Feeding newborns by months. The main thing is common sense. What foods are prohibited for a nursing mother

Whether a mother will be able to breastfeed her baby for a long time and with pleasure depends largely on how she does it in the first week after giving birth. Our advice will help you to survive the difficult period of the start of lactation without hassle.

When to start feeding your newborn

Surely you have more than once watched with affection a video in which newly born baby animals, waddling on legs trembling with weakness or ridiculously fingering their paws, reach for the mother's nipple. These tiny, often still blind lumps are controlled by a powerful force - the thirst for life. This is what nature has ordered.

AND the health of the little man largely depends on how quickly after birth he is applied to the breast... Colostrum released in the first hours is a real maternal blessing for your baby in an independent life. This is the strongest amulet against many infectious (and not only) diseases and an invaluable source of nutrients.

Unfortunately, colostrum very quickly loses its beneficial properties, after a few hours it remains just a high-calorie meal. Therefore, for many years, the World Health Organization has strongly recommended all infants should be applied to the breast immediately after birth. Not for feeding - for a healthy future.

Not all babies are able to actively suckle immediately in postpartum stress. Don't worry, the first tiny drops of colostrum come out easily when you press on the areola. The kid will just lick them off. Then he will sleep soundly for several hours, resting after a difficult period of childbirth. But when mom starts to really feed him, teaching him to breastfeed correctly - read.

How to properly latch a baby to the breast

With the correct technique of latching to the breast, feeding does not cause any difficulties for either the mother or the baby. Please note: the child will correctly grip the nipple if not only has his mouth open, but his tongue is also sticking out a little forward and bent in the form of a boat. Then his mother's breast will be received by him gently, as if in folded palms, and he will suck it in such a way that the movements of the rough tongue will give mommy unearthly pleasure.

The technique of correct attachment to the breast is described in detail. Its observance by 99% will insure a woman from the formation of monstrously painful cracks in the nipples, from lactostasis and mastitis. And the baby will not suffer from intestinal colic and endless regurgitation.

How to remove a nipple from a baby's mouth correctly

In fact, the baby does not suck milk, but presses the skin of the nipple and areola to the palate, while actively moving the tongue in the direction from the gums to the pharynx. That is, milk is squeezed out of the milky passages, as it were, very quickly, since negative pressure is created in the oral cavity, which has the strongest suction property. If at this time you try to wean the baby from the baby, taking the nipple out of the mouth, you will most likely not achieve anything but a strong and painful overstretching of the areola skin. As a result, cracks in the nipples form, which do not heal well and grow rapidly due to constant irritation of the skin with frequent feedings.

How to pick up a baby's breast without unpleasant consequences? The easiest way - slightly open his gums, entering through the corner of his mouth with the tip of your finger... Through the resulting gap, air will enter the oral cavity, the pressure will equalize. It remains to press a little on the skin of the breast near the baby's lips so that the nipple pops out on its own.

The second option is slower - press lightly on the chin and hold on to the crumbs... You will feel how your finger prevents it from strongly squeezing the gums and pressing the tongue against the palate. With each movement of the lower jaw, the suction force will decrease, and soon the baby will release the nipple on its own.

Often, mothers try to pinch the baby's nose so that he, gasping for breath, opens his mouth and lets go of the breast. This is not physiological and can be dangerous for the baby.... Children breathe very often (at least 40 breaths per minute) and cannot hold their breath. Imagine what would happen if a baby feels a lack of oxygen at the moment when he has a lot of milk in his mouth? By throwing the chest abruptly, he can take a strong breath by aspirating (inhaling) food into his lungs. As a result, at least an attack of a suffocating cough, which frightens the mother, cannot be avoided, and in the worst scenario, the baby will develop aspiration pneumonia.

How often to feed your newborn

Today on-demand feeding is considered optimal for newborn babies... That is, the mother gives the baby a breast every time he gets hungry. How to determine if he really wants to eat - look.

After birth, the volume of the baby's stomach is approximately 2 ml. It increases every day, reaching 70 ml by the end of the week. This means that at first, even despite the high calorie content of colostrum, the baby will ask to eat very often. We'll have to endure. By the time of discharge from the hospital home, the interval between feedings will be from 1.5 to 2.5 hours.

What does it depend on:

  • on the gestational age, maturity, weight of the child;
  • on his temperament (there are children who are lazy or active suckers);
  • from the state of health of the crumbs.

How long to feed a newborn

Uniform recommendations for babies over 2 weeks old - no more than 40 minutes... It has been proven that a baby drinks about 90% of milk in the first 5 minutes, and then simply satisfies his need for sucking. The exception is the so-called "lazy suckers", which are not allowed to work actively due to the peculiarities of temperament or state of health. But even these babies, if they are well woken up before feeding, gorge themselves in 7-10 minutes, then fall asleep soundly and only lick the nipple or passively swallow the milk squeezed into their mouth. No matter how many months mom has been feeding, if the areola is irritated for more than 40 minutes, there is a risk of nipple cracking.

For newborns, the rule is different. Babies are still weak, their stomach volume is small, and colostrum is very high in calories. The skin of a woman's mammary gland is tender and sensitive - the risk of cracking is the highest. Therefore, active sucking is allocated in the first two days for 5 minutes, on the third - 10, then - you can add 5 minutes every day, gradually reaching 40. If mommy distinguishes, actively sucks her baby or is already just indulging, you can follow this advice: wait until he is full, give him another 5 minutes to enjoy and wean.

Whether to feed the newborn at night

The first few months after birth - definitely feed. The circadian rhythms (including the daily routine and food intake) that all people live in are developed gradually. For babies, it makes no difference how long it is on the clock, whether the moon is shining or the sun is. The main thing in their life is the needs of their body, among which hunger is one of the strongest. Without satisfying it, he will not be able to fall asleep (and will not let you), will not develop correctly.

At home, children begin to endure 6 or more hours at night at the age of 4 to 11 months (again, everything is very individual). Therefore, there is only one advice: follow the needs of the baby. Maintain the night feed until he wakes up for a really dense meal. If you notice that you are reluctant to suckle, quickly falls asleep without eating the usual portion, it is time to give water instead of milk and after a few days stop feeding at night altogether.

In what position to feed a newborn

In any - if only you both feel comfortable. At first, while learning the feeding skills and getting used to each other, it is easier to do this while sitting in a chair with armrests or lying on your side. So the mother's breast hangs slightly over the baby's face, giving the areola the most suitable shape, and milk can be sucked with less effort.

Read more about the rules for choosing and about options for postures for feeding babies.

Should a newborn baby be given water

For a baby, the only "native" and safest source of food and liquid is only mother's milk. A healthy baby does not need to be supplemented with water... Therefore, to take the initiative immediately after childbirth, begging for a bottle, and even more so to boil water itself - to harm your child.

In the maternity hospital, the pediatrician may advise you to drink some water in the following situations:

  • dehydration of the child due to too high air temperature in the room (more often in the summer heat);
  • the need to help the baby cope with.

After being discharged home, as long as the little one is purely breastfed, the only reason to give him water is overheating.

Can I feed a newborn infant formula?

Can. And you can give smoked sausage, and pickled cucumber. And pamper your birthday with oranges. The result will still be about the same: many hours of screaming due to excruciating intestinal colic, diathesis and problems with stool. Because ANY food other than breast milk is completely foreign to the baby. It takes time for the intestines and the immune system to mature and be ready for another meal. Have you seen animals repel their cubs, giving them to other nursing mothers: a dog for a horse, a cat for a goat? Why should a healthy little man from a healthy mom eat cow's milk formula? Comments are superfluous.

There are very few situations in which a woman who has given birth does not have milk, or there are long-term medical contraindications for breastfeeding. None of the richest laboratories in the world have been able to invent an artificial substitute for mother's milk, corresponding to it in value. Only breastfeeding for at least 6 months will provide the baby with physical and mental health, and his mother - a volcano of unforgettable positive emotions.

During breastfeeding, not only the hunger of the child is satisfied, but the first important contact is established between him and the mother. This process helps the baby to properly adapt to new life conditions for him.

Breastfeeding of newborns is a prerequisite for healthy growth and development of children. Every mother should know the rules according to which her baby should be fed.

First attachment to the chest

It is bad if the mother does not have the opportunity to feed the baby for an hour after birth. At this time, the baby should receive valuable drops of colostrum - a harbinger of milk. This substance is produced little, but it gives the child the necessary immunity, and also provides good nutrition. In this case, you need to help the baby to take the breast correctly. Even if the first time the baby eats little, it will be a successful start in his life.


Parents, especially inexperienced ones, are interested in how long does it take to feed their baby with breast milk? How to understand that he is full? On the recommendation of the WHO, the newborn does not need to be weaned before he releases the nipple himself. There is no need to set a schedule and feed the baby at a specific time.

The child should spend as much time at the breast as he wants, but not less than 25 minutes. During this period, he manages to get front watery milk and later - more fatty.

You do not need to remove the nipple from the baby's mouth, if he falls asleep, you should continue to feed, making sure that the baby does not choke. Sucking in a dream, the newborn eats the milk richest in fats and proteins. You need to worry if the baby, who is one month old, eats little (within 10 minutes), and then refuses to breast.

The duration of breastfeeding depends on the age of the infant. The older he is, the faster and less often he eats. At 3 months, the baby is strong enough to suck a large amount of milk. In addition, at this age, he is less acutely experiencing psycho-emotional discomfort and the need for calming.

Milk volume

For a child to gain weight correctly, it is necessary to provide him with a sufficient amount of food. There is no need to worry that the baby overeats: breast milk is perfectly absorbed by the child's body, no matter how much he eats. It is more likely that food will not be enough for him. How to find out how much breast milk a baby needs? This can be done in 3 ways:

  1. Rate wet diapers. To do this, you need to give up diapers for a day and count how many urinations the infant had. If the number of pants and sheets he wetted is less than 8, he eats little;
  2. It is necessary to correctly assess the weight gain of the newborn in a month. You do not need to weigh it every day after feeding: this will not help much to understand, but it will greatly annoy the mother. It is enough to do this once a month, and then compare the weight with the norms established by the WHO;
  3. A troublesome, but more accurate way will help to understand how much milk a baby is eating, down to the milliliter. You must fully express one breast and measure the milk volume with a baby bottle. Having fed the child from a spoon, you can understand how much he ate and compare with the average recommended norms.

Eating at night

To maintain full lactation, daily feedings are not enough. At 3 a.m. there is a strong milk production, so breastfeeding by the baby is very important at this time. A schedule should be made so that the newborn can eat at will throughout the day and night.

To ensure a restful sleep for herself and her baby, a woman needs to sleep with her baby. If the child is full, he falls asleep calmly, and the mother does not have to get up to feed him, and then rock. A baby can feed on breast milk up to 6 times a night - and rightly so. If a newborn bites a woman's nipple when falling asleep, you need to gently release the breast from his mouth.

Possible problems

A nursing mother may experience unusual breastfeeding behavior. What if my baby falls asleep, bites, chokes, or chokes while sucking?

In the first month of life, the newborn gets tired easily when feeding, so he often falls asleep at the breast. A baby, especially one born weak or prematurely, needs help to continue to suckle milk. If the baby falls asleep while feeding, you should induce a swallowing reflex in him by squeezing a drop of milk into his mouth. You can easily shake the baby by the heel or cheek and continue to feed.

A baby who has erupted teeth often bites his mother painfully while breastfeeding. It is necessary to wean him out of this gently, but do it persistently: it is necessary to strictly pronounce “no” and take away the breast so that the baby associates his behavior with the completion of feeding. The baby sometimes bites the nipple hard if he falls asleep at the end of a meal. To prevent this from happening, you should move the baby away from the chest as soon as the movements of his mouth are weakened.

If a baby is choking or choking for a month while feeding, this may mean that he is not coping with the strong rush of milk. In this case, it will be correct to express your breasts a little. To prevent the baby from choking, changing the position will help. A newborn who usually chokes on breast milk when eating should be placed face down on her mother's belly.

  1. You should not wash your breasts before and after feeding. In this procedure, the protective fat layer from the nipples is washed off, which leads to the appearance of cracks. A daily hygienic shower is sufficient. Just a few times a month, the breast can be washed with cosmetics;
  2. Up to 6 months (for medical reasons up to 5), the newborn should be fed only with breast milk. If your baby is hot, you should apply it to your chest more often. Numerous studies have made it clear that a child can be exclusively breastfed for up to 12 months without compromising his health;
  3. Bottles and pacifiers must be completely discarded. Supplementation, water, necessary medicines should be given correctly only from a spoon. Babies easily get used to the nipple, which has a negative effect on the duration and quality of breastfeeding;
  4. It is important to avoid pumping after each feed. A month after giving birth, the woman begins to produce exactly as much breast milk as is required to feed the newborn. Expressing is necessary in exceptional cases: in case of forced separation from the child, during the treatment of mastitis, for the formation of lactation in the first month, if little milk is produced;
  5. If the child falls asleep only with the breast, there is no need to deprive him of such pleasure. Prolonged sucking will help maintain lactation, and will also give the mother the opportunity to relax with the baby if it does not work out well at other times.

General rules for breastfeeding will help maintain lactation for a long time. If the baby eats breast milk after a year, it should not be weaned. Stopping feeding against the will of the newborn has a bad effect on both his condition and the well-being of the mother.

New parents have a lot of questions about feeding a newborn baby. Mother's milk has been proven to be the best nutrition for your baby because it is designed to feed your baby. No formula, even the most expensive one, can compare in composition with breast milk, created by nature itself.

Of course, there are situations when breastfeeding is impossible for various reasons. Then it is important to be right for your child, taking into account his individual characteristics.

Breastfeeding or bottle feeding isn't just about feeding time for your baby. Also, this is the period when you communicate most closely with him, get to know each other. This is the most memorable time for the emergence of maternal feelings, love, tenderness for your baby, just during the period of newborn.

Breastfeeding the newborn

What rules should be followed to make the feeding process the most successful, bringing only positive emotions to both participants?

If you feel comfortable, attach the newborn directly to the breast. in the delivery room... Of course, it is unlikely that he will immediately begin to eat as needed, but the very process of applying the crumbs that have just been born will bring you great satisfaction and joy.

If possible after giving birth, ask to bring your baby to you as soon as possible. Joint stay mom and baby - one of the conditions. During the first feedings, do not worry about the baby getting too little milk. He will definitely get his own. Better try to pick up for you, help the baby learn to take the breast.

Newborn feeding mode

Among pediatricians, there is no unequivocal opinion as to whether it is worth adhering to a strict feeding regimen. Some argue that you need to feed a newborn strictly by the hour - every 3-4 hours (depending on the weight of the child). Others are supporters of " feeding on demand". The first approach is more convenient for the mother, while the second is more physiological for the baby.

In fact, adults, even observing the regime, will go to the kitchen and be sure to have something to eat, feeling hunger at an inopportune hour. Why, then, should the baby cry because he got hungry at the “wrong” time? All people are different - this truth is also true for children. Some newborns will suckle for a long time and rarely, other babies may breastfeed for 10 minutes every half hour. This means that the child needs it. Don't worry, be patient. Over time, everything will return to normal.

Mothers are often worried that the baby is not eating enough. How many must eat newborn baby? Yes, then his instinct will answer itself. The kid himself will get as much milk as he needs.

Of course, there are various formulas for calculating nutritional norms for newborns, however, when breastfeeding, it is difficult to accurately determine the volume of crumbs of milk drunk, except perhaps with the help check weighing... In addition, a baby can eat more in one feeding, and less in another.

Formula feeding a newborn

This formula is popular among doctors. calculating the nutritional norm of a newborn: the number of days of a newborn baby, multiply by 70 (if the baby was born with a weight of less than 3.2 kg) or 80 (if the baby was more than 3.2 kg at birth). So, if a newborn is 5 days old and his birth weight was 3 kg, then he should eat about 350 ml (5x70) in one day. Divide the amount of milk per day by the number of feedings, and you will get the approximate amount of milk per feeding.

In the case of artificial feeding, the given formula will just be very effective for determining the volume of the formula for each feeding. And the mode "on demand" with artificial feeding is giving way feeding by the hour... The newborn should be bottle fed no more than 3 hours later. Usually, a child of the first month of life drinks 30-60 ml of the mixture in one feeding.

Do I need to add water to a newborn?

There is also no consensus on this issue, but more and more doctors are coming to the conclusion that a healthy newborn child should not be supplemented. The fluid obtained from breast milk is enough for a newborn.

If it is a very hot summer, you can give the baby a little boiled water... But don't overuse. The amount of milk produced by a mother is directly related to how much the baby sucks. And the water will take the place in the baby's stomach intended for milk.

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For a baby in the first months of life, the most useful food is breast milk. The components included in its composition allow the baby to fully develop and grow. To prevent the feeding process from becoming a painful procedure, young mothers should not make common mistakes. They need to know how to feed the baby, when it is best to do it, and what mistakes to avoid.

Now let's dwell on this in more detail.

Features of the first attachment of a newborn

The first attachment of the baby to the mother's breast is the final process of delivery. This manipulation is carried out without fail, because this is the only way to establish and enhance lactation. Let us dwell in more detail on why it is so important in the first minutes of birth to attach the baby to the mother's breast?

The first attachment of a crumb should occur immediately after its appearance in this world. It is important that the meeting between the mother and the baby takes place no later than 30 minutes. As soon as the baby was born, the doctor cut off his umbilical cord, he was immediately sent to his mother's chest.

The pediatrician present at the birth should help the baby to find the nipple with sponges and grab it. This is exactly how the first attachment happens.

Why so little? This time will be enough for him to feel his mother and get the necessary portion of colostrum, the beneficial properties of which will be discussed further. In addition, the baby is laid out naked on the mother's chest, and he cannot be naked for a long time, since he will simply freeze.

The purpose of the first application is to feed the baby with valuable drops of colostrum. In this case, it is possible to form a reliable immunity to protect the body. The reason is that colostrum contains valuable ingredients. Thanks to them, the baby's body is protected from various infections, which tend to infect the still weakened body of the baby.

The first attachment is a kind of inoculation of a newborn baby from various ailments.

The valuable properties of colostrum

Colostrum is the secret of the mammary glands, the production of which occurs before childbirth and in the last days of pregnancy. A secret arises against the background of the future mom's body developing a hormone called. It is he who influences the formation of milk in a woman's breast.

Colostrum is a thick liquid. Its color is yellow or gray-yellow. The composition contains a large amount:

  • proteins,
  • mineral trace elements,
  • vitamin A,
  • vitamins B, E.

All these components are found in large quantities, but sugar and fats are present in low concentrations.

The chemical composition of colostrum is quite complex and differs in many respects from the composition of milk. This secret contains over 30 components. Each woman has a different composition of colostrum, which is associated with individual characteristics of the body.

Duration of feeding in the first days and weeks of life

Most inexperienced mothers are concerned about the duration of breastfeeding in the first days and weeks. Doctors recommend feeding your baby until he releases the nipple himself. How the nipples are prepared for feeding,. There is absolutely no need to set a specific feeding schedule, adhering to a specific time.

The baby should be at the breast for as long as he wants. This usually lasts 25 minutes. During this time, the baby manages to get enough watery milk, and then more fatty.

Mom should not remove the nipple from the baby's mouth if she starts to fall asleep. Feeding should be extended. Only in this case, you need to ensure that the newborn does not choke. Sucking during sleep, the baby feeds on milk, which contains the most valuable fats and proteins.

It is necessary to show concern in the event that a month-old baby breastfeeds for only 10 minutes, and then refuses it.

The duration of feeding is determined by the age of the baby. The older he is, the faster and less often he eats. Already at 3 months, the baby's body becomes strong, strong, and the baby himself is able to absorb a large amount of milk. It is also the age when a baby in an acute form experiences psycho-emotional discomfort and the need for calming.

How often to feed a baby in the first month

If breastfeeding is carried out by healthy and full-term babies, then the number of feedings per day will be 6-7 times. Break between feedings - 3 hours. At the same time, it is important that the baby consumes a sufficient amount of the product.

To feed a monthly crumbs, you need 600 ml of milk per day. For one feeding, he eats 100 ml.

Common mom mistakes

Very often, due to her inexperience, a nursing mother makes a number of common mistakes:

  1. When a woman experiences discomfort or pain while breastfeeding, then you should not endure it. Sometimes the reason for the discomfort is that the baby has not completely captured the breast. To eliminate the problem that has arisen, you just need to correct the chest and apply it correctly.
    will teach the correct position and attachment to the chest.
  2. Feeding the baby should be on demand.... There is no need to remove the breast. The kid will let her go when he is full.
  3. Mommies wake up their baby, who fell asleep after 5 minutes of sucking. This is wrong, although for such a short period the baby still does not have time to fully get enough. In this case, you need to wait until the baby releases the nipple on its own.
  4. You can not give the baby two breasts at once in one feeding.... He is not yet able to fully suck on one breast. When during feeding from one breast there is a flow of milk from the other, then it is worth putting a pad in the bra. Recommended for lactating women. They feel more comfortable in special underwear.
  5. Do not pump after feeding... The mammary gland is arranged in such a way that the more milk is taken from it, the more it will give.
    After feeding the baby and expressing milk, you stimulate the mammary glands to produce large amounts of milk, which can lead to stagnation. We described what this painful condition is in the last article.

Feeding a baby on average lasts 25 minutes.

Useful information for nursing mothers and women preparing for motherhood about colostrum and breastfeeding in this video:

Feeding a baby in the first month of life is a very responsible process that requires adherence to certain rules. If the nursing mother remembers them and adheres to them, then neither she nor the baby will have any problems during the feeding period.

Feeding the newborn on demand is considered new. However, this method is older than hourly feeding. Feeding on demand is the basis of breastfeeding, which is formed naturally and adapts to the rhythm of the baby. Many doctors and nursing mothers choose this particular approach and pay attention only to the needs of the baby. Let's take a closer look at each approach.

By mode

This method assumes that the newborn is fed on an hourly basis. For the first month, the baby breastfeeds every three hours and sucks for 30 minutes. As they grow older, the intervals between feedings increase, and the duration of applications decreases. Feeding at night is not recommended, and the break between attachments during this period is 6 hours.

  • The child has a clear daily routine;
  • The baby does not need to be fed at night;
  • Mom knows exactly when to feed the newborn and when she will have free time;
  • No need to sleep together;
  • Some pediatricians believe that such feeding improves digestion and assimilation of food due to the timely production of gastric juice.

Often the child has to be fed with milk formulas, which negatively affect the development of the baby. Such food can cause allergies in a newborn, and children switch to complementary foods as early as 3-4 months.

The dangerous consequences of this method are the extinction of lactation and an increased risk of developing breast diseases in a nursing mother. Keep in mind that breast milk production is directly dependent on the baby's attachments. The fewer applications, the less milk is excreted. As a result, milk accumulates in the glands, which often leads to painful sensations in the chest, the appearance of seals and lactostasis.

Feeding by the clock does not at all guarantee a good night for mom, since such a long break in the first two to three months causes severe hunger in the baby. As a result, the baby often wakes up and cries. But over time, the child gets used to such night breaks, and in the future he sleeps peacefully. However, as practice shows, such children grow up more insecure and anxious.

The basics of feeding by regimen

  • Feed a certain number of times a day. Newborns up to three months of age are applied seven times every 3 hours. Babies aged 3-5 months are fed six times every 3.5 hours. From six months to a year, the number of feedings is reduced to five times with an interval of 4 hours;
  • The duration of feeding in the first month is 30 minutes, then 15 minutes;
  • In one feeding, the baby is given only one breast, and in the next - the second;
  • At night, the break between attachments is 6 hours;
  • If milk remains in the breast after breastfeeding, pumping is necessary.

On demand

With this approach, the baby is fed when he wants it. The duration and number of applications are not limited. The child is not force-fed, but breastfed only when he wants. But they also do not take it away until the baby is satisfied and he himself does not stop eating or falls asleep. As a rule, such feedings occur every 1.5-2.5 hours during the day and at least 3 times at night. Such a rhythm does not harm the baby at all and does not lead to the spoiled child, as many believe.

For the first two to three weeks, most of the time will have to be devoted to feeding the newborn. In the first month, the number of feedings can reach 18-20 times a day or more. But over time, the duration and number of attachments are gradually reduced by themselves. Already by the age of three months, his own regime is formed, which the baby has chosen and installed on his own.

This contributes to successful, harmonious and long-term breastfeeding, which has a beneficial effect on the development of the baby. You can read about the benefits of breast milk for a baby.


  • The baby fully receives substances and elements for harmonious growth and development;
  • The newborn is less tormented by colic, gas and other stomach upsets;
  • The baby receives the required amount of food and does not need supplementary feeding with milk formulas;
  • The child does not need to be supplemented with water and there is no need to introduce early and premature complementary foods;
  • Frequent latching - good stimulation of lactation and prevention of various breast diseases in lactating women;
  • This method improves lactation, which avoids problems with a lack of milk for the newborn;
  • Natural and regular breastfeeding does not require pumping;
  • Frequent attachments completely satisfy the sucking reflex, soothe the baby and make it possible to do without a pacifier;
  • These babies grow up healthier, more confident and calm.

Minuses This method consists in the fact that before the first complementary feeding, breast milk will be the only food for the baby, so the mother always needs to be ready for the feeding process. In addition, the woman will have to adjust to the rhythm of the baby, take the baby to bed and sleep together. A woman should be prepared for lack of sleep and fatigue. And the strong affection of the baby will not allow the mother to be absent for a long time and leave the child with someone else.

The basics of on-demand feeding

  • Apply the child on demand, do not wait for strong crying or tantrums. When the baby is hungry, he behaves restlessly and begins to move his lips;
  • The number and duration of feedings are not limited. Do not remove the breast from the baby until he is full. When the baby is full, he himself releases the nipple or falls asleep;
  • Use nipples and pacifiers that replace breasts as little as possible. Modern pediatricians recommend completely eliminating such devices during natural breastfeeding. All pros and cons of using a pacifier;
  • Do not add water to your child. Up to 6-7 months, the baby does not need it, since milk contains the required amount of water and fully satisfies the baby's fluid needs. As an exception, with severe colic, it is sometimes possible to give a newborn dill water. And in extreme heat, wipe the child with wet wipes, bathe more often and do air baths;
  • Both breasts are used in one feeding. First, the baby completely empties one breast, and only then receives the second. It is important that the baby receives both front and back milk.
  • Sleep together at first. will have a positive effect on the mental development of the child. In addition, the mother will be able to quickly breastfeed at night.

Whether it is worth feeding a newborn on time or on demand is up to each nursing mother individually. However, pediatricians today insist on continuous breastfeeding and breastfeeding at the request of the child. This has a positive effect on the well-being of the mother and the development of the baby. On-demand feeding satisfies both the physiological and psychological needs of the newborn.