How to make the subconscious work. Working with the subconscious: how to remove negative attitudes from the subconscious. Abilities of the subconscious system

Each of us has heard about the magical power of the subconscious, but not everyone can subdue the subconscious and learn how to work effectively with it. Where should you start and how to effectively solve the problem of programming yourself for success? To do this, you need to use the power of positive thinking, affirmations and dreams, which will become a powerful tool for attracting success to life:

The power of thought is a tool that can open up unprecedented possibilities. That is why it is so important to be able to work with your desires and thoughts in order to direct them towards success and happiness. But first of all, you need to understand that bad thoughts attract other negativity.

For example, you are late for work. The minibus left right in front of your nose, on the bus they stepped on your foot, in the office they spilled hot coffee on you, the chef scolded you for mistakes in work, and so on. Thoughts about your own bad luck are spinning in your head, and such thoughts attract even more failures into your life. What is the best way to deal with such a situation?

It is necessary to learn how to properly respond to negative events. Think about it: your feet were not stepped on because you are a failure - you just ran into an inattentive, absent-minded person who has coordination problems.

The next important point is not to dwell on the past. We tend to often replay negative events in our heads, cling to past troubles and therefore cannot begin to live fully, letting go of an already completed situation. Learn to leave the past, live in the present and think about the future, turning your old failures into a springboard for future victories.

Monitor your speech. Today, people rarely attach importance to their words: he was rude to the boss, wished “all the best” to the unfaithful bride, sent “to hell” a salesman in a supermarket, and so on. All negative messages have a tendency to get stuck in our subconscious.

Henceforth, try not to scold yourself and others - try to choose expressions such as:

  • Perhaps he simply misjudged the situation;
  • I'll go to the store later;
  • He's probably not in the mood today;
  • This will help me in later life.

Consider the information you receive during the day. If you tend to sit on news sites that regularly report murders, disasters, robberies and the like, you are filled with negative energy. It is better to read good books in your free time - after all, it's up to you to decide what energy to fill your mind with:

Make the subconscious mind work for you

The subconscious of a person always works - it is active around the clock, regardless of whether you are aware of it. But you must take care of your subconscious, realizing that the subconscious always expresses, embodies and reproduces everything according to your way of thinking. It is necessary to maintain in your mind the state of expectation of the best events and try to ensure that your usual way of thinking is based only on faith, love and joy.

Faith and beliefs are a kind of fuel for the subconscious. With strong faith, you form the foundation for construction, and any thought you accept begins to automatically be fulfilled:

Use positive affirmations, for example:

  • I have unlimited power;
  • I trade one successful business for an even more promising one;
  • Only good people surround me;
  • I am always lucky in life.

A brief guide to managing the subconscious

  1. Remember that the subconscious mind controls all the processes of the body, knowing the answers to any question and solving any problems;
  2. Everything that you fill your subconscious with will certainly be displayed on your inner screen in the form of emotions and events. That is why you need to pay close attention to what thoughts occupy your mind;
  3. The law of counteraction and action has a universal character. A thought is an action, and a reaction is an automatic reaction to a thought in your subconscious mind;
  4. All human suffering arises from unfulfilled desires. By becoming obsessed with problems and all sorts of difficulties, you yourself impede your own well-being;
  5. Become aware of this statement, and any of your troubles will be eliminated: “I believe that the power of the subconscious, which sent me this desire, now embodies it in me”;
  6. Excitements, worries and fears can disrupt your natural heart rate and the functioning of internal organs. By sending thoughts of harmony, health and well-being to the subconscious, all your body functions will gradually return to normal;
  7. Having filled the subconscious with the expectation of good events, it will embody all your expectations;
  8. Imagine how your problem was solved in the most optimal way and feel delighted with it. All your desires will soon be embodied by the subconscious;
  9. Falling asleep, turn to the subconscious with any specific request, and soon you will be convinced of the miraculous power of the subconscious.

How to work with consciousness and subconsciousness

Working with the subconscious, simple and effective exercises, or trusting the inner self

Good time friends! In my last article, "", I wrote about how important it is to be present in your life, to observe yourself and to trust your inner self, your natural state.

If you have not read it yet, then it is advisable to familiarize yourself with it, otherwise this article may seem a little understandable to you.

Many people are not present in their lives, are not present for real though they are absolutely sure otherwise.

But in fact, for the most part, only their experiences and thoughts are present; eternal problems that everyone has to one degree or another; various ideas, beliefs and values, many of which cannot be called necessary and healthy at all.

An internal unconscious dialogue with oneself is a familiar state of such people. By and large, they are not aware of themselves (their essence), they do not realize why and how certain thoughts appear in their head, and therefore, unsubstantiatedly believe them, which is why they suffer. They are not aware of their body sensations, which tell them a lot and are not aware of much of everything that happens in reality.

People forget about themselves, their health, remembering only when unbearable sensations and pain begin. Or when they begin to understand that life has become not at all joyful, gray and without any hint of pleasure.

Those who have already felt this are looking for a solution. They understand that something is wrong with their condition, with their attitude to themselves and the world around them, and Something must be done, and what exactly, a person is not at all clear. There are various excellent techniques, trainings and books that can help a person understand himself and suggest how and what to do.

Another thing is that we are all different. And for one, some very good training will not be able to help fully. And only because the training is designed for one perception, and a person may have a completely different perception of himself, events and the world around him.

Someone is more suitable for visual information, it has a better effect on his psyche and it is easier for him to accept, to digest it in his head. The other has a better developed auditory perception of information. Another needs feedback for support, otherwise, he himself is not able to take steps to health, while the third is simply mistaken, calculating and looking for a magic pill that will immediately relieve him of the problem.

There are natural, natural ways, which I have written on the site not for the first time and about which many do not know, although they probably guess. Because in difficult moments, instinctively, little realizing it, they began to do something that suddenly calmed them, gave them strength, helped them to get together and even gave them pleasure. That is, they began to feel that life turns out to be not at all as bad as it seemed until recently.

Each of us can remember such moments when our soul is so gloomy, and then, plunging into ourselves and starting to listen to ourselves, somewhere unconsciously observing ourselves and our feelings, it became better.

And sometimes it was like this - letting go of the problem, suddenly unexpectedly for oneself, the solution came, as if by itself.

This is a state of altered consciousness or mild hypnosis meditation when part of the brain stops doing something, but only observes for something. A state into which a person can introduce himself by simply focusing on his feelings and observations of himself, his thoughts or actions. It is by observing this, and not by experiencing and analyzing.

So, how to work with the subconscious, we learn to feel ourselves.

An exercise to get you started relax and connect with your body. The exercise is aimed at first just feeling your body fully, from your fingertips to your head. And to feel any, even the most insignificant changes in the body, get used to it and learn to simply observe yourself, without being distracted by any thoughts.

1 Practice. We get comfortable in a chair and close our eyes, we begin to observe our physical sensations in the body. Attention should move throughout the body, from the end of the toes to the crown of the head.

The task is simply to observe the sensations of your body, no matter what kind of sensations it will be, pleasant or not. Now you just need, really good, to feel your body and learn to observe the sensations.

If you can't keep your attention, let it go. Relax without analyzing anything, and in some moments try to feel any part of the body, without trying to focus on it. If attention has led you to a different part of the body, or if a sensation arises, so be it.

The most important thing is doing nothing should happen like doing nothing, without any tension and thinking about anything. If you are distracted and your thoughts run away towards some problem, then we are not fighting this thought, we are not at enmity and we are not trying to enter into any dialogue with her in order to calm ourselves, but you can just watch her without proving anything and nothing without deciding for yourself. And then we simply, calmly transfer our attention to our observation of sensations in the body.

If the exercise is not working out for you now or you feel discomfort and, then you should not continue it. Just get distracted and after a while try again, you will succeed.

Sometimes for this, some people need several days, others, almost immediately can feel the whole body and easily observe their feelings. It is better, at first, to do it with calm music, but not necessarily. 5-6 times a day from 10 to 20 minutes, in the morning, as soon as you got up and in the evening before going to bed, it is very desirable. It is at this time that the brain is in the most suitable state.

Working with the subconscious, delving into the feeling of oneself.

2 The exercise is deeper. We do all the same. We settled down comfortably and now, at first, after observing all the sensations in the body for a couple of minutes, we gradually turn our attention first to the hands. We try to notice, feel any differences in the sensations on the hands, if any.

Maybe one hand is warmer than the other, maybe one hand has more specific tingling or twitching, pulsations, goose bumps or something else, or maybe even the same sensations in the hands. Across 2- 3 minutes, also observation, we do for the legs.

Having observed and felt, we turn our attention only to pleasant sensations. Also, first on hands a couple of minutes, then on feet... The sensations can be the same, the main thing is that they are pleasant.

After that, we observe any pleasant, comfortable sensations already, all over the body... It can be a head and a finger on a hand, whatever, as long as your attention and observation were focused on what is pleasant or just comfortable.

Your attention can slide on its own, follow these comfortable sensations, which you do. It is not necessary to direct your observation towards something specific.

Again, if attention returns to some kind of pain in the body or a problem, then without trying to fight it, we quietly return to the pleasant. You can still feel some kind of pain, if you have it.

But observing pleasant sensations gives you the opportunity to feel how good it is in a comfortable state and less to feel something negative, this is also important for your subconscious mind, for fixing this state by it. And in such a state of pleasant comfort, you can go at any time, whenever you want at your request. This exercise will help you focus on what is positive for you.

It is also important in working with the subconscious. Performing these exercises, do not pursue the goal itself, think only about the goal, try to quickly achieve something. It is important to do the exercises as if playing, to carry yourself away with the process itself, and not with the goal itself. We need to take an example from a child, I wrote about this in more detail in this one.

By setting a goal, you unambiguously set yourself up to achieve it and, moreover, as soon as possible, but this is not work with consciousness, everything should happen by itself, on its own, easily, with pleasure and without tension.

Gradually it will be necessary to transfer this exercise in life... Life is the best teacher. It is important to learn to trust your inner energy, your inner doctor. Nature has the ability to adapt extremely finely to external reality and self-repair. We ourselves are nature, and a piece of its energy is in each of us, in our inner world (subconsciousness).

The task is to correspond to reality, track and open up to real (genuine) sensations.

Bringing the exercise to life , you can at any time change your emotional state to one that will be pleasant and comfortable for you. Note that this will not always work, a lot depends on your condition and ability to concentrate, but regular use will definitely bear fruit.

The state of presence, feeling of oneself and observing oneself is working on oneself. Work, which is little understandable for consciousness, but which will allow you to feel yourself in reality, feel natural and enjoy life, relying not only on your consciousness, but also on your inner world of intuition.

The most interesting thing is that this is a state of passive observation and doing nothing, a very pleasant state, this is the so-called amazing and sincere state of "No-mind". The main thing is that such an observation should take place without tension and attempts to understand something for oneself, that is, without analysis. If you start thinking what, how and why, you will immediately begin to get out of it.

We simply observe everything that is happening around and within ourselves - thoughts, any feelings and sensations. All this is in each of us and it is important to learn how to work with this, we do not just feel and experience, but observe. We allow ourselves a subconscious rather than a conscious analysis of the situation, more spontaneity and natural choice, this is the basis of working with the subconscious.

How it works in real life: Take, a very pernicious condition that simpletons demoralize a person. You bumped into something or someone that triggered this feeling in you. You felt it, you could even have a panic attack, but now you need to try to remember for yourself that besides how to feel and experience this negative feeling, you can still follow it observe... Which is what we are starting to do.

Observation of oneself may not be able to enter this state at once, it will not work out right away, despite the fact that everything seems so simple, such is, we are too concentrated on an internal dialogue with ourselves. Therefore, to begin with, you need to do the exercise in a simple, comfortable environment and slowly.

By observing fear, by turning off part of your brain, you become more aware that fear is not you. The person already understands this, but at the time when you begin to experience it, you compare yourself with fear as a whole, and here you specifically understand that fear is in you, but you are separate from it.

And the very observation and mental inaction, allows the subconscious to work on this fear, a powerful force and the ability of the brain to neuroplasticity. Besides all this, leaning on surveillance state, it is easier, without enmity with fear and thoughts, to transfer attention to some other sensations, to something pleasant, here it is only important not to drive away the thoughts of fear if they have already come, you just do not need to argue with them, analyze and try to calm down with all your might yourself, it is important to observe all the sensations as if from the outside.

A tool for working with consciousness and subconsciousness, which will greatly help you gradually form a new way of thinking and eliminate (change) something undesirable in yourself. In it, I analyze in detail the important points and my own experience of use (this is an updated version of this article, read the link above).

Best regards, Andrey Russkikh.

If you have ever read books on self-development or attended trainings, then you know that the whole essence of personal growth in any business begins with a change in thinking. A person buys a book for the last 300 rubles, gives 20,000 or more for the course, and they tell him there - change his thinking and everything will work out. People are upset, believing that they were deceived, but over time, a real miracle happens. A person begins to notice that his dreams come true, and what he thought about some time ago is happening in his life!

We also heard about the power of thought many times, we thought it was some kind of magic. And so they did not believe in this nonsense. But as soon as we approach the issue from the point of view of science, namely psychology and mysterious things become clear. To begin with, a person is initially a mysterious creature, like all life on the planet. For what reason are we even alive? What energy moves us, gives us strength, desires, opportunities? What is the soul? What is thought? There are devices capable of measuring the power of thought, because these are just waves. With our brains, we are capable of creating certain vibrations, but what do they affect and how do they affect our life ?!

Recently, psychologists have come to the conclusion that our consciousness, to which we pay so much attention, has practically no power without the subconscious. Scientists in the field of psychology have identified the influence of consciousness on the subconscious, but the subconscious takes on the role of creating situations, opportunities and reality. Yes, earlier I told you that everyone has their own reality and now we can safely declare that it is created by our subconscious.

What is the subconscious and how does it work

It is customary to call the subconscious the processes occurring in the human brain, about which the person knows nothing. He does not think and does not feel them in any way. Simply put, these are unconscious processes. The subconscious is capable of storing information, feelings, emotions throughout life, and many are sure that the subconscious is like a single bowl in which information about all of humanity throughout its history is stored. For example, this theory is supported by the following stories:

A man was struck by lightning, he lost his memory and began to speak in languages ​​that he had never known before! This is considered a failure in the subconscious, the flesh lost itself and scooped up knowledge and capabilities from the common bowl that it did not previously possess..

Experienced psychologists are able to return a person to that moment in life, which, in his opinion, caused trouble in the present. We often hear about hypnosis and thanks to charlatans we are sure that this is pure lies and deception. However, with the help of hypnosis, a person can be immersed in his subconscious and mentally returned to childhood. Many, having learned to control their subconsciousness, say that they are able to experience emotions, feelings and even smell smells that were 20-30 years ago in deep childhood.

Does everyone have such a thing that you turn on a song and seem to re-experience the emotions that are associated with it? First kiss, parting with loved ones, death of a loved one, fears, joy, sadness. All this is stored in the subconscious. There are stories in which a person could remember himself in the womb, and some even tell stories that they could not have witnessed. This proves once again that the subconscious mind does not have personalization, it is one for everyone, but in this bowl there is also your personally. There you bring yours, and from there you can take whatever you need. Wealth, success, love. Health, happiness.

How to make the subconscious mind work for you

Our consciousness is an elevator, our thoughts and beliefs are a load. The subconscious mind is the very last floor to which we deliver the goods with the help of an elevator. In psychology, there is the concept of marks that, with the help of consciousness, were once placed in the subconscious and forgotten. A man in adulthood comes to a psychologist and says that he is a healthy powerful man who is not afraid of anything in the world. Nothing but darkness ... And he cannot understand the reason for the appearance of unconscious fear. The task of the psychologist is to find out all the situations associated with darkness, to immerse a person in those moments, to make him feel those emotions, sensations, fears to talk about them. A situation that happened in early childhood and left a mark on the subconscious forever is called a mark. Finding this mark and ridding a man of it is the task of a psychologist.

It may easily turn out that a little boy at 2 years old was locked in a dark closet by his older brothers or parents, or kindergarten teachers. The fear that he had to endure will remain with him forever, this is a mark that will not disappear anywhere. But unlike the processes in the consciousness, the person will not know anything about the processes in the subconscious, he will simply be overcome by fear when he is in the dark. So it is with wealth. The mark found in the subconscious will deprive a person of the opportunity to earn money, no matter how much he works.

If in the case of subconscious fears it is not so easy to find the mark and get rid of it, then in the case of dreams and desires everything is much easier. It remains only to thank the universe for arranging the achievement of goals in this way. We just need to know the rules and follow them. As we already understood our words, thoughts and beliefs are in consciousness, from there they move to the subconscious, and it, like a projector, simply recreates it in life.

This is why prayers and affirmations are so powerful. The problem for many people is that in between prayers, they think negatively, repeat blocking phrases. The subconscious also receives information about a person's desire to get out of poverty and the belief that it is impossible to do this, I was born in a troubled family and my fate is to be poor, honestly I cannot earn money in this country, I will not be paid, it is impossible to find a good job, all men goats, there are no normal girls left.

Miracles happen, the subconscious mind recreates all this in our life, but we do not notice the magic around our person. We were able to make our thoughts reality, but we are unhappy, because this is a bad reality that does not suit us. I would return to the beginning of the process and realize that the subconscious mind does not know what we need, it gives what we asked for. And we all look like a capricious madam - we say what we want, and when we get it we say that this is not what we need.

Recent research has proven that the brain is unable to distinguish reality from fiction. Everything that we stuff into it is perceived as reality and nothing else. Listening to the whining of our friends, we receive a stream of information that is perceived as reality, loaded into the subconscious and recreated in our life. Experienced manipulators know this secret and, with cunning methods, load into a person what they want to receive.

Bypassing consciousness is an important skill of pick-up artists, they never openly talk about intimacy, do not utter these words, do not even hint. But there are several techniques that help to bypass consciousness to penetrate into the subconscious and upload information there, thereby causing the desire to do something. Marketing, advertising works the same way. Controlling a person is easy if you find the key to his subconscious. What a pity that people themselves do not own this key.

I hope you understand what the subconscious is and how it works. We understood the principle of realizing a dream. Rid your subconscious mind of the negative, so as not to upload tags there, which later will be impossible to find on your own. Repeat the goal in this format - I am a successful entrepreneur. My income is increasing every year. I earn 100,000 a month. I went out on an income of 1,000,000 a year.

Well, stuff like that, because the brain does not distinguish reality from fiction, tell him your dream as if it had already happened. He will believe it, with the help of his consciousness he will load the information into the subconscious, and then you know what will happen. I already practice this method, let's go together. I will have my own afermations, and you will have yours.

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A real story from the life of a man who worked with his subconscious. Ivan lived a calm and measured life. It seemed to him that he would not be able to achieve the desired heights, to the extent of his shyness and indecision. His plans rarely ended in success, as anxiety and fear of the unknown spoiled the whole mood.

By the age of 30, he had not succeeded in fulfilling a single serious plan. Surrender at the last moment is the way out that Ivan used for many years, until he decided to change himself and his perception of the surrounding reality.

He began the process of implementing his plans by studying the literature on the topic of self-development. The works of John Kehoe became a real discovery for the young man. He re-read book after book, and over time began to practice the presented techniques of working with the subconscious.

A month later, Ivan was able to build a scheme of actions that ideally suited his personality. They selected the best methods for exploring their inner world. And after a couple of weeks, communication with the subconscious began to bring results.

Ivan changed his place of work, but remained faithful to his specialty (banking). The authorities immediately noticed his fighting spirit and activity. A promotion was just around the corner, as he was assigned to lead a serious project.

But the changes did not end with career growth. The young man was able to meet a woman with whom he began a romantic relationship. He began to think about starting a family. Ivan does not want to stop there, as he seeks to know all the facets of his subconscious.

The subconscious mind has limitless power and influence. If a person does not know how to handle his inner self, he can incur endless problems. Most of the actions performed, conceived ideas and emotional experiences are directly associated with the subconscious.

It often seems that some unknown force makes you think in a certain way, controlling all subsequent actions. Such actions are explained by the fact that specific attitudes and programs are formed in the subconscious. They are laid by a person himself, based on various views, fears, experiences and strong emotions.

An important role in the development of the subconscious world is assigned to the upbringing process. Parents have a close bond with their children. Adults pass on to them their own understandings and moral views, which are assimilated in the subconscious of a person for life.

Society plays an equally important role. The media can effortlessly program the subconscious of people. Such an influence does not always have a positive effect on a person's life.

Various techniques of NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) are used to create special installations. This psychotherapeutic direction is based on the technique of modeling all types of human behavior (verbal, non-verbal).

It is important to note that many creative individuals are people who have learned to direct their inner energy in the right direction, while creating positive attitudes that have a beneficial effect on the life of a member of society.

“To be creative means to be able to see or imagine various opportunities for solving life's problems. Creativity gives the right to choose. " (Ernie Zelinski)

The initial steps of working with the subconscious are based on a detailed analysis of your own inner world. The deeper you dig, the more opportunities you can find.

Techniques for working with the subconscious

Working with the subconscious requires an individual approach to the matter, since the peculiarities of the character and perception of the reality of each person separately are taken into account. To facilitate the process of self-knowledge, specialists have developed special techniques.

  • Reprogramming

It is based on changing subjective experience and replacing familiar patterns. The main task is to form new patterns of behavior that contribute to the disclosure of new opportunities. The reprogramming process helps to get rid of negativity, because all attitudes are positive or neutral. A prime example is meditation or affirmation.

  • Deprogramming

This method abandons the standard stereotypical avoidance. Its goals are aimed at effectively solving existing problems. A person must face their fears and learn to overcome them. Initially, you need to find the reason for the deviation, then analyze it and find a rational way out of the situation. These techniques include Dianetic auditing or BSFF techniques.

  • Programming

Programming is characterized by working with a person in a trance state. Technique strives to ensure that consciousness can fully penetrate the realm of the subconscious, as well as rationally control it and provide a high-quality result. Hypnosis or self-hypnosis is the best choice.

12 rules for working with the subconscious

The human subconscious makes it possible to reveal secrets that were previously unknown to people. Having learned to work with him, a person will find new talents in himself, become smarter and more receptive to the world around him. To do this, you must adhere to a number of rules.

  1. Down with negative emotions! Anger, resentment, irritation, dissatisfaction and other negative feelings contradict logical decisions, without which one cannot do without in working with the subconscious.
  2. Make your thinking work in the right direction. You should get rid of negative thoughts accumulated during the day every day. Ideally, you need to learn to control your thoughts and correct them periodically.
  3. Get rid of stereotypes. You should not take on board all the advice of other people. One person's experiences may not always work for another. Self-development requires spiritual transformation, and not submission to established concepts.
  4. Don't be in a hurry. Controlling the subconscious is not an easy task. It takes time and careful work on yourself. Instant reactions are rare in the early stages.
  5. Get enough sleep. Sleep is a source of vitality and energy, which is necessary to accomplish great things. The fatigue that builds up during the day inhibits the body's functionality.
  6. Take breaks to rest. You can't get hung up on work for a long time. It is recommended to periodically arrange for yourself minutes of relaxation (the optimal number of times is 3-4 a day). 10-20 minutes will be enough to put your thoughts in order. The ideal companions of this process are pleasant music (sounds of nature, classical compositions, songs of your favorite bands) and a cozy atmosphere.
  7. Do things that make your soul happy. The subconscious mind will be grateful for pleasant emotions. The more the body gets pleasure from what has been done, the easier it will be to connect the external world with the internal one.
  8. Treat the subconscious mind as a business partner who provides services in return for certain actions. Remember to pay yourself. As payment, there can be a banal word of praise or a small gift. Pleasing yourself = satisfying your subconscious.
  9. Please yourself in advance, not at the last moment. A good mood is a great motivator. You do not need to encourage yourself only after the work is done, it is better to do this before the intended business.
  10. Say no to other people's desires! Priority should be on the things you crave and not someone else. To make it easier to navigate your thoughts, you can select a small notebook to write down all your desires and thoughts for the future. When you want to complete a task, make sure that it does not contradict the compiled list.
  11. Practice trance (a process during which the state of consciousness changes). Complete relaxation is recommended not only during physical or mental stress, but also during rest. The brain always works! This must be remembered. Regular trances will help you better focus on the sensations and emotions that a person is experiencing at one time or another.
  12. Assess your life. A 10-point or 100-point scale can be used. With full satisfaction with your life, do not hesitate, set the maximum. If the scores do not suit you, they seem too low, think about which area of ​​life is working in the wrong direction, and try to fix the situation.

List of books that will help you learn how to control the subconscious

There are many literary sources that can help a person find an approach to his subconscious. Each of the authors provides the reader with effective techniques that can be used in the process of self-development.

  • "The subconscious mind can do anything" by John Kehoe

The book will become a guide to your inner world. The author tells about how consciousness is able to change external reality, reveals the secrets of the successful life of celebrities of the twentieth century. Kehoe makes a list of tips that you can try in practice.

  • "The Power of Your Subconscious Mind" by Joseph Murphy

The work provides a range of thoughts that disturb modern people. Why do some people manage to reach the desired heights, while others do not manage to get out of the gray everyday life? How will you learn to manage your life? Is it safe to go into the future? The author is trying to find answers to these questions.

  • "The Secret" by Rhonda Byrne

Rhonda is of the opinion that the mind has limitless possibilities, but not everyone knows how to use them. If you pay due attention to this issue, you can learn to control all thoughts, directing them in the right direction. There is a film adaptation of the book that will help you delve deeper into the topic.

  • "Reality Transurfing" Vadim Zeland

The author gives clear recommendations regarding the self-development process. All the examples he talks about in his book are part of his own life experience. Zeland gives enough facts about the capabilities of a person who was able to conquer his subconscious.

  • “The book is a dream. Everyday Magic "Jill Edwards

In his work, Jill says that getting out of the dull everyday into a vibrant, colorful world is much easier than it might initially seem. Everything is feasible if you pay attention to those areas of life that need change. Consciousness and subconsciousness must be in harmony.


Learning to work with the subconscious without leaving the comfort zone is almost impossible. To achieve the desired result, you will have to spend a lot of time and effort. Today, there are various techniques that take into account the individual characteristics of each person. Everyone can control the inner self. It is worth trying to choose for yourself the best way to implement your ideas.

Our mind consists of two worlds: the world of the conscious and the world of the subconscious. They can also be called the conscious mind and the subconscious mind.

Consciousness and subconsciousness

Our mind consists of two worlds: the world of the conscious and the world of the subconscious. They can also be called the conscious mind and the subconscious mind. Consciousness is a part of the mind that is completely accessible to humans. All your thoughts, ideas occur at the level of the conscious mind.

You can't think about one thing, but get something else as a result. You can't plant oats, but get barley. Success and happiness is given to those who develop the ability to fully concentrate on one thing and do not leave it unattended until the very end of the process.

Consciousness is an object or a thinking mind. It is devoid of memory and can only hold one thought at a time. It has four essential functions.

First, it identifies the incoming information. Receiving information is provided by all five senses - sight, hearing, smell, touch, taste.

Your consciousness continuously observes and classifies everything that happens outside of you. To illustrate this, imagine that you are walking on the sidewalk and decide to cross the street. You step off the sidewalk into the driveway. At this moment, you hear the roar of a car engine. You immediately turn in the direction of the moving vehicle to identify the sound and the direction it is coming from.

The second function of your consciousness is comparison. The received visual and auditory information about the car is immediately sent to your subconscious. There it is compared with all previously accumulated information and experience related to moving cars.

If, for example, a car is a block away from you and is moving at a speed of 50 km / h, your data bank in the subconscious mind will tell you that there is no danger and you can continue driving. But if the car is moving in your direction at a speed of 100 km / h and is only a hundred meters away from you, you will receive an alarm signal that stimulates your further actions.

The third function of consciousness is analysis, it always precedes the fourth function - decision-making.

The functions of your consciousness are very similar to those performed by a binary computer: it accepts or rejects data, making choices and making decisions. He can work with only one thought at a given time - positive or negative, with "yes" or "no." He continuously sorts the impressions, deciding what is right and what is not.

So, you are walking down the street, you hear the roar of a car and you see that it is approaching. With an understanding of the speed of a moving vehicle, you analyze and understand that you are in danger. A decision needs to be made. The first question you ask is, “Get out of the way? Yes or no?" If the answer is yes, you ask the following question: “Step forward? Yes or no?" If the flow of cars is dense enough and a negative decision is made, then a new question arises: “Step back? Yes or no?" As soon as you say yes, the message is immediately transmitted to the subconscious and in a split second you have time to jump back, and this is not accompanied by any additional thoughts or decisions on your part.

You do not need to use your subconscious mind to think about which leg - right or left - should take the first step. Having received a command from the mind, the subconscious mind instantly sets all the corresponding nerves and muscles in motion to carry out the decision.

Mathematician Peter Ouspensky in his book "In Search of a Miracle" gives the following assessment: the functions of the subconscious are performed almost thirty thousand times faster than the functions of consciousness.

You can demonstrate this speed of work by stretching out your hand in front of you and fingering with your fingers. Having transferred all the work of coordinating movements to the subconscious, you do it easily. Now try to pull the thread through a needle, using your consciousness this time, and you will see what concentration and what mental effort is required to perform simple hand movements with the subconscious turned off.

Your mind works like the captain of a submarine looking at the surface of the water through a periscope. It is visible only to the captain. Only his perception of everything that happens on the surface is transmitted to the team members.

Everything that the captain sees and feels, all decisions he makes are immediately transmitted to the submarine's command, which rushes to carry out his orders.

You often feel limited freedom of action, trying to keep the "reins" in your hands. Very often you are driven by the belief that better or better results are possible with more effort. But this is not a solution.

In fact, you can improve the quality of your life by using your own "genius mind", the power of your subconscious, having mastered the methods of its activation. To do this, you need to know how your subconscious works and how it works.


Your subconscious mind is a huge data bank. Its power is practically unlimited. Everything that is constantly happening to you is saved in it. By the time you reach the age of twenty-one, you will have accumulated more than a hundred times the amount of information contained in the complete Encyclopedia Britannica.

Elderly people under hypnosis can often recall with perfect clarity the events that took place fifty years ago. Your subconscious memory is perfect. Only your ability to remember consciously is questionable.

The function of the subconscious is storage and delivery of information. It constantly checks to see if you are acting exactly as programmed.

Your subconscious mind is subjective. It does not think and does not draw conclusions, but simply obeys the commands that it receives from consciousness. If you imagine consciousness as a gardener sowing seeds, then the subconscious mind will be a garden or fertile soil for seeds.

Your mind commands, and your subconscious mind obeys. The subconscious is a non-questioning servant who works day and night to align your behavior with a pattern that matches your emotionally charged thoughts, hopes, and aspirations. Your subconscious mind grows flowers or weeds in the garden of your life, which you plant with the mental images you create.

Your subconscious mind has a so-called homeostatic impulse. It keeps your body temperature at 37 ° C, as well as your regular breathing and a certain heart rate. It uses the autonomic nervous system to balance the millions of chemicals in your billions of cells so that your entire physiological machinery works in perfect harmony most of the time.

Your subconscious mind also practices mental homeostasis, keeping your thinking and actions in line with what you have said and done in the past. All information about your thinking habits and behavior is stored in the subconscious. It remembers your comfort zones and seeks to keep you in them. The subconscious mind causes a feeling of emotional and physical discomfort every time you try to do something in a new way, in a different way, to change the established patterns of behavior.

The subconscious mind functions like a gyroscope or balancer, keeping you in a state that follows previously programmed instructions.

You can feel your subconscious pulling you back into your comfort zone every time you try to do something new. Even the thought of a new business leaves you in a tense, restless state.

When you try to find a new job, take a driving test, connect with new clients, take on a mission, or interact with a person of the opposite sex and feel awkward and nervous, you feel like you are out of your comfort zone. an example - this is how a woman knits without looking, carefully delving into the plot of the series, her attention is all in the plot, and her hands act independently of consciousness.

The main difference between leaders and followers is that leaders always push themselves out of their comfort zone. They know how quickly the comfort zone in any area becomes a trap. They know that serenity is the greatest enemy of creativity and future possibilities.

Growing outside your comfort zone requires a willingness to feel awkward and uncomfortable for a certain initial period of time. If it’s worth it, it’s possible to suffer some inconvenience until confidence emerges and a new comfort zone is built, corresponding to a higher level of achievement.

If you are not ready to endure the feeling of awkwardness and inadequacy at the initial stage, be it trade, management, sports, relationships with other people, then you will be stuck at a low level of achievement. You will always have to wage the greatest war with yourself, and the biggest challenge you will face will be breaking through, breaking free from old habits of thought and behavior.


The law of subconscious activity states that any idea or thought accepted by your consciousness as truth will be accepted without question by your subconsciousness, which immediately starts working to translate it into reality.

As soon as you begin to believe in the possibility of taking some action, your subconscious mind begins to work as a transmitter of mental energy, as a result of which you attract people and circumstances that harmoniously correspond to your new dominant thoughts.

Your subconscious mind controls information of all types coming from the environment - everything that you see, hear, know. It makes you sensitive to any information that you know the importance of in advance. And the more emotional your attitude to something specific, the sooner your subconscious mind will tell you everything that you can do to translate what you want into reality.

For example, let's say you decide you want to buy a red sports car. And immediately after that, you start to see red cars at every turn. Once you plan a trip abroad, you start to come across articles, information and posters about international travel everywhere. Your subconscious mind works to draw your attention to the right things to fulfill your desires.

Thinking about a new goal is perceived by your subconscious mind as a command. It begins to adjust your words and actions in such a way that they work towards the goal. You start to speak and act correctly, do it all on time, moving towards the result.


The Law of Concentration says that everything you think about grows in size. The more you think about something, the deeper it goes into your life.

The law explains a lot about success and failure. This is a paraphrase of the law of cause and effect, sowing and reaping. He argues that it is impossible to think about one thing and get something else in the end. You can't plant oats, but get barley. Success and happiness is given to those people who develop the ability to fully focus on one thing and not leave it unattended until the process is completed. They have the discipline to think and talk only about what they want and not be distracted by what they don't want.

Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote: "A person becomes what he constantly thinks about." People who achieve high results guard the gates of their minds with special zeal. They only focus on what really matters to them. They reflect on the future of their desires and refuse to indulge in their own fears and doubts. As a result, they manage to accomplish extraordinary things in the same time that the average person spends on ordinary everyday affairs.

Here's a check for you. For one day, check if you can think and speak only about what you want. Make sure your conversations are free of all negativity, doubt, fear, and criticism. Force yourself to talk in a cheerful and optimistic way about each person and situation in the life around you.

It won't be easy for you. This may seem impracticable at first. But such an exercise will show how much time and energy you spend on things that you absolutely do not want.


You are a reasonable person, therefore you have a mind, and you should learn how to use it. There are two levels of mind: conscious or rational and subconscious or irrational. You think using the conscious mind, and all your thoughts penetrate into the subconscious, which reacts depending on their nature. The subconscious mind is the seat of your emotions, it is your creative mind. As long as you think positively, everything will be fine; if you think negatively, unpleasant events will follow. This is how the human mind works.

Remember the main thing: having perceived the idea, the subconscious mind begins to implement it. An interesting fact is that the subconscious mind responds equally to both good and bad ideas. It is this law, with negative thinking, that is the cause of failures, frustration and unhappiness, and brings excellent health, success and prosperity to the owner of a harmonious and constructive way of thinking.

Peace of mind and a healthy body will become inevitable gains for the owner of righteous thoughts and feelings. Whatever you desire in your heart and feel it as a true necessity, your subconscious mind will perceive it and begin to implement it. There is only one thing left for you: to convince your subconscious to accept this idea, and the law of the subconscious will bring the desired health, peace of mind or success. You give orders or orders, and the subconscious mind faithfully reproduces the idea imprinted in it. This is the law of your mind: the reaction or response of the subconscious is determined by the nature of the thought or idea, established in the conscious mind.

Psychologists and psychiatrists note that when thoughts are transmitted to the subconscious, changes occur in the brain cells. Having accepted an idea, it immediately begins to implement it. The subconscious mind works on the principle of the association of ideas and uses all your knowledge accumulated throughout your life. To complete the task, it uses the infinite strength, energy and wisdom that are within you, as well as all the laws of nature. Sometimes the subconscious will immediately resolve all your difficulties, but sometimes it takes many days, weeks or months to find the right solution. His ways are inscrutable.

Consciousness and subconsciousness are not two minds, but simply two spheres of activity within one mind. Consciousness is a thinking mind; it is the part of the mind that chooses. So, you can choose books, home or life partner, making decisions with your conscious mind. On the other hand, your heart continues to function automatically, the processes of digestion, circulation and respiration are controlled by the subconscious using processes independent of consciousness.

The subconscious mind accepts what is imprinted in it or what you consciously believe. It does not ponder over things like consciousness, and does not argue with you. The subconscious mind is like the soil that accepts all kinds of seeds, good and bad. Your thoughts are active; they can be compared to seeds. Negative, destructive thoughts continue negative work in the subconscious; after a certain time, in accordance with their nature, they are realized in your life.

Remember: the subconscious mind does not check whether your thoughts are good or bad, true or false, it reacts in accordance with the nature of the proposed thoughts or suggestions. For example, if you consciously consider something to be true (although in fact it may be a lie), your subconscious mind will perceive the premise as true and will achieve appropriate results.


Numerous experiments carried out by psychologists and other specialists on people in a state of hypnosis have shown that the subconscious is not capable of making the choices and comparisons necessary for the thought process. These experiments have repeatedly confirmed that the subconscious mind accepts any suggestion, no matter how false it may be. Having accepted any such suggestion, the subconscious mind reacts in accordance with its nature.

Here is an example of the subordination of the subconscious to suggestion, if an experienced hypnotist tells his patient that he is Napoleon Bonaparte or even a cat or dog, then the patient will fulfill this role with impeccable accuracy. The patient's personality changes for a while: he has no doubt that he is who the hypnotist called him.

The hypnotist can tell one of the subjects, who is in a state of hypnosis, that his back is itching, the other - that he is a marble statue, the third - that it is now frosty and cold. And each of them will act strictly according to the rules of their new image, perceiving from the environment only what is related to his idea.

These illustrative examples clearly demonstrate the difference between the thinking mind and the subconscious, which is impersonal, non-selective and takes on faith absolutely everything that the conscious mind considers true. Hence the conclusion: it is extremely important to choose the right thoughts, ideas and premises that bless, heal, inspire and fill your soul with joy.


Consciousness is sometimes called objective reason; it deals with objects of external reality. The objective mind is busy with the knowledge of the objective world; the means of observing it are your five senses. The objective mind is our guide and guide in relations and contacts with the external environment. By using the five senses, you gain knowledge. The objective mind learns through observation, experience, and the educational system. The main function of objective reason is thinking.

The subconscious is often called the subjective mind. He knows his environment independently of the five senses mentioned. The subjective mind perceives everything by intuition; it is the seat of your emotions and the repository of your memory. The subjective mind performs its highest functions at moments when the senses are helpless. In short, this is the mind that declares its presence in those cases when the objective mind is in a detached or sleepy, drowsy state.

The subjective mind sees without the aid of the natural organs of vision; he has the faculty of clairvoyance and clairaudience. The subjective mind can leave your body, travel to distant lands, and often bring very accurate and truthful information with it. The subjective mind allows you to read the thoughts of other people, the contents of sealed envelopes and locked safes. He has the ability to evaluate the thoughts of others without resorting to ordinary means of communication.


As you probably already understood, our consciousness is a kind of "gatekeeper", and its main function is to protect the subconscious from false impressions. Thus, you have become acquainted with one of the basic laws of the mind: the subconscious mind obeys suggestion. Let me remind you that the subconscious mind does not make comparisons, does not see differences, does not reflect and does not think about things. All these functions belong to the sphere of activity of the conscious mind, and the subconscious mind simply reacts to the impressions transmitted to it by consciousness, and does not give preference to any of the modes of action.

Here is a classic example of the extraordinary power of suggestion. Suppose you walked up to a timid and frightened-looking passenger on board and said something like, “You look very unhealthy. How pale you are. I am absolutely sure that you are going to have an attack of seasickness now. Let me help you get to your cabin. " This passenger will actually turn pale. He associates your suggestion of seasickness with his own fears and premonitions; the unfortunate person will accept your offer to bring him to the cabin, where the negative suggestion he has received will be confirmed.


It is known that different people will react differently to the same suggestion due to their subconscious mood or belief. For example, imagine that on the same ship you walked up to a sailor and sympathetically said to him: “Listen, friend, you look very sick. Doesn't it make you sick? Judging by your appearance, now you will have an attack of seasickness. "

Depending on the temperament, the sailor will either laugh when he hears such a "joke", or will send you specifically. In this case, your suggestion went to the wrong address, the assumption of seasickness was associated in the sailor's brain with complete immunity from rolling. Therefore, such an assumption will not cause anxiety and fear in him, but confidence in his abilities.

The explanatory dictionary explains that suggestion is an effect on someone's consciousness, a thought process through which the suggested thought or idea is considered, accepted and carried out. You must remember that suggestion cannot be imposed on the subconscious mind against the will of the conscious mind. In other words, the conscious mind has the necessary strength to reject the suggested suggestion. In the case of the sailor, we see that it is impossible to instill in him the fear of seasickness. The sailor has convinced himself that he is immune to her, and he does not fear negative suggestion.

On the contrary, the suggestion of seasickness in the passenger reinforced his fears and fears. Everyone has their own inner fears, beliefs, opinions, and these inner assumptions rule and govern our entire life. Suggestion by itself has no power unless it is accepted by your mind; only then the subconscious will begin to implement it.


An article in a foreign newspaper spoke of a suggestion that one person gave to his subconscious: "I will give my hand to be cut off in exchange for healing my daughter." It turned out that his daughter had a deforming form of arthritis, accompanied by an incurable skin disease. All conceivable medical treatments could not alleviate the girl's condition, and her father passionately wanted her to get better. This wish found expression in the aforementioned oath. One day this family drove out of town in a car, and their car got into a serious car accident. As a result of a collision with another car, the father's right arm was torn off his father's shoulder, and his daughter's arthritis and skin diseases instantly disappeared.

It is necessary to ensure that your subconscious mind receives only such a suggestion that leads to healing, uplifting of the spirit, inspiration in all endeavors. Remember that the subconscious mind does not understand humor and jokes, it takes everything at face value.


Self-hypnosis can be used to suppress various fears and other negative conditions. Example. The young singer was invited to audition. She expected a lot from this test, but failed on the previous three for fear of failure. The girl had a very good voice, but she kept telling herself, “When it's my turn to sing, they might not like me. I will try, but I am so afraid and worried. "

The subconscious mind accepted this negative self-hypnosis as a request and began to implement and implement it. The cause of this girl's troubles and failures was involuntary self-hypnosis, that is, inner fears and thoughts turned into emotions and reality.

The singer coped with these difficulties as follows: three times a day she locked herself in her room. Sitting comfortably in a chair, she relaxed her whole body and closed her eyes. The girl in every possible way calmed her mind and body. Physical immobility favors mental relaxation and makes the mind more receptive to suggestion. To resist the fear, she instilled in herself: "I sing beautifully, I feel in shape, the mind is clear, I am confident, balanced, serene and calm." She repeated these words from five to ten times in each session, slowly and calmly, putting the maximum feeling in them. Every day she had three such sessions, one of them just before bed. At the end of the week, she was absolutely confident and calm. When it came time for her to perform at the audition, she made the most favorable impression on the teachers and the audience.


A seventy-five-year-old woman had a habit of constantly repeating that she was losing her memory. Then she decided to remedy the situation and began to practice self-hypnosis several times a day. The woman said to herself: “From now on, my memory is constantly improving. I will always remember what I need to know at any time and in any place. The impressions received will be clearer and more definite. I will remember everything automatically and easily. Whatever I wish to remember will immediately appear in my mind in the correct form. Day by day my memory is improving rapidly, and very soon it will be better than ever. " To her indescribable delight, after three weeks her memory was completely restored.


Many people who complained of irritability and bad mood turned out to be very susceptible to self-hypnosis and got excellent results by repeating the following words three to four times a day (morning, afternoon and evening before bedtime) for a month: “From now on I will be more and more more good-natured. Joy, happiness and cheerfulness become the normal state of my consciousness. Every day I understand and love other people more and more. I become a center of optimism and goodwill for everyone around me, infecting them with a sense of humor. This happy, joyful and cheerful mood becomes a normal, natural state of my consciousness. I am very grateful".


Several examples and comments on heterointing. Heterosexual suggestion means the suggestion of another person. At all times, the power of suggestion has played a role in the life and thoughts of people. In many parts of the world, suggestion is the driving force in religion.

Suggestion can be used for self-discipline and self-control, but it can also be used to control and command other people who do not know the laws of the mind. In its constructive form, suggestion is a wonderful, glorious phenomenon. In its negative aspects, it is one of the most destructive reactions of the mind, bringing misfortune, failure, suffering, illness and disaster.


From infancy, most of us have received numerous negative suggestions. Not knowing how to counteract them, we unconsciously accepted and agreed with them. Here are some of the possible negative suggestions: “You cannot do this”, “You will never get anything good”, “You shouldn't”, “You will not succeed”, “You have not the slightest hope of success”, “You’re absolutely wrong”, “You are trying in vain”, “The main thing is not what you know, but who you know”, “The world is flying to hell”, “What's the point, because no one cares”, “ It is useless to try especially "," You are already too old "," Things are getting worse and worse "," Life is endless torment "," Love exists only in fairy tales "," Caution, you can catch a virus "," You can not trust any man "and so on.

If you yourself, as an adult, do not use constructive self-hypnosis as restorative therapy, then suggestions received in the past can develop in you stereotypes of behavior leading to failures in personal and social life. Self-hypnosis allows you to release the burden of negative verbal pressure that can distort your life path and make it difficult to develop good habits.


Take any daily newspaper or open a news site on the Internet and you will find dozens of problems in there that can instill in people feelings of hopelessness, fear, anxiety, excitement and imminent collapse. If you accept all this, then the very fear can lead to a loss of desire to live. Knowing that you are able to reject such negative impulses, sending constructive attitudes to the subconscious, you will be able to resist destructive ideas.

Check regularly for negative suggestions from different people. Do not take risks and try not to be influenced by destructive hetero-suggestion. We have all suffered enough from it in childhood and adolescence. By looking back in your mind at your past, you can easily remember how parents, friends, relatives, teachers, and colleagues have contributed to the formation of negative suggestions in you. Analyze everything that was said to you, and you will find that much was presented in the form of propaganda and much of what was said had one purpose: to control you or to instill in you fear.

This process of hetero-suggestion takes place in every home, at work, in the club. You will find that suggestion is often done to make you think, feel, and act the way other people want to exploit you to their advantage.


An example of hetero-suggestion (from the foreign press). A young Indian visited a fortune teller working with a magic crystal. The witch informed him that he had a bad heart and predicted that he would die before the next full moon. The Indian told his family members about this prediction and wrote a will.

This powerful suggestion entered his subconscious because he completely agreed with it. According to rumors, that fortune-teller had a strange occult power and could bring good and evil to people. The man died, as it was predicted to him, not suspecting that he himself was the cause of his death. I suppose that many have heard similar silly and ridiculous stories based on prejudice.

Whatever the conscious, pondering mind of a person believes, the subconscious mind will take it as a guide to action. Before going to the fortune-teller, the Indian was a happy, healthy, cheerful and strong man. She gave him an extremely negative attitude, with which he agreed. He panicked, horrified, and plunged into gloomy thoughts that he would die before the next full moon. The Indian kept telling everyone about this and preparing for the end. The action took place in his own mind, and his thought was the reason for it. He brought himself to death or, more correctly, to the destruction of the physical body by his fear and expectation of the end.

The "fortune teller" who predicted his death had no more power than a stone or a stick on the road. Her suggestion could not create and accomplish what she predicted. Having knowledge of the laws of his consciousness, he would completely reject negative suggestion and would not give her words any attention, knowing in his heart that he was being guided and controlled by his own thoughts and feelings. Like tin arrows fired at a warship, her prediction would be completely neutralized and dispersed without causing him any harm.

The suggestions of other people by themselves have absolutely no power over you, if you yourself, through your own thoughts, do not fill them with such power. You need to give your mental consent, you need to support this suggestion, and only then it becomes your own thought. Remember that you have a choice. And you choose life! You choose love! You choose health!


Your subconscious mind is omniscient and knows the answers to all questions. It is not trying to argue with you and contradict you. It doesn't say, "You shouldn't force me to do this." For example, saying “I cannot do this”, “I am already too old”, “I cannot fulfill these obligations”, “I was born on the sidelines of big matters”, “I am not familiar with the politician I need,” - you saturate your subconscious with these negative thoughts, and it reacts accordingly. In fact, you are blocking your own good by bringing failure, deprivation, and disappointment into your life.

By placing obstacles, difficulties and uncertainties in your mind, you refuse to use the wisdom and intelligence of the subconscious. You are actually confirming that the subconscious mind cannot solve your problems. This can lead to mental and emotional stagnation, followed by illness and a predisposition to nervous disorders.

To fulfill your intentions and overcome setbacks and difficulties, boldly and confidently repeat the following words several times a day: “The immense mind that inspired me, guides and guides me, reveals to me an impeccable plan for the fulfillment of my desires. I am fully aware of the deep wisdom of the response of my subconscious, and what I feel and ask in my thoughts gets its form in the material world. I am calm, balanced and completely in control of myself. "

If you say, “I see no way out; everything is lost to me; I don't know how to get out of this situation; I am cornered, ”you will not receive any response from your subconscious. If you want the subconscious mind to work for you, ask it the right request, and it will cooperate with you. It always works for you. The subconscious mind controls your heartbeat and breathing at the moment. It heals the cut on your finger and takes care of all life processes, constantly striving to protect and protect you. The subconscious mind has its own mind, but it accepts your thoughts and fantasies for execution.

The subconscious mind responds to your search for a solution to the problem, but expects that you yourself will come to the right conclusions and the correct solution in your conscious mind. Know and remember that the answer is in your subconscious mind. However, saying: “I don't think there is a way out of this situation; I am confused and completely confused; why am I not getting an answer? " - you nullify the meaning of your prayer. Like a soldier marching in place, you are not moving forward.

Calm your mind, relax, breathe evenly and deeply and quietly confirm: “There is already an answer in my subconscious that it is now sending me. I am grateful for the knowledge of the infinite mind of my subconscious, knowledgeable in all things and providing me now with an impeccable answer. With conviction and confidence, I am now releasing the greatness and glory of my subconscious. I am glad about it. "


1. Think good, and you will receive good. Think evil and evil will come. You are what you constantly think about.

2. Your subconscious mind does not argue with you, it accepts the orders of the consciousness for execution. If you think you cannot afford something, it may reflect reality, but you should not say that. Prefer the best solution: “I buy this. I accept it with my mind. "

3. You have the freedom to choose, so choose health and happiness. You can be friendly or unfriendly. Choose for yourself cooperation, joy, friendliness, love - and the whole world will respond to you. This is the best way to become a wonderful person.

4. Your mind is a kind of gatekeeper. Its main function is to protect the subconscious mind from false instructions. Try to believe that something good can happen in your life, that it is already happening. Freedom of choice is the greatest power. Choose happiness and abundance for yourself.

5. The suggestions and instructions of other people have no power over you and cannot harm you. The only power is the movement of your own thought. You can reject other people's thoughts and directions and affirm goodness. You are free to choose how you should react.

6. Watch what you say; you will have to answer for every thoughtless word. Never say, “I will fail; I will lose my job; I won't be able to pay the rent. " Your subconscious mind does not understand jokes, it follows any instructions.

7. Your consciousness is not evil; there are no vicious forces in nature. It all depends on how you use natural forces. Use your mind to benefit, heal, and inspire all people.

8. Never Say "I Can't"... Overcome your fear and say: I can do anything with the power of my subconscious.

9. Start thinking in terms of eternal truths and principles of life, rather than in terms of fears, ignorance, and superstition. Don't let others think for you. Think and decide for yourself.

10. You are the captain of your soul (subconscious) and the master of your destiny. Remember that you are free to choose. Choose life! Choose love! Choose health! Choose happiness!

11. Whatever your conscious mind assumes and whatever it believes, the subconscious mind will accept it and carry it out. You need to believe in good fortune, divine guidance, right action, and all the blessings of life. published

based on the book "Control Your Destiny" by Joseph Murphy