What a great happiness to love to be

"What a great happiness - to love and be loved"

(A.P. Chekhov)

When I have very little time to talk in detail with newlyweds or people about to get married, I usually give them one example.

The behavior of spouses in the first years of family life should be similar to how people behave in an extreme situation, a natural disaster. For example, you have a fire in your house. What are you saving first? Of course, the most important thing: the life of people close to you, your own, and then how it goes. If the whole house is already engulfed in flames, hardly anyone, remembering that they forgot fifty dollars in their shirt pocket, will run to save them. That is, first of all, they think about the most expensive, the main thing.

The main thing in marriage, without a doubt, is love; without it, family happiness is impossible. And especially in the first years of marriage, when there is a rapid construction of a young family, spouses have to grind, get used to each other, they get to know and learn to interact with new relatives, they often change living conditions, place of residence, and in all this fuss it is necessary not to exchange for little things, try with all your might to preserve your feelings: affection, disposition and love. And not only to preserve, but also to increase them. After all, the love that the newlyweds have in the beginning is only an initial feeling, it still needs to grow and get stronger. There is no need to strive to solve all the problems at once: financial, household, housing, relations with relatives, etc.; all these questions will gradually find their solution, and spouses need to “not throw out the child with water” and, first of all, preserve love and family happiness. Of course, not only the newlyweds should always remember why they are together and keep love, not only the newlyweds, but also the spouses in any years of marriage, it is just especially difficult for the young, their family life is just beginning, they still have a lot to learn and should initially strive to do everything right.

I will give an example of saving a young family during the storms of life in the first years of marriage. The wife of F.M. Dostoevsky Anna Grigorievna, from the very beginning, relations with the writer's relatives were bad. She was the second wife of Fyodor Mikhailovich, Dostoevsky's first wife died, and he supported her son, his stepson Pavel Alexandrovich, as well as the family of his late brother. Fyodor Mikhailovich's relatives were afraid that their financial situation would suffer with the arrival of a new wife in Dostoevsky's house. They disliked Anna Grigorievna, and from the very first months her life became unbearable. The financial situation of the writer was very deplorable. Fyodor Mikhailovich ran into a lot of debts, and had to conclude very unprofitable contracts with publishers. The Dostoevskys were forced to live in the same apartment with Pavel Alexandrovich, and with his intrigues he soon put their marriage at risk.

Here is what Anna Grigorievna Dostoevskaya writes in her "Memoirs": "Pavel Alexandrovich formed a view of me as a usurper, as a woman who forcibly entered their family, where until now he was a complete master, since Fyodor Mikhailovich, being busy with work , could not do the housework, with this look, his anger at me is understandable, not being able to interfere with our marriage, Pavel Alexandrovich decided to make it unbearable for me. It is quite possible that with his usual troubles, quarrels and slander against me to Fyodor Mikhailovich, he hoped to embroil us and force us to divorce. one

And now Anna Grigorievna commits a very wise and courageous act. She pawns her things, the Dostoevskys leave their dowry and the proceeds as security for their relatives, and they themselves leave for four years abroad, fleeing family quarrels. By the way, living abroad, the wife of Fyodor Mikhailovich was able to literally "pull" him out of gambling addiction, which Dostoevsky suffered greatly. The family was saved. When Anna Grigorievna was just going to pawn things, jewelry, she asked her mother if she felt sorry for the things that she gave her as a dowry? To which the mother replied: "Of course it's a pity, but what to do when happiness is in danger?"

The Dostoevskys realized that a lot can be sacrificed for the sake of peace, love and family happiness.

Marriages are made for love. This divine ordinance: “And the Lord God said: it is not good for man alone, I will make him a helper corresponding to him”… “and the man gave names to all cattle and birds, heavenly and all beasts of the field; but for man there was not found a helper like him ”(Gen. 2: 18-20). And God creates a wife for man.

Of the animals created by God, there was no one on earth equal to Adam. The Lord creates a creature similar to a person not only for the reproduction of people, but for overcoming the loneliness of the first person “it is not good for one person ...” and so that he has an object for love equal to him in merit. God wants man to love not only Him, but also the like, close to himself, that is, neighbor. This is what the main commandment of the law of God says: “For the whole law is in one word:“ love your neighbor as yourself ”(Gal. 5:14).

We cannot give the love to God that He gives to us. The Lord is Almighty, Limitless and Self-Sufficient. He does not need anything from us in the material sense, we cannot, by and large, give Him anything. Except for one, our love. "A son! Give your heart to me ... ”(Prov. 23:26) and“ The heart of the contrite and humble You will not despise, O God ”(Ps. 50:19). And of course the Lord expects from us love for our own kind, that is, for other people. And through love for man, the image of God, we learn to love the Incomprehensible God Himself. “Let us love one another ... He who does not love has not known God; because God is love ”(1 John 4: 7, 8).

Therefore, the Lord creates the first wife not because Adam was bored, but because a person has a need to love, to give love. Marriage is a divine institution and is created for love. Love is the goal of marriage and the main unifying principle in the family. But it is not enough just to know this, a correct understanding of love is necessary. What causes people to leave their families, get divorced, or lose faith in God and leave the church? Due to the fact that they could not understand what love is, or could not keep it. Love for a person or love for God.

Let us try to understand what true love is and what love is not at all. In theological science there is such a term - apophatic theology. The method of this theology is that it tries to describe the properties of God, denying everything that is not God. For example, God is not a stone - He is not material. God is not a creation - He is not created. God is unlimited, infinite, etc. The same method of research "by contradiction" can be applied in order to understand what love is. True love is not an emotion, not a feeling, not a passion or an impulse. Emotion, much less passion, cannot be long-term, and love must be eternal. “Love never fails” (1 Cor. 13: 8), as the apostle Paul says.

Denying everything that is not love, I will simultaneously give positive, affirmative definitions of love. Love is a responsibility and our duty to those whom we have chosen to love, as well as to God and our conscience. By choosing our loved ones, we are responsible for them. As you remember, in Exupery: "We are responsible for those whom we have tamed." If you do not make a firm decision to love, then our feeling for a person will depend on the worries of life. Today I love, I feel good, it is pleasant to be with my beloved, but tomorrow my mood has changed, for example, I am tired, and my attitude towards my neighbor has also changed, I no longer want to see him. And the day after tomorrow I met someone who I liked more - that's all love. And all this would sound ridiculous and improbable, if we did not see in our modern life "the darkness of examples." When both young and old, who already need to think about eternity, abandon their loved ones just because they met someone younger and prettier.

Another option is also possible: it was not our mood that changed, but a person close to us caused us pain, willingly or unwillingly. And here we need to remember about our decision to keep love and carry it through the years and trials. And in general, we need not to idealize a loved one, but to know that he will not always only please us, but may even hurt us.

Another definition of love through denial: love is not “give”, but “take”. Love is not selfishness, not selfishness. When we love a person for something. For example: because he treats us well, he is handsome, smart, rich, etc. Once in a bookstore I saw a brochure by an American writer "Why I Love My Beloved." And there, on several pages, it was listed why she loves her man: because he is gentle, attentive to me, wears coffee in bed in the morning and the like. The last few pages of the booklet were not filled in so that the readers could add themselves: why they love their husbands. I thought: what will happen if the husband of this woman tomorrow stops doing something from this list, for example, does not carry coffee to bed - it turns out that she will love him less, or even cease to love him? Such love is called selfishness. I love because they do something nice for me. My beloved gives me pleasure, I am comfortable with him. It turns out that I do not love him, but the pleasant sensations that he brings me. True love, as the Apostle Paul says: “He does not seek his own” (1 Cor. 13: 5), seeks not to receive, but to give.

One oriental teacher had a student. This student had a great addiction to smoked fish. And then one day he sat and eagerly ate a fish dish. The teacher came in and began to look reproachfully at his pupil. The pupil felt ashamed that he ate fish with such appetite and zeal in the presence of the teacher, and, wanting to justify himself, he said: "My lord, I can not do anything - I love fish." And then the teacher pounced on him: “Do you like fish? You love yourself! If you loved her, you would build her pool, put colorful stones on the bottom, plant plants so that she would not be bored! And you only love the taste of fish on your tongue! "

And sometimes people do not realize that they do not love the person himself, but their pleasant feelings associated with him. And when these feelings pass, for example, a person changes, internally or externally, or for some other reason ceases to please them, they lose interest in him. Very often, a consumer attitude, an inability to sacrifice is characteristic of falling in love, and if the spouses took falling in love for love and passion, the initial feeling could not go into something more, then the marriage will not stand the test of time.

If you open the "Dictionary of the Russian language" S.I. Ozhegova at the word love , then the first and main meaning of this word sounds like this: "1) A feeling of selfless, heartfelt affection" 1.

One of the main qualities of love is sacrifice, the ability to sympathize with the one you love.

It is known that there are several names for love in Greek. Sacrificial love in Greek - agapi. And this word is used when Scripture speaks of divine love. For example: "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son ..." (John 3:16). But this expression is also used when it comes to conjugal love: "Husbands, love your wives ..." (Eph. 5:25).

The Dictionary of Synonyms of the Russian Language calls one of the meanings of the word love “sorry”. Of course, these qualities: compassion, pity, self-sacrifice do not appear between people immediately, after a lapse of time.

His Holiness Patriarch Kirill, speaking to the youth in the Ice Palace of St. Petersburg, recalled an incident from his life. Once a young couple came to him on a motorcycle for a marriage blessing. The future patriarch asked how long the young people had known each other. They replied that a couple of months. Then he turned to the young man and asked: "Do you love your chosen one?" - “Yes, I love you” - “Then imagine that tomorrow you are riding a motorcycle, have an accident, and it remains disabled until the end of days. Are you ready to be with her for the rest of your life? " The Patriarch said that he didn't even need to hear the answer - it was enough just to look at the reaction of the young man, who was very embarrassed. This is how the readiness of people for marriage is tested: to be together not only in joy, but also in sorrow.

The joy of true love is not in receiving any benefits from our loved ones, but in the fact that we can show our love to do something for them. A person is truly happy not when he is loved, but when he loves himself. The wonderful Russian actor Yevgeny Pavlovich Leonov was happy in his personal life, he loved one woman all his life, his wife Wanda Vladimirovna. Once an actress came to visit him and began to talk about her difficult relationship with a loved one. He told her: “You know, but I really love Wanda. And even more than she. " The artist did not expect such a revelation, she complained to him about her tragic love, and it turns out that he also suffers. And she began to console him: “What are you doing! Wanda loves you so much! " Leonov replied: “Yes, you know, it really doesn't matter. The most important thing is that you and I can always say that there was love in our life. "

The most unfortunate people on earth are those who have never loved, because if a person loves people, he will not be left without love either, he will be loved. The Monk Abba Dorotheos says: “Do not seek love from your neighbor; he who seeks love, if he does not see it, is embarrassed. Better: show love for your neighbor. Doing so, you yourself will calm down, and you will lead your neighbor to love. "

The joy that we managed to do something necessary, useful for a person, is always greater than from a service or gift that was given to us. I think very many people know this feeling. For example, we have an elderly relative, say a grandfather. For six months he lives outside the city in the country, has almost no connection with the outside world. And so we give him a simple mobile phone for his birthday. He is very happy with the gift. Now he can call an ambulance if something happens, he can call his family and friends, he really needed a phone, now he often calls us and thanks for the gift, but even if he didn’t thank us, the consciousness that we were useful man, brought him joy, beyond praise. It was much more pleasant to give him a phone than to receive a mobile phone of a prestigious and expensive model yourself.

The fact that love is "take" and not "give" becomes obvious from the fact that our love for a person directly depends on how much love we ourselves have put into him. For example, a mother has three children; two healthy, strong, quick-witted. And the third, on the contrary, was born sickly, frail, and often gets sick and does not have time at school. And so his mother goes with him to doctors, sanatoriums, helps to do homework, and generally devotes a lot of time and energy to him. And she loves this child, regrets more than other children, although, of course, she loves everyone in a motherly way, they are all dear to her, but a sick child who needs her help, care, with which she spent many sleepless nights, is closer to her.

I already serve a lot in the church at the cemetery. The priest has to service not only the elderly, but also young people, and sometimes even very babies. So, I noticed that when parents lose their teenage child, it is usually much more grief for them than when people bury babies. The babies, of course, are very sorry, they are small, defenseless, but there is more grief over the death of young people. The parents have a lot to do with them, they put a lot of their love into them, worried, worried about them, great hopes were associated with them. This pain is especially felt later, when the parents come to the church after the funeral, looking for consolation. Having buried very young children, they cannot come to their senses for a very long time.

The fact that such an investment of love can be understood not only through the example of love for a person. For example, if we put a lot of effort into any business, it becomes especially dear to us. What is obtained without much effort, the investment is valued less.

Therefore, if we want to love someone, then we must put love in this person: children, wife, husband, and then love for them will grow in our hearts.

Let's summarize some of the above.

If they ask me what HAPPINESS is, I will answer Happiness if I am next to You

I was asked if I miss you. I didn't answer, I just closed my eyes, smiled and walked away ... and then whispered ... "crazy"

I'M HAPPY! for this I have EVERYTHING, even you, honey, you just don't know it yet

What a great happiness it is to love and be loved.

I can smell your perfume hundreds of meters away ... Not because they are persistent ... but because I breathe you!

Happiness is when he, who will not even be woken up by alarm clocks, wakes up from the fact that I have stopped hugging him.

Being loved is more than being rich. Because to be loved is to be happy. Money cannot buy happiness ...

There is a person in this world, from whose mere presence I am overwhelmed with happiness.

A happy girl, not the one who has many fans, but the one who has one, except for whom she does not need anyone !!!

The greatest happiness in life is the confidence that you are loved ...

You are happiness ... A little strange and incomprehensible ... leading to nervous breakdowns and terrible fear ... but happiness ..

Do you know what happiness is to me? Happiness is you and me!

Seconds without a loved one are hours. Watch with a loved one - seconds ...

love is the happiness of a loved one

It is happiness to fall in love with a person who is already in love with you ...

She forgot her deceitful friends .. forgot the guys with whom she used to communicate, perhaps even in a friendly way .. sits at home all the time .. but she is happy .. after all this was not done in vain .. Having lost everyone else, she found .. happiness .. happiness to be with him ..

How good it is to be loved, happy, healthy and make plans for the future!

Only my heart is beating for you.

Happy is the one who is completely sure that someone is dearer than anyone else in the world !!!

It may not be the best, but the most necessary for me.

Sometimes, for happiness, it is enough to see the person you are madly missing.

For me to be happy, only one condition is needed - your presence in my life.

When you are with a loved one, the clock flies like seconds ...

How good it is to be someone's forever. And to know that these are not empty words. How to share bread and soul and years. To look immensely dear into the eyes. How good it is to be someone's forever. And to know that he will not leave, will not deceive. And pull it out from under any ice. And it will never stop loving ...

You can be Small and Weak only when there is Big and Strong next to you.

She remembered how they met ... so ridiculous and most importantly, she didn't like him at all ... and now she is going crazy about him ...

Love is a drug. At first, there is euphoria, lightness, a feeling of complete dissolution. The next day you want more. You haven't had time to get involved yet, but although you like the feeling, you are sure that you can do without them. You think about your beloved creature for 2 minutes and forget about it for 3 hours. But gradually you get used to it and become completely dependent. And then, you think about him for 3 hours and forget for two minutes.

A woman is happy when she sees the smiling eyes of her husband and knows that she is the cause of this joy.

All women are lovely, and the love of men gives them beauty

What color is happiness? - Green. - Why? - This is the color of his eyes

In the evening she went to town. Recently, she often left for the city and spent the night there. In her absence I could not work, my hands dropped and weakened; our large courtyard seemed boring, disgusting wasteland, the garden rustled angrily, and without her the house, trees, horses were no longer "ours" to me. I never left the house, but I sat at her table, near her cabinet with agricultural books, those former favorites, now unnecessary, who looked at me with such confusion. For hours on end, while the beat of seven, eight, nine, while the autumn night fell outside the windows, black as soot, I examined her old glove, or the pen with which she always wrote, or her little scissors; I didn’t do anything and clearly realized that if I had done something before, if I plowed, mowed, chopped, it was only because she wanted it. And if she sent me to clean a deep well, where I would stand up to my waist in water, then I would climb into the well, not making out whether it was necessary or not. And now, when she was not near, Dubechnya with its ruins, unkempt, with shutters slamming, with thieves, night and day, seemed to me a chaos, in which any work would be useless. And why was I to work here, why worries and thoughts about the future, if I felt that the soil was leaving me, that my role here, in Dubetchnya, had already been played, that, in a word, the same fate awaited me that comprehended the books on agriculture? Oh, what a melancholy it was at night, in the hours of loneliness, when every minute I listened anxiously, as if waiting for someone to shout that it was time for me to leave. I was not sorry for Dubetchnya, I was sorry for my love, for which, obviously, its autumn has already come too. What a great happiness it is to love and be loved, and what a horror to feel that you are starting to fall from this high tower! Masha returned from the city in the evening the next day. She was dissatisfied with something, but she hid it and only said why all the winter frames were inserted - that way you can suffocate. I put up two frames. We were not hungry, but we sat down and had supper. “Go wash your hands,” said the wife. - You smell like putty. She brought new illustrated magazines from town and we looked at them together after dinner. I came across applications with trendy pictures and patterns. Masha glanced at them briefly and put them aside in order to examine them separately later, as it should; but one dress with a smooth skirt like a bell and large sleeves interested her, and for a moment she looked at it seriously and attentively. “It's not bad,” she said. “Yes, this dress will suit you very much,” I said. - Very much! And, looking with affection at the dress, admiring this gray spot just because she liked it, I continued tenderly: - Wonderful, lovely dress! Wonderful, magnificent Masha! My dear Masha! And tears fell on the picture. - Magnificent Masha ... - I muttered. - Dear, dear Masha ... She went and lay down, and I sat for another hour and looked at the illustrations. “In vain you put up the frames,” she said from the bedroom. “I’m afraid it’s cold.” Look how it blows out! I read some of the "mixture" - about making cheap ink and about the biggest diamond ever. I again came across a fashionable picture with a dress that she liked, and I imagined her at a ball with a fan, with bare shoulders, brilliant, luxurious, knowing a lot about music, painting, and literature, and how small, short it seemed me my role! Our meeting, this our marriage were just an episode, of which there will be many more in the life of this lively, richly gifted woman. All the best in the world, as I have already said, was at her service and was obtained by her completely for nothing, and even ideas and fashionable mental movement served her for pleasure, diversifying her life, and I was only a cab driver who took her from one hobby to another. ... Now she does not need me, she will fly out, and I will be left alone. And as if in response to my thoughts, a desperate cry rang out in the yard: - Ka-ra-u-l! It was a thin woman's voice, and, as if wishing to mimic it, the wind hummed in the trumpet, also in a thin voice. Half a minute passed, and again I heard through the sound of the wind, but this time, as if from the other end of the courtyard: - Ka-ra-u-l! - Misael, do you hear? The wife asked quietly. - Do you hear? She came out of the bedroom in one shirt, with her hair loose, and listened, looking at the dark window. - Someone is being strangled! She said. “That was still lacking. I took my gun and went out. It was very dark outside and the wind was strong, so it was difficult to stand. I walked to the gate, listened: the trees are rustling, the wind is whistling, and in the garden, there must be a foolish peasant, a dog is howling lazily. Outside the gate, the darkness is pitch-black, not a single light on the line. And near the outbuilding where the office was last year, a strangled cry suddenly rang out: - Ka-ra-u-l! - Who's there? I called. Two people fought. One pushed, and the other rested, and both were breathing heavily. - Let me go! - said one, and I recognized Ivan Cheprakov; it was he who shouted in a thin woman's voice. - Let me go, damned one, or I'll bite all your hands! In another I recognized Moses. I separated them and could not resist this and hit Moses in the face twice. He fell, then he got up, and I hit him again. “They wanted to kill me,” he muttered. - They were getting close to mama's dresser ... I would like to lock them in the outbuilding for safety, sir. And Cheprakov was drunk, did not recognize me, and kept sighing deeply, as if taking a deep breath to shout "guard" again. I left them and returned to the house; the wife was lying in bed, already dressed. I told her about what was happening in the courtyard, and did not even hide the fact that I beat Moses. “It's scary to live in the country,” she said. “And what a long night it is, God bless her. - Ka-ra-u-l! - was heard again a little later. “I'll go get a lot of them,” I said. “No, let them gnaw their throats out there,” she said with a squeamish expression. She looked at the ceiling and listened, and I sat beside her, not daring to speak to her, with such a feeling as if it was my fault that the “guard” was shouted in the yard and that the night was so long. We were silent, and I waited impatiently for the light to dawn in the windows. And Masha all the time looked as if she had woken up from oblivion and now wondered how she, so smart, well-mannered, so neat, could get into this miserable provincial wasteland, into a gang of small, insignificant people and how she could forget herself to such an extent that she was even carried away by one of these people and was his wife for more than six months. It seemed to me that it was all the same to her that I was, that Moisey, that Cheprakov; everything for her merged in this drunken, wild "guard" - and I, and our marriage, and our economy, and the autumn thaw; and when she sighed or moved to lie down more comfortably, then I read on her face: "Oh, the morning would be quick!" In the morning she left. I lived in Dubetchnya for three more days, waiting for her, then I put all our things in one room, locked it and went into the city. When I called the engineer, it was already evening, and lanterns were burning on our Bolshaya Dvoryanskaya. Pavel told me that no one was at home: Viktor Ivanovich had gone to Petersburg, and Maria Viktorovna must have been at the Azhogins' rehearsals. I remember with what excitement I then went to the Azhogins, how my heart pounded and sank when I climbed the stairs and stood for a long time at the top of the landing, not daring to enter this temple of muses! In the hall, on a table, on a piano, on the stage, candles were burning, everywhere three, and the first performance was scheduled for the thirteenth, and now the first rehearsal was on Monday - a hard day. Fight prejudice! All the performing arts lovers were already assembled; the eldest, middle and youngest walked around the stage, reading their roles from notebooks. Away from everyone, Radish stood motionless, leaning his temple against the wall, and adoringly looked at the stage, waiting for the start of the rehearsal. Everything was as it was! I went to the hostess - I had to say hello, but suddenly everyone shouted, waved at me so that I would not knock my feet. It became quiet. They lifted the lid of the piano, a lady sat down, squinting her myopic eyes at the notes, and my Masha approached the piano, dressed up, beautiful, but somehow beautiful in a special way, in a new way, not at all like the Masha who came in the spring to my mill; she sang:

Why do I love you, bright night?

For the entire time of our acquaintance, this is the first time I heard her sing. She had a good, juicy, strong voice, and while she sang, it seemed to me that I was eating a ripe, sweet, fragrant melon. So she finished, they applauded her, and she smiled very contentedly, playing with her eyes, flipping through the notes, straightening her dress, like a bird that has finally escaped from a cage and is free to straighten its wings. Her hair was combed over her ears, and there was a nasty, perky expression on her face, as if she wanted to challenge us all or shout at us like horses: "Hey, you dears!" And she must have been very much like her coachman grandfather at that time. - And are you here? She asked, giving me her hand. - Did you hear me sing? Well, how do you find? - And, without waiting for my answer, she continued: - It is very helpful that you are here. Tonight I am leaving for a short while to Petersburg. You will let me go? At midnight I accompanied her to the station. She gently hugged me, probably in gratitude for the fact that I did not ask unnecessary questions, and promised to write to me, and I squeezed her hands for a long time and kissed them, barely holding back tears, without saying a word to her. And when she left, I stood, looked at the receding lights, caressed her in my imagination and said quietly: - My dear Masha, magnificent Masha ... I spent the night in Makarikha at Karpovna's, and in the morning, together with Radish, I was upholstering the furniture of a wealthy merchant who passed off his daughter as a doctor.

This work has come into the public domain. The work was written by an author who died more than seventy years ago, and was published in his lifetime or posthumously, but more than seventy years have also passed since the publication. It can be freely used by anyone without anyone's consent or permission and without paying any royalties.

The happiest person is the one who gives happiness to the greatest number of people.
D. Diderot

Is it important for a person to feel loved? Of course, yes, because everyone needs to feel needed by someone, to feel care and attention from loved ones. It makes us happy.
Undoubtedly, being loved means a lot to every person, but is it not at all important to love yourself? Each of us has a need not only to receive, but also to give. We will not feel truly happy if we cannot give love to other people, express our feelings in actions. By loving, we become better, we learn to be empathetic, we understand what empathy is. Let us recall the story of B. Yekimov "The Night of Healing". Grisha's grandson came to see his grandmother. He knows that she often screams at night: the difficult war years she has gone through affects. Mom warned him: if grandmother interferes with sleep, you need to shout at her: "Be quiet!" At first, the grandson wants to do so, but then compassion for his grandmother is born in his heart. Love for a loved one made him see. He realized that all that was needed for healing to come was care. And at night, instead of shouting at his grandmother, he begins to calm her down, console her. And the reader understands: to be human, it is enough just to love.
So which is more important: to love or to be loved? Reflecting on this question, one cannot help but come to an answer: the human heart is intended both to receive and to give love. They are two sides of one whole, and it is impossible to deny the importance of either of them.

Most often, a person is happy when he is in love. Time changes, life and worldview of people change. But the human need for love remains unchanged. The mystery of the soul remains unsolved, in which the sacred feeling of love burns, the kind of love about which W. Shakespeare wrote:
Love is a beacon raised over the storm
Not fading in darkness and fog.
Love is the star that
The sailor determines the place in the ocean.
Life is arranged in such a way that a person constantly needs someone's love. A woman and a man love each other, parents and children love each other. Yes, this is a different love, but without it a person cannot be happy.
A happy person is a person who achieves his goal. Probably the highest happiness is the state of satisfaction from success. These happy minutes make a person not stop there, but go further, look for something, discover, achieve. Maybe for some this is happiness? But if a person thinks only of himself and seeks his own benefit in everything, he cannot be happy. To be happy, you need to have a kind heart. Such a person will never be alone. He will not suffer, but will enjoy the fact that he can help others, and if necessary, friends will always come to help such a person. A person who has friends is a happy person.
428 words.

39. What is the essence of poetry? (based on the works of B. Pasternak)

When a line is dictated by a feeling
It sends a slave to the stage,
And then art ends
And the soil and fate breathe.
B. Pasternak
Poetry often speaks of itself - through the mouth of the authors. One or another aspect of poetic destiny attracts the attention of various poets, almost all. In Russian literature, this gradation is represented by its greatest names, such as Pushkin, Lermontov, Tyutchev, Nekrasov, Blok, Mayakovsky, Akhmatova. Boris Pasternak also expressed his original opinion on this issue. It was a consequence of his general worldview and aesthetic views and is a consistent, consistent system.
The first thing that attracts attention in Pasternak's poems devoted to the theme of art is its likeness to a sponge that absorbs everything around:
Poetry! Greek sponge in suction cups
Be you, and between the green sticky
I would put you on a wet board
Green garden bench.
What does poetry mean to people? To this question, Pasternak confidently answers that it contains our right to immortality: “And in rhymes, rock dies”. In rhymes, that truth is born that is impossible in the world of everyday life, that truth with which "the worlds of discord" enters into this life.
Poetry has its origin in life itself - in all its manifestations. And just as life itself, according to Pasternak, is an enduring miracle, poetry is “both creativity and miracle-working”. Poetry creates "the image of the world in the word manifested." Art opens a person's eyes to the world, to its wonderful existence - this is its moral task, this is the assertion of the principles of goodness and beauty.
Art and simplicity is a topic that worried Pasternak. He himself was often reproached for the unnecessary, excessive complexity of images and techniques.
Pasternak himself, throughout his life, confirmed his loyalty to the principles of poetic destiny proclaimed by him. Everything that he created bears the imprint of those ideals of spirituality that he preached in his poems.

Boris Pasternak was not inclined to ascribe specific, practical goals to poetry, as the same Mayakovsky did to some extent. The poet only partially borrows ideas about the purpose of poetry from the classical tradition and gives it a new definition - poetry-sponge. She absorbs the whole world, so that later, being squeezed out, she can reveal it to people, open it to them - this is her high purpose, because the poet has a special, complete and primary knowledge about the world. The personality of Pasternak himself is an example for many of his brothers: for example, A. Akhmatova wrote in her poems about the desire to “re-parson Pasternak”. Pasternak is a sacred phenomenon for Russian literature: he is a Poet.


Does literature straighten the soul?

Everyone has a soul. Thinking about this, I recall Nikolai Zabolotsky's poem "Ugly Girl", where the poet compares a person to a vessel in which there can be emptiness, or fire can burn. It depends on the person himself what his soul will be. If he strives for spiritual growth, for harmony with himself and the world around him, if his thoughts are pure and his deeds are useful, then his soul will be easy and calm.
Another means of educating the soul is art, music. Talented artists and musicians have created so many great works that it’s even impossible to remember everything, but looking at pictures, listening to musical works, one cannot help but think that there are much more important things in life than a simple mortal existence. Literature also helps a person to develop spiritually. On the example of the heroes of works of art, we get to know life, sympathize with them or admire them, and this also contains a deep educational moment for our soul. Finally, one more, perhaps the most important educational tool, thanks to which the soul is able to develop, is nature. Admiring beauty, admiring nature, we fill our inner world with new content, make it interesting and rich.
We must not forget about our soul, it plays a much more important role in a person's life than the body. Only that person can be happy who lives in harmony with himself and thinks about his soul.

Thus, the role of literature at all times and in the present is to help a person understand himself and the world around him, awaken in him the desire for truth, happiness, teach respect for the past, for knowledge and moral principles passed down from generation to generation. To take advantage of this opportunity, which the books provide, or not, is a personal choice of each person.


The tragedy of E. Onegin

The novel by A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin" reflects the twenties of the 19th century. This is a famous time in the life of Russia. In the advanced circles of society, dissatisfaction with the regime of slavery and despotism is brewing. Under the influence of the war of 1812, the convictions of the progressive nobles were formed. In his work, Pushkin portrays a typical representative of the majority of the Russian intelligentsia, who is critical of secular society. Onegin is not an exceptional person who accidentally appeared in this society. Pushkin created a typical hero of this era.

Onegin's uselessness develops throughout the novel, and the poet himself consistently proves it to us. It starts in childhood. Onegin, who was born among the capital's nobility, grows up under the supervision of foreign tutors, who educate him in a foreign way, out of touch with Russian reality:

“At first Madame followed him,
Then Monsieur replaced her.
The child was cut, but sweet.
Monsieur l'Abbe, poor Frenchman,
So that the child is not exhausted,
I taught him everything jokingly ... "

As a result, a person with versatile abilities, with broad, but not deep knowledge, grows out of Onegin. He is erudite, as, for example, reads the English economist Adam Smith. This suggests that Onegin is a very intelligent person, but his mind cannot be applied anywhere.

At first, Onegin leads the life of a secular rake in St. Petersburg, full of fun, entertainment, luxury. Left to himself, he grows up early:

“How early could he be a hypocrite,
Conceal hope, be jealous
Dissuade, make believe,
To seem gloomy, to languish,
Be proud and obedient
Attentive or indifferent! "

And Onegin has an inevitable cooling - a consequence of a stupid life, inability to apply his abilities to anything:

“No: early feelings in him cooled down;
He was bored with the noise of the light. "
“But he finally fell out of love
And abuse, and saber, and lead. "

As an intelligent person, Onegin understands the futility of his existence and seeks to engage in useful activities. Life "without a goal, without work" led him to the fact that he

“I wanted to write - but hard work
He was sick; nothing
It did not come out of his pen ... "

Onegin's tragedy is in the uselessness of his abilities and knowledge, in his disappointment in life, in human relations (friendship, love). A man endowed with a mind, capable of subtly feeling, he could not appreciate Tatyana's love and passed by a pure, beautiful feeling. Onegin sought to get away from secular amusements: he left for the countryside, traveled, but even there he did not find a use for himself.

Everything quickly bored him. Disappointed, cooled to life, he travels to Russia.

The theme of the tragedy of an intelligent socialite is not new. She went through the work of outstanding Russian poets of that time. We met with Chatsky in Griboyedov's comedy "Woe from Wit" and we will also meet Pechorin in Lermontov's novel "A Hero of Our Time".


42. "And the smoke of the Fatherland is sweet and pleasant to us" (based on the comedy by A. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit") A.S. Griboyedov brought to the stage two opposing camps - the camp of young Russia and the camp of the serf-owners. Their struggle was a phenomenon of Russian life in the ten-twenties of the 19th century. At this time, from the general mass of the nobility, noble revolutionaries stood out - supporters of the struggle against everything that had become obsolete in the social and political system, supporters of the battle for a new thing for the movement of the country forward. Alexander Andreevich Chatsky in his social position belongs to the noble class, but his way of thinking and behavior are in sharp contradiction with the environment. He spent his childhood in Moscow, he often visited Famusov's house, studied with the same tutors as Sophia, loved Sophia. To complete his education, he went abroad. He is not wealthy, does not care about his small estate, manages it "by mistake", served for some time, having connections with ministers, was in the army Chatsky returns to Moscow in the house of Famusov due to the fact that he loves Sophia "Slightly light" home, he promptly appears in Famusov's house and expresses his ardent love to Sophia. This already characterizes him as a passionate person. Neither parting nor wandering cooled the feelings in him that he expresses poetically fervently. Chatsky speaks in literary language, to express his love for his homeland, he quotes Derzhavin: And the smoke of the Fatherland is sweet and pleasant to us A number of aphorisms testifies to Chatsky's sharp and subtle mind "Blessed is he who believes warmly in him in the world." "Mind and heart are out of tune." And many aphorisms sound like epigrams:
The confusion of languages \u200b\u200bstill prevails
French with Nizhny Novgorod
His epigrams denounce the defenders of serfdom and autocracy. Chatsky is an orator, an activist of that period in the history of Russian society when the views of the Decembrists were formed, when the best people from the nobility fought with words against the old world. Already in the first speech of Chatsky in the living room of Famusov, indignation, sharp scourging mockery is heard. He demands service "down, not to persons" and declares: "I would be glad to serve, it is sickening to serve." He loathes careerism and adulation; he speaks with contempt of those “who, not in war, but in the world, have taken their foreheads; knocked on the floor, not sparing "and" flattery weaved like lace. "

Chatsky's mind is, first of all, progressive views, freedom-loving ideas, independent convictions. Chatsky is kept in a society alien to him in spirit only by love for Sophia. However, it turned out that Sophia had betrayed her former feelings and it was she who started the gossip about Chatsky's madness. Woe from wits is the tragedy of an intelligent, private, proud person who is alien to the world in which he lives.
Chatsky's views are close to the ideas of the Decembrists. His image is full of deep universal human meanings. The writer Goncharov spoke about this. “The Chatskys are inevitable with every change of one century to another .. The Chatskys live and are not transferred in a society where the struggle between the fresh and the outdated, the sick with the healthy lasts ... That is why Griboyedov Chatsky has not grown old and will hardly ever grow old, but the whole comedy is with him. "


43. Kindness in each line (based on the works of V. Rasputin)

The famous Russian writer Valentin Rasputin was born in Siberia into a simple and very poor peasant family. Very often in his work, the writer talked about the hardships and joys of the inhabitants of distant Siberian villages, their positive and negative actions, their hard lives. Having gone through a difficult life path himself, Rasputin described the life of ordinary people so realistically that everyone can recognize himself in the characters of his works, regardless of age.

Valentin Rasputin's story "French Lessons" is based on real events that took place in the life of the writer. The prototype of the French teacher Lydia Mikhailovna was his own teacher, a woman with a big and very kind heart. The storyline of "French Lessons" is quite simple, but at the same time, very interesting. A little boy from a distant Siberian village, whose hungry childhood makes him play "chika" with other boys for money. At the same time, he himself remains a very kind, sincere and pure-hearted boy. The main character is a fair person, so he cannot put up with deceptions, lies. However, other guys who constantly beat him and humiliate him do not give him to defend justice. To get the child out of trouble is taken by his teacher - Lidia Mikhailovna, who learned that the guys are playing for money. Upon learning that the main character gambles only in order to have money for food, she begins to feed him. The boy, in turn, begins to share his experiences with her, opens up to her. In order for the student to start eating better, Lydia Mikhailovna invites him home after lessons - to additionally study French. But the proud character of the protagonist does not allow him to accept food from the teacher. Then the kind woman decides to cheat - and invites him to play with her for money. And although the guy tried to make sure that she did not give in to him, sometimes she succeeded. Thanks to this kind and disinterested act, the boy was able to start eating normally and left the bad company. I believe that Valentin Rasputin in his story "French Lessons" wanted to show what miracles kindness can do, and that one should not ignore the troubles of the people around him.

Kvashnina M.A.

Dmitrievskaya secondary school

Timiryazevsky district

It seems to me that love is one of the most beautiful feelings that a person can experience. So what kind of feeling is this, to which songs of praise and all sorts of curses have been sung for centuries?

I think a person cannot live happily without love. She has many faces. We love parents, children, husbands and wives, friends - and everyone in different ways, in a special way. But for whoever we feel this feeling, true love always means understanding, respect, willingness to help, protect, the ability to make a sacrifice for the sake of a loved one.

The power of love lies in the fact that it awakens a reciprocal feeling, heals the soul, is able to save a life. This is the state of a person when his soul is most open to the supreme principles of goodness, truth and beauty. The one who loves, not only demands, but also gives, not only thirsts for pleasures, but is also ready for the highest deeds of self-denial. True love is also an expression of creativity, it implies care, respect, responsibility.

Love is an important part of a person's life. We become what we think about. To love someone or something, you must first respect them. But, first of all, you need to respect yourself, because if you do not love and do not respect yourself, it is very difficult to love and respect others. You need to learn to accept yourself, value yourself, regardless of what others think or say about you.

It seems to me that we create love ourselves - this is not the result of fate or luck. Each of us has the ability to love and be loved. Love must be learned. True love overcomes everything, covers everything, forgives everything. Love is probably when you love the shortcomings of another person. If a person seems to you beautiful, smart, talented - this is not necessarily love. It's another matter if you know and love the shortcomings that he has. However, it is worth paying attention to the statement about love by V. G. Belinsky: "Love is often mistaken, seeing in a beloved object that which does not exist ... but sometimes only love and reveals in it the beautiful or the great, which is inaccessible to observation and the mind." That is, the power of love is manifested in the fact that it can reveal the dignity of a person, awaken something beautiful in him.

Love creates in us an uncontrollable desire to do good deeds. The whole world around him seems beautiful and significant to a person in love. Everyday affairs become important and even enjoyable and are carried out with some special ease. No wonder love is considered the elixir of life - it awakens the hidden forces of a person.

Of course, mutual love can bring true happiness. But this is not always the case in life. People, once feeling the suffering of love, believe that it only brings pain and should be avoided. By unrequited love, they judge love in general - "it's better not to love and not to suffer" ...

But is it so good to live "by half"?

Love is a heroic deed, sacrifice, the pinnacle of the development of the human soul. One of the facets of this feeling - the love of a man and a woman - is captured in many creations of the human spirit, praised by writers and poets, composers and artists, directors and actors. Love is an eternal source of inspiration.

A monument to such omnipotent love is the beautiful and sad story of Romeo and Juliet - young lovers who, by the strength of their feelings, overcame the seemingly most irresistible - hatred, enmity and even death itself.

In Russian literature, you can also find many works singing the hymn of eternal love. So, the pathos of Pushkin's poem "I loved you ..." - a bright sadness about eternal love and the impossibility of happiness with a beloved. The lyrical hero is noble, disinterested. He timidly hopes that love, perhaps, has not completely died out, but renounces his own happiness for the sake of the well-being of his beloved woman.

In the novel "The Master and Margarita" by Bulgakov, the main character sold her soul to the devil of her own free will. The spirit of evil helped her take revenge on the offenders of her beloved. And earlier Margarita, without hesitation, refused, for the sake of happiness with the Master, from a secure, quiet life with her husband.

And yet, love cannot be deciphered, it has no precise definition. Love is the most complex, mysterious and paradoxical reality that a person faces. And not because, as is usually believed, that there is only one step from love to hate, but because love cannot be "calculated or calculated"! You can't be calculating in it - nature will easily overturn any calculations! One can only be sensitive in it in order to follow its whimsical flow and in time with the soul to guess all its bends, displacements that are imperceptible to the eye, and sometimes inexplicable turns for the mind. In love, it is impossible to be petty and mediocre - it requires generosity and talent, vigilance of the heart, breadth of soul, a kind, subtle mind and much, much more, which nature has endowed us with in abundance and which we unreasonably squander and dull in our vain life.

This high, life-affirming feeling has tremendous power. Love is a sense of togetherness. It's a joy! Giving and receiving joy.