How to create a happy family? How to create a strong and happy family

Sometimes it happens very difficult to create a happy, family life. Although it is not difficult to create a family, marry or get married, pretty a child or even one and ready, family as a family. But not everything is as simple as it seems.

Let's try simply take and figure outHow to create a happy family that it is generally and who should still make creating the very happy family. We will not make a lot of caring this topic, say the main one. So to say what we came to our family.

What is love

love is …

I always loved and love order and sequence. Of course, the order is not everywhere I observe, things can scatter, the tools scatter and so on, the wife is not delighted with this and of course swears for it.

But let's start with this. What is the basis of the family, carefully what is the cause of the family creation? Many will answer - love, especially the girls. Yes, of course, there is no dispute. But looking at his acquaintances surrounding, the youth, came to the conclusion that some are just afraid of love.

More precisely, not love as such, but they are afraid that love will be not real, then they will be in a difficult situation and will suffer all their lives, as with my wife it came out. But everything proved to be corrected. So what is love?

Many philosophers will give many answers, but no one will definitely tell what it is. Everyone describes and will tell in its own way, many in general spend the whole life to study this issue. Well, I already will not try to find out.

The fact is that everyone and each will understand what it is, just when you love truly, then you will go to the person not only when it's good, but when it's badThough to you, at least both. It is really difficult to explain.

Philosopher Omar Khayam

Especially since love exists not only between a man and a woman. The strongest love, at least with me, to my mother. And sometimes love for your family, sister or brother, children, mom or dad, and so on, maybe that very real, true. Or maybe you should see just this love, study it and understand what is love?

Love is a strange thing for me. Sometimes when the spouse just infuriates me - she even becomes more sexier, all anger and hatred becomes an empty place.

But it is not necessary to be afraid that you love the wrong person. Time will actually show what and how. But the main component of what you love is the consciousness of what you want a family, children. That is, not just to be close to this man, admire him and her beauty, rest and so on, and it is a desire to create sevenyu, with children, with problems, with relatives and so on.

And if you still do not feel that you want to tie myself with a loving person for a lifetime, to be one whole and raise children together, then it will even make sense to read you. I just will continue to describe those things that will help look at the already created family from the side and, see what can be corrected or add to your, for example. Or when creating a family, simply understand what you do not need to do.

If you are not at all happy now, think if there is love between you. Did you love and love you. And already on the basis of this, think about whether it is worth changing something or just start all over again. Do you have time and strength at this time. From myself add - hands should notIf you see at least one little clearance - try and everything will work out. In my family it took it for several years.

In past releases, we described simple little things that can be read.

The basis of a happy family

To start, deal with what So - happy family. What is it for you and for your satellite. You also need to clearly understand that the vision of a happy family you and your companion are different. Therefore, communication only and can reveal what brings you closer.

Only during good communication you both will understand that for you is a happy family, which you want both of your life, from a family from each other. This is important and perhaps with this needs to start building a happy family.. Arrange the goals for yourself and satellite (companions) and go to this purpose. Even small chains, but you will come to her, the main hand is not omitting and respecting each other.

Figure happy family

As a man, I can paint a lot here, what a woman should do. But the stop, it turns out the guys should not do anything? Here are some say, they say I earn money, the head is clogged with work, but I still want to fish or make a car or repair it is necessary .... Well, what - I say. And you, men did not think what your wife do?

Take even cooking, cleaning, to pay attention to your husband, follow yourself, raise children and still to manage to work as well as many little things. Titanic work, in my opinion.

To build a happy family, work on family relationships is necessary both, both wife and her husband.

Who is the head in this house? Who remains the last word? I'm still of those times when such questions are drastically the answer was one - a man. Yes, this is right in my opinion, a man is stronger and a family should be behind his back.

But the man himself should be a man. He must stand the Mountain for the family, for his wife, for children. It should be not only physically selenium, but also a smart. This is not enough modern men, not everyone of course. In order for the last word to be behind her husband, he should clearly understand what the problem. And rather as much as it is more correct to understand everything. In order not to harm the family.

Recently, I often see that some young guys simply do not understand that in the future the family should stand behind their backs. Now they are for themselves only, and the rest in the fig, to put it mildly. Of course, the defects of education will say many. What about the parents themselves?

Yes, you do not need to count on the state, teachers or anyone else! Parents must convey to the child what is important in his future life, then that will never give a school and teachers. But this is a separate topic, something suffered me aside. But it makes sense to think.

And so, in my opinion what you need to do first to get a happy family:
  1. Examine your partner And let him study you. It is necessary that both spouses learned very close each other.
  2. Learn the logic of thinking both men and women. The Lord did not just create us different in sexual sign, but we have different thinking. And it needs to be understood. About women can be found, but about men.
  3. To change something, there must be a desire, motivation. Motivate yourself and loved ones.
  4. Trust each otherThis is a happy family again.
  5. Respect each other, children. Respect what they are doing and what your loved ones like to do.
  6. Communicate with each other. And not just superficially, discussing the cases of pressing, but also chat deeply. It will help you know each other better and you will understand each other.
  7. Enjoy each other and children. Cut more time together, travel, play, watch TV and so on. Return at least once a year together on vacation, where either. Grandma in the village does not count.
  8. Get a good family tradition. It brings closer.
  9. Do not throw over each other. If there is a problem in the family - both are to blame.
  10. Raise children together. Children take an example with you.
  11. Subscribe your relationship with gifts, surprises. Children to delight too.
  12. All questions should be justice. You need to know a sense of measure.

Remember! Family is a single whole, you are together, which means the joy and sadness are your common. So you need to make more joy.

And a little bit of

Just liked the phrase, to the place

As one day, I heard one parable, or as it is called there, well, in general, the story that trembled me much and made me move. Briefly so: one sage was once one day. He was the wiser and all the people went to him for advice. From this he was happy and proud.

But one day he learned that there was another sage, too, very wise and people began to walk to him too. The first sage thought for a long time to do so that people only went to him how to show that the second sage was not so wise.

And he came up with. I'll take it, says the first sage, and I will catch a butterfly, I close it with his palms so that it was not visible. I'll go and ask the second sages that I have in my hands. He will answer that the butterfly, I will ask the lively or dead. If you say a living, then I will give a little palm, she will die. If you say that the dead, I just reveal the palm and she will fly.

But then it turns out that the sage is not right and people will stop him trust. Well, the first sage comes to the second, in his hands he has a butterfly. Asks the first one that in his hands - the second says that the butterfly. On the second question - whether she lived, the second sage thought and answered: everything is in your hands.

So dear reader: everything is in your hands. As you want, it will be the main thing to go to your goal. Want a happy family - be happy and infected with the happiness of all your loved ones. On the way there are many difficulties and obstacles, but everything will turn out, because everything is in your hands.

There is no clear plan that you need to do to be a happy family. In fact, the fact that we wrote above is just what you need to pay attention to. All people are different. Something comes with experience. But you do not need to be afraid, you need to act, that's what you think right and do.

On this, so far, write your comments, ask questions, good luck to you and be happy.

How to create a happy family life Updated: September 11, 2017 by the author: Subbotin Paul

How despite everything, build a strong family? I think many asked such a question. It has every man at the subconscious level. And whoever spoke, this is exactly the case. All these disorderls and the resulting consequences are not good. Yes, I will definitely understand that this article is a bit contrary to the ideology of the site and still relations are built to receive emotional satisfaction or to create in the future family.

A strong and happy family - the key to success!

So, hello, dear reader! Today I would like to talk about whether it is possible to create a really strong family, and how to do it.

Not only the family is important. Each person has his own vocation. It is very important before trying to build family happiness, find your favorite job, not lose friends and have at least some kind of hobby. It is impossible to sacrifice himself, his interests, thinking only about creating a family, about her well-being. After all, you will not be happy and satisfied with life - your wife and children will be happy.

Ask yourself a question: why do I want to create a strong family? After all, it is very important! And let's be as frank as possible. You should start thinking about this issue only when you are satisfied sexy. I want to warn you from that situation when on my eyes after trainings the guys fell in love with the first girl with whom they had sex. And they thought that now, finally, they found their love. No it's not that! You initially should have many girls to choose which one you will continue to develop.

I lead to the fact that if you want your relationship to be built on something deeper - then the primary questions must already be solved, and not be the foundation. Just as practice shows - the relationship built on sex is very weak.

Some find their soul mate at work, at school or just on the street. You can pass the path of civil marriages, long "meeting", but not to create a strong family. Recently, in my practice, there was even a case when the guy acquainted with the girl driving! It happens.

Your man

In order for the family to be really strong, you need to find a suitable person. It must be remembered that appearance, financial position and status in society are those criteria that may change, they are short-lived. That whole person can lose at any time. Therefore, initially you have to choose the girl with which you will be interested and easy. When relationships begin, then you are just starting to find out each other. It is important that the girl becomes a native person in the future for you, which will support in difficult situations, will appreciate you, respect.

Recently, very often men get enough early. At the same time, the chosen itself can know only a couple of months. You must understand that in the first months of marriage and so everything will not be simple. And when you practically do not know a person - it's two times harder. After a honeymoon (if he was generally), a simple life begins with ordinary life. And here arise mutual claims, reproaches and misunderstanding.

Cash issues, cleaning, cooking, work, machine or computer - absolutely everything can be a reason for the conflict. At this time you get used to each other. And it is very important not to surrender and not to lower your hands. Spouses can stop communicating, express displeasure to each other, and come to complain to friends, relative and acquaintances. So there are only more problems.

Create a strong family

Would you like to live in someone else's house, which was built on different projects and different people? Unlikely. So why many wives and husbands allow you to build their seven-sided people, listening to advice and instructions?! If you need the help of strangers, then let it be one person for you both - a psychologist or a priest - without a difference, just if you, together with my wife and someone else discussed your problems.

There are all different characters, so your wife may be full of your opposite. Yes, it is necessary to get used to it, and for it you need time. However, this difference is even very useful. For example, in the upbringing of children here you can make something useful. If you are strict, and your wife is softer with children, then you reach the golden middle. One parent can slow down the baby, and the other is to provide him with freedom of action. It is very important that your children watch the picture of mutual respect, so all the quarrels and conflicts are better not to solve under children. They should only see love and harmony.

Your wife must trust you, to be true to you and devoted. However, you should give her confidence and tomorrow. In relations there should be loyalty, because she will not be able to trust you if he finds out about treason. In such situations, only the patience of the spouse does not ruinate the family. By the way, read the book of the American sexologist Chepman 5 of Love languages. And much will become clear to you!

Creating a family, you need to clearly understand about all the difficulties and difficulties that you are waiting ahead, and which must be overcome. You need to be really ready for such responsibility. Well, in my opinion the easiest way

Looking for happy family couples, many do not even suspect that such an idyll is achieved by a significant difficulty attached by both spouses. An annually increasing number of divorces can confirm the fact that maintaining strong family relations today is a rather difficult task.

Therefore, before changing yourself with the bonds of marriage, it is necessary to determine the readiness to many difficulties that will undoubtedly arise after the end of the wedding march. But with the help of some simple tips, it will be possible to significantly establish family relationships.

Leading psychologists, daily colliding with the solution of a variety of family problems, with which the desperate patients are addressed to them, several secrets of a happy marriage are allocated:

  • Partners must necessarily trust each other. Trust is the base without which it is almost impossible to build a strong family relationship. In the modern world, it is extremely difficult to trust anyone, but if you decide to marry a certain person and are ready to live with him until the end of your days, all doubts should be driven away. It will take a psychological installation that cannot be violated at the moments of the emergence of even a mumbling doubt. If you trust a person, it should always be that way, regardless of the situation.
  • Loading! Unfortunately, today, family life in many men is associated precisely with constant reproaches and soldiers from the spouse. It is not surprising that the number of registered marriages is reduced annually. Treeds take their origins from a common female desire to correct their soul mate. This is a huge mistake that can only lead to the development of hatred from the spouse. The marriage implies the connection of two people who are ready to be with each other, despite the negative qualities of each (and believe me, they will find everyone!).
  • Do not skimp on the praise of your second halves. The negative side of the long relationship is that over time, all actions begin to be perceived as due. At each stage of relations, it is extremely important to maintain respect for the work, efforts and efforts of each other, which can be exercised by common thanks or praise. It is recommended to praise ordinary things, for example, a delicious prepared dinner, rendering attention signs. Believe me, a few words per day are capable of changing a lot in relationships.

  • You must forever forget about an important mission to change the second half. As psychological practice shows, it is precisely such actions that are often reasons of marriage termination. Each person deserves on personal happiness, while remaining himself. Do not deprive each other this pleasant feature.
  • The importance of small signs of attention. It is noted that it is the regular provision of attention signs that does not give relationships to fade. In this case, we are not talking about daily gifts, because pleasant emotions can be provided with a simpler manifestation of attention (coffee in bed, arrangement of a small family holiday).
  • It is necessary to initially tune into a permanent job on yourself. A happy marriage is possible only in the context of the equal participation of both parties, which are ready to work on themselves, study mistakes and make concessions. Therefore, if you wish to create a really happy family, do not stop at minor obstacles.

Many will agree with the opinion that family happiness begins, therefore, a lot in marriage depends directly from the relationship and role of his wife. Psychology practitioners recommend all women aimed at a happy marriage:

  • Never lose faith in my husband. From the very beginning, it is necessary to do not doubt that your choice fell on the most wonderful man. The loss of this faith necessarily leads to the loss of respect and interest in her husband. In order to avoid it, you should drive away from myself thoughts about the possibilities of creating happier family relationships with another person who may arise against the background of protracted troubles in the family.
  • Do not deviate from proper behavior. Not only physical treason is capable of destroying family relationships, but also the most ordinary flirt. If a woman allows himself a similar behavior, which at first glance may seem absolutely innocuous, it means that it continues to search for men at the subconscious level in order to create more successful family relationships.
  • Need to understand your family and follow her. It should be completed with the fact that most of the male happiness lies in affairs that do not belong to the categories of family. Men initially aims to be a family miner. A woman will have to fulfill a somewhat different role in the arrangement of the family hearth and the maintenance of the family. Only in the conditions of natural distribution of roles will be happy all family members.

Love each other and be happy!

Husband, wife, children - is it always a family? To answer this question very easily: well, of course, no! Sometimes a family, and sometimes something like a boarding house, where come to eat and sleep. But what is the distinguished by the real family from the internally internally strangers - there is so easy not to answer. How to arrange a family life correctly to create a happy family as a result? Millions of people on earth suffer over this problem.

Simple and, it seems to me, a very deep thought expressed the writer Natalia Strupin. She claims: the family is solid only when a person respects at home more than outside it. Any person - and adult, and small. But then he really perceives his house as a fortress.

One of the major scientists, an academician-physicist, somehow wrote that marriage belongs to self-disperse systems. Wise thought! The gradual destruction of the family is the phenomenon is not exceptional, but normal, it disintegrates no fault or an evil intent of one of the spouses, but simply because it is sooner or later everything falls on Earth.

Want your home does not hit? Repair it regularly, deliver, rebuild, adapt to change, to new emerging situations. If you want to build a family life so that the family does not break down. Do not accuse each other's mortal sins, do not pick up a panic at the form of a crack in the wall, and quietly close it.

Piece dialogue:

"- And I heard that real love is when suffocating from passion. - Not. True love is when suffocating from tenderness. Specific life requires softness, tolerance, readiness. But whether we often focus on this? Where there! "

A familiar journalist, writing about the palace of marriage, once and one day asked ten brides, the same question was asked: why are you married? Nine girls answered almost the same, about this: to be happy. Tenth said: to give happiness to her husband "

I'm afraid of all the top ten it will be one ...

I know a lot of men who were in life achieved a lot. And almost all of them are similar in one: each durable, reliable house. And the house for a man is primarily a woman. Not a wife, so mother, or sister, or girlfriend. What will change. That that will not change.

In the world, many peoples, many customs, but, probably, all people dream of strength and strive for strength.

How to build family life

The French say: "The coal at home is the owner." The British are still defined: "My house is my fortress." In different countries of loving call "Army of Two": back to the back it costs this small army against all sorts of anxiety and misfortune. Let the attic, let the basement, let her shack, but the fortress!

To arrange a family life correctly, remember: Let in the whole world only two each other and are needed, but - the army! Nothing is scared when behind a durable rear when I am sure that you will not throw the beaten, wounded, will take it into the shelter, will take it to the hospital.

Well, if in the army, the division, the breakdown or fierce struggle for power, if not everyone for the other, and every for itself? Then, perhaps, in life battles it is not for what. Sometimes even experienced, skillful wrestlers knocked out a small home treachery from the saddle.

No, without strength, a person can not, nor a man nor a woman. But where to look for her? What to grab? What to hope? What is firmly in our today's free family?

Maybe a wedding celebration, official ritual, signatures of spouses and witnesses in important documents? Alas, how many of our families are ruined faith in the insanity of these inks! Lovers to each other are gentle and attentive, the quarrels are avoided - both are afraid of losses.

To arrange a family life correctly, learn to find compromises. Another thing is young spouses - here you can also show the character. Both it seems that the most difficult behind, as the athletes say, the game is done - and she just started, and the unexpected stunning goals fly into poorly covered gates, past the goalkeepers ...

If you want to build a family life filled with harmony and happiness, remember that all family members are associated debt. But when the family begins to fall apart, go look, who must, and try these debts to gather!

So what to count on? On a love passion? But who will say, what is the passion of safety? No one knows that for the power suddenly throws us to each other, no one knows why a powerful magnet suddenly ceases to act.

And yet there is something in life that you can safely hope that it does not change, does not disappear, it does not depend on the whims of the body, that, in my opinion, above passion and above the debt. I'm talking about human relationships.

Millions of people suffer from the fact that passion weakens with time. But nature gave us quite sufficient compensation: the human relationship is stronger with time. Where in the foundation at home they are exactly they, the earthquakes are not dangerous.

What is the basis of a happy family

The family is a small but difficult state. There are every forms of relationships: both democracy, anarchy, and enlightened absolutism, and even, unfortunately, the despotian. However, the state is stable under one condition: if the form of it is accepted voluntarily. There is nothing sadness and hopeless than a long, exhausting struggle for power.

Probably, in the end, someone wins. So what - will he be happy? Alas, here, as in the famous Hemingway book, the winner does not get anything.

To arrange a family life correctly, remember: a family is doomed, where everyone is offended and scandalously requires what it is unfortunately. After all, love is when I care about you, and you about me. Love is not for egocentrics ...

The magazine published my story about love. Letters from readers came a lot, about a thousand. The neighbor, a freshman student helped their disassembly.

Almost every third letter was confession: people told about their problems, doubts, quarrels, gaps. Often asked advice. The stories were different, complaints to relatives are different, the reimburses are different.

My voluntary assistant read letters, molding the forehead and focusing the young lips.

I asked that she thinks about it all. The girl for about five minutes was silent, and then expressed the thought, for me extremely unexpected, and for her eighteen years - it is still fantastic. Looking over my head, she thoughtfully and made it clearly:

In my opinion, they all need to plunge into life and love each other.

I was taken away. That is, how to in life? Why - in life? After all, it is known that love and life of irreconcilable enemies, what exactly is about the damned, the murderer is divided by one for another love boats ...

I was already ready to enjoy the interlocutor's head all my bewilderment, but suddenly I remembered that my friend is not alone in my views: she has at least one ally, and quite serious.

Namely - the greatest Russian writer Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy.

In fact, in what a deep, unconcessed life immersed the writer's favorite heroine Natasha Rostov from the "war and the world". Has he did not want happiness! I wished and insisted in the epilogue of the novel that Natasha is happy, and not outside of life, not contrary to everyday life.

Classics are also not gods, to agree with any statement, not necessarily. But it is always worth thinking. Do not we say that love is checked in trials? Do not swear to share with your loved one all the difficulties? Do not seek to take on most of his Noshi?

Is there a difficult test, the difficulty is severe, the burden is heavier than life? So, maybe this is the true verification of love - it's not just to go alongside through everyday life, but also make it a gaze.

Happy one, who at least once in his life happened to hear: "I hate washing the floors, but in your room ..." or: "I don't like to cut firewood, but for your oven ..." Well, after all, what is it - Love?

If you want to build a family life in happiness, remember: the eternal "Terra incognita", the land is unknown, where every new resident of the planet wants it or does not want, still the discoverer, inevitable Columbus? Maybe art where everything is inspiration? Or nevertheless, the science, which has its own laws and rules, its own research system and the methods of victories? Perhaps both, and the third.

Newbie, for example, always Columbus. How does he know what's the horizon? Mainland or stranded, honor or shackles, worldwide glory or death in poverty? The future for the newbie is closed. Alas, rarely, he almost accidentally stones on his America.

Old saying: "First love is always unhappy." Modern economists in such cases calmly state - fee for incompetence. And the fool is that Columbus to the coffin. Reckless, blind, funny navigator. His tenth ship goes to the bottom, and he is accepted to build the eleventh. Falls in love and falls in love. Well, not a fool? ..

And creative inspiration - it is in love a great thing. Because human relations are also subject to the laws of art. By inspiration, much can be created.

After all, how often unrequited love becomes mutual! Lucky man? Well, I do not. Himself, with his own hands, tears, patience, dedicated, made what I wanted. Here is someone - it is worth respecting! After all, it is sometimes difficult than to build a house.

How to create a happy family

Probably romantics will be offended, but love, alas, can be perceived as science. Not only "the science of passion in tender, which infect the name", but also something easier, something is purely life, at the level of initial arithmetic.

To build a family life correctly, study uncomplicated techniques and methods, it is quite possible to attract attention, cause passion, jealousy, can be given, take away and give hope again. Sometimes it is possible to hold a freshly sacrifice in the hands of the sacrifice for quite a long time, deftly driving her spiritual impulses.

Newtons are not needed here, the account goes within a dozen. How to sit down how to get up, how to turn around, how not to answer the letter, how to wrap the skirt how to hug a different one or smile to another ... A person who thoroughly mastered this cybernet parties and discos, rarely remains unloved: in someone it falls shrapnel Charge on the acceptance of the collected charm.

If you want to create a happy family, remember love. Nevertheless does not remain - but he lives not loving. It is still unknown that terrible. A lousy thing - keep my own soul all my life ... So what is love? The science? Art? Columbian trail on the water?

The point is not in wording, the case in life roads that everyone chooses for themselves. What way is safer - it is probably you can calculate. Well, who will live brighter and richer ... They say first love is always unhappy. Do you agree to throw it out of memory?

© Tz. Subbotin

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Family construction is a laborious process in which all participants are involved. The slightest error on the one hand can become a source of collapse of family relationships. From this the question arises: "Does the husband always, the wife and children are the family?" Perhaps these are the cohabitants who live together only because of the circumstances. They come after work, quickly dine and diverge on their own bedrooms. So how to create a happy family, where there is respect, trust and love.

Five rules of successful existence

There are 5 rules that will serve as a benchmark for creating fruitful cooperation. These rules are invented and thought out for the development of mutual respect and love. After all, without these basic, it is impossible to create a happy family.

Comparison of yourself with a partner is unacceptable. Comparison gives each person the objective moments of knowledge. But starting to compare, it is important not to "drag the blanket" on yourself.

If noted that you start to compare yourself with the second half, run away from it.

You are different - learn to admire it! Character features, actions of a close person do not always correspond to our ideals. Learn to admire it. Think about how good you are slow, and the partner quickly responds to situations.

You learn from each other with opposite qualities, increasing your own. You learn to show more activity in life, and your second half is to keep a pause. I admire the partner, we enrich the inner world.

Help moving forward. Often in relations lack mutual support. If you do not know how to create a happy family, learn to maintain your own spouse or spouse. Listen, let's tips, look for new ideas and let's tips.

Select the strengths in the partner and extol them. In family relations, it is important to feel a person, and for this you need to know what he lives what is worried.

Learn to agree. Let your consent be sincere. To or 1-2 day offenses in a marital life one half can agree. But at the same time the intonation of the phrase is such that everyone is clear what you think otherwise.

In general, the ability to agree with the opinion of the second half - already half of the percent of sincere relationships. After all, everyone wishes in response to the statement to hear the affirmative answer. Thanks to this, the soul has a sense of satisfaction and security.

If the family is often arguing, they find out who is right, hazards appear in members. A person lives in a sense of a trick. Learn to say "yes" and you will see how the second half becomes softer. Please note that not the scale is important, but at least part of the proposed consent.

Sometimes the recognition of the right thing is more important than intimacy in the relationship. People tend to prove their own right. But at the same time the feeling of unity and intimacy is lost. What is important to you in these evidence? Feel strength and other value? Then do you need to be together? Spouses should look for what they are growing.

Before defending the right, think that you are from this? Do you want to stay together and build a strong relationship or prove the weight of your own voice? Consistence in a relationship - not a sacrifice of their own ideals, interests. This is the search for the position when both are good.

Try to point less how to do others. After all, at this moment you are standing before choosing. Show emphasis in your own way and think about which way to move. In family life, there is no right and guilty. The truth is always in the middle.

How to build a happy marriage?

Some spouses enjoy life together, and the other half of the couple prefers to spend time, teaching children and grandchildren. Some gives pleasure an active life, a complete drive, others get adrenaline, looking through favorite TV series by a quiet evening. Happiness is different, as well as different families.

Family happiness in children

The main factor, as the aspirations and fear of creating a family - the birth of children. The birth of new members of society should not happen by chance. Relationships in the family are excellent if parents understand their own responsibility.

It is necessary to realize what problems will arise which financial investments will be required. Plan children, taking into account the material and moral position ,. Contact your pairs that already have children and they know how to create a happy family. Do not tighten with confusion and give yourself joy to be parents.

If you think that the birth of the baby will become an obstacle to the way of obtaining education or career growth, look around. Hundreds of thousands of families combine their studies, work and.

Family creation - compromise search

Working in family relationships is a lot and the main task is to find a solution that is satisfied with both. Consider the interests of her husband or spouse. Does he want you to do the less causing outfit? Add elegance to the casual wardrobe. Socks or candy scattered around the house? Teach to order.

Parents, friends will not help find a compromise. Your family is a personal matter and you must create peace and comfort yourself. The more you communicate together, the faster you will find a way out of the situation. You decide how to behave, install a personal space and learn better than each other.

First time is hard, but who said that - a light process? Refer to this positively. The more you together, the faster you learn the dignity and disadvantages. After life in the parent house, it is difficult to adopt responsibility and follow the new orders.

Learn to bypass minor conflicts and forget the offense. Decide problems in a quiet, trusting atmosphere, so that respect for each other remains all my life.

Understanding and forgiveness - the basis of the foundation

The ability to listen and take the position of the second half is an important task, deciding which you create a happy cell of society. Learn to forgive and not remember the insults so that they do not lie down in a serious cargo. Trust and respect will help you interact and leave the most conflict situations.

Understand what is more important: understanding or permanent soldiers and life in reproes? After all, after a long negative, it is time for disgust, when each of the spouses, as if under the microscope considers the shortcomings and criticizes. In the first years of life, the spouses will only recognize each other and is important at this time to show patience.

Do not hurt an expensive person with ultimatums or threats about parting. Learn to restrain sharp words and think constructively. It will give weight words and create an atmosphere of respect. After all, everyone has shortcomings and some of them can be completed. Think for which you chose the soul mate and appreciate the dignity.

Give smiles and praise and you get the same in return. Everyone is nice to see with him the satisfied life of a person, and not a dull person. Expressing positive, you charge others, creating a happy atmosphere for family life.

What is a happy family based on?

Romance is nice to realize that the family is an elevated society, where everyone praises and adores the soul mate. And it's a shame to hear that the creation of a family is work.

Family life can be perceived as science. To create and save a happy family, it is necessary to apply the addition methods, subtraction. Add passion, jealousy into the ordinary relationships. Take the hope and give it again. Learn to negotiate that equality and balance be in everything. Who is what responsibilities do who goes first to reconcile, who are more often inferior and who is less likely walking with friends.

If you really want to learn how to create a happy family, remember that not always. What will she come to replace? This is already to solve you. Build you trusting relationships, learn to take offense, will support a partner? The point is not in high-speed phrases, but in the way that every family chooses.

March 15, 2014.