Lemon juice diluted with water for hair rinse. Lemon for hair - benefits and methods of application. Citrus Styling Spray


Today we will talk about our beauty. I want to offer you simple hair masks with lemon. After all, our beautiful hair, their healthy appearance, shine, and vitality always give us a feeling of joy. Of course, we can buy expensive shampoos and hair rinses in pharmacies or stores. But many products that are produced by the industry have a negative effect on the structure of the hair. And even worsen the condition of the scalp.

Therefore, folk recipes that can be used at home are very popular. And lemon juice can help us a lot with this. In my blog, I have already shared simple recipes for the beauty of the face with lemon. Who has not read the article, I invite you. You can go to the article.

I think that when a woman is well-groomed, an unusual mood is created inside. And it always gives us only positive emotions that are so important for our health.

So, what kind of masks and rinses with lemon can we use at home?

Rinsing hair with lemon.

The simplest remedy is to simply add a little lemon juice to the rinse water. The proportions are approximately the same - the juice of a whole lemon (half can be) per 1 liter of water.

Wash your hair with shampoo. Rinse your hair. For this, it is best to use cool water. The hair will be healthier, more manageable, additional shine will appear, the hair will become denser and will not fluff. Alkali, which is always present in our tap water, is neutralized.

Perhaps, many have heard about the decoction of burdock for the health of our hair. This decoction helps to stop hair loss and improves their appearance. And if you add a little more lemon juice to this decoction, you get a wonderful remedy that, in addition to its therapeutic effect, has a significant cosmetic effect.

Lemon hair mask. Firming effect .

Take 1-2 tablespoons, half a glass of lemon juice and a glass of water. Put the roots in boiling water, boil everything over low heat for 15 minutes, insist, strain. When the broth has cooled, add lemon juice to it. You can simply rub this infusion into the scalp, you can rinse your hair after washing.

Hair bleaching with lemon.

I read that Claudia Schiffer uses this recipe. You can only use it on sunny summer days, it is better in the country, probably, or on vacation - on the beach. Dilute lemon juice in half with vodka. Spread individual strands with this infusion and immediately go out into the sun. In the evening you can see the effect. It turns out sunny - lemon hair highlights.

Therapeutic wraps with lemon juice.

Such procedures are good for giving hair volume and shine, for their recovery. For example, after dyeing hair, with weak, thinning hair.

For any type of hair it's great to make such a mask - wrapping. Take 1 onion, 1 yolk, 1 tbsp. burdock oil, 1 tbsp. shampoo or liquid soap, 1 tbsp. lemon juice and 2 tablespoons of honey.

Onion juice (just grate and squeeze through cheesecloth) mixed with raw yolk. Add burdock oil, lemon juice, honey, soap or shampoo. Beat everything (preferably with a mixer) until a thick foam forms. Apply to damp hair, gently rubbing into the scalp. Cover everything with plastic. Tie with a warm scarf or cover with a towel. After an hour or two, wash your hair in the usual way.

Mask for dry hair with lemon.

Add the juice of half a lemon to a small amount of warm olive oil. Apply to the roots of the head. Then everything is as usual. Cover your hair with polyethylene, something warm. Hold for an hour or two. Then wash your hair in the usual way.

Lemon hair mask anti-dandruff.

Remove the peel from 4 lemons, boil in 1 liter of water for 10-15 minutes. Cool, strain. Infusion rinse hair. Keep everything on track. Better 3-4 weeks.

Lemon hair mask for oily hair .

Grate the lemon on a coarse grater along with the peel, pour 100 grams of vodka. Infuse everything in a dark place for a week. Strain and add 1 tbsp. glycerin. Mix everything, close the lid. Before washing your hair (for half an hour), rub the scalp with this tincture about once every two or three days. It is better to do a course of about 3 weeks - a month. I think the result will please you.

Mask for oily hair honey - lemon - yolk .

Take 1 leaf of agave. Take out the pulp, add 1 tsp there. lemon juice, 1.tsp. honey, 1 yolk. Mix everything, apply to hair, wrap with polyethylene, put on a hat (cover with a towel) and hold for half an hour. Wash in the usual way.

Mask with lemon for normal hair .

Squeeze juice from 2 lemons, add 2 tablespoons of water, thicken everything with 1 tablespoon of flour or oatmeal. Mix everything. Apply to hair half an hour before washing. It is better to cover the head with a scarf, and not with polyethylene. To wash your hair, use shampoo for dry hair.

Mask with lemon for all hair types .

Prepare the zest from 3 lemons, dry it and chop it. Maybe in a coffee grinder. Add 1 tablespoon of sour cream and 1 yolk to the zest. Apply this mask along the entire length of the hair. Wrap with polyethylene, something warm. Leave for an hour.

Lemon for hair styling instead of gels and mousses.

In half a glass of hot water, add the lemon peel from one lemon. Boil all this on low heat for 10 minutes. Before washing your hair, rub this infusion into the roots. Then just wash your hair. Putting them up will be much easier.

Use lemon for health and for our beauty. Water with lemon is rightfully considered the elixir of life ... It is used for weight loss and the treatment of obesity. Lemon contains pectin, which controls hunger. All metabolic processes are activated. You can get in shape and lose weight. Be slim and beautiful!

These are the beauty recipes with lemon for hair for today. I hope you choose something for yourself, something that suits you.

My heartfelt gift for today Schubert Barcarolle in the magical performance of Victoria Ivanova. Anyone who visits my blog already knows this great singer. I already talked about her. Let's just listen and enjoy. Everything unearthly is just...

And my spiritual gift for today is poetry. Ruslana sent them to me. She often visits my blog. And here is such a gratitude from her for me. A poem about solar people.

I thank everyone so much for all the simple words that you leave on the blog and write to me personally.

I am surrounded by the truth, sunny people. Therefore, with the permission of Ruslana, this is for all of us who just visit me. Thank you so much for having me. I wish you all to be surrounded by sunshine and touching. Just give each other warmth and all your love.

How many Sunny People!
Not those who laugh senselessly,
when they are pinched and tickled,
and those who look like children
who without self-interest, gross flattery,
as if together with the bright sun,
we generously brighten up the days.
People like lights
in the midst of troubles and anxieties,
when involuntarily pulls to the stack,
light up the dark day
and the evil shadow disappears.
We have fun and easy with them,
and the stars shine brighter in the sky,
we forget about sadness
Haven't you met them?
Then wake up from sleep
and you will understand - among friends
so many Sunny People!
They are like eternal spring
give us light and renewal,
confidence and rebirth.
I believe no one will judge
when I say with all my heart
without flattery and beautiful lies:
"Thank you, Sunny People!"

I wish you all health and beauty, harmony of soul and body. And such sunlight nearby.

see also


    25 Sep 2014 at 9:44


    12 Feb 2014 at 1:25




    02 Feb 2013 at 21:18


    coffee man
    02 Feb 2013 at 15:51


















Now there are so many hair care products that it is not immediately possible to decide what to use. These are a variety of shampoos, conditioners, foams, mousses. But, unfortunately, even the most expensive product of the highest quality company contains chemical compounds that disrupt the structure of the hair, deprive the scalp of useful substances. And then you need to opt for hair care recipes from traditional medicine. Almost the first place in them is occupied by a lemon.

What are the benefits of lemon juice for hair?

This is a natural product that nourishes the hair and scalp with vitamins, controls the activity of the sebaceous glands of the scalp, and facilitates styling.

In addition, lemon juice can lighten hair by one or two tones without any harmful effects, give curls a healthy glow and a fresh look. Lemon juice is also very popular because it has a conditioning effect on the hair and does not require the use of a special conditioner after using the shampoo.

The most common and easiest way to care for your hair with lemon is to rinse your hair with lemon juice. Of course, there are also various lemon hair masks. But they are recommended only for owners of oily hair. This is due to the fact that the citric acid contained in the juice has a drying effect on the skin and hair.

But rinsing can be recommended for people with different types of hair, as they do not imply too long contact with lemon juice (as, for example, when using masks or body wraps). Although, of course, this remedy will be most effective for oily hair, since it can help their owners solve several problems at once.

How to rinse your hair with lemon juice

There are several recipes, depending on the goals to be achieved.

1. Lemon juice with water

The juice of one lemon, preferably freshly squeezed, is diluted in a liter of cool water. Rinse your hair with this composition after washing your hair with shampoo. It is not necessary to wash it off with water. Such rinsing will saturate the hair with vitamins, make them obedient and smooth, give them shine and silkiness. Also, this tool will help lighten the hair a little. brightening
The effect will be enhanced if, after applying the composition to the hair, dry it in the sun.

2. Decoction of lemon

Cut a whole lemon into small pieces along with the peel, knead a little. Pour half a liter of cold water, put on fire and bring to a boil. Then strain the broth and cool to room temperature. They can both rinse hair after washing, and apply to strands before styling. This will make them more manageable and allow you to fix your hair without resorting to chemical styling products.

3. Lemon juice and oil

If the hair is dry, then such a recipe can be advised for them. Mix a few tablespoons of lemon juice with two or three tablespoons of any vegetable oil, apply this mixture to your hair. After 15-20 minutes, wash your hair with any shampoo, then rinse with cool water with the addition of lemon juice.

Such simple and accessible recipes for rinsing hair with lemon juice will help keep them healthy and radiant.

In order for the hair to always remain thick, healthy and shiny, regular maintenance must be carried out. One shampoo in this matter is not enough. Restoration will require natural ingredients that are always on hand.

Among the effective home remedies for hair care, a lemon hair mask stands out, which not only gently nourishes, but also lightens the curls a little, giving them a dazzling natural shine!

What are the benefits of lemon for hair?

Lemon is known to everyone, first of all, as a source of vitamin C, and it is often used during an exacerbation of respiratory diseases, beriberi. However, few people know that it contains a large number of various trace elements and other vitamins. There are also essential oils that allow you to achieve excellent results when caring for your hair.

Thanks to these important components, you can strengthen and nourish each hair, get rid of dandruff and the problem of hair loss. In addition, the use of this citrus will give the strands a mirror shine, as well as reduce the increased greasiness of the scalp due to the drying effect and narrowing of the pores.

However, the most amazing characteristic of lemon is its ability to naturally lighten curls by a couple of tones. At the same time, the resulting color looks very natural, as if after a long exposure to the sun.

Citrus is used both in the form of freshly squeezed juice and as an essential oil. Lemon is versatile and equally suitable for all hair types.

To get the maximum benefit from citrus, you should follow certain recommendations.

  • After using the product with lemon, you need to make sure that its pulp does not remain in the hair, which will resemble dandruff when dried.
  • In no case should a mask with lemon juice be left for a long time, especially at night.
  • If the hair is too dry, porous, then cosmetic oil or sour cream should be added to the mask, in addition to lemon.
  • In case of hypersensitivity or a tendency to allergic manifestations, one should be very careful with the use of both lemon juice and its essential oil.
  • Avoid getting the mixture on the mucous membrane of the eye, otherwise it is necessary to immediately rinse the organ of vision with water.
  • If there are wounds or microcracks on the scalp, it is better to refuse to use products with lemon juice.
  • If there is no light hair lightening in the plans, then you should not get carried away with citrus masks too often.

How Lemon Lightens Hair: Popular Recipes

By lightening your hair with lemon, you can be sure that the curls will not suffer from harmful "chemistry". They will change the shade without the aggressive effects of hazardous components.

This procedure will be especially effective for owners of blond or blond hair. So the lightening will be more noticeable. If the hair is too dark, then the lemon will help to give light golden highlights. He will not be able to significantly change the color of the curls. If desired, you can lighten only thin strands and thus achieve natural hair highlighting.

The organic acids that make up the lemon actively and at the same time very gently, carefully affect the natural pigment, destroying it. In fact, this is a natural analogue of all chemicals, and it works on the same principle, with only one difference - with the complete absence of harm to curls.

Lightening hair with honey and lemon will be especially effective, since the natural product of beekeeping is a catalyst for the lightening reaction and only enhances the effect of citrus.

  • Classic brightening mask

This cosmetic product is very easy to prepare. It is enough to squeeze the juice from a lemon, dilute in water (one glass) and apply to the hair, trying not to touch the roots. Keep this mask for half an hour, then immediately wash off with warm water. In no case should the product be overexposed, believing that the longer the exposure time, the lighter the shade will be. In this way, you cannot turn into a blonde even with all your desire, but you can dry your hair a lot. Then you have to spend a lot of time on recovery procedures.

The lemon brightening hair mask is not caring, and to give a healthier look to the curls, you will have to use other cosmetics. Apply it no more than 1-2 times a week.

  • Hair mask with lemon and honey

Honey and freshly squeezed lemon juice are ground in a ratio of 1: 1, for additional nutrition, adding just a couple of drops of any suitable cosmetic oil. The product is rubbed into clean, dry hair, wrapped in cellophane and kept for 30-40 minutes, then washed under lukewarm running water.

It should be noted that natural lightening has a short-term effect, and to fix it, it is necessary to carry out procedures once a week.

Effective masks using lemon

To nourish and restore overdried curls:

  • Mix in equal parts olive oil and freshly squeezed lemon juice (each ingredient in a tablespoon). Apply the prepared product to clean, slightly moistened hair, then wrap with polyethylene and hold for 1.5-2 hours. Wash off the lemon-oil mask with shampoo.
  • Take a teaspoon of jojoba or argan oil, as well as castor oil, add a couple of teaspoons of fresh citrus juice. 30-40 minutes before washing, distribute through the hair and wrap with polyethylene.
  • The combination of yolk, lemon and honey is very successful for dry and weakened hair. All ingredients should be mixed in equal proportions, then rubbed into the roots, distributing the remnants of the mask along the entire length. The resulting product is kept for at least 2 hours, then washed with shampoo and rinsed with chamomile decoction.
  • To prepare an effective remedy, you can use not only juice, but also zest. It is mixed with yolk and sour cream. Rub into the roots for half an hour, and then wash off with shampoo.

To reduce greasiness:

  • Lemon with the addition of an apple is very effective in combating the problem of oily hair. One apple is rubbed on a grater or chopped with a blender, juice is squeezed out of a medium lemon, everything is ground and applied first to the hair follicles, and then along the entire length. Wash off with shampoo after half an hour.
  • Grind one yolk with aloe juice and lemon, taken in equal parts. Apply to roots and hair along the entire length. Wash off after half an hour as usual.

Universal masks for all types of curls:

  • Grind the yolk with bee honey (2 tablespoons), add the fresh juice of one onion, a couple of teaspoons of the usual shampoo and a tablespoon of burdock oil. All components of the cosmetic product must be crushed with a blender to a homogeneous consistency. Apply it to damp washed hair. Keep for a couple of hours, then rinse under running water.
  • A mask of burdock decoction and lemon juice will help strengthen hair and stop hair loss. Pour boiling water over the dried burdock rhizome, let it brew, strain. Then add lemon juice. Rub the resulting mixture on the scalp and leave for 1-1.5 hours, then rinse as usual.

Lemon is one of the most common citrus crops, actively used in cosmetology. Due to the large amount of organic acids, the pulp and juice of the fruit is used to naturally lighten blond hair. A high concentration of vitamin C, thiamine, riboflavin and ascorbic acid makes it possible to use lemon to treat dandruff and eliminate oily sheen.

Trichologists recommend that their patients use lemon juice as an alternative to chemical fixatives. Vitamin mask based on lemon will accelerate hair growth. A green tea-based rinse with lemon juice will give them shine and silkiness.

lemon magic

1. Lightening. In order to bleach hair, it is necessary to grind 6 lemons in a blender until a fine texture is obtained. Add 0.5 l of natural apple cider vinegar. Bring to a boil and cook over low heat for 10-15 minutes. Cool down. Then add 150 g of medical alcohol and 50 g of liquid light honey. The resulting mixture should be placed in a dark bottle and stored in a dry, cool place, avoiding direct rays.

Undiluted clarifier is applied to the hair, wrap the head with a film and hold for an hour. Then rinse thoroughly with warm water. To obtain a lasting result, the procedure must be repeated for 3 days. Direct sunlight will speed up the discoloration process.

2. Decapitation. Alcohol-lemon tincture will help lighten dyed hair by several tones. To prepare it, you need to take freshly squeezed juice of 10 lemons, mix with medical alcohol in equal proportions, place in a container and keep in a dark place for a couple of weeks. The finished tincture should be applied along the entire length of the hair (from roots to ends, without rubbing into the skin) and kept for 40 minutes. Then rinse thoroughly, then apply balm. To completely neutralize the paint, you will need 10-12 procedures.

3. For fixation. To make the styling last longer, it is recommended to brew the peel of three fruits. The cooled broth is rubbed into the scalp, then evenly distributed over the entire length of the hair and dried with a hairdryer. A good styling effect is provided if 3 tablespoons of sugar are added to the decoction.

4. Against fat content. Owners of oily hair and oily scalp can use the following recipe: two lemons, an egg yolk and one aloe leaf are placed in a blender. The resulting mixture is wiped with strands and skin. They wrap it in cellophane, tie a head with a scarf and let it stand for 40 minutes, after which it is washed off with running water.

5. Hair nutrition. For normal hair, a nourishing lemon mask is ideal. Freshly squeezed juice from three citrus fruits is mixed with 30 g of flour and 50 g of water. The resulting mass is applied to the hair roots. Wash off after half an hour.

You can also make a vitamin cocktail with lemon and rhubarb. The petiole of rhubarb is ground in a blender to a puree state, the juice of two fruits and 25 g of light honey are added. The resulting mixture is rubbed into the roots and scalp. They wrap the head in polyethylene, wrap it in cotton cloth. Withstand 40 minutes. Then carefully wash off and rinse with nettle decoction.

6. Thermal protection. Before laying with tongs or an iron, it is advisable to apply chamomile decoction diluted with the juice of one fruit to the strands. Hair will be reliably protected, will cease to be electrified. It is advisable to repeat the procedure after each wash.

7. Rinsing. This recipe has long been passed down from generation to generation by Japanese geisha, famous for their excellent hairstyle, for which the hair had to be healthy and strong. 75 g of green or white tea leaves are poured into 3 liters of hot water (not boiling water), infused for about 7 seconds, juice of one lemon is added. After rinsing, the hair is left to dry naturally. The recipe is suitable even for owners of dry hair.

You can also prepare a decoction based on rhubarb, lemon and orange. The petiole is finely chopped. Lemon and orange are cut into large slices. Throw in boiling water. Boil for 10 minutes. Cool and rinse thoroughly washed hair.

8. Anti-dandruff. Freshly squeezed juice from 4 fruits will help cure dandruff. It should be rubbed into the scalp and left for 1.5 hours, wearing a plastic cap on the head. For a complete cure, 10 procedures are required.

9. Lemon shampoo. This shampoo is suitable for all hair types. For 2 egg yolks, you need to take the pulp of one piece of black bread and grated lemon. Mix thoroughly in a blender until a homogeneous mixture. Apply to wet hair, lather, hold for 5-10 minutes, rinse with water and rinse with a decoction of the string.

10. If the ends split. For brittle, dull, split ends, store-bought juice should be used. It is less concentrated, so it will not have an aggressive effect. A popular recipe suggests taking 250 ml of juice, diluting it with water in equal proportions, applying to damaged tips, holding for 7-10 minutes and washing off with calendula decoction.

Also, for the treatment of split ends, stone oil is used, to which 75 ml of concentrated lemon juice is added. The resulting mixture is rubbed along the length without affecting the roots. If you take a small amount of oil, the hair can not be washed off, it will be easy to comb and lie beautifully.

The main drawback of lemon is its high acid content. If you do not follow the recommended proportions, you can get burns. Lemon is not recommended for people with hypersensitivity. It is also not recommended to do decapitation and discoloration for pregnant women and during lactation. Owners of dry or severely damaged hair should be clarified with caution.

Lemon is effective only if used regularly. A one-time application of a mask may not meet the expectations placed on it. Therefore, the above methods are suitable for those women who have the time and opportunity to apply them regularly.

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The modern hair care market is overcrowded. Leading manufacturing companies are releasing more and more new formulations, while asking for them a tidy sum. Products that can be found in your kitchen are added to such cosmetics. For example, lemon for hair has an amazing result. Citrus has many useful properties, so it is widely used in cosmetology.

Useful properties of lemon for hair

  1. The pulp contains a lot of vitamin C. The peel is rich in essential oils, and the bones are rich in organic acids. Thanks to these listed substances, citrus is endowed with antifungal, tonic, antiseptic, warming and nourishing properties.
  2. The main value of lemon for hair lies in the ability of the fruit to normalize the activity of the sebaceous glands, clean fatty plugs, enrich the follicles with blood and oxygen. All these qualities make lemon an ideal candidate for the #1 remedy for dandruff and hair loss.
  3. Valuable lemon oil is made from the peel and seeds, which, due to its strong concentration, treats various ailments of internal organs and hair in particular. Ether strengthens follicles, stimulates growth, fights dryness and greasiness.
  4. Citrus fruit boasts an accumulation of minerals, vitamins, amino acids. Among the most useful elements, it makes sense to single out iron, magnesium, calcium. When using masks with lemon, all these nutrients go to the bulbs.
  5. Nicotinic acid, phytoncides, vitamins A and E are usually added to hair care products. But they all accumulate in the pulp of citrus fruit, so there is no need to overpay.
  6. With the systematic use of citrus, you will significantly improve the condition of your hair. Lemon prevents oxidative processes in hair follicles. Against this background, prevention of prolapse, oily seborrhea and other troubles is carried out.
  7. The pleasant features of lemon juice for hair include the activation of the protective functions of cells, the elimination of oily shine on the hair, the normalization of the activity of the sebaceous glands, and the fight against inflammatory processes on the scalp.
  8. Lemon juice is used as the main ingredient in hair rinses. Fresh is mixed with water, after which the strands are moistened with this composition. This conditioner does not require rinsing, it facilitates combing and makes hair supple for styling.
  9. The value of the product also lies in the fact that lemon makes hair shiny, restores natural pigmentation, prevents porosity and strong cross-section.
  10. In addition, citrus juice relieves infection and inflammation on the skin. As a result, dandruff, seborrhea, fungus of various etiologies disappear.
  11. Strengthening hair growth is achieved if you mix lemon juice with other warming and nourishing ingredients. Homemade masks awaken dormant bulbs and accelerate growth, after a month a noticeable fluff of new hair appears on the head.

  1. Freshly squeezed juice is added to the masks, which must be extracted from fully ripened lemons. In unripe fruits, the chemical list of useful substances is not 100% formed, so you will not get much value.
  2. Make your own juice instead of buying it from the store. To do this, use a juicer, blender or grater. Throw the resulting gruel on cheesecloth, squeeze the juice into a separate jar.
  3. After preparing the mask with lemon juice, measure out a small amount of the product. Apply to the crook of the elbow or the area behind the ear, rub lightly and wait a third of an hour. Rinse, evaluate the effect. In the absence of itching and rash, proceed to hair treatment.
  4. In addition to excellent therapeutic agents, masks and rinses with lemon can be used to lighten hair by 0.5-1 tone. For girls with a light mop, using a solution with citrus juice will help make hair shiny, with a noticeable golden sheen.
  5. If you have recently carried out the coloring procedure, and are also a brown-haired or brunette, you cannot immediately apply a mask with lemon on your hair. Test on a separate strand to make sure there is no negative effect. Otherwise, you risk achieving unpredictable results.
  6. For people who normally tolerate lemon juice, you can rub it into the scalp, after diluting it with water. This application option is suitable for categories of people with high oily hair, slow growth, dandruff, seborrhea.
  7. Lemon masks should not be applied to the ends of the hair to deal with split ends. To do this, the tool is rubbed into the root zone. It is better to lubricate the ends with any natural oil or fresh egg yolk (you need to pre-cool and beat).
  8. Masks with lemon for hair are strictly forbidden to be applied to clean and recently washed (moistened) hair. The composition is distributed on dirty hair to minimize the harmful effects of acids. Do not forget to insulate your head with a film and a towel to create a greenhouse effect during the exposure period of the mask.
  9. The mask can act for a long time, but it should be washed off a maximum of 30 minutes after application. And then you need to reach this interval. Start exposure with 15 minutes, gradually increasing the period. If you feel that the skin is very itchy, wash off the product earlier and do not use it again.
  10. As for the frequency of home remedies, use masks twice a week if you have oily hair. Ladies with dry strands should wait, the frequency of procedures for you is 1 time in 10-14 days. For normal hair, one session per week is enough.

Olive oil and milk

  1. The mask is easy to prepare yourself at home. This product is great for softening and moisturizing your hair. The hair will regain its original shine and strength.
  2. To prepare the composition, it is necessary to combine 35 gr in a common cup. lemon juice, 55 ml. olive oil and 50 ml. whole milk. Thoroughly mix the products and heat in a steam bath.
  3. The temperature of the product should be about 36-38 degrees. The mask is applied liberally to damp hair. Warm your head in the classic way. After a third of an hour, remove the composition with shampoo.

Kefir and yolk

  1. A mask prepared according to this recipe will lighten curls by 0.5 tones. In a common cup, stir until a homogeneous composition of 120 ml. kefir, 30 ml. lemon fresh, 10 gr. natural shampoo, egg yolk and 50 ml. cognac.
  2. Rub the mask with massaging movements into the skin. Spread the rest of the raw material along the entire length. Wrap your hair with a film and a warm cloth. The mask is recommended to be left on all night. In the morning, remove the product in the usual way.

Onion and burdock oil

  1. If you regularly apply a mask with a similar composition, as a result, blood circulation will increase in the skin. Hair follicles are awakened, hair growth is enhanced. Hair rods get a strong structure.
  2. Take a small onion. Remove the husk and pass the fruit through a blender. Mix to the mass of 25 ml. burdock oil, 45 ml. natural shampoo, 25 gr. flower honey and 20 ml. lemon juice. Beat the food with a mixer.
  3. Warm up the components in the pore bath to an acceptable temperature. The mask is applied to wet hair. Wrap your head in cellophane and a towel. The composition can be removed with shampoo after 1 hour.

Yolk and burdock

  1. Familiar components provide amazing results. The scalp is not irritated. In cells, on the contrary, blood circulation increases. Dandruff and seborrhea disappear.
  2. To prepare the product, you need to combine 2 egg yolks, 5 ml. burdock oil and 20 ml. freshly squeezed lemon juice. Rub the finished product on your head.
  3. Put on a cosmetic cap. Warm up with a terry towel. You can wash off the product after 40 minutes. Use non-hot water, you can without shampoo. The mask is recommended to be applied 2 times a week.

Vegetable oil and lemon

  1. Do not be afraid to use onions in masks. Some components that are part of the product neutralize a specific aroma. The tool will help straighten natural curls and make hair obedient, silky.
  2. Connect in a small container 40 gr. chopped onion pulp, 30 gr. lemon fresh and 35 ml. vegetable oil. Achieve a homogeneous mass from the ingredients.
  3. Rub the mask with massaging movements. After half an hour, you can wash your hair. Use shampoo and a solution based on water and vinegar.

Apple cider vinegar and sunflower oil

  1. To improve the skin and get rid of dandruff, you can prepare a simple mask. Regular use of the composition will help get rid of most common problems with hair.
  2. In order to carry out the manipulation correctly and get the maximum benefit, it is necessary to process 50 ml of curls an hour before the procedure. warm sunflower oil. Wrap your head in foil and cloth.
  3. In parallel, prepare a mixture of 45 ml. apple cider vinegar and 25 ml. lemon juice. Apply a new product over oiled hair. Wait about half an hour. After that, rinse your head thoroughly with shampoo several times.

  1. If you systematically use citrus juice as a rinse, after a few procedures you can get rid of the increased greasiness of the curls. Also, the hair will gain its original shine and strength.
  2. To do this, it is enough to squeeze the juice from a fresh fruit and mix it with 2 liters of clean water. You can increase the concentration of the composition at your discretion.
  3. Wash your hair with shampoo, then use a conditioner. The product does not need to be rinsed off.

Lemon wrap for oily hair

  1. Cut off a large stalk of aloe vera, squeeze the gel (juice) out of it. Mix with 40 ml. boiling water and let stand for 1 hour.
  2. In another bowl, beat 3 egg yolks with 60 gr. honey and 40 ml. lemon juice, add a decoction of aloe to this mixture.
  3. Lubricate the scalp and hair with the composition, treat the tips separately with any vegetable oil.
  4. Insulate your head with cling film, then note the time. Lemon wrap is carried out for 20 minutes.

Usually, not the crushed citrus pulp itself, but lemon juice is used to improve the condition of the hair. With proper use, such a composition will have a massive therapeutic and prophylactic effect on the hair and scalp in particular.

Video: lemon mask recipes for all hair types