How to moisturize your neck at home. Neck rejuvenation is challenging but achievable. The main indications are

The neck is the part of the body that, along with the face and arms, is the first to age. Upon reaching a certain age wrinkles appear on it in the form of rings (the so-called "rings of Venus"). This process begins on average at the age of 25 and continues until the end of life. but proper care behind the skin of the neck allows you to maintain its beauty and even eliminates some of the effects of aging.

To have longer beautiful neck without the need to resort to special procedures, it is necessary to take care of her at any age. In particular, you need to wash your face every morning. You need to rinse it cold water... After bathing, it is recommended to apply a moisturizer to the appropriate areas.

Using tonal means or powder, it is strongly recommended to wash them off before bed. After the cosmetics are removed, a special lotion should be applied to the skin. Wherein regular cream for the face in this case, it will not work, since the structure of the epidermis in the corresponding places is slightly different. However, there are also means with which you can perform face and neck skin care - there are a lot of such in stores now.

Salon rejuvenation procedures

If you want to quickly rejuvenate the epidermis, you should go through professional procedures... One of them is non-surgical lifting.

The procedure involves the use of fillers (dermal injectable fillers) based on hyaluronic acid although other components can be used.
They are introduced under the epidermis and there they replace the shrunken ones, and also breathe life into the still healthy, but weakened cells.

This rejuvenation of the neck skin has the following effects:

  • cell division is stimulated;
  • the epidermis is moistened;
  • tissues are filled with vitamins.

A professionally performed non-surgical lifting allows you to achieve an excellent effect. The part of the body that was being worked on becomes smoother and healthier. The skin begins to look 10-15 years younger.

Another option for neck skin rejuvenation is laser correction. This is a relatively new word in cosmetology, but which has already been tried by hundreds of thousands of people around the world. In many cases, this correction works much better than the non-surgical hyaluronic acid lifting.

After about half a month after passing the appropriate procedure, changes begin to appear. The skin is visibly tightened, which is why it disappears fine wrinkles, while the larger ones become less visible.

Treatments you can do at home

Professional neck rejuvenation procedures will not give long-term results if you do not engage in caring procedures at home along with them. The latter can be dispensed with, but the effect will not be so pronounced.

You can start rejuvenating your neck at home with simple exercises. The most easy exercise consists in alternating pronunciation letters O-O-I... When pronouncing them, the broad muscle of the neck is strained. If it is actively trained, then it will increase in volume, thereby tightening the skin.

The next exercise is also not difficult. To complete it, you will need to sit in front of a mirror, put one hand slightly below the collarbone, and the other on the chin. Now you need to lower the corners of your mouth, and begin to strain your neck muscles. If possible, it will become noticeable in the reflection in the mirror.
It is necessary to strain and relax the muscle. You need to do 20-30 exercises 3-5 times a day. The effect will be the same as in the previous gymnastics - the muscles will increase and the skin will stretch.

However, taking care of your neck and décolleté skin should not be limited to this. It is also necessary to apply to the appropriate areas of the body. special creams that can be bought at any cosmetics store. If the results from the use of one brand are not obtained, change to another. You can also make your own masks that provide care for the delicate skin of the neck.

The most effective masks

There are a lot of anti-aging creams and lotions in stores. However, in some cases, self-made masks for aging skin of the face and neck can have an even more pronounced effect than the most expensive drugs.

The first option is fruit mask... With its help, you can nourish the epidermis with the vitamins it needs. She prepares very easily. To do this, you need to take about 1/8 of an apricot or 1/2 of a peach, as well as about 50 milliliters fat milk... After that, you need to take a cut piece of this fruit, dip it in milk, and then anoint the problem areas with it. In the process of passing the peach / apricot over the skin, it is necessary to press on the fruit so that it leaves its juice on it. After such a product has been applied, you must wait about a quarter of an hour, and then rinse it off with warm water.

You can also use other anti-aging agents. One of them consists of: raw egg yolk, 1 teaspoon honey and 1 tablespoon olive oil(although it is permissible to use something else). All of these ingredients must be thoroughly mixed, and then apply the resulting mixture to the neck. Then you need to wait about a quarter of an hour and rinse off the mask with water at room temperature.

Flaxseed also helps to reduce their signs of skin aging. To prepare such a mask, you need to take 1 spoonful of flaxseed, pour 100-150 milliliters of boiling water over it. After that, you need to boil them for 10 minutes. When the time is up, the broth should be removed from the heat, left to cool to about 50 degrees. After it has been strained, a slimy liquid should be obtained - it should be applied to problem areas... After half an hour, rinse the neck with water at room temperature.

Cottage cheese also has anti-aging properties. Therefore, on its basis, you can cook enough effective mask... To make it, you will need to take 1 spoon of the corresponding product (it is important that it has a high fat content) and wipe it thoroughly. After that you need to add 4-5 teaspoons orange juice(always freshly squeezed, not from a bag) and a spoonful of heavy cream (if any). When the product is ready, it is applied to problem areas for about a quarter of an hour, and then washed off with warm water.

As you can see, taking care of your neck and décolleté area is quite simple. It is important to understand that the effect does not appear immediately, but only after half a month, and sometimes even more. However, by performing the procedures regularly, you can achieve impressive results.

Aging of the skin on the neck is noticeable more than anyone else, because it is this part of the body that gives out the woman's age, and also shows what cosmetic care she follows her. Most ladies believe that this area not only betrays their age, but also significantly spoils appearance... - this is modern method return the skin to its former youth and beauty.

Today, rejuvenation can be done in two ways: laser rejuvenation neck and home care. In order not to "run" this part of the body, a woman should take care not only for her face, but also for her neck - and most girls forget about this, referring to the lack of cosmetics and time.

What changes does the skin of the neck receive with age?

Sooner or later, every woman's neck will start to age. Firstly, this will happen because this part of the body is most susceptible to ultraviolet radiation and dry warm wind in summer time, and increased friction of clothing and scarves in winter. And secondly, it has thin, easily stretchable skin, which, in combination with active cervical muscles leads to the rapid formation of folds and wrinkles.

Nowadays, the aging of the skin in this area of ​​the body is due to two reasons: external and internal. The external ones include, as mentioned earlier, ultraviolet light, constant temperature changes, and so on. Internal - a change in bone tissue with age. This is especially noticeable in cervical spine and lower jaw... As a result, these factors lead to the appearance of wrinkles.

Sagging skin results from a large number fat packets that gradually descend down the neck.

As noted earlier, the skin of the neck is very elastic; it alone cannot prevent sagging and the formation of wrinkles. Therefore, every woman, especially after 25 years old, should vigorously care for this part of the body. Moreover, in the absence of such care, the skin will completely lose its tone and it will be difficult to make it healthy and smooth.

Rejuvenation methods

There are various methods of neck rejuvenation these days. These include, first of all, a laser facelift, which is carried out using a special device. Thanks to this method, it will be possible to:
  1. remove double chin
  2. tighten skin
  3. achieve an even and even oval of the face
  4. restore elasticity
After this procedure, every woman will have to carry out anti aging care, which consists in the use of appropriate creams, masks and compresses.

Rejuvenation at home

Care problem skin neck can be exercised at home. To do this, you need to follow several important rules:
  1. It is necessary to drink 1.5 liters of water daily, as it cleanses the skin of many external factors.
  2. Be sure to eat right: try to eat as many foods as possible containing protein and vitamins that are beneficial to the skin and rejuvenate it.
  3. Make regular masks for the neck, nourish it with creams, cleanse it with scrubs. The best way- the use of vegetable juice, which can tone it up, slightly tighten, and also make it beautiful and healthy.
  4. If you experience any incomprehensible symptoms, see your doctor immediately, as many diseases nowadays can cause skin disorders, such as osteoporosis.
It is important to note that with age, any skin will still begin to become covered with wrinkles: the fact is that with age, any organism loses its original growth. This will happen to the neck, or rather, the skin will become less taut and elastic. Therefore, answering the question - how to preserve youth and beauty, remember that caring for this part of the body is as important as for the face. After all, you must admit that a woman with an ideal healthy face and an unkempt neck.

Every woman wants to be attractive. With age, the skin begins to fade - it becomes flabby, wrinkles appear.

We pay a lot of attention to the face and forget about the neck, meanwhile it is she who first of all betrays our age.

What if there is a problem in this area? Is a non-surgical neck lift possible?

It is possible to give even contours, make the skin elastic and fresh - cosmetology offers wide choose services of non-surgical neck lift.

Indications and contraindications

Rejuvenating neck procedures can be started from the age of 30.

The main indications are:

  • prolapse of the soft tissues of the neck;
  • decreased skin tone;
  • the appearance of the so-called rings of Venus;
  • wrinkles.
The rings of Venus on the neck

It should be remembered that a neck lift has a number of contraindications:

  • the presence of diseases in the acute stages;
  • skin diseases in the neck;
  • blood problems (clotting disorders);
  • oncology;
  • receiving some medical supplies for example hormones;
  • a tendency to scar formation and age spots;
  • high temperature;
  • pregnancy and lactation.

Also, each method of skin tightening may have its own specific contraindications.

Thread lifting

The use of threads (cannulas) has shown high efficiency in rejuvenating the neck area.

This technology consists in implanting the finest threads into the skin that support its frame.

With the help of the finest needles, the threads are implanted under the skin. Both smooth and knurled threads are used.

With the help of notches or loops, the threads are fixed in the thickness of the muscle tissue and tighten the sagging skin.

Due to the fact that the skin is fixed in the places where it was before sagging, there are no deformations - after tightening the skin looks natural.

The procedure lasts from 30 minutes to 1.5 hours and is performed mainly under local anesthesia.

During the first week, tissue swelling persists, it is necessary to refrain from sharp movements... The first month you need to take care of the neck area, refraining from massages, masks and other procedures.

In two months, the connecting weave around the threads will grow and you can forget about their existence. After 6-12 months, they begin to gradually dissolve, creating a supporting frame.

The result, depending on the type of threads and the degree of skin aging, will last from 2 to 6 years.

Thread lifting

The advantages of this procedure are:

  • high efficiency in low and medium ptosis (tissue prolapse);
  • lack of scars and age spots;
  • long term of validity.

The disadvantages are also quite significant:

  • restrictions when using other methods of rejuvenation;
  • breaks of threads are possible upon impact or non-observance of technology.

The cost of the procedures will depend primarily on the quality of the materials and the manufacturer.


The endotin lifting technology appeared in Russia relatively recently - in 2010.

Its essence lies in the fact that small plates 3-4 mm in size are inserted through the incisions in the skin and fixed on the bone tissue. Attached to them soft tissue- a new contour of the neck is modeled. This makes the incisions very small, which minimizes scarring and scarring.

After 1-2 weeks, the wounds heal.

The plates are felt as small seals, but do not cause discomfort.

After 3 months, the soft and bone tissues grow together, and the plate material begins to dissolve. Six months after the procedure, it is completely eliminated from the body, and the tightening effect remains for 5-10 years.


  • high efficiency in severe ptosis;
  • long lifespan;
  • uniformity of the tightening without asymmetry.


  • slight soreness of the procedure;
  • rehabilitation period - 1 month;
  • the formation of microscopic scars is possible.


Hardware methods

Apparatus methods are effective both as prevention of sagging and wilting of the skin of the neck, and in case of initial and intermediate ptosis.

With severe sagging of the skin, they will not bring tangible results.

Rejuvenation technology is to achieve cosmetic effect using special devices. They are generally safe for health, leave no scars, and are painless.

Laser lifting

Laser facelift is one of the most popular methods of rejuvenation, the effect of which lasts 2-5 years.

As a result of the action of the laser on healthy skin cells, the production of collagen is activated, the cells become denser, their tone is increased and, as a result, a visible skin tightening.

The procedure is carried out without anesthesia or under local anesthesia - it all depends on the device. It lasts 1-15 hours. Within 5 days after the procedure, the skin is sensitive, redness, pigmentation, peeling are observed.

Laser lifting is extended in time - it is necessary to carry out 3-4 procedures with an interval of 1 month.

Laser lifting scheme

The advantages are:

  • noticeable skin rejuvenation;
  • elimination of small scars, traces of acne, age spots and other imperfections;
  • lack of cuts, punctures and, as a result, scars.


  • the rehabilitation period is 5-7 days;
  • the need for a complex of 4 procedures;
  • limitation of exposure to the sun.

RF lifting

The essence of the technique is to stimulate the production of elastin and collagen in the skin using radio waves. The effect will last 2-3 years.

For this, a fold of the skin is captured and, with the help of high-frequency waves, heating and simultaneous cooling occurs. The frequency and depth of penetration of the waves is regulated depending on the type of skin.

This effect stimulates blood flow and, as a result, the metabolism in the skin. Toxins are removed, skin cells are renewed. The result will be a noticeable rejuvenation - a fresh complexion, elasticity of the skin, tightening of its contours.

After the procedure, within 3 days, it is worth protecting the skin from exposure high temperatures(bath) and sun.

RF lifting scheme

The advantages of this technique:

  • painlessness;


  • ineffective with pronounced signs of ptosis;
  • requires a complex of 6-8 procedures.

Lifting massage

Lifting massage is effective as a prophylaxis for the appearance of signs of skin aging, as well as in a complex of rejuvenating procedures for pronounced wrinkles and skin sagging.

This procedure is carried out using a special vacuum roller massager. It lasts 30-60 minutes and consists in the effect of the apparatus on problem area... As a result of this massage, blood flow in the neck area is stimulated, muscles are tightened, and the process of skin renewal is started.

The age at which this technique can be applied is 25 years.

Advantages of the procedure:

  • no skin damage and scars;
  • painlessness;
  • lack of a rehabilitation period.


  • ineffective with pronounced signs of ptosis;
  • requires a complex of 6-8 procedures, repeated regularly.


The essence of the technique lies in the effect of monopolar radio frequency energy on the skin, which promotes tissue regeneration and starts the rejuvenation process.

With the help of a special apparatus that generates current and acts pointwise, in the deep layers of the skin, the temperature rises to 60 degrees Celsius, and then cools down sharply. Under the influence of heat, collagen denatures and forms a kind of skeleton, which contributes to instant tightening and maintaining a long-term effect.

Thermage can be used from 35 years old, and the effect lasts for 2 years.


  • lack of scars;
  • lack of a rehabilitation period;
  • high efficiency in ptosis.


  • possible burns;
  • requires a complex of 5 procedures;
  • high cost.


The procedure is very popular and effective at the first signs of aging.

It will not get rid of sagging skin, but it will make wrinkles less noticeable, even and refresh the color, and increase elasticity.

The essence of the procedure lies in the effect on the upper layers of the skin with a stream of high-intensity photons.

After the procedure, you may experience some redness, which quickly goes away. In a week upper layer the skin will peel off and the old skin will be replaced by new, fresh and smooth skin.

Suitable for women from 35 years old.

On the left - before exposure, on the right - the result after the photorejuvenation procedure


  • no skin damage and scars;
  • painlessness;
  • treatment of acne, age spots.


  • rehabilitation period (skin peeling for 5 days);
  • requires a complex of 4 procedures;
  • the sun's rays must be avoided.

Elos rejuvenation

Methodology careful impact on the skin with the help of current and light will help to solve many problems. She is subject to age spots, wrinkles, sagging skin, loss of elasticity, stretch marks and scars.

Usually, standard procedure lasts 45 minutes and is completely painless. There is no rehabilitation period, but after the procedure, you should not visit the baths and sunbathe.

For pronounced effect 4 sessions will be required at intervals of 4-6 weeks.

You can start using elos rejuvenation from the age of 35.


  • painlessness;
  • lack of scars;
  • lack of a rehabilitation period.


  • the sun must be avoided;
  • requires a complex of 4 procedures.


Injectable rejuvenation methods not only tighten the skin, but also enrich it useful elements from the inside. That is why this method of eliminating age imperfections is so fond of women.

The essence of the procedure is that a cosmetic product is injected under the skin in problem areas. It visually fills in wrinkles, leaving the skin smooth and even. It also enriches the skin nutrients slowing down natural processes aging.

The duration of the procedure depends on the complexity of the problem and lasts from 30 minutes to 1.5 hours. After it, swelling may occur for several days, bruises may appear, which completely disappear after 3-5 days. It is recommended to remain in a horizontal position immediately after injections into the neck area.

The result will be visible in 2-3 days. And in a month it will already reach its maximum. It will last from six months or more, depending on what materials were used.

The age from which it is permissible to give injections is 30 years old, but they are also effective for clear signs aging.


  • elimination of wrinkles;
  • pronounced skin rejuvenation;
  • increased skin tone;
  • lack of scars and scars.


  • soreness;
  • the rehabilitation period is 2-3 days;
  • allergic reactions are possible;
  • if the technology is violated, asymmetry may occur.


A special preparation containing hyaluronic acid and a vitamin-mineral complex is injected under the skin.

It acts at the cellular level to hydrate the skin and useful substances, activating the processes of skin regeneration. The skin is rejuvenated from the inside, the effect will grow gradually within six months.

There are practically no age restrictions, but it is recommended to use mesoinjections from the age of 30.



The effect of this drug is somewhat different from mesotherapy.

It is aimed at reducing muscle activity, as a result of which wrinkles are smoothed out, and the process of their appearance slows down.

It is worth knowing that Botox is a form of botulinum toxin that causes botulism in humans. In small doses, injected pointwise into the problem area, it causes muscle paralysis, while not affecting the sensitivity of the skin and without causing discomfort.

On the first day after your procedure, it may be painful to swallow and speak, but this by-effect passes quickly.

Botox injections


Filler injections are akin to mesotherapy, but they have a significant difference. Meso-cocktail is a liquid substance based on hyaluronic acid and vitamins that gradually rejuvenates the skin.

Fillers are a gel - hyaluronic acid in pure form... It fills in the folds of the skin and wrinkles, due to which the rejuvenating effect is achieved instantly. Within 6 months, the gel gradually dissolves, enriching the skin with moisture and beneficial substances.

Fillers are used not only for rejuvenation, but also for correcting facial asymmetry.

The result of using gel fillers

You can use this technique at any age, but it is recommended not to resort to injections until you are 30 years old.

Each method of non-surgical neck lift has its own pros and cons, its own characteristics and limitations.

Having decided to put the neck area in order, you can easily choose the most suitable set of procedures in accordance with your individual characteristics, needs and opportunities.

We usually pay special attention to the prevention of age-related changes on the face, and completely forget about the skin of the neck and chest. V best case these delicate and delicate areas female body gets thin layer means with which we usually pamper our face. In principle, this is not bad, but such care cannot be called sufficient either.

According to the observations of dermatologists, the skin of the face in Russian women most often normal, combined, sometimes oily type, but rarely dry and sensitive. This means that even the most high-quality and expensive face creams will not be able to satisfy the needs of the always dry skin of the neck and thin and sensitive skin in the chest area. So that the imprints of time do not let you know about yourself too early, ruining the flawless fabric of your body, tune in to comprehensive care.

Cleanse and tone

During the morning hygiene procedures Rinse your neck and chest area with cool water. Do not forget to free access to the back of the neck, it also needs cleansing. Then rub these areas cotton pad with cosmetic milk, cream or high quality vegetable oil... Then proceed to the next step - toning. Alcohol-free lotion for normal or dry skin will give freshness, vigor and radiance to the skin. But that is not all!

Peeling procedure should be mandatory 2-3 times a week. It can be combined with body scrubbing in the shower. Bet on gommage or gentle peeling with fruit acids... These beauty products gently remove dead cells skin, improve blood circulation and guarantee access to subsequent hydration to the deeper layers of the skin.

Moisturize and protect

The cream is applied to another wet skin immediately after cleansing and toning. In the morning, use a moisturizing look with an ultraviolet filter of at least 30 SPF. Sun protection is one of the most important milestones skin care, because UV rays destroy collagen and elastin, negatively affect the body's ability to create new healthy cells, and accelerate photoaging. Look for retinol, vitamins A and E, silicon derivatives, and vegetable oils in the moisturizer ingredient list.

Use a nourishing cream in the evening, ideally in the form of a liquid emulsion or gel-cream. Apply the product to the skin in a circular motion from bottom to top, from the collarbones to the chin.

Feed and pamper

At least once a week, pamper your neck and décolleté skin with masks - nourishing, vitamin, tightening, rejuvenating. For this purpose, the compositions that you usually use on the face are suitable (except for matting and intended for oily skin) but more effective are special products designed specifically for the neck and chest area.

Among the procedures, in terms of the degree of effectiveness, massage of the neck and décolleté with oils has proven itself well. It can be done at home. Pour a small amount of oil on the palm and spread it over the skin of the neck and décolleté. With light stroking movements, without stretching the skin, walk along the entire "front of work", moving from the center of the chest to the shoulders and then from the base of the neck up to the chin. At the end of the procedure, remove excess oil with a napkin. Any skin disease is a contraindication for massage.

Don't collect rings

The horizontal circular wrinkles on the neck, which have received the poetic name "rings of Venus", can hardly be called beautiful decoration... They arise as a result natural process aging of the skin and early aging of muscles. And if you already support the skin of the neck cosmetics and effective procedures, then the muscles of the neck, almost devoid of physical activity, you just have to tighten.

To do this, on the advice of Brigitte Bardot, look at the stars more often, and also regularly do following exercises:

  • Tilt your head forward and slowly, slowly, make several turns with your head left and right. Repeat 10 times.
  • Pull your chin forward, freeze for 5-10 seconds, then return it to its original position. Repeat 20 times.
  • Take a pencil in your teeth and write a few lines of your favorite poem in the air, or “count” from 1 to 30.

Say no to wrinkles

Wrinkles are easier to prevent than to cure - this is a common truth. An excellent remedy Contrasting compresses are a prophylaxis against these unpleasant skin creases and unaesthetic folds. Practicing them only once a week, you can significantly improve skin tone, increase its elasticity and firmness, and delay the appearance of wrinkles.

Prepare two containers: pour one into one cold water and add a few ice cubes, and in another - tolerably hot. Soak small towel in cold water for a few seconds, wring it out and cover your neck and décolleté with it. Soak for half a minute and do the same procedure, but with the participation hot water... Alternate hot and cold compresses 10 times. Finish with a cold compress and a lifting moisturizer.

But if the wrinkles have already appeared, make an appointment with a specialist. To rejuvenate the skin of the neck and décolleté, a dermatologist may advise you to undergo chemical peeling, mesotherapy, biorevitalization, laser rejuvenation or cryotherapy sessions. The choice of procedure will depend on the condition of your skin.

In the old days they said: the older you get, the heavier you wear the monist. It's not about the fact that wealth comes over the years, but that it is the neck that first of all betrays our age. Is it possible to tighten the skin in this delicate area without resorting to plastic surgery? What anti-aging techniques are best for rejuvenating her? How to eliminate cords and wrinkles on the neck? The site's leading cosmetologist answers the most pressing questions. the highest category Natalya Viktorovna Vasilyeva:

How does the neck age?

The skin of the neck is very thin, it has minimal amount sebaceous glands, therefore age changes often appear on it much earlier than on the face... Besides, female neck has fewer melanocytes (cells that protect the skin from harmful ultraviolet radiation), which means that it undergoes more active photoaging. In addition, we usually deprive this area of ​​attention, and we begin to worry only when we see that well-groomed face, young eyes and a flawless smile contrast sharply with the aging skin in the cervical region.

If you notice that the skin here has become dry and thin, strains have appeared, sagging has become noticeable, do not rely on "home remedies", they are unlikely to help! But it's too early to despair. Age problems necks are solved quite easily. Especially good result receive women who first resort to professional cosmetology.

Best treatments for neck rejuvenation

The top three favorites are as follows:

  • Non-surgical lifting (or new generation natural preparations);
  • Injection skin restructuring (, or);
  • Hardware rejuvenation (or laser procedures).

But you need to start with the simplest thing - to eliminate the ugly cords (if there are any, of course). This is easy to do, and the procedure is quite inexpensive.

It's hard to believe that just one 10-minute Botox injection session can do such a miracle! Some patients limit themselves to this, which, of course, is wrong, because the main causes of aging are flabbiness, dryness and thinning of the skin, as well as a lack of subcutaneous fat, which makes the neck seem dry, "chicken" - and they must be fought with. let's consider possible options solutions to these problems!

Non-surgical neck lift - restore volume, eliminate ptosis

To fill the volume deficit and create a skin lifting effect, modern hyaluronic acid fillers or new generation biodegradable fillers are used. Their introduction not only replaces "shrunken" tissues, but literally brings them back to life - moisturizes, nourishes, stimulates cell regeneration and structure restoration. Even if the age-related changes were quite pronounced, after the injection of fillers, the neck looks excellent.

Low-density hyaluronic fillers work best for the cervical region: they look more natural

To rejuvenate this delicate zone specially designed gels are used reduced density ... Despite the fact that liquid preparations usually give a less lasting effect (dissolve faster), this does not apply to the neck. Here, thinner fillers model the silhouette better, maintain a beautifully filled shape, look natural and, at the same time, last long enough (usually at least a year). Thus, the procedure is performed approximately once a year and takes only 20-30 minutes. Everything goes quite comfortably thanks to the use of an anesthetic gel. Rehabilitation period not required - and other unwanted side effects.

Specialists clinics DoctorPlastic offer patients not only traditional drugs based on hyaluronic acid, but also new generation gels, first of all. This natural, biodegradable gel is ideal for working on the neck and décolleté area, where the skin is especially delicate. It has a number of additional advantages, the main ones of which are:

  • more efficient and delicate decision age problems
  • and a longer and more lasting effect (up to 4 years, while the effect of conventional fillers lasts about 8-12 months).

Neck modeling by fillers is used and how independent procedure, and as part of complex rehabilitation programs (for example, in combination with laser procedures, ELOS therapy or botulinum therapy). It is advisable to carry it out if there is a noticeable volume deficit. If the main problem is the aging of the skin, it is better to use other injection techniques.

Mesotherapy, plasma lifting and biorevitalization are the best way to permanently restore cervical tone

  • is an intradermal microinjection of hyaluronic acid preparations. The procedure quickly restores water balance and normalizes the metabolism of the dermis. Glauronic acid activates the synthesis of collagen, on which the density and elasticity of the skin depends. Often, one session is enough to obtain a full effect, but sometimes it is necessary to repeat the procedure after 2-3 weeks in order to properly “nourish” and moisturize the skin. The number of procedures and their frequency depend on the severity of the problems and the degree of dehydration of your skin (usually from 1 to 2-3 procedures).
  • - these are mini-injections of special cocktails from biologically active preparations, the composition of which may vary depending on the problem being solved. Meso cocktails usually contain vitamins, antioxidants, amino acids, extracts and other valuable elements. Mesotherapy procedures allow you to introduce all the active substances into the skin and help to renew it from the inside (I note that this cannot be achieved with the help of creams, since large molecules active ingredients cannot pass through the barrier layer of the skin!).
  • sometimes called "lifting Dracula", because this procedure uses as a catalyst for regeneration processes special factors growth contained in the blood. It has long been known that our blood has a powerful resource for restoring and healing the body, you just need to activate this potential. For the skin restoration procedure, a live enriched preparation is used, obtained as a result of processing the patient's own blood in a special centrifuge.

Laser treatments are the gold standard for rejuvenation!

No matter how you moisturize and nourish your skin, does it still age? Is it possible to reverse this process and restore cells and structural fibers from the inside? This is exactly what we will do if we use a laser!

Laser rejuvenation is a globally recognized benchmark for efficiency. - a relatively young technique, which is based on the thermal effect of a laser beam on the skin. Its effectiveness is highly dependent on the class of equipment used. V clinic DoctorPlastic these procedures are carried out on the most modern CO2 laser, the use of which significantly reduces recovery period, and the rejuvenating effect affects not only patients, but also specialists. Already 2-3 weeks after the session, the contours of the neck are noticeably tightened, wrinkles are smoothed out, and the structure and color of the skin are significantly improved.

Laser rejuvenation gives a remarkable result, however, it must be borne in mind that this procedure is more traumatic than all those described above, and requires time for rehabilitation. To make the recovery faster and the result even better, I recommend supplementing the laser procedure with plasmapheresis.

If the patient is not yet ready for radical correction and prefers a milder course effect, then fractional laser thermolysis can be replaced by a course of anti-aging ELOS therapy. In this case, to obtain desired effect several sessions will be needed, but they will not require rehabilitation. Nice bonus to rejuvenating hardware procedures (both laser and ELOS) will be solid color skin and elimination of age spots. Therefore, for those who are familiar with firsthand, it is advisable to conduct a course of ELOS procedures not only for the neck, but also for those where this problem is usually more pronounced.

To draw up an individual "recipe for youth" for your neck, you must take into account not only the initial condition of the skin and age features, but also heredity, bad (good) habits, working conditions, rest and life. Come for a consultation! Entrust your skin to our specialists, and you will not have to hide it under massive jewelry!