Breastfeeding during pregnancy. Breastfeeding and new pregnancy

Many nursing mothers believe that it is impossible to get pregnant with breastfeeding. Indeed, the method of lactation amenoria is effective and gives a guarantee of 98-99%. However, the effectiveness of such a method directly depends on the organization of the process of breast feeding. Therefore, the probability of pregnancy during lactation is, even in the absence of menstruation.


The lactation amenoria is the postpartum state of the female organism, in which the suppression of ovulation occurs, and the periods are absent. This is a natural and quite an effective contraceptive, which reduces the risk of a new pregnancy to 1-2%. However, the natural method works only in compliance with certain rules of feeding:

  • Frequent applying infants. The baby should be fed once every two hours and at least four times at night;
  • Apply the baby correctly. It is important that when feeding he captured her nipples, and Arega. - The key to successful lactation, well-being Mom and baby, full nutrition infant;
  • Feed the child according to the requirements, and not according to the schedule;
  • Cut the baby until it reappears. When the baby is fed, he himself lets the nipple. Do not limit the time of applying and not interrupt feeding;
  • Do not quiz and do not keep your baby at least the first six months. In breast milk there are all the necessary elements and vitamins for the full growth and development of the kid;
  • You can enter 5-7 months.

Tips from the article about the article will help to establish breastfeeding.

Please note that the method of lactation amenorrhea works only in the first six months after childbirth and, provided that the baby is powered only by breast milk. After six months, milk generation begins to decline, and moms begin to introduce first lures. This sharply increases the risk of pregnancy, even in the absence of menstruation. When monthly occurs after delivery, read.

Signs of pregnancy during lactation

  • Behavior infants has changed. The baby does not want to take the chest, became a capricious. Most often, the cause of such behavior is to change the composition and taste of milk. It affects milk not only nutrition of a nursing mother, but also a new pregnancy;
  • Lactation reduction without visible reasons;
  • Pain in chest and nipples;
  • The latency of the menstrual cycle, if the monthly has already been restored;
  • The manifestation of toxicosis, vomiting and nausea, overall malaise and fast fatigue, decrease in blood pressure.

Pregnancy during lactation: what to do

Signs of new pregnancy are manifested in aggregate. Be careful, since a sign separately may mean completely different. For example, a change in milk composition can talk about the incorrect diet of a nursing mother, breast pain about lactostase or beginner mastitis, and vomiting and nausea - about poisoning. Therefore, do not hurry with the conclusions until you define exactly.

If pregnancy confirmed, do not panic and immediately contact the doctor. Compatible breastfeeding and pregnancy - a difficult task. The specialist will make an action plan that is suitable for you, infant and future baby.

The change in the composition of milk leads to the fact that the kid himself refuses the chest. But is it necessary to interrupt feeding if the child continues to suck the chest? When to stop breastfeeding, and does the feeding effect affect the course of pregnancy? Let's deal with and find answers to exciting questions.

Pregnancy and lactation: whether to combine

Many doctors recommend immediately stop breastfeeding. However, such a sharp method is not justified and can harm the thoracic baby. Breastfeeding does not affect the course of pregnancy and does not cause premature childbirth. Hormone, which is produced during lactation, does not have any action on the functioning of the uterus.

In the first year of life, infant breastfeeding can be continued. However, after a year, feeding must be stopped. Therefore, as soon as you have learned about pregnancy, begin to introduce your lore so that the transition to normal food has passed calmly.

If you decide to continue feeding, be sure to follow the well-being and passage of pregnancy. With any deviations, be sure to consult a doctor. Terminated breastfeeding during pregnancy is necessary in the following cases:

  • Two or three months before delivery. The uterus during this period becomes sensitive, and the amount of breast milk is sharply reduced;
  • With strong toxicosis and increased tone of the uterus;
  • When the first kid will be a year;
  • Strong pain in the chest.

If a nursing mother decided to stop breastfeeding prematurely, it should be ready for the problem of accumulating extra milk in the milk glands. Stagnation leads to lactostasis, and then to the maple. Therefore, it is important to complete the lactation. How to do it, read

How to breastfeed during pregnancy

  • Gradually enter the lure;
  • Reduce the amount of applying;
  • Do not keep the baby in the chest long
  • The diet of a nursing mother should be full, diverse and nutritious. Increase the dose of calcium and iron use;
  • From the first weeks, start taking special multivitamin complexes. But take away the choice of vitamin carefully, as they should be safe for nursing, and for pregnant women;
  • Rest, walk in the fresh air and pour;
  • Watch out for your chest hygiene, ensure.

Save breastfeeding over nine months of pregnancy is real. However, whether it is necessary to do it, solve mom. Get ready for what a long-term alignment will require a lot of strength, will strengthen the pain in the nipples and discomfort in the chest. Milk iron after the birth of the second child is updated independently, whether you have stopped feeding or continued. However, when saving feeding, you can feed both children.

A nursing woman can become pregnant, even if she has not yet started monthly. Moreover, compliance with certain rules does not always reduce the risk of fertilization. One of the concomitant problems is to continue or not with a new pregnancy breastfeeding.

Feeding waiting for a child baby boy
Seeds use in the attending physician
nursing woman can feed

What signs may be observed

Approximately 4% of lactating women, the effect of "lactation amenorrhea" is generally absent. That is, after delivery, a normal menstrual cycle is immediately launched. Accordingly, it becomes possible to get pregnant again.

The rest can also be ovulation. It happens always before month, so they will not even begin in fertilization. The risk of pregnancy during feeding the child rises:

  • when feeding "by the clock";
  • if the baby does not suck the chest at night;
  • when recking with mixtures.

Detect signs of pregnancy when breastfeeding is not always possible. Often they are written off to the postpartum state, remain unnoticed by many worries, especially if weakly manifest. Some women have the second time very similar to the first, others they absolutely vary.

Nursing woman

The foregoing especially concerns usual for all signs - toxicosis, drowsiness, breast swelling, back pain or lower abdomen and other things. They may not be at all.

When feeding a breast child, special signs of pregnancy can be found:

  • the baby refuses his chest;
  • it changes its behavior during food - whims, irritation;
  • the amount of milk decreases, up to complete disappearance;
  • the sensitivity of nipples increases, from a few seconds after applying to the inability to feed in principle;
  • the uterus is strongly shortened, a solid lump is felt at the bottom of the abdomen;
  • there are no monthly after when they "arrived at least once."

It turns out that the imminent appearance of a brother or sister can even inform the infant. If he is capricious, refuses to take the chest, it can be associated with the changed composition of milk. It becomes not so sweet, sometimes grieved. This is due to hormonal changes in pregnant.

But this sign of pregnancy is far from always detecting during feeding. Many kids do not respond at all to the change in taste, continuing everything is still actively sucking.

Reducing the amount of milk is usually detected by dissatisfaction with the child after eating. He is trying to suck her chest, but nothing gets out of it, angry, crying. This symptom also works not always, as a rule, he appears closer to the third trimester, when everything is already clear.

Waiting for the second child

If suspicions appeared when feeding a child to a new pregnancy, it is possible to determine its presence by a doctor. The fact is that the tests due to the hormonal background during feeding do not always give the accurate result. It can be negative in the presence of an embryo due to the insufficient level of the level of HCG, and may be positive from a non-removed woman, since its normal hormone level has not recovered.

Of course, doctors recommend re-pregnant not earlier than 2 years after childbirth, and better after 3-4. The appearance of signs of pregnancy during breastfeeding is almost always unexpected. It is hardly a reasonable woman in advance plans so high load on its own organism. It turns out a triple - you need to raise the fruit, feed the baby, keep yourself in a healthy state.

But it is not particularly worried about this regard if there are no health problems. First, the body will give everything you need only about the birth life, then it will try to provide a sufficient amount of milk. Mom becomes at the end of the queue. If you wish to keep pregnancy and at the same time continue feeding, she will have to take care of all.

The effect of feeding on the fruit

Mamino Milk is especially necessary to kid to a semi-annual age. But it is preserved and later than three years. And this is not the only reason to try to preserve feeding.

It is impossible to reduce the importance of close communication with mom. Especially when the difference of children will be less than two years. Children will be able to suck the chest together. So it will be easier to survive the jealousy of the older to the younger, more precisely, it will be practically imperceptible. Mama is easier to care for children.

Therefore, even if during pregnancy, it is necessary to interrupt breastfeeding, you must not forget to communicate with the child as often as possible. Otherwise, he will feel abandoned, may even lag in development.

Of course, the continuation of lactation has an impact on a pregnant woman:

  • the restructuring of the body is complicated by the need to produce milk;
  • the lack of nutrients can lead to complications in the body of a woman, worsening well-being;
  • lowering the level of hemoglobin is dangerous to the development of fetal hypoxia;
  • oxytocin, which is produced by the pituitary gland during lactation, causes contraction of the uterus.

The appearance of signs of pregnancy during breast feeding requires confirmation of its presence by a doctor. The question of continuing feeding is also discussed. A positive decision requires a more attentive attitude towards himself.

  1. It will be necessary for food, more saturated with useful products balanced in composition.
  2. Reception of vitamin and mineral complexes will support their content in the body.
  3. It is necessary to ensure sufficient fluid flow into the body.
  4. It will take assistance to care for the baby so that mom can fully rest.

There are a lot of cases when women continued to feed in breast milk when confirmed by pregnancy symptoms. Moreover, some of them successfully fed three children. Even some health problems did not become an obstacle. Of course, much depends on the woman itself, her desire, family help, doctor's recommendations.

Breast child

Risky and dangerous situations

Usually doctors recommend to overcome the child from the chest, especially if he has been for more than six months. Many women seem that the main reason in the increased amount of oxytocin, which can lead to miscarriage. In fact, there are other, more real reasons.

The miscarriage in the early periods of pregnancy is almost never associated with breastfeeding. Initially, the uterus contains very little receptors that react to this hormone. Therefore, he cannot cause its abbreviations. The percentage of miscarriage reaches 30, and feedback has not yet been detected.

Women often have training contractions, both in nursing and "simply" pregnant women. They can appear during feeding and keep some time after that, without harming pregnancy. These fights quickly pass, if you lie down with raised legs, drinking a glass of water.

ATTENTION should attract constant abdominal pains, selection. When they appear with breastfeeding during pregnancy, you need to immediately contact the doctor. But usually the main danger occurs in the third trimester, so women try to finish feeding until 20 weeks.

Contraindications for breastfeeding can be listed in the table below.

To keep the second pregnancy and give birth to a healthy younger, you will have to stop breastfeeding. Do it or gradually, or sharply, one day. Discuss tactics better with breastfeeding specialist, pediatrician.

Typically, smooth oscillation is carried out as follows. First, day feeding is replaced by mixtures. Later teach the child to float at night without a chest. Sometimes you have to try a few mixtures to find a suitable baby. After half a year, they already entered the lure, they can be replaced by some day feeding.

If it does not go out, when pregnancy, mom sharply stop feeding a child, limiting communication. It is best to leave for a few days or take the baby to the grandmother. The psyche is so less injured. But for a woman, this method may be more difficult if the milk will continue to arrive.


The information published on the site site is exceptionally introductory and is intended only for familiarization. Visitors to the site should not use them as medical recommendations! The editorial board does not advise to engage in self-medication. Determination of the diagnosis and the choice of treatment technique remains an exceptional prerogative of your attending physician! Remember that only complete diagnosis and therapy under the supervision of the doctor will help to completely get rid of the disease!

The main sign of the occurrence of pregnancy is the latency of menstruation. During the active lactation of menstruation, women are usually absent. The cycle can only be recovered after 1-1.5 years after childbirth. But these are only averaged indicators. In each case, the periods of recovery of regular menstruation are individual. If the cycle has never recovered until the cycle has been conceived, the woman does not wait for the next menstruation, and it may not even pay attention to the changes occurring in its organism.

How to learn about pregnancy with breastfeeding

Any suspicious change in well-being can serve as an indicator of pregnancy. Nursing mom should be carefully listened to its body. The most common signs of the birth of a new life are nausea, dizziness, fast fatigue, sharp mood swings.

To suspect the offensive of pregnancy can also be for the emergence of painful sensations during the feeding of the baby. Some women admit that pain during breastfeeding was rather strong. The increase in the mammary glands, darkening of the nipples should be alarmed.

Upon the occurrence of a new pregnancy, a woman can stop producing milk, or its amount can dramatically cut. This is a kind of protective mechanism. After all, the body of the future mother in the event of continuing lactation will experience a very greater load, which in some cases is unacceptable.

Change can also color, the taste of milk. Some moms noted that at the occurrence of a new pregnancy, their milk acquired a salty taste. Often kids for this reason suddenly refuse the chest.

Do not ignore such symptoms as the appearance of unpleasant sensations at the bottom of the abdomen, the increase in urination. If the woman led to this diary of measuring basal temperature, it can pre-diagnose the occurrence of pregnancy by a sharp decrease in this indicator.

If any suspicion arises, you can purchase an express test at the pharmacy and perform it at home. It is quite simple to make it, and the reliability of this method is very high. You can also refer to the gynecologist, because the change in well-being, the appearance of painful sensations may also testify to the development of gynecological diseases.

Very often it happens that while mom feeds a breast of one child, she will know what is pregnant. Then many questions arise at once, which can not always answer relatives, friends and even doctors. Is it possible to feed further, deny the baby and how to do it? What is tandem feeding? I will try to answer all these questions in detail below.

About the occurrence of pregnancy.
Many mothers who are breastfeeding are sometimes faced with a question of unplanned pregnancy, when a child is six months old - a year, and are very surprised by this. They often heard that while breastfeeding, it is impossible to get pregnant and therefore it is not necessary to be protected. In addition, they still had no normal menstruation, how did the conception occur?

MLA or the method of lactation amenorrhea (that is, the inability to get pregnant on the GW) is a complex system that works only with strict observance of certain conditions. Ovulation is suppressed by the hormone by oxytocyne and prolactin, which stand out regularly only if feeding an exceptionally breastfeeding on the first requirement, that is, the child does not give a water, nor dumbness, no bottles. If adhesive is introduced - this method can already be taken into account and ovulation may even be in the absence of menstruation.

And about 4-5% of women, especially if in pregnancy or before it had problems with hormones, can not use this method at all, since they ovulation can be almost 8-10 weeks after delivery. Therefore, during breast feeding, the risk of becoming pregnant is always and increasing with an increase in feeding experience. If regular menstruation appeared - it means that you can calmly get pregnant, even feeding breasts - it must be remembered when planning.

What is better?

Of course, if you can plan a pregnancy, it is better if the older child is at the time of conception of the second at least two years. Weathering is a very difficult test for children and parents in the first years of their lives. The mother's body has not yet restored the resources and forces after the first birth and feeding, there is a serious risk of complications of subsequent pregnancy. And for the baby, who himself is still small, but becomes older, entering the crisis age of the two years - this is a big stress. Children's weather in the first two years of life have different rhythms of life and they have completely different needs - even twins in this regard are easier.

From the point of view of female physiology, the optimal period between children is 3.5-5 years, that is, the first is fattened about 2-2.5 years before smoothly, and another year and a half is given to the rest and restoring the forces from the mother.
However, the pregnancy is not always planned, and the kids decide to appear earlier when the older from six months to 1.5-2 years and he still sucks the chest. In our country, feeding with mixtures is still very common, and feeding two children of different ages with breasts for us to the wonder, although in ancient Russia it was common practice. And many countries of the world (India, Guatemala, Java and others) and now feed almost half of children with tandems. In such a situation, for some reason, there was no medical practice in such a situation, although in terms of physiology in feeding the pregnancy there is nothing dangerous or unusual, the body may well cope with such a task. In fact, there are not so many reasons for omitting, and usually they are associated with serious health and pregnancy problems or family difficulties.

Will it affect pregnancy?
Many gynecologists obstetricists who do not have sufficient experience with long labeled women, usually in the occurrence of pregnancy, the nursing mothers begin to insist on the excavation. This is motivated by the fact that feeding, due to the irritation of the nipples can lead to miscarriage. But, in fact, it is dangerous only if there is bleeding, spasms at the bottom of the abdomen, or fever. In all other cases, pregnancy does not threaten anything and can be calmly feed the baby and then. Oxytocin, which is involved in the lactation process, and which causes the contractions during childbirth, is not dangerous for a pregnant uterus until the start of birth. The sensitivity of the uterus to oxytocin increases only about 36-37 weeks, and before that the nipple irritation sucking the baby can not affect her.

Therefore, provoking the miscarriage of the breast with a senior child is not capable.
In the second or subsequent pregnancy, Moms could more clearly feel the training fights of braces-hicks, they appear approximately after 25-25 weeks of pregnancy. They are painless, felt like fossil in the uterus and squeezing at the bottom of the abdomen. They are irregular and not related to feeding. However, if this has become regularly, reduced the attachment of a child to a minimum and often rest.

Will enough for two?
Moms often experience that the senior kid with milk will "emblorict" the baby in the tummy, and that T will grow badly and will be born painful. Therefore, try to quickly overcome the elder. However, the body of the woman is designed wisely - its resources are great and they are consumed in favor of a new life, everything is the main thing that is supposed and absolutely fully obtained by the fetus. In second place is breastfeeding and then the need for Mom itself. Therefore, a nursing pregnant mother requires a special relationship to himself and must care for himself especially preferably and carefully. It is usually considered as pregnant twins for needs.

It is necessary to take multivitamins and possibly special cocktails or mixes for nursing and pregnant women, well and properly eat, there is a full-fledged food and drink enough liquid, breastfeeding consumes a lot of water, and it is extremely important for the fetus.
Moms, breastfeeding and skinny crumb, usually experience strong hunger and very often - so, focus on your needs, eat delicious and varied, do not deny yourself anything.

How to wear the younger kid?
Many moms are frightened by the fact that during pregnancy you can not take your child in the hands, the miscarriage will happen. But the baby must be taken in the hands - he really needs it, because he is still quite a crumb. If you feel well - you can raise the child as before. After all, your body gradually trained to raise the increasing weight of the crumbs during his life. Of course, it is not necessary to do it often and autumn for a long time, connect the baby, relatives and loved ones on the hands of the child. But if you need to hold the crumb on the handles - learn how to put it on the thigh or wear with a sling - so the weight of his body will be distributed on the shoulders and the back evenly and you will not be hard.
Also, plant a child on the handles when you sit or sit down to the child on the floor or squatting.

When is the tandem appropriate?

It does not always have the possibility of feeding children by tandem and it should not be an end in itself. Of course, if the child is from six to 12 months, the birth of the second baby makes it possible to continue feeding. After all, at the beginning of the second year, breastfeeding is still very important for the child. He will need to be applied to the chest and without it, with a sharp excavation, without stress it is not necessary.
However, if at the time of the onset of a new pregnancy, the child is already there is already one and a half or two years, then during pregnancy, it is simply worth it all smoothly. Perhaps the child wants after childbirth to feed a couple of months with the younger and smoothly, getting used to the role of the older child in the family. In each family and in each situation of pregnancy and the GW, the approach of its universal councils does not happen.
The main thing in tandem feedings and whether there is a softness and tact with respect to both children, they should not feel guilty or experiencing stress due to uneven attention.

How to feed the kid, being pregnant?
You made a solution to breastfeed further, although already waiting for the baby, but now questions and difficulties arise. One of the difficulties arising into the pregnancy is to increase the sensitivity or even the light sickness of the nipples of the chest during feeding, which, unfortunately, is not amenable to treatment. It arises due to changes in the hormonal background during pregnancy - it was and in the previous pregnancy, just then you did not feed the breast, and it was not so noticeable. Gradually, discomfort passes and the second trimester can be fed calmly. In order to reduce discomfort, you need to follow a few simple rules. First of all, it is necessary to follow applying - graceful kids due to the presence of teeth and activity often spoil applying, and the chest is simply getting used to them. Now, during pregnancy, it will be necessary to look again for the right breast investing in the mouth - when the crumb is most widely open. So that he slipped on the nipple - he is most sensitive.

If the crumb is already big enough and understands the words well - ask him not to turn your head about the time of food, wider open the mouth and agree with him about short sucking - no more than 5 -10 minutes, and if the child is capricious, you can take it in every way to distract him from the chest games, books, play with dad. Use cream with pure Lanolin (Purelan), which will soften the area of \u200b\u200bjuices and make them not so sensitive.

"It seems that milk has become less," one of the moms told me, carrying the second baby for a period of about 20 weeks and the feed of the first one. Yes, this is quite possible, so the part of the kids, nursing the breasts of pregnant moms, is offset independently. Milk becomes smaller, and it changes its composition - it becomes more like a colostrum. This is due to a change in the hormonal background, an increase in the level of estrogen and progesterone, which suppress milk production, so measures to increase the lactation will be ineffective here.

The mother's body begins to take care of the future child and the dairy glands are adjusted. Watch for the eldest crumb - if the breast is necessary for him to meet nutritious needs - it's time to give him an ordinary milk to drink from the mirror, then the baby will gradually leave his chest. But if you need a breast for an emotional connection, he is strongly tied to his chest, it is important for him in the process of sucking not how many milk, how many arms themselves, applying, sucking. Then the change in taste and volume of milk will not affect the attacks of the child.

If you feel well, you do not need to refuse him - usually the children suck the breasts on sleep and falling asleep when they hurt, sad or want caress.
You should not worry about the number of milk after childbirth - it will be more, especially if the eldest baby wants to continue feeding - stimulation and emptying will be effective, and therefore the milk will be enough. Again, how and for the first time the milk will come in order - colostrum-turning and mature milk. If feeding is continued. It must be remembered that the blooming colostrum and the senior chair will be the first time of the usual.

It is important to psychologically prepare the older kid to the appearance of crumbs, so that there was no competition for mom and milk, think about how it will be the days that you will be in the maternity hospital - who will remain with the baby to whom he trusts. Encourage the elder child to communicate with the tummy, let it take part in the preparation of the dowry, give the newest gifts on behalf of the younger senior, explain that everyone was kids and in the appearance of the younger there is a lot of positive. In general, the feeding of both kids with a small difference is quite possible and absolutely not harmful to health if you are ready for it - boldly on the road!

The minimum break between pregnancies should be two years. During this time, the female organism will be strengthened, restore the reserves of vitamins and minerals spent on cheating baby and breast-feeding. Nature takes care of postpartum contraception until time. The first 3-4 months from conception protects the lactation amenorrhea - the body's ability to suppress ovulation during breastfeeding. Then this mechanism will begin to give failures, and additional prevention measures will be required. But sometimes the pregnancy still comes before the young mother will postpone the crumb from the chest. What to do in this case? Let's try to look at the situation through the eyes of all participants in the process. Their three is a senior child, younger and one mom for two.

Pediatrician opinion

During the new pregnancy, the lactation itself does not stop, and the milk continues to remain the same as necessary and useful for a growing child, as before. The amount of nutrients and protective factors in it is optimally for the infant. However, as the level of pregnancy hormones increases, the amount of lactose in milk decreases, and the amount of sodium increases, which changes the taste of the product. Hence the belief that milk pregnant Women becomes bitter. It would be more correct to say that it ceases to be sweet. It is possible that the crude new taste will not like it, and he will refuse his chest. To such a turn of events should be prepared. To worry that, contrary to the mother's plans, the baby will have to translate before the adapted mixtures, it is also not worth it.

The second danger - in 70% of women pregnant during lactation, milk becomes less. The child lacks food, and without portions of artificial milk and do not do. Do not be discouraged, all for the better.

Gynecologist's opinion

For pregnancy and lactation The female organism is experiencing colossal loads - physical, mental, hormonal. There is a difficult restructuring of all organs and systems.

If there is a question about a combination pregnancy and breastfeedingYou must weigh your capabilities, consult with your doctor. It can assign analyzes and tests to determine the resources of the body. Many factors are important: the age of pregnant women, the features of the course of the previous and real pregnancies, the period of toaling, the psycho-emotional development of the baby already born.

There are other risk factors. When a child sucks breasts, a hydroxytocin hormone is produced, which stimulates the cutting of the uterus and theoretically can provoke the abortion. And here the opinions of specialists are divided. Some say that practice shows the lack of risk: the uterus is immune to oxytocin to 20 weeks of pregnancy, which means that there is no threat of miscarriage. If a woman is healthy, then oxytocin and after this period does not cause contrinctions of the uterus, which can lead to premature stimulation of generic activities. A similar resonance gives any sexual activity, and most couples do not stop intimate proximity during pregnancyAnd she is not interrupted because of this.

Other gynecologists believe that the danger is still there, and therefore Feeding during pregnancymay result in its complications. This is especially true for women with mioma, threat of abortion and spontaneous abortions in history. If special medicines will need to preserve pregnancy, the situation will go to a dead end. Many of the drugs are incompatible with breastfeeding, since their ingredients (hormones) are contraindicated by babies.

Supporters of these different points of view did not come to a single opinion, but developed a general behavior strategy. According to her lactation It should be completed in the second trimester of pregnancy, after 22 weeks. Special rules should be adhered to the training fights of Brackstone Hicks, if they occur during feeding. Baby meal is better to interrupt, drink water, straighten your feet, and then you can still feed the baby. The main thing is not to delay the session, accompanied by training fights.

Feeding during pregnancy: diet

If, consulting with the doctor, you will make sure that you can continue breastfeeding, you will have to reconsider your diet. Nursing pregnant It is necessary to eat about the same way as if she expected twins. This is especially important for women suffering from toxicosis in I trimester pregnancy. Nausea and vomiting limit the menu by reducing the diet to a minimum. Useful substances have to be divided into three participants in the process, and everyone gets completely small. First of all, the body provides a unborn baby, then lactation, and only then feed mom.

Improper nutrition will affect the development of children. Both may begin avitaminosis and associated violations. Reducing the hemoglobin in the blood of a woman can turn over iron deficiency anemia and chronic hypoxia from the younger Karapus. So that the reserves of nutrients are regularly replenished, you need to follow your menu. This is especially important in the last three months of pregnancy, when the younger child grows intensively. No need for three, much more important quality, and not the number of products consumed. There are better not very large portions, but often, and drinking as much as you want, no more and no less.

Feeding during pregnancy: pros and cons

Specialists in natural feeding in order not to defend their point of view, taking advantage of the continuation feeding during pregnancy Up to the birth. Ideal, in their opinion, is such an option: feeding is interrupted for childbirth, but after returning from the Mother's maternity hospital, it starts up to the process, placing two carapaus in the chest. In foreign literature on breastfeeding, this method is called tandem. If the difference between children is no more than a year, then this scheme should be considered as feeding twins. The meals can be joint - each kid sucks her breasts - or in turn. Forward you should miss the younger child. For milk enough for two, it is necessary to empty both breasts each time feeding. The break is not done, even if one of the kids fell ill: antibodies are produced in milk to the causative agent of the ailment, which will help one crumb to recover, and the other is not sick.

Tandem has advantages. One of them is an excellent breast condition. Getting started to feed a newborn back in the maternity hospital, a woman will not suffer from heat, sharp tides of milk or from his shortage - the baby immediately get so much food as he needs for normal development, and even with an excess. He will not have to apply effort, the milk will literally flow into the mouth - dairy ducts in the developed chest are filled instantly. The painful cracks in the nipples should not be, but still make sure that the younger child take the chest correctly.

Nevertheless, problems with breasts will still appear. Due to pregnancy, it will become very sensitive, and the zone of nipples is painful. Such a condition does not provide for any treatment. CA second trimester pregnancy The hormonal background will change and the painful sensations will disappear, but it is impossible to promise it.

The second argument in favor of Tandem is psychological. Relief from chest Child, if he is not ready for this, can turn stress. And the appearance in the family of the Karapuza rival, which "will get" the mother's chest will only strengthen the experiences. Watching the mother's chest - a symbol of love and protection - some other and yet unknown, crumb can feel abandoned, deprived and no one needed. What will affect his behavior. The kid will be a capricious, it will be bad, sleep and even can get across.

Mom, experiencing a sense of guilt, - after all, its short-sightedness led to a new pregnancy and excretion from the elder's breast - can fall into depression. This will lead to psychological tensions in the relationship "Mom - Senior Kid" and "Senior Child - Junior Child" with far-reaching consequences. But if, returning home, the mother will master tandem feeding - both kids will receive their portion of milk and tenderness, and such problems will not happen.

How to overcome from chest

If nevertheless is decided in favor of the failure of feeding, then to deepen the baby from the chest should be gradually. With favorable medical testimony, it is better to do this no later than 1.5-2 months before delivery. It is believed that during this time a senior child will have time to forget about the mother's chest and will not suffer if it will charge the younger brother or sister.

First you need to exclude day feeding, replacing them on a mixture or lure. The first morning, evening and night feedings should leave the latter. Translation to a new diet may be complicated for various reasons. For example, the mixture will cause cloth allergies. At the very first signs of disadvantage, you must replace it.

It is possible that the baby does not arrange the taste of the mixture - offer another, third. Some karapuses are happy to switch to fermented milk products. If the crumb is already more than six months, to improve the taste of the mixture in it you can make a little baby mashed potatoes. It may be this option: the child will not like to drink milk from a bottle with a nipple. Try to replace it with a special nasal nap. Do not forget that after replacing breast milk on artificial analogues, the baby must be burned with water.

If you are less and less likely to apply your baby to the chest, the milk will fall by itself. If this does not happen, you will need to reduce lactation.

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