Beautiful paths made of natural stone. Do-it-yourself stone paths in the country. Paving the path on the sand

Natural stones for the path are amazing stuff traditionally used to create garden paths - integral element landscape design... Agree that a stone (albeit decorative) can be called a particle of nature. Perhaps that is why it looks great in every garden. No one will remain indifferent, contemplating various combinations of shades and textures in conjunction with bright lawns and flower beds.

Natural stone for paths is ideal for arranging various areas in the garden, despite their functional purpose and operating conditions. Insofar as this material has excellent performance properties, it will perfectly serve for more than a dozen years in any climatic conditions... If laid down correctly, the stone will withstand constant freezing and heating cycles, exposure to moisture, sun rays and will not change color and relief. Also, stones for the path are considered safe for human health, because they do not chemically react with substances of the natural environment. This means that the laying of paths is an excellent and safe decoration of the site on long years.

Path stones: varieties

Today, garden areas are paved with the following rocks: granite, shale, sandstone, shungite and quartzite. The strongest and most durable, resistant to weathering, frost and high humidity is granite, which consists of quartz, mica and also has a wide color range- from gray to dark red materials. Very popular stones for the path, consisting of natural sandstone, which is not as strong as granite, but also very durable. It is an easy-to-process material that can easily be given varied form... Basically, for paving garden areas, limestone, cobblestone, chipped paving stones, boulder and sawn stone are used. The most popular flagstone is flat slabs with chipped edges - ideal for pedestrian areas. Lay it on a concrete or sandy base. Chopped paving stones are rectangular or square shapes having chipped edges. Therefore, such a foundation does not need additional reinforcement with curbs. Sawn natural got their name because of the peculiarities mechanical processing- sawing and grinding. Decorative bases are made from cobblestone - natural rounded stone of small size, allowing you to create beautiful sidewalks and stone panels.


Also, very strong, reliable bases are laid out of natural material, which are used as driveways for cars. In this case, the material is laid on concrete. The concrete base is also used when paving pedestrian areas from pebbles, beautifully winding around the suburban area. Among the green lawns, pedestrian zones made of limestone, which are stacked step by step, will look great. Craftsmen select a stone for the paths that is more suitable in style. The price of such paved foundations is quite high, and ranges from 3,700 rubles per square meter when working on a turnkey basis. This process is very laborious and represents a real engineering structure. The choice of coverage and its cost depend on the purpose of the sidewalk, conditions and modes of operation and, of course, style. However, the stones for the walkway justify

Everyone knows that natural natural stone for paths is best material for paving and landscaping. The variety of its types allows you to choose any solution for design backyard territory of private houses.


Natural stone, like no other material, emphasizes the natural beauty of the garden, lawns and flower beds located on the site. Besides, natural materials They are distinguished by their durability (10 times more than that of artificial analogs) and can withstand serious weight loads.

Natural materials for arranging paths

Speaking of natural stone for paths, thereby defining the concept of its natural origin. Natural origin gives an idea of ​​the physical and mechanical characteristics as well as the appearance.

Due to the ease of processing during extraction, it has affordable cost, and therefore very widespread. This material is not extremely durable, but rather durable and frost-resistant. It differs in appearance geometric shapes and sizes: from wild stone to sawn slabs. It can be green, brown, yellow, red, or any other shade.


Slate It has a layered structure and therefore easily separates into flat slabs, in the form of which it is sold. It contains porous materials that can lead to the destruction of slabs under the influence of moisture in the cold season. The densest variety is quartzite.

Shungite Is a very durable stone, perfect for paving. Withstands a large number of freezing cycles. Sold in the form of paving slabs and paving stones. The colors are different: from light gray to deep black. In the presence of quartz in its composition, shungite forms white or gold patterns.


Quartzite differs in its hardness, durability and frost resistance. It is difficult to handle. Sold as paving slabs or paving stones. Has a beautiful multicolor surface: from pure white to dark red and dark green. Because of this, it is popular with developers with above-average incomes.

The most durable stone material is made from granite. The color of granite products depends on the elements that make up it. The appearance of the granite platforms and paths is distinguished by grace and beauty. When landscaping the territory, granite is used for paving areas in front of the entrance and pedestrian sidewalks. Sold in the form of chipped paving stones and tiles.

Advantages of natural stone road materials

Tracks from natural stone emphasize the great taste of the owners and are a real decoration of the site. except appearance Natural materials are valued for a number of benefits, which include:

  • durability even under the most unfavorable operating conditions;
  • strength and frost resistance;
  • wide range of applications;
  • ease of installation;
  • a large assortment of textures, colors and sizes.

The disadvantages of natural stone paths include high cost, the need for a reinforced base for laying due to heavy weight coating and the complexity of material processing.

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A natural stone.

Comparison with artificial materials

Due to their natural origin over millions of years, natural materials have unique properties, which significantly distinguish them from artificial substitutes. The comparison can be made using the following indicators:

  • receiving process;
  • operational and technical characteristics;
  • application area;
  • price.

On all points given here, natural natural stone is superior to materials. industrial production... Even the higher cost is justified by the lifetime. Since the tracks from natural stone serve ten times longer, which makes the cost of purchasing them much less.

The use of natural stone materials is perfect for a developer who has the financial ability to make a one-time investment in construction and improvement, and then forget about repair problems for many years. Natural stone sidewalks and paths last at least 100 years.

Substrate preparation and installation

For the correct laying of natural stone on pedestrian and garden paths, there are three ways that differ in the technology of preparing the base. It can be:

  • concrete;
  • from cement and sand;
  • just out of sand.

The bearing base of concrete is used when laying stone tiles, all types of paving stones, etc. It is good to put boulders and cobblestones on a sandy pillow. A mixture of cement and sand is universal for all types of products.

To prepare any kind of base for a natural stone path, it is necessary to draw up a plan, make markings and install a drainage drainage system.

Planning and layout

Given the high cost of natural stone, work should start with an accurate plan. This will help determine the consumption of materials and avoid extra costs... When making a plan, you need to remember that laying garden paths with your own hands should take place at such a distance from the trees that in the future the growing roots will not damage the base.


The width of the stone path should be up to 1.2 meters plus the thickness of the curbs. On it, 2 people should disperse when they meet. The slopes of the paved pavement are made so that atmospheric precipitation does not flow to the buildings. The marking is done using pegs hammered along the track in accordance with the plan, and a cord stretched along them.

Drainage layer design

To properly make the drainage drainage, it is necessary to remove upper layer soil over the entire marked area and dig a trench to a depth of 30-40 cm. thin layer sand and compact the surface well. Then cover with a layer of non-woven, overlapping the fabrics with each other by 5-10 cm. This will effectively drain water into the ground and prevent the germination of weeds.


For the device of a drainage layer 10-15 cm thick, gravel or fine crushed stone is poured, rammed and covered with non-woven textiles. The purpose of the drainage layer is to drain rain, melt and ground water from under the base into the ground.

If it is along the garden path, then this work is done after the surface of the drainage layer is tamped. If necessary, sand is poured under the curb or a solution is laid. The height of the edge of the curbs above ground level is 5-7 cm.

Concrete base device

To arrange a concrete base, a layer of sand 3-4 cm thick is poured onto the textiles. This is necessary so that the non-woven fabric is not damaged by the sharp edges of the rubble. If you installed a curb, then during the pouring of concrete, it will serve as a formwork, just cover it with plastic wrap beforehand so as not to get dirty. If there is no border, then install the formwork from boards or durable sheet material.

Foundation diagram.

After that, a layer of concrete 10-15 cm thick is poured into the trench, depending on the thickness of the paving stone used. If the movement of a car is possible on the surface, then the concrete layer must be reinforced. The concrete mixture hardens within 72 hours.

After the concrete has hardened, a dry cement-sand mixture in a ratio of 1: 4 is poured onto its surface in an even layer, on which the stone will be laid. It is very important that the mixture is dry. Therefore, its preparation and layout is best done gradually during laying.

Cement-sand base

For the device of this type of base, after organizing the drainage layer, a layer of sand with a thickness of 7-10 cm is poured into the trench, rammed, and then a dry mixture of cement with sand is spread in an even layer in a ratio of 1: 4.

The layer is tamped again, and the tiles will be laid on it using backfill. At the time of laying, the mixture must be dry and compacted. In order to exclude spillage of the mixture, a curb or formwork should be installed along the edges.

Sand pillow

This is the simplest, cheapest, but also not so reliable type of foundation. It is not recommended to use it in places with a possibly increased load, with heaving and mobile soils, high level groundwater.

To prepare a sand cushion, sand is poured into the trench in layers and rammed, periodically spilling water. The stone is laid on this compacted sand.

The styling process.

Natural stone laying

The technology for laying natural stone depends on its thickness and configuration. Smooth paving slabs and the paving stones are laid practically close to each other from one edge to the other. First, one row is laid out along the length of a meter and a half.

And then the transverse rows are already laid. The area is filled in 1-2 square meters, with a gradual advance. During work, a flat surface is always checked with a building level for the presence of a slope for water drainage and the height of the tiles. If the tile has subsided, then pour in the mixture, and the protruding elements are leveled with a rubber hammer.

Tapping plates.

After laying paving slabs or paving stones of any type, the seams are carefully sealed with a cement-sand mixture. To do this, it is scattered over the surface of the paving and swept with a soft brush. Then the surface is watered with water. After 3 days, the operation is repeated.

Uneven slabs such as sandstone and flagstone are shaped to minimize seams. If necessary, you can use a grinder with a diamond disc for trimming. After laying, the seams are not closed up, but simply covered with sand and spilled with water.

On the original paths of cobblestone and boulders, the stone is slightly instilled, leaving about half of the volume on the surface.


Layout option.

The development of modern building technologies leads to the fact that new materials for paving sidewalks are constantly appearing. For example, the production of paving slabs is rapidly developing at. Colored concrete mixtures remain popular and do not go anywhere.

But people have not yet come up with road materials that are more beautiful and more durable than natural natural stone, which, despite its high cost, is very popular among developers of all levels. Almost everyone can make a path from natural stone with their own hands.

Most of the developers, in suburban areas, when creating, prefers natural materials. In these cases better alternative than the use of natural, natural stone, no.

When creating landscape design on a suburban area, most developers prefer the arrangement of garden paths using natural materials. He possesses natural beauty, naturalness and high strength characteristics.

Natural beauty, high strength characteristics and naturalness are the main advantages of this material.

When used various materials eg flat natural stone or wild natural flagstone. Such a natural material, if done correctly, is distinguished by its reliability, quality and durability.

List of required materials and tools

In the construction of a garden path made of stone, the following materials are used:

  • sand;
  • cement;
  • crushed stone;
  • special glue for stones;
  • screening out.

Tools for laying natural stone: shovel; mallet; Bulgarian; Master OK; building level; cord; brush.

List of required tools:

  • shovel;
  • mallet;
  • concrete mixer;
  • Bulgarian;
  • Master OK;
  • hard brush for special glue;
  • special trowel for gluing stone;
  • cutting wheels for stone;
  • building level.

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Garden paths made of flat natural stone

To measure the garden path, take four wooden pegs and mark the two sides with them. Pull the rope and every one and a half meters hammer in the wooden pegs necessary for further fastening of the guides.

The construction of the track in this case includes two stages. The first stage is the designation of the contour of the future track. Its tortuosity and shape are determined only taste preferences and the imagination of the owners of the suburban area. Then, with the help of shovels, a ditch is torn off exactly along the contour. Its depth should not be less than the length equal to the metal part of the bayonet shovel. After removing the sod, a layer of coarse material is poured along the entire length of the ditch. This can be crushed stone, pebbles, slag or brick breakage. Any material used must be compacted. Then, along the entire length of the ditch, a layer of sand is poured, which, in turn, is also compacted with the obligatory use of water.

The second stage is direct, which can consist of two options. First, a flat natural stone is laid out on the sand. This option is much easier, both in terms of financial and time costs, and in terms of the complexity of the process. The second option - a natural stone is laid on a concrete solution. This option is more expensive and more difficult, but it is much more reliable.

The construction of paths, covered with natural stones, the seams between which are filled with mortar (a), vegetative soil with sown grass (b) and roads for vehicles (c): 1 - natural stone; 2 - solution; 3 - sand; 4 - vegetable soil; 5 - monolithic concrete; 6 - crushed stone; 7 - rubble stone.

If the developers decide to use the first option, then when laying on the sand it is necessary to press it harder, sometimes a rubber mallet is used for this. Then, in order to fix the laid material, you need to dilute the sand and slurry of cement in a ratio of 3: 1 and fill the gaps between the stones.

If the second option is used, then the prepared concrete solution, on a small area of ​​the prepared base, is distributed around the entire perimeter in a layer of 10-12 cm. The material, as in the first case, must be laid evenly over the area, while slightly pressing down. After the stone has adhered to concrete, as in the above case, the gaps should be filled with cement mortar.

- a fairly simple process, but it still has its own tricks that need to be paid attention to. First, the path must be properly edged with a curb so that it does not part in width. Secondly, so that rainwater does not accumulate, the path should protrude slightly above the ground level.

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Garden paths made of wild natural flagstone

Slab - layers of natural stone with strength and natural pattern.

Ideal building material for the construction of garden paths, a torn unedged stone is used, in other words, flagstone. It is easy to process, relatively inexpensive, resistant to impact external environment... This is an absolutely environmentally friendly material. Not only garden paths can be made of this natural stone, but entire grounds can also be laid out. To correctly make a garden path, you need to know the laying technology, which, by and large, is not difficult at all.

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Preparing the substrate for installation

Preparation of the base for laying flagstone consists in the fact that the entire contour of the pre-marked concrete is poured, i.e. a concrete screed is made. While the concrete hardens, you can proceed directly to the preparation of the stones themselves, in our case the limestone.

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Preparing the limestone for laying

After the concrete has set and hardened, work must be carried out directly on the track. Using a stiff brush and a strong jet of water, the stones are thoroughly washed from clay and sand. Then they are dried and laid out next to the walkway so that each flagstone and its configuration are visible.

When laying out the elements of the garden path, the marking of the limestone will allow you not to waste time on matching them to each other.

Then proceed to the "dry" laying of the limestone on the path. Having determined the place that will be visible on the path, not covered by trees and bushes, they put on it the thickest, most beautiful and correct shape stone. Thick - because with the help of glue all the other elements that will make up the future garden path can be brought to its height. The number "1" is written on this stone with chalk. This will be a kind of starting element. Then, like in a mosaic, the next stone is selected, which ideally matches the number "1". It is placed to the first number with a gap and is written on it with chalk "2". Then, perpendicular to the line of the junction of the stones, they draw a line with chalk and write “2” on the number “1”, and, conversely, write “1” on the number “2”. This is done in order to then, at this risk, understand that the stone "1" borders on the stone "2".

Further, according to the same principle, they select the numbers "3", "4", "5", etc. And on each they put its number and draw risks on the stones with which it borders. Then, when laying the elements of the garden path, time will not be wasted on matching them to each other. If necessary, the workpieces can be corrected using a grinder and special cutting wheels.

Do-it-yourself natural stone path - we build correctly

Garden paths made of natural stone on personal plot country house or in the country is a necessity that most homeowners think about last. And this is absolutely wrong, because the tracks are on summer cottage and, moreover, in the place of permanent residence are a very important component of the improvement of the site.

Even if we do not take into account the aesthetic component, the functional and hygienic ones remain. After all, any site open ground- this is dirt and earth, and it is very inconvenient to carry kilograms of this dirt into the house every time you walk through your site, and then wash your shoes and floors. So garden paths made of stone are a very important part of suburban life.A natural stone pathway can decorate any suburban area.


Garden paths are made of natural and artificial stone. The easiest way is to use ready-made natural stones, if available.

To make a garden path from stone, you must perform the following work:

You will need pegs and rope to mark the path.

  1. Create a markup on the site. If you want to make a straight path out of stone, you can mark it with pegs and rope. If the garden path made of stone is winding, then a lot of rope and pegs will be needed to mark it. The standard width of such tracks is 80 cm.
  2. Select suitable material... There are many materials available on the market today that can be used to construct tracks. It all depends on your financial capabilities, conditions land plot.
  3. Lay the cover. This stage devices garden trail made of stone completely depends on the chosen material.

To make a garden path out of stone, you will need the following materials and tools:

  • styling material (in our case, natural stone);
  • gravel;
  • cement;
  • sand;
  • wooden boards;
  • kneading container;
  • cord;
  • pegs;
  • shovel;
  • rubber hammer;
  • roulette;
  • level.

The suburban path must be made reliable and beautiful. In this case, the material used for the construction of the track plays an essential role.


Before buying a natural stone for a garden path, you need to decide on the technology of paving. Today, there are three main options for the execution of stone paths: laying sandstone on sand, paving a path on a gravel bed, facing a concrete base.

When laying the path on a sand cushion, the size of the joints between the flagstones should not be more than 2 cm.

Sand laying is the easiest way. In the case of this method, a thick flagstone (5-8 cm) of large size should be used. In the ground, a bed is arranged under the future track, 5 cm deep more than the thickness of the stone used. At the bottom, it is necessary to pour a layer of sand 5 cm thick, carefully level it, spill it with water and tamp it. Stones should be placed on the sand end-to-end. The thickness of the seams is 1-2 cm. The seams are filled with sand to the top and spilled with water. This option is very good for garden paths, as it does not require a large excavation of land, and the risk of damage to plant roots is minimized. However, this method cannot be used in the case of clay soil prone to heaving. After frost due to water lenses, the track on such soil can warp and lose its presentable appearance.

Tracks are usually laid on gravel if the soil is clayey or prone to heaving.

For clay soils prone to heaving, it is better to use the second method, with a gravel pad. Stock depth for this method is done 20-30 cm more than the thickness of the stone. The stone thickness for such paths can be reduced to 30 mm for gray limestone and up to 40-50 mm for light varieties of limestone (yellow, white, orange, beige). A layer of sand is poured to the bottom, and crushed stone (gravel) in equal amounts on top. After that, it is necessary to carefully tamp the base of the future garden path, carefully shed it and tamp it again.

After that, you can start the paving process. All elements must be laid on a layer of mortar with a thickness of about 3 cm and leveled with a wooden mallet. The sections of the path 60-70 cm long are insulated with intervals in the form of expansion joints across the path. The thickness of the seams is 1-5 cm. Later, after the completion of the work and the hardening of the mortar, these seams are filled with fine gravel screenings or sand (if the seams are small), or soil, followed by sowing the grass (if the seams are wide). The type of seam, of course, must be selected in advance. Ordinary, non-expansion joints should be filled with mortar.

24 hours after laying, when the cement has hardened, but has not yet gained strength, the stone must be poured with water and thoroughly cleaned from the mortar using a metal brush. In addition, it is recommended to cover light varieties of limestone with a special repulsive stone impregnation, which will provide protection from water and dust.

The scheme of laying natural stone on a sand-cement mortar.

The third version of the device for a garden path is universal and is used both for regular areas and paths, and for a blind area around the house. The concrete base is cast in the formwork in the usual way, with reinforcement. The thickness of the concrete base should be 15-20 cm. A gravel pad is required, as in the second option, because in addition to softening the forces of heaving of the soil, the pillow also performs the function of drainage. When using concrete, the stone performs the functions of facing and does not experience significant bending loads. In view of this, the thickness of the stone may be even less than in the second version, but not less than 2-3 cm for gray sandstone and 4 cm for light sandstone.

In all three methods, it is necessary to maintain a slope angle of approximately 3 degrees, which will ensure water drainage.


It is best to buy a stone for a garden path with a reserve.

First of all, you need to calculate the amount of stone, the square and the footage of the track. If you can't calculate, then just pave the layout of the garden path and change it as you work. This way you can arrive at the ideal structure for your garden path. Then this layout will need to be removed and the silhouette of the path on the ground will be drawn.

Before laying the trail, the soil must be properly prepared. At the site of the future track, it is necessary to sift the sand and tamp it carefully. The resulting pillow will allow the stones not to fall through and not go sideways.

Now you need to deal directly with the material that will be used for paving the path. To do this, you should process all the elements that will be used in the work: remove irregularities, select dimensions, smooth the surface, level, trim. When all the elements fit one to one, they will need to be joined.

Before laying stones on the sand, it must be tamped.

The joining of stones is like laying out a mosaic, only on the ground and out of stone. If something does not work out for you, the size can be adjusted artificially - using a grinder (grinder) on a stone. However, this entails additional material costs and is therefore not very profitable. As a result, it can easily turn out not what you planned for the layout before starting work.

When all the stones are joined and laid out, all that remains is to close up the seams so that the stone path will last as long as possible. The solution can be prepared not only from simple and well known mixture sand and cement, but also from a mixture of sand and marble chips.

After finishing the sealing and drying, the path is ready.


Paving a garden path made of stone with your own hands allows you to save the developer's money and makes it possible to feel like a real designer of your land plot. Moreover, this process not as responsible and difficult as, for example, building a house.

The layout of the path must be laid out in advance, so that later you do not select suitable pieces of stones.

The main thing is to decide on the paving scheme of the paths before starting work, whitening the main destinations to which these paths should lead. Such points can be: lawns and flower beds, wings and gazebos, artificial ponds and alpine slides, barbecue areas and technical facilities, children's sandboxes.

The width of the garden paths is usually made so that the garden cart can pass unhindered. Depending on the type of trail, it is done without or with a border. The path can be at or above ground level. The first option is more convenient in Everyday life, the second is more convenient in terms of cleaning - less soil is applied to it.

The garden path can be paved on a cement or concrete base. except natural material you can use paving slabs, paving stones, clinker bricks, decking, fake diamond, concrete with a special shape, composite board.

The modern solution to the design of the track is a geogrid, i.e. planting shallow grass between structural elements.

To make the paving of the garden path as simple and convenient as possible, adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Lay out the place. For natural look it is necessary to plan the contours of the site, with a patio out of the blue and steps on a cut hillside, if any. Dig up the area. Any vegetation in the path must be removed. The area must be thoroughly cleared. Stone slabs 10 cm thick are laid on a base of 10 cm thick gravel layer.
  2. Thin, lightweight slabs such as sandstone often require a base of stone dust mixed with cement to ensure the best possible fit. Pack the gravel thoroughly. When the tamping is complete, the base will be smooth and firm, ready for natural stone installation.
  3. The elements can be combined if desired. Before placing the stones in place of the walkway, arrange them in a dry place in order, combining chips and cuts. It will take much less time than cutting and leveling all the ribs. When laying the material, it must be checked with a level.

Incorrect inclination of stones is corrected using a sledgehammer with a piece of wood under it. This is necessary, first of all, so that the stones fit as closely as possible to the base, and water cannot seep under them, because when frosts begin, it will expand and raise the components of the path. The wide joints between the elements of the path must be filled with mortar.

Using sticks and a laser level, measure out how many steps are needed to achieve the required height. You can use a circular saw to cut stones for steps. A tool with a 14-inch diamond blade can cut stones up to 10 cm thick, but this blade cannot handle stones that are 15 cm thick. Use a sledgehammer and wedges to break these stones.

If you are laying not a flat path, but steps, be sure to make sure that their device is correct and reliable. Each stone step must be perfect, otherwise it can disrupt the entire structure. When the path is completely ready, you can start improving the space around it. Natural stone does not need clear boundaries, so you can not plant anything on purpose around it. Everything here is purely individual.

The company offers natural natural stone for paving, both in raw form - flagstone, and in the form of tiles and stone blocks. The range of natural colors is simply endless. If the price for natural stone for paths is a priority for you, the numbers in the catalog will surprise you with their availability. We, as a manufacturer, can afford a pricing policy that is favorable for you.

Natural natural stone for paving

The assortment of natural stone allows you to implement the most complex projects. Natural natural stone paving can be done using different types masonry.

Buy natural paving stone from the manufacturer is a profitable investment

"Pankamen" offers customers to buy natural stone for paving - a spectacular material of the "Premium" class. These are tiles made of practical and beautiful breeds: shale, sandstone, lemesite, zlatalite.
  • For some, our flagstone stone will be the answer to the highest demands;
  • Others will opt for tiles made in a special drum with amazing texture and streamlined corners;
  • Still others will be attracted by their unique palette of paving stones or exclusive paving slabs made of stone ...

The indisputable advantages of natural stone paving

  1. Professional paving with natural stone is deservedly classified as an elite development of territories.
  2. Nature itself has endowed it with an elegant decor, which is impossible to repeat by hand.
  3. For a long time, he is ready to serve, keeping the original form and external characteristics.
  4. Fits perfectly into any landscape concept, is highly resistant to the most negative climatic influences.
  5. Manual stone processing only improves the material given by nature, gives him all the data of an unshakable favorite!
The overall visualization and prestige depend on how thoughtfully the paths and areas near buildings (houses) are located, with what covering they are ennobled. Natural stone paving is considered exclusive - neither concrete, nor a neat lawn or wooden flooring can compare with it. Only this high-quality material is inherent in durability, coupled with an amazing variety of patterns and shades! The versatility of the properties and decorativeness of natural stone (including flagstone) will not leave you indifferent. All that remains is to find your own paving material ...