What diseases treat cats. Cattorate: cat treats a man. Cat is better than any friend? Examples of famous people

How do cats treat? What diseases treat cats?

Of course, the treatment of cats is largely based on energy Exchange Between the animals and its owner. According to Eastern medicine, in humans, all diseases occur due to energy imbalance in the body. The process itself lies in the absorption bad energy and processing it. By and large, if you figure it out in detail, the cats do it because of the need - so cats are arranged.

For the cat badly, when negative energy is missing, but also bad for her, when this energy is too much. That is why the fluffy leakage clearly knows when he needs to stop the process of "recharging" and escape from man. Communication with a cat is also scientifically substantiated effective method Treatment and recovery, which, as a rule, remains not noticed, but very effective. Cat is a pet, which is given to a person to help and should be in every home.

What cats treat people?

Experts note the special healing energy of these animals, depending on the breed of the cat, however, in general, the mechanism of such treatment is not important, because the conclusion is one: after the cat is lying next to your patient, the pain escapes, and you are going on amendment. And if you doubt whether cats are treated any diseases, try to check it out.

It's important to know!
Castrated cats and sterilized cats lose most of their healing abilities!

If you have come to the cat in the soul, naturally, the animal will reach you - and, accordingly, in this way, you will allow the cat to treat you. In this case, the cat will not only give you its energy, but also will increase its bioenergetic abilities.

How do cats treat?

According to psychologists, for the spiritual health of people is very good that they stopped shy to show their feelings towards cats.
This is even more important that the conditions of the surrounding world are perceived human subconscious As a threat, people experience fear and uncertainty in tomorrow. Domestic cats absorb these fears, appeal to warm spiritual feelings and thereby satisfy the needs of the owner in protectedness and trust. Cats are good psychics, they drag the bad energy on themselves.

Scientists are convinced that long friendship with a cat strengthens immune system And promotes health and longevity. Touching the cat reduce blood pressure from hypertensive. Cat will help with stressful state. She is even able to prevent heart attack. The cat perfectly performs the role of heating pads during osteochondrosis, radiculitis, arthritis, prostatitis. Scientists believe that Cat purred has a healing effect, similar to ultrasound, it accelerates wound healing and strengthens the bones.
Statistics also claim that a person who has a cat kinds up with her several times more in time than with the most close people, on average from 30 to 120 minutes a day. This proves that a person is easier to trust the cat, which will always understand and listen to "his owner.

In our time, the cat was discovered for themselves and young bachelors. Men and women who do not have families, according to their own stories, appreciate the cat primarily the feature that they themselves, namely, independence. Cat does not require constant attention, she perfectly occupies himself. During one of the polls, bachelors stated that the girlfriend "annoying often or sometimes", the answer about the cat was received by the answer "Never." Men are harder to confess that they are pleased to iron the cat, but the need to express their feelings is peculiar to them no less than women.

Cat treatment begins with the fact that you have to take a loved one and stroke her: through your fingers and palm cat and will have the most healing effect on you. In ordinary home situations, cats come to you yourself, and fall on your sick place Alone - sprawling energy, immediately go. This suggests that the cat took the desired portion, and more - it will be harder to her. Therefore, never try to hold the cat, including in your hands, if she does not want it.

There are especially gifted animals with stronger medical properties, than others. As a rule, these are cats of black color, which, according to scientific research, have a very powerful energy, and breed of cats without wool.

Now it becomes clear that in "catotherapy" the same great importance Have a color, the length of the wool and the healer breed.

Consider some features:

Cat Breed Sphinx - able to take a lot of negative energy at once, this cat without wool can not like many people in appearance, but this miracle is considered one of the most talented drugs among many breeds of cats, it helps effectively on initial stages Treat people from many ailments.

Long-haired cats - These include:



Siberian and others are excellent "neuropathologists" who perfectly cope with irritability, depression and insomnia of people.

Persian cats - can effectively treat osteochondrosis and joint pain, cats with wool middle length (British or exotic short-haired) is "cardiologists".

Shorthair and furious cats- "Specialize" on diseases of the kidneys, liver and gastrointestinal tract.

Siamese cats It is managed to kill all the pathogens in the house, so their hosts are never sick with influenza and colds.

Value for color?

Black Cats - Ensure their hosts from negative energy and are well treated with "Yang" strokes, heart attacks, hypertension, osteochondrosis and arthritis arise in people suffering from an oversupply of energy. In Eastern medicine, such diseases are considered to be "Yang" diseases. Cats of black color - "take on behalf of the negative energy twice as much as other colors.

White cats - on the contrary, feed those people who suffer from energy weakness. White - generally considered therapeutic in all listed indicators.

Redhead cats- Most of all give positive energy. Cats of red color charge owners positive energy.

Gray cats - Possess equally qualities inherent in cats of black and white colors. Serious blue cats - soothe, neutralize.

Cream cats - Toning the energy of the owner.

Cats - Lekari!

It is known that cats attracts negative energy, they like to absorb her. When any violations occur in our body or around us, she, catching, tends to this place. The cat is so arranged that she needs this "recharging". Each of us observed how cats love to be near the electrical appliances that radiate negative electromagnetic oscillations. The same man, on the contrary, to get rid of ailments, you need to remove negative energy. So that the cat is just a gift for him, home leak.

It must be said that cats are different diseases in different ways. Finding a sick place, some fall on him, trying to warm. Others, having released their claws like a needle-temperate needle, start a kind of massage. As a rule, the therapeutic effect occurs at the first garbage and purring sounds that soothe and relax. At these moments it is not advisable to repel the cat, and it is better to switch and calm down. She will expect a "storm" of your body.

On the topic of the healing abilities of cats held scientific researchwho shocked scientists. It was found that if for a few minutes it is stroking a cat, a blood pressure is normalized in humans, the risk of re-stroke and heart attack is reduced. The condition of patients after experiments was similar to well-being after a meditation session and relaxation. Our skin is directly connected through the nervous receptors with the brain. A smooth cat, we pass through the skin of the hand signals into the brain. We have a feeling of relaxation and calm. When a cat or dog caresses and the owner strokes her wool - it is nothing but the electrostatic effect of weak currents. All physiotherapy of today is built on the impact on us weak currents. And traditional Eastern medicine is just built in touch nervous system with separate parts of the body and skin. And the nervous system is subordinate to our body all. And through it, it is possible to indirectly affect the internal organs. And this is already the most real reflexotherapy.

I would like to note that, forcibly holding the cat next to you therapeutic effect Do not get. Between the owner and the cat should be close contact of trust. And if at the same time the cat will finish and show that she has liked with you, the effect increases several times.

Cat Murlykanny It does not necessarily express the emotions of the cat. It helps her to engage in self-medication: heal wounds and strengthen the bones. The scientists of North Carolina came to this conclusion, who were investigated feline sounds. Sound Cat Range from 27 to 44 Hz. Scientists suggested that purring is similar to ultrasound treatment. It turned out that the impact of sounds in this range increases the healing of wounds, the growth and strengthening of bones. If you watched the cat, then remember the fact that after falling, injured and during childbirth, they purr. There is an opinion that at the same time they pain relieve and treat themselves. It is known that the wounded cats are purr, licking the wounds, and maybe therefore survive even after falling from high buildings. The Journal of the Medical Association of American Veterinarians provides data according to which out of 132 cats, fallen from the average height of the sixth floor died only 14. And one even survived after falling from the 45th floor. Scientists see that this can be used purring in the treatment of osteoporosis, especially in the elderly, because physical exercises They are not under power.

However, on this cat talents do not end. It was found that communication with a cat has a beneficial effect on patients after severe injuries suffering mental disorders, cardiovascular diseases and strokes. Recently, in the West, cats began to use to remove tension and treatment against drug and alcohol dependence. Perennial observations of doctors showed that Bio - the impact of cats is stronger than cats. Cats "Better" treat diseases of the nervous system, internal organs. Cats are excellent osteochondrosis healers, radiculitis, arthosis.

In addition, cats are able to reduce high blood pressure, Remove headache And even ... to contribute fast healing RAS and injuries. And even if it is not known for the cats to treat people, it doesn't matter: the process of "therapy" will always be very pleasant for you, because you can spend a few calm minutes, stroking your favorite and feeling her response love to you. And even if after such treatment you have to go to the doctor, do not doubt: the usual doctor will find significant improvements in your condition!

It is worth noting that the animal itself knows how he needs to treat his master. Perhaps the cat just will lie in his legs or caress to him, and may make him a massage with his curls. In any case, the cat will have a sick person to essential help, taking the whole negative energy And calming him.

In the Berlin Institute of Herontology, a group of seven scientists was conducted a study of the influence of cats on the life expectancy of their owners. The conclusions obtained as a result of this conducted for five years of study, more than 3,000 cat owners have shown that people who have been throughout their lives live on average for 10.3 years longer than "flawless". At the owners of animals indicators blood pressure Better than the other half of humanity. And, which is completely strange - below the cholesterol content in the blood - one of the risk factors of the infarction. According to the geonstologists, the cat is a real elixir of youth for their owners.

At the same time, never forget that favorable effect Only a well-minded, healthy cat can have on your body.

Cat is the most domestic, the most affectionate creation that creates comfort and in a big mansion and a small room. People who love these animals argue that they are perfection, exuded peace, bring good luck, happiness, wealth, a person becomes kinder and tolerable. They know how to love, treat, save from loneliness, to be loyal and loyal.

"The cat began to go to my head at night, I drive from the pillow, but I wake up from the fact that his head is again on my ..." (comment)

Our smaller counterparts not only adorn life and give beautiful emotions. They also significantly improve well-being and vitality.

The cat treats a person - a scientifically proven fact. Why animals are able to provide medical assistanceWhat diseases are subject to them, as the color and length of the wool effect affect the effect of influence, which is in the article.

Stroking or just watching Murka, we get moral satisfaction, get rid of mental tension and fatigue, our nerves become stronger.

Lonely people, widowed or living in themselves, a particularly useful communication with cats, which grind loneliness.

Koto therapy

Back in the 70s of the last century, English and American doctors conducted a study in specialized clinics For children, lagging mentally, and found out:

feline provide major support for mental, heart, brain disorders.

Felinotherapy (cat treatment science) is based on the bioenergy exchange of an animal and man.

Eastern medicine argues: violation of health - a consequence of energy imbalance. Here it is helped to align representatives of the preyatarian family.

What makes it multifaceted:

visually - We are watching them and get a positive charge.

Through reflexogenic zones. When Murki is massaged with foot and claws our body, there is an effect like a massage and needlerapy sessions.

Tactile. Wool strokes like deep meditation relaxes, soothes, raises the mood, and all because positive signals come to the brain from receptors on the fingers and palms.

With sounds. Cat purre scientists compare with ultrasonic therapy.

"We still do not understand much, but this low-frequency impact treats neurosis, neurasthenia, somatic diseases", - Ishuk A.I. states, Dr. Honey. Sciences engaged in electrostimulation over 40 years.

The healing properties of sound examine doctors and scientists of different areas of medicine, the results are quite promising. Cavities and fabrics human organism Have their own resonance frequencies. If you process them with the sound of the corresponding frequency, they restore their functions.

For example: human lungs resonate about 39 hertz (in a liquid medium). Researchers have found: the sound of this frequency is healing for patients with cystic fibrosis (severe pulmonary pathology).

The oscillatory stimulation not only relieves suffering in 82% of people experiencing acute and chronic pain, but also stimulates the regeneration and tissue growth, improves the local circulation and the supply of oxygen, reduces the swelling and inhibits the growth of bacteria.

Medical effects

Rhythmic vibrating cat rumbling has a frequency (from 25 to 150 Hz), very beneficial for the entire human body:

  • cholesterol is reduced in the blood;
  • pressure normalizes;
  • immunity increases;
  • faster heal wounds, they grow and stronger bones, tendons, ligaments, comes recovery;
  • any pain, articular, vertebrates, heads, migraines are facilitated;
  • the mobility of the joints improves;
  • stress, depression, insomnia goes
  • diseases are cured urogenital sphere, gastrointestinal, arthritis, strokes, lung inflammation; reduced risk of heart disease;
  • weakened dependence on alcohol and drugs.

Cat owners turn to doctors five times less Those who have no own fluffy doctor.

By the way, self purring cats treat and themselves From the ailments, injuries, strengthen and restore the bones after falling. There are many cases when, falling from an incredible height, the animal survived. According to the accumulated Medical Association of American veterinarians, only 14 individuals died out of 132, filled from the 6th floor.

Professor Clinton Ruby made amazing observation, low-frequency sounds (from 20 to 50 Hz at low dB) promote growth and raising bone density by 20%. For example, chickens cultivated for 20 minutes a day, they grew much faster than their relatives, and their bones were stronger.

In this regard, they are studied prospects for the treatment of osteoporosis In the elderly, especially in postmenopausal women, through the urges.

By the way, listening to his record also gives good effectIf you do not have your home alloculat or he does not bother at all as my Marsik.

Cats prolong life

Berlin gerontologists proved during a 5-year experiment with the participation of the 3rd of thousands of cat owners: cochetics live longer for almost 10 years Compared to those who have never kept in the house of satuled pets.

They are less susceptible to colds and influenza, the threat of a heart attack or stroke, results psychological tests Show higher, feel greater well-being.

People who do not have quotes die more often by 30-40% of cardiovascular diseases.

Scientists made a stunning conclusion:

cats - true balm of youth and longevity for their owners.

Use for children

Children involved in the education of an animal have more high level Self-assessment, best social skills and degree of responsibility before others. They produce resilience to various allergens and asthma.

How the session occurs

You noticed how to love pussies lying from computer monitors, on a laptop keyboard or TV? So they sign negative energy Electromagnetic radiation. When in our body is brewing "breakdown", in certain zone Such an energy accumulates, here's her cats and take over.

Cats have a healing gift at the level of instincts and well understand how and when to help the owner.

They, as a rule, themselves come and concern the area requiring attention. They can lie on it, release claws and massage, climb, rub with a face or all the body. Or get alongside and "enable" therapeutic melody.

  • if there is a problem with the mobility of the joints, Kisa will grab from a frequency of 20 to 35 Hertz,
  • with disorders of bone tissues and fractures - 25 - 50,
  • in case of damage to tendons - 120,
  • with painful sensations - from 50 to 150 hertz.

Do not drive the hell, and better relax and trust the past creation. After receiving a portion of energy, it is removed. Do not hold it against the will. When the purr will be ready, the session will repeat.

An important nuance is mutual Sympathy of Pet and Host.

You should also know that maximum attending force possesses animals that preserved the ability to reproduce, not neutered and not sterilized.

Coto diagnosis

Does your favorite often fit on a specific area? You can assume:

  • hypertension, scalp, if Murka is brought to his head;
  • cardiac problems - on the left shoulder or blade;
  • renal disorders, radiculitis - to the lower back;
  • low pressure, frequent colds - to your feet;
  • arthritis - presses against the sore joint;
  • bronchitis - on the chest.


Males "specialize" on radiculitis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis. Females - on mental and internal diseases.

Long-haired breeds Better cope with impaired nervous system: stress, anxiety, sleep disorders, irritability.

Also, they are well amenable to be defaults from the energy deficit "Yin": osteochondrosis, arthritis, renal, hepatic, heartfelt.

Middle sir - help with cardiological problems.

Short and bald and bald - In case of failures in the work of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, liver, vessels and hearts.

Siamese representatives - Excellent prevention of cold and flu.

The strongest - Madeless, as well as black.

Color is important

Black individuals will get rid of the pigeons caused by the re-equipment "Yang" - articular pains, osteochondrosis, hypertension, heart attacks, strokes. They are able to perceive twice as much energy than other colors.

White - restore the shortage of forces, and serve as a medicine from any disease. By the way, in England they are sold in specialized pharmacies.

Redhead - charge positive.

Gray - absorbed all the qualities of black and white individuals.

Serious blue - reassure, restore the balance of the energies.

Cream - strengthen energy.


Do you have a purple favorite? Quickly, get a pleasure to communicate with this cute creation and simply heal. The cat treats a person very wisely, without side Effects and contraindications (except for wool allergies).

Elena Valva for the project Sleepy Cantata

Of course, cat treatment is largely based on the energy exchange between the animals and its owner. According to Eastern medicine, in humans, all diseases occur due to energy imbalance in the body. The process itself lies in the absorption of bad energy and processing it. By and large, if you understand in detail, cats Do it because of the need - so cats are arranged.

Pictures Galley Abdel Fatt

For the cat badly, when negative energy is missing, but also bad for her, when this energy is too much. That is why the fluffy leakage clearly knows when he needs to stop the process of "recharging" and escape from man. Communication with a cat is also a scientifically substantiated effective method of treatment and recovery, which, as a rule, remains not noticed, but very effective. Cat is a pet, which is given to a person to help and should be in every home.

What cats treat people?
Specialists celebrate the special healing energy of these animals, depending oncat breed , however, in general, the mechanism of such treatment And not important, because the conclusion is one: after the cat is lying next to your patient, the pain escapes, and you go to the amendment. And if you doubt whether cats are treated any diseases, try to check it out.

- castrated cats and sterilized cats lose most of their healing abilities !!!.

If you have come to the cat in the soul, naturally the animal will reach you - and, accordingly, in this way you will allow the cat to treat you. In this case, the cat will not only give you its energy, but also will increase its bioenergetic abilities.

How do cats treat?

According to psychologists, for the spiritual health of people is very good that they stopped shy to show their feelings towards cats.
It is even more important that the conditions of the surrounding world are perceived by the human subconscious as a threat, people experience fear and uncertainty in tomorrow. Domestic cats absorb these fears, appeal to warm spiritual feelings and thereby satisfy the needs of the owner in protectedness and trust. Cats are good psychics, they drag the bad energy on themselves.

Scientists are convinced that long-term friendship with a cat strengthens the immune system and promotes health and longevity. Touching the cat reduce blood pressure from hypertensive. Cat will help with stressful state. She is even able to prevent heart attack. The cat perfectly performs the role of heating pads during osteochondrosis, radiculitis, arthritis, prostatitis. Scientists believe that Cat purred has a healing effect, similar to ultrasound, it accelerates wound healing and strengthens the bones.
Statistics also claim that a person who has a cat kinds up with her several times more in time than with the most close people, on average from 30 to 120 minutes a day. This proves that a person is easier to trust the cat, which will always understand and listen to "his owner.
In our time, the cat was discovered for themselves and young bachelors. Men and women who do not have families, according to their own stories, appreciate the cat primarily the feature that they themselves, namely, independence. The cat does not require constant attention, she perfectly occupies itself. During one of the polls, bachelors stated that the girlfriend "annoying often or sometimes", the answer about the cat was received by the answer "Never." Men are harder to confess that they are pleased to iron the cat, but the need to express their feelings is peculiar to them no less than women.
Large emotional effects of cats are on writers, scientists, public figures. Throughout the history of mankind, a variety of facts are known when celebrities simply do not have the souls in their favorites. So, Victor Hugo gently loved his gavrosh, cardinal Richelieu left the inheritance to his fourteen cats, Ernest Hemingway dined with cats at one table, and the doctor humanist Albert Schweitser Saved from longing, playing the organ for his cats.

How do cats treat people? - Cat treatment begins with the fact that you have to take a favorite in your arms and stroke her: through your fingers and palms Cat and will have the most healing effect on you. In ordinary home situations, the cats come to you themselves, and fall on your sore place on your own - sprawling energy, immediately go. This suggests that the cat took the desired portion, and more - she will be in harm. Therefore, never try to hold the cat, including in your hands, if she does not want it.

There are particularly gifted animals with stronger medical properties than others. As a rule, it is cats of black colorwhich, according to scientific research, have a very powerful energy, and the breed of cats without wool.

Now it becomes clear that the color, the length of the wool and breed of the healer have the same great importance in the "catotherapy".
Consider some features:

Cat Breed Sphinx - Can take a lot of negative energy at once, this cat without wool can not like many people in appearance, but this miracle is considered one of the most talented drugs among many cat breeds, it helps effectively at the initial stages to treat people from many ailments.

Long-haired cats - These include Angora, Persian, Siberian, Burmese, etc. - excellent "neuropathologists", who perfectly cope with irritability, depression and insomnia of people.

Angora Burmanskaya

Persian Siberian

Persian cats - can effectively treat Osteochondrosis and joint pain, cats with a wool of medium length (British or exotic shorthair) are "cardiologists".

British d / w exotic

Shorthair and furious cats - "Specialize" on diseases of the kidneys, liver and gastrointestinal tract.

Ocicat Snow-Shu

Siamese cats It is managed to kill all the pathogens in the house, so their hosts are never sick with influenza and colds.

Below we will look at what diseases of people treat cats - and now a little about color.

How man is treated cats - value in color?

BLACK CATS- Ensure their hosts from negative energy and are well treated with "Yang" strokes, heart attacks, hypertension, osteochondrosis and arthritis arise in people suffering from an oversupply of energy. In Eastern medicine, such diseases are considered to be "Yang" diseases.Cats black color - "Take over" negative energy twice as much as other colors.

British cats

White cats - on the contrary, feed those people who suffer from energy weakness. White - In general, considered therapeutic in all listed indicators (in England, white cats are sold in special pharmacies, where experts are animal tremetes sell them like aspirin or other drugs).

Redhead cats - Most of all give positive energy.Cats of red color charge owners positive energy.

Gray cats- Possess equally qualities inherent in cats of black and white colors. Gray-blue cats - soothe, neutralize,

Cream cats -Tertotize the energy of the owner,


Everyone who has lived a cat knows - these creatures are capable of much ... even on magic.

It is known that cats attracts negative energy, they like to absorb her. When any violations occur in our body or around us, she, catching, tends to this place.
The cat is so arranged that she needs this "recharging". Each of us observed how cats love to be near the electrical appliances that radiate negative electromagnetic oscillations. The same man, on the contrary, to get rid of ailments, you need to remove negative energy. So that the cat is just a gift for him, home leak.
It must be said that cats are different diseases in different ways. Finding a sick place, some fall on him, trying to warm. Others, having released their claws like a needle-temperate needle, start a kind of massage. As a rule, the therapeutic effect occurs at the first garbage and purring sounds that soothe and relax. At these moments it is not advisable to repel the cat, and it is better to switch and calm down. She will expect a "storm" of your body.

On the topic of the healing abilities of cats carried out scientific research that shocked scientists. It was found that if for a few minutes it is stroking a cat, a blood pressure is normalized in humans, the risk of re-stroke and heart attack is reduced. The condition of patients after experiments was similar to well-being after a meditation session and relaxation. Our skin is directly connected through the nervous receptors with the brain. A smooth cat, we pass through the skin of the hand signals into the brain. We have a feeling of relaxation and calm. When a cat or dog caresses and the owner strokes her wool - it is nothing but the electrostatic effect of weak currents. All physiotherapy of today is built on the impact on us weak currents. So that cat is, in fact, a home physiotherapy device.And traditional Eastern medicine is just built on the binding of a nervous system with separate parts of the body and skin. And the nervous system is subordinate to our body all. And through it, it is possible to indirectly affect the internal organs. And this is already the most real reflexotherapy.

I would like to note that, forcibly holding the cat next to the medical effect, not get. Between the owner and the cat should be close contact of trust. And if at the same time the cat will finish and show that she has liked with you, the effect increases several times.

Cat purr does not necessarily express cat emotions. It helps her to engage in self-medication: heal wounds and strengthen the bones. Scientists of North Carolina came to this conclusion, who explored feline sounds. Sound Cat Range from 27 to 44 Hz. Scientists suggested that purring is similar to ultrasound treatment. It turned out that the impact of sounds in this range increases the healing of wounds, the growth and strengthening of bones. If you watched the cat, then remember the fact that after falling, injured and during childbirth, they purr. There is an opinion that at the same time they pain relieve and treat themselves. It is known that the wounded cats are purr, licking the wounds, and maybe therefore survive even after falling from high buildings. The Journal of the Medical Association of American Veterinarians provides data according to which out of 132 cats, fallen from the average height of the sixth floor died only 14. And one even survived after falling from the 45th floor. Scientists see that this can be used purring in the treatment of osteoporosis, especially in the elderly, because Physical exercises them are not under power.

Professor Klinto Rubin found that the impact of sound in the range of 20-50 Hertz increases growth and strengthens the bone by 20 percent. For example, chickens placed on a vibrating stand for 20 minutes a day grew faster and their bones were much stronger than their usual fellow.

However, on this cat talents do not end. It has been established that communication with a cat has a beneficial effect on patients after severe injuries suffering from mental disorders, cardiovascular diseases and strokes. Recently, in the West, cats began to use to remove tension and treatment against dependence drugs and alcohol. Perennial observations of doctors showed that Bio - the impact of cats is stronger than cats. Cats "Better" treat diseases of the nervous system, internal organs. Cats are excellent osteochondrosis healers, radiculitis, arthosis.

Perennial observations of the cat suggest such a fact that different breeds have their own region in healing.

For example:

Long-haired cats (Persian, Angora, Siberian, Ragdoll, Burmese, etc.) - Neuropathologists, help with insomnia, annoyance and depression, Fluffy cats- Perfectly suitable for healing from the ailments "Yin" - this chronic fatigue, neurasthenia, cardiac and renal failure, arthritis, hypotension is characterized by a disadvantage of energy and are referred to as the diseases of Yin.

RackDoll British d / w

Shorthair can cure "Yang" diseases.


Bermann Bengal

Shorthair with plush wool (Exotic, British, Scottish, Russian blue, etc.) "specialize" on cardiovascular diseases.

British K / W (Cinnamon) Scotland

Cats of short-haired and furious breeds (Siamese, oriental, sphinxes, etc.) Doctors liver disease, kidney, gastritis, colitis.


Cornish Racks Bengalskaya

In addition, cats are able to reduce increased pressure., remove the headache and even ... to contribute to the rapid healing of wounds and injuries. And even if it is not known as the cats treat people, it doesn't matter: the process of "therapy" will always be very pleasant for you, because you can spend a few calm minutes, stroking your favorite and feeling her reply love for you. And even if after such treatment you have to go to the doctor, do not doubt: the usual doctor will find significant improvements in your condition!

It is worth noting that the animal itself knows how he needs to treat his master. Perhaps the cat just will lie in his legs or caress to him, and may make him a massage with his curls. In any case, the cat will have a sick person to essential help, taking all the negative energy from him and reassuring it.

In the Berlin Institute of Herontology, a group of seven scientists was conducted a study of the influence of cats on the life expectancy of their owners. The conclusions obtained as a result of this conducted for five years of study, more than 3,000 cat owners have shown that people who have throughout their lives have been living on average for 10.3 years longer than "flawlessness". At the owners of animals, blood pressure indicators are better than the other half of humanity. And, which is completely strange - below the cholesterol content in the blood - one of the risk factors of the infarction. According to the geonstologists, the cat is a real elixir of youth for their owners.

At the same time, never forget that the beneficial effect on your body can only have a benevolent, healthy cat.

Cat is the most domestic, the most affectionate creation that creates comfort and in a big mansion and a small room. People who love these animals argue that they are perfection, exuded peace, bring good luck, happiness, wealth, a person becomes kinder and tolerable. They know how to love, treat, save from loneliness, to be loyal and loyal.

What diseases treat cats

Arrhythmia - Violation of the frequency or sequence of heart abbreviations in the body of people may be a consequence of cardiovascular diseases, neuroses, alcoholic and nicotine intoxication and the other. Many people do not even suspect scientific justification Cat with the help of cats, feeling strong heartbeat, name is their animals, clearly knowing that with their help after a few minutes they will feel significant relief.
People treatment:
For the treatment of arrhythmia, a person should be stroking a cat for a few minutes or let it go to the area of \u200b\u200bhis chest. In violation heart Rhythm It is necessary to conduct cat-therapy sessions daily within 10-14 days. As a rule, after 2-3 sessions, patients with people have a noticeable improvement in the state of health.

Arthritis - The main forms of arthritis are rheumatoid and infectious arthritis, gout and osteoarthritis. In general, arthritis is a collective name of more than 100 diseases. The symptoms of most such diseases are rigidity and painful feelings In the joints, which often limits the motor activity of a patient person. In some European countries, doctors advise their patients to facilitate pain under arthritis domestic cat which warmly affects the sore joints.
People treatment:
Treatment Arthritis with the help of a beloved kitty is carried out as follows. With pain in the joints, the patient should be put as a cat on a painful area of \u200b\u200bthe body for 7-10 minutes. Such sessions should be made every other day for 30 days.

Atherosclerosis - Atherosclerosis, or sealing the walls of the arteries, significantly reduces the effectiveness of blood circulation. At the same time, the walls of the arteries lose elasticity, which leads to the formation of thrombans and other negative changes. As you know, regular time with a cat in your arms, significantly improves blood circulation and reduces the likelihood of atherosclerosis in humans.
People treatment:
For the prevention of atherosclerosis, it is necessary to iron a cat every day for 5-7 minutes - if the cat will allow it. If a person already suffers from this disease, he needs 2-3 times a day to put the cat to his forehead in some way, and also allow her to sleep near his head.

Insomnia - the causes of insomnia can be like chronic diseases nervous system and emotional overexcitation. As a rule, patients suffering from insomnia, doctors prescribe soothing and sad preparationsHowever, before applying them, you can try to get rid of emotional stress with a homemade cat.
People treatment:
To treat insomnia with the help of a cat, you must offer to lie down on the litter on the table. The owner should be sitting at the table and, closing his eyes, press the animal to forehead. Then he needs to ask someone from a number of family members to press a cat to his neck. For 5 minutes, it should be carried out every other day. Full course catotherapy ranges from 7 to 20 procedures depending on the age of the patient (than older manThe more procedures are required). According to scientific research, people allowing cats to sleep in their bed, never suffer from insomnia.

Diseases of the liver - liver functions are violated when the organism appears in the body large number harmful substancesWith which this authority cannot cope. This leads to various diseases, the most common of which are hepatitis, liver failure and cirrhosis of the liver.
People treatment:
Having taken a negative energy from a person, cats are able to save it from pain in the liver area. For treatment various diseases The liver should lie on the back and call the cat, which will definitely sit down or fall to a person on the stomach, putting his head on the area of \u200b\u200bhis right hypochondrium. It is best to carry out such a session once every 2-3 days for 20-30 minutes. As a rule, a noticeable improvement in the state of health in humans suffering from diseases of the liver occurs after 10 cat-therapy sessions.

Bronchitis - The disease is inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bronchi. In acute bronchitis, it is necessary to observe bed regime And, along with the reception of prescribed medicines, do not forget that the cat is more efficient than any drugs removes inflammatory processes.
People treatment:
For high temperaturesaccompanying acute bronchitis, you should put a cat in my feet, and if she does not want it, ironing it for 10 minutes. For the treatment of chronic bronchitis, a cat must be placed 2-3 times a day on the chest area. Best if the animal makes a sick massage with its curls. Such procedures are removed by cough attacks and significantly facilitate the breath of a person suffering from bronchitis.

Hypertension and hypotension - Regular raising arterial pressure It leads to the development of hypertension - a decrease in the lumen of the walls of small arteries, which makes it difficult to promote blood along the vessels. Hypertension often leads to a heart attack and stroke. Hypotension associated with a violation of the functions of the nervous system and the neurogormonal regulation of the tone of the vessels is accompanied by a decrease in blood pressure. Several years ago, special scientific research was held in the UK. cat abilities Stabilize blood pressure. In one of the hospitals, scientists conducted the following experiment. Patients suffering from hypertension and hypotension, measured blood pressure, after which they brought cats. After 20 minutes, the doctors conducted the second, control, measurement and found out that the pressure of these people came to normal.
People treatment:
To normalize arterial pressure, it is enough to iron its cat every day for 3-5 minutes. Such procedures not only stabilize pressure, but also warn the development of cardiovascular diseases in humans.

Headaches - The causes of such symptoms as dizziness and headache may be fatigue, nervous overvoltage, as well as various diseases of the internal organs and the nervous system. If headaches and dizziness are observed regularly, then you should consult a doctor. With ailments associated with fatigue or physical and nervous loads, as well as with cardiovascular vascular diseases and osteochondrosis, you can use cat for the treatment of man.
People treatment:
When dizziness and headaches should be allowed to get a cat on their head or on the neck area. For this, the patient must be for the stomach and call the cat, which herself will be located near the owner's head. With osteochondrosis, the fluffy leakage will most likely make a patient with a back massage or neck. And with pain caused by nervous overvoltage or fatigue, beloved kitty I will certainly calm the owner with your purrin and caress.
With regular headaches, you need to put a cat on the neck or head of the head 3 times a day. The course of cat therapy in this case should be at least 7-10 days.

Depression - In the event of depression, a person has a constantly depressed mood, he has a feeling of concern, hopelessness, internal emptiness, longing, depressions, etc. In the West, for several years, depression has been successfully treated with cats.
People treatment:
For the treatment of depression, it is enough to play with a cat for 15-20 minutes. In addition, it is useful to talk to a pet pet, ironing him and allow him to be nearby all the time. If the cat runs away, do not forced it.

Stroke - stroke call hemorrhage in the brain. The disease arises suddenly and can lead to full outcome Already in the first hours after hemorrhage. As a rule, under stroke, paralysis of the limbs and violation of speech is observed. In the US, there are specialists who are treated with stroke with cats. A few years ago, American scientists proved that people who after suffered stroke Consumer sessions are regularly held, quickly restored physical activity and human speech.
People treatment:
Under paralysis of the limbs and violation of speech patients, in addition to the reception prescribed by the doctor drug addictscan not refuse to help cats. The latter will come to a sick person herself and do what he considers it necessary.
As a rule, with the limbs paralysis, the cat regularly massages its hands and feet of the patient. In addition, the animal helps the owner to cope with depression, which is often a consequence of a severe person suffered.

Colitis - The disease is inflammation of the colon and is found mainly in people of middle and old age. Colitis can flow in acute and chronic forms.
Most patients with acute colitis are subject to hospitalization, since disease attacks are accompanied by strong pools and diarrhea, which leads to depletion and dehydration of the body. For the treatment of chronic colitis you can spend cat therapy.
People treatment:
With pains that occur periodically in people suffering chronic colitis, Cat helps well. The owner is enough 2 times a day to put his pet for his belly for 10 minutes.
Consuming the negative energy arising from the exacerbation of inflammation, the cat effectively removes pain in humans.

Neuralgia - Neuralgia arises as a result of the disease of nervous plexuses or individual nerves and is accompanied by bounties. The disease may be a consequence of hypothermia, influenza or any injury. Quite often, the symptoms of neuralgia appear in women during menstruation. In severe cases, neuralgia is prescribed medicia treatment. In the countries of Europe and America, a cat-therapy has been used for removing neuralgic pains.
People treatment:
To remove the pain of a neuralgic nature, a person must be completely trusted with his cat. Having arranged somewhere on the bed, the host should be called an animal that he himself will find a sick portion of the body and relocate him from unpleasant sensations.

Jade and pyelonephritis - Jade and pyelonephritis - inflammatory diseases kidneys in many of people. At the first, kidney balls are affected, and during the second - the kidney tissue and urinary tract. People suffering from chronic kidney inflammation should hold therapeutic procedures Under the supervision of the doctor. However, it can be significantly easy to facilitate the patient's condition. cat.
According to studies conducted in 1999 in the United States, patients with chronic kidney inflammation using for treatment catFaster recovery than those who are treated with medication preparations.

Cat people treatment time

As for the time of catotherapy, it depends on general status Patient health, stage of its disease, the presence of other diseases and some other factors: someone has enough to spend a session within 5-10 minutes, and someone needs to keep a cat 1.5-2 hours.

So, a period of time from 03.00 to 05.00 is considered the most favorable for the treatment of pulmonary diseases, as well as diseases of the bronchi.
Gastrointestinal diseases are well amenable to therapy from 05.00 to 07.00 hours.
Cordially vascular diseases It is best to treat from 11.00 to 13.00, and fatigue can be removed only in the evening.

It is believed that the disease appears first at the level of the biological field, and then in physical body. It is violations related to energy balance a person (both excess and lack of energy) contribute to the emergence of various diseases.

Back in the XIX century, scientists conducted research related to the study of energy. The results of the experiments confirmed that they can help in the treatment of people's diseases. This is due to the fact that the energy of cats is very close to, as a result of communication with animals, bioenergy exchange occurs.

Cats are very sensitive to the energy of the owner, it allows them to find a hearth disease and affect the sore place. Cat is smart and independent, only she herself decides how to help the best way. These animals recycle negative and sore energy, passing it through themselves. Even cases when cats, having rejected the negative from home or trying to cure a hopelessly sick owner, died themselves.

Statistics argue that a person who has a cat at home, much less often refers to the services of a doctor.

The cat in the people is called "four-legged lycakera", because many of them felt their therapeutic effects.


Scientists from Switzerland found out that there are receptors in the nose, which very sensitively react to the "smell" of diseases. Experts believe that if you managed to create an amazing device based on the work of animal receptors, the diagnosis of the human body would be much easier.

This would make it possible to identify diseases on early stage Development and prevent severe consequences Diseases.

Each doctor is a bright personality, and if your pet has become a "family doctor", you should achieve full respect in the relationship between the cat and households.

Cats-Healers: Buy the beast and be healthy!

Scientists declare that people who live a cat at home turn to doctors for help five times less often than those who have no fluffy pet in the house. This is not surprising: since ancient times, the healing abilities of cats were known in many countries, and later doctors even invented felinotherapy - treatment of many ailments precisely with cats and without any medicines and other medical impact methods. Some scientists argue that cats are treated for us due to their unique extrasensory abilitiesSome note a special healing aura of these animals, however, in general, the mechanism of such treatment is not important, because the conclusion is one: after the cat is lying next to your patient, the pain escapes, and you are going on amendment. And if you doubt whether cats are treated any diseases, try to check it out.

How do cats treat people?

It is believed that cats own many medical methodswhich can be applied by being near the owner. This is a "massage" with legs, and "warming up" when the cat falls on a sore place, and "irradiation" with healing waves. At the same time, it is believed that the biological effects of females are much stronger than in males, and it is the cats to treat stress, diseases of the nervous system and disease internal organs. Also, cats can cure osteochondrosis, arthrosis, radiculitis and other orthopedic diseases.

However, the treatment of cats depends on what kind of breed your pet belongs. Different animals are able to have different impact on our body, and if you want to know what cats treat your disease, here is an exemplary list:

  1. long-haired cats (Angora, Persian, Siberian, Burmese, etc.) are excellent "neuropathologists" who perfectly cope with irritability, depression and host insomnia,

  2. separately persian cats can effectively treat osteochondrosis and joint pain,

  3. cats with a wool of medium length (British or exotic shorthair) - "Cardiologists",

  4. shorthair and miserable cats "specialize" on diseases of the kidneys, liver and gastrointestinal tract,

  5. siamese cats manage to kill all pathogens in the house, so their owners never have fun and colds.

In any case, the treatment of cats begins with the fact that you have to take a favorite on your arms and stroke her: through your fingers and palms Cat and will have the most healing effect on you. In severe cases, cats come and fall on your sore place yourself.

How do cats treat people themselves?

If the cat feels that you need her help, she will be able to unmistakably determine your sick place and lie on it or at least cling to him. In this case, it is impossible to consider an animal to be annoying and drive it, although, however, the cat will not be offended: if she believes that she should cure you, she will do it persistently, so it will not be easy.

Another major treatment method is a rumbling. Thus, cats treat stress, and at the same time improving the condition of the bone tissue of a person and contribute to the rapid recovery of cells. This, by the way, has been proven by scientists who identified the frequency of vibration of the rice of cats - within 22 and 44, the hertz meet the most healing waves!

And, of course, the treatment of cats is largely based on the energy exchange between the animal and its owner. If you have come to the cat in my soul, it will not only give you your energy, but also specially will increase your bioenergy abilities to heal you from any ailment.

Well, if you do not know whether cats are treated your disease, remember that these animals are literally "registered" to those who suffer:

  1. hypertension

  2. heart disease (mood myocardial infarction),

  3. ulcer of stomach or gastritis,

  4. bronchitis, pneumonia, influenza,

  5. neurosis I. nerve disorders: If the cat feels that you are annoyed or distressed, she will be even intrusive to remove your stress and prevent disaster with your health!

In addition, cats are able to reduce increased pressure, remove headache and even ... to contribute to the rapid healing of wounds and injuries. And even if it doesn't know more than the cats treat people, it doesn't matter: the process of "therapy" will always be very pleasant for you, because you can spend a few calm minutes, stroking your favorite and feeling her reply love for you. And even if after such treatment you have to go to the doctor, do not doubt: the usual doctor will find significant improvements in your condition!