Which solarium is better horizontal or vertical reviews. Which solarium is better: horizontal or vertical? All the secrets of the solarium. The best tanning creams in a solarium

A solarium is a special equipment with installed ultraviolet erythema lamps that give dosed irradiation. The name comes from the Greek ἀήρ (air) and the Latin solarius (solar).

Varieties of lamps

Low pressure lamps are usually installed in tanning beds. More powerful samples (from 400 to 2500 W) are called high pressure lamps. They are installed at the level of the face and décolleté, enhancing the tan of these areas. This type requires a special filter that gets thinner over time. Therefore, it is important that the replacement is done on time. A kind of stronger lamp is often installed in vertical apparatus.

Sometimes, even in a solarium with new powerful lamps, tanning does not appear as intense as we would like. This may be due to the different power of the ballast, starter and the lamps themselves.

For example, if the starter has it lower, then the lamps will not develop their potential. The radiation will be weaker also with insufficient power in the network.

Lamps differ in length:

  • Two-meter devices are placed in vertical devices, but they are 190 and 176 centimeters long.
  • In horizontal solariums, samples of 176 cm are often installed.

The service life of products, depending on the type, ranges from 400 to 1000 hours.

An important characteristic is the UVB / UVA index, it can be from 0.7% to 3.6%. The figure shows the ratio of different kinds of radiation. UVB rays enhance the synthesis of melanin, they are needed in a limited amount. And UVA oxidizes the tan, allowing it to acquire the desired brown or golden hue. The more intense they are, the faster the skin darkens. Lamps with a higher ratio will give more reddening of the skin. Therefore, this mathematical proportion is not directly related to tanning intensity. It would be more correct to say that a different ratio will give a different tan.

Occasionally, you will hear about an increased lamp ratio of 4.7% or higher. This is a distortion of reality. The solarium lamp market is focused on European Union or American standards. For example, the European index of 3.6% is equal to the American 6%. About a lamp that has an American standard of 4.7%, it is correct to say that the indicator is approximately 3%.

It is believed that pink lamps help to avoid dryness of the skin, green ones are favorable for light tanning, and blue ones are intended for more intense bronzing. A number of experts argue that this is just a marketing ploy and this factor does not affect the quality of tanning. The hue of the lamp depends on the color in the inert gas of the catalytic additives inside the bulb.

The ballast in a tanning bed can be electromagnetic or electronic. An interesting fact is that the lamps on the first type are warmed up and reach full power during the first 4 minutes of operation. Therefore, tanning during this period of time will be minimal. And on an electronic ballast, heating occurs immediately.

In a heated solarium, tanning will always be slightly more effective by 1 or 2 minutes.

Types of tanning salons

Different types of devices are installed in different salons. There are several types of tanning beds in total:

  • vertical;
  • horizontal;
  • sedentary (used very rarely, intended only for the décolleté, shoulders and face);
  • collagen (red and blue lamps are used to heal the skin);
  • turbo solarium (characterized by the presence of a ventilation system that simulates windy weather).

There are also studio and home devices. In salons, horizontal or vertical cabins are most often installed. Each species has advantages and disadvantages, so it is impossible to say unequivocally which one is better.

Horizontal or vertical

The main difference between a vertical solarium is more powerful lamps. This fact requires careful scheduling of session times. In this type of cabin, it takes almost two times less minutes than in a horizontal apparatus. It is easy for people with sensitive and very light skin to get burns.

You can choose a solarium, focusing on individual preferences and the desired comfort. The main points are presented in the table:

Horizontal solariumStable body position.

The ability to lie down and relax.

The lamps are less powerful, tanning takes longer, but the pleasant procedure lasts longer.

The lower part of the body tans well.

Hygiene depends on regular sanitization by the solarium administrator.

Sometimes it is necessary to change the position of the body. Tanning can be uneven due to close contact with the wall.

It is difficult to be in the apparatus if you are afraid of a confined space.

Vertical solariumHygiene. The body is not in contact with the walls of the cabin.

The tan lays down better and smoother, without white spots and traces. The upper body tans better.

More powerful lamps are installed, which requires less time in the cab. And this brings cost savings.

Hands must be kept at a certain level, you have to stand.

Legs often tan more slowly.

The choice of a certain type of solarium will affect the time and financial costs. The question of the best tanning bed is complex, as it depends on individual priorities.

Not only comfort, but also health depends on the quality of the apparatus and lamps, so a visit to the solarium should be carried out in the salons of responsible owners. Wherever the comfort and well-being of the client is considered, the basic requirements for the premises will be met.

Questions and answers

What should you pay attention to when choosing a salon?

  • The room where the equipment is installed must be at least 5 square meters. Otherwise, competent technical support is impossible. If the cabin is slightly smaller than the entire room, it will be difficult to undress comfortably and, if necessary, apply cosmetics to the skin.
  • Information on the date of installation of the equipment and the duration of its service life should be in a conspicuous place.
  • The room should not be hot, the air temperature is allowed no more than 25 degrees.
  • You should pay attention to the presence of special glasses, napkins.
  • Do not hesitate to clarify whether the walls of the solarium or the floor of the cabin were sanitized after the previous visitor.
  • The administrator must necessarily warn about the installed new lamps, as well as have information about the exact date of replacement.

How is lamp wear controlled?

Regardless of whether the salon is installed in a vertical or horizontal solarium, a photometer check schedule is usually planned. This is a device that allows you to measure the level and dose of radiation. With its help, the degree of wear of the lamps is established. At the request of the guest, the staff is obliged to provide data from the log of the checks performed.

Why is a mirrored floor made in a vertical solarium?

Some devices are equipped with musical accompaniment or spectacular backlighting. The so-called aquabriz is a set of nozzles that spray water vapor. Sometimes the owners of tanning salons entice clients with the aromatherapy function. Taken together, an imitation of being on the seashore is created. There are seated tanning beds with massage effects. These are the "tricks" of the salons, which do not affect the final result. They make the cockpit more enjoyable and relaxing.

The mirrored floor, like the ceiling, is a welcome addition. The presence of such surfaces in the device enhances tanning. This is especially active on the legs, they quickly become "chocolate". Such a mirror is made of special plastic that can reflect ultraviolet rays.

Another useful option should be noted, the elevator. It will be useful for small visitors in cabins equipped with reinforced face and neckline lamps.

It is better to choose the place where the latest generation solariums are installed. There should be a possibility of programming time by skin type. The ideal choice would be a professional tanning studio with several types of equipment. And also here a specialist will give professional recommendations, taking into account individual characteristics and wishes.

This type of exercise bike is quite popular among professional athletes.

What features does it have in comparison with the vertical type and which one is better?

The answers to all these questions and not only you will find below in our article.

What is a horizontal trainer?

Such a simulator represents a horizontal structure with pedals located in the same plane with the seat, or slightly below the plane of the seat. This allows you to keep your legs straight in relation to the floor surface.... This position relieves the back and neck, and makes it possible to gently develop the joints.

It is in demand by many categories of users (including acceptable for), since allows you to maintain physical shape in the presence of diseases of the spine and joints.

How is it different from an upright exercise bike? The design is a combination of the main components of the bike. Its pedals are located under the seat, just like a regular bicycle. Training at a given load can be high intensity with maximum load on all muscle groups in the lower body.

3 types of loading system:

  1. . Mechanical types are characterized by manual load adjustment. In terms of popularity, they are inferior to more modern types: magnetic and electromagnetic. At the same time, they have their own circle of consumers who are attracted by the availability of the necessary functions and reasonable prices.
  2. . The magnetic field is generated by magnets located inside the flywheel. This type of exercise machine is quite popular as it is convenient and easy to use. The average price category and good quality are for many users the main criterion for choosing magnetic simulators.
  3. . This type of exercise bike must be connected to the mains to work. Among them there are those that are powered by energy generated by their own generator. They are equipped with everything necessary for the user to work comfortably. They allow you to track the load and adjust it to your needs.

What muscles work on this type of cardio machine?

Which of these simulators is better - horizontal or vertical - is a rather controversial and individual question. A feature of training on a horizontal simulator is a comfortable body position, relieving stress from the neck, thoracic and lumbar spine as well as from the joints of the legs.

This is of great importance for those who are in a state of rehabilitation after injuries, or have problems with the spine and joints. or have their own characteristics and should be carried out with the consent of the doctor.

How to choose a horizontal trainer?

Don't shop in a hurry. Ask your consultant about the features of the configuration and other important questions. Check out the technical characteristics of the model you are interested in.

  1. Choosing a simulator, define for yourself the purpose of this purchase: development of joints, maintaining physical fitness, rehabilitation. All these goals can be realized by choosing the right model;
  2. Pay attention to the maximum weight for the user. When operating this type of equipment, the maximum weight cannot be exceeded, since you can quickly disable it;
  3. Availability of computer programs for classes. Many simulators are equipped with ready-made training programs. This is essential for delivering quality targeted training. Such simulators allow you to control and regulate the load, for example, to adjust it to the recommended heart rate indicators. It is important to know here
  4. Ease of use. To determine this indicator, you need to practice using its various functions. Test the simulator, try how comfortable it is for you. This will help determine if it is right for you. This can be done in the store's sales area.

Attention! When testing this type of exercise equipment, be sure to warm up before exercising. This will warm up the muscles, develop joints and help to properly assess the capabilities of the simulator.

Rating of the 4 best inexpensive home models (with photo)

The most famous and popular among buyers are the models: ketler p 7 and ketler px 7. But consider a few more pretty good options.

1. Alex 6022

"Alekh 6022" has an electromagnetic version of the load. The load changes automatically in accordance with the heart rate indicators. Has a function that allows you to determine the ability of the body to recover after exercise... This allows you to tailor classes to any consumer's needs.

Has twenty ready-made training programs. This option is designed for a user weight limit of one hundred and fifty kilograms.

2. Kettler GIRO R

This option has a magnetic resistance system, automatic adjustment. He changes the level of the load, changing it in accordance with the indicators of the pulse, the expenditure of calories.

Has ten ready-made training programs. It is designed for a user weight limit of one hundred and thirty kilograms.

3. Lexco c708rl

This option is powered by a generator that has the ability to install it in any convenient place. The load level changes automatically.

Contains twenty levels of stress and a function that allows you to monitor parameters throughout the session. This allows all user requests to be fulfilled.

This option is designed for a maximum user weight of one hundred and eighty kilograms. Does not have the ability to program a workout.

4. Housefit

"House fit" has an electromagnetic type of load. Has a function that allows you to control all parameters of the workout. This allows the workout to be tailored to all user requests.

Has twenty ready-made training programs. This option is designed for a maximum user weight of one hundred kilograms. The downside is the relatively small maximum user weight.

An exercise bike is a purchase that will help maintain and improve the health of all family members. Be aware of its acquisition - carefully familiarize yourself with its capabilities, clarify the functionality. If some functions seem superfluous to you and are not useful when using, buy a model with a simpler package.

By the way, if you have the time and desire, then an exercise bike can be made with your own hands. In the Internet resources you will find a lot of information on how to do this.

White skin is a symbol of aristocracy. In not-so-distant times, it was thought so. The young ladies in every way tried to hide from the sultry sun, considering tanning the prerogative of the working class. However, in modern times, golden skin tones are considered sexy. Getting a tan is not a problem even in winter. It remains only to decide which solarium is better and safer: vertical or horizontal.

There are many different opinions about artificial tanning. Some say that such a tan is negative for health and can even cause skin cancer. Others, on the contrary, that artificial ultraviolet irradiation helps in the fight against pigmentation and acne. Let's define what is true and what is not.

Benefit and harm

There are two types of tanning beds: horizontal and vertical. The function of both is to provide us. What are the disadvantages of this type of tanning:

  • There is such a type of addiction as tanorexia. The so-called dependence on visiting a solarium. No matter how ridiculous it may sound, this problem is quite real. It can be correlated with drug or alcohol addiction. Of course, it differs in harmfulness, but it also requires treatment, both psychological and pharmaceutical.
  • From the first type, the second flows smoothly. Since with frequent visits to the solarium, the skin receives an excess of the influence of ultraviolet radiation. This in turn leads to premature aging and the appearance of wrinkles. You also run the risk of getting an allergy reaction.
  • It is not recommended to take artificial sunbathing for pregnant and lactating women. Due to hormonal changes in the body, as a result of the influence of rays, skin pigmentation may appear. Therefore, it is better to postpone the tanning.
  • If you have fair skin, you risk getting burned. A burn is also possible after the epilation procedure. Better to do them at different times.

And now about the pleasant advantages.

  • Albeit artificial, but still the sun, capable of enriching our body with vitamin D in the cold season. After all, as you know, this vitamin helps to strengthen our immunity, promotes blood clotting, improves the efficiency of the heart and makes our nervous system more resistant to stress.
  • Probably each of us has come across such a concept as the autumn depression. This is understandable. After a short hot summer, the rains alternating with frost wind melancholy. Scientists have proven, after long-term research, that artificial sunbathing (by a simple tanning bed) improves mood and fights depression. Inhabitants of the northern regions are even prescribed by doctors as a medicine.
  • Well, the most indisputable plus: the solarium helps us gradually prepare the skin for the sultry rays of the sun. Therefore, if you do not want to get sunburned in the first days of your vacation at sea or just when you first visit the city beach, go to the solarium several times. This will prepare the skin and you will not look pale.

Pros and cons of a horizontal solarium

This question comes up more often if you decide to apply for an artificial tan for the first time. What are the advantages and what are the disadvantages of a horizontal and vertical solarium. Which is better and which solarium is safer.


  1. This type of solarium was, so to speak, a pioneer in the field of artificial tanning. Therefore, he already has his own audience of fans.
  2. The action of the rays is less intense than in vertical views. Therefore, it is better suited for girls with delicate and fair skin.
  3. The main indisputable plus is that you can relax and just lie down for your pleasure. And this, you see, is a luxury for a modern girl. In addition, during relaxation, you do not have to worry about getting burns.
  4. Another plus of this type is that you can ask the staff not to turn on the lamps above the face level. This is an open area and most often our face is more tanned than the rest of the body. Therefore, there is no need for an additional tan.


  1. The biggest disadvantage is most likely an uneven tan. In horizontal tanning salons, the sides often tan poorly.
  2. Although the surface of the solarium is disinfected, the feeling of not being hygienic remains.
  3. In order to acquire the desired tanning color, you will need to spend twice as much time visiting this type of solarium, rather than, for example, a vertical one. This is due to the fact that the lamps here have less power.

Pros and cons of vertical solarium

  1. From the previous point, the main plus of the vertical view smoothly follows. For a shorter visit, you will achieve the desired effect.
  2. The tan is uniform, from all sides.
  3. While taking ultraviolet baths, you practically do not touch the surface. Therefore, it is less likely to pick up any sore.
  4. Modern vertical cabins are equipped with ventilation and an audio system. Therefore, after the procedure, you can not take a shower, and the pastime is more fun with music and dancing.


  1. The cost of staying in a vertical solarium is more expensive than in a horizontal one.
  2. Due to the strong power of the lamps, girls with delicate skin risk getting burned.
  3. You will have to stand on your feet for the entire session. There is no longer to lie down and relax.

What you need to know

Before you are considering your first visit to the UV bath, you need to know. For horizontal and vertical booths, these rules are somewhat similar, but still different.

  • You shouldn't spend more than three minutes on your first visit (for a horizontal one - five).
  • Make-up needs to be washed off. Even the presence of deodorant on the skin can lead to an allergic reaction. Better yet, shower before visiting.
  • Do not neglect the use of special tanning creams. They can be purchased in the salon itself, or in pharmacies.
  • If you are the owner of a tattoo, it is better to cover it with a sticker before the procedure. Otherwise, it may lose its brightness and brilliance.
  • For hygiene reasons, cover the surface of the solarium with a towel. Usually they are issued in the salon itself.
  • Be sure to wear special glasses. It is worth putting on a headscarf to avoid drying out the scalp and hair. It is also worth using lip balm for the same purpose.
  • It is not recommended to sunbathe topless. Nevertheless, the nipple area should be covered with specialized pads.
  • To prevent burns and dry skin, it is recommended to sunbathe once a week, no more than 7 minutes (or 13 minutes, in the case of horizontal).

  • In order to make the tan darker and retain its presence for a longer period, before you go sunbathing, you can drink a glass of carrot (pumpkin, orange) juice. It is advisable to add a couple of drops of any citrus essential oil.
  • It is a prerequisite to use tanning cosmetics, both before and after using ultraviolet baths.
  • In order to prevent burns and unpleasant ones, it is worth the first two or three visits to be carried out in a horizontal type of solarium, and the rest in a vertical one. In this way, you will first prepare the skin for a softer perception of the rays, and then consolidate and improve the result.

Take care of your health and enjoy your tan!

In the summer season, there is a special desire to be irresistible, to catch the admiring glances of men, to take spectacular resort pictures in a bikini, proudly showing off your smooth tanned skin. A solarium will help to achieve such a combination in a short time. How to sunbathe in a solarium?

Going to the solarium is the best and perhaps the smartest way to get an even and pleasant tan in a short time without the risk of sunburn. It is considered "reasonable" because before the tanning procedure, you consult a specialist who, based on the characteristics of your skin, builds an individual tanning strategy and determines the time of each session. To get the best tan possible in a tanning bed, always follow the advice of a professional.

How good it is to sunbathe in a solarium - we approach wisely

Paradoxically, tanning is a natural measure to protect the skin from UV rays. Yes, tanning is beauty, which is accompanied by an inflammatory reaction! Remember how "skin burns" in the evenings and nights? We are not talking about sunburn, which can darken the cloudless beach life. It is nice that today at the service of our beauty there are modern devices, thanks to which it is so easy to get a good tan in a solarium.

Before each visit to the tanning salon, wash off all cosmetics from the skin and do not use perfume.

The innovative features of tanning beds will help you achieve a luxurious bronze skin tone and prepare you in the best possible way for the beach season. So how to sunbathe in a solarium to achieve the desired effect? To begin with, you should understand that you cannot go through the tanning procedure for two days in a row. After the first visit, you need to give your skin a rest for at least a couple of days. Taking "solar baths" is not exactly rest, but rather stress for the entire skin.

How good is it to sunbathe in a solarium? For the result to please you, do not forget to moisturize the skin. After all, beautiful tanned skin is actually dehydrated skin. If you do not moisturize it in the required amount, you risk getting wrinkles like a Shar Pei. Who needs a bronze tan with this side effect?

To get a beautiful healthy tan, visit the tanning salon no more than once every two days.

Contrary to popular belief, tanned skin needs to be exfoliated. You don't want to get the semblance of spots and uneven color instead of tanning. Using coffee grounds as a scrub will help keep the skin soft. It will help to keep the skin in good shape and preserve its beautiful natural color for as long as possible.

Which is better - a vertical or horizontal solarium?

There are different types of sunbathing booths - now you can see more and more vertical solariums. Which is better - a vertical or horizontal solarium? It depends on the individual properties of the skin.

Modern horizontal tanning salons, with qualified use, will give the desired effect to almost any type of skin. The wide range of capabilities of these devices guarantees complete safety of the procedure. The horizontal solarium is a classic, but not everyone is equally well tolerated in closed spaces and restriction of movement. It is not uncommon for an uneven tan to be obtained in horizontal tanning salons.

The duration of a tanning session in a vertical solarium is 2-3 times less than in a horizontal one

A novelty in the cosmetic industry is the vertical solarium. Here you can take any comfortable position while getting an even tan. Often, horizontal tanning salons are equipped with stereos and other technical "gags" that can make the tanning procedure as comfortable as possible. The disadvantages of this type of tanning bed are the use of powerful lamps, which, with prolonged exposure, increase the risk of burns.

A solarium is nothing more than a special platform for tanning with ultraviolet lamps. The presence of a beautiful, even tan, good mood and a healthy appearance are the result obtained in a solarium. So which solarium is better horizontal or vertical.

UV lamps used in tanning salons

Lamps in tanning salons, - high and low pressure devices based on action

According to some reports, UV lamps in tanning beds, unlike sunlight, do not emit gamma rays that cause radiation sickness, and in their effects are most similar to those that appear during sunrise or sunset.

Why visiting a solarium is beneficial

At the same time, remember: Excessive artificial sunbathing leads to premature aging of the skin and cancer, hair damage.

What should be the best solarium

  1. Spacious, dry and ventilated room (total area of ​​at least 5 sq. M.).
  2. Air temperature no more than + 25 °.
  3. Periodic lamp replacement (every 400-500 hours of operation).

Read: Tanning through glass: fiction or reality

Before choosing "your" solarium, you need to know your skin type and the possible duration and frequency of the tanning procedure.

In order for the tan to lie evenly, it is necessary to cleanse the skin with the help of a peeling or scrub, since the tan lays on the cleansed skin more evenly. To fix the tan, it is good to drink carrot juice and 1 teaspoon of oil.

Types of tanning salons

The most famous: horizontal and vertical.

Horizontal classic with a stable position of the lamps, the body is stationary, which ensures an even tan. Periodically, you need to change the position of the body in order to avoid the white stripes of the unburned body.

Vertical solarium provides a faster effect thanks to its more powerful lamps. In order for the tan to be even, you need to take a certain position, for example, raise your arms, or be in motion. Modern solariums are often equipped with lift lamps and an aroma system.

Subject to all safety rules, getting burns in such a solarium is impossible. The duration of the session depends on the skin type and the client's wishes.

Turbo solarium differs from the previous types only in the presence of cooled ventilation. The tanning procedure is intense, fast, like in windy weather.

Seated solarium - used for tanning hands, décolleté and face. Powerful lamps are designed for quick effect. Such tanning salons are rarely visited, for example, when there are events ahead, and you need to quickly give color to visible parts of the body.

Collagen solarium provides for the use of red and blue lamps. They have a healing effect: blue ones fight germs, red ones stimulate skin renewal. They regulate metabolic processes, promote the production of elastin, collagen and the elimination of toxins.

Studio solarium in beauty salons acts as a separate professional. Consultation is given about its effect of the solarium on site.

Solarium home - designed for getting a tan at home.

It does not differ in safety and power. But in addition to its direct purpose, it can be used, for example, for germinating seeds.

There are salons that offer the "instant tanning" service, which does not include the use of ultraviolet lamps. To obtain such a "tan", a bronzer lotion and a turbine or compressor spray are used. Such a tan has no absolute contraindications, it is indicated for people with Celtic skin type. It is important that moisture, not even sweat, gets on the skin for 6-8 hours. Otherwise, spots will remain on the skin.

Which solarium is better, horizontal or vertical

Solarium lovers often have a question, which is better vertical or horizontal. You need to know that the quality of tanning depends on the equipment of the solarium, and on the location of the person under the lamps.

But which one to choose, the client chooses based on his taste, purposes of use, and the characteristics of the skin.

If you like to relax while tanning, then it is better to choose horizontal, for lovers of physical activity - vertical.

Many people prefer horizontal, uncomplicated use. Vertical is more hygienic, since there is no contact with surfaces. It should be borne in mind that in the horizontal it is better to tan the bottom, in the vertical - the upper body. Both species are widely used in the world.