Motor skills are the dependence of movement and intellect, as well as the perpetual motion machine of youth! Development of motor skills in children

Most babies are big fans of grabbing, touching, crushing or tearing. Many parents try to rid their child of these habits, but in vain. Translate the desire of children to act with their hands for good.

In the process of actions with the fingers, the active work of the speech centers of the child's brain begins. Don't limit your baby. Prepare items that you do not mind, let the child crumple and tear them with pleasure. The finer the pieces end up, the better.

You can play with different items. Exercises with cereals, beads, coins perfectly contribute to the formation of fine motor skills. You can play such games with children over three years old and only under the supervision of adults. For babies, manufacturers have already come up with a lot of special soft toys that are filled with small balls inside.

Drawing and modeling

Children's plasticine is an excellent tool for the development of fine motor skills. Prefer a sculpting mass that is made from safe materials, kneads easily and does not dry out. Invite your child to mold a favorite toy, animal, fairytale character. Kids can simply knead plasticine in their hands, any actions with their fingers with effort help form speech.

Drawing should be unusual. Try to paint a picture together not with an ordinary brush, but with your fingers. Even the smallest can do this. Surprisingly, the drawings are no worse. And the benefits of such drawing are much greater.

Toys with laces and buttons

Get ready-made toys equipped with threaded laces and large buttons. While practicing to fasten, unbutton, to hit with a button in a loop or a lace in a hole, a child unnoticed for himself trains manual skills. In a playful way, the baby acquires the necessary skills, and the mother - some free time.

Natural material

Children love to collect cones, chestnuts, acorns. Going into nature in autumn, do not forget to collect a lot of forest gifts. At home, be sure to dry all the collected material, put it in an elegant box and put it in the nursery. You may think, but from simple things the kid can come up with many different crafts. Even simple shifting of forest "treasures" from place to place is of great importance.

To develop fine motor skills, it is not at all necessary to buy special allowances, which are not cheap. Scrap materials, used correctly, have the same effect. Turn on your imagination, show your baby how to interact with objects around. Your desire and his curiosity will guarantee the success of the child's future development.

Motor development baby directly affects the preparation of children's pens for writing, as well as his speech. It takes a little care and imagination to develop small motor skills at baby... The most common activities with a baby can significantly improve motor skills his hands.

You will need

  • - Finger paint
  • - gouache paints
  • - paint brushes
  • - various cereals
  • - constructors
  • - plasticine or modeling dough


Teach to draw first with finger paints on large sheets of Whatman paper. This will help your baby learn to control the movements of his hands. At the same time, no more than two colors are worth, so that his attention is not scattered. As soon as the baby grows up and is able to hold a brush in his hands, give him gouache paints and a wide enough brush. While the child is learning to draw lines, his hands and fingers will be developed. Over time, choose a coloring with your child with his favorite characters, which the child will be happy to paint with pencils.

Give your child the opportunity to play with cereals. Pour a thin layer of semolina on the table, teach the baby to draw on the rump with your fingers. Sew several bags and fill them with different types of cereals, it will be interesting for the child to sort out the grains in the bags with his fingers and compare how they rustle. Pour two types of cereals into one container and give the child the task of selecting one type of grain in a separate bowl.

Allow your child to play with different kinds of jars and bottles with removable lids. Have your child twist and unscrew the lids.

Let your child collect puzzles as often as possible. Holding in hands and placing the parts in their places, the child will be able not only to develop his hands, but attentiveness and logical thinking.

Help develop small motor skills at baby all kinds of constructors. For the smallest, present a constructor with sufficiently large plastic parts that they will not swallow and which will be convenient to connect to each other.

Teach baby dress yourself, button up, lace up your shoes. Give your child the opportunity to spoon feed themselves as soon as possible. All of these normal daily movements directly affect motor development. baby.

Give the child a piece of paper with simple geometric shapes drawn so that the child can cut along the lines with safe scissors.

When making a cake or doing any other dough work, give your child a small piece of dough to knead and mold.

Do not forbid your child to sculpt from plasticine, worrying about the house. Prepare the child's workplace in advance by covering all surfaces with oilcloth. Participate in the sculpting process with your baby, teach him different blanks for plasticine figures. The more interesting the process, the longer the child will be able to train the fingers.

Teach baby origami art. Learning how to fold, curl, unfold and turn the paper is very important, and remember that the more attention you give your child, the better the result will be.

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Most children are talented from birth, just some of the abilities are clearly manifested from early childhood, and other kids need help from their parents in identifying children's talent. Be sure to develop a craving for creativity, open them the magical world of art.

You will need

  • paints, plasticine, natural materials, discs with different music

Is it possible to work with a nursing baby or is it worth waiting until he grows up? The answer is unequivocal - it is possible and necessary.

Why do we need dexterous fingers? Perhaps every mother can easily answer this question. First, to cope with a variety of everyday tasks (zip up, unfasten buttons, tie shoelaces, eat with a spoon). Then in order to successfully master the writing of sticks and hooks in a notebook. And later, in order to skillfully hold any necessary tool in his hands and perform even the most delicate work. But it turns out that exercises for the development of fine motor skills are needed for a baby not only for this. Domestic physiologists, in particular V.M.Bekhterev, proved in their works that simple hand movements improve the pronunciation of many sounds, develop the child's speech. This is because the nerve endings on the fingers are directly connected to the speech center of the brain. But finger games affect more than just speech. They have a positive effect on the entire brain as a whole.

But there is another great benefit of finger play and exercise. They have a positive effect on the health of the child! Interestingly, in Japan, preschool institutions use a special method of finger massage. And this is no accident! The Japanese believe that massage of each finger stimulates and improves the work of a specific organ, improves health, and has an immunostimulating effect.

So how can we help our little one? How to make his hands and fingers more dexterous, skillful and trained? Let's look for ways!

1-3 months: first massage

Very soon the time will come when your son or daughter will touch the beads on toys with his fingers, fold puzzles and mosaics, sculpt from plasticine and dough, string beads, button up the buttons on his shirt on his own, tie the laces on sneakers, repeat after you all the movements of funny finger nursery rhymes and perform many other such simple and at the same time difficult actions for little fingers. But so far, all this is not available to the baby. He was just born and knows little to do on his own. But developing fingers is easy even in a newborn baby! To do this, we will do a simple finger massage to the baby.

You can massage your fingers at any suitable time: when you play with your baby, when you change his clothes, you bathe. And the most convenient way to do massage is while breastfeeding. Everything is very simple here: gently stroke each finger of the child, sliding your fingers along it in the direction from the palm to the ends. Then gently knead your fingers, paying special attention to their tips. You can bend and unbend the fingers of the crumbs, stroke, knead in circular motions and tickle the palm and the entire brush. The baby's fists are still tightly clenched. Open them carefully by straightening your fingers. The main thing is that such a massage does not cause negative emotions in the baby. You can knead your fingers several times a day for 2-3 minutes.

3-5 months: first games

At the age of about three months, an important and interesting event occurs in the baby's life: he begins to notice his pens, and a little later he will actively use them! Such progress, of course, should be used by offering the baby the very first games and toys that will make his fingers more dexterous.

Useful toys. Choose lightweight rattles in bright colors for your little one. When the baby is in a good mood, put the rattle in the right or left handles. Even if the baby only holds it for a few seconds, and then drops it, it's okay. He's just learning! Gradually, the rattle will linger in the small fist longer and longer, the baby will examine it, shake it, rattle, try to put it in its mouth. These very first rattle games are very important for the development of baby's motor skills.

Try to select toys so that they are different in volume. Then, every time playing with them, the baby will train different types of gripping: one toy needs to be grasped with a palm, the other - taken only with two or three fingers. Different shapes of toys are also important, because to hold each of them, you need to open your fingers and turn the brush in different ways. And the variety will be brought in by different materials from which toys are made and a variety of surface textures. Playing with them will become an additional massage for small fingers, they will develop both motor skills and tactile sensitivity.

Make a homemade toy for your baby that he will be happy to play for many months. On strong laces of different lengths, string large buttons, beads, empty wooden spools, knuckles from old accounts, toys made of chocolate eggs (holes must first be drilled into them), etc. so that the whole thing can move easily. Tie the ends of the laces. For safety reasons, you need to fasten the ends very securely so that the baby cannot untie or break the lace. In addition, the resulting "beads" should not be too long so that the child cannot put them on the neck. Such beads can be given to the baby in the arms, hung in the crib and stroller. Fingering different objects with your fingers, the baby will develop motor skills and massage the fingers.

Hand games. At about the same age, you can start playing with your baby in the first games with pens and fingers. Try in every possible way to stimulate the baby's desire to reach for toys, various objects, your face. To do this, bend down so that the baby can reach your face and touch it. Take the baby by the handles and bring it to your face, put your palms on your cheeks. Hang toys in the crib so that the baby can reach out and take them. Put a bright sock or a large bright elastic band on one of the baby's arms. Noticing an unusual object, the baby will try to reach it with his free hand. And grabbing one handle with the other is a very useful skill. Next time, slide the sock over the other handle. And then the time will come for the legs, let the baby try to catch them with the hands. At first, help the baby by pulling the legs to the handles so that he can grab them. In this case, you can sentence the nursery rhyme:

Legs, legs, where have you been?
- We went to visit grandma!
Hey you pens! Good luck, good luck!
Try to catch us!

The toddler's arms are still clenched into fists. To help your fingers relax and straighten faster, continue to massage and play simple finger games with your baby. Tell a rhyme and unbend your fingers one by one:

A squirrel is sitting on a cart
She sells nuts:
Sparrow, titmouse,
To the fat-headed bear,
Zayinka mustache ...

5-7 months: we continue to develop!

The baby's fingers are already quite developed. Perhaps he even manages to press the buttons, or he is about to learn it ...

Useful toys. For the development of hands, children of this age need toys with a large number of all kinds of rings or large beads that can be fingered with their fingers (rings connected together, rods with rings, etc.). You can please your kid with a whole play center, where there will be many useful finger development tools. Let him feel the details of the toy, move the rings, beads, grab the protruding handles ...

Be sure to offer the baby toys with buttons and keys: developmental panels, a children's piano, etc. Lay the baby on his tummy with a toy in front of him. Press the buttons so that the baby listens to sounds. Then it will try the path itself. At first, he will simply clap his palm on the buttons. Take his finger, press a button or key, and then admire the result: “Well done! Happened!" Gradually, the baby will learn to press the buttons on its own. This will not only entertain him, but will also strengthen his fingers.

You can make toys for developing motor skills and tactile sensitivity yourself. For example, sew several bags from fabrics of different texture and fill them with different fillers (semolina, peas, pasta, buckwheat, etc.). These bags can be hung in the baby's crib or simply given to the baby from time to time in the arms so that he crumples and feels them. You can additionally sew large buttons and beads, empty wooden spools, rosary details, etc. to the bags. It will be interesting for the kid to grab them with his fingers and pull. The main condition: the bags must be securely sewn up, and the buttons must be tightly sewn so that loose small parts do not fall into the baby's hands and then into the mouth.

Finger games. When playing with your baby, be sure to pay attention to finger games. While the baby is small, he will not be able to perform movements on his own. But for him, mom will do it just fine. There are many popular and original finger games. But for now, choose the simplest and shortest of them so that they do not have time to bother the baby. Tell the rhyme clearly, rhythmically and cheerfully and bend and unbend the baby's fingers, trying to evoke an emotional response from the little player.

- Finger-boy, where have you been?
- I went to the forest with this brother.
I cooked cabbage soup with this brother.
With this brother - I ate porridge.
With this brother - I sang songs!
This mouse is sitting in a mink,
This mouse is running in the field,
This mouse counts ears
This mouse collects grain,
This little mouse shouts: “Hurray!
Everyone get together, it's time for dinner! "

Another useful exercise for this age is “combing”. Lift the baby's arms one at a time and slide it back and forth over the head, as if the baby were combing his own hair. Exercise strengthens the muscles in the palms and fingers.

7-9 months: grabbing fingers

"Stepping over" in the second half of the year noticeably changes the behavior of the baby. If earlier the baby liked "talking" with his mother more, now his favorite pastime is to grab everything that comes to hand, be it mother's hair or various objects within reach. In addition, the baby already knows how to act with both hands at the same time. These features of the crumbs must be actively used, offering him a variety of toys and non-hazardous household items for playing: a comb, boxes, food bowls, lids, clothespins, foam sponges, plastic bottles, etc. Let him grab them, feel them, squeeze them, study them with your fingers.

Useful toys. From about this age, the first pyramid should appear in the baby's toy arsenal. This is a wonderful toy that develops the baby's thinking, and his motor skills, and coordination of movements. But in order for the pyramid to benefit the baby, choose it correctly. The toy should be large, with a thick shaft and large, easy-to-put rings. The kid will be able to cope with such a toy, and, therefore, it will not bore him after half a minute of playing. Toys and play centers are still relevant, where you need to grab, move, rotate, press, touch something. For example, a game maze in which colored balls move along curved wires.

Be sure to purchase a few rubber squeaky toys for your baby. For them to make sounds, they need to be squeezed well in your hand. And this is a completely new movement that will strengthen the fingers and the hand. Such a baby expander turns out to be! Toys should not be too "hard", otherwise the baby will not be able to cope with them and will quickly lose interest. The first constructors and cubes consisting of several large parts will come in handy. Have your toddler try to grasp the parts with his hand and, under your guidance, stack them one on top of the other.

Finger games. The kid grows up, and finger games begin to give him more and more pleasure. If you haven’t played Crow Magpie with your baby yet, it’s time to give it a try. Despite the seeming simplicity, this is a very useful game for the kid. But for the effect to be more effective, you should not just bend your fingers, but massage them lightly, starting with the little finger and ending with the thumb. We will also "cook" porridge on the palm of your hand quite intensively, kneading your palm in a circular motion. Remember to alternate between right and left sticks. Closer to the year, the baby will learn to perform some of the movements on his own. For example, "cook" porridge with your finger. Everyone probably knows the nursery rhyme about forty. And here is a similar rhyme for a change with the same movements:

Our Masha
Cooked porridge (we run our finger on the palm)
I cooked porridge
The kids were fed: (bend fingers in turn)
I gave this,
I gave this,
I gave this,
I gave this,
But she didn’t give it to him.
He was naughty a lot.
He broke his plate.

Here is another finger nursery rhyme that you can offer your baby. Squeeze its handle into a cam. When pronouncing a rhyme, unclench your fingers one at a time, and at the end again hide them in a fist.

One, two, three, four, five,
The bunnies went out for a walk.
One, two, three, four, five,
They hid in the house again.

Fun fun. You can develop motor skills even while swimming. Throw small toys and objects (spoons, kinder surprise toys, shells, large pebbles, etc.) on the bottom of the bathroom. Toys that float on the surface are also suitable. They will certainly interest the kid, and he will want to get them. To grab small objects, he will have to especially try. After all, grabbing them with your whole palm is not very convenient, it is better to take them with your fingers. This means that the fingers will be able to practice new movements. Show the baby that the caught items can be put in a plastic bowl floating on the water. Teach your toddler to spank open palms on the surface of the water. Of course, this will cause a lot of splashes, but it will massage your palms well, which is very useful.

9-12 months: we can do a lot!

Closer to the year, the baby's skills and thinking are developing with such impetuosity that literally every day a little clever girl presents us with something new. Expand the range of educational toys, offer new games to your baby. This will bring invaluable benefits to its development.

Useful toys. The little fingers are becoming more and more dexterous, a little more - and they will learn to open a variety of boxes. We need to help them with this! To do this, add to the baby's toy arsenal all sorts of toys that are associated with opening and are inserted one into one. For example, a large nesting doll with a whole team of smaller nesting dolls hiding inside. And also a set of plastic caps that can be inserted into one another or build a high tower out of them. If you have a selection of different sized food pans, they make a great toy too. Let the baby insert them one into the other, trying to remove the covers from them (he will learn how to put on the covers a little later). In order to stimulate the child's desire to remove the lids from the vessels, place a small toy in each. Give the baby a bottle with a screw cap, a jar of cream (for interest, you can also put something there in front of the baby's eyes, for example, a cookie) - and let him train in unscrewing and twisting. Several cloth handkerchiefs of different sizes will be no less useful. You can perform a variety of manipulations with them: pick up, cover yourself, your mother, or "hide" a toy, wrap a little doll or car.

At this age, it is already possible to offer the baby large insert frames and all sorts of sorters, where you need to push different parts into the corresponding holes. The choice of such toys is huge.

Finger games. Keep playing your kid's favorite finger games and add new ones of course. For example, about cabbage. If you train actively, closer to the year the baby will learn to perform all the movements on his own.

We chop-chop the cabbage, (alternately we hit the edges of our palms on the surface of the table),
We salt-salt the cabbage, ("salt" with small pinches of the left and right hand)
We are three or three cabbage, (we rub our palms),
We squeeze and squeeze cabbage (squeeze-unclench our left and right hands into fists)

Fun fun. While bathing, run all kinds of containers into the bath: plastic cups, bowls, bottles, spoons. Show your baby how to pour water from one glass to another, how to pour liquid from a small bottle. It doesn’t matter if the water stream doesn’t immediately hit its destination. Everything needs training. Give your child a toothbrush and have him run his finger over the bristles. Help him massage each finger in turn.

Useful ideas

There are many activities you can think of to develop your toddler's motor skills without even using expensive, store-bought toys. For example, give crumbs a few sheets of white paper. Let them crumple the paper in their hands, unfold it and crush it again. For the same purpose, a pack of paper napkins is suitable. It's so much fun to tear them apart! And at the same time exercise your fingers. Just do not give your kid "to be torn apart" by magazines and newspapers. If you don't follow it, the paper can get into your mouth. Let it be just white, no ink.

Show your kid how you can throw a variety of small objects into a five-liter plastic bottle: clothespins, small toys, candy wrappers and other pieces of paper, various rags, felt-tip pen caps and markers themselves, pebbles, chestnuts ... In a word, everything that fits into the neck. This is a simple, yet very useful exercise for toddler's fingers. Just do not give the baby too small objects (beans, buttons, beads) and be sure to be nearby during the game!

Now, inspired by these simple ideas, you can certainly come up with many of your own games for training your son or daughter's fingers. Let these games be both fun and useful!

Any parent understands the importance of child development. Exercises, massages, special toys and cards serve this purpose physically and intellectually. The development of his fine motor skills is no less important for the baby. When should you start working with your child?

The benefits of developing activities

Fine motor skills of the fingers are necessary for us in everyday life, for writing and working. But the functionality of these vital skills does not end there. Physiologists have long proved a close connection between the ability of children to perform small actions with their hands and their speech.

The sooner and better the child develops his fine motor skills, the earlier and clearer he will speak.

This close connection comes from the adjacent location of the motor and speech centers in humans. When a child actively uses his fingers, nerve impulses are transmitted to the appropriate part of the brain and affect the nearby area responsible for the ability to speak.

Lessons developing fine motor skills will be useful not only for the child's speech. In eastern countries, they believe that on the pads of each finger we have special areas, by stimulating which we can influence absolutely all systems of our body.

Thus, the development of fine motor skills cannot but have a beneficial effect on the health and development of the baby. When to start studying with a child? Experts believe that the development of crumbs' fingers should begin from the first days.

  1. For your activities to bear fruit, they must be done daily. It is not necessary to devote a lot of time to training - it is enough to start with 2-3 minutes, while the child is in a good mood.
  2. Be sure to praise the baby for the success achieved, encourage him with hugs and kisses.
  3. Keep an eye on the cleanliness and sterility of the "props" - babies of the first year of life are all trying to put in their mouths.
  4. Use objects of different sizes and textures for classes - this is how the kid will learn to control the pens, and will begin to study the world and the properties of the objects that surround him.

Development in the first 3 months

The development of fine motor skills in children 1 year old can be devoted to classes from the very first days. The sooner you begin to interact with the baby and teach him to take objects into pens, the sooner he will be able to move on to manipulating small objects.

In the first three months, finger massage will be useful for the development of the baby's arms.... It should be done at any convenient moment - during air baths, during still short periods of wakefulness, or when the baby falls asleep.

  • Gently stroke each finger of the newborn from palm to tip;
  • gently knead the child's fingers, paying special attention to their tips;
  • it will be useful to tickle the palms and fingers of the baby in those moments when he opens his fists;
  • gently unclench the baby's fists, stroke and bend the fingers again.

Such gymnastics will contribute to the early removal of muscle tone on the arms of the baby, improve the formation of his tactile experience and prepare the child for further success.

Development up to 5 months

  1. In the fourth month of life, babies begin to better control their hands. During this period, it is important to actively use the grasping reflex that has not yet died out and "put" the baby under the palms of toys.
  2. Now it is more convenient for the baby to grab a variety of rattles. Serve them to him alternately in the pens - even brief episodes of holding objects in the cam will be incredibly useful for the development of the baby... Gradually, the duration of the capture will increase, and the baby himself will study the rattle with interest.
  3. It is important to select different toys for practicing with a baby - so that they differ in material, shape and grip. Give your child objects from different directions so that their palms and fingers learn to turn.
  4. Useful for the development of motor skills in infants at this stage will be homemade "rosary" - buttons strung on a short cord, large beads, wooden coils, which the baby will touch in his fingers, enriching his tactile experience and stimulating the finger pads.
  5. Stimulate the baby to reach out with handles - towards your face, outstretched toys.
  6. When you notice that the baby has begun to "wield" both arms and is touching himself, you can put a sock or mitten on one of them. The kid will actively try to look around, touch and remove the new object from himself.
  7. Continue finger massage to speed up the release of muscle tone from your arms. You can play traditional games with your child (for example, "Magpie-white-sided") and unbend and bend the baby's fingers to rhythmic verses.

From 5 to 7 months

The infant is already actively interested in toys, examines them and holds them in his hands for a relatively long time. To continue the development of the baby at this stage, it is important to select only useful objects for the baby.

  1. Toys with rings and beads that can be fingered with fingers are useful for babies' hands during this period. It is not at all necessary to spend money on expensive play centers or educational toys - you can make several sets of short beads with different strung objects for your baby.
  2. At this age, kids like to press all kinds of buttons. Keyboards for children's musical instruments, an old keyboard and interactive toys will be useful in the play area.
  3. Continue to develop the baby tactilely - sew several bags from pieces of fabric that are different to the touch, fill them with interesting contents - peas, beans, sand, buckwheat, pasta, semolina - sew tightly and give to the child.
  4. You can sew additional bright buttons on the bags, bows made of ribbons - it will be interesting and useful for the baby to feel them and try to tear them off.
  5. Kids at this age not only get great pleasure from finger games, but also ask quite demanding to work out with them, therefore, at any convenient opportunity, repeat "Magpie-white-sided" and "Boy-finger" with the baby.
  6. Surround the baby on the play mat with objects of different sizes - by grabbing small and large cubes and balls, the baby will continue to actively develop the abilities of his hands.

From 7 to 9 months

The child's “grasping” activity increases significantly from the second half of the year. He is interested in more and more new objects that he needs to touch, however, and they get bored with them pretty quickly. Continue to develop the baby, inviting him to touch completely different objects - not only purchased expensive toys, but absolutely any non-hazardous household items are suitable for this: new kitchen sponges made of foam rubber, lids, clean food trays, clothespins, etc.

When playing with small objects, never leave your child alone.

Already, the baby's arsenal is being replenished with new toys, with which he is gradually learning to interact. You can buy the baby:

  • a pyramid, which the baby will only disassemble for the time being;
  • active developmental centers, where you need to press, move, touch something;
  • rubber tweeters that need to be squeezed in the palm of your hand;
  • textile cubes;
  • floating bath toys.

From 9 months to a year

During this period, the baby makes progress literally every day. Now he already has favorite activities and toys that can keep him busy for a while. The baby's fingers are already moving well enough to begin to master the necessary skills.

  1. Offer your baby toys that require "calibration" when inserted into each other (sets of cups, mtareshki).
  2. The baby will be delighted with all kinds of boxes and containers that need to be opened. It will be good if, after lifting the lid, a pleasant surprise awaits the baby inside.
  3. Containers with wide screw caps will also be useful for the baby's motor skills and development of his skills.
  4. Introduce the “grabbing” technique into everyday games - roll the ball to the baby, ask him to give you some object, hide the toys from him under the diaper and ask him to find the “lost”. Such a variety of movements will be beneficial for the baby's handles.
  5. Some children already have enough patience by the age of one to deal with large sorters - toys into which you need to insert parts of different shapes.
  6. The games in the bathroom are also becoming more diverse. The child can catch small toys and put them in a basin, pour water from one container to another, etc. All these seemingly simple activities require a great deal of concentration and dexterity from the crumbs.
  7. The child can already be alone for a long time, being carried away by his games. But still, you can not leave the crumbs unattended - not only for security reasons. You need to be there to teach your child new ways to interact with the environment and guide the activity.
  8. By the time babies become interested in playing in the sandbox. If it's not summer outside, you can arrange such activities at home - with sand or semolina. The baby is unlikely to be able to turn the beads over, but he can fully fill them with handles. For such games, you can cover the floor with oilcloth or deal with loose material at the table.

As you can see, in order to develop the baby's motor skills, it is not at all necessary to purchase expensive specialized toys, everything you need to practice with the baby is always at your home. Daily exercise, your care and love will help the child learn to control his hands and fingers, as well as to have a beneficial effect on the speech center.

It is widely known that it is very important to develop fine motor skills of the baby's hands. Accurate, coordinated movements of hands and fingers are necessary for a child to function fully: to write, draw, dress, and perform many everyday activities. In addition, scientists have long established that the development of fine motor skills of the hands has a beneficial effect on the child. This is due to the fact that in the brain the nerve centers responsible for the movements of the fingers and hands are in close proximity to the areas of the brain responsible for the development of speech. Therefore, when the motor center is stimulated, the speech center begins to be activated.

So how do you develop fine motor skills? For this, the following lesson options are used:

  • playing with small objects (with beads, laces, locks, etc.);
  • accompanied by funny rhymes or songs;
  • finger massage,

In today's article, I would like to bring to your attention several games with small objects to train the motor skills of your baby's fingers, most of them are easy to do with your own hands. Games are designed for toddlers from 1 year old. See the second part of the games here:

So let's get started

1. Peel a boiled egg

In my opinion, at the age of 1 year, this activity is one of the best for the development of fine motor skills. During this game, wonderful "tweezers" or "plucked" grip develops , the strength of the fingers is being trained. In addition, for the lesson you do not need to buy anything specially, you just need to boil an egg, which is always in the refrigerator.

When I offered my daughter to clean the testicle for the first time, to be honest, I was sure that nothing would work out for us, because she was only a year old! She really did not immediately understand what was required of her, and why peel an egg at all, but when I suggested that she put the shells in a small bowl (because at this age she had a real passion for folding and laying out something), the matter immediately began to argue, it took on meaning for my daughter. Tasia enthusiastically began to cleanse the testicle, but I had to hold it - at the same time, my daughter could not clean and hold the testicle at the same time. Sometimes the shells fell, she carefully lifted them from the table and put them in a bowl. And since the pieces of the shell turned out to be very small, she had to make incredible efforts to grab them. And it seems to me that she acted at the maximum of her motor skills. Such a long retention of attention and interest on very small objects at this age, I observed, perhaps, only in this game.

2. Tear off pieces of adhesive tape glued to the cube

Playing is somewhat similar to peeling an egg. For her, you need to prepare a little and glue strips of adhesive tape on a large cube so that their edges stick out in different directions, and the baby can grab them. It will be much more interesting for the child not only to tear off the tape, but then also glue it somewhere, so for this purpose, prepare a piece of paper or something similar in advance.

3. Unfold items wrapped in foil

Wrap a small toy in foil and invite your toddler to see who is hiding inside the shiny ball. At the same time, leave a small edge of the foil sticking out so that the crumb has something to grab onto.

4. Push coinsin the piggy bank

Pushing small coins into a narrow hole trains motor skills as well as possible. It is not as easy as it seems at first glance - to direct the coin so that it goes into a narrow hole.

5. Choose small items from cereals

I wrote more about this game in, so I will not dwell on it here.

6. To master the twist-off covers and various fasteners: zippers, Velcro, etc.

Important! All lessons with small objects must be carried out under the supervision of adults so that the baby does not put any small detail in his mouth or nose. After class, be sure to remove small items from the baby's reach.

That's all for now. You can subscribe to new blog posts here: Instagram, In contact with, Facebook... Also, be sure to look at the article where 8 more games for the development of fine motor skills for children from 1 year old are published:

Any parent has repeatedly heard that it is necessary to develop fine motor skills in children. Is it really important? Undoubtedly! The fact is that the brain centers responsible for fine motor skills, the development of speech and thinking are located in the same area of ​​the brain. The development or lag in the development of one of them, has a similar effect on the other. Simply put, a child with well-developed motor skills will learn to speak faster, his vocabulary will form earlier, and his thinking will be clearer and more imaginative. And, of course, skills that require small arm muscles will be more resilient.

The sooner you start developing your child's motor skills, the better. In the first months of life, during a general massage, pay attention to the baby's palms. Massage your palms on the outside and inside with light stroking movements. Rubbing lightly on the pads and each phalanx of your fingers. This finger gymnastics has a positive effect on the active points of the cerebral cortex. Encourage the child to grab your fingers and lift up. While awake, give your child toys that are easy to take in hand: pyramid rings, cubes, small balls, rattles. Often place small objects near your child, such as soft cubes or small balls, so that the child can throw them around the room. As soon as the child learns to crawl or walk, involve him in putting things in order - let him collect the scattered toys with you and carry them in a box. Such exercises develop motor skills and at the same time perform educational tasks. In a year, a child can collect simple pyramids, alternately stringing rings.

After a year, the tasks of developing fine motor skills become seriously complicated. At this time, you need to use special exercises that purposefully act on small muscles and coordinate the work of the hands.

Children will be more willing to complete the tasks given to them if they are presented in a playful way.

  • When the child bathes in the bathroom, be sure to give him toys - ducks, scoops, small buckets. With a scoop and a bucket, he can collect water and pour it on the duck. Show how to do it.

  • Walk with toys in summer and winter. Have the child pick up sand or snow in a bucket with a shovel or scoop. Playing with sand is very useful - it massages the palms, and with age, when the child already begins to sculpt "pies", molds and just small slides, motor skills and fine coordination of hands develop. Collect autumn leaves with your child in bouquets.

  • From 1.5-2 years old, give your child paints so that he draws. Stock up on paper and paints in 1-2 colors. At this age, children find it difficult to cope with a brush, but they draw with pleasure with their fingers and palms. Show your child to dip their fingers in the paint and then draw lines across the piece of paper. Surely, in the first classes, the child will dip his entire palm in the paint. It's not scary. He just gets to know new material for him. Let the child more often collect pyramids of different sizes and shapes and learn to button up.

  • At 2.5 years old, a child can be given a brush, 2-3 bright contrasting paints for drawing and offer simple tasks. First, these will be lines in different directions, then more conscious drawings. Offer the children pyramids, large cubes for building the simplest structures. Let the child leaf through books with interesting pictures himself. From steep dough or plasticine, teach to roll balls and "sausages" between your palms.

  • At 3-4 years old, a child can be offered coloring pages, explaining that one cannot go beyond the boundaries of the drawing. At this age, it is more often necessary to offer the child modeling, games with small objects: take 10 beans, peas and grains of rice or buckwheat. Mix them together in one bowl and have your child arrange them in piles. Put your dad next to him and arrange a competition between them: who will decompose faster. Be sure to compliment the winner! At this age, the child should be able to dress independently, buttoning all buttons, fasteners, lacing and tying the laces on the shoes. These self-care skills have a very positive effect on motor development.

  • After 4 years, many children begin to master reading skills. By this time, motor skills and hand coordination should be well developed. But don't stop there. Let the child collect mosaics, puzzles, paint complex coloring pages with many small details. Performs small errands around the house: collects toys after games, puts things in order in his play area. If you have a pet, involve your child in cleaning the cage; cleaning and wiping the bars of the cage will benefit him.

The development of fine motor skills of hands should be taken especially seriously during the period of preparation of the child for school. The ability of the first grader to concentrate, his thinking, imagination, motor and visual memory depends on how well things will be with this.

With insufficiently developed motor skills, experiences and disappointments await the child, caused by the fact that he will quickly get tired of the hand holding the pen. As a result, he will not be able to keep within the rhythm of the lesson. Failure to concentrate will negatively affect the fact that the child will "lose the line" on which to write. And the writing skills themselves will be more difficult - the sticks will turn out to be clumsy, letters and numbers will be different in size and slope.

Therefore, when preparing a child for school, it is necessary to ensure that his hand becomes flexible, obedient and strong. In this case, we can talk about well-developed motor skills.

At about 5 years old, along with coloring pages, children can be offered the simplest recipes. At first, the child needs to be given simple tasks that require only a few minutes to complete. For example, write one line of sticks. Gradually, tasks can be complicated and made from a little longer, bringing them to 20-30 minutes. One indispensable condition is that the child should write with pleasure. If you fail to arouse interest in learning, it is better not to deal with the child on your own, but to involve an experienced teacher in this.

However, to sculpting from dough, clay, plasticine; applications from paper, fabric, fur, natural and scrap materials; children are much more willing to cut and make figures from paper. And parents only need to create suitable conditions for the child's favorite activities.

Efforts spent on developing motor skills will certainly give positive results. After all, well-developed fine motor skills are not only an opportunity to quickly master the skills of writing and drawing, but also a powerful prerequisite for a high level of intellectual development of a child.