of verses

After one and a half years, a child is able to cope with such an interesting and not too simple task as finishing rhymes. Those poems that you have already studied with your child through repeated repetition are probably already well imprinted in his memory.

When reading, try not to finish the last word of the stanza and ask the baby to finish the rhyme, while you can silently pronounce the word, actively moving your lips, so that the child understands what they want from him.

This kind of poetry reading can become one of your favorite activities together. Over time, it will be possible to encourage the baby to finish the word in each line, and soon the baby will surprise the adults with the entire poem told.

Expanding vocabulary, building phrases

As in previous periods, it is important for adults to comment on everything and everyone - at home, on a walk, while playing, continuing to develop the child’s vocabulary and giving him an example of the correct construction of phrases.

This will give the baby the opportunity to construct phrases of 2-3 words by the age of 20 months. And in order for the child’s speech abilities to be put into practice, do not forget to create situations in which the little person’s skills will manifest themselves. In other words, ask questions that a 2-year-old child can answer.

From 2 to 3 years

During this period, the child’s speech development proceeds in three directions:

  1. Vocabulary and conceptual stock continues to increase.
  2. There are attempts to construct more complex phrases (of two parts: “The bear is sleeping, and the bunny is walking”, with subordinating conjunctions “because”, “when” and others).
  3. The sound of speech is “cleaned”: hissing, whistling sounds, unpronounceable “r” and other shortcomings are corrected (tongue twisters are well suited for this).

Question answer

Almost continuous commenting can be replaced by answers to your child’s questions. Most likely, there will be quite a lot of them, so parents still won’t have to remain silent. The main thing is to answer in a language accessible to the child and without overloading with unnecessary information.

Toy shows and productions

At this age, kids will be interested in taking part in a toy show. You can act out a small situation, the heroes of which will be the child’s favorite characters.

In other words, this is already a plot game, involving both a real and a speech situation. For example, you can offer to feed the dolls lunch, commenting “Let’s arrange the dishes. Who wants a cup? And this one? What color is the mug? Who will eat?

Such a game will develop the child’s thinking abilities and encourage him to use words appropriate to the situation.

Special exercises and techniques for developing children's speech activity

Of course, all children are different and not all of them, as if on command, begin to pronounce their first words by the age of one year, and form phrases a little after one and a half years.

Parents have the power to help their children develop speech, and, in addition to the general rules described above, there are also special techniques that provoke the child to participate in dialogue in one way or another:

Artificial misunderstanding (provocation)

If a child is already at the age when he can name toys, but does not do this due to some personal “beliefs” and only commands his mother with a command squeak to give this or that thing, the mother can pretend that she does not understand: “I can’t understand , what do you want? A typewriter? A doll? Ball?"

As a rule, children easily succumb to this trick and either eventually name the desired object, or at least react affirmatively to a word during the listing process.

Situation of choice

When going for a walk or sitting your baby down for lunch, ask: “Will you wear a white blouse or a red one?”, “What are we going to drink, juice or milk?”, encouraging your baby to think about the answer and express it verbally.

Games for developing motor skills

Games with natural materials and any other material that promotes the development of fine motor skills also develop speech skills in children. A number of experts claim that such activities directly affect the improvement of their abilities.

Encouraging a different way of expressing thoughts

You should not get carried away with only one side of development, that is, speech. The child should have access to various ways of perceiving the world around him and expressing his thoughts on this matter.

Gestures and facial expressions, drawing and appliqué, design - all this allows the baby to express his idea of ​​a particular event, object, phenomenon, while developing his sensory abilities. And it’s easy to accompany the action with a word.

Speech development in a young child is not an easy task. However, if you organize the activities correctly, they will gradually become firmly established in the life of the family and will seem like an integral part of everyday activities, and certainly will not cause discomfort.

Remember that if the baby is in a bad mood or does not want to devote time to speech development right now, you should not insist. Well, if your little one is ready to actively explore the world through speech, speak, sing, read with him, repeat as many times as he asks, and soon you will hear the first poems performed by your two- or three-year-old.

The formation and development of speech in children occurs especially actively before the age of 3 years. Closer to 1 year, all parents are looking forward to the baby saying the first word, then speaking in sentences, learning to clearly express his desires, reason, and ask questions. Mom, dad and other relatives are able to help the baby develop speech, speed up the process of its formation and compensate for possible violations. To solve this problem, homework, properly organized communication and, of course, attention to the needs and individual characteristics of the child are necessary.

How speech is formed in young children

The development of speech in a child occurs in stages, because the baby has to acquire so much knowledge and skills: learn to make sounds, remember the meanings of words, understand the logic of constructing sentences. Let's consider the features of the formation of communication skills at different ages.

From 0 to 6 months. The baby makes his first attempts to communicate with the outside world immediately after birth. From birth to 2 months, the only form of communication available to the baby is crying. This is how the baby lets his mother know that he is hungry, tired, wants to sleep, or feels uncomfortable. From 2-3 months, humming appears. The child learns to pronounce the first vowels and consonants: “a”, “u”, “s”, “g”. And now the parents are rejoicing at the first “aha.” The baby is trying to control his vocal intonations and listens to the speech addressed to him. At 3-6 months, the baby reacts to sounds and turns his head towards their source. During the same period, the child begins to babble and learns his name. Parents may notice that the baby cries differently when he is tired, hungry, or sleepy.

From 6 months to 1 year. At this stage of speech development, the first syllables appear. Usually, at the age of about six months, a child reproduces combinations of sounds “ba” and “ma” - they are the easiest to pronounce. He often repeats syllables, and by 7-9 months he learns to combine them with each other. By the age of one year, onomatopoeia appears. The baby tries to repeat the sounds from the speech of adults and responds to his name. Already at this age he understands what the word “no” means.

From 1 year to 1.5 years. From 12-13 months, speech development in children proceeds at an increasingly active pace. The long-awaited first words of two identical syllables appear: “mom”, “dad”, “uncle”, “baba”. The baby listens more and more carefully to the adult’s speech, tries to combine syllables in a new way, imitating the way his parents speak. At this age, the child understands requests and instructions: “sit down,” “take it,” “go,” etc. The baby uses sounds and gestures to attract attention and is interested in books.

From 1.5 to 2 years. At this stage of speech development, the vocabulary is constantly expanding, the baby remembers and repeats simple words. He can already answer a simple question with words or gestures. For example, he shows where the toy is, says what the name of this or that object is. Closer to 2 years, the vocabulary already includes from 20 to 50 lexemes. Most children at this age love it when adults read to them and look at pictures in books with interest.

From 2 to 3 years. At 2 years old, the child’s speech becomes more and more meaningful, the first sentences appear: “Give me this!”, “Where is mom?”, “Kisa is here.” The baby gradually learns to express his thoughts more and more clearly. The baby begins to use prepositions, pronouns, and adjectives in his speech. He understands and carries out fairly complex instructions, including several sequential actions: “Take the blue car from the nursery and take it to dad in the living room.” Closer to 3 years, the child already speaks up to 150-200 words.

After 3 years. At this stage of speech development, simple sentences of three words or more appear. The child knows the names of primary colors and size definitions (big-small, tall-short). He can repeat familiar stories and sing his favorite tunes. At 3 years old, the period of early childhood comes to an end, and the baby can already quite clearly express his desires, ask questions, and is able to talk about something. The vocabulary becomes so large that it is difficult for parents to count how many words there are in it. At the same time, children after 3 years may still have slight difficulties with the pronunciation of some hissing and whistling sounds.

What influences speech development

Individual physiological characteristics. To form speech, it is important that the baby’s hearing organs, certain centers in the brain, and nervous system function correctly. Healthy physical and mental development is a necessary condition for mastering communication skills within the time frame that is considered the age norm. The course of pregnancy and childbirth can have a great influence on physiological characteristics.

Social environment. For the harmonious development of a child, a complete speech environment is necessary from a very early age. When a baby grows up in a supportive environment, the formation of communication skills occurs naturally, often even without additional parental effort. Their task is to make the baby feel comfortable in the family circle, feel the love and support of loved ones.

Other factors. The rate of speech development in a child can be influenced by stress, illness, and a multilingual environment (usually for such children several languages ​​become native, but they begin to speak later than their peers).

Sensory stimuli and early language development

In the first years of life, children perceive information about the outside world through hearing, vision, taste, and touch. In infancy, cognition occurs through sensory channels. The baby listens to sounds, pulls objects into his mouth to study their taste and shape, twirls toys in his hands, and examines bright objects. For the early development of speech in children under one year old, it is important to help them obtain as much information as possible about the world around them. This can be done precisely with the help of sensory stimuli.

Hearing. For speech development, it is necessary that the baby be able to perceive information well by ear. Let your baby listen to a variety of sounds: birds singing on the balcony, the noise of the street, you can introduce him to classical pieces of music or children's songs. And most importantly, the baby should hear the sounds of his native speech.

Vision. The baby does not immediately know how to focus his vision and maintain attention on objects. From about 3 months, his attention can already be attracted by colored and/or moving objects, such as balloons. The baby pays special attention to people's faces, and gradually he begins to recognize his parents. To interest your child, you can hang bright toys above the crib and glue printed colorful pictures to the opposite wall.

Touch. A baby can learn so much about an object simply through tactile sensations. Massage and gymnastics, games with cereals and objects of different shapes are useful for the development of this sensory channel. It’s good if the child has balls, cubes, rattles made of various materials. Fun and especially useful for speech development, finger games will also help your baby explore the world around him through touch.

Taste. From 4-6 months, the baby’s diet expands, and many discoveries await him. Add dishes of different tastes and textures to his menu (according to age, of course). Let the child learn the difference between sweet, sour, bitter, and salty. With the appearance of teeth, you can introduce your baby to solid foods: dried biscuits, baby cookies, pieces of fruit.

The importance of communication with a child for speech development

What is most important for speech development, what should you pay special attention to? Many parents ask themselves these questions. The answer is simple: during early childhood, all a child needs is adult attention, daily communication and support. No matter how the baby develops, no matter what articulation exercises and speech therapy techniques a caring mother and father use, the most important thing is to talk to the baby. Communication should be not only during classes, but also constantly, every minute of being together with the child. The addressed speech of adults is a powerful stimulus for the development of the baby. Talk to him about everything, voicing your actions. Usually mom does this easily: she simply comments on feeding, bathing, changing clothes, and putting her to bed. It is important to show the child surrounding objects and name them. When the baby begins to coo and babble, you need to respond to the sounds he makes, as if maintaining a conversation. As speech develops, it becomes easier and easier to communicate with a child on a variety of topics, but even at an early age it is necessary to talk with him.

Speech development methods

Talking through situations. We have already said that in order to develop speech, you need to accompany every action with words. It is useful to talk through situations while playing games, looking at pictures, getting ready for a walk, etc. You don’t need to specifically choose a topic for conversation, just voice what is happening is enough. Let's give an example of how this can happen when dressing a baby. “We’ll go for a walk to the playground now, we need to get dressed. Where is the blouse? Here she is. And these are pants. Now we will put them on: first on the right leg, now on the left. Show me where the pockets are. Well done. Who's on the blouse? This is a kitten. Let’s go put on our boots, etc.”

Finger games. The peculiarity of such games for speech development is that the adult not only bends the baby’s fingers or performs other actions with his hands, but also at the same time recites a poem or nursery rhyme. In a playful way, the child learns to perceive speech by ear, remembers words and sounds, which he will then try to repeat. You can start classes with your child with games familiar to everyone: “The Horned Goat is Coming,” “The White-sided Magpie.” Another option is to learn the names of fingers by bending them.

Looking at pictures. To develop speech, you can show your child cards and books for little ones with colorful pictures. A good option is drawings with animals already seen at home or on the street. You can tell what sounds they can make. The baby will try to imitate them: the next time he sees a cat or dog, he may say “meow” or “woof-woof” himself. Such activities are useful both for the development of speech and for getting to know the world around us in general.

Games for the development of phonemic hearing. Words consist of meaningful units called phonemes. The same phonemes can make up words that have different meanings: “nose” and “sleep”, “can” and “boar”. Phonemic hearing allows you to distinguish them from each other and correctly understand them. To develop this ability, you can play the following games with your baby.

  • Guess the instrument. If you have several different musical instruments at home, even toy ones, you can invite your child to guess what mom or dad plays. The baby will quickly learn to distinguish what a piano, guitar, drum, and accordion sounds like.
  • As the animals say. Prepare pictures of animals familiar to your child. Invite your child to show how a cat, cow, or dog “talks.” Then you can ask them to reproduce the sounds that their cubs make: a kitten meowing, a calf mooing, a puppy yapping, etc.
  • Repeat after me. This language development game involves an adult tapping a simple rhythm or making a specific sound that the child must repeat. When he masters this game, you can change. Let the baby make sounds, and the parents reproduce them.
  • Find out by voice. This game requires at least 3 adults (the more the better). The child is placed with his back to them so that he does not see who is speaking. Then one of the players says the baby’s name, and he must guess who called him.
Speech therapy classes. They can be carried out either with a specialist or at home. Exercises for the development of speech and language mobility should be selected by a speech therapist. If parents work with the baby on their own, it is important to strictly follow the doctor’s recommendations. While doing the exercises, the baby should have fun and interest. For this purpose, classes are conducted in a playful way. It must be taken into account that it is difficult for a child to maintain attention for more than 5 minutes. Let the exercises be short, but performed every day.

Articulation gymnastics for speech development in children

The main task of carrying out such gymnastics is to develop in the child the skills of correct pronunciation of sounds. The proposed exercises help train the articulatory apparatus. Skills are consolidated gradually, and success depends on regular practice. You should not offer your baby more than a couple of exercises at a time. It is important to first show the child exactly what needs to be done; it will be easier for him to repeat after an adult than to understand the instructions.
  • “We open the gate.” The child opens his mouth wide and remains in this position for several minutes.
  • “Show me the fence.” The baby closes the teeth of the upper and lower rows, smiles widely so that they can be seen.
  • “Brushing our teeth.” The baby opens his mouth wide and tries to run his tongue first along the inner and then along the outer surface of the teeth.
  • "Artist". This is a more complex exercise for speech development. The child needs to draw any shapes on the upper palate with the tip of his tongue. And then run your tongue as if with a brush: “paint over” the entire sky.
Several general recommendations on how to develop speech in a child will help parents who want their child to speak as soon as possible, constantly expand his vocabulary and learn to construct detailed sentences.
  • React to the sounds your baby makes, imitate babbling and humming.
  • Repeat nursery rhymes, short rhythmic poems.
  • Teach your child the names of objects and the names of relatives.
  • Read aloud every day, for example before bed.
  • Draw your baby's attention to various objects that make sounds (animals and birds, vehicles, household appliances, etc.).
  • Encourage your child when he initiates communication and learns new words.
  • Maintain eye contact with your baby while talking.
  • Describe in detail to your child what he sees, hears, feels.
  • Play audio fairy tales and children's songs for your baby.
  • Make sure that the speech addressed to the little interlocutor is competent, clear and expressive. Choose words that the child understands and use sentences that are not too complex.
  • As your child grows, replace onomatopoeia and simplified words in his speech with correct ones. Up to a year, the baby can say “am-am” instead of “eat”, “meow” instead of “cat”, “tu-tu” instead of “train”. For the correct development of speech in the future, it is advisable to accompany each time the child pronounces a form with a generally accepted word. For example, a baby sees a cat, points his finger at it and says “meow!” Mom can add: “Yes, the cat ran through.”
  • Tactfully correct mistakes in your child’s speech, do not scold or shame him - this will discourage him from communicating.
  • When talking about situations, use a narrative style instead of a descriptive one (“Look, it’s a dog, it’s carrying a stick to its owner, that’s how it plays” instead of “There’s a dog”).
  • Replace your child's simple phrases with complete sentences, this helps enrich speech. If the baby says: “Give me a drink,” you can comment: “You want to drink water.”
  • Teach your baby to follow simple instructions. In a playful way, ask him to complete simple tasks consisting of several actions: “Find the bear, pick it up, bring it to me.”
  • Give your child simple tasks (for example, take a candy wrapper to the trash can), thank him for his help.
  • Play role-playing games with your baby as much as possible - they are good for the development of speech abilities and communication skills.
  • Show that you are listening carefully to the baby: nod, ask questions, smile.
  • Tell your child what you think about, how you reason and plan.
  • Use visual material to develop speech: cards, posters, toys.
  • Ask your child various questions and encourage him to think.
  • In the evening, discuss with your child how the day went, and remember the most interesting things together.
  • Praise your child even for minor successes in mastering their native language.

What can slow down speech development

Overprotectiveness of parents. Excessive guardianship of a child and anticipating all his desires can slow down many processes in speech development. If parents immediately give the baby what he wants, all he has to do is show a gesture or cry, he does not have the need to clearly express his thoughts. Why work when mom and dad will do everything anyway? Motivation plays a very important role in the formation of speech, so you should not immediately rush to help a one-and-a-half-year-old or two-year-old child before he tries to ask for it in words.

Under- or over-requirements. Some parents do nothing to get the child talking and do not motivate him to communicate, while others force him to constantly repeat words and sounds. Moreover, sometimes in one family there are both extremes: the mother takes care of the baby, and the father demands that he learn to ask for what he wants. This adversely affects speech development. The balance between developing the need for communication and being excessively demanding is important.

Incorrect speech of adults. Sometimes parents and especially grandmothers get too carried away in imitating the child’s language and use only simplified forms of words when communicating with the baby (“am-am”, “woof-woof”, “bi-bi”, etc.). It is important not to forget that the speech of an adult is a model for a child. If he doesn't hear the correct forms of words, he won't remember them. Some parents speak too quickly, slurred, without pauses or intonation. Such speech is simply difficult for a baby to understand. Adults should try to use all the diversity and richness of their native language.

Intellectual overload. Early development has become a trend in recent years, and many parents are in a hurry to teach their baby to speak, recite poems by heart, and even read. Overwork from long studies and constant memorization of words and texts can have the opposite effect: speech formation will slow down.

When to see a doctor

If you have any concerns about the rate at which your child is learning his native language, first consult with your pediatrician. If necessary, he will refer you to specialized specialists: neurologist, otolaryngologist, speech therapist. If disturbances or delays in speech development are detected, doctors will develop a plan for further action. The following signs may indicate that your baby needs to be shown to specialists.
  • At 1.5-2 years old, the child does not utter understandable short words (“mom”, “dad”, “give”), speaks only in his own language.
  • At 2.5 years old, the baby still has not developed speech or his vocabulary does not exceed 10 words.
  • At 3 years old, a child rearranges or skips syllables in words (“button” instead of “button”, “patochki” instead of “slipper”).
  • At any age, speech hesitations appeared (the child repeats the first syllables of words).
Developing your baby's speech is not as difficult as it might seem. Constant communication with your child, entertaining games, reading books - all this is not at all difficult to include in the daily routine. A little patience and systematic practice can yield excellent results. If problems with speech development have already appeared, the specialist will tell you how to help the child master his native language.

A small child does not need to be specially taught the language; he hears the family’s speech and begins to imitate. In the modern world, unfortunately, parents often do not devote enough time to their children, leaving them to themselves or to electronic games. This can negatively affect what exactly and how the child speaks. Mastering coherent, literate speech requires effort and time, and preschoolers’ speech is best developed through daily conversations, reading and games with parents.

What factors influence speech development?

There are two main factors influencing the development of a child’s speech:

Biological factor. The likelihood that a child may have difficulties or impaired speech development is much higher if problems arose before birth: developmental delays, hypoxia, or an infectious disease suffered by the mother during pregnancy. Diseases that the child himself suffered in the first years of life can also affect speech. In this case, the development of speech abilities will be effective with the well-coordinated work of parents, a neurologist, and a speech therapist; communication with a preschool teacher will be useful.

Socio-psychological factor. The second very important aspect for the development of speech in a preschooler is the environment at home, communication with parents and peers. As a rule, parents practically do not talk to children who have delayed speech development. The more a child interacts with other people, conducts a dialogue, learns to choose the right words, and tries to understand speech addressed to him, the sooner and more fully he will master speaking skills.

Improving speech skills is an important process for a child in preschool age. To understand how well your child is developed, you can do a little testing yourself. Ask him to tell a story that happened to him today, retell it, or make up a fairy tale. Pay attention to whether the sentences are connected, whether the words in cases and word forms are used correctly.

Typical speech development problems in preschoolers

The following speech problems are typical for many preschoolers: Situational speech.

Monosyllabic sentences depending on the child’s demands (for example, “give me the doll”, “I’m thirsty”) are the norm for a 2-3 year old child. But then children gradually increase their vocabulary. Often this happens so intensely that by the age of 5, preschoolers are already able to talk with adults almost as equals. If a child over 4 years old is not able to compose a detailed, literate sentence, this is a reason to turn to specialists. Poor speech, small vocabulary.

By the age of 5, a child has a vocabulary of 2500–3000 words; by the age of 7, the vocabulary expands by another 500 words. At this age, children easily construct phrases and maintain conversations with adults, including on abstract topics. Inability to competently build a dialogue.

The question must be formulated simply and clearly - this assumes that the answer will be appropriate, short or detailed. If a preschooler has difficulty formulating questions and answers, it will be difficult for him to communicate. Difficulty constructing a monologue.

You also need to learn how to conduct a monologue on a given topic and retell the text. Average preschoolers under 4 years of age do not really need these skills - they are not so in demand in their everyday life. But for children 5–7 years old, the ability to coherently tell a story and retell a fairy tale is necessary, otherwise they may have difficulties with their studies at school. The ability to explain one’s point of view, justify the conclusions drawn, give reasons in favor of one’s statement is a complex but important skill for a future student; the absence of this skill in the elementary grades can provoke the first complexes and affect the child’s academic performance.
Poor diction, speech therapy problems. Most often they are diagnosed in a preschool institution. But if the child is a “home child”, and no one takes care of his diction, by the time the mandatory school socialization begins, difficulties may begin with learning to read, with mastering the rules of the Russian language, with the development of communication skills.

How to develop a preschooler's speech?

When are specialists needed? A speech therapist will help solve a lisp, burr and other similar problems with sound pronunciation. Stuttering is treated with the participation of a neurologist, since the problem does not lie in the speech apparatus. Some structural features of the oral cavity may require consultation with a dentist or orthodontist. A psychologist will help the child cope with excessive shyness, haste, etc. characterological features.

The two most important rules for developing correct and beautiful speech in a child are regularity of classes and an integrated approach with the involvement of specialists.

But no specialist will solve the problem if parents do not take part in the development of their child’s speech. How can you help your baby?

  • Don't be lazy to repeat. If you notice that a child is pronouncing a word incorrectly, pronounce the word correctly several times, do it slowly and clearly. It is important not to criticize, but to help - the child must understand that you want to help him, then he will be happy to join in the lessons.
  • Learn to hear. It is important that a preschooler not only develop speech functions, but also learn to hear, understand the meaning of what was said or heard, and be able to answer questions. To do this, you need to communicate with your son or daughter as much as possible, read aloud, and then retell, learn poems and funny songs. Joint activities with parents will not only benefit the child’s speech development, but will also strengthen family relationships.

Useful exercises for preschooler speech development

We offer you several simple exercises that will help develop speech skills and facilitate the formation of communication skills.

"A Tale from a Picture"

This exercise is aimed at improving coherent speech. You will need a picture that the child likes. You can draw it together and then write a story based on it. Don't turn the game into a boring lesson, let your child gain knowledge in a fun way. Ask open-ended questions, push the preschooler to answer, help construct a sentence if the task causes difficulties. Praise your child for the result, he tried really hard!

“Describe the object”

The exercise will help in developing imagination and forming correct, beautiful speech. Ask your child to describe any object, relying on all his senses - sight, smell, touch, taste. For example, lemon. Determine what shape it is? What colour? Smooth or rough? What smells? What does it taste like? Ask additional questions: in what fairy tale could the child see him? Why do they use lemon at home (drink tea with it, bake lemon pie)? The more “questions and answers” ​​you can play with, the more words you will pick up for your preschooler’s vocabulary.

"Find a suitable adjective"

It will teach the child to understand how objects are similar, to look for differences, thanks to which the grammatical backbone of speech is formed, which in the future will help to assimilate information well. You can play it from the age of 3. Show your preschooler several objects that differ in size. He must not only determine which is larger and which is smaller, but also name various suitable adjectives, for example, “giant”, “tiny”, “big”, “tiny”. Try to use more different topics so that the development of speech abilities is varied.

Reading for speech development

Read to your child – and with your child! And not only children's poems and fairy tales: try offering him a short excerpt of a poem by Pushkin or Yesenin about nature, ask him to comment on what and how he understood, if necessary, explain all incomprehensible phrases and expressions. The simpler you can explain, the more words your preschooler will understand.
Rely on the search for books on your child’s favorite topics or characters that he will be interested in reading or listening to.

Pay attention to lullabies and nursery rhymes. This is a storehouse of interesting words, word forms that we rarely hear in everyday life (“house”, “wattle fence”, “beauty”, etc.). Nursery rhymes also help you remember the order of actions.

Repeated sound combinations, words, phrases, onomatopoeia develop phonemic hearing and logical thinking, help the child remember words, thus enriching the preschooler’s vocabulary. Under the influence of such games with sounds, the child masters sound literacy quickly and comfortably. Instead of monosyllabic sentences, he learns to use more complex ones.

Beautiful, developed speech is very important for learning at school. First grade is often accompanied by stress associated with a change in the usual lifestyle, a new team, and existing communication problems may worsen. The task of parents is to prepare the child morally, to set up a positive perception of school and the educational process, and also to choose the right school program that will be interesting and exciting for children. Parents who care about the psychological state of the child, which can affect speech development, as well as his adaptation and self-esteem, can pay attention to. It takes into account the individual characteristics of each student and allows him to develop at the pace that is most comfortable for him. At the same time, the absence of grades in the first grade stimulates the learning process, because the child is not afraid to make a mistake by speaking incorrectly. This educational system makes it possible to avoid stress in the first grade and helps to reveal the speech potential of each child.

Olga Fateeva


Very often, young children have problems developing speech skills. For many parents, this can be a real challenge. However, in most cases, there is no reason to panic. Minor problems with , can be resolved on your own, without the help of a speech therapist.
Special exercises will help develop your baby’s speech. It's not difficult to do them at all. Classes for speech development can be conducted with any child under school age.

How does a child’s speech develop?

In order to help a child develop speech skills, it is important for parents to know how speech and communication skills develop in children.
The first stage of communication is crying. By crying, the baby conveys information about his needs and attracts the attention of adults.
Over time, crying turns into other sounds, which are commonly called baby talk. In the process of “babbling,” the child involuntarily forms syllables, which he then repeats, but consciously.
Forming syllables from sounds, the baby begins to relate these syllables to what surrounds him. With the help of pronounced syllables and letters, he describes objects and phenomena (“av” - dog, “bi-bi” - car, and so on). A little later, letters and syllables are formed into words, and a little later into short sentences.
Thus, the baby goes through a path called speech development.

Exercises for developing a child’s speech: tips for parents

In order for the classes to achieve their goal, namely to stimulate the development of speech skills in the baby, you need to take into account some tips and recommendations.

The right hike. It is easier for kids to perceive information in the form of a game. Long, uninteresting lessons will bore them and will not bring the desired result. In view of this, exercises for speech development should be carried out in the form of a game that the baby would like.

Duration of classes. The time spent on exercise should not exceed 15 minutes per day. This is the most optimal duration of classes for a small child.

Varied presentation. Children quickly get bored with monotony. Therefore, the form of information presentation should change regularly.

Comfortable conditions. It is best if classes take place in a calm environment. The smallest children can be seated on your lap, older children - opposite. The main thing is that the parent is on the same level as the child and can freely look into his eyes.

What do exercises for speech development include?

Speech development is a whole range of activities aimed at improving and stimulating children’s speech skills. This includes:
-Articulation gymnastics;
-Exercises for the development of fine motor skills;

Let's look at classes for speech development in order.

1. Communication. Communication is the most basic means for speech development. You need to talk to your child from the very first days of his life, and even before his birth. However, it is important to speak correctly, without distorting words or distorting sounds. Children copy what they hear from adults. Hearing clear, correct speech around him, the baby remembers the sounds and will subsequently learn to pronounce them.

2.Massage. Massage promotes the development of the speech apparatus. It is necessary to massage the baby's face and palms. This can be done from the very first days of his life. To begin with, the movements should be light, reminiscent of stroking. Over time, as the baby grows up, the movements can be slightly intensified. The massage can be arbitrary, but it is better if it is accompanied by fun and nursery rhymes (“okays” and others).

3.Articulation gymnastics. Such gymnastics includes several simple exercises: wide opening and closing of the mouth, stretching the mouth in a smile, stretching the lips with a tube and some others. Articulation exercises will help your baby learn to speak faster and easier.

4.Exercises for developing fine motor skills. The main activity for the development of fine motor skills was and remains modeling. You can sculpt from plasticine, clay, plastic. You can start with simple figures: balls, sausages. As the child grows up, you can move on to more complex figures and objects. Along with the development of speech, the baby’s creative skills will also be formed, such as a sense of color, the concept of shape, volume, and others.

For very young children, fine motor skills activities may involve getting to know objects and their shapes. Objects of various shapes and textures should be placed in the baby’s hand. In addition, you need to let the child hold long and oblong objects (pencil, stick) with two fingers.

5.Games. Game activities can be different. They can be selected depending on the age and preferences of the child. Almost all children love to draw. Exercises with finger paints are excellent for developing a child’s speech. Using such paints, you can first paint traces, then more complex patterns, for example, flowers.

Speech development is an important stage in the formation of personality. With the help of classes and exercises, parents will be able to make this period of their baby’s life as easy and comfortable as possible.