How children's gardens are arranged in the world: in India, the kids eat, sitting on the floor, and in the states - sleep in shoes. Kindergartens in different countries

You can find out if you have kindergartens in other countries or with children sit nanny? How to prepare children to school abroad? Is there anything to borrow from others? The article presents a brief review of pre-school education in 9 countries of the world.

Pre-school education in the USA

Pre-school education in the United States of America is carried out in children's preschool institutions: nurseries, kindergartens, educational and preparatory preschool centers - public and private institutions for children of nursery and kindergartens. The state actively stimulates the improvement of educational functions of children's preschool institutions, providing family financial assistance in obtaining pre-school education and training for school.

At the expense of early development and early involvement of children in the learning process and education increases the overall level of school education. This is confirmed by a well-known fact: the ability of a child, his chances of further successful training in school and higher education institution increase if the baby from an early age to teach to the regular acquisition of knowledge according to age and excite its natural interest in the subject of learning. The missed opportunities for development in early childhood is much more difficult or not at all possible to make a more mature age - and this is known to specialists in the field of education in the United States and not only.

From the five-year-old age, most small citizens in the United States are brought up in kindergartens, which are essentially "zero" school classes. In the "zero", the kids are preparing for further training in elementary school, smoothly moving from active games to reading, writing, account, the acquisition of others necessary for training skills that contribute to the best adaptation of first-graders. For pre-school branches of public schools, more than half of all American children who have reached the five-year-old age are studyable. However, some parents consider it possible to trust their babies only to private preschool institutions. Private kindergartens provide care and high-level training, because to rent a house for children's institution in the United States is not easy - you need to document the compliance of opportunities to intent.

A feature of American children is that they literally keep parents in submission. It is a feeling that they manipulate adults, and so nothing remains how to adapt to the kaprises of the child.

The main postulate of American education: to the child should be treated as adult. He is a person to listen to whose choice to respect. Of course, it needs to be directed, but not in the form of orders - parents must explain why one is good, and the other is bad. And in order to better inspire the Chad family values, it is with younger nails everywhere with you. In restaurants, at the gatherings with friends, in theaters, churches ... Let it absorbs how parents behave with themselves, and he will become the same: a real American!

Since childhood, they inspire that it is bad. And here is the opposite! And convey to the parent or teacher - the first thing. I'm shocked when my "American" returns from the kindergarten and retells that they say to the teachers about their parents ...

In America, there are two basic punishment methods. The first - the child is deprived of something: hide toys, do not allow watching TV, etc. The second is the "rest chair". Pumps sitting on this chair so that he silently sat and realize his guilt. And before the punishment, they spend a conversation so that he realize that he did, and did not do it anymore.

Pre-school education in France

Most preschool children (from 2 to 5 years old) in France are visiting preschool institutions, training in which is voluntary and free. Currently, pre-school education in France consists of "maternal schools", corresponding to our kindergartens. Children begin to visit these schools already from 2 to 3 years of age.

In the gardens, children are divided into three age groups. In the first group (younger) are children from 2 to 4 years old, at this age the essence of their stay in the children's preschool consists only in the game and care for children. In the second group (moderate), children are studying from 4 to 5 years old - they are engaged in modeling, drawing and trained in other practical skills, as well as interpretation. In the third group of (senior) children from 5 to 6 years old prepares for reading, writing and account.

Baby gardens in France basically work five days a week, six hours a day (three in the morning and three after lunch). However, in large cities, the gardens work from early morning to 18 - 19 hours, also during the holidays. This is due to the fact that many mothers work, and children need supervision.

Pre-school education in France is often criticized for surplus theoretical information for preschool and tough discipline, for the lack of a child from an early age. However, despite this, the French system of "maternal schools" is one of the best examples of pre-school education in Europe.

Pre-school education in Italy

The system of education in Italy, as well as most education systems in other European states consist of 4 stages. This is a preschool, primary, secondary and higher education. Studying in Italy is determined by law in the form of law - duties: the right to receive education and at the same time the obligation to attend school up to 14 years. The right - the obligation to education is guaranteed to foreigners who legally live in the country on the same rights with citizens of Italy.

Children who are located in the country illegally, are also eligible for basic education.

Preschool education institutions are nursery for children from 6 months to 3 years and kindergartens for children from 3 to 6 years. The purpose of the nursery and kindergartens is the upbringing and development of the child, as well as its preparation for entering primary school. Naturally kindergartens and nursery for children are missing and almost all of them are in private property. Payment for kindergarten is high enough. Pre-school education in Italy is not mandatory.

Pre-school education in Germany

Practically no kindergartens in Germany. But in this country, the laundering industry is very developed. Something average between the nanny and kindergarten can be considered the so-called "Walfdor Schools". These are boarding schools in which children learn from nursery and before receiving secondary education. In each such school, each nurse has only two children. All educators and the vast majority of teachers are women. In high school, German children learn thirteen years and finish it at the 19th age. The main principle of the German school is not to load the child, therefore, by the way, it is considered weak in the educational plan.

Pre-school education in Germany is not necessary (i.e. kindergartens are not included in the system of compulsory education).

Pre-school education in the UK

British preschoolers mainly go to state children's gardens. True, the nannies in this country also exist, but home education is not as developed as in Germany. British go to school at seven years.

The first pre-school institution where you can arrange a child in England, the functions are a kindergarten, but is called a school - Nursery School ("Yasla School").

They may be state, private or consist of any school. Usually in Nursery School children are taught to sing songs, read poems, dance, and with the smallest exercises on the development of shallow motility, arrange games that allow you to develop abstract thinking, learn to help each other and be polite. Older kids (from three years) gradually teach read, write, and sometimes conduct a foreign language lessons.

Private Nursery School are different - with nursery, where children take about three months old, and the usual, in which the child take from two years. As for the first - their services are very expensive. Here, one teacher has only three children, and food and classes are individual.

There is in England and another version of game groups for preschoolers - Pres School. This is a registered organization headed by the government chosen from parents. Get into this government is very prestigious, especially for dad. Children in Presshool are 2.5 hours a day. They play, develop the necessary skills, communicate with each other, sing songs or read books. And at the same time - teach colors, numbers and letters. At different parts of the room there are tables on which a variety of toys and benefits are laid out - from cubes and machines to plasticine, designers and puzzles. And each kid has the opportunity to do what it is currently interesting to him. Here on 8 children - 1 tutor (necessarily specialist with relevant qualifications).

The education system in preschool institutions is built solely on the basis of the interests of the child. Caring for the spiritual comfort of the child is put at the head of the child. With children, even with very small, all necessary questions are discussed. At the same time, praise here generously distribute for any occasion and for any, even the smallest, success. This significantly increases the self-esteem of the baby and contributes to the development of self-confidence. It is believed that such an attitude will subsequently help him adapt to life in any society and in any environment, to cope even with very difficult life situations and to leave them the winner, as the True British.

Daily regime

On the schedule, the main difference between the Nursery School from the familiar kindergarten is that the day is divided into two sessions - the morning (about nine in the morning to twelve day) and daytime (approximately with the hour up to four in the evening). There is a break on Lunch between sessions. The child can be written on the required number of days a month. Parents can bring a child here and full day, and only for one session - in the morning or in the evening. Payment, of course, will be different - pay for the number of shifts and separately for a break.

How are the classes pass

Children are seated in the room on the pales, and the tutor holds a roll ring. Then at the board, one of the older guys under the dictation of the rest of the children puts the plates indicating the current day of the week, the number of months, the weather. Then the group is divided into two subgroups by age and directly training sessions begin. Senior children teach the alphabet, solve simple tasks, learn to write letters. In the very few times, developing classes are undergoing, they show various items, explain what is used for, and what is called. Such "lessons" last long, just ten to fifteen minutes. After that, children can calmly play, especially since there is no lack there - there are all sorts of cars, designers, dolls, children's houses, small swings, pencils and paint for drawing, plasticine and other accessories for crafts.

Mandatory rule: After the game, it is removed into place, put in order room, remove the garbage. This is done together - both children and educators. After Lunch, children begin to develop creative skills - sing songs, compose scenes, collect mosaic, draw, pose from clay. Finally, the time of walking comes. The kids are walking on a special platform, fenced from all sides. They play the same way as their Russian peers - ride off the slides, dig in the sandbox. It is a large sandbox closed on the castle, inside the blades, scoops, buckets and other relevant toys. After a walk, the kids have time to frolic in the game room or read some book, and the first shift ends. The teacher again holds a roll ring and leads to parents of those children who do not remain on the second shift. The rest are seated by tables and eat. And then they are waiting for games and classes again.

Pre-school education in Australia

Historically, the Australian education system was created according to the sample of British, and it remains to today. In the country with the 20 millionth population there are 40 universities, more than 350 colleges, hundreds of public and private secondary schools. According to the level of education of the population, Australia ranks third in the list of countries - members of the Organization for Economic Development and Cooperation. For young Australians, school life begins with five years.

There are also kindergartens for very small. Preschool education does not imply special training, because the school here go early, and even because it is considered harmful because it prevents the child to show their originality. Baby gardens in Australia are mostly private.

It should be noted good skills of educators and their features of their attitude towards children: caregivers do not complain to parents that the child is somehow incorrectly raised or something does not know how. They collaborate with parents, promoting the education process.

Pre-school education in Israel

For more than half a century, the path of its existence, Israel from the desert coastal band turned into the most dynamically developing state of the Middle East.

One of the reasons for this is a high educational level of the population. Education in Israel is a well-established system, which can take advantage of not only citizens of the country and repatriates, but also foreigners. Many of their economic successes, Israel must have the ancient traditions of learning that retained in Jewish communities.

The first steps in creating a base for the future career of the Israelis are still in early childhood. Some children are in preschool educational institutions already at the age of twin, the majority falls there for three or four years old. In five to six years, a visit to kindergartens is required for everyone. They are trained to read, writing, arithmetic, try to develop creative thinking in children and, using game programs, introduce even with the Aza computer literacy. So by the time of arrival in the first class, the young citizen of Israel is already able to write, read and count. Children's schools are accepted from six-year-old.

Pre-school education in South Korea

According to Confucian traditions, anyone is always in absolute obedience in its parents always, and not until the age of majority, as was customary in Europe. The image of the prodig son could hardly arise in the countries of Confucian civilization, because from the point of view of Confucian ethics, the prodigal son is not an unfortunate man, in fairness and intense the tragic mistake, but a bastard and scoundrel who violated the main and higher ethical commandment that required Korean or the Japanese is unquestioned to fulfill the commandments of his parents, whenever possible be more often located next to them, to provide them with all care and help. In general, this system of values \u200b\u200bpersists in Korea and today.

Cancer Koreans, their addiction to children are amazing. The question of the son or grandson is able to soften even the most unfriendly and wary of the interlocutors. Children in the family are given all the mental strength, all material opportunities, they are the object of universal love, and even in those families where there is a disorder, it rarely affects the children. It is interesting to note that,, as in Japan, and in Korea, the child was considered to be divine created before the age of the age.

Minors in Korea are very liberal in Korea. A child under 5-6 years is allowed so much. He can walk around the apartment, take in his hands and look at what he pleases, he rarely receives a refusal to his requests. The kid rarely scold and almost never punish, he is constantly next to his mother. Korea is a country housewife. Most Korean women either do not work at all, or work part-time, so children are under constant maternal supervision. Doctor Lee on Mi noted, "that Korean children compared to their European and American peers are overly tied to mothers."

The attitude is changing when the child reaches the age of 5-6 years and begins to prepare for admission to school. From that moment on, liberalism and indulgence of kids' whims are replaced by a new educational style - a tough, harsh, child-oriented child respect for teachers and in general to all who occupy higher places in the age or social hierarchy. Education, in general, occurs in accordance with traditional Confucian canons, according to which a respectful attitude towards parents was considered the highest of human virtues. This is the main task of raising children in Korea: the teachment of them to infinite respect and deep reverence of their parents and especially the Father. Each child from a small years, first of all, inspire respect for the Father. The slightest disobedience to him immediately and strictly punishable. A business is disobedience. Although children are obliged to honor their mother equally with the Father, however, in most cases the child often shows a reconcitation towards the mother. "A respectful son contains his parents, pleases their hearts, will not re-with their will, their eyesight and hearing are having a rumor, keeps them fraviled, delivers them food and drink" - so characterizes the concept of "sons of respect" in the Treatise "NOT Hong" ("Internal instructions ") written by Queen Savey in 1475. These ideas and today largely determine family relationships from Koreans.

Pre-school education in New Zealand

The system of pre-school education and development for children in New Zealand covers the age group, starting, practically, from birth to school (at the age of five).

Kindergartens work with children from three years before entering school. Currently, in New Zealand, more than 600 such children's centers that visit more than 50,000 children.

In the bulk of young children visit these educational centers three times a week after lunch. Older children - five times a week in the morning. Mobile centers can work in remote locations. Parents can take an active part in the work of the Center, meanwhile, regular teachers must be certified teachers.

PlayCentres, where the observation and control of children is carried out by the United Group of Parents. Covers children from the first days of life before entering school. All parents involved in the children must contribute to the work of the center and are periodically attracted to work with children. The work of all centers is coordinated at the local and national level.

Education and Care Services may provide limited lessons time, but equal to children for a whole day or part of the day. Encompose the age group from infancy before entering school, depending on its specialization. New Zealand has more than one and a half thousand such educational centers, and more than 70,000 children are regularly visited by them. Such centers can be private (currently there are 53%), belong to charitable organizations or major businesses. The most common among them can be considered Barnardos, Mantessori, Rudolf Steiner.

HomeBased Services, a network of families covered by the observation of one coordinator. A similar coordinator sends children to approved families for a consistent number of hours a day.

CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL, is used by parents of children living in isolated, or in remote areas, which does not allow them to personally be involved with their children to the New Zealand pre-school development system. Currently, more than a thousand families with preschool children are involved in their activities.

TE KOHANGA REO, Network of pre-school education for Maori, supporting language and cultural traditions of this nation.

Foreign family children's gardens

Foreign family kindergartens:overview of work experience. What is "Family Kindergarten" abroad? What are they? What programs work?

It is said that the categorization of judgment usually demonstrates the limit of the horizons. So let us have this "pedagogical outlook" and there will be an understanding of how different the idea of \u200b\u200bthe "kindergarten" can be embodied - at home, where children are good and cozy, where they are in the caring hands of teachers, where kids play , I know the world, communicate, grow and feel happy!

Foreign family kindergartens.

Description of foreign experience of family kindergartens.


In foreign countries, family kindergartens have existed for more than 50 years and are usually an alternative form of pre-school education. Information about such institutions set forth in domestic pedagogical literature has a fragmentary and controversial nature. In this regard, this article not only analyzed the information from the Russian-speaking scientific and scientific and methodological literature, but also pays special attention to the description of the foreign experience of the work of family DW, set forth in the original sources in a foreign language. First of all, these are Internet sites of national and regional associations who oversee the work of family kindergartens: National Association of Child Care Resource, Jewish Child Care Association and Virginia Child Care Resource and Referral Network (USA); National Family Day Care Council of Australia, Victorian Family Day Care Association and Noin Childcare Accreatation Council (Australia), Family Day Care Center (Canada). Also analyzed information about the work of family dow available on the websites of municipal management bodies and communes (US Government's website, Waverley communes in Australia, Yevskül and Moscow in Finland, the site of the Department of Family, Social Services and Government Regional Relations Australia), and personal experience of studying the experience of the work of "Parental kindergartens" in Denmark (Vine, Klim). The material of this chapter used information contained on the sites of organizations with a detailed network of family kindergartens in their region (Family Day in Canada, Infant Todler Family Day Care in the USA, etc.).

A variety of family kindergartens in foreign countries.

Foreign family pre-school educational institutions are diverse. They can be divided into several types.

Types of family kindergartens abroad:

1. Family kindergartens - Public associations of parentsIn which parents can either pay the services of the educator and other employees, either themselves become educators of their children and children of neighbors, hold holidays for children, lead their games, organize classes in circles, equip the room, etc.

2. Family Children's Gardens of Professional Associations. In such supports existing in an apartment or private house of the rapist, personnel has staff having an appropriate education. Most often in the role of teachers are several people from one family, for example, a married couple or mother and daughter. Baby gardens are licensed to education. Parents pay for child care services and his training.

3.Departure Family Kindergarten. The group of families who are 2-3 times a week in the apartment or house of one of the families, is invited at this time the teacher who gives parents to consultation, holds games and classes with children. Such a teacher is fixed for several families and constantly works by a family teacher according to a predetermined schedule. Exit groups are organized in areas in which children have no opportunity to visit the kindergarten due to its absence.

4. Family kindergarten as a subdivision of the leading state preschool institution. Moms that organize family dow at home are full-fledged state institutions, receive salary, have the right to leave and other benefits.

5. Gaming family sites in the courtyards of houses of the neighborhood, squares, parks. This type is created with the purpose of pedagogical education of young parents. At the site there is an educator who takes up to 20 children to a group, and also behaves with their parents.

6.Playground at home. It is organized to facilitate the social development of children who do not attend the DW and the exchange of experience of family education. Provides control over the activities of educators teachers. Perhaps holidays and entertainment for children and their parents.

7. Family centers based on social support centerswhich includes groups for preschool children. The composition of groups of the midst, because One group is visited by several children from one family. In such groups, you can bring a child at any time, for example, during training or consultation for parents. Groups are organized for children from disadvantaged families, but other families do not refuse services.

Consider the features of the functioning of these types of family pre-school educational institutions in different countries.

Family Dai Care (Family Day Care) exist in USA for more than 60 years and are very popular with parents. Their work is supervised by organizations such as the National Care Association (NFCCRRA), associations of care for children of various states or national communities (JCCA, VFCCRN, etc.). In each of such kindergartens, a qualified person who has passed a special, approved by the city, preparation is caught by children.

According to the legislation of the state of New York ("Family Day Care" from 31. 01.2005, part 417) Open family kindergarten can any citizen over 18 years old, having at least two years of experience with children of preschool age (in an educational institution or as a volunteer on public Beginning) and past 6-hour courses on the topic "Development of a child in early and preschool childhood." It can be both lecture and practical classes. In addition, the family teacher provides names and phones at least three persons who are not consisting of related links that may vouch for it (lack of bad habits, personality features, qualifications, experience and experience). Medical certificates are also needed about the state of the health of all members of the educators' family (duration - 12 months) and a certificate of "absence of criminal past".

To open a family dow, you need to get a license and create a family atmosphere in kindergarten, coordinate the premises with the representative of the license bureau. In order to ensure the safety of children, the premises of this apartment or at home cannot be used for other purposes, including social. Several family kindergartens can be organized in one house, however, the total number of children in them should not exceed 20 people.

Each family educator leads documentation. Mandatory documents include: Approved Plan of Health Events; plan "Children's Activities for Preschool Program"; a leaf of attendance of children; Medical documentation on the state of the health of all children; List of families who are ready to take care of children in the absence of a family educator at a given time; Data on parents and faces that have the right to take the child from Dow home.

To obtain a certificate, you must listen to the course "Health and safety of children in family or group family kindergarten" (15 hours of school hours) and pass the appropriate exam. In the future, every two years after the first year of registration, the family teacher is undergoing training courses in the amount of 30 academic hours on the topic chosen. The content of these courses necessarily includes the following topics:

  • the main laws of the child's development in preschool childhood;
  • methods of conducting observations of children, signals of emotional or physical disadvantage in the behavior of children;
  • managing the behavior of children and discipline;
  • accounting in the pedagogical process of children's needs;
  • organization of food and care for the health of the child;
  • program for the development of children visiting the family kindergarten;
  • child health protection, life safety;
  • protection of the rights of the child and prevent the abuse of children;
  • legislation regulating the activities of family kindergartens.

After listening to courses on these basic topics, the family teacher can choose the topics of courses based on the needs of their own work practices in the family Dow.

In a family kindergarten, one or several teachers can work, but if the kindergarten is a round-the-clock, then it must be two educators. Educators cannot work two shifts in a row. In 24-hour family kindergartens, there must be several premises for sleeping children, because It is forbidden to organize the sleep of children of different sexes in the same room.

Parents of family dow pupils have the right to get acquainted without any restrictions to get acquainted with any kindergarten documentation and at any time to visit it. In some such children's institutions, camcorders are installed, allowing parents to monitor their children in various regime processes.

Associations oversee the work of each institution, checking the level of child care. They also help in the opening, registration and jurisdiction of the family business. Children are in a warm home environment where they play with them, do, feed homemade food, put sleep. Preschool programs are not conducted in all kindergartens, many of them carry out only a leaving and child care. The number of children in such kindergartens is limited, not more than 6, and if there are two teachers there and allows the place, then not more than 12. Often such kindergartens are organized in the adapted first floors of individual houses.

Family Day Care is accepted by children from 6-week (Infant Toddler Family Day Care), with the income of parents small and they are assisted from the city, payment is minimal. Family Day Care often organize former teachers or just people loving children. Often it becomes a family business in which not only wife, but also husband or sister, or mother and daughter work. Earnings depends on various factors, including from the number of children and individual arrangement with those parents who do not receive discounts from the city and pay for the care.

In family groups for young children (Infant Toddler Family Day Care), a specially dedicated specialist comes home, which does not just have an appropriate education, but also continuously participates in various types of professional training on development Child in early childhood. The specialist gives parents information on the development of their children, features and approaches to education. Flexible teacher's arrival schedules are developed individually. All specialists at the request of parents can spend a family holiday or cook food. In the event of fever or vomiting, children are not accepted into the family group. Each family-friendly kindergarten working with young children should have a state license. Once a month of the family visits a medical worker.

IN Canada Family kindergartens exist as an alternative pre-school education system, which is individual. They are popular among parents, because The child's content is cheaper in them than in government agencies. The staff consists of 2-3 people who have pedagogical education and experience in raising children. As a rule, family dow are located in private houses, have a separate bedroom and a playroom, a well-equipped courtyard with swings, slides and sandbox. Educators are very attentive to children. The average number of groups is 5-7 people. Children can visit the family kindergarten daily or selectively on any convenient day. To record a child in kindergarten, no certificates and documents are required. We just need to bring the child. During the day with children play, engaged in music. For dinner, children are fed fruit and give natural juice. Family kindergartens work from 9 to 18 hours. Such kindergartens are organized to help working women, including those engaged in high scientific positions. In them, the child remains in case of illness.

In recent years, in Canada, 38% of preschool children moved to home environment. So, the leading educational institution for family education in Toronto - the center "Family Day" serves 4,000 children under 12 years. Family educators conclude a contract with the center for the creation of a family kindergarten for 5 children (the maximum number) at home. The center provides vocational training and support of the pedagogical activities of educators. Each family educator is issued a booklet "Family Kindergarten: What you need to know", which contains general information on the creation and work of Family Day Care (minimum legal requirements, child care, work plan, frequently asked questions, websites). The center has a license of the Ministry of Children and Youth of Ontario, services for the management and operation of buildings.

The leading principle of work of family kindergartens "Family Day" is the importance of family and society in the development of the child. In this regard, the family members are recommended to take part in the programs of the Center, 2) supported partnerships with families, 3) news bulletins and brochures for parents are published, 4) respected family values, 4) free family reading programs, workshop ( Workshops) for parents, consultation - workshops on the features of the child's development, trainings for parents.

The program of work with preschoolers, approved by local authorities,. "Family Day" includes: mathematics, experimentation, readiness for reading, creativity and craft, reading fairy tales and writing stories, music and movement, theater, games with water and sand, outdoor games, excursions.

Family Day family children's gardens work with children with special needs, which includes early diagnosis, consultations for parents, transfer to parents specially developed materials. Such children participate in all program programs, and specialists - family educators ensure the implementation of a comprehensive program at home.

Working in family kindergartens "Family Day" gives them to employees a discount on staying in the group of their children, competitive wages, participation in the pension program, 3 weeks of vacation to start the work of the kindergarten. Teachers should have a diploma approved by Aesseo and experience with children care for them.

IN Australia The most common 2 types of family kindergartens are the most common. 1. Family kindergartens organize women at home, often pensioners who have passed pedagogical courses. In such groups, 4-5 people. The incidence in Family Day Care on statistics is less than in other kindergartens. In addition, Family Day Care is cheaper than an ordinary kindergarten. 2. Several parents are combined and create a group for their children. They take turns work as an educator in this group, and also spend with children "classes" with music, drawing, manual labor. Each parent chooses the type of classes, which, according to his own assessment, he can spend efficiently with children. Due to this, such family groups are still cheaper, because Parents actually pay only nutrition and rental of premises. Some parents hire specialists - teachers to work with children.

All family kindergartens must have a license. They can work both full and part-time. Family Day Care have a flexible service schedule, convenient for families, and provide services for the supervision of children for several hours, including on weekends and festive days. The family dow system is primarily focused on children from birth to five years, but assistance can also be provided to children - schoolchildren in special situations (seasonal parents of parents, emergency situations in families).

The Department of Family, Communal Services and Regional Relations of the Government of Australia has determined the following types of family kindergartens:

  • "Game family group at home"providing for short-term stay of children
  • "Day Family Children's Garden" In the apartment or house of educators (Family Day Care),
  • "Home care" (family dow in his own apartment for families who do not have the opportunity to give the child to an ordinary kindergarten, for example, for children with disabilities, for people with disabilities, in rural remote areas, in large families with three and more preschool children, in case of a special schedule of the work of parents or child guardians),
  • "Family kindergarten full day" For families in which parents work at night,
  • "Mobile children's groups, game and library"providing services in remote areas, including the organization of holidays, gaming groups, including full-day groups, cultural programs, library services, organization of games, told and essay of stories, etc. These groups also provide information to parents about raising children and provide them with help and support,
  • "Multifunctional family groups for children of a certain nationality",whose activities include the study of the culture of their people, the organization of holidays and entertainment. Such groups can work both full day and according to the drawn schedule and include other types of family assistance: game groups at home, the organization of the life of schoolchildren after lessons, etc. For children living on Torres Strait Islands, multifunctional centers are created (MACS).
  • "Seasonal groups",
  • "Evening bands",
  • "Group of short-term supervision at home."

The National Family Day Care Council of Australia (National Family Day Care Council of Australia) was established in 1988 to summarize the experience and propaganda of family kindergartens at the national level. It is a financially independent organization. The Association provides information on legislation issues, the Family Day Care organization, advises teachers and parents, offers an extensive database for family kindergartens. NFDCCA works in close cooperation with guardians, families, educators of family dough, local authorities and local communities.

The Council of the Association is elected for a period of two years and is legal responsibility for the effective work of the organization, determines the strategic directions of development. The Council includes 17 permanent employees.

The Association participates in the development and implementation of national standards for family kindergartens. A special JigSAW magazine is produced, containing information exclusively about the work of family dough. Each kindergarten is obliged to report the Association on the results of its activities through reports.

All family educators are registered and receive support and methodological support from Child Develop Offices, which regularly visit these institutions. Associations of family kindergartens are responsible for their effective functioning, including the recruitment, its training, assistance and consultation with educators, support and informing parents. They also help families to choose the most suitable family kindergarten. The system of work with family educators also provides "sessions" once every two weeks and methodological assistance once a month.

IN New Zealand to obtain a certificate (national certificate) on the right to engage in pedagogical activities in family doo, it is necessary to listen to courses, the content of which meets national standards. Courses include 20 tutorial hours of theory and 10 hours of leadership by the mentor of the practical pedagogical activities of listeners. The theme of these "initial introductory courses" includes the following questions:

  • features of the development of the child and the basic needs of children of preschool age,
  • caring for the health of children, the necessary rules of hygiene and the peculiarities of their use in raising young children,
  • regulation of the behavior of children, the role of the rules of behavior in preschool childhood,
  • ensuring the safety of vital activity of preschoolers,
  • features of cooperation with families of pupils,
  • organization of children's games
  • food preschoolers,
  • methodical recommendations for child observations,
  • creating a developing environment in a family kindergarten,
  • features of communication with children of different ages,
  • methods of upbringing and learning children.

In the future, family educators can choose other topics of advanced training courses and get a certificate. For example, the Open Education Training Center, which learn 30 thousand people of different professions, offers the following courses for teachers of family kindergartens - Family Day Care:

  • Interpersonal relationships (work with feelings, the ability to resolve conflicts, which is respect and self-affirmation, pollarol presentation of children, etc.).
  • We play with children (the role of the game in preschool childhood, the domestic history of preschool education, theory of the game, the stage of development of gaming activity, the creation of a gaming environment in the apartment - family daw, etc.),
  • Communication with children (how to establish and maintain good relations with children, effective guide to children's behavior, methods and techniques for organizing interaction with children, etc.).
  • Ensuring the safety of the child's life in the family kindergarten (potentially dangerous situations in everyday life, first aid to children in case of injury, organization of transportation of children, prevention of ill-treatment of children, ensuring a favorable emotional microclimate in the family group, etc.).
  • Communicative skills (skill skills, features of working with children and adults of other nationalities, bilingualism, etc.)

IN Germany Since the 1980s, there is an interesting new form of work with the family - maternal centers. By 1992, more than 200 centers and initiative groups on their organization opened in the country. The impetus for their creation was the studies of the German Institute of Youth on the problems of working with parents, demonstrating the problems of young mothers: their isolation from society, material problems, uncertainty in communicating with the outside world, difficulties in raising children, a large number of stresses, restriction of their self-realization in professional activities . Maternal centers are designed to help parents solve these problems. The main distinguishing feature of the maternal centers - all activities are organized and carried out by women themselves, and experts work outpatient, often and on weekends. However, if necessary, specialists are ready to give any consultation at a convenient time for mothers. Consultations, courses and seminars for increasing parental qualifications, exchange of experience on topical family problems are offered services for childcare, massage, cleaning, sales of children's things, participating training, family psychology, children's psychology, conflictology are often offered Consultations on medicine, cosmetics, needlework, clothing repair, making small souvenirs and gifts, hairdresser services, nutritionist, etc. For the fulfillment of tasks in Maternal centers, the fee is paid by the fee. A small annual budget is enough to ensure the work of the Center, as the centers earn their own means to the provision of various domestic services. At the same time, young mothers have the opportunity to share the experience of raising children and receive qualified pedagogical assistance. Many centers hire mothers in Polish, as well as specialists in psychology, medicine, pedagogy.

In maternal centers, the organization and content of the work are adapted to the needs of children and rhythms of families. Therefore, the maternal center is always open, there is a flexible work schedule. In addition, constant types of classes at a certain time are organized. You can always bring a child with you. Daily to the centers come from 30 to 40 mams with twice by a large number of children. The active part of the centers are 100-150 women with children (young housewives with children, lonely mothers, pensioners and even working women).

Given the resources of the centers, the parental skills of mothers and their desire to participate in public life, including the upbringing of their and other children, in Germany, two ways of cooperation of kindergartens and maternal centers were substantiated: 1) Professionalization of maternal centers, i.e. a broader invitation to work in them specialists of a social and pedagogical profile; 2) Attracting mothers to work in Dow on voluntary principles on flexible graphics as assistants of educators to increase pedagogical competence.

As for the model of the family kindergarten "Day Mom" \u200b\u200b(mother, along with his children, raises children of other parents, then in Germany, she did not bring the expected success. The reason for the lack of "qualified" mothers, which could qualitatively perform the work of the family teacher. However, in Germany in 1994, there were already 25,735 "daily moms". At the "Day Mom" \u200b\u200bParents get the right after the 15 months of paid vacation to raise the baby will expire. Such a mother received state subsidies, and its value for parents according to 1994 data was 350 - 800 grades per month.

In Germany, there is another type of family kindergartens. Parents can make an initiative: to find, premises, collect children, become educators, make up their kindergarten work program. Financing such institutions is carried out from the budget of the commune or church. The fee for a kindergarten depends on the income of the family and the number of hours held by the child in the group. Personnel of kindergarten itself develops the concept of its work. Parents have the right to influence staff activities. Teachers do not bear legal responsibility for the life of children.

IN Dani. there are so-called "parent schools", under which "parent children's gardens" or pre-school groups are organized. These institutions are an alternative state education system. The first such institutions were created in 1850 as a protest against the bunning. The real reason for their creation is the solid belief of the parents in the fact that they themselves can determine what is the best for their children. If the municipal educational institution satisfies their requirements, they give the child there. If not, a group of parents creates its own educational institution. Each "Parental" educational institution is supported by a group of organizers, most of which are parents. This group elects the Committee, which is responsible for managing the school. The Committee hires and dismisses the pedagogical staff. Disinterested teachers are dismissed immediately. Often teachers in the Parentic Children's Gardens and Schools are parents themselves. In such institutions, testing and exams are not conducted.

Parental kindergartens are usually small, often visited by 3-5 children from one family, but in the group there may be 20 children. Institutions are independent, but the state ensures their financial support for 80 -85%, the remaining 15-20% is paid by their parents. We are engaged in music, dancing, drawing, manual labor, read stories, myths, fairy tales. Every day begins with the morning collection of all pupils, all teachers and those who wanted parents, on which the Danish songs and hymns sing all vest. Much attention is paid to social development, labor education and physical exercises.

Consider the stages of creating such a "parent" kindergarten - schools (on the example of Vain Friskole, open in 1999):

one). Through the announcement in the newspaper, there was a meeting of parents interested in creating their educational institution and unsatisfied education in government agencies.

2). Over the next 6 months, 40 interested parents engaged in organizational issues: a premises were found - the building of 1927, which required the repair, the necessary teachers were invited. Many functions - the repair of the building, parents themselves were carried out. As a result, 26 children of preschool and younger school age were adopted in the Parental School.

3). The Council of Parents has been created - the organizers, who, at the General Meeting, solves all the issues of school's life. The prerequisite for enrolling the child in such an institution is the desire and consent of the parents to participate in school. In the interruptions between the tips of the parents, the Board of Trustees from representatives of parent groups, as well as the "Circle of Support" group (grandmothers and grandfathers of children who spend the game with children, teach needlework, arrange the Christmas sales of children's and parental crafts, looking for sponsors and provide other school assistance ). All parents work in the parent school for free - for the benefit of their children. There are groups of parents by profession: teachers, art historians, builders, etc. But only those parents who have a license to engage in this type of activity are involved in school.

four). Parent School and Kindergarten opened their doors for children and began working on 7 classical directions for the development of a harmonious person (N.F.S. Grundtvig - founder of parental schools): body development, development of musical abilities, development of creativity, development of mathematical abilities, sports development skills, attachment to history and culture.

To Central Scotland. in order to support socially disadvantaged families in the city of Alla in 1987, the Center "Family" was opened with a local public utterance department. The main activity of the Center was to provide services for children under five years (group of type of family kindergarten), as well as their parents. Within the framework of this project, which is still ongoing, the Center "Family" provides the following services: daily departure groups, a day stay group for parents and young children (children are engaged in the game group, and parents are communicating with each other at this time, Consultations and other), groups of extended day for preschoolers and schoolchildren, discussion therapeutic groups for parents (groups for fathers, a group with the provision of assistance of a psychologist and a social teacher, a group of mothers on the study of various types of needlework, groups of parents dealing with solving problems of child behavior ). The center provides services to families in the pre-crisis period, during the crisis and after it, and provides any services at the request of the residents of the neighborhood.

IN Finland the following types of family kindergartens are functioning:

  • family kids garden full day (the child is in an institution 5-10 hours),
  • family kindergarten of an incomplete day (the child is in Dow less than five hours),
  • family kindergarten with an irregular stay of children (children attend to do not daily, but for certain days or for certain weeks of the month),
  • a group of day care, which the child visits at a time when it is necessary for a family, for example, comes to a group for 1-2 hours. When the needs of the family in the day care group disappear, the child stops visiting it.

Homemade children's gardens such as "Group of Care groups" are very popular. The household, passing training at special courses, concludes an employment contract with the municipality and organizes children's care, the number of which should not exceed four people, along with its own. As an educator at the municipal position, the home teacher receives qualified assistance from other more experienced family educators and from the head of the usual kindergarten, who at the same time is the head of educators of family kindergartens, the family educator is provided with the same vacation and other privileges associated with the labor relations, as in other other employees of the municipal sphere. The amount of wages is determined in accordance with the terms of the municipal overall labor and official contract. The employment of a family-run garden teacher suggests: either the availability of vocational education in the specialty "educator of the family kindergarten", or the obligation to get education by learning in the workplace, or other pedagogical or medical education. Children can stay in the house (apartment) of hostess-nanny or by agreement with parents alternately in each family. There are municipal home groups and groups created on the basis of the private contractual agreement. The work and those and others control the municipal instructors of pre-school education.

Finnish family kindergartens can be "linguistic". In such institutions, the educator communicates with children in their native language - Swedish, English or friend.

Also organized the so-called "open kindergartens" in the courtyards of residential buildings, squares, parks, where parents can bring their children for a walk (two hours before lunch or two hours after lunch). Such platforms in the neighborhoods are equipped with a canopy from rain, elementary equipment (sandbox, swing). Inventory and small toys are stored in wooden gloomy. In such a group of up to 20 children. The educator takes all those wishing. These groups were highly appreciated among parents and the public. The purpose of such a group is to reduce the isolation of families, strengthen contacts between children and adults, to improve the pedagogical education of parents.

Baby gardens with open mode work exist in Finland for more than 10 years. In the 90s, there were about ten in different parts of the country. According to the draft Social Security Office, such a kindergarten is a place of contacts and family meetings with children. His task is to establish contacts between residents of the neighborhood (and not only families with children), the intensification of the population, information about social assistance services provided by the municipality. These institutions combine all forms of knowledge transfer to parents: official, unofficial and informal. Consultations can be bilateral and multilateral, in addition, parents are in constant contact between themselves and receive additional assistance from such communication.

The work of the open family kindergarten was based on the following principles: consolidating cooperation between parents and children's gardens, explaining the responsibility of parents for the education of children, upbringing the feelings of mutual trust. In working with parents, teachers consultants put the following tasks: upbringing respect for childhood and parent; Formation of the skills of observation of the child and the ability to make the right conclusions from these observations; assimilating parents of a confident and relaxing style of upbringing; Educating the habit of seeking help in education.

IN Sweden there are similar types of family kindergartens. Most often, family kindergarten opens up a married couple (there is a limit on the number of children per adult). It makes a permit for such a kindergarten. As a rule, in one family group, 6-8 children from year to 4-5 years are brought up. Those who wish parents give a child in such a kindergarten and at the same time pay a special tax. Due to the tax, the work of parents who have taken responsibility for raising not only their, but also neighboring children. There is special legislation regulating issues related to the functioning of family kindergartens.

IN Switzerland along with public children's gardens and private preschool institutions, there are special kindergartens in the incomplete mountain areas, where children are actually devoid of opportunities to visit ordinary Dow. So, in the canton of Bern, a small group of preschoolers for certain days - usually twice a week - going to one of the houses of parents. The arriving teacher holds classes on a kindergarten program with them. The program includes the following points: Music and rhythmics, native language, basics of mathematics, exercise, observations of nature, manual labor, etc. Thus, one educator serves a rather large territory. Usually such home groups are collected in single-storey cottages that have a small area for games and walks or 1-2 rooms of the municipal residential building.

IN Israel family kindergartens (Mishpakhton) are private institutions. The entry in them begins in May. Such kindergartens are under the control of the Communication Department of the Municipality and the Ministry of Labor. The cost of "Mishpakhton" is partially subsidized by new repatriates and loner parents. Family children's gardens are designed for children aged 3 months to 3 years. Groups make up about 5 people. Recording to the family kindergarten is made in the Social Support Department. Parents bring an identity card, calculated sheets of both parents for the current year, a certificate from the employer that they work at a complete rate. The record is completed in June. Two educators work in kindergarten, domestic food, insurance. Groups work from 6.30-7.00 to 17-20 hours. In most family kindergartens, there is a swimming pool, a cinema hall, game. In one group are both Hebrew-speaking and foreign language children.

IN Belorussia family kindergartens are created in rural areas. They are funded at the expense of the local budget and UNICEF (United Nations Children's Fund). The family teacher is working in the village in his home, equipped with special children's furniture, toys and has a well-maintained territory. In the equipment of premises assistance to the family provide district education departments and local enterprises. Family teacher must be a teacher by education. The main principle of the selection of children in a group - related ties. The group may have 5-9 children. They are provided with 2-way nutrition. Family kindergarten works 5 days a week, within 7 hours a day. A similar form makes it possible to cover the preschool education of those children whose parents do not always assess the importance of the personal development of the child and the training of kids to school.

IN Kazakhstan family kindergartens are also created, which are particularly popular with parents of children of 1-5 years. Such institutions usually contain a married couple in their apartment, or its founders remove the room in which they equip the bedroom and the game room. The task of such a kindergarten is a supervision and care for kids. If the kindergarten is visited by children over 5 years, then specialists are invited to the group to conduct classes with children. Payment for such a kindergarten is sufficiently high, problems associated with the disadvantages of the room and equipment are often observed. There are few children in the group - 3-5 people, there may be up to 8 children. Conditions are as close as possible to home. An individual approach to the organization of food (power mode, menu) is proposed. The staff, as a rule, manifests the maximum of attention and care for the child. In family kindergartens flexible work schedule, which is convenient for parents.


Family pre-school educational institutions are successfully operating in many countries of the world. In each state, they have their own specifics associated with the peculiarities of the sociocultural environment, traditions that have developed views on the education of children and on the role of parents in providing their child with high-quality educational services. At the same time, the important social mission of family preschool institutions in modern society, the humanistic principles based on their work will help enrich the domestic system of pre-school education.

Bibliography on "Family kindergartens abroad".

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  8. Komarova E. Little big family: about domestic kindergartens in Czech Republic // Teacher's newspaper. - 1987. - December 10.
  9. Kostina N.S. Childhood is an American // Psychologist in kindergarten. - 1999. - №1. - C.3-17.
  10. Korg G., Bohum D. Development Psychology. - St. Petersburg., 2005.
  11. Kurbatova E. On preschool education in Switzerland // Pre-school education. - 1987.-№7.-S.61-62.
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  14. MEIVOGEL R. Predeschool and children's education in Europe // Obruch.-1998.-№5.- C.4-6.
  15. Mindlin T.A. Pre-school education in France. - M., 1984.
  16. Paramonova L.A., Protasova E.Yu. Preschool and primary education abroad: history and modernity. - M., 2001.
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  22. Stepanova M. FRG. Mother centers // Pre-school education. - 1990. - №11.- S.71-72.
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  26. Furyeva T.V. FRG. On one alternative model of pre-school education // Pre-school education. - 1991.- №8.-C 79-83.
  27. Furyeva T.V. Germany: theory and practice of pre-school education // Pre-school education. - 1989. - №10. - from 102-103.
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  30. Shkorkinal.g. Popular education Dani.- M., 1999.

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Kindergarten in Europe. What it is?

He heard from the friend from Canada, that kindergarten is expensive and not everyone afford.
This Canadian lived for several years in Russia and her children visited the Russian kindergarten.
She was just delighted, because Each group had in addition to the game room also a separate bedroom with susolitely normal wooden beds for children,
Large toilet, locker room with separate lockers for each child and a separate veranda for walking.
Another pool, where all the children went to swim and where classes conducted a coach on physical education.
About the huge hall for musical classes and the hall for physical education and speak does not occur, because It seems to be sabra in itself.
Yes, and another monthly fee 10 years ago was just symbolic.

According to the stories of their familiar from Europe, he learned about private gardens. SDE The kids are in a small room, where only have the opportunity to play, but do not sleep. The concepts of "Titch Hour" Zide is not.
Walking with Mimi not every day, but only sometimes Tolichko in good weather, because Not all kindergartens have their own sites for walking.
This bet as a musical worker does not exist. All tutors themselves play guitar and sing.
Children sink and extend to those who want, and who is not - continues to play on.
In general, to teach children of junior preschool age are non-serious.
They do not require anything from them and they grow like themselves. But there are paid classes, such as dancing, English or game on Flace, that here is very popular. Check for a semester, and this is 15 hours, is about 110 to 200 euros.
Toilet one on the whole kindergarten (~ 75 people), where they run with the whole group of couples as a walk. The musical hall is no and sports the same.
Once invited parents at the children's concert at the end of the school year, for which only 3 rooms were prepared: one from the group.
All local parents were satisfied, because Nothing better saw. But what is the terrible thing that all the children were dirty dressed.
It seems to be elegant dresses from ackle and were, but parents led them so dressed in the morning.
In the evening, all these outfits from someone were densedied by the soup, which had not yet had time to dry and therefore the dress smelled, and the Kochoto waspiled by paints or something else.
Yes, I forgot to say that there is no kitchen in our concept.
Children can order Pitz for lunch from a nearby bar or warm up cans soup. For afternoon, they usually receive only a cupcake with juice or water.
In general, we are talking about a healthy diet.
The monthly fee for all this charm is € 320.

Girls, please tell us about children's state gardens in Evropya and America. Is there such a mess as in private?!
And it would be interesting to learn, but what about Russian D / C is now. It became better or worse than before?

Thank you.

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For a long time, we have not told you about life in different countries. Today we will talk about kindergartens and schools abroad. We will share with you different information from our personal experience.

Our kid has an experience of life abroad, when he turned 1.5 years old. Prior to that, he had already managed to get acquainted with a kindergarten system in Russian private garden. For three years, we have already managed to change 5 kindergartens in three countries.

We often ask about what language the child will talk if from an early age to change the linguistic environment. Perhaps, let's talk about it in the next article. To do not miss it to subscribe to the newsletter, and we will send you a fresh article, to the you specified.

From the Soviet past we know the two main types of children's institutions are a kindergarten, in which a child goes from the year to five to six years, and a school from six years to the age of adulthood. Next comes special schools with a specific slope (mathematics, music, etc.), mugs, sections and other places of additional education.

In foreign countries, everything is arranged a little different, and is radically different from the Russian system.

This information will be very useful if you are planning a trip to the abroad with a child, it does not matter to permanent residence or for a short time.

Kindergartens abroad are divided by the age group:

  • Infants and children under 2 years old. As a rule, these groups are called "infants" and pre-nursery.
  • Preschoolers from three to six years - "NURSERY". These groups are already undergoing lessons and various learning. In some countries, children go to the usual school in elementary classes from 3-5 years, and not as in Russia from 6-7 years.
  • Schoolchildren or Schoolers, Children from six years old.
  • "Day Care" or "Extension" In Russian - this name is most suitable. Who does not know what exempted is, then this is a group of extended day. Since in most kindergartens work time from 9 to 12-30.

Features of kindergartens abroad:

  1. Baby gardens work from 9 to 12-30 or 13-00. Next begins "extension" or "daycare". For a better understanding, this is a separate type of service that is paid separately.
  2. "Day Care" - Explosion up to 17-00 or 18-00, depending on the kindergarten, but as a kindergarten in English "Kindergarten", then the word school (SCHOOL) is used.
  3. Food in kindergarten may also be absent. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare a child every morning "Lunchbox" - a container with food, if the child stays on Day Care, then in addition to breakfast you will have to cook even lunch.
  4. Daytime It is not mandatory in all the gardens, that is, if the child did not fall asleep on the go, it will not force him in a voluntarily forced order. This violates the usual routine of the day, which can lead to different consequences with whom will have to face.
  5. Hygiene In most kindergartens, it suffers, actually as in many gardens of Russia. It does not matter: private garden or state, and does not depend on the location of the location, that is, the prestigious part of the city or not. Attitude towards hygiene envy of the country in which you are planning to live. In the yard of 2015, and in some countries there are lectures on the importance of washing hands before eating and after eating. So that sometimes they wonder not to have to come, but only thank the Most High for the fact that we were born in a wonderful country.
  6. Transport. Not all schools represent such a service, but in most cases it is. This service is usually charged separately.
  7. Vacation. In some countries, even in kindergartens and preschool institutions there is a vacation. This is a period of two weeks to a month. During the holiday period, the so-called "Summer Camps" - summer camps are very popular and distributed. The peculiarity is that for this period an interesting program is being developed, which is different from the everyday school program. There are various trips on excursions, in the parks, etc. In most cases, it is outside the school program and are also paid separately.

In fact, there are in a huge amount of subtlety and nuances, which are not possible within the framework of one article. Therefore, if you are interested in and you have questions, write in the comments.

I would also like to pay attention to expenses, but since we have little experience in using the Russian State Children's Garden, it is not possible to carry out a comparative analysis. We hope that this information at least somehow allows you to plan your budget before the trip.

When making a child in kindergarten abroad, there may be the following payments?

  1. Entrance fee. Disposable - mandatory payment.
  2. Office expenses. Payment of books, forms, materials for crafts, etc. One-time payment.
  3. Food. It may be included in paragraph 1., But by experience, this is a separate item of expenses. Sometimes it can be divided into breakfast, lunch and afternoon school. Payable monthly.
  4. Transport services - "School Bus." Payable monthly.
  5. Educational program. This is a set of events, which is held with the child from 9 am to 12 hours. Payable monthly.
  6. "Day Care" or extell. Payable monthly.
  7. Additional classes in evening time. Circles and sections that are conducted in the same rooms begin after 17 pm. They include various dances, music, drawing, etc. Accordingly, paid separately.
  8. Prom. The event at the end of each year is carried out in a solemn atmosphere. Children are preparing a program for parents. Everything is fabulous and fun. Paid separately. It may include a graduation album, various photos and videos, a form for graduation, etc.

Not a small list turned out, but it all depends on the type of school, your personal requirements and for what you want to pay. You can safely use only "Daycare" and refuse other services at school. Based on our experience, the entrance fee to pay must.

And in conclusion, as in most countries, including Russia, to get a license to open the school is very difficult, then kindergartens and schools can be called differently, for example "PlayGroup" - a game group, "Play-School" - kindergarten or "Daycare" Center. Keep this in mind when looking for kindergarten abroad for your baby.

He removed a lot of outdated norms and prohibitions, which were used since the 60s of the last century, and did not take into account the characteristics of the modern lifestyle.

However, emotional disputes broke out around the new rules. Some saw positive changes in this, movement to European standards, a lot of benefits for children, parents and personnel. Others outraged that the requirements for the gardens will now be not strict enough. They even saw in this potential danger to the child.

the site decided to learn how to educate children in countries where such free norms operate for a long time. Are children happy in these conditions, are their parents satisfied?

We interviewed eight of our compatriots who live and raise children abroad. Their stories confirmed: good kindergarten do not strict rules, but respect for the identity of the child.

Features of kindergartens in Germany

To get to the German garden, parents have a lot to so much. But the child here is brought up in the most respectful setting. He will teach him how to defend himself in front of the older, help the younger. How to find a compromise, make up after a quarrel, how to express your emotions, respecting others. And after the release, matured kids go to their first independent - without parents - a hike with overnight.

How kindergartens are arranged in Sweden

The Swedish education of children is arranged according to the principle: "The child should have childhood." Do not try to develop intensively, do not eat information, do not assess their achievements and the level of intelligence. But they do everything so that the kids grow healthy, learned to be friends, respect and take care of each other.

In Swedish gardens, children spend almost all the time in the fresh air. If the weather is good, they even sleep on the street. And the walk will take place even with bad weather.

How do children's gardens arranged in Denmark

In the gardens Denmark try to prepare children not to school, but to life in society: they give freedom and teach to get along with each other.

The main principle of Danish gardens: "We are happy because we are together!". The most common variation of classes - when children with educators sit down on the floor and talk about a wide variety of things.

In kindergartens Denmark, children are trying to provide maximum independence: they can be attached to the cooking of food, to the design of the playground, allow you to help on a farm or in a workshop if the garden is country.

How do children's gardens in the USA

American kindergartens are not a cheap pleasure, even though many parents prefer nanny services, and not a children's team.

But even if nothing supernatural happened, parents regularly receive detailed reports on what a child did, in which mood was, who he played, how he felt, and so on.

Interestingly, children are sleeping in clothes and shoes on special mattresses, just on the floor. This is due to security considerations: so that in the event of an emergency, it is possible to quickly evacuate children.

Features of kindergartens in the Netherlands

Maternity leave in Holland is only three months old. But this moment is compensated by the fact that the parents of a small child can work incomplete day, and like mom and dad. Therefore, to go to the kindergarten on Tuesdays and Thursdays is normal.

In addition, if both parents work, the state partially pays the kindergarten for the baby.

As in all European gardens, in kindergartens of Holland are not trying to teach children to read, but prefer to acquaint them with the world and instill self-service skills. Educators are friendly and children relate with respect.

How do children's gardens in Belgium

Belgian kindergartens, like all kindergartens in Europe, encourage children's freedom and do not overload children with excessive control. But, at the same time, early learning. What we call the kindergarten in Belgium is a school for kids, where there are very crumbs.

However, nor parents nor children confuse, and the Belgian education in quality is considered one of the best in Europe.

Feature Gardens in Israel

Education of children in Israel is known softness and practically per capita. The child in Israeli families consider almost the center of the universe, and the main thing for parents is to ensure his happiness and well-being.

However, at the same time paid maternity leave lasts only 14 weeks, that is, 3.5 months. Therefore, children in Nursery are given from three months.

There are other fectures that are natural for Israelis, and from our point of view they may look strange.

How kindergartens are arranged in South Korea

South Korean Moms are not afraid to send a three-month baby in a garden of a general grade bus.

And South Korean children from diapers are taught English and calmly eaten for lunch rich spices traditional food.