How to make lips juicy. Masks for beauty lips at home. Lipofilling is the latest technique


First, try to slightly stimulate the internal circulation in your lips. Such lips look visually much brighter and brighter. Make it a rule to gently and gently massage your lips with your toothbrush every morning. Better if you get a special, extremely soft and delicate brush and massage your lips with a drop of nourishing cream or balm. You can also use healing honey, which will saturate the lips with useful substances and make them unusually elastic and.

Now you can find many products for lip augmentation, and not only decorative ones. When choosing a regular lip balm or lip balm, try to pay attention to the composition. It should contain menthol, which is very effective in activating blood circulation in the lips, and also makes them brighter. Menthol pleasantly cools the lips and gives a very pleasant unusual sensation. A few minutes after application, you will notice that your lips have become somewhat larger and plump!

Look for lip glosses and creams that add volume with special ingredients. Menthol and pepper extract can temporarily create slight swelling. The constant use of acid and collagen products will make the skin of the lips more hydrated, smoother and more beautiful, and remove fine wrinkles around the mouth.

Be careful when applying methods. It is important to choose a good specialist who will achieve the effect with minimal impact. If, in addition to adding volume, you want to change the contour of the lips, ask

Girls with full lips look extremely flirtatious and sensual, they just want to kiss. Modern aesthetic cosmetology offers beautiful ladies to enlarge their lips by injecting botox or hyaluronic acid, but not everyone is ready to go for it. Let's take a look at the most effective home remedies for lip augmentation.

Lip augmentation masks at home

The effect of the masks is achieved quickly, but it does not last long. Choose the recipe you like and prepare the composition just before an important event. You can also combine masks with each other for a longer lasting result.

Lemon mask

  • lemon - 0.5 pcs.
  • apricot oil - 5 ml.
  • gelatin - 4 gr.
  • vitamin A (in ampoules) - 1 pc.
  • vitamin E (in ampoules) - 1 pc.

Place a drop of vitamin A on your finger and apply it to your lips. Do the same with vitamin E. Squeeze the juice from the lemon to make 10 ml, pour gelatin over it, add apricot oil (you can replace it with peach oil if you wish). Insist the composition for 15 minutes, during this time wipe your lips with lemon peel. When the mixture is swollen, place it on your lips, cover with cling film on top. Lie down to rest for 1 hour.

Vaseline-based mask

  • grapefruit juice - 5 ml.
  • olive oil - 6 ml.
  • petroleum jelly - 30 gr.
  • potato starch - 6 gr.
  • cane sugar - 10 gr.
  • honey - 15 gr.

Mix potato starch, grapefruit juice and olive oil, pour in 10 ml. hot water. Combine petroleum jelly with sugar and honey, put in the microwave for 20 seconds. After the time has elapsed, prepare a homogeneous composition by mixing all the ingredients, heat for another 20 seconds. The mask is applied to the lips in a warm form and kept for half an hour. After that, use the balm, then blot it with a cotton napkin and paint your lips with gloss.

Mustard mask

  • dry mustard - 10 gr.
  • petroleum jelly - 10 gr.
  • burdock oil - 5 ml.
  • lemon juice - 7 ml.
  • honey - 15 gr.

Mix honey with petroleum jelly, heat in the microwave to a viscous consistency. Pour oil and lemon juice over mustard, wait 10 minutes. Mix 2 compositions together, cover the lips with the mixture and put cling film on top. Hold for 20 minutes, if it does not pinch - then more. The mask will not only increase the volume of the lips, but also make the contour clear.

Honey mask

  • honey - 30 gr.
  • glycerin - 10 gr.
  • gelatin - 15 gr.
  • apple cider vinegar - 5 gr.

Mix the ingredients, melt them in a water bath and leave for 30 minutes. Spread the composition on the lips, then pull them forward with a tube, then return to their original position. The mask is effective when combined with exercise. Continue the procedure for 15 minutes. After the time has elapsed, remove the composition with a paper towel, wipe your lips with cosmetic ice from lemon balm and start pinching them.

Sour cream based mask

  • sour cream with a fat content of 25% - 20 gr.
  • honey - 10 gr.
  • fat cottage cheese - 15 gr.
  • lemon juice - 20 ml.
  • rosemary essential oil - 4 drops

Add lemon juice to honey and microwave until liquid. Add essential oil, add sour cream, cottage cheese and mix well. Cover lips, keep for 1 hour.

Oatmeal mask

  • oat flakes of medium grinding - 15 gr.
  • coffee grounds - 10 gr.
  • olive oil - 20 ml.
  • butter - 10 gr.
  • dry mustard - 5 gr.

Pour in 30 ml of cereal, coffee grounds and mustard. boiling water, wait 25 minutes. Heat the mixture, if it's cold, add the butter and stir with a fork until smooth. In the last step, dip your finger in olive oil, gently smear on your lips, and pour the rest into the mask. Apply and keep on for 50 minutes. Do not rinse off immediately, massage for another 10 minutes after the procedure. Remove the mixture with a hard cloth or ice water.

Chili Pepper Mask

  • ground chili pepper - 15 gr.
  • honey - 20 gr.
  • grape oil - 30 ml.
  • petroleum jelly - 15 gr.
  • lanolin - 10 gr.
  • glycerin - 15 gr.
  • rice flour - 20 gr.
  • olive oil - 3 ml.

Mix honey, chili and flour, pour in grape oil and microwave for 20 seconds. Put petroleum jelly, glycerin and lanolin in a warm mass, start stirring immediately. If the last added ingredients are not melted well, heat the mixture more. It is important that the mass is hot (within reason) during application to the lips. Wait at least half an hour, it will pinch. If you can tolerate it, be patient, if not, remove it with a hard cloth or hot water. After that, immediately lubricate your lips with olive oil.

Menthol mask

  • fresh mint - 25 gr.
  • liquid menthol - 20 ml.
  • instant coffee (dry) - 10 gr.
  • corn oil - 15 ml.

Grind the mint in a blender to make a porridge, add oil and liquid menthol. Bring the mixture to a homogeneous consistency, add coffee and mix thoroughly. Cover lips, place cling film on top and hold for 1 hour. You will feel cold and tingling. After the procedure, wipe your lips with ice for 15 minutes.

Radish and Garlic Mask

  • radish - 1 pc.
  • garlic - 1 clove
  • lemon juice - 10 ml.
  • burdock oil - 10 ml.
  • cucumber - 3 slices

Chop the garlic in a crusher, grate the cucumber and radish slices on a fine grater, mix with the garlic. Heat the mixture in the microwave, add juice and oil. Apply the composition to the lips, keep it on for 40 minutes. Don't worry about the garlic smell, the lemon juice overpowers it.

Beeswax mask

  • cosmetic beeswax - 15 gr.
  • cocoa powder - 15 gr.
  • peach oil - 4 drops
  • pickled ginger - 20 gr.
  • gelatin - 7 gr.

Pour 30 ml of gelatin and cocoa. hot water, drip peach oil and wait 25 minutes. Grind the ginger in a blender, melt the beeswax in the microwave, combine all the ingredients. Cover your lips with the mixture, wait half an hour, then begin to massage them intensively. Smile and pull your lips down, then pull them out with a straw, as if you want to kiss someone.

Exercises for lip augmentation

The complex is designed for 1.5 months, subject to daily execution. Don't cut back on reps, don't change lip position, and follow all guidelines.

  1. Take a breath in your mouth and puff out your cheeks, protrude your lips forward. Press with your palms on your cheeks and resist, while your lips are still in their highest position. Do the exercise for 3 minutes, then rest for 30 seconds and repeat 5 more times.
  2. Open your mouth wide, stick out your tongue and stick out your lips with a tube. Count to 40, then return to starting position. Do 12 reps.
  3. Take a breath in your mouth, pout your lips, start rolling the invisible ball, first by the cheeks, then under the upper and lower lips. Do the exercise for 10 minutes while sitting at your laptop or TV.
  4. Take air in your mouth and exhale it sharply, barely opening your lips. Do this 50 times.
  5. Close your lips and clench your teeth to feel the tension in your jaw. Pull out the lower lip, then the upper one, close them with a pipe and make movements left and right, up and down for 15 minutes.
  6. If you can whistle, do it every day for 15 minutes. Ladies who do not like to whistle are advised to let air out of their mouths, only imitating a whistle.
  7. If you have a boyfriend, kiss him often. It is advisable that the guy bites your lips while doing this. This method is the most effective of all the exercises presented.

Other methods of lip augmentation at home

  1. Order on the Internet an exercise machine called "Full Lip", which means "plump lips". The shape of the device resembles a nipple, you take it into your mouth, draw in air and a vacuum is formed, which pulls the lips forward. The result will amaze you, the effect lasts for more than 6 hours. The cost varies from 300 to 600 rubles, depending on the country of the manufacturer.
  2. A simple method of a sharp temperature drop will help to enlarge the lips, which will restore blood flow. Wet a handkerchief or towel with hot water, apply to lips for half a minute. Next, take a cube of cosmetic chamomile ice and rub your lips with it for 1 minute. Repeat the paired actions 15-20 times and voila, you are a happy owner of sexy lips!

Are you planning an important event or an exciting party? Need to quickly enlarge your lips at home? Make a mustard, honey, sour cream or pepper mask, then create a sharp contrast in temperatures. Purchase the Full Lips exercise machine on the Internet with delivery on the day of order, or do a daily set of exercises.

Video: how to enlarge lips

The fashion for plump lips has always existed, but in recent years, due to the massive spread of Instagram, this trend has become even more noticeable. Not every girl is the owner of beautiful sponges by nature, which means that you will have to work on increasing them using improvised means and special exercises. How to make lips plump is of interest to many now. And there are several answers to this question at once.

Exfoliation is the first step towards your goal

It is quite possible to make plump lips at home if you know a few simple secrets. The first thing a girl should think about in such a situation is about establishing normal blood circulation. Stimulation of the normal blood flow will lead to the fact that the fashionista will achieve her goal without any problems.

You can carry out such stimulation at home with the help of special scrubs that have an exfoliating effect. Which of these scrubs can you make at home?

The main advantage of such funds is their absolute safety. Natural ingredients gently act on the skin, stimulating normal blood flow. Improved blood circulation ultimately leads to an increase in lip volume. It is necessary to repeat a similar procedure every day, without stopping even when the lips are slightly swollen, having reached the desired size.

Few girls know that menthol provides blood flow to the problem area. That is why you should pay attention to a variety of gloss and lipsticks with menthol extract in the composition. They will help you to enlarge your lips rather quickly in size, without having to resort to other means to achieve the desired result.

Massage with the help of available tools

A girl can become the owner of plump lips without using a variety of scrubs. An ordinary toothbrush will help her in this, which will act as a kind of massager. The main thing to remember is that the toothbrush should not have too hard bristles, since a vigorous massage with such an object can damage the sensitive skin of the lips.

The procedure is carried out as follows:

The procedure itself can be performed daily until the required volume is reached. Due to the action of the brush, the blood flow is noticeably increased, which affects the volume. By the way, the great advantage of this procedure is that with regular massage, the contours of the lips are much more noticeable.

You can carry out a similar massage with your fingers, without using toothbrushes:

Using a special plumper

This is an effective way to enlarge your lips. For several months now, special plumpers called Fullips have been very popular. With their help, you can noticeably increase the volume of the lips, and the positive effect will last up to several hours. You can make your lips plump with such a device in just a few seconds.

Stages of working with a plumper:

  1. The girl needs to apply a moisturizing balm to her lips, which will help to achieve maximum absorption.
  2. Next, you need to bring the nozzle to your mouth, and then strongly draw air into yourself.
  3. In this position, the plumper should be left for 15–20 seconds, then carefully remove it.
  4. The procedure can be repeated 2-3 times until the lips are the desired size.

A similar procedure is based on the vacuum effect. Sucking in air, the girl creates a vacuum between her lips and the nozzle itself. When the plumper is removed, the lips will acquire additional swelling that will not subside even after 2-3 hours.

The main disadvantage of this method is that traces of the contour of the nozzle itself may remain around the problem area. The plumper plays the role of a kind of sucker here, and, of course, the remaining traces are unlikely to please the girl. However, with makeup, they can be easily hidden.

Those using this device noted among its shortcomings the fragility of the effect obtained. You can enlarge the lips with such a nozzle for just a few hours, after which they will return to their original state.

However, a plumper is the easiest and fastest way to get the perfect lip size. The increase may be uncomfortable, but the attractive result is worth the effort.

Lip augmentation masks at home

Above, scrubs were mentioned that help make lips plump, but in addition to them, girls also actively use special nourishing masks. They help to increase the blood flow to the lips, having a positive effect on their volume.

The most popular recipe uses olive oil:

Another great mask can be prepared very easily too:

The main advantage of such a mask is the absence of the risk of an allergic reaction, because only natural ingredients are used to prepare the mask.

It has been repeatedly noted above that menthol helps to noticeably enlarge the lips in size, and therefore it can be added to a variety of masks:

Special exercises for perfect results

Making your own lips plump at home is not an easy task. All of these techniques are good in their own way, but if a girl does not want to use special attachments and is not eager to prepare masks from a variety of ingredients, she can try lip gymnastics. Its main advantage is simplicity.

The effect will not be achieved immediately, but with regular repetition of exercises, it will certainly appear. So what are the movements you need to repeat?

With the help of elementary exercises, you can noticeably increase the volume of your own lips, making them much more attractive. You can repeat the above-mentioned warm-up anywhere, without making any special efforts.

And the plumpness of the lips is responsible for the blood circulation. So stimulating blood flow will help you achieve amazingly attractive lips. How can blood circulation be stimulated? First, it shouldn't be avoided. During exfoliating procedures, the skin of the lips is effectively renewed, preparing for the active intake of various nutrients. Plain candied honey is a great natural gud scrub - just take a drop of honey and apply it to your lips, gently massaging it, and then leave it on for a few minutes. The lips will receive a great serving of various nutrients and will look amazing.

You can also practice massage with an ordinary soft toothbrush, on which you can apply a drop of oily or nourishing cream - lips will instantly become bright and noticeably more. Of course, you shouldn't be too zealous, the massage should last no more than 30 seconds, and the brush should never be hard. Give preference to hypoallergenic nourishing creams such as rich baby creams. After such a procedure, it is worth blotting your lips with a napkin and applying a protective hygienic one. Another plus of this - the contour of the lips becomes very clear.

You should pay attention to care products containing menthol. It is one of the safest and most effective lip plumping products. The fact is that menthol extract enhances blood flow to the lips, they become much more voluminous and plump. There are plenty of menthol ester gloss and lipstick out there that you can easily do something for yourself. After application, as a rule, there is a slight burning or tingling sensation - you should not be afraid, this is an absolutely normal reaction to vasodilation.

Your lips and nutritional masks from various oils can make your lips slightly more voluminous and brighter. For example, from almond and olive. You can also use apricot or peach oils - these oils should be applied in a slightly warmed state, with the addition of any other additional ingredients. For example, vitamin E or jojoba oil is great. Apply the warm mixture to your lips, massaging with a wrung out cotton swab dipped in hot water to plump your lips.

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Every third woman dreams of beautiful and voluminous lips. Plump lips like men and make a girlish face young and attractive. But what if nature has not so generously endowed you?


Try to visually enlarge lips with the help of competent makeup. First, use a care balm that will moisturize lips and smoothes fine wrinkles. Apply a lighter concealer along the contour of the lips to add volume. Then, using a light skin color pencil, draw a line just above the lip contour, starting at the corner in the center of the upper lips... Lift the tips of the lips, connecting the outer corners to the center of the upper lips... The face will do it. Beginning from the middle of the lips, do not paint over the outline. Use a light-colored lipstick and gloss with a wet lip effect. The more flickering particles, the more they look lips... Dark, bright shades are not for you - it will reduce lips and emphasize.

Look for lip glosses and creams that add volume with special ingredients. Menthol and pepper extract can temporarily create slight swelling. The constant use of acid and collagen products will make the skin of the lips more hydrated, smoother and more beautiful, and remove fine wrinkles around the mouth.

Be careful when applying methods. It is important to choose a good specialist who will achieve the effect with minimal impact. If, in addition to adding volume, you want to change the contour of the lips, take an interest in the lips. With the help of a special apparatus, safe pigment particles are injected under the skin. The effect lasts from several months to five years