How to choose the style of a skirt for your figure. How to choose a skirt by body type. Straight maxi skirt: who suits this style and length

Can mantu be done when coughing? Is it possible to put mantu with a cold? These are perhaps the most common questions parents ask, to which they do not know the answer, but doctors insist that such preventive manipulation is extremely necessary.

How to understand if competent specialists are right in this matter?

How will the test affect the general physical and emotional state of the child, will the cough and runny nose affect the outcome of the manipulation done?

Parents should be aware of the that the mantoux reaction is not a vaccine, and an immunological test, the purpose of which is to identify tuberculosis bacteria in the child's body.

In our today's article we will talk about mantu as such and whether it can be done during the course of inflammatory processes in the child's body. You can get acquainted with the opinions of respected and experienced doctors, as well as young parents.

Mantoux with a runny nose and cough: can it be done?

Every child who has received the BCG vaccine for the first time, as a result, mantu is carried out... However, every mother has the right to refuse manipulation, therefore, before proceeding with direct manipulation, medical workers must ask permission from the child's legal representatives.

After subcutaneous administration of the BCG vaccine, a reaction test is carried out for several days. To carry out the test, the child is injected with tuberculin, the injection area is slightly below the level of the elbow on the outside. After several days have passed, the doctor should assess the state of affairs. Such a diagnosis should be carried out for all children under 17 years of age. After this time, another method is used - fluorography.

But can I be vaccinated for coughs and runny nose? Quite often, parents bring their baby to the hospital for a scheduled preventive examination, and the pediatrician gives a referral to the manta ray. At the same time, the doctor does not pay due attention to the fact that your child has a cold. How to properly respond to the doctor's behavior? Is it all about their negligence? You should not make premature conclusions, first you should delve deeper into the essence of the manipulation.

Summarizing all existing ideas about vaccination, we can draw the following conclusion, for which it is still needed:

Can I get vaccinated for colds?

Can I get vaccinated for a runny nose and cough? The vast majority of pediatricians respond positively. Their explanations are pretty simple and straightforward..

The mantoux reaction does not apply to the next vaccinations for the child. At the time of the procedure, the vaccine does not penetrate into the child's body, everything is limited to the introduction of reagents subcutaneously. The substance tuberculin does not react with the immune system, as a result of which it is not able to cause the development of even a mild form of the disease, like most other vaccinations. Thanks to this procedure, it is possible to detect antibodies that begin to actively develop after BCG vaccination. With the influence of tuberculin certain reactions begin to take place in the body, on the basis of which doctors draw the necessary conclusions.

Doctors are convinced that a runny nose and cough are not a good reason to delay vaccination. The procedure can be carried out in the course of many colds and viral diseases, which are accompanied by an increase in body temperature and redness of the throat.

But is it possible to change their mind, if you look at the situation from a slightly different angle? A runny nose is a natural reaction of the body to a viral attack, to which a wide variety of bacterial infections join. The reason may lie in other respiratory foci of infection.

As soon as a child develops a cough and a runny nose, his immune system is activated and strained. Tuberculin, albeit to a small extent, nevertheless tests the response of the immune system to tuberculous bacteria, which are the exact opposite of those that caused the onset of the common cold. Remember that any activation of the child's immune system can negatively affect the mantoux reaction.

Taking into account the fact that that mantoux cannot give a 100% reliable result, the emergence of additional provoking factors can further confuse doctors when decoding the results obtained.

Runny nose after mantoux: what is it talking about?

Quite a large number of children who have recently received mantu have a minor runny nose. Parents, as a rule, associate this process with the tuberculin introduced into the body, however, there is absolutely no relationship between mantu and a runny nose. Tuberculin contains exclusively neutralized or killed segments of tuberculous bacteria. They contain nothing what can cause a runny nose.

Most likely, the cause of the runny nose is a virus that entered the child's body during his stay in public places. Therefore, parents should take note of this and be calm.

Please note that if a runny nose is accompanied by an elevated body temperature, it is recommended to immediately call an ambulance in order to avoid the development of undesirable consequences.

Contraindications to the mantoux sample

The manipulation is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • rheumatism;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • epilepsy;
  • diseases of the skin;
  • any chronic or acute illness in an exacerbated form.

For several years, doctors have not been able to come to a consensus regarding the mantoux test. Some are of the opinion that vaccinations should be done when the child is completely healthy and his immune system is in a state of complete rest. Others, on the contrary, are convinced that mantoux is a common test that does not affect the child's condition. Accordingly, there are no compelling barriers not to put the mantu.

But it is worth noting that all doctors are partly right, since tubercles are completely safe for human health, this fact has been proven, scientifically.

In short, if you get a vaccine for a minor cold, then nothing terrible will happen. But on the other hand, as a result of the influence of third-party viruses and infections, the result can be achieved with a huge margin of error. A large area of ​​inflammation may form in the area of ​​the injection on the baby's skin. Of course, for every parent, this is a cause for anxiety and stress.

Alternatives to sample mantoux

The test technique, which was developed by S. Mantoux, has been actively used in domestic and foreign medicine for several decades. It is a highly sensitive method, but its accuracy leaves much to be desired. The results in the overwhelming majority of cases require additional diagnostic methods, which often do not confirm the fears of parents and doctors.

Let's look at additional survey methods:

  • Immunoassay blood test "Quantiferon test";
  • skin test "Diaskintest".

Skin test "Diaskintest" has the same list of contraindications as mantoux.

The essence of the first method consists in taking blood from a child, which will be subjected to further thorough analysis in laboratory conditions. This test has no side effects or contraindications. This is due to the fact that the method does not imply the introduction of anything into the child's body, so the immune system is not involved here. The quantiferon test can be used in the course of acute viral diseases, as well as in the presence of a runny nose and cough.


Based on all of the above, I would like to note that it is not recommended to do mantu when a child has a runny nose and cough, but only if if there is no suspicion of tuberculosis. But if you decide to carry out the manipulation, then nothing terrible will happen.

Try to give preference to alternative diagnostic methods. Do not be ill!

Judging by your diet, you don't care about your immune system and your body at all. You are very susceptible to diseases of the lungs and other organs! It's time to love yourself and start improving. It is urgent to adjust your diet, to minimize fatty, flour, sweet and alcohol. Eat more vegetables and fruits, dairy products. To nourish the body by taking vitamins, drink more water (precisely purified, mineral). Strengthen your body and reduce the amount of stress in your life.

  • You are moderately prone to lung disease.

    So far, in good, but if you do not start taking care of her more carefully, then diseases of the lungs and other organs will not keep you waiting (if there were no prerequisites yet). And frequent colds, intestinal problems and other "delights" of life and accompany weak immunity. You should think about your diet, minimize fatty, flour, sweet and alcohol. Eat more vegetables and fruits, dairy products. To nourish the body by taking vitamins, do not forget that you need to drink a lot of water (precisely purified, mineral). Strengthen your body, reduce the stress in your life, think more positively and your immune system will be strong for many years to come.

  • Congratulations! Keep it up!

    You take care of your diet, health and immune system. Keep up the good work and problems with your lungs and health in general will not bother you for many years to come. Keep in mind that this is mainly due to the fact that you are eating right and living a healthy lifestyle. Eat healthy and healthy food (fruits, vegetables, dairy products), do not forget to consume large amounts of purified water, temper your body, think positively. Just love yourself and your body, take care of it and it will definitely reciprocate with you.

  • Not every woman wears dresses and skirts, preferring trousers and jeans. Why? What kind of dislike for the primordially feminine outfit? The reasons can be varied: starting with crooked legs, ending with a preference for a certain style. But still, the main and often silent reason for rejecting this wardrobe element is a banal ignorance of how to choose the right skirt so that it is both comfortable and beautiful in it, and all the shortcomings are reliably hidden from human eyes.

    Simply put - so that the skirt contributes to creating the attractiveness of your image. And for this you need to know only a few secrets that allow you to choose the right style, taking into account the peculiarities of the figure. Let's dwell on some, especially popular this season, styles.

    Who is the miniskirt for?

    The miniskirt was invented by the English fashion designer Mary Quant back in the 60s, and since then it has remained the favorite style of many girls and women. A distinctive feature of all models of mini-skirts is that the bottom of the hem ends above the knees by 15 centimeters or more.

    This style reveals most of your legs to the view, which means that before putting it on, you should critically examine your figure - maybe you shouldn't show them? In addition, mini skirts significantly hug the body in the hip area, demonstrating all the advantages or disadvantages of this area. Therefore, this style is suitable only for those women and girls who have a flawless and proportional body and legs. Moreover, their height should not exceed 176-178 cm, otherwise the mini-skirt will render the figure a wolfish service, making it visually disproportionate.

    And yet, it is important to remember how the length of a skirt of this style is chosen correctly: it is necessary to multiply the height by 0.26. The resulting number will be the optimal length of the product. However, it can still be adjusted based on the wishes or shape of the legs. The coefficient can be in the range of 0.22-0.3.

    In addition to the optimal length, a woman often faces the question: what to wear with this style of skirt? Stylists advise you to pay attention to the combination of a mini with a closed top and elegant shoes in the form of pumps with small heels or ballet flats. High heels, platforms, plunging necklines or short tops combined with mini skirts have long been recognized as a sign of bad taste and vulgarity.

    Classic pencil skirt to mid-thigh, knee-length and just below the knee

    The classic style of clothing has always assumed the presence of a skirt of this model in a woman's wardrobe. A straight skirt, slightly narrowed to the bottom, is the favorite of all business women. Its length can vary from mid-thigh to knee, and the cut necessarily fits the silhouette. This cut of the skirt easily distracts attention from the imperfections of the bottom of your legs.

    The main advantage of a pencil skirt is the visually lengthening of the figure. But finding the perfect length isn't all there is to it. Finding the perfect fit is important. Otherwise, the product will look baggy or get ugly folds.

    What other secrets are there for the selection of this style of skirts? If the slimness and femininity of the figure is about you, then pay attention to the high-waisted models. With this skirt, you will achieve a visual lengthening of your legs. Remember that a low rise adds dimension to your thighs.

    The article was updated in December 2018.

    Without a skirt wardrobe woman it is simply impossible to imagine! This small piece of clothing is able to turn its wearer into a real Goddess, but only if it is chosen correctly.

    The main things to consider when choosing a skirt: Never focus on the fullest parts of the body if you want to look slimmer. That is, if you have full hips, then you should not tighten them; if full legs are above the knee, then it is better to exclude mini-skirts; if full of calves, midi-length skirts should be chosen very carefully, so that the skirt does not end at the widest point of the calf.

    What style of skirt will look the most advantageous on your body type? Let's figure it out!

    For all body types
    Surprisingly, SUCH style of skirt exists. This is a straight skirt just below the knee (if the legs are full, then the skirt may be longer). It is worth purchasing from your palette, the so-called. It is surprisingly versatile, matches almost any top (be it a sweater or a blouse), as well as almost any shape of a jacket, and looks very elegant.

    Figure in the shape of the letter A (bottom triangle)

    Good news: skirts are just made for you! You have a huge selection of styles: flared, trapezoidal, pleated, tulip skirts.
    Especially you will be decorated with skirts adjacent to the abdomen, flared along the hip line. Skirts of this style will also hide breeches, if any. Due to the fit in the waist and abdomen, these skirts will not add extra centimeters (first photo below).
    When choosing a skirt with folds, it is better to opt for the folds stitched in the abdomen (second photo below). Lush folds immediately from the waist will tighten the silhouette, making the lower body more massive.

    Skirts with an asymmetric cut work especially well for correcting the figure; moreover, they visually lengthen the legs. Anyone with a low thigh line should take a closer look at this style (first photo below).
    Flared models with a high waist and a wide belt also look beautiful on you.
    If breeches are present, then try to choose skirts made of thick fabric, and not from flowing materials.

    Straight, not too tight skirts will also suit you, but in order for the silhouette to look harmonious in such a skirt, you need to visually smooth out the difference between a graceful top and a heavier bottom. Thus, it is best to wear a straight skirt, either without emphasizing the waist (yes, she will have to sacrifice in this case), choosing a fairly loose top, if possible trying to focus on the shoulders, visually increasing them. Or you can choose a fitted silhouette or tuck the top into the skirt, then the accent in the shoulder area should be especially noticeable. It can be done either with the cut of the top, or by choosing a top with a print with a horizontal direction. That the horizontal stripe expands is a myth. Not any strip expands, but only separately located wide contrasting stripes, as in the second photo below. This option will suit you.

    Don't forget about the great power of prints. You can often hear recommendations for your body type that prints in the hip area are prohibited for you.
    I hasten to please all lovers of prints - this is not at all the case. You can wear prints, just try to choose the options that are winning for you, which, on the contrary, can visually narrow the silhouette.
    For you, the most preferable is a dense print (the elements of which are located close to each other) with a low contrast in lightness.

    What to avoid:

    • contrasting sparse prints or too bright colors, as well as embroidery and sequins
    • too dense fabrics, they plump in the thighs (tweed, bouclé, velveteen, velvet)
    • a messenger bag that draws attention to the hips ()

    • tight or too short skirts. In general, over-fitting will only emphasize the width of the hips. How . I recommend it, the article is very useful.

    V shape (triangle with base at the top)

    As a rule, you have slender legs, so you can (and even need to!) Emphasize them. If age allows, then short skirts are just made for you. At the same time, the style of such a skirt is better to choose a trapezoidal, slightly flared, so that a too narrow tight-fitting skirt does not emphasize the difference between a more massive top and a fragile bottom.

    Ladies of an elegant age with this type of figure also need not be afraid of rather short skirts just below the knee.
    Flare skirts (both trapezoid and sun skirts) or ruffled skirts will work for you to add volume to your hips and balance the silhouette.
    Note that the girl on the right has this type of figure, the flared skirt helps balance the proportions. Imagine her in a tight pencil skirt - it would look worse).

    Loose-fitting skirts with various details will suit you, which can focus on your slender thighs (first photo below).
    Also, brighter colors will help accentuate them.

    You, as well as owners of a type A figure, should make full use of the great corrective power of prints, only the opposite recommendations will work for you. Choose sparse (with elements far apart) and / or contrasting prints.

    To divert attention from the more voluminous upper body and accentuate your slender legs, original tights, in bright colors or with a print, will also help.

    What to avoid:
    • tight skirts (a common mistake: women with this type of figure wear very tight skirts to accentuate slender hips, but such a skirt, on the contrary, will emphasize the imbalance between a voluminous top and a graceful bottom)
    • long straight skirts, they will make the silhouette disproportionate

    Shape in the shape of the letter X or 8

    You have very feminine forms, they should not be hidden. But you shouldn't emphasize too much either, so as not to make them caricatured. Choose skirts that accentuate your wasp waist and long legs. For example, a pencil skirt with a high belt, but such a skirt should not fit you like Kim Kardashian's skirts, unless you have a goal to imitate her style... You can also emphasize the waist with a belt.

    Flared skirts will look great on you too. It is better to choose thinner fabrics so that they create a smooth curving line.

    If you are the owner of a figure in the 8, that is, a corpulent beauty with a well-defined waist, then you should not hide your forms by turning to baggy silhouettes. Excessive fitting also will not be a good helper for you, as it will only emphasize your forms, making them almost caricatured. ...
    When choosing a straight skirt, try to choose a fairly snug, but not too tight, skin-tight silhouette. At the same time, it is better to designate the waist, since too voluminous forms will visually increase in size.

    Flared skirts will also suit you (after all, your silhouette is almost the same as an X-type figure). Especially you will be adorned with skirts, flared from the hip with a high waist - they look just amazing (second photo below)!
    When choosing a pleated skirt, pay attention to the folds - they should be small.

    What to avoid for X and 8:
    • too wide skirts, spherical skirts (they will hide all your trump cards)
    • too tight tight skirts
    • low waist skirts

    H shape (rectangle)

    The goal is to showcase your beautiful legs, you can add a little volume to the hips to make the waist appear narrower. If you also add volume to the top, making a slouch, tucking the top into the skirt, and emphasizing the waist at the same time, then it will visually appear narrower. It is not worth emphasizing the waist when choosing a tight-fitting silhouette.

    Asymmetrical skirts, pleated skirts, pleated and flared skirts can show your figure in the most favorable light, adding volume at the bottom, visually narrowing the waist.

    You can experiment with color, print and ruffles, pockets and lace. You will be adorned with a really fluffy skirt that can create the effect of a thin waist.

    If you have slender legs, you can wear any mini (if your age and beliefs allow). Maxi and midi skirts also look pretty on you if you are of medium to tall height.

    What to avoid:

    • straight tight skirts with a tight-fitting shirt or blouse (they only emphasize the not pronounced waist)
    • not fluffy or flared skirts with a belt at the waist

    Shape in the shape of the letter o

    If you opt for a long, loose (flared) skirt, keep in mind that it will tighten the silhouette if you do not indicate proportions. It is better to combine it not with a voluminous top, but with a slightly adjacent fitted jacket (or leather jacket, as in the photo below). In this case, the top should be tucked in by making a slight overlap on top.

    If you put on an elongated free top on top of such a skirt, then the silhouette will look too massive in all this.

    You can use the following trick: put a wide belt on top of an elongated top, but slide it just above the waist line. The belly will be hidden under the formed peplum, and the waist will appear narrower (second photo below).

    What to avoid:

    • too wide or shapeless skirts
    • pleated skirts from the waist
    • mini skirts or tight skirts

    For petite womenit is best to try to stretch the silhouette with a pleated or pleated skirt (pleats create vertical lines that visually make you look taller). A straight skirt will also beautify you.