How to wash a baby? Why is the child's eyes washed from the outer corner to the inner corner and nothing else? Baby care

Whatever aspect you touch, we can always say about newborns that they are not a reduced copy of an adult, which means that their body functions according to its own laws. This even applies to the skin. The skin of a newborn baby has its own characteristics, which sometimes cause anxiety in young parents. The skin of the baby is delicate and prone to irritation, therefore it requires special attention. In order to avoid problems and inflammation, you must carefully look after her. When a child has clean skin, no diaper rash, rashes, the newborn feels comfortable, sleeps well, does not worry and is not capricious.

Skin features

When the baby arrives, his skin is covered with a layer of cheese-like lubricant. This lubricant acts as a barrier, because in the mother's tummy, the baby was surrounded by amniotic fluid. In the old days, this lubricant was washed off immediately after birth, now it is believed that it should be absorbed into the skin.

When the issue with lubrication on the skin is leveled, the mother may notice that the baby's skin is too red. This is completely normal. At first, in the blood of a newborn child, erythrocytes are contained in an increased amount. Secondly, the layer of subcutaneous fat in the crumbs is still very poorly developed, which means that the blood vessels are very close to the skin, and they are clearly visible. In addition to a red tint, a vascular pattern may simply appear on the skin.

Poor development of the subcutaneous fat layer "rewards" the baby's skin with one more feature. Newborn babies are easily hypothermic and freeze. At the same time, a "marble" pattern appears on the skin.

All mothers note that the skin of a newborn baby is very soft and velvety to the touch. Infant fluff, which covers the shoulders, back, and sometimes the hips of the baby, gives a special velvety to the skin. However, already on the 2-3rd day of life, the baby's skin becomes dry and begins to peel off. Thus, the adaptation of the skin to the air environment after the water environment is manifested. The work of the sebaceous glands has not yet been established, so the skin is devoid of a protective lipid film that helps to retain moisture. Most often, the skin of the extremities peels off: palms and heels.

Often, various rashes can be seen on the skin of a newborn. Little white dots that look like pimples are milia, sebaceous cysts. They are completely safe, appear in the process of adjusting the work of the sebaceous glands and disappear without a trace without any intervention. Red, inflamed pimples, sometimes called "blooms," are the result of hormonal changes. After physical separation from the mother's body, the baby's body begins to produce its own hormones, which naturally affects the external condition of the skin.

It turns out that most of the anxiety symptoms are phenomena that are completely normal for a newborn child. The older your toddler gets, the more his skin becomes similar to that of an adult, both in appearance and in the way it functions.

Skin care rules

  • In order not to injure the delicate skin of the baby, the adult's nails should be cut short and sawn off;
  • If an adult has any sores on his hands (eg, boils, nail fungus, inflamed burrs), it is better to entrust childcare to a healthy person;
  • It is not recommended to abuse hygiene products: use baby soap without allergenic fragrances, use baby cream on a water basis ();
  • Use only high quality baby cosmetics.

We wash the baby

Every morning, after the baby wakes up, it must be washed with boiled water.

Morning care is more convenient to carry out on the changing table, since the necessary items will be stably placed on it. The water temperature in the first days is 36-37⁰C, it can be gradually reduced and brought to room temperature (25⁰C).

  1. We start by treating the eyes: with a cotton ball dipped in boiled water, wipe the eye from the outer corner to the inner corner with smooth movements without pressure. We use an individual cotton ball for each eye.
  2. Wipe the nose outside with a damp cotton ball. From the inside, the nostrils are cleaned with a cotton flag, making rotational movements. The flagellum is pre-moistened with boiled water.
  3. We process the ears with a cotton wool flagellum, cleaning off the sulfur from the skin of the external auditory canal. It is not worth pushing the flagellum deeper, since the sulfur is not removed, but is pushed into the ear canal. It is enough to clean the ears 2 times a week.
  4. Wipe the face and behind the ears with a cotton ball.
  5. The umbilical wound needs to be treated 2 times a day with a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide, then brilliant green (about correct processing).
  6. After each stool, the baby must be washed with warm running water.


Body care

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn't think that the problem of stretch marks would touch me, but I will also write about it))) But there is nowhere to go, so I am writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method will help you too ...

Common truths:

We look at how to bathe, how to wash, how to care for the umbilical wound, how to make air baths:

Open video



Umbilical wound treatment:

Air baths:

After bathing the baby, apply baby cream to the crotch and groin folds. Because the composition of creams includes castor oil, glycerin, beeswax, this softens and nourishes the skin, and also protects it from all kinds of microbes. Immediately after bathing, it is necessary to treat the baby's skin with cosmetic oil for newborns, lotion or powder.

Skin problems

Most often, parents are frightened by the appearance of crusts on the scalp of the crumbs (seborrheic crusts). This is not a disease, it is easy to fight it. Before each bathing, the crusts are smeared with baby cream, and during bathing they are wiped with a sterile gauze napkin. Movements should be light without pressure, strong friction will lead to wounds. (Reading)

  • Prickly heat. If there is prickly heat on the child's body, then you just need to prevent overheating, avoiding unnecessarily warm clothes. At an early stage, normal newborn hygiene is sufficient. While bathing, you can add chamomile infusion to the water, or a decoction of oak bark - (about treatment);
  • Diaper rash. When diaper rash appears, special attention is paid to skin care after each trip to the toilet. Let the baby's skin "breathe" more often (the same air baths described above), diapers and diapers must be changed every few hours. After changing the diapers of the child, it is imperative to wash it off with running water, in extreme cases - wipe it with baby sanitary napkins - Details;
  • Proper hygiene initially! We read a long article about the organization.

We also read:

Watching the video:


What is daily newborn care, how to wash a baby and take care of an umbilical wound, how to change diapers, take care of nails, feed a baby and walk with him - we will tell you about these basic procedures for caring for a newborn in our article.

When it comes time to return home with a newborn from the hospital, every mother begins to worry about how she will be without the help and competent advice of the medical staff.

Without exception, all mothers are worried whether they will be able to provide their child with the care necessary for his healthy growth: to bathe the baby correctly, cut off his nails, treat the umbilical wound.

Therefore, mothers do not have time to cross the threshold of their home, as they have many questions about caring for the child: is it worth washing the baby after each urination, the better to treat the navel: brilliant green or tincture of calendula?

Today we will try to find answers to the main questions about baby hygiene and talk about the basic procedures of daily baby care.

Newborn morning toilet

Like every person, the baby should wash in the morning, of course, his mother should help him with this.

After the newborn wakes up, strip him naked, let him lie naked for a while, this is good for the baby's skin. Then carefully examine the baby, check for redness on the skin, prickly heat. If so, prepare a baby cream to lubricate problem areas after washing your baby.

The baby is washed with cotton pads dipped in warm boiled water.

  1. Washing the newborn is carried out from top to bottom. The baby is washed with cotton pads dipped in warm boiled water.
  2. Wipe the baby's eyes, from the outer edge to the inner edge. For the hygiene of each eye, it is recommended to take a new cotton pad.
  3. Gently wipe the baby's face with a damp cotton pad, the ears - outside, the skin behind the ears, the neck.
  4. Listen to your baby's breathing, it should be free. If breathing is difficult, clear your baby's nose. To do this, you can use a special saline solution for children under one year old and an aspirator (a device that helps to suck out mucus).

How to clear a child's nose from snot - Dr. Komarovsky video

In addition, you can clean the spout of crusts using two small cotton filaments dipped in baby oil. The flagella must be carefully inserted into each nostril of the child's nose and rotated several times. If your baby's nose is breathing well, then it doesn't need to be cleaned.

Then you need to wipe all the folds of the baby's skin with a damp cotton pad, replace the dirty diaper with a clean one by washing the baby or using baby wipes to cleanse the skin.

Umbilical wound care

During the neonatal period, a special place on the child's body is the umbilical wound, it requires careful care.

As a rule, the umbilical wound is treated once a day, you can do this after bathing, when all the crusts are soaked from the water and the mucus is washed out.

How to handle the navel of a newborn - advice from Dr. Komarovsky (video)

There are several ways to treat the umbilical wound, each of them is quite effective:

  • navel care with boiled water- to do this, once a day, moisten a cotton pad with boiled water and thoroughly wipe the umbilical wound so that it becomes clean, then dry the navel for a few minutes;
  • navel treatment with hydrogen peroxide and antiseptic(chlorhexidine, baneocin, levomekol, iodine, chlorophyllipt on an alcohol basis,) - to treat the navel, take two cotton swabs, dip one in peroxide, the other in an antiseptic, first treat the navel with peroxide, and then with an antiseptic.

How does an umbilical wound heal

Important! If you notice that the skin around the umbilical wound is inflamed, be sure to see your doctor.

Tatiana Znamenskaya, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, President of the Association of Neonatologists of Ukraine: " In order to have complete care, we need to take care of the umbilical wound. So that there are no crusts, there is a solution of hydrogen peroxide 3%, with which we wash all the crusts from the navel. After that, with brilliant greens, we simply cauterize the rest of the umbilical wound. It's simple and effective.

If you see that the umbilical wound does not heal within a month, it is better to show the child to the doctor. Usually, up to 14 days of life, the umbilical residue falls off, and the wound heals. "

Washing a newborn

You need to wash your baby under running water after each bowel movement.

It is convenient to wash a newborn like this:

  1. Place your baby with its belly on your left palm facing you or with your back on your forearm, with its head facing you.
  2. Place your child's lower torso under running water.
  3. Lather the baby's buttocks and genitals with baby soap (it is better to choose liquid soap for children, it is more convenient to use them).
  4. Then rinse the soap thoroughly with water, pat the baby's skin with a towel or diaper.

If the baby has just urinated into the diaper, then you do not need to wash it, but when changing the diaper, use wet wipes. Choose special baby wipes without fragrances and alcohol.

Changing diapers

Most often, mothers use to take care of children.There are several simple rules that are important to follow in this case:

  • When using them, remember that the child should not be in one disposable diaper for more than 4 hours.
  • It is necessary to put on a diaper on a newborn so that the umbilical remains are not covered. This is necessary for the fastest healing of the umbilical wound.
  • It is advisable that the baby just lay on the diaper without a diaper for several hours a day so that the skin can breathe.
  • It is also important to ensure that diaper rash does not form on the skin under the diaper.
    To prevent diaper rash, it is necessary to dress the baby according to the weather, that is, do not overheat him, and you can also use it under a diaper.

If diaper rash has already formed, you need to consult a doctor, he will recommend a remedy for their healing, most likely it will be a cream containing dexpanthenol - effective healing medicine.

Of course, it is better to prevent, as they can be very painful and disturb the baby.

Bathing a newborn

All mothers are interested in the question: when is it possible after discharge from the hospital?

Marina Skiba, neonatologist of the clinic "Dobrobut":"You can bathe the child immediately after discharge, but if you have been vaccinated with BCG, but within a day or two after the vaccination, it is better not to bathe the child, so as not to wet the injection site."

Until the umbilical wound heals, babies are bathed in a small baby bath in boiled some water. Bathing time at this stage is 3-5 minutes.

Neonatologist Marina Skiba: “The water for bathing a child should be 37 degrees. You can bathe your baby in string broth or chamomile. It's good for baby's skin. "

After the umbilical wound heals, you can already bathe the child in a regular bath in tap water, gradually increasing the bathing time from 5 minutes to 30-40.

Every day, while bathing the child, it is necessary to wash his genitals and buttocks, 1-2 times a week, you need to wash the entire baby with soap, and also wash the child's head with a special baby shampoo.

Important! Always bathe your child with the door open in the bathroom, thanks to this, the child will not be so cold after you take him out of the water, since the temperature difference will not be too great

Each time, you need to lower the baby into the water slowly, starting with the legs. It is necessary to support the entire body of the child in the water. If water gets into your baby's ears or eyes while bathing, it’s not scary, it’s quite natural!

From the very first days of life, you can begin to lightly harden your child. To do this, before you start bathing the baby, prepare and place a vessel with water in the bathroom, the temperature of which will be 0.5-1 degrees lower than the temperature of the water in the bath. At the end of the bath, pour this container over the child.

After bathing the baby, you need to get wet with a diaper or towel, but do not wipe it off, as this procedure can damage the delicate baby skin.

You also need to prepare two small cotton filaments and gently screw them into the baby's ears so that the cotton absorbs the water that gets into the ears during bathing. After the baby's skin is dry, it is advisable to treat the folds with baby oil.

Newborn nail care

It is necessary to take care of the baby's nails 1-2 times a week, since the nails of children grow very quickly. To cut nails, you need to purchase special scissors with rounded ends. On the legs, the nails must be cut off evenly, and on the hands - by rounding the edges.

Walking with a child

In the summer, you can walk with your baby the next day after being discharged from the hospital. It is advisable to protect the child from direct sunlight. It is better to go out for a walk in the summer either in the morning (before 10 am), or in the evening (after 18), at this time it is not so hot.

The first walk should be very short - 10-15 minutes. Then walk 10 minutes longer every day.

When preparing for a walk with a baby, mothers usually doubt whether they have dressed the baby correctly. In order not to make a mistake with clothes, you always need to follow a simple rule - there should be as many clothes on the baby as on you, plus one more layer. So the baby will be comfortable.

Of course, it is worth checking the child's condition while walking. In the summer, it is important not to overheat the baby, if the child turns red, it means that it is worth removing something from him, he is hot.

In winter, there is a great danger of freezing. If the baby is cold, he will have cold hands, feet and nose, in which case an additional blanket will not hurt.

The article describes all the hygiene procedures that a mother should carry out with her newborn every day. The article contains the most necessary recommendations, the observance of which will provide full hygienic care for the child.

After returning from the maternity hospital, many young mothers experience a sense of confusion. After all, so many procedures need to be carried out daily with a newborn.

Care in the first days of a newborn's life

In the first days of a baby's life, caring for him comes down to several mandatory procedures:

  • washing
  • washing away
  • nail trimming
  • bathing
  • umbilical wound treatment

IMPORTANT: Each of the listed procedures, except for nail clipping, should be performed on a newborn daily during the first months of life. Treatment of the umbilical wound is required until it is completely healed

Newborn care products

In order to provide complete newborn care, you will need:

  • bathtub
  • thermometer for measuring water temperature
  • cotton pads or cotton wool
  • cotton buds
  • aspirator
  • blunt tip baby scissors
  • brilliant green solution
  • hydrogen peroxide
  • baby cosmetics

IMPORTANT: This is a list of the essentials that you must purchase for complete care.

Optionally, you can purchase:

  • wet baby wipes
  • disposable absorbent diapers

Cosmetics for newborns

On the shelves of stores and pharmacies, there are many different cosmetic products for the care of newborns.

You will definitely need it in the first month:

IMPORTANT: You do not need bathing foam or shampoo in the first month of life. Buy it later when you already have preferences by manufacturer

Caring for the umbilical wound of a newborn

In the maternity hospital, when the navel has not yet fallen off, the nurse will do the treatment. At home, you should take care of the umbilical wound until it is completely healed.

The umbilical wound should be treated after an evening bath:

  • drip a few drops of hydrogen peroxide on a cotton swab
  • lower the cotton swab into the navel in a dotted motion (the peroxide will begin to hiss a little)
  • dip a new cotton swab into a solution of brilliant green
  • when the peroxide has stopped hissing, we touch the navel with the same point movement with a cotton swab

IMPORTANT: Never press, twist, rub with a stick in the umbilical wound

How to properly wash a newborn?

It is necessary to wash the newborn every day after waking up in the morning. Washing includes several procedures:

  • eye wash
  • cleansing the nose
  • ear cleaning
  • washing face and neck

IMPORTANT: Look also into the baby's mouth for early detection, which can occur in newborns

Eye wash for newborns

This requires:

  • two cotton pads or a piece of cotton wool
  • cooled boiled water

Take one disc and moisten it with water. Squeezing out excess water, rub the eye along the lash line. In this case, you should move from the outer corner of the eye to the inner one. Then take a second cotton pad and do the same with the other eye.

How to clean a newborn's nose?

Very often, these babies develop so-called "crusts" in the nose, which prevent the baby from breathing easily.

IMPORTANT: For this reason, the condition of the nasal cavity must be monitored constantly and, if necessary, cleaned.

To clean your nose you will need:

  • rinsing agent
  • aspirator
  • pipette

Several types of products can be used to clean the nose:

  • sodium chloride solution. The tool is cheap, it is spent sparingly. Completely harmless
  • special preparations for washing the nasal cavity of newborns. The basis of such preparations is most often sea water. Examples of such drugs: Aquamaris, Quicks. They also have a natural composition, but they cost several times more than the "Sodium chloride" solution.

IMPORTANT: If you decide to use the Sodium Chloride solution, then use a pipette to drop one drop into each nasal passage.

If you bought a special product at a pharmacy, then drop it according to the instructions. Wait a minute. Then you have two ways:

  • remove the contents of the nasal cavity with a nasal aspirator
  • twist the cotton wool. You can do this manually, or you can tightly wind cotton wool around the match, then remove it from the match.
  • With the resulting turunda, clean your nose. The size of the turunda should fit your child's nose.
  • Slide it into your child's nose and gently rotate one turn to one side.
  • Take it out of your nose.
  • Turunda can also be pre-moistened with a solution

Newborn ear care

Wipe the external auricle with a cotton swab.

IMPORTANT: Do not use a cotton swab or anything else inside your ear

Newborn Neck and Face Care

With a cotton swab moistened with boiled water, wipe the neck, and then wipe the face with a fresh cotton swab.

IMPORTANT: Wipe every crease on the neck, as it is this part of the newborn's body that is prone to prickly heat.

How to wash a newborn boy?

The boy should be washed off with running water in any direction, as it is more convenient for you. The main thing is that the head and body of the child are securely fixed with your hands. Always control the water jet with your hand so that the temperature does not change.

How to wash a newborn girl?

It is a little more difficult to wash girls away, since the mother must adapt herself to hold the baby in such a way that the water flows from the tummy to the back. It is more convenient to do this as follows: put the child on the inside of the left hand, hold the legs apart with your palm, control the water with your right hand and wash the child

IMPORTANT: Do not allow fecal matter to enter the vagina

Intimate hygiene of a newborn girl

Several rules for intimate hygiene of girls:

  • the girl should be washed with water at least once a day. And after a chair - every time immediately
  • use soap only after bowel movement. In other cases - only with water
  • when using soap, do not let it get on the inner mucous membrane of the vagina
  • after washing, blot gently with a baby towel or diaper
  • open the labia at least once a week in order to detect the fusion of the labia minora or labia majora (synechia) in time
  • after washing, apply a small amount of diaper cream or powder

IMPORTANT: All of the above rules are also suitable for the boy's intimate hygiene.

How to trim your newborn's nails?

Pediatricians in the maternity ward often do not allow nail clipping for the first week after the baby is born. But it happens that the baby already in the first days of life has long nails that can scratch the skin. In this case, put on special mittens - "scratches" on the handles.

IMPORTANT: If the baby does not allow cutting his nails while awake, do it during his sleep

When you arrive home, look at your toddler's nails. If they have grown so much that they can scratch the delicate skin of the child, they should be trimmed. This procedure is done exclusively with special scissors with blunt ends.

IMPORTANT: Round the nail on the hands, cut evenly on the legs

IMPORTANT: Do not keep your baby's hands with gloves at all times. Baby's skin needs to breathe

Care of premature newborns

Care for premature newborns is carried out according to the general rules. There are only a few exceptions:

  • it is allowed to bathe the child not immediately after discharge from the maternity hospital, but when the doctor permits. It may take 2 or 3 weeks
  • bathing a premature baby for the first month is necessary in boiled water
  • bathing water temperature should be 37-38 degrees. when bathing, immerse the child completely in water, except for the head
  • wrap the baby in a warm diaper after bathing

IMPORTANT: Your main task is not to freeze the child. Always create a warm environment for the baby, as premature babies have very weak thermoregulation mechanisms.

Bathing a newborn. Bathing time

It is necessary to bathe the baby daily. Before bathing, prepare everything you need:

  • clean bath
  • potassium permanganate solution
  • thermometer for water
  • rinsing bucket
  • baby soap
  • baby shampoo
  • towel
  • herbal decoction (if desired and after the umbilical wound has healed)
  • everything you need to treat the umbilical wound
  • clean clothes
  • swimming slide (optional)
  • Pour 37 degrees of running water into the bath.
  • Add a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
  • Place your child in the water up to their shoulders.
  • Use your hand to rub each fold of your baby.
  • Use a small amount of soap twice a week.
  • There is no need to wash your hair with shampoo for the first month,
  • after - once a week.
  • After washing, rinse the child with water one degree less than the one in which the child was originally lowered.
  • Be calm, otherwise your anxiety will be passed on to your child.

IMPORTANT: Finish procedures when the water has cooled down 2 degrees from the original temperature

Before the child's umbilical wound heals, it is worth bathing in a weak solution of potassium permanganate, after healing, herbal decoctions (chamomile, string) can be added

IMPORTANT: Although herbs have a calming and anti-inflammatory effect, they should not be used more often, so as not to provoke an allergic reaction or dry skin

It is best to bathe your baby before feeding for a night's sleep. After taking a bath, the child will get tired and calm down a little, after which he will eat well and go to bed.

Video: The first bath is not scary

Developing care and upbringing of a newborn. Games for babies

Until the baby reaches 6 months, it is necessary to carry out exercises with him to prevent orthopedic problems:

  • spread the legs and arms of the child in different directions. Do it slowly and carefully.
  • alternately pull your knees to your tummy
  • bend and unbend your arms at the elbows

Repeat each exercise 10-15 times.

IMPORTANT: These are basic exercises. If the child has problems, the orthopedist will prescribe an appropriate massage and special exercises

In the first month of life, the baby will not pay attention to various kinds of toys. At best, the baby will react to the sound of rattles.

After a month, you can hang a musical carousel with toys over the bed, let the child touch various toys and lure with rattles. The child will already begin to follow them with his eyes.

  • let your baby's skin breathe more often without a diaper
  • you can SOMETIMES use wet wipes for cleaning. It is better to use them only when there is no way to wash it off with water.

IMPORTANT: Do not always wash your child with only wet wipes. Even the highest quality wipes affect the delicate skin of a child

  • if you use herbal decoctions when bathing, be sure to use a moisturizer after
  • after washing and bathing, gently pat the baby's skin with a towel or diaper
  • while bathing in the bath, do not make the water temperature higher than 37 degrees, otherwise bathing ceases to be a wellness procedure

IMPORTANT: If your child is not comfortable swimming in cool water or using a slide, do not torment him. Find the best bathing method for your child

Do not neglect the rules of caring for your child. Follow a certain algorithm and be sure that you are doing everything right.

Video: Newborn care - Dr. Komarovsky's school

Having become parents and left alone with the newborn at home, the parents panic and get lost, not knowing how to properly wash, bathe, clean his eyes and nose. His skin is very sensitive and delicate, and therefore care for it in the first month of life should be carried out carefully to prevent inflammation and irritation. So, let's take a look at the basic care routines that parents need to do on a daily basis.

How to change a diaper

The diaper is changed after each bowel movement to avoid contact of the stool with the baby's skin. The urine is absorbed into a special layer located in the center of the diaper - the task of the parents is to ensure that it does not overflow. It is advisable to change your baby's clothes as often as possible - the time of a possible stay varies from two to four hours.

So, how to change a diaper:

You should put the baby on a changing table or a place specially equipped for this purpose, grab both legs with one hand, and cleanse the skin of dirt with the other hand. Next, apply cream or powder. Holding the baby's legs again, place the straightened diaper under his butt. Now, with both hands, pull up the front part so that the child is comfortable - not too tight or too loose. If the diaper is sized, it will most likely cover the navel. Turning the baby slightly on its side, spread the diaper on all sides, connecting the Velcro or fasteners in parallel. Straighten the wrinkles and make sure that all the elastic bands at the outermost seams are symmetrically distributed.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the choice of cream and powder. Some diaper manufacturers indicate that the cream is not needed when using their products. Unfortunately, this is not always true. Some children have particularly sensitive skin, which puts them at increased risk of developing dermatitis and prickly heat.

It is impossible to apply cream (ointment, oil, gel) and powder on the same parts of the body at the same time. Together they can lead to skin maceration. Also, watch out for the amount of cream - too much applied constantly to the skin with every diaper change itself can cause irritation.

How to wash

Babies should be washed after each bowel movement, as bacteria and enzymes in the stool can irritate the delicate skin of the groin. The newborn is washed as follows: you should take him in the left hand, so that his face is in the elbow bend, and his chest is located along the forearm. This is how boys are usually washed away, girls are washed from front to back so that feces do not get on the genitals. Therefore, when washing, the girl is placed with her back on the forearm, and her head in the elbow area. The child is washed under running water, the temperature of which should be 37-37.5 degrees, using a special baby product (soap, gel or foam).

The use of baby soap or gel is permissible only in cases of bowel movement. In all other cases, the child should simply be washed under running water.

Some mothers use baby wipes to cleanse their baby's skin from feces. However, this is unacceptable, since even the highest quality wipes contain aromatic additives, fragrances, ethyl alcohol or its derivatives. Therefore, the use of napkins should be minimized, for example, when there is no way to wash the crumbs under water (on a trip, clinic, store).

How to avoid diaper rash

Intertrigo- damage to the skin from elementary redness to the development of erosion and weeping. When parents follow the rules of hygiene, regularly change the diaper after stool, wash the baby, use cream or powder in the required quantities - most likely there will be no diaper rash. But, if, despite all of the above, you still notice signs of diaper dermatitis, the error may be as follows:

  • used to care for the skin of a newborn baby soap, detergents containing alkaline components;
  • cosmetics for the skin of newborns containing antibiotics were used, which can lead to a violation of the microbiocenosis of the skin, contributes to the development of fungal infections;
  • long-term stay in one diaper, it is necessary to carry out air baths in the genital area for 10-15 minutes several times a day;
  • using too frequent baths, soaps, herbal supplements, which lead to degreasing and dehydration of the skin.

It has been proven that diapers with a gel filler, in comparison with analogues made of gauze and cotton, reliably more often prevent irritation and diaper rash.

How to wash

Washing your newborn is an important daily hygiene ritual. It is necessary to wash twice a day - in the morning and in the evening before feeding.

What you need:

  • warm boiled water (up to 3 months of life);
  • small cup;
  • cotton pads;
  • soft towel.

The baby's towel should be individual, and the cotton pads should be stored in a closed container to avoid dirt, wool and dust.

Washing a newborn should begin by rubbing the eyes. Soak a cotton pad in warm boiled water and gently wipe the eyes with it from the temple to the bridge of the nose. A separate cotton pad is used for each eye. Then they begin to cleanse the face of the newborn. Soak a cotton ball in water and gently wipe your cheeks, forehead, nose, chin, behind the ears and ears. After the procedure, gently pat the baby's face with a soft towel.

How to clean your nose

An absolutely healthy infant does not need to be specially cleaned or rinsed out of the nasal passages. This should be done only when you notice that the baby has accumulated mucus in the nasal passages, dirt, dry particles. Remember, cotton swabs sold for adults will not work; they can push the mucus further and block the airway. Baby ear sticks will not work either - the nostrils of newborns are very small, it will be unpleasant and even painful.

If there are dry crusts in the nose, then you can get rid of them as follows. It is necessary to drip into each nostril according to the instructions a special agent purchased at the pharmacy. Then carefully remove mucus and soggy crusts with a turundochka (a piece of cotton wool, twisted with a toothpick into a tube), rolling it very carefully in the nostril.

If the baby is not breathing well, is unable to pick up the breast or bottle normally, “grunts” or snores during sleep, then in such a situation it is recommended to use a pear or aspirator.

How to care for your hair

From the very birth of a baby, it is necessary to properly care for his hair. The newborn's head is washed using a special baby shampoo. It is recommended to wash your hair 1-2 times a week, on other days with plain water. Dry your hair by blotting with a slightly soft terry towel or flannel. Brush with a special children's brush with natural bristles.

Seborrheic crusts

In the first months of life, seborrheic crusts appear on the baby's head, which are flakes of a greasy yellowish consistency. It is imperative to get rid of them, because they cause discomfort, itching, redness of the skin, and interfere with hair growth.

To get rid of them, you should apply baby oil to your head 20 minutes before bathing and put on a cap. Then wash off the oil with shampoo, and comb out the softened crusts with a soft baby brush.

If at a time it was not possible to remove seborrheic crusts, then the procedure can be repeated.

How to bathe

you can start the next day after returning from the hospital. Water procedures are carried out daily, preferably at the same time. If the baby is naughty, then it is better to transfer the bathing. To bathe your newborn, you will need:

  • bath, chaise lounge;
  • soap or baby bathing product (gel, foam);
  • soft towel.

Until the umbilical wound in the newborn has healed, it should be bathed only in boiled water cooled to a temperature of 37-37.5 degrees. Bathing in herbal baths, the use of additional products, including pharmacy, is possible only on the recommendation of a doctor. The pediatrician may advise the use of baby cosmetics for bathing with lipid supplements, they give a hydrating effect, which will protect the baby's skin from drying out and from diaper dermatitis. These baths can be performed up to three times a week. Also, do not often change the funds, choose several, the baby's skin will get used to them, you will be protected from irritations and allergies in the future.

You cannot bathe a newborn on the day on which he was given BCG. Also, you cannot bathe the baby, if he just ate, you will need to wait about 40 minutes.

We take care of the umbilical wound

The cut off umbilical cord is clamped with a special device - a medical brace. Normally, after 10-14 days, the dried umbilical cord residue with a bracket should fall off on its own.

The umbilical cord must be rinsed and disinfected. You will need a solution of hydrogen peroxide (3%), an aqueous-alcoholic solution of brilliant green 1% (brilliant green), a cotton pad, cotton swabs.

It is enough to treat the umbilical wound 2 times a day. The process is as follows - dip a cotton swab into hydrogen peroxide and gently blot the wound and umbilical cord with it. Next, blot your navel with a cotton pad to make it completely dry.

The next step is to smear with a disinfectant solution with the one that the doctor advised you, for example, brilliant green. But be careful with it - with a large amount, it can cause a burn on the delicate skin of the baby. In addition, on a heavily smeared area, it will be difficult to see the healing process, redness, a weeping navel.

Why the baby's navel does not heal

  • incorrect processing,
  • inflammatory process,
  • thick umbilical cord,
  • tight clothing, diaper,

Clipping your nails

A newborn baby is born with very thin nail plates on the toes that are easily damaged. Therefore, you can trim them when they get a little stronger - 2 weeks after birth. So that the baby does not accidentally scratch himself, mittens-scratches are put on his handles.

The hardened marigolds are cut using special scissors with rounded ends. Manicure is performed when the baby is relaxed and calm. Some moms find it convenient to do this when he sleeps. You can try to trim your nails after bathing, but only after 30 minutes. Nails in water steam, soften, and when cutting them, you can accidentally catch the skin.

Before a manicure, mom should thoroughly wash her hands with soap and disinfect the scissors. You cannot cut the marigolds very short, it is recommended to leave 1-2 mm, rounding the corners on the handles, and leave straight on the legs. This reduces the risk of ingrown nails into the skin.

They make a manicure for babies as the marigolds grow. For some, it is enough to cut them once a month, for others once a week.

In addition to caring for a newborn baby, you need to regularly walk in the fresh air, regardless of the season. He needs to do gymnastic exercises, massage. Wash things with a special powder and iron. Regularly carry out wet cleaning and ventilate the room.

In the early days, or even months, an inexperienced mother will find it difficult to handle a baby. After all, he needs constant care, care, and there is no time or energy left for household chores and for himself. However, there is no need to be afraid of such responsibility, very soon the mother will get used to new responsibilities, and the baby will grow up healthy and happy, learning about the world around him.

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From an early age, our children hear: "We must, must wash in the mornings and evenings, and unclean chimney sweeps - shame and disgrace!" And even though few of today's children understand what a chimney sweep is, all kids learn from a young age as an axiom: you need to wash yourself regularly.

But it is not enough to teach a child to rinse his face with water after sleep or wash his hands before eating. It is important to teach your child to wash properly. How best to do this will be discussed today.

Water procedures accompany your baby from the first days of life. First, you bathe the baby in a bathtub, then the grown-up child begins to splash in the water himself. And here it is very important not to miss the moment and turn the usual the game into a meaningful washing process.

To begin with, you need to understand that simply washing your eyes with warm water in the morning is not yet washing your face. The fact is that in the morning, children's skin does not breathe, since during the night the pores are clogged with the secretion of the sebaceous glands. And morning washing is designed not only to drive away the remnants of sleep, but also to free up pores, allowing the skin to breathe and perform its functions normally.

You should start training as early as possible. If your child, standing on the bench, can already reach the stream of water from the tap, then it's time to teach him how to wash on his own. In the learning process, do not be afraid of children's independence, just help the child when he does not know what to do next. First, show your baby the simplest steps: how to wet your hands and rub your palms together, how to take a handful of water and wash your face with it, how to pick up a toothbrush, and so on. Pretty soon (after a month or two), the child will develop very strong washing skills, which will allow you to complicate the task and teach him how to use soap accessories and brush your teeth.

It is recommended to use baby soap for washing. Moreover, it will be better if you choose a cream soap for your child. Unlike regular toilet soaps, cream soap contains moisturizing ingredients that make skin care softer. This soap gently cleanses and does not dry the skin.

A successful product in this regard is “Eared Nyan” baby cream soap with olive oil and chamomile extract or with aloe vera and plantain. Its active ingredients help nourish the skin and reduce the likelihood of allergic reactions. A quarter of the cream-soap "Eared Nanny" consists of a moisturizer, which makes skin care even softer. The extracts included in its composition have bactericidal, anti-inflammatory and wound healing properties.

For the smallest children, it will be more convenient to use the Eared Nanny liquid cream soap with olive oil and aloe vera, because the dispenser is easier to press on a baby's handle than it is to hold a bar of soap. The Eared Nanny liquid cream soap can also be used as a shower gel.

Do not forget about children's teeth. It is literally necessary to accustom the baby to the procedure of brushing teeth from the first tooth. When brushing children's teeth, special care should be taken: the child's gums are still very soft, and the teeth are fragile, so choose toothbrushes for children only with soft bristles.

It is important to find the best toothpaste for your baby. After all, it should be both healthy and safe when swallowed and, which is very important, tasty. Even the most wonderful toothpaste will not arouse the kid's interest in brushing his teeth if its taste is not pleasant and tempting enough to repeat the procedure.

Children's toothpaste "Eared nanny First tooth" is designed for gentle care of milk teeth of children from 0 to 4 years old. The paste gently cleanses the teeth without disturbing the structure of the enamel, as it contains a very soft abrasive. And thanks to the combination of phosphorus and calcium, it strengthens the enamel of the developing children's teeth. Also, this toothpaste contains aloe vera gel, which prevents inflammation and reduces pain during teething. The paste tastes good, which will help you develop the child's brushing habit faster.

At the end of each wash, be sure to remind your child to towel dry. Show how to do it right and do not forget to constantly encourage the baby when he does everything right himself. Or not very correct, but with diligence and diligence. It is very important for a child to be praised by an adult and the realization that he himself is already big enough to cope with such important matters on his own.

Be sure to tell your child that you need to wash not only in the morning and in the evening, but also after a walk, and your hands should be washed every time they get dirty, and especially before eating. When it is impossible to wash with soap and water, teach your child to use wet wipes. For example, hypoallergenic wet cleansing wipes are very convenient.